Moutasem al-Hameedy – The Life Of Imam Shafi

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including the birthplace of Shafi, the first Islamist to appear as a military major, and the rise of mistakes and fear in the future. The chef, Shafi, honors his father's Marines with a song, moved to Egypt and later passed away. He faced struggles in achieving goals and experiences, his time in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and America, where he later passed away. He also spoke about his struggles in achieving goals and his own language, and his time in Saudi Arabia where he passed away.
AI: Transcript ©
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We spoke previously about to great imams from among the Imams of the Muslim ummah. We spoke about, first of all, remember Hanif Allah como lo data.

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Then we spoke about Lima Malik Rahim Allah tala and today inshallah we will be speaking about an Imam

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Shafi so we decided to take the Chronicle or historic, historic sequence. The beautiful thing about these four imams is that actually

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they formed some kind of some kind of a chain.

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And to a certain extent, each one of them learn from the one who came before. So remember I met with Abu hanifa Mohammed lozada and they had some discussions, they met in hajj in Mecca.

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Grima Malik came Imam Shafi was the student over Imam Malik. So he started four years with an Imam Malik in Medina

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Imam Mohammed bin Hamble is the student over over Imam Shafi.

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And these were not the only methods that were available in the Muslim Ummah, by the way, there were other meta hub. There were other mme so among the famous one that I had was the madhhab over the moment, ozai the people in a sham in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, this area, they followed the metabolome and I was I remember it was it was mainly in Beirut.

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And that was up until the fourth century after hyjal. Then sort of you know, the madhhab started to fade away and then disappeared. was also the method of remember Barbary, the scholars Tafseer

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and the historian remember tabari reinjury robbery, he had a method and it was accepted and it was followed by some he has a large following, but over time, it

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started to fade away as well. And the these former there have remained these four in Egypt there was the method of remember Lakeman sad, but as well it did not last is this format I have so these former that have remained until today Subhan Allah La balakian them

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so let's get to know an Imam Shafi, who is his name is Mohammed Idris Muhammad idrees. His cornea is about Abdullah Abu Abdullah Mohammed Idris epinal at best the son of a bass ignore Earth man, ignore shaeffer immunoassay ignore obey the law ignore AB de se dibny Hashem ebene Abdul muttalib

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hibino abdomen F.

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So he meets the lineage of the Prophet solo Salaam with abdomen F, abdomen F, which grandfather is this 12345678 in the eighth grandfather, he meets the Prophet Solomon lineage. So it comes from Quraysh a noble

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lineage, right, a noble tribe. So he comes from that, and he's called the Shafi because one of his grandfather's, his chef,

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his chef, his great grandfather is called Chef immunoassay shafa immuno said and the set it was a companion.

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A sir It was one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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and also his chef was also a companion. So chef and his father were companions chef and was one of the younger companions. So he was a little boy at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Okay, the chef, he comes from

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a lineage of scholars as well. So a lot of his grandfather's were actually scholars were scholars. His own father as well.

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was a person of knowledge. But

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his father lived in an area that was close to Mecca, close to Mecca, but he moved to Palestine. He moved to Palestine, so he moved to the city of escalon. He moved to the city of escalon and he settled there and a chef he was born in

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Gaza, and because Shafi was born in huzar, he was born in Russia and his father was a poor man. His father was a poor man. Soon after the birth of Lima Shafi.

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His father passed away, his father passed away. So he was taken care of by his mother.

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His mother decided because she didn't like the kind of environment that was there in in Gaza and Ashkelon in that area. So she decided to take her son, Tameka. So she took her son to Makkah back to where his family comes from. She to come back to my coworker he comes from. And the chef, it was two years old. He was two years old, when he when they moved back to Makkah, so he was two years old, when they moved back to Mecca. So and that was a very good actually move from

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his mother, may Allah have mercy upon her.

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There is a beautiful incident that Eman Angela scholar and he mentions about the mother of Imam Shafi that she was a woman of deep understanding. One day there was a case and she was a witness over a transaction. She was a witness over a transaction. And you know, as in Surah, Baqarah, earlier today in

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follow Julian, for me, coonara Giulini for Roger Martin, so it should have two witnesses over a transaction, especially like a debt, a date.

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So if you don't get two men get one man and two women. Then Allah subhanaw taala says, for June, one more attorney, a man and to women until they left their home for

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less than one of them forgets one of the women forgets the other one reminds her. The other one reminds her that's what the verse says. So, this the judge in Mecca, there was a case where he needed their testimony. So she appeared in front of the judge with the other female witnesses as well, to make the the testimony.

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So when the judge listened to both of them, he said, I want to listen to the testimony of each one of you separately.

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The mother was chef, they said, You can't do this.

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He said, Why? Like I'm the judge. She said, No, if you read the verse, it says until Villa de Houma, Cara dama, that's one of them forgets, the other one reminds her

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of the if one of them loses some of the details, the other one reminds her. So they are meant to be together, you cannot separate them. So Amanda has a scholarship. He says, what has Tim Burton has, he's, he says, and this is a very rare kind of understanding into the text, he says that shows a very good understanding very deep understanding. So this she was a woman of understanding, and it seems that the mama Shafi actually inherited this from his mother. So it was good for Imam Shafi

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to move to Makkah, and there he developed the first interest of the home chef, it wasn't the Arabic language, and in poetry, in poetry, so he became one of the most even from a young age, he became one of the most famous people in Mecca, who have mastered and who have memorized a lot of poetry, the poetry of the Arabs, and he was very good in the as I said, in the Arabic language.

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So he became known actually for for what he said literature for Arabic literature and for the Arabic language.

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But one day, and he also memorized the Quran, by the way, so that was a must for young kids. So he memorized the Quran, and he finished memorizing or on when he was seven years old. Imam Shafi one day sat with men of knowledge in Mecca. So when that man saw how intelligent chef he was as a child, he said to him, like what you have of knowledge of a Koran is excellent, what you have of knowledge of Arabic language is excellent. Well, the knowledge you have of poetry, Arabic poetry is also exceptional.

