Mufti Menk – Don’t Make a Mockery of Dua

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker advises not to make mockery of du creator's actions, as it is a serious act of worship. He also suggests that people should not make mockery of du creator's actions, as it is a joke. The speaker also reminds people to not make a mockery of du creator's actions, and to trust their intentions.
AI: Transcript ©
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I saw a little clip

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on social media

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of people asking Allah, oh, Allah grant me

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a g Wagon and grant me a pink

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bag and grant me something else. Have you

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seen that?

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I want to tell you never ever

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make a mockery of du'a. That's what I

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want to say. As much as people may

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have laughed, as much as they might have

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made a serious du'a, for me, it cannot

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have been serious when you are videoing it,

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laughing about it and so on.

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Dua is one of the highest and greatest

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acts of worship.

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I would never have said this if it

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was not a serious matter.

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Don't make a mockery of du'a because then

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you when you're asking Allah serious things,

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what do you expect?

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I don't want people to come and make

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a laughter about something that's a massive act

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of worship. And people might say, Sheikh, you're

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taking it too seriously. It's just a joke.

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Trust me, I have better jokes than that.

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But they're not mocking at Allah and his

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Rasool, sallallahu alaihi. Don't I have better jokes

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guys? Come on. Come on.

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Should I say 1?

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I'm fasting, so I'd rather spend the time

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not saying 1. Come back in December light

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upon light, and I guarantee you, If I'm

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there, we give you 1. Right?

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And by the way, I know it's April,

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that wasn't an April fools.

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May Allah grant us ease.

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So the point I'm raising is, yes, it's

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okay to ask Allah for whatever you want.

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No problem. Masha'Allah, you ask. But don't make

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a mockery of it.

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Do you get my point? May Allah Almighty

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give those sisters better than what they were

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Is that a fair duha?

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May Allah give them better than what they

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were asking, and may we we believe inshallah

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their intentions were good. Nonetheless

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nonetheless, the lesson is for all of us,

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don't make a mockery of things.

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