Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2009 – Cape Town – Day 13 Anger

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The hasn't sign in Islam is used to signal breach of promises and confusion, as it is the foundation of Islam's history and use of it for building bridges and creating unity among Muslims. The general acceptance of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, as well as the uncertainty and lack of clarity around the pandemic, are highlights. The need for testing and treatments for COVID-19 is also discussed, along with the potential for a vaccine to prevent future pandemics and create a safe and equitable world.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah, he was happy he woman instead of Buddha who abide. All praise is indeed due to Allah subhanho wa Taala complete blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam blessings and salutations upon all the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless the Dhamma of this ummah, and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless us all and to bless our offspring those to come up to the day of pm. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us every form of goodness

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on a dilemma, beloved brothers and sisters and respected listeners, the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala and his curse is real. It happens and it comes. And Allah subhanho wa Taala becomes angry. As much as we've learned that he is extremely Merciful, the Most Merciful. There are sometimes certain actions that we engage in, that earn the Wrath of Allah subhanho wa Taala his anger and his curse and his punishment, and it is important that we realize that the Quran has addressed

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the Quran has addressed us as well as all mankind regarding the anger and wrath of Allah subhanho wa Taala the idea of that is for us to take heed, we must make sure we are not engaged in those type of deeds. Because believe me, if you know May Allah protect us

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that a very, very powerful human being is extremely angry with you. I think it would give you sleepless nights.

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More so if we are to give you even a cheaper example. If you witness an angry lion outside there, nobody will leave this Masjid May Allah protect us. We are ready to fear an animal and we are not prepared to free up to fear the creator of the entire creation. May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us from hypocrisy.

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We need to realize and understand that Allah subhanho wa Taala declares his anger against certain people and against certain actions and this is why I have chosen to speak about the anger and the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala tonight

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taking the verses from the Quran, which have made mention of the anger and the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala clustering them together as one subject and one topic. The idea is for us to learn to take heed to weep for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and to mend our ways before it is too late. The first issue we need to remember is in Surah, Al Fatiha, which is the opening surah of the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of a dua, and I've mentioned this dua where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, In Dino Surah 13 Guide us to the straight path. That is by far the most important prayer that anyone could make, guide me to the straight path, oh, my Creator, guide us all

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to the straight path or the one who has created myself and yourself, I mean, now the rest of the surah is connected to what the straight path is. It is the path of those whom Allah has favored, which means the prophets, the messengers, those who believe and do good deeds.

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And we continue to say Allah save us from those who have earned your anger and those who have gone astray. So the meaning of the straight path is mentioned in the same surah and we repeat it so many times. So you're loving

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on me, and we all find ourselves saying, I mean, we ask Allah to grant us that. Yeah, Allah grant us the path of those whom you have favored and do not grant us the path of those who have earned your anger. That shows already that Allah subhanho wa Taala has anger and we may sometimes be engaged in deeds that will earn or ask for the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala what is referred to as the anger here, they are humble Lavina full haka, Ouattara, COO, they are those who knew the truth, but left it that is who is being referred to by those who have earned the Wrath of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The people of the book as well as all others who have known the truth, they knew what the

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truth was, they knew that this is what we are waiting for. We are waiting for this sign and that sign when the messenger came to them with all those signs, they prefer to cover their book and turn it and twist it and hide it. And they prefer not to accept the message solely because of the fact that he was

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Amongst the Arabs and he was not from amongst them. The same applies to every single one of us. If we know the truth we know the Quran we claim to believe it we claim to accept it we know the messenger we know the messengers. We know the revelation we know the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. If we then reject it and turn away from it, we will earn the Wrath of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and if Allah is angry with us, believe me, it spells Doom for us. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us.

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And this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us about shavon the devil he believes the one whom we spoke about Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us Be careful. He is the one who is kissed. He is the one whom Allah anger is upon. listen to the voice of Allah subhanho wa Taala what he

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Illa shy upon Marie de la, la law they are those who call out to shape on there are those who call out to the devils Allah says, The devil is kissed and he is the one whom Allah kiss is upon. Let's listen to what else Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mentioned, that verse was in Surah Nisa, in Surah Al Haig, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, we're in

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Isla de in English for you is the curse of Allah until the day of the Yama May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us. One might ask that, what were the details of what Schaefer did in order to earn the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala it's important we know it, because if we engage in the same deed, Allah He we will be asking for the curse of the Creator Himself. Listen to what Allah says. The deed that shavon committed was pride and arrogance, haughtiness and ingratitude. He was ungrateful. Allah gave him everything he still turned away from Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala gave him life. Allah gave him his own health in whatever way he has it. Allah subhanho wa Taala gave him absolutely

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everything. And still he turned away with us. We have life we have health, we have time we have the whole 24 hour day we have so much goodness we have food Mashallah we drink we eat, but we can't even spend a few minutes with the creator in Salah. Is that fair? Do we then expect goodness or do we expect the case of Allah subhanho wa Taala he gives us a day within 24 hours. Then he tells us I want 24 minutes back from you only 24 minutes in the condition of Salah We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make us regular with our five Salah. Therefore Don't be lazy when it comes to getting amphoe Salatu Fado, don't be lazy when it comes to the other Salawat to fulfill the five daily

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prayers that we have. Because Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who gave us 24 hours. He's asking us for 24 minutes. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us protection and understanding. So the quality of the beliefs that made him earn the anger the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala was arrogance, haughtiness, in gratitude listen to what Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah

