Mufti Menk – Hypocrites and Forgiveness

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the confusion surrounding the verse "will" in the Quran and its connection to the condition of death. They emphasize the importance of not denying forgiveness and not giving it to anyone. The segment also touches on the history of Islam, including the Prophet sallala's teachings and the importance of history and avoiding caught-up debt. Finally, the speakers emphasize the importance of forgiveness and avoiding sexual threats in the context of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu lillahi wa Salatu was Salam ala Abdullah he was suli Muhammad, Allah Allah He was happy he may and we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala we send blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his companions, his household We ask Allah to bless them to bless every one of us, and to grant us goodness, my beloved brothers sisters, it is important for us to realize that the Sahaba of their loved one whom who were the companions of Muhammad, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam. They, the majority of them were Mashallah keen prior to entering the fold of Islam as per the propagation of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this means that

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Allah subhanho wa Taala does forgive sheep. So what is the confusion because we have a verse of the Quran Allah says, in Allah Allah, yo,

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yo Shaka be well yo to an economy Asha, Allah will never forgive someone who engaged in shift, Association, a partnership with Allah. But besides that he will forgive anyone and anything as he wishes. He can forgive anyone who has done anything, anything. But he says when it comes to sheep, I won't forgive it. And how come we see that the Sahaba the long run, and the bulk of them were mushy kin. So where is this explanation? The truth is, this verse and verses of this nature, are connected to the condition upon which you die. So if you died upon a condition, then that verse comes into application while you are alive, even if you committed schilke, Allah will forgive you. If you ask

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the forgiveness. the mercy of Allah is so vast, you will cry if you think about it. Allah says that when you die, if we see that you have committed so many sins that you did not seek forgiveness of. If you did not come and shield, we might just forgive you completely until you go to gender. Even though you did not seek forgiveness, it's got to do with the condition upon which you died. So Allah says if you die and I see you have committed no shield, there is a chance that I might just say, you know what, this person will go to Jenna yo quiero mas una De Luca de Manya. Sha, Allah says I will forgive whoever I want whatever I want. But if you have committed to jail, and you died on the

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condition that you did not seek forgiveness from the ship, when Allah says I will be very, very upset with you. Because you, I created you I made you you chose to worship someone or something besides your Creator. You failed your test. So this is what we need to understand. The Sahaba they allow a lot of them like I said, the bulk of them, they will move shrieky Subhan. Allah they used to worship idols. They used to worship things they used to worship, other human beings. Sometimes they used to worship all sorts of items. But Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Whoever seeks forgiveness, he forgives him. You want to hear beautiful howdy Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam says mantapa tabouleh

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who is amazing how the Arabic reading is taba whoever seeks forgiveness. Allah forgives him.

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This means never doubt when you seek the forgiveness of Allah, that Allah has not forgiven you don't doubt that.

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Meaning Don't doubt by thinking that Allah has not forgiven you. Don't ever doubt the forgiveness of Allah. No matter what you've done, if you were alive, you sought the forgiveness. Then Allah Subhana Allah, Allah will forgive you. Now, this evening, I want to go through a few examples

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of the concern of the Sahaba who were Muslim mean, now they were Muslims. And then they did a few wrong things. They were concerned how that concern drove them to seeking the forgiveness of Allah. They were very lucky. Why were they lucky? They were lucky because they had the best of creation in their midst. They had revelation that used to come from the skies. And Allah subhanho wa Taala used to reveal to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam telling him I love Abu Bakr

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Subhan Allah I love Allah Subhana Allah, amazing. Omar is in gentlemen, Abu Bakr is in gentlemen of man is in general. They were so fortunate Imagine if we were told that I always think about it and I say yeah, Allah, you know, we will we are not told that for reasons Subhanallah

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four reasons. May Allah Subhana Allah grant us ease. But still, they were lucky because when they did something wrong, they could go to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and say, Oh messenger, we seek the forgiveness of Allah and we asked you to seek for us the forgiveness of Allah. So Allah says if the Prophet sallallaahu salam seeks forgiveness for someone, Allah will forgive him, unless, unless he was an outright hypocrite, like Allah says in the Quran

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is though Villa whom Allah,

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Allah whom

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don't feel alone. So Bernina mother in law, felony

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hypocrites. A particular person from among them was Abdullah.

