Mufti Menk – Don’t ever write INSHAALLAH! –

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the proper way to write in Arabic and English. They suggest writing in "bs," "ms" or "ar " instead of "ms" or "ar " and then "bs" or "ms" or "ar "." They also mention writing "bs" or "ms" or "ar " instead of "bs" or "ar "."
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaikum each time I write in sha Allah in English, people comment saying you must separate these three words in sha Allah. And you must not write it together because it has a bad meaning it means create a law. And someone said this and someone said that and it's wrong and you cannot Okay, let me explain. It's not like we don't know how to spell it. If you are writing insha Allah, which means if Allah wills, okay, in the Arabic language, if you're writing it in the Arabic language, the correct way of writing it is three separate words in sha Allah. So in sha Allah, and when you're saying it, you say in sha Allah, okay, so I'm writing it in the Arabic language the correct way of

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writing it is three separate words insha Allah in the Arabic language, in any other language, if I am saying if Allah wills in English, I should write if space a double l Ah, space wi Ll s, that's if Allah wills those are three separate words. But if I am doing what is known as a transliteration, which means it's Arabic, but I'm just writing it in another language for people to read it I can write it anyhow. Anyhow completely for as long as it is.

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readable to the people legible, they can see it, they can read it. If you look at you know, the Malay language they write in. cr Allah The es YA. they pronounce it. they pronounce the S y, the way we pronounce sh. So they can write it how they want for as long as when people read it, they read it in sha Allah, because a transliteration means nothing. It just, it is only making you read something for example, I write Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, how should you write it? Come on. Don't get into such a silly argument. You can write B is m you don't need to write B space is m space ALH space. You just tried b i s m i l l h Bismillah. It's okay. You don't need to separate it because it's just

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a translation. Sorry, a transliteration. But if you are writing it in the Arabic language, you will need to write the bass in meme space. Allah space, or ramen space or Rahim because that's the Arabic and that's how it should be written. Okay? So I hope we don't argue with each other. Whenever you see it in the English language, please write it how you wish for as long as it's closest to what is readable for as long as it's closest to what you can actually, you know, pronounce in the correct way. Some people right, i n s YALH because they speak Malay. That's fine. You know, others might say why did you put away because that's how they pronounce it. You know, I came across the name Khadija

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in Turkish some people spell it HAT ic E. I would say hotties for that. No. It's actually Khadija in Turkish. That's the way they write it. So what Subhana Allah let them write it that way. There is no one correct way of writing things. When people ask me, what's the best way to write this name, I want to name my child. So I would give them what I think is the best. But that's not what the whole world thinks is the best. But in the Arabic language, there's only one way of doing it because it's an Arabic name or an Arabic word or an Arabic sentence. So now people say well, if you write it all in one, then it has a meaning create a lot. You know, that's wrong. It doesn't have a meaning create

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Allah. No, it doesn't. Because insha Allah means if Allah wills inshallah, we all say together inshallah. inshallah, but we know in the Arabic it's three separate words if Allah wills, right. How do you say create a last novel that you would say in she in she in she is the um, it is the instruction, right? The command in she means to create. No one says insha Allah, they say insha Allah, that's what it is. So I think we needed to correct this, but if you disagree with me, no problem. This is what I know and I will stick by it. Unless you've proven me wrong. Subhan Allah.

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As far as I know, do you know when it comes to sort of in the Arabic language, if you know a little bit of Arabic, it comes from insha Allah Yun Chico, and the armor is Enschede Thank you very much. It's not inshallah, okay. So May Allah make it easy for all of us. I think we should stop arguing about these things. And please, if you're writing it in Arabic, try and write it. three separate words. And if you've written inshallah, in one and Allah the next one

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It's a mistake, but everyone knows what it means. It linguistically it may be wrong but it's not like go for something. Okay. Scholars have spoken about it to say if someone writes it this way well it's no it's not good for and it's not something that's a serious blunder a major sin or something, it's not even a minus and it's just, it's just not the best way or the most correct way of writing it from the rules of the Arabic language. But if you are writing it in another language transliterating it from the Arabic please write it however you feel

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it would be readable most accurately. May Allah make it easy. I spell it one word, i n s h a, and then a capital A Ll h all in one. So insha Allah, that's how I write it. And I know it means if Allah wills May Allah bless you all. I hope we've nailed a little nail on that coffin. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah grant us ease I remember yesterday saying, We don't use coffins, we use Kevin. So inshallah I hope we've been shrouded this matter in a beautiful way. Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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