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Minho, this whisk seems to be repeating itself. Allah says that at least said I am better than him I am better than whom I am better than Adam May peace be upon him Adam Allahu Salatu was salam, I am better than him in this way in that way. Holla patani mean,

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to whom you clean, you have created me with fire, you created him with soil with dust with sand. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then expel the blease Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah expel to the devil from heaven. And this shows us whenever we engage in haughtiness and pride, we will be expelled from the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala he will take away from us our happiness and our goodness and he will kick us right out May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Raja min hatha in nakaji. Get out Get straight out of this Heaven, there is no place for you in this goodness, you are indeed one who is guessed? You are one who is really a stray You are one who is out of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala You are the pelted one may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to Pelle shape one when we go to Mina for Hajj, but the idea is to remove shape and from our own cells. Shaytan comes and finds within our bloodstream, a home and sometimes he then takes control of us it's important that we say oh Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect us from shapen the devil. So Allah says

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subhanho wa Taala in the same surah he says we're in La Jolla, Ana de la. De you have my kiss because of this because of what you said because

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of what you did because of your arrogance because of your haughtiness because you thought you were better than him because you thought you were better than another creature of Allah subhanho wa Taala, whom Allah had granted elevation above you for that reason you can be cast and you will have Michaels right up to the day of the AMA, may Allah subhanho wa Taala never do that to any one of us. That was shavon and the police. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about ingratitude, and fighting the messengers of Allah. Those who fight the messengers of Allah have earned the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala. They were some of the People of the Book who used to kill the messengers. Every

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time a messenger came. They didn't like the message, because they had to change their whole lives in order to adopt what that messenger was coming with. They were used to bad ways and bad habits. And Allah subhanho wa Taala explains to us how they killed the MBR they killed the messengers they killed the prophets they fought them and for us, do you know how it applies to us? Anyone who is the messenger of the messenger, if we make his life difficult, who are the messengers of messengers, that Allah Ma, those scholars of Deen who have studied the religion, they come back to us with knowledge of the messengers of what the messengers came with, they are known as messengers of the

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messenger. And this is why it is important that we do not fight them, we do not despise them, we do not disrespect them, they are not prophets, you may find them airing here and there making a mistake or two. But remember, if we are to disrespect them, we will reduce the value of the scholars of religion. Let me inform you of a plot, a plot and a plan of the enemies of Islam that we as Muslims do not realize and we are forwarding.

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We have a llama within our midst sometimes who at times, because they are not ambia, they are not prophets, they have a few errors, they may make mistakes here and there, they may need a little bit of correction and rectification And that applies to every single one of us. But now you have a plan to reduce the respect of the whole Ummah, in the eyes of the Muslim masses across the globe. Voila, he there is a plan. And it is a plot and I have come with my own eyes, I have read some of these issues that are mentioned by the enemies of Islam, within their own findings and researches and they are following and adopting and they are succeeding in destroying the Muslim Ummah to a certain

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degree, when I say destroying the Muslims themselves, drifting them away from Islam. No one can destroy Islam as a religion, but they can easily drift the Muslims away from Islam. May Allah never do that to us. What is happening? Any scholar whose name you uttered today, whether in this country or anywhere on the globe, someone somewhere will have something bad to say about them. Do you agree? Yes, it is its effect, I can tell you and I can show it to you name me any scholar, whether it is in your community or in your country, or in my country or anywhere across the across the globe. How shavonne has made us despise our own scholars, those who are supposed to bring religion to us, no

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one respects any one of them. named me the top scholars of your country, you will find a large group of people fighting them.

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This is the plan. This is the plot and we are sucked into it. Allah says that's the curse of Allah. It is the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala one wonders why that is happening to us. We have left the book we have left the message and we have left the messengers. And the messengers of the messengers are also from amongst those who are being fought and tackled. When you have a problem. Or when you notice a scholar of Islam doing something that is wrong and incorrect, the way to correct it is not to go to the masses. And to try and tell the message this person is useless because then people will say the same about you. And then the whole community and all the public will have no one to give

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them guidance, they will get their guidance from the internet. And for your information. The internet is full of websites which are purporting to be Muslim sites, but they certainly have certain messages, which will then drift you away from Islam. Be careful of the internet will lie a lot of the sites that we think they are Muslims behind they are actually non Muslims who are the enemies of Islam. They give you a lot of truth on the first page, they take you to the second page then they tell you some few items that will contaminate your brain and mind and you begin to argue and debate Allahu Akbar, arguing and debating also will result in the anger of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala descend upon people. We will come across that verse inshallah. But let's get back to the most important point.

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Those who are fighting the messengers and the prophets Allah subhanho wa Taala kisses them and let us realize and understand what Allah who we need to respect the man for his knowledge. If there is an error we try and correct it. If it is something great that is wrong completely out of the fold. We may educate others in a respectful manner without despising and respecting I tell you why. Every scholar of Deen Allah has given them a different ability to get to a different category of people. So if we are to respect all of them and all the different things

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of activity of this religion inshallah we will be able to wholesomely benefit the entire oma. But when we start despising one group, and we start despising those scholars and people who studied here and those who went there, we are forwarding the cause of the enemies of Islam because it will result in loss of respect of the scholars of Islam amongst the public and that is happening today. Believe me, I have witnessed it in this country, very sad days are being witnessed by us in this particular country, and across the globe where true scholars of Islam are being accused of items they are free of. And remember that is the curse of Allah that is falling into the clutches of shape and it is our