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He pretended to be a Muslim, but he was not used to spy he used to hurt the people. He used to try to divide the Muslims. He used to want the Muslims to turn away from Islam. So Allah exposed him so many times. And Omar agnihotra, the Allah who asked the Prophet sallallahu sallam, can I beat him up? Can I execute him? Can I inflict harm on him on him and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to say, don't do that. We don't want people later on to come and say, Mohammed used to persecute his companions. sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We don't want that. This is why even though he was a clear hypocrite, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam refused for anyone to harm him. And then he died one day,

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when he died, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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was called, obviously, to fulfill Salatu janaza. Now, I want to tell you something interesting about that particular time Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam whenever there was a genocide to be fulfilled, they used to, they used to obviously want him to lead the genocide, because the death of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is not like yours and mine. If he makes it, it has a different value. It's not like anyone else's. So they would want him to come he would seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala for this particular person who passed away, and it would be a means of blessing that the prophets of Allah Salah made it to Africa, but he used to ask a question. You know what the question

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was? He used to say, I like the demon.

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Does this person owe anyone anything? If they said no, he said Allahu Akbar, he started the Salah. If they said yes, he would turn around, walk away and say son knew Allah sahibi he says this man owe someone something you people do the genocide going away. This Hadith shows us how severe and serious it is. To be owing people things, try and sort it out as soon as possible. Because even to borrow from someone. It is a last resort in Islam. I hope we understand this. We've spoken about it in the past. When we borrow from people, it should only be a last resort because I promise you if you die in a condition where you owe someone something, and it was already owed, you see there are two types

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of debts. One is a debt where someone gave you time to pay. For example, a person says Look, I lend you 1000 you need it. Pay me after two years. If you died after one year, it's not your fault. They take out the money they can give the person but if the two years passed and they are following you, then you pass away. It's a problem. The same applies to had my brothers my sisters, let's listen to this. People say I owe $20,000 still for my house.

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How can I go for Hajj? My brother your house and your business? A lot of the people who are absolute millionaires, they owe huge amounts to the banks because you know what they have taken overdraft. Today I don't want to speak about halal and haram. We're talking of a reality on the ground. And they will tell you I owe the bank so much money How can I go for Hajj but they are driving the latest vehicles they living in the top houses. So let me explain to you two types of debts. You have one where you owe it immediately.

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People are following you because it's overdue. If it is overdue, you cannot go for HUD you must first pay your amount. But if it is not overdue, and you have been given 20 years to pay two years to pay five years to pay, you make sure that you have enough that during the time of the hatch, the amount you will be owing has been covered how much electricity bill will be for so many months it will be covered what your water bill will be will be covered, what your expenses and costs for food will be will be covered. Even though you owe 200,000 You're still far off on you. If you have that type of a debt way. It's not immediately overdue or do I hope we understand this. So if someone if I

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owe someone 200,000 when big businessmen do business a lot of the times they are going through their whole life

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It doesn't mean that I don't go for how much I need to ask myself. Is it current? Or is it a long term debt? If it's long term, for as long as the time I'm going to be away, nobody's going to be searching for me and hunting for me. Nobody's going to be, you know, owed something during the time, I should be going for Hajj. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala make it easy for us. So going back to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he used to ask this question. When the Muslims became wealthy and baitul mal became so so filled with, with wealth, the coffers of the Muslims were full. You know what things changed? A lot of people don't talk about this, but things change. The Prophet sallallahu

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wasallam says, Whoever left a debt, I will pay it on his behalf. So panela so what has changed? What changed is when there was someone to pay it on your behalf, it was okay. The Prophet sallahu wa salam would come and he would fulfill the genocide. It has happened with the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says, Does he have does he owe anyone anything? They said, Yes. So as he's walking away, one of the Sahaba rhodiola says, oh, messenger, I will pay that debt, then he would walk back and do the janaza. This is how serious it was. But when the Muslims became wealthy in the Muslim lands became very wealthy. Like I said, the coffers were fooled, then what we call the Ministry of Finance today