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But I see this to be of no value if you do not combine with it knowledge of knowledge of the deen of Allah subhanaw taala. So at the beginning, Mama chef did not get straightaway into Islamic sciences. So it was mainly about the Arabic language and literature. So he decided he took that advice and he decided to learn Hadith and so he went to the masjid he started attending the * of us. And this was something very interesting because still Imam Shafi was young and his mother used to send him to Al Khattab to the school to the teacher. And the teacher used to the kids used to pay money.

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That's how the teacher made a living. So they paid tuition fees.

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Amanda chef, he was so his mother was so poor she could not pay his tuition fees.

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the teacher

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would. That's the style of teaching. So the kids would come with slates, blank slates, and they would write the Hadith that the teacher would give them. So he would narrate a hadith and if number one had done enough around and around and fallen and fallen Kala Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, then he will not read the Hadith, second Hadith, third Hadith fourth Hadith. This he will give them, let's say 10 to 15 Hadith, and they would go home and memorize these Hadith. Imam Shafi didn't need to write.

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Upon hearing the Hadith, he would memorize them completely. He would memorize the Hadith from the first time he hears them. So sometimes the teacher would have circumstances and he won't come to give the Haleakala the class. So Imam Shafi would give the halaqaat instead of him to his own colleagues, and he would draw in his own on his own memory. So he would bring somebody he's memorized, and he would narrate them to these kids. And also, he would do something else, the teacher would give the Hadith, and then he would double check with the students, right? So he would get them to the rate that Hadith and make sure that they got them right. He sometimes might not read

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the Hadith another time on the same day for these kids, as I said, to double check, so he started to give these duties to Imam Shafi, because as I said, he didn't need to write, he memorized it straightaway.

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So the teachers started to entrust him with certain duties. And this is why he said to him, you don't need to pay me anything. You don't need to pay me and he says, very handily an academic cache, and it's not helpful for me to take anything from you. Because you're so promising that I want to get the reward of teaching you without getting any kind of return any kind of of money because of this.

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And during this state, oh, that that the time amount shaffir also memorize the Book of Imam Malik

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Malik, which is

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something happened to him Shafi that was really interesting.

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In his early days, his mother decided to send him to live with the Bedouins outside of the city of Mecca, outside of the city of Mecca. Why? Because during this time, a lot of the non Arabs started obviously, coming into Islam, they started moving into Mecca and Medina, into Kufa into the different Muslim cities. So the Arabs started to lose their pure language.

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They call it Arabic and Latin. And Latin means mistakes in the Arabic language. So instead of saying, for example, Allah wa julu

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they would say, Allah wa joola. That's wrong. Color julu psychology joola. That's wrong. Yeah. So this kind of mistakes started to seep into and creep into the Arabic language.

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So the Arabs feared for the children to pick up the wrong kind of pronunciation mistakes. So some of them would still send the children to the bedrooms. Why? Because when the bedroom live, there was no foreigners coming in. It was pure Arabic, pure Arabs, and not mixing so much. So they maintain the Arabic language. And in that, at that time, when chef it was born, the year 150 150, after Hazel, at that time, the tribe among the Arabs, that was

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like at the top of the Arabic language, they were called Ben Whoo hoo, they will. They know who they are very close to Mecca. So his mother sent him to Bentonville, and he lived with them until he became 17 years old.

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So he was probably sent around five, six years old,

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to live with Revell

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until he became 17 years old, on an off to live with them. So what he did with who they are, and who they were known for two things, the Arabic language, pure Arabic language, clear of any mistakes free from any mistakes. Number two, their poetry was top notch was the best, their poetry was the best. And they took so much pride in their poetry. So they would actually be seated together. And they would start creating poetry on the spot. And someone else would respond to that person. A third person would respond. So they would have conversations in poetry,

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proper, casual, informal conversations in poetry. This is how excellent they were in poetry. So remember, Chef, he lived among them and he memorized all of their poetry, alongside the poetry of the previous Arabs even before

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Islam, even before Islam, so he is why he became an authority in poetry he became an authority in poetry. Even one of the greatest scholars of the Arabic language remember as my nemesis mine is known to be one of the top scholars in albia in the sciences of the Arabic language, he said, so half to a shout out of La Fetterman, Cora ish, you call Allahu Mohammed Idris. He says, I checked

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the versions that I have of the era of the poetry of the Arabs, okay. With a young man called Mohammed Idris and a chef. He wasn't known at the time, by the way. So he said, I checked them I, I checked the versions that I have with that person because he was on authority from a young age. You're talking about your mama chef, who was about 15 to 17 years old. So an authority in the Arabic language comes to check what he knows about poetry, with the demand of Shafi to make sure that is actually correct. So that shows that Imam Shafi excelled from a young age in the sciences that he studied. Imam Shafi also learned something which is animal and sub animal and sap is basically

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knowing the ancestry of people, knowing the families and the tribes, and he could trace back the families of people. He could trace back the families of people. And this is something very interesting. Later on in his life woolly mammoth chef, he moved to Egypt, he met with a sham, even though he Sham was is the famous one who wrote the seal, you know, Sierra Sham, right? That was one of the main sources oversee about the main books will seal us the most famous.

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So even though he Sham was also a scholar on an unsub on ancestry, and tribes and families and lineage and all that stuff.

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So he heard about Mama sheffy, and he wanted to sit with him and have some sort of debate or a challenge. So after meeting him, Chef II, he was, like baffled, completely flabbergasted. How? Because some of his students, they said, How did you find the chef and he said,

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like, I've met all the nusseibeh, the people who know the science, of the ancestry of people and the families and the tribes. And we would always trace, you know, the ancestry of men. But I've never seen someone who keeps track of the ancestry of women as well. So any of the women have a tambourine or any of the famous women of their times, you bring her name a chef, you could figure out her ancestry, basically knowing not only the lineage of her father, but knowing also the lineage of her mother

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and her maternal uncles and so on and so forth. So, that was next level, even for one of the main authorities in that kind of sense. elimination. So that shows the amount of chef a mastered a lot of sciences. Every science he got into he mastered it. Every science he got into, he must have done

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something else. Remember chef he became very good at was archery

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was archery from a young age. From a young age, he learned with very little The trouble with it, he learned archery, and he said I became very good at it. So he said out of every 10 times, I would get the target, I would hit the target nine to 10 times and said none of my like colleagues, none of my mates would be able actually to catch up with me in archery. So Imam Shafi was an excellent was very good at in archery as well. So this is one of the things as well that he has mastered.

