Do You Really Value Your Salaam

Mufti Menk


Channel: Mufti Menk

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The speaker discusses the concept of "assian's" peace and how he can offer holistic peace to the customer. He explains that Islam has created a "assian's" greeting, which is a simple way to express concern for the customer's brothers and sisters. The greeting is designed to encourage the customer to pass on people and stay in their own world.

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Nonetheless, when I say

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to you, I mean, I guarantee you, I

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will not harm you. What does peace be

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upon you actually mean? What peace? I'm talking

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of holistic

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peace. Peace be upon you from Allah. May

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peace be upon you from me. I'm not

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gonna harm you. The type of peace I

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can offer you, it's going to be there.

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What peace Allah can give you is actually

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holistic. Allah will give you contentment and so

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much more. The most beautiful, most amazing greeting

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ever is assalamu alaikum.

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The greeting on that day

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when they meet with Allah will be salaam.

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SubhanAllah. So be conscious of the fact that

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you are saying, assalamu alaikum. What's the point

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of assalamu alaikum? And then you dagger the

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person as they turn around. You say, you

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know what? Rotten person, and you walked away.

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Why did you have to say salam if

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that's how you felt?

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In fact, the reason I raise all of

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this is because

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to show a concern for your brothers and

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sisters begins at home. It begins here. It

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begins with those around you, those you interact

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with. Allah places people in your life, makes

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you pass people on the street,

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designed by him. It was not just a

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mere coincidence

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designed by Allah. You passed a certain person,

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or you crossed paths with someone, or you're

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someone right now.

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someone right now.