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would actually pay the debt of everyone. A few days ago, I read an article in the paper, where the Emir of Kuwait, this is a reality. I'm just mentioning it just to show you that it does happen. He made an announcement to say anyone who is jailed because they owe someone money, we will pay that money for them and release them. This was a few days ago, you can read it in the papers, it has happened. So this goes to prove that from the beginning, the profit or loss a lot of time, that was the custom, if the country is very wealthy, a man who is in jail because he owes someone a little bit of money is not necessarily a huge criminal. Obviously, each case needs to be studied. But

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sometimes he must have gone through some problems, some difficulty, some issues, something went wrong, you know, maybe a deal went sour, etc. So in that case, look, money is money. If the nation had it, they would give it and this is what would happen to the muslimeen. Now let's go back, this man Abdullah hypnobabies, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam initially did not use to read only on those who owed people money. When when this man passed away, he was a hypocrite the prophets of Salaam. He knew this that this man here, it didn't owe anyone anything. He came in the front.

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And some of the companions had a slight bit of a question. It's not called an objection because it's the profits are solid, but the question, what's the question? Or messenger, you want to lead Salah janaza on this man, but he was an open hypocrite outright, you know how much damage and harm he did to Islam and the Muslims? The prophets of Salaam says,

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I will fulfill the janazah for as long as Allah does not stop me.

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If Allah stops me, I will walk away because revelation is life. Life meaning like the electricity is life. Revelation could come and go anytime. So if Allah didn't stop me, I'm fulfilling my duty. I'm supposed to. So he got up. And he fulfilled the janazah. And

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he sought he was obviously SubhanAllah. It was something big in the hearts of the Sahaba of the law. No, because this man harmed Islam so much that they felt the process of them should not have been there. Then Allah revealed these verses, seek forgiveness for them, or don't seek forgiveness for them. If you seek forgiveness for them 70 times Allah will never forgive them. Why? Because they were hypocrites. They were they did not seek forgiveness. Now, a very interesting question arises.

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The Prophet sallallahu wasallam received verses from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Regarding not making Salah on the hypocrites after that day.

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So what happened? versus came to Allah subhanho wa Taala from Allah subhanaw taala to Muhammad wa salam, O Allah, Allah, Allah.

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Allah, Allah,

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don't ever fulfill Salatu janaza on any one of the hypocrites and don't even stand at the grave sites. Now, who were the hypocrites because now people would say that one's a hypocrite, this one that one any small problem you've got with someone you report it, he's a hypocrite. He's a hypocrite. Like what happens today, a person has a problem with you. And he knows that you might be an innocent person in something so to make your life difficult, he reports you to this one to that one to that one. This was not seen in the Muslim oma before. But today people have become cheap. They want to harm you even in a way that you don't deserve. Not really

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Realizing that Allah will catch you, you might run away in the dunya for a little bit, but Allah will get to you unless noose is tied straight on your neck when he pulls a little bit you won't even know how to breathe. May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us ease. So that's what was the worry. So Allah solve the problem. Do you know what he did? He gave a list to Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, here's the hypocrites by name 1234 all the way down the prophets, Allah, Allah knew who they were by name. Now, something more interesting would happen. Every time the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was not at a janazah, the Sahaba Villa he that guy was a hypocrite. See? Are you following what I'm saying?

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Because now, he had the list. Now there was a new issue, new status spreading amongst the Sahaba that there is one Sahabi, the prophet confided in him and told him yahuda his name was Dave, I've been a vanilla man. He says they have no idea, man, I am telling you the list. But don't tell the people that list. Now there was a reason for this. Right? Up to today. We don't know the list because he didn't tell anyone. He said I couldn't tell. You know, sometimes we hear a story. And this is this is something on a lighter note, right? You hear a story and they say, you know this monana called the other molana and told him Don't ever tell anyone this story. And then he told him

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this. I have a question. How did the story come to you? And me? That's a question because that means someone somewhere cheated. Because if that meant, oh, that men don't tell anyone then that man was a cheat. Because how did he tell the people for the story to come to me? But this doesn't happen with the Sahaba No, no, it never ever came to us. So Omar,

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who was a mountain you know that he was a mountain the second most powerful person in Islam, after the prophets, Allah Salah.