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And horse riding, so he became very good as well at horse riding, and all of this is from a young age. So these were fruits of his exposure to that tribe, the tribal thing. So imagine, when you put the child in a good environment

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and a good environment, you actually put him on the path and you facilitate the way for him to learn and become a very good person. So, choosing the context, the social context, the environment, where you decide your child will grow up, plays a major factor Imam Shafi because he spent more the most part of his childhood among the tribe of who they will look at what he mastered. he mastered the Arabic language, perfect pronunciation, perfect grammar, perfect morphology. he mastered our poetry.

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He became an authority. He also mastered archery,

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and he mastered horse riding, and he mastered animal and sap science of ancestries, and families and tribes. And what that gave

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him also was

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public speaking the power of speech, because the pronunciation of who they are was excellent. And this is how we will, we will see inshallah, if wherever Imam Shafi goes, the first thing people would notice about him is his eloquence, his eloquence that will captivate people, with captivate people, and that saved his life. And we will see later on his life, this actually saved his life. So being well spoken is actually a very good trait that we should take care of. That's another lesson we can learn from Imam Shafi. And it helps with our children, that we

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expose them to people who are very good at the language that they are learning whether it's English, or Arabic, or do Somali

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you know,

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any language. So if the child is going to learn that language, put him among the people who really speak it well, and give them that kind of exposure. So living in a country that where people mainly speak English, okay? Make sure that your children actually grow to speak very good English, very good English. So they can relate to society. They can properly present themselves, they can also, you know, because people judge you first from your words, right? First impressions are lasting impressions, they're going to last more. So when when you come across a person who's very well spoken, actually, that leaves a very good impression with you. So this is something that we can

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learn from Amanda sheffy.

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so, we said remember sheffy memorized the book of remember Malik Elmore, taught from a young age he decided to learn it so he memorized it completely. And he memorized the book in nine days. Nine days he memorized mortality man medic, cell mattala medication previous date has around 1850 narrations 1850 narrations, Imam Shafi memorize the whole book in nine days completely.

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Now, email me Shafi having this status, this knowledge of poetry and knowledge of Arabic language, the governor of Makkah recognized him

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and he gave him special treatments. So remember Shafi decided at the age 17 to go and study with Imam Malik. He decided to go and study with him after having memorized his book. He basically took a recommendation letter from the governor of Mecca.

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So the governor of macaroni recommendation letter for him Shafi to hand it over to the governor of Medina. So the governor of Medina will speak to Imam Malik okay to take special care of a Shafi who was still like a teenager at the time.

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Imam Shafi goes to Medina and he hands the letter to the governor of Medina. Governor of Medina opens the letter and he looks at it, he looks he reads it. Then he says

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okay, I'm just gonna read the Arabic and then we'll translate. So he says to Medina, well, salt will kita ba Ll well he says I came to Medina and I gave the

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the lecture of MK the governor of my cat to the governor of Medina. So he said when he read it,

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the governor of Medina said Imam Shafi, he said that I walk from Medina to Makkah on my feet is easier for me than going to Imam Malik and telling him and tell him to take special care of you. Now we're going to see what kind of status Imam Malik had. Even the governor, the governor of Medina could not even speak with him.

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The governor of Medina had no authority over him and Malik, remember when we talked about the life of nomadic, we said he had, he was more of a, like a salon, he was more of a king. He had this authority, and we said he had his own Gods bodyguards. Not the exact sense of the word. But he had helpers and supporters and even soldiers who would take care of his affairs. So imagine medic had this authority, so even the governor of Medina could not easily speak to him. And

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so he said to him, it's easier for me to walk go my feet to my cat than to walk to the house of Malik and speak to him about you. Okay, so he says

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Okay in the machine jiofi Medina de la jiofi Makita haffi and a large Elan one Allah Yemen al mushy era babbie Maliki mini Anna's fellas to our Villa had to apply for adaptive ob Baba. So he says it's easier for me to walk to Mecca on my feet, rather than go to the house of Eman mag and he says, I don't experience humiliation, except when I stand by the door of Malik. That's the governor of Medina. Okay.

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So Imam Shafi says us Hello, hello, Amir. invol me you. You were in a hurry.

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So if I'm a chef, he says, like, Well, why don't you just call upon him and he comes to you.

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That Malik comes to you to the governor of Medina. The governor of Medina says Carla was the one in Medina he had, he had late and neither like him to earn a woman Mary, will asabe and I'm intolerable update nil. Latina. He says, you know you're daydreaming. When it comes to me. He says, even if I go to him with all the people that you see around around me, we go to him. Having a request from him would be lucky if he answers one of our requests. You see how they spoke about you? magmatic.

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So if I'm a chef and he said,

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for where I will ask Allah wa kidnap me and for law he like and I cannot call Nakata Sonam robotic for Taka de Mirage Ilan Takara Alba hora de la Nigeria to soda. It says Imam Shafi so we I took an appointment with the governor of Medina after Assad to go to the house of Imam Malik. So we went and we went through the very oval attic which is in Medina. So then we went to the house of Imam Malik we knocked on the door.

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A slave female slave opened the door

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so called for call me De Lima lackey in nibble Bab for the holidays, apart from the holidays. So when she came out, the governor said to that servant, he said to her, tell you, your master Emeric tell him that I that the the wily that the governor of Medina is waiting for him. He wants to see him. So she went in and she took some time. She didn't come back quickly. So they spent some time standing at the doorstep of Imam Malik when she came back and she said for call it's in them Allah yo creo que Salam were all incarnate Miss ella 10 fat half your or

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your hogenakkal job. She said my master Mr. maryk replies your Salam then he says to you if you have a question, write it on a piece of paper. Okay, and wait, he will write the answer for you and then the paper will come back to you basically, like he doesn't even have time for you.