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duty to utter this and this is why we have uttered it for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala wherever correction needs to happen and I'm repeating this it should happen with respect and it should happen with the dignity of the scholar of Deen remaining intact to us as far as we can. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst those who respect all the alhama of this oma Allah He we need to respect all of them where they have gone wrong, we need to realize they are not prophets, that is the difference. Every single scholar of this religion may have heard because they are human, we will not just cancel their name and delete them totally because of that. Take whatever is good

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and leave what is wrong and incorrect Subhana Allah from some you will learn what you've never ever learned, if only you lent them an ear before people label them. Another thing very sadly, amongst the alhama themselves, there is something known as professional jealousy. When one is doing very well the others just like any other business, the others might then start attacking, labeling, calling names that also is directly from shaitan Schaefer also comes to the Allah May Allah protect us all. And this is why ignore those type of statements when people attack other alama you ignore it, when they have told you with knowledge, look, this is what it is. And just be a little bit

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careful and so on. You may then with respect, be careful. But at the same time we don't want to despise because imagine if you've made a mistake with one of the scholars have been spread rumors about him You are cursed and doomed up to the last day. They might just be a friend of Allah subhanho wa Taala and you don't know what exactly you've got into May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us about those who fight the messengers of Allah. He says, ba ba, ba ba ba,

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ba, rarely kabhi

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una Mia ya tiene la jolla po tolonen NaVi NaVi.

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Po in Surah Al Baqarah, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about those who have earned the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Remember, the anger is far worse than the kiss. But the curse is also extremely dangerous. The word hubub includes kiss in it, Allahu Akbar, the anger includes the kiss in it. And the term kiss is extremely dangerous. Imagine if Allah has to kill someone himself. So Allah says the reason why I cursed those people the reason why my anger was deserved by them was because they fought the messengers, and they just believed and they were ungrateful, the fact that we sent them such a tough messenger, they were ungrateful that we chose them to be from amongst

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those who will be around that particular messenger. Allah He The same applies with us in a different way. Sometimes there is a scholar of religion in our midst, we do not realize his value, and we take him for granted yet he is in our own community. And we are ungrateful if that is the case, Allah will take him away and others will benefit from him in a way that we never ever dreamed of. And we will only possibly and probably realize it if we engage in tilba repins or on the day of the AMA, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all protection. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the murder of someone who murders a woman who is innocent. Allah subhanho wa Taala says that murder will

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definitely have the anger and the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala and they will be custom to Hellfire forever and ever. What am I

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Move on a

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fee, while volleyball a long while a while Anna Who?

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Whoever kills an innocent movement, whoever kills a fellow movement intentionally, whoever is a murderer, Allah says for them, not only is the anger but the anger and the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala. They are very, very few verses in the Quran, which have made mention of both anger and curse of the Creator in one verse, and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us protection this is one of them. So therefore even to point a weapon at a fellow believer is complete

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prohibiting at an innocent individual is completely prohibited. And remember, every non Muslim around you is a potential Muslim. Every non Muslim around you is a potential Muslim, my duty and your duty when it comes to the non Muslims is to convey to them the beautiful message of Islam, to want them to accept this religion as badly as we'd like it for ourselves. May Allah subhanho wa Taala keep us broad minded and may He make us from amongst those who realize that the kuffar who are around us, it is our duty to portray to them the beautiful teachings of Islam.

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With the idea of letting them into the fold of Islam the Hadith says well, la de la de Allahu bacara jhulan wahida they will come in from within and if Allah has used you to guide even one person, it's better for you then the most expensive of the wealth of this whole dunya May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us protection. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says another thing that he really becomes angry with is when someone associates partners with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Any form of partner with Allah is unacceptable. This is a topic that we should be speaking about day and night, because this is one of the prime ways shaytan comes to us. Allah subhanho wa Taala warned us, he told us that

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this is how the people of the book in the past have lit have been led astray by worshipping others besides Allah. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says that is the only and the biggest crime when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was leaving this dunya he told us as one of the last things before leaving, he says I fear for my own man, the sheikh Sheikh meaning association of partnership with Allah subhanho wa Taala. He himself has uttered that as one of his last words. Let's take heed Allah Subhana Allah Allah says in Surah Allah in alladhina agerola Santa Lucia Babu, Bobby him what in Latin piety dunya those who took the calf, you know, there was a calf at the time of Moses Musa

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alayhis salam, there was a calf that they had made with their jewelry which was making a sound and they began to worship the calf that was association of partnership with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah says, those who wish if that calf, they the anger of Allah, the Wrath of Allah will descend upon them and they will be kissed. Listen to what Allah says.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says they will be cursed in the dunya as well as in the era. Imagine a double curse. And this brings us to another point, the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala is spoken about in two ways. One is in the dunya, and in the era, in this world as well as in the next and the other is just in the next which means sometimes Allah is very, very angry with a person but he gives them respect, he gives them a moment, he gives them a long life, he probably might not test them in this life. That's up to Allah subhanho wa Taala he knows why he does that. Sometimes, they might have done one or two good deeds, and Allah subhanho wa Taala does not want to oppress them, but when

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they come into the era, Allah subhanho wa Taala will then definitely say that you know what, you spent your coupons. You did good deeds, yes. But you've actually spent your coupons meaning you know, when you do a good deed, if we were to say that you get a coupon in return, then naturally by you getting good health, you spending a coupon when you have children who are very, very gorgeous looking Mashallah, that's another coupon children who listen to you, that's another coupon. So sometimes there are people who don't believe they use those coupons in the dunya when they believe then inshallah those coupons will be kept for the ashram Allah subhanho wa Taala. Grant us a good