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He was worried. He says I hope I'm not a hypocrite. Imagine with us the way we have we ever thought hypocrisy. May Allah forgive us. You know, May Allah forgive ourselves. Don't lose hope in the mercy of Allah. Keep seeking the forgiveness of Allah, you will attain the mercy of Allah every day to seek the forgiveness of Allah, you will have a cool, calm life. You must be convinced that I asked Allah forgiveness. He has forgiven me and clean. No matter what you've done. You must be convinced because that's the teaching of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he says, forget about your past. Forget about what you did. Forget about what you did earlier today. Know the fact that you are asking, Oh

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Allah, I'm your worship. I cannot face punishment from you forgive me, I've done wrong. I admit I was weak. I will not do it again. Allah says I forgive you. That's the whole idea of worship of Allah. subhanaw taala. as powerful as he was, he wanted to know he says, I want to ask you

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about the list. I need to know who's on the list. He says I can't tell you.

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He says no, tell me.

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I need to know who's on the list.

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And then he says, Look, I cannot inform you about who's on the list because I've told the professor salon that I won't he says okay, minimum tell me is my name then he says Your name is nothing. So Hannah, did you hear that? minimum Tony is my name day. He says no, your name is nothing. So he didn't give him the list. But from that we now know that Omarosa was not a hypocrite, Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us because later on somewhere, people would come and swear abubaker and swear Omar and call him a hypocrite, not realizing that for there was a reason why years back he asked me is my name on the list and Rahul Buhari it says his name was not on the list. So can

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you follow? Allah subhanho wa Taala Candace goodness, so then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam Do you know what he says? According to one of the narrations, the prophecy Salaam says that I was sent as a mercy. Listen to this, I was sent as a mercy

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to all the creatures, not just to mankind.

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I was sent as a mercy. Allah says, If you seek forgiveness for them 70 times I will not forgive them. If I knew that by seeking forgiveness for them 71 times they were going to be forgiven. I was going to seek that forgiveness 71 times.

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But what was meant by the verse was that no matter how much you seek, you cannot Why?

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Why is it that the prophets of Salaam is going to ask for forgiveness for these hypocrites. And Allah says I won't forgive them. Why? There is a reason Let me explain the reason. It is the same reason that Allah told Ibrahim Alayhi Salam that your father, don't seek forgiveness for him.

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But now Why? Because he was an enemy of Allah. He chose his path. Now let me explain it to you with a powerful example that is simple, but it will bring it to your mind. You have a child

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if your child does something wrong, it's

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did it once they did it twice. They did it three times, and the school expels your child or suspends them. Right? If the child says that I'm sorry, I really regret I really feel it's bad what I did, and I want to go back to the school, you can take your child to the school and you will tell the headmaster that you know what, my child is apologizing. My child is apologizing. In that case, the headmaster might say, Okay, look, you know what, no problem. Let's take him back. Right. But what if the child does not apologize? The child did not want it the chances I was right. And if you send me back, I'm going to do the same thing again.

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When no matter how much the father cries to the headmaster, the headmaster will say, You're a fool. You are seeking forgiveness for a child who doesn't want that forgiveness, they chose something else, they are telling you, you're wrong. If we bring them back, they're going to do it again we are we would be foolish to take them back. Because the remorse needs to come from the criminal himself. You follow? So Allah says, if a person died on copper, they chose that life? Why should you interfere between me and him now? By saying Allah forgive them? Allah says you're wasting your time, because they did not want the forgiveness you are asking them for they chose a different Deen, they

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chose a different life, they chose a different system, they did whatever was wrong and considered it right. And after they're gone, and the test is over. You want us to give you back their test papers to say right you fulfill here, and we're going to listen to you No way. That's not how it's gonna happen. Unless it's the kafar leave them, it's between me and them now. You don't have to ask for forgiveness for them. Some people say, why does Islam not allow me to seek the forgiveness of someone who was not a Muslim who passed away? Who was a relative of mine? That's because they don't want your forgiveness. They never ever wanted it during their lifetime. Why do you want to offer it