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We're in Canada little howdy

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are off to Mel imageless fun serif. And if you want to ask howdy like asking my medic about a Hadith, or you want him to teach you Hadith, you know, when his class is, so you come to that class and you learn the Hadith. Now you can leave. That was the response the governor

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governor had.

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So the governor of Medina said to help me Rolla Haku Lila, who, in memory kita kita, Bali Mecca

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in America, the Makita era, he has written him, tell him, go back to your master Team America and tell him that I have a letter from the governor of maquettes, an urgent matter. There's a letter for him. So she went in, and she came out and she had the chair. She put the chair outside at the doorstep. And then she waited. Then he magmatic came out, and he sat on the chair

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for the holiday so how does it feel ad hoc we'll see you soon. Either and Abby Maliki mama chef is narrating the story either an IV Malik but how about Jawaharlal muhabba to World War car? Wash a Honda we must no no Lucha jealous. So he says. So she came out she put the chair. Then Mr. Malik came out. As soon as he came out. There is so much you know, respect around him. Like he has this sense of all that it takes you over his presence is very powerful. It takes you over. So then he sat down

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and he has a pointed beard so his beard was pointed. You know, some some beards are wide. But Imam Malik's beard was more pointed. Okay. So

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Then he sat down. So the governor gave him the letter. He read it. He was reading the letter follow finally he was kita Cora who fabella illa told he were in La Jolla, min. Emery he had said to her defo, whatever Allah was not. Okay, so he read the last one he reached the point where about the chef, sorry, the recommendation for Chef Lee. And this is a man take care of him, teach him give him Hadith and take special care of him.

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So Mr. Malik, when he saw this, he threw the letter away.

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Imam Malik had this about him. He had this authority about him. So he threw the letter away through it.

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philomel keytab erminia de Tomic, Allah Subhana Allah, our Saba even more Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, Bill was.

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So he threw it in he said so panela knowledge of the Hadith of the prophets, Allah send them now is being given by means of favoritism. You need to write a recommendation for someone to be treated special and be taught something special. He didn't like this. He didn't like this. Imam Shafi we said he grew up with who they are very eloquent, very well spoken, still young in age, but he's intelligent. And he knows how to present himself. So he interjected here,

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Karla chef, a follow a tool where the Yahoo and you can demo. So I noticed the governor had so much fear in his heart to even respond to Emma Malik. He couldn't handle the situation. He didn't respond for them to LA he was able to do so I took a step forward, and I addressed him and Malik directly. We're called to la escuela hakala in the La Jolla poly be

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minhang Harlem in Halle, waka Sati. Okay, so remember, Shafilea took a step forward when he addressed him medical he said I am a man from Alma polyp. Alma polyp is one of his grandfather's right one of his grandfather's.

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This was something respected among the Arabs. We said this kind of this clan from the from the Christ tribe is respected. So he needed to make this clear. When he inherited wakasa he started explaining to a family his situation why he came here. He wanted to learn he started this he started that so he presented himself for them send me an email nomadic calamy in Nevada, LA. So remember Malik, he listened to my words. Then he looked at me carefully. What can an American philosopher and Manik had a very strong sense of intuition he could tell what kind of person you are quickly.

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For Karla, my smoke, so he told he asked me What's your name for culto Mohammed for Kalia Mohammed tequila vegetable Maha so he said oh Mohammed fear Allah and keep away from sins. For in Hosea Kunal leca, Shannon Muna Shetty. She says, You have your have a promising future. You're a promising guy in America see this Imam Shafi. Why? First, his appearance second, his language, his language, his eloquence, and his demeanor, the way he saw the situation was going off hand. He interjected. He took initiative. He presented the case in a proper way. This takes a lot of courage. This is a good management of the situation. Imam Malik. So notice this, and he could see it he could read through

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it. So he said in the last half an L coffee only began on financial difficulty masliah. Allah has put light in your heart. So don't extinguish it with sins with committing sins, either cannot avoid the G or G omonia Corolla. So tomorrow you come and you bring someone to read for you. You bring because we said Imam Malik, his style of teaching was he would not read, he would have his book. His students would come they would have their own versions or copies of the book they would read. And he would check their their version. And then he would explain a little bit and that's it. That's how he taught them.

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So Imam Shafi

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remember shocker, he said for adultery Lee, so I went to him in the morning. What did that to occur over heroin. So I started to read the Hadith for Imam Malik from the book. I had the book in my hands.

00:34:35 --> 00:34:59

Will Kitab woofie the year for Kula Mata Yep. Tomorrow he can walk to an aqua agenda who has no karate lobby. So he said, I read and when I felt I read so much, too much and I thought, like I was shy of Imam Malik, because I know he had his authority. And he might tell me that's too much. But I read and when I feared that he would say that's enough.

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I would look at him and I would see that he actually admired the way I read the Hadith. Again, eloquence, eloquence. When you master the language you speak well, your voice is clear and crisp. Your pronunciation is clear. Your presence Your voice is balanced as you're speaking. That makes a difference. So Imam Malik was enjoying the way a Shafi was reading the Hadith, he was enjoying it, so he allows him to read a bit more than others. For example, Imam Shafi Colima, Malika shaffir is it Jaffa Shah everytime Imam Shafi read his portion, Malik would say to him, read more, young boy read more, so he wants to listen to more

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hats, actually he Kitab al Mustafa Yemenis era, and that led me to read the whole motto for him in a few days. The whole book have a motto which is not small it takes it takes a while to read. So I read the whole thing in front of him. And a few days, from accom to Bill Medina, he had that opml mala, then I stayed in Medina, learning from him and Malik until Imam Malik passed away.

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So he was one of the main students of an Imam Malik. Now let's try to take lessons from this.

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Good management, good management of situations, sometimes you get someone to help you and they really, you know, make things worse, right? It happens. So does it That doesn't mean you should be helpless. You should interject, intervene in the situation and fix it.