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reward in sha Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us regarding disbelief, after you have been a Muslim, a person who is a murdered apostate, someone who turned back from Islam, they were Muslim, they saw the guidance, they saw the Islam they saw the man and thereafter they were on the right path. And after that they left the right path. Now when we read this, it appears to us that he doesn't apply to me, isn't it? What law he applies to every one of us the lesson is for everyone. Let's take a look at the deeper meaning of the verses. First, let's read the verse Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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k via de la hakama cafaro bada Imani him What shall he do? Was Ooh la

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la escuela de la cama de mein una caja de

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la de la palma. De when he marry him, how can Allah guide people who tend to disbelieve after they were believers, and after the truth and the science came to them, they turned away. Allah subhanho wa Taala says Allah does not guide the oppressors. Those are oppressors. They are wrongdoers. Allah says for them is a case of Allah as well as the angels will kiss them. May Allah subhanho wa Taala never do that to us. So to turn away from guidance after you've got it is a big crime. Though the word here that is used is

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When someone dis believes after believing, but it also includes someone who leaves guidance after they've got it, may Allah protect us. And this is made mention of in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he explains it. It is called al how badolato to turn back after you are rightly guided Allah protect us, there is a case of Allah subhanho wa Taala there is one duration, where Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam makes mention of an era ano de la cama yokocho annual coffee now, a person should hate to go back to disbelief in the same way they would hate to be cast in hellfire. Some people think it's talking about Islam and Cofer only that is included in it, but

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it also includes the following.

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When a person has been granted the acceptance of Allah to be guided on a path and then they take steps backwards, spiritually, they are included in this case. If Allah has guided you to read five Salah a day, then suddenly you drop it to four you are included in the case May Allah not do that to us. If Allah has guided a woman to put on a headscarf and suddenly one day she throws it out, she is included in this case. So the movement to guidance needs to be forward, not backwards. That's what we learn. When you are getting guided, you must move forward and forward and forward. Don't ever go backwards because that will earn the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah never do that to us.

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Why is that the case? It is the case because Say for example, a female who Allah subhanho wa Taala has guided the ability to dress correctly. Then suddenly, one day she discussed the dress and she she leaves it and you see her once again in dress that is unacceptable.

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That what she is telling her creator is you know what, you told me to do something I found something better and more suitable for me than what you are saying Allahu Akbar. May Allah protect us. After you've seen the goodness you know what is right, you've come on the course you've actually tasted the goodness of it, suddenly you want to discard it. You think you playing a game with your Creator here? That creator is also the owner of anger and the owner of kiss, he may become very angry and he may kiss you to the degree that you will never see happiness again in your life. We hope that that is not the case. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to help us to dress appropriately both male and

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female, to live our lives according to the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala so Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about that.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the coffee rune, those who have disbelieved those who have turned away Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Phelim

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cafo beef Allah Allah, La caffine when the truth came to them, they knew it and they turned away. So Allah curses upon those who believe that is the curse of Allah mentioned in Surah Baqarah in Surah, who Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of how he curses The one who is oppressing. Anyone who is oppressing anyone is included in this though the verse might be referring to those who have oppressed in a specific manner. But when the terms are used in the Quran, they include all the different types of oppression. You are oppressing your wife, you are oppressing your husband, you are oppressing your children, you are oppressing your parents, you are oppressing family members,

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you are oppressing those who work for you. You are oppressing those who who have employed you, you are oppressing anyone on this globe, Allah says you are included in the curse of Allah Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Vani me, Behold the curse of Allah upon those who have oppressed May Allah subhanho wa Taala never make us from those who oppress.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Taha feel about the same oppressors, and I told you oppression includes sheep, it includes all forms of evil, and it also includes what we've said. Yo mela

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Vani mean Mr. de la to Humala homo Lana Wada homes Oh,

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the excuse of the oppressors on the day of the AMA will not help them they will come and present excuses No, we are lie didn't really know you know, I'm this and that and you know, I was, Allah says, No, you were an oppressor. So today your excuse will not help you, for you and upon you is a case of Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah subhanho wa Taala not do that to us. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then speaks about those who spread corruption on Earth. Those who commit sin on Earth, those who want to promote vise on earth and they spread evil on Earth. They are called Alma FSI Dune, they spread what is known as facade. The facade includes all forms of corruption and evil on Earth, a

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person who spreads corruption, a promoter of evil Allah Subhana what Allah says, In surah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah says, For * as a tomb.

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To see to feel out of the water.

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He can Levine Allah Anna whom Allah.

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Allah says there are certain people whom he has kissed. And he has made them dumb and he has closed their eyes. In fact, he has made them deaf.