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to them when they still don't want it? they've died and they chose something totally different. Leave them to their beliefs and to their maker, he will deal with them. That is the explanation. It's not unjust. It's not unfair. It's when they chose the path. So the minute you know, I give you one example, a certain brother passed away suddenly with a heart attack a few months ago, or a month ago, and I used to know this brother, and I wanted to seek His forgiveness from Allah. And someone told me this brother was not a Muslim. I said no, on his WhatsApp status, he had a key. And it says the door to gender is Salah, and he had a person in sujood on that particular WhatsApp status. For

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that reason, I will consider him a Muslim. And I will ask Allah, Allah forgive him. Because there is a saying that he was a Muslim. Do you get what I'm saying? We don't want to remove them from Islam. But I said, Oh, Allah forgive this brother and give him genital fair dose. Because there is a saying he was a Muslim, if there was no sign whatsoever, and you knew for a fact that this person died outside the fold of Islam, then perhaps you leave it between them and Allah, you don't need to interfere now, or bhanwar abdon, meaning it's Allah and his worship or his slave, on one hand, if you're a believer, and if it's someone else's ally and his creature, Allah, meaning that him show

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that matter. So these are some of the lessons we learn from the lives of the Sahaba of 11. beautiful, powerful lessons, I want to end with one more. One more, you know, there was a battle that took place known as the Battle of the book,

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that battle of the book, there was an announcement made that every able male should go out. Whoever doesn't, is a hypocrite. Or, if you if you have an excuse, it's okay, but if you don't, that's it. So there were people who stayed behind, some people were encouraged by their friends to stay behind and so on. The professor salon was not really too worried about the hypocrites because a hypocrite even if he came out with you he would his actions would actually cause more harm to you than anyone else. Sometimes, it's better to have a guy who doesn't know much away. When I say no, doesn't know much. I'm talking of say your workplace, you have three people, you need to consult the problem out.

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Now, one guy really doesn't know anything at all, you'd rather leave him out than for him to come and make a mistake here. So the same applies when it comes to the dean, such an important thing like the crossword book, The Battle of the book, let's take with us the best of our men. So Pamela, so when Allah puts it in the heart, don't go there's a problem. However, there were three people who did not go because of laziness. What was laziness? They said, Yeah, we're gonna prepare tomorrow, we will prepare, we will prepare, we'll see we will do one guy was busy with his business. The other guy was busy with something else a third was busy with something else. And in the process, the army

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proceeded, they were left behind. They stayed behind and you know what happened? What happened is they really regretted it so much so much, that they cried about their absence into books.

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The prophets are seldom asked about them. And Allah revealed verses to say, don't talk to them.

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They were regretting.

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And for 50 days,

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no one spoke to them.

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Minimum. Within the limit after that it became worse and worse. And after 50 days according to the narrations, Allah sent down verses saying, we have forgiven those three.

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Now, why am I raising this? Because my brothers, my sisters, when I say commit a sin, when my laziness makes me delay my Salah to the degree that I missed it estavela made that not happen. Do I? Oh, am I prepared to be pushed into a corner until I'm ready

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to end the forgiveness of Allah. I'm not even sometimes conscious of the fact that I sought the forgiveness of Allah.

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And these people for 50 days the professor Sallam went to their wives and told him separate from these people. I've been instructed other people who have left the deen one law he the messengers came from the Christians, to them to say, look, you people are being boycotted, we are welcoming you here. That was a test for them. So the point that I want to raise and I want to end on it is Allah will test you with what was sin?

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What does that mean? Allah will test you with sin to see if you have committed, how quickly Are you going to go back? And what are you prepared to do to start making a good relationship with Allah after that? May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us? May Allah make us from those really, who can work to please Allah will you no matter what sin you have done? Allah will forgive you on condition that you are serious about your relationship with Allah And trust me, you will smile all the way all the way Subhana Allah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us all aku kolyada sallallahu wasallam mobarak Allah Nabina Muhammad Subhan Allah Subhana Allah Hama, behenic nature to Allah, Allah Allah

Mufti Menk, 21 February 2018
Masjid Al Falaah Harare Zimbabwe

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