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Take responsibility. Somebody might speak for you, they might not be the best representative. Speak for yourself. And this is something we Muslims need to do. Today, we need to do this, we're happy with people speaking for us, right? We're very happy with how someone else is speaking for us, we feel happy. But no one will really make a good expression of who we are and what we are, and what our real rights and needs are except someone who's from the community, someone from the community, the support of others is appreciated as a great gift. And they should be thanked and we should be grateful. But we should not give up, you know the right to speak for ourselves, this should not be

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the case at all. And we should have good people who can represent who can speak very good English language. People are balanced, people are educated, and they can speak in public and they can, you know, speak for the Muslims. This is something we need. And it makes a big difference. It does make a big difference. And as we will see in the life of Muhammad Shafi and anyone who reads history knows that, basically, eloquence played a major role in big events in the lives of nations. So this is how humans are because eloquence, the province of Southern says in the middle biani, let's say the province of silom says sometimes people in the words and the eloquence there is magic. There's

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magic in mesmerizes people,

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you know, sometimes your child could they could do something bad and you want to punish them, the way they justify themselves and present themselves. I mean, it really takes over, and you admire it and you don't want to you don't want to punish that child anymore. Sometimes a person really gets set your nerves, but when you speak with that person, the way they present themselves is so admirable, so beautiful, that it even becomes more obvious to you than the mistake or the or whatever they did wrong.

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So we have to recognize this beauty in speech. We are human beings, this affects us. You know, this makes a big difference, like

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among Pablo de la and was a very tall man. very tall man. So when he when America walked with a group of people, anyone looking from a distance he thought I'm gonna happen was riding a horse and walking with people. This is how tall he was.

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So and people fear that I'm gonna hop up.

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One day I was walking in one of the alleyways in Mecca, and there were kids playing

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and there was some kids playing. So those are belovedness zubayr. Very young

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kids playing with the kids saw Malhotra they said, Oh, ma, ma, ma mean, and they run away. They run away they started hiding of the loveliness of ways to do it his way. So I love this. He said, Why didn't you run away with the other kids?

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He said, I didn't do anything wrong.

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Like to I mean to run away, and you don't seem to be too scary to me to run away from you for a moment.

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So I love this. he admired this. So we should not that's another thing as well. We should not teach our kids. We should not intimidate our kids. And that's a big issue. Sometimes you want to discipline

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Our kids, we want them to behave well. We want them to pray, maybe we want to want to push them to come to school come to the masjid, to record on, and we intimidate them. That's not a good thing. If you intimidate your child and you do that, and, you know, sometimes it might be necessary, sometimes it might be necessary, okay for the sake of the child. But if this becomes the norm, basically you you will develop or you will grow a timid child, full of fear.

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And it will be easy for other people to bully him or her and intimidate him or her. So it's important as well to raise our children on dignity, a sense of dignity, and proper pride, not arrogance, but to take pride in who they are. Take pride as Muslims take pride as a human being, that you have your rights, no one has the right to violate your rights, we should educate our kids there. And this is something that I personally really respect about the Bedouins, although sometimes they might do it to an excess. But they raised their kids, the children from a young age that no one tells them off.

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They are disciplined. And they don't necessarily treat them with you know, they don't spoil them. They don't treat them very gently. But they make sure in when it comes to a matter of dignity, that dignity is not compromised at all. This is something we definitely need. Because if the kids are intimidated from a young age, most of the time, I said they will grow to be timid. So they will be scared. Like what's happening now? Like, I can't keep silent about this. But what I've been seeing in social media next these couple of days, some people a group of people making a demonstration outside of Toronto Islamic Center, okay, in downtown.

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What's the big deal?

00:41:46 --> 00:41:53

What's the big deal? Like on Facebook? Any Muslim? Almost every Muslim in Canada has made publicity for these guys.

00:41:54 --> 00:42:04

It's a group of people, I don't know how big it is, but 20 3050 people, what's the big deal? They're making demonstrations against this, you know, this motion of,

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you know, anti Islamophobia. They want to discuss this long department. So, why do we give publicity to these people, they are making this demonstration. Okay, at this time, because they want publicity.

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They will publicity and now we are doing it for them. We are publicizing it. And we are expanding the fear among the Muslims. I mean, that's generally speaking, that's normal. That happened. It happened in the past, it happens now will happen in the future. But if we keep you know, blowing air into it, and inflating it, it's going to take us over why bees, you know, so much immersed in this mental victim mentality. Why be completely taken by fear? Why.

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And the problem with this is that it it really blemishes and it contaminates our perception is that we start to see only the people who seem to be against Islam. But if you look at the majority of the people, they either actually support the rights of the Muslims, or they don't have anything against Islam. But we forgetting these people, we sidelining them for the sake of focusing on a small minority that is loud and making the voice visible and we are helping them out giving them publicity. Why?

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And some of the discussions that you find actually on some of the social media, oh, I'm scared. I'm scared. Oh, these people are another like another one who's going to do a shooting in a mosque.

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You know, Why be so easily intimidated? Why?

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Why be so easily intimidated? These are people they have Okay, they have the views? The views are extreme. They are racist, fine, but why should we give publicity to them? Why should we spread fear among the ranks of the Muslims here? Why we're gonna we're children and our women's skirt. Why?

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Why blow that out of proportion? We need to be careful how we address this this wireless mantra says in the Quran, about the hypocrites were either a little minute Emily I will help each other obey. And when one of the issues that that pertain to the security and the safety or a threat that has to do with the with the Muslims, these people air aerate and spread it

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that's wrong. Allah says Well, I want to do who universally what Allah Emery mean whom the Anima hula denies them.

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And if they refer this to the people of leadership to the prophets, or send them or the people in positions of authority, people of understanding who know how to handle these issues, that would have been better.

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So don't see any demonstration always see what these people are doing. The problem is that when there is a motion on the rise, there is a social

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movement on the rise.