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He has made them deaf, and he has closed their eyes. They neither hear guidance, nor do they see the guidance. Who are those? Allah says they are those whom, when they are granted authority on Earth, when they are given any form of authority on Earth, they then spread corruption on earth, and they do not maintain the links that Allah has instructed them to maintain those who spread evil on earth, and do not maintain the bonds and the links that Allah has instructed them to maintain. And what is that link? That brings us straight to the next point? The curse of Allah is upon those who sever family relations, those who have destroyed Family Ties for mere reasons which are not even valid in

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the Sharia. Yes, if there is a valid reason, someone is a complete drunkard, someone has absolutely no hope and scope. And they are continuing to lead ourselves as well as our children astray. Or they are trying to do that. And we've tried with them and we continue trying with them. In that case, we are allowed to sever links to a great degree. But nowadays, the bulk of the links that are seven are connected to money, wealth, or women, may Allah protect us sometimes your wife had a small problem with your mother. And what happens entirely you destroy the whole relation, may Allah protect us. You can minimize it. You can put Li You can put rules and regulations. A lot of us the problems we

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have in our homes are because we did not set rules and regulations. We haven't drawn the lines and the limits. Believe me, if you stand up like a man, and tell your mom, look, I love you so much. But these are the limits. This is where you stop this is the line and tell the same to your wife. Tell the same to your children. Believe me, you sought half of your problems out. The problem was us. We've got no limits. We never discussed it. Mommy, I love you. I love you. And we think love means you are allowed to oppress my wife. And then you tell your wife, wife, I love you. And we think that that means that you must just tolerate what my mother does Allahu Akbar, we are human, she is human.

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We can't do that. draw the lines and you must be a man. Not a mouse. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. Really, it's a fact of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah so Allah subhanho wa Taala he gives us a warning to say when you sever ties, when you sever family relations for no apparent reason all for a meager reason without trying to mend it for you is a curse and the punishment and the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala we don't want that to happen to us. Listen to what Allah Subhana Allah Allah says,

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In surah one la Vina yo na de la da de Misa de una Ma, la hooby

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una cara Houma la Santa water home zoo.

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Allah says, Those who break their promise with Allah you know we make a promise to Allah normally when we engage until by Allah I promise you I won't do this again. You break it once Okay, Allah will forgive you again inshallah. But then you break it again and again and again. And again. You make that promise with Allah Chief, may Allah protect us also. When you break your promises with one another, it is called naka de la de as well. You made a promise to someone fulfill it. The Muslim mean when you ask for something with your tongue, it's enough that itself must be an oath and a promise it's enough. People must believe you for that if you told them look, I will arrive at nine

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o'clock. Try and get there at five to nine if you're a good Muslim. But if you know in your heart, you're not going to go and you tell them expect me at nine o'clock May Allah Subhana Allah Allah protect us unless you have a valid reason. Allah subhanho wa Taala Ross might descend on you because of the fact that you might have deceived the fellow minion and believers. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says those who break their promise with Allah and those who do not maintain the relations that Allah has instructed them to maintain. Those are the family ties, your parents, your children, your uncle's, your aunts, your sisters, your brothers, their families and so on. It is important to

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maintain a link. It does not mean that you need to live at their house and they live at yours. No.

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If you go and have too many meals at your brother's house, who is married, when you yourself are also married, it might be a problem. His wife might think or might look at it as though this is actually overstepping my own limits. They are treating me like a slave. They are treating me like this and like that. Sometimes you have little daughters in law.

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who come into the house and then they are treated like real slaves. You do all the cooking you do all the washing you do all the cleaning now that's it is your job. And then you have the sister in law who is the sister of the husband who comes in and says right, I need eggs at two o'clock. And you got to wake up for me in the morning because I need to catch a train Allah protect us is that how are we supposed to treat one another in Islam? If we oppress people will lie the anger of Allah will descend upon us wholesale one day. And this is why it's important for us to ask ourselves, do we make people's lives easy or difficult? If you have made a single person's life difficult in any

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way Allah has promised He will make your life difficult in one way or another.

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And if you have made a single person's life easy, Allah will make your life easy on condition that you haven't also made other people's lives difficult. So nowadays, we look and we say no, I helped this one. I helped that one I did this one but in your own house, you are oppressing your own people, your own spouses, your children, your in laws and so on. Now, Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those who can help at home make us from those who can promote peace, who can make others lives easy so that we can earn the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, For those people who have cut their relations and family ties, they are not bothered in

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mending it. They are not bothered to make amends. Allah says for them is the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Firstly in the dunya, as well as in the archaea, may Allah subhanahu wa Allah protect us all. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how some people of the book were cursed because they broke their promise with Allah. Listen to what Allah says in Surah, two nakida fabby manopoly him Mita whom la

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causa there were certain people whom Allah kissed because they broke their promise to the law. And over and above that Allah made their heart hard.

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What is the meaning of a hard heart? A hard heart is that which sees the signs but does not tremble. A hard heart is that which is reminded and understands and recognizes the reminder but does not turn that is a hard heart. So we ask Allah to protect us from a hard heart. A hard heart is the heart of the one who's been singing for years on end without thinking of returning to Allah. That is a hard heart. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us return. May He grant us happiness really, and may he be pleased with us as well. So Allah subhanho wa Taala thereafter, speaks about another major crime in Surah to unfurl, and that is at the time of war. Anyone who leaves the battlefield without a

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reasonable Islamic reason and acceptable reason. Allah says for them is really the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Listen to what Allah says.

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Or my name yo Ma.

