Mufti Menk – Dealing with Difficulty #28 Cancel Culture

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the cancel culture, which is designed to eliminate people who do things they don't like or do wrong. They stress the importance of giving people the benefits of the doubt to believe it is a genuine mistake and caution against letting people go back into a certain space. The speaker also discusses the difficulty of dealing with people who have caused harm to people and the importance of peace and helping people to turn back to Islam. The speaker emphasizes the need for greater maturity and a positive environment for everyone to live their lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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The cancel culture, what is it?

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When someone does something

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wrong or

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they were misunderstood

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even though they did not do something wrong

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or they did something we don't like.

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At times, they may have made a mistake

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or committed a sin,

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or sometimes they may have been exposed.

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All of these reasons and even more reasons

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people come about and want to obliterate these

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remove them from social media,

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take them out of existence, never to hear

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from them again. Never allow them to come

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up again. That's it. Canceled.

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We don't want you. We don't want you

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to come up again. We don't want to

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hear of you. We don't want you to

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be given a chance to be heard ever

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And you just be careful because we're all

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out there to more you to the ground.

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That's a cancel culture.

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They cancel people

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for many reasons. Now I want to ask

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you a question.

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Do you think it's fair to cancel people?

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My brothers and sisters, it obviously

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depends what exactly it is, but you need

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to know

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giving the person the benefit of the doubt

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is your religious

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Religious duty. Another thing, sometimes if a person

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is repentant,

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give them the benefit of the doubt to

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that that repentance is genuine.

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The cancel culture, the difficulty surrounding it is

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from more than one angle. 1 is

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those being canceled, which we will get to

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in a moment.

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But more than that is those doing the

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You're not a saint either.

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So remember,

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if you want to say what's right and

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wrong, do so by all means. If you

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want to clarify things, do so by all

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means. If you want to say something,

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do so by all means, but do not,

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or try to avoid

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hurting someone to the degree where you want

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to mold them out of existence.

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when they don't deserve it.

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Have you given them the benefit of the

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doubt? Have you thought about it? If your

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or your daughter

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were to make a mistake, is that the

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end of them completely?

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When Allah tells you you've committed a major

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sin, you have the chance to repent and

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come back and inshallah, we will forgive you

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and we've prepared paradise for you. Those are

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Those who have committed immorality,

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talking about adultery, fornication and so on, or

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they've wronged themselves with major sin.

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Allah almighty says, if they remember Allah

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and they

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sought forgiveness for their sin and they don't

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repeat what they've done

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or they don't continue in what they were

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then Allah says, we will forgive them, and

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those are the people

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that we have prepared paradise for. Okay?

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So with us as human beings, sometimes you

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find people,

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sometimes popular people, not so popular people, people

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who have a coping mechanism of lovely solid

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people around them, and some people don't.

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They've come up or they're still trying to

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come up, be they revert, be they someone

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else, and, you know, they are known for

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decent things and so on. One day, they

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go through a challenge.

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Be it a divorce, be it something they

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might have been exposed for something.

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Yes. It might be hurtful. Yes. People will

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gossip, which is Haram. People will backbite, which

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is also Haram.

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People will engage in their lives in a

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negative way, which is also Haram. But

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there are some people who respectfully would put

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across, look, this has happened. This has happened.

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Therefore, be careful. My brothers and sisters look

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at this and look at that.

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Does it mean that that particular person

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is never allowed to come back into any

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space again. And who decided that?

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That's something very interesting. So we that difficulty

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is a difficulty that's gonna be dealt with.

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We're going to have to deal with it.

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If you're a person who was canceled, remember

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the world out there is not fair. It's

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not just. If it was just,

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what's happening to the Palestinian brothers and sisters

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would never have happened.

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That is evidence

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that the world is filled with the biggest

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of injustices. And if you're expecting justice,

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you will not

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That's the nature of the world. It is

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There may be pockets of justice here and

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there. Otherwise, just by witnessing what's going on

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across the world,

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you know that it's unfair.

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If the world was fair, we wouldn't need

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a day of judgment.

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But because the world is so unfair, Allah

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has kept a day of ultimate

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May Allah make it easy for us on

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that day.

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You have to give people a chance. There

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are people who've sinned and come back very

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strong. No one knew about their sins. Just

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because you found out about the sin doesn't

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doesn't make them people who are no longer

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allowed to live. No. Imagine your son or

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your daughter

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happened to make a mistake, do something wrong,

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and suddenly no one wants to allow them

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into the Masjid, no one wants to allow

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them anywhere near, they can't talk to the

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scholars, they're not allowed to seek help, they

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must just die. Why?

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But that's what we're doing to some people.

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As a father

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and a person who cares insha Allah for

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the ummah,

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I always see people who are struggling.

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Try to reach out to them and talk

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to them. What's going on? Come, let me

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help you. Let's see how best we can

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assist in this thing and that thing. And

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others would probably get a shock. What are

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you doing talking to this person?

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Well, why not? As a father, if that

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was my child or that was my sibling,

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surely I would care for them.

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So we need to have greater maturity

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in this,

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otherwise we're heading in the wrong direction.

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Yes. To warn people of the harms of

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something is one thing,

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but to, to really rip through someone

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completely to the end

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where just because of a sin they committed,

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which is which was major, but they repented

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clearly. If they haven't and they're promoting the

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sin and so on, it's different. You can

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let people know, look, watch out for this.

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But if it's not, what do you do?

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Similarly, on the other hand, if you're a

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like I said, remember the world is not

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just number 1. Number 2, don't expect people

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to support you.

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You have to turn to Allah. You have

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to make the most of whatever there is.

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You might have to lay low a little

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bit. You might find pockets of people who

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may help. You might find people trying to

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take advantage of you. You might find people

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would really hate you.

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People who don't even know you would really

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hate you because they do not know any

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I mean, if the best of the best,

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the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, had

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people who didn't like him.

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They went to war with him. They did

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nasty things to him. Who are you and

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I? We are nobodies.

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May Allah Almighty guide us to the straight

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at times, what happens is

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people lose focus. You're a believer. You're supposed

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to be worried about others.

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If a person came to the Masjid and

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at the time of the prophet Muhammad, peace

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be upon him, the Sahaba almost cancelled him.

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But the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

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says, no, don't, don't cancel him. Meaning don't

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even talk to him this way.

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And don't,

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admonish him in this way,

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but rather he spoke to him with love.

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He corrected him. He gave him a chance.

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And this man says, oh, I understand, and

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I'm sorry, and I won't do this again.

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Oh, Allah have mercy on me and Muhammad,

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peace be upon him. Don't have mercy on

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these others. And the Prophet Muhammad, peace be

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upon him, corrected him again to say you

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can't say that because the mercy of Allah

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encompasses everyone.

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In fact, the same words, the mercy of

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Allah encompasses everyone. It's very broad and encompassing

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Would actually fit

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to describe those at times when we're trying

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to cancel.

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May Allah Almighty help us. The social media

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is not an easy place.

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Social media to navigate through social media is

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very difficult.

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As you grow in popularity, you will face

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a lot of weird people saying a lot

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of weird things.

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It's okay. Take it in your stride. Lay

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low, perhaps. Or if you're strong enough, keep

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Allah Almighty will grant you that success.

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Don't worry, the days are difficult, but with

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the help of Allah, he grants you successes

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through those difficulties and challenges, and he still

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you more than you can imagine. May Allah

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bless you all and protect us all. Protect

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us from being those who cancel others and

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from being the ones who are canceled.

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May Allah safeguard us from shaitan and help

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us to turn back to him always. I

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mean, turn back to Allah.

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