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Even if they are doing something wrong or injustice, they're trying to build a trend and they need publicity. So we are

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Helping them out by doing this. Somebody might say, Oh, we want to raise awareness of this, the problem with a social movement or any kind of,

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I said trend, if it's on the rise, the more you publicize it, you strengthen it, even if it's negative. So when you raise awareness of it, you're giving them publicity. That's it.

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So, this concept of, you know, you know, bringing things out to the or raising awareness of injustices, that doesn't work all the time like this, so we have to be careful.

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So Imam Shafi,

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I said stayed with him Americans Lima Malik passed away and he learned a lot. He learned a lot from an Imam Malik Rahim Allah how

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to add Imam Shafi was very well known for his intelligence, high level of intelligence in one of his trips from

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from Mecca to Medina.

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And it took a few days. So he went with this caravan, he joined this caravan and they went on, he didn't speak to anyone. And they were discussing just stories and you know, public affairs and so on and so forth. When they reached Medina, they told him, you know, you haven't exchanged words with us. You haven't had any conversation with us. He said, You know, you guys were talking about so many things. But during this journey, I recited the Quran nine times. On my horse. I recited the Quran nine times. So remember, Chef, it was very studious, was very studious. And there is something about him, which as we said like the best thing is always to keep with the Sunnah of the prophet SAW

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Selim, when the prophets of Salaam said no one should resign or anyone who resides on in less than three days would not be able to comprehend it. Okay, but there are as I said, sometimes exceptions but generally speaking for us, it's always better to keep with the some of the profits or loss and then the recommendation of the profit loss on them here. Remember Shafi in Ramadan? would recite the Koran 60 times during Ramadan. Almost every Ramadan that means twice a day.

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That means twice a day, who would recite the Quran

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Imam Shafi was known for his beautiful voice in public speaking,

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public speaking and in call on recitation of Quran recitation. So when the when Imam Shafi spoke people would listen.

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People would love the intonation of his voice, how he spoke, the pauses, the speed of his voice, the mastery of the of his sound, and of the letters of the pronunciation. So he was like

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a master in terms of public speaking, and also in recital caught on. So imagine chef sometimes would be in the masjid and he would be recital what on people would actually come specifically to the masjid to sit with Imam Shafi and listen to his recitation. And when he recited people would be in tears. People would be in tears. So there is one person called Lucifer. He says, I'm going to read his quotes in Arabic than translated couldn't either Aradhana and nebb kiya Kala buena de Botton como el mapa, Libya, Iran.

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We like if we felt we needed to cry a weep. Okay, we would say to one another, this go to this man to this young man, I'm sure if you're still young, we're here besides full on for either Athena who stuff to help hold on. So when we come to him, he would start reciting Quran hedayat asako upon us and to the point where people start losing consciousness

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out of you know, being completely taken by the beauty of his recitation, work for our ag john bill buka. And people would be weeping so loudly.

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mean Hosni salty he for either as it comes to Caligula, so people because of the beauty of his voice bureau of his recitation, people would be crying and we'll be weeping so loud around him. When he sees this he would stop reciting, he would conclude this presentation.

00:49:21 --> 00:49:44

We're calling Rosada Khanna sheffy you either tell them an assaulter who son john, son john odorous. Basically munificent assault, he says Shafi if he spoke last speaking, okay, not recitation. It says his, his speaking style was like music. It was like it was so mesmerizing and so beautiful. So panola

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membership, as we said, wasn't rich. Most of his life he was poor, even towards the end of his life. He says to one of his friends, he says, Well, lucky luck had a lift to

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lift to the top

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I have to he says, I got so much used to poverty and lack and I love it and they just love it and enjoy it. That's mama Shafi

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whereas we know that Imam Malik was extremely rich, and he enjoyed that he enjoyed that richness. And remember hanifa was also very rich.

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But Imam Shafi sometimes would dress the best clothes, although he was poor. But when he had some change, he would buy the best clothes. So he would bear he would wear good clothes.

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And he used to the imama that he used to wear was very big.

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was very big. So it would have it would go around his head so many times, so it was big. That was more like the Bedouins more like the Bedouins like people in the cities at the time.

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They had small imama, small MMO would be something like this, by the way, this is also an Arabic culture. Mm hmm. And from your own murasa a man it covers the head and the ears.

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That's what Amanda means in Arabic. Okay. So remember, has so many shapes, that's one shape. Some people say, Oh, this was not among the Arabs? No, no, having a piece of cloth putting it over the head was also called a mama, by the way. So that's a mama. And the most famous shape is basically to get a colored suit, which is a hat like this, and then get a piece of cloth like this, and tie it around or

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tied around. That's the famous shape. So remember, Sheffield would do this, but it was so big as the man was so big, just like the Bedouins

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something about the Arabic language

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the scholars of the Arabic language would not take pronunciation of versions of words from the people in this city, they would not so even like some of them some of the main scholars in the Arabic language they said until the year 200.

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After Hitler, we can take from the Arabs of the cities the main cities after that, they lost the Arabic language, their proper Arabic language. So became contaminated completely contaminated something outside of the subject outside. Anyone knows the first mistake that happened in the Arabic language grammatical mistake that took place among the Arabs

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and then it became common this mistake became common. And then after that, there were more mistakes but that's the first mistake documented to become widespread. Anyone knows.

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Anyone knows.

00:52:49 --> 00:53:01

Like those who study grammar and the history of grammar will actually come must come across this. The first mistake first mistake that was made grammatically in the Arabic language and they became widespread.

00:53:05 --> 00:53:07

Okay, I'm going to give you a mistake

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on it. I'm going to give you the

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now I'm going to give you the mistake and you should give me the the right version. The first mistake that appeared was heavy Assa T.

00:53:24 --> 00:53:30

What is the correct version? Heavy? Assa t this is my stick. Or my rod.

00:53:32 --> 00:53:46

Heavy I saw Yeah, yes. I saw. Yeah. Not a Sati had he? I saw so that's the first documented mistake that became widespread. And he saw it wrong. Had he aside as

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you must have a certain color here I saw Yeah. Yeah, sorry. Okay.