00:37:51 --> 00:37:59

De veau in LA Mata Hari fadli theta Lin omata is and Isla de

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Falco de Madiba, Viva la mina, la

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Wahby mousumi those who run away from the battlefield and who turn away without a valid reason, meaning if it is done as a war tactic or an instruction of the leader, then it's fine. But if it is turning away and running away from a battlefield, Allah says, for them and upon them is the anger of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect the soul. The next thing Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of all that we are going to mention here that Allah has spoken about in Surah Taha Allah subhanho wa Taala says, don't exceed the limits. Anyone who exceeds the limits and exaggerates, meaning goes beyond the limits of Allah subhanho wa Taala in any way, they will

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earn the anger, the anger will then become incumbent upon them of Allah subhanho wa Taala listen to what Allah Subhana what Allah says.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says kulu

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Paiva de mas de poner Kamala todo de

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la comme la Bobby wami la vaca be falcoda Hawa Allah says, eat and enjoy, eat and drink and thank Allah but do not exceed the limits in anything don't exceed the limits. In fact, one narration the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warns us about exceeding the limits regarding himself. And this was towards the end of his life. He was worried he was concerned the Sahaba the Allahu anhu asked him, they said what is what is it that you are concerned about? He looked at them and he says to Tony kamatera Tina Sapna Miriam Wallach in kulu Abdullah he rasuluh don't ever I am fearing. Don't ever exceed the limits with me in the same way that those who follow Jesus Christ exceeded the

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limits with him and took him out.

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God would always say Abdullah he rasuluh. Whenever you mentioned my name, Allahu Akbar. This is why we say Mohammed Abu rasuluh. When we bear witness, we don't just say Mohammed and Rasulullah. We also add the Tim Abdu, who are a Zulu. He is the worship of Allah. He is the slave of Allah and the Messenger of Allah. The term abda refers to being enslaved by someone, and we are all the slaves of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So to exceed the limits in anything, Allah anger and rough descends upon such people. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, eat and drink, do not exceed the limits in anything because then my anger will fall upon you and whomsoever my anger falls upon, they will indeed

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collapse. That's the word used, however, to drop to collapse. Whoever my anger falls upon will collapse so they will find they will have no goodness in the dunya no goodness in the akhira Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all protection moneymakers from those who do not exceed the limits. Then there is another issue where both the anger and the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala is mentioned. When you accuse someone of having an affair, Allahu Akbar, the anger and curse of Allah are upon you.

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to accuse a person of committing adultery is one of the biggest crimes you could ever engage in. It is one of the few crimes where Allah has mentioned both the anger and the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala especially to accuse a woman but even if you are accusing a man

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Allahu Akbar May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect our tongues nowadays. We take it very lightly Oh did you hear the latest we will phone people will spend money to commit a sin phone someone go and visit them. Hey, I brought you hot spicy news. What's the news? Hey, you know so and so? He going out with so and so. You know they're having an affair. And you know what this and you know what that Allahu Akbar? The one who is uttering it has the curse and anger of Allah because of what they said. The one who heard it has also the curse and anger of Allah by association that is mentioned in the Quran. Why do you associate with those who have and the anger of Allah

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Latina man Hola,

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como la Viva La noir lame. O you who believe never, ever be friendly, or don't even find yourselves in the company of those who have earned the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala stay far from them. So when you know someone is accusing others, they are also from amongst those who are earning the anger if you are with them. If the rock has to drop from heaven, you will also die with the same rock because you are sitting in their house. May Allah subhanahu Allah protect us.

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In fact, the rocks would fall from * not from heaven. May Allah Subhana Allah grant us all protection.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about that when someone accuses a an innocent person listen to what Allah says in Surah two nor in Aladdin, I have Mona masana de la mina de la dunia Well, hello Hamada Boone alim, yo Mata shadow ra m LC Natoma, ie D Ma.

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Ma can.

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Allah says Oh, those who accuse believing females of the sin of adultery, Allah says for them is the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Even on the day of piano, their hands and their feet and their body organs will bear witness against them. And the law says we have cursed them completely. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect our mouths and our tongues. And may He make us from amongst those who can worry about ourselves. Nowadays the beauty is we tend to entertain stories regarding people we don't even know. And sometimes people want to feel important and they want to make minimum or they want to make fair seeming, the sin that they are committing by saying, well, everyone's doing

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it today.

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You see if they are committing adultery, they then think everyone else is committing adultery as well. So they look at the others and say, well, everyone's doing it. No, not everyone is doing it. Believe me. There are people who are pure who are chased, who are protecting themselves for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala if you have made yourself cheap, Allah protect us all may grant us all protection inshallah. And may He forgive us and at the same time, may he purify us in every single way. So a person who has a guilty conscience likes to accuse others and wants to make things cheap so that they can seem to be part and parcel of the rest of the Ummah, yet they are cursed by Allah

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subhanho wa Taala May we never ever do that. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about someone who accuses his own wife, Allahu Akbar, a person who accuses his own wife if he has seen with his own eyes, but has no more witnesses than they engage in something known as Leon. And Leon is a specific type of resolving this particular crisis, where the two will be separated on condition that they bear witness four times that they were speaking the truth or that the man was speaking the truth and the female must say no, he is lying four times. The first time the men must say May the curse of all

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Be upon me if I'm lying. And the first time the female must say maybe anger of Allah be upon me if I if he's telling the truth, Allahu Akbar. And if that's the case the two are separated, and one wonders May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. How, why is Allah Subhana Allah to Allah is that he has actually granted us the resolution of this problem in the dunya. In this way, if that happens if this Leann happens, both parties will be considered innocent and truthful. And we will close the chapter there and then the female will then be considered truthful because it may have been a misunderstanding. It may have been something whatever it was, but imagine we are not allowed to miss

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our tongues with that may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us and who would be foolish to invoke the curse of Allah upon them to say Allah Kiss me. And that brings us to another angle of the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Quran, in Surah Baqarah Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about alma bahala, we spoke about it a few days ago, where when there is a lie, that is being promoted, and that lie is very serious. When Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us something known as alma bahala, where Allah says,

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Allah told Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to tell the Christians to come, bring, bring all your family come you and your women and your children come and stand on that side. We bring our families, our children and all our offspring and we stand on this side here. And we invoke the curse upon the liar. So we say Oh Allah curse us completely destroy us if we are lying. And you must say the same. Believe me, they did not come to that they did not want to even entertain that level acaba because everybody knows that that is very serious. But that is a way of resolving the huge disputes. If the Christians had come to us with that, believe me today, the problem would have been solved.

