Forgiveness in Prophet Yusuf’s (A.S.) Tale

Mufti Menk


Channel: Mufti Menk

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The transcript describes a situation where a woman tries to kill another woman and causes chaos. The woman refuses to do so and refuses to do so again, leading to a situation where the woman refuses to do anything but refuses to do so again. The woman refuses to do anything until she gets her sister to help her.

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In the homeland yet who else believe in Allah Allah you have the original machine. If you bear patients and you are steadfast, Allah will never ever throw away your reward. You will see it a day will come when victory comes in your direction. You know what the brother said immediately, God who? Allah He laka Tharaka Allah wa ala in oh we swear by Allah that Allah has elevated you above us on this day.

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Thank you. Thank you guys.

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This will mean a bit, didn't you? You wanted to kill me, didn't you?

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You guys did some nasty things.

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You really didn't want me to come up in life. I came up against all odds. He didn't say it that way. But that's what happened.

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He was not arrogant. You know what he said? They said, Indeed, Allah has favored you. Allah raised you above us. We were trying to rise above you. Allah raised you above us. And guess what happened thereafter? And this is the end of it.

00:00:58--> 00:01:17

He quickly come the situation. He says May Allah forgive you. He is most forgiving, Most Merciful. May Allah forgive you his most forgiving. He says latter three but I like camellia Allahu Allah. He didn't wait to rub salt in the wound. Like we would love to do, masha Allah that you pay for this, my sister.

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He didn't do that. No rubbing of salt, decent fellow, top man, handsome guy. Blessed by Allah, amazing human being. He suffered so much more than any one of us.

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He went through struggle upon struggle, according to one ration 40 years later.

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There was a conclusion

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40 years, some of us four months and we say Allah is not listening to me.

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For my four days, I remember a guy we told him if you do this and this and you, you read Salat al Fajr and you ask ALLAH and you cry and tahajjud Allah will give you anything. The guy comes back after four days he says, I've been trying to hurt you. Nothing's happened. I said, Man, the prophets of Allah 40 years they cried for days come on. You haven't even started bro.

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But Allah can give Allah knows where we sometimes he gives us just like that.

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So that's it. He didn't rub salt in the wound. What did he do? He just says latter three Valley. I'm going to today no retribution I'm no recompense. I'm not going to take retaliation revenge. Nothing at all. Nothing less than three but alaykum Wilhelm Allah will forgive you. He is the most forgiving, Most Merciful. Go back home, take my shirt, give it to them, give it to our father and bring all of them and come back here and we give you guys a good time.

00:02:41--> 00:02:49

Would you do that to your own brother who tried to kill you? No way. A lot of us would say no, I can't I can't No, it's not him. It's his wife was the problem actually.

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People say that it's not him is the wife.

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Wife Subhanallah blaming the wives for no reasonable

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but that's an easy it's a scapegoat is a soft target as they see