00:53:57 --> 00:53:59

Mama shafia had

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two sons. He had two sons. Some say he had more. But

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he had two main main sons. One of them became a scholar, one of them but not very well known as his father.

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One of the grandsons of remember chef, he became a very well very well known scholar by the way.

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And his name was

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Abdullah Ahmed, and he people used to call him a blue Binti Shafi, the son of the daughter of a Shafi that was his main, you know, nickname.

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So we said Imam Shafi, Mashallah, like selten so many things. And by the way, something people don't know about Imam Shafi Imam Shafi studied medicine.

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People don't know about this.

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He didn't complete his studies in medicine.

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He pulled out of school, but he studied medicine.

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He studied medicine and in a minute but he, he found the books of Athena, but we they actually have some prescriptions from an Imam Shafi from an Imam Shafi, and this is something I'm sure if he was very careful about he actually said, like he blamed the Arabs for not taking care of medicine. Remember, Chef, he said that any more any man knowledge is two things. knowledge of the deen that's for the heart, animal at the end of the loop, where l mo output

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and knowledge of medicine and that's for the body. He says that's what people need knowledge for the heart knowledge for the body. Then he says, I don't know why we Muslims have left knowledge of medicine

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for the People of the Scripture. He said we shouldn't do this. He said we should take enosh take up this knowledge and study it. So they should be people who would study this knowledge in Mammoth Shafi was very well known about as well philosophy, which is a sense of intuition through which he knows, you know, so many secrets about you, so many secrets about you and the prophet SAW themselves in the authentically in the moment, be aware of the philosophy, the insight of the believer where he can see through you. Okay, so some of this stories.

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funny stories about your mom Shafi Imam Shafi, by the way

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in his late 20s, he himself became the governor of Yemen. So he got into politics.

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He got into governance, he became the Whalley of Lehman. He became the wily over the oven in his late 20s, early 30s, he became the Whalley, the governor of Lehman. And he governed German. So he was in admitted public administration, he wasn't governance. But something happened to him and we will come to this talk about it. But remember, Shafilea went so many times to Yemen, one of these trips to Yemen was to study alpha rasa, this sense of intuition. Okay, because there was, it was also taught as well. So there were people who documented their knowledge about how they could tell and see through people, they documented this. So it was written as quotable philosophy. So he went

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to Yemen, because that was the only place where there were books there. And he learned some of those books. So on the way back from Yemen to Mecca,

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he comes across this house, he wants to rest and was to spend the night there. So he says, I came out of Yemen.

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Back then, on the way back, I came across this house, where there was this man and he gives a description. Now, I don't want to give this description. Okay, because I don't want to be labeled as racist.

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So he gave us certain facial descriptions of US of A person.

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So he said, when I saw this man, he matches, something that I've learned in the books of philosophy, that this is a very bad a man with very bad traits, very bad traits. But I asked this one, I said, Can I spend the night here? The man said absolutely. The traits about such a person such a description, actually a person, a person would be miserly, tight *. And he would be mean. And he would show no respect for anyone.

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So imagine if he asked him, can I spend the night there? He said, Yes.

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So he said, like, I that didn't match the description that I know about him, right? But he said, yes, you can see my eyes. He said, he prepared for me very nice bed. He gave me lots of space. I felt welcome so much hospitality. The main man always brought me food. And he always also gave me a bottle of perfume.

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He said, like, I've never seen this kind of generosity and my trips.

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Then, in the morning, he said, I couldn't sleep that night. Because what I've learned about vilasa and about this, you know how to know people. This man is is you know, going against everything. They said, Maybe I wasted my time coming to learn this knowledge. Maybe it's not really true. Savonarola. So in the morning, I'm Chef he was getting himself ready. He got his horse ready with his companion, who was his servant. Then he said, Our setting off, I was going back, you know, going to Makkah. Then I wanted to see that man. I was started searching for him because I wanted to say thank you.

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And you know, at that time, by the way, like if you come across an Arab bedwin

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anyone on the way there you come across, they would absolutely invite you and have you as their guests. That would be an honor for them. That was very well known the Arabian Peninsula. So you come across anyone? You ask for shelter, they say absolutely you my guest will be happy to have you

01:00:00 --> 01:00:20

as a guest, and they will offer you food, they would take care of you. But the problem with the mammoth chef II was the physical description of that man did not match good character and good traits. So imagine if he was troubled by the way on the moon in the morning, he started a search for that person, because he wanted to thank him. As soon as he came to him.

01:00:21 --> 01:00:46

He said to him, he said, Thank you so much, if you happen to come to Mecca, ask about the house of Mohammed Abu Idris Shafi because if you come to Morocco, he's going to come for Hajj when you come. So you come to my house, I'm going to take care of you. I'm going to show you the same hospitality. So I'm going to read that in Arabic because it's a bit funny, and how it translated as well. So what

01:00:48 --> 01:01:03

were called Tula who either Adam tema kawamata, Tabitha feser landmann ziri Mohammed Nicolas, a chef, if you come to Makkah asked about the house of Mohammed Idris Shafi for Kala Dr. Rajan mo hula, the ammoland the abbey kana

01:01:04 --> 01:01:16

Do you see me a slave one of the slaves of your father? Do you see my slave for your father? See my chef it was shocked for people to wonder who What do you mean? What do you mean?

01:01:17 --> 01:01:18

Oh let's try to look at the

01:01:20 --> 01:01:28

weatherman because when I told him when I left only diabetic abderrahman what Kira and Kira OC rush when they have the romaine.

01:01:29 --> 01:01:39

So he said I bought food for you for to Durham and I bought you drink for such money. And I bought you perfume for three Durham

01:01:40 --> 01:01:53

and I bought like a federal horse for to Durham and the rent for the bed that you had. And the the and the sheets. That's to

01:01:55 --> 01:02:09

say mama chef, he said Carla Shafi Altria? volum hadham. Altria Willem, actually, he held him in shape. So I said to my seven, give him give him all that money. Anything else he sends to them and you want anything else?

01:02:11 --> 01:02:17

Carla, Kira will Menzel in New York to la cola. You have to add NFC.