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Now Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us not only those people of the book, but these problems are within the Muslim Ummah, where people are accusing others people are destroying communities, by spreading rumor by spreading disaster May Allah subhanho wa Taala really grant us all forgiveness. then very quickly, let's move through some of the sins that will earn the anger of Allah and His kiss. The first is to call someone by a bad name, nickname that they wouldn't like. So you call him fatty in his absence, that is a major major sin. He likes the name fatty Mashallah. But the beauty is, those fatties, sometimes they are not fat one wonders how they got that name. We ask Allah

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subhanho wa Taala to grant us all good names. inshallah. If someone calls you with a nickname, it's allowed if you like that name, it's allowed. They call you slowly and you like it. You know, they call you something else and you nod your head yes Mashallah. But because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also had nicknames for his wives and so on. He used to call it Chateau de la Humira, which means the one who blushes a lot, you know, the one who has red cheeks, but her name was eyeshadow de la vida. So if you like the name, no problem, it's good. It can be sweet at times, it can be romantic. And Allah subhanho wa Taala then tells us that if you if someone does not like

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the name, don't you dare ever call them that name in their presence or absence lest the anger of Allah descends upon you May Allah forgive us all. I think sometimes we are all guilty of this to a certain extent without knowing. So we ask Allah forgiveness for them. Then another issue is to backbite major, major sin, another issue to gossip, to spread gossip and falsehood, major sin, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about falsehood, to spread accusation. to mock and joke about others major sin to doubt and suspect is one of the biggest crimes you could commit to doubt and suspect. doubting and suspecting is a cancer that has no cure besides with the person they need to eradicate

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that doubt. Especially within a medical home people doubt their spouses for no reason. Allahu Akbar.

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But that having been said, don't ever give your spouse The reason to doubt you. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all inshallah sound mind and may grant us happiness in our homes very quickly. Those who sway those who bad mouth who use ugly words, they are invoking the curse of Allah upon themselves. Those who eat haram consume Riba consume interest and usually, they are invoking the the anger of Allah upon them. Those who bear false witness and those who engage in magic we spoke about yesterday, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all protection.

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Then I spoke about the reality of

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friendship, you are not allowed to befriend evil people. If that is the case. You also own the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala. I've read the one verse, But Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions also in Sumatra, mujer de la alum de la la Vina del Carmen Habibullah one highlighting him.

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Kamala, I mean, have you seen the people who have befriended those whom Allah anger has descended upon or is descending upon or is to dissent?

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upon Allah says no they are not from you and you are not from them, which means those friends who befriended the enemies or who befriended those whom allows anger is upon they themselves their Eman and Islam is questionable. May Allah subhanahu wa taala protect us. Then someone who hides knowledge, someone who hides goodness, someone who twists the truth. Allah subhanho wa Taala says the curse upon them. Look at what Allah says in Surah Baqarah in alladhina, Yakumo nama

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amin albina

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moodiness even kita Ooh La

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La Jolla, la Mola.

00:50:45 --> 00:50:47

Inland la Vina taboo

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for Allah.

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Allah says those who hide the clear signs and the verses, after they are made manifest for them is the curse of Allah and the angels and all the people unless they turn and repent, Allah will forgive them. And this is good news for all of us. Sometimes we fall in some of these categories here. But we can avert and divert the anger and the case of Allah subhanho wa Taala by Toba in La Nina taboo

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to blame those who have engaged in Toba then they rectify themselves, and they've made it clear. They've made the science clear they've made whatever they were hiding clear. for them. Allah says I will forgive them I am most forgiving, Most Merciful.

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Then another important issue where the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala is made mention of Allah says when you see evil happening and you do nothing about it, you will earn the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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when you see evil happening and you do nothing about it. Now when we say doing nothing about it, we need to do what Islam teaches us. I told you moments ago about Allah for example. It doesn't mean now you sit back you relax, no, do something positive, constructive. Use your brain, how will we solve the problem? How are we going to increase unity in the oma with resolving this issue? And how are we going to enhance the problem solving within the Muslim Ummah and keep the Muslim oma try to keep it as intact as possible? Yes, after you've tried and tried again, you are allowed to make it clear to say look, we've tried and so on. But Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us he says that the

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people of Ghana his Salatu was Salam. And the people of when we saw him they were cursed because in Surah Allah says they did not use to stop each other from committing evil. They used to cover up for each other and they didn't use to bat an eyelid someone committed Zina, no one told him anything. They didn't even have the guts Why? He was a rich man. No, keep quiet, you might lose. Keep quiet. I'm not losing anything. That's the curse of Allah. And Allah says it loud and clear in Surah Allah either low enough Latina Latina aka fomin Bernie is

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in Iowa Alicia NIDA

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Malika Bhima

00:53:15 --> 00:53:16

can Oh,

00:53:22 --> 00:53:23

lobby Samak.

