Mufti Menk – Perform Salah or Fulfil Salah
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The speaker discusses the concept of ecomm and how it is not just a performance, but rather a fulfillment and establishment. They explain that ecomm is a commitment to Allah's ridden subhanho wa Taala.
AI: Transcript ©
I have mentioned in the past and I'm repeating it, the term ecomm is Salah, some say, the performance of Salah. I prefer not to use the word perform, because we don't want to let our prayer only be a performance, but rather a fulfillment and an establishment. So when someone says itami, Salah, we can say establishing the prayer, or we can say fulfilling the prayer. And the reason why we say this is the fulfillment of the prayer actually goes to confirm that it's not a mere performance. And the establishment of a prayer goes to confirm its repetition. It's not just done once and that's it, but rather it's a commitment unto Allah subhanho wa Taala