00:53:25 --> 00:54:03

Allah says those people have been inward kissed by Allah on the tongue of Tao la salatu wa sallam for many reasons. One of the reasons was because they did not used to prohibit each other from evil. They never discourage each other when any one of them was engaged in bed. Nobody told them anything. No one had the guts to say one word because of who they were. They felt we might lose something. If that is the case, we too will earn the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala family member engaging in haram your duty to raise it, wife husband engaged in haram your duty to raise it, raise it, meaning make them aware of it, at least let them know that it is totally forbidden, disassociate yourself

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from them, if it is extremely serious. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to resolve and solve when we say I'm going to be my roof, which means enjoining good. We also need to say that hey, I need mooncup, forbidding that which is bad is as important.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says those who want to harm the messenger, those who want to hurt the messenger, those who want to try and harm Allah. You see lately we heard on Facebook, there is a certain web page May Allah protect us all, where they are showing toilet paper with the Quran written on it.

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And they are trying to gather the momentum to say everyone who supports this course Come let's create a club. So if that is actually true, because I have just received an email, if that is actually through where there is toilet paper With the name of Allah, they are trying to harm Allah will they be able to harm Allah? The answer is no, they are harming themselves. So Allah says that,

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listen to what Allah Subhana Allah says should have

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Nabeel Allah in Surah two desert in Marina yuzu nama Rasulullah hula hula hooping. Dunya

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la cama those who try to harm Allah, they can't harm Allah, those who try and they tend to harm Allah subhanho wa Taala or they want to harm the messenger. Whilst the messenger was there, there were people who physically harmed him. Nowadays they want to harm him by cartoons and by this and by that, and some of us as a Muslim oma, we harm him by discarding his message. Allah says for them is the curse first in this dunya then in the era, when a non Muslim tells you I believe that Prophet May Allah protect us. He is a non Muslim, but the worst is when there is a Muslim who says, I believe in Allah and I believe in the messenger. he utters the Shahada, Allah Allah Allah Muhammad

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and over and above that he still says, No, I'm not ready to adopt what the prophet says Allahu Akbar, that is a bigger curse. Now Allah never kissed us and he never close our mouths and and may never close close our ears and our eyes when it comes to the goodness, so Allah subhanho wa Taala after that makes mention of others whom he has destroyed. The people of Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What is Jehovah Big O BM days? Are they they are we destroyed them? They denied this verses of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Wow, so who Sula who was a Moroccan ninja Baron I need they followed the cronies of society. They followed the rich and haughty

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of society, they didn't follow the messages. And this brings us to another point in community you will have rich on one side

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and you will have Islam either on the same side or on another side. If you have a person who is wealthy and religious Alhamdulillah but if you have a person who is wealthy and not religious, remember religion comes before wealth, don't support and don't even associate with Allahu Akbar. It is a very solid point. Mostly you will find a llama on one side and wealthy haughty people who want to flout up the whole community on the other. That is in a lot of communities. We as the general Muslim Ummah, we need to take sides. Remember, take sides with Mama, and do not take sides against them. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us Allah tells us here, and this is a very solid verse in

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Surah. Who,

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what, who American Ninja marinara need to be roofie honey don't need

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because of their denial because they followed the rich and the haughty in society and community. We kissed them entirely in the dunya as well as in the alpha. That's why there are certain communities where you find when you enter the community It is as though the curse of Allah has overtaken the whole community. Why? Because they are following the haughty and the powerful in terms of the dunya they've forgotten the religion and they don't want to hear the message and they want religion to be under their own desires and whims and fancies Allahu Akbar, Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us protection. Then Allah speaks about phenol and Allah subhanho wa Taala says we also kissed him. What

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would it be if he had the Latin tongue Maja Melton, Yama be serif do the more food Allah says they have followed, the curse shall follow them in the dunya as well as in the afra imagine you moving and the curses following you wherever you go. Now Allah protect us that happened to be round that happened to the people of Adam. And Allah says, We gave him that as a gift. That was a gift because he said he was God isn't it? Allah says the gift was we cursed him in the dunya as well as in the Akira. And then Allah Subhana which Allah speaks

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about the people of Jenna, and how the people of Jenna they will call out to the people of jahannam asking them a question. Listen to the question. It's a beautiful verse in Surah. Allah Allah says

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it been

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a bona

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the people of general will call out to the people of jahannam saying hey, we found what Allah promised us in the dunya to be true here. Did you find what Allah promised you to be true? They will be battling and bubbling in jahannam and they will say yes, we found it to be true. Then the caller will call for as an mo as Dino Dinah home. I Lana to La Jolla Lavalle me in the corner will say nay the curse of Allah be upon those who have oppressed. So even the people of jahannam they will be reminded of this. Imagine salt on the wound, they are already in * and Allah is telling them through a messenger that the curse of Allah be upon you, my dear is listen is the point I'd like to

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end with is where Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Al Baqarah and in many other places in the Quran in surah

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Baqara after making mention of his kiss and his wrath and anger, he says in lol Edina tabula rasa obiano for Allah to Allah him, those who repent those who turn those who who make clear who make men's Allah says, We will forgive them. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is most forgiving, Most Merciful. So today we've heard about the curse of Allah, how many times he's mentioned it in the Quran, let us realize and understand that that really, we need to engage in repentance and let us become conscious of our deeds. If we are engaged in any of the deeds that were mentioned tonight. These are very serious deeds that will be invoking the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala and calling

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it may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all and save us from his curse in his anger was Allah Allahu wa salam wa barik ala nabina Muhammad Subhan Allah Subhana Allah home or the Hambrick Allah Allah highlandtown kimono tunic

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