01:02:18 --> 01:02:25

He says, I want even more for the rent, because I gave you more space and that was at the expense of my own space in my house.

01:02:27 --> 01:02:29

Say mama chef I said

01:02:30 --> 01:02:38

to NFC beetle, Calcutta, Mama chef, I said, I became happy with the books that I bought from Yemen. They are right. You know, they're correct.

01:02:41 --> 01:02:59

Then I said to him, for kotula who bothered Alec Halbert AMC Is there anything else I said to them as anything else you want anything else? Now mmm chef is so happy because what he spent time learning and studying and buying these books actually turned out to be correct because he had doubts all night he couldn't sleep.

01:03:01 --> 01:03:10

So demand system. So remember if it says help me say anything else. Carla m Li zakka la hotel ephemera a taco puncher.

01:03:12 --> 01:03:19

Cinnamon system Shafi get lost me a lot is graceful. I haven't seen a man more evil than you.

01:03:21 --> 01:03:28

So heinola. But remember, Scheffer was happy? Because what he learned was correct. So Allah, so that's

01:03:30 --> 01:03:32

another thing for me on sheffy. That's very beautiful.

01:03:33 --> 01:03:47

Chef he was with one of his main students. One of his top students was an amendment Mussolini. He even married the daughter of Imam Shafi amendment was any one of the main scholars of Schaeffer here. He was with the mammoth chef in the Hudson in Mecca.

01:03:48 --> 01:04:13

And they were walking there and they saw a man among the people who were sleeping. And by the way, when you go to my case, the people sleeping, right, they take the carpets and they cover themselves and they sleep that used to happen from the old days. It's the same thing. So they saw a man amongst people who were sleeping, and he's just looking at them, checking them checking them. So Shafi, so it was Imam Shafi Mosley and another student of English FA Arabic.

01:04:15 --> 01:04:16

So remember, Shafi

01:04:19 --> 01:04:28

says to Alibaba, he says go to this man and tell him and asked him, you have lost one of your slaves.

01:04:30 --> 01:04:36

Okay, you have lost one of your slaves, who had who was whose one it has an issue with his other eye.

01:04:39 --> 01:04:47

So he says, I go to the approach this man and I tell him you lost a slave, one of your slaves, and he's one I'd write.

01:04:49 --> 01:04:50

A man says,

01:04:51 --> 01:04:53

Yes, how did you know how did you?

01:04:54 --> 01:04:59

That's my slave that I'm searching for. So he says come come come with me say it comes to Imam Shafi.

01:05:01 --> 01:05:08

So my missionary says that's what you're looking for. You're looking for a slave who's one it said, Yes, ma'am. Chef, he said to him,

01:05:11 --> 01:05:29

you know, go to that area is called the hairbrush. Okay, about from a Habesha, that's an area where the slaves, okay, the slaves who would run away would actually gather and hide and take shelter. So he says, basically, so he says, Go and find him there. You're going to find him in that area.

01:05:30 --> 01:06:11

So almost any system Shafi explain all of this, how did you find out? You saw what we saw and you figured out exactly, you know, we know what this man was searching for. Remember? shaffir? He said, I'm gonna read it in Arabic as well first, then translate it. He says number eight to La Jolla and the Harlem in Babel Masjid. Yeah, do Robaina new one. I saw a man who entered the masjid and he's searching among the steeping people for call to Heriberto. So I realized he's searching for someone who ran away. Because someone who's sleeping in the masjid, he doesn't have shelter. So he's sleeping in the masjid while he was in a new one is Sudan that I found him coming to the people with

01:06:11 --> 01:06:36

dark skin, people from an African collection. So I realized he is the one who's he's looking for is an African guy. With a two year g Ma and Elena Luciana found him approaching people who were sleeping trying to check them. He comes from the left side of them. So I realized the guy has got an issue with his left eye. The one who's he's searching for

01:06:38 --> 01:07:22

for cooling FL fel Habash k for lm two How did you know that he's hiding in that area that habit? He says that uh well to Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, La Jolla Raphael Habash. There is no good in the slaves who run or run away. Either jar or salako. They are hungry they would go and steal what either shabu shabu was no and if they are full, they get their food. They would go and drink alcohol and commit fornication commit Zina. So that was an area that's known for these things. So anyway, so you can see him I'm a chef, he had this strong sense of intuition and knowledge about people.

01:07:26 --> 01:07:34

Another and that's a beautiful thing. So Pamela, this is really amazing. Another aspect of the Imam Shafi his philosophy, or sense of intuition,

01:07:37 --> 01:07:39

with the membership that he was dying.

01:07:40 --> 01:08:03

When he was dying, of lobbying his students, it'll be a mystery man. He said, we entered upon him when he was dying. He said was me. A lobby? Well, boy, you will miss any one Mohammed Abdullah Abdul Hakim for people of the main students of Lima Shafi. He said for Nevada, Elena chef, Chef, he was dying, but he looked at us for a while.

01:08:05 --> 01:08:32

For $1 so he looked at us treated us for lung. Then he then from multifit, Elena for call then he turned to us and he said and abeokuta she says speaks to our labia feather motif he had edic he says to Avi, you will die in your chains. You will die as a captive. What am I going to lose any you faster to set a cannula can be Misra, Hannah tonawanda

01:08:36 --> 01:08:48

he says almost any you will have issues in Egypt you will go through some trouble, but you will become the most knowledgeable much the head and scholar in Egypt

01:08:49 --> 01:08:59

and the Muslim he actually became well I'm anti Arabic or sorry. The first one wasn't a hobby. How was the other guy? Well Amanti our beers and Federal Home leafy initital kutub.

01:09:01 --> 01:09:07

Robbie, you are the one who's going to do me the best favor in spreading my books and my knowledge

01:09:08 --> 01:09:11

on abaya. fettucine lemon halaqa

01:09:13 --> 01:09:24

I don't know what this means. But anyway, but Robbie says things happened exactly as he predicted. As a chef he predicted so one of them died in the prison.

01:09:26 --> 01:09:44

Abbey became the one who really spread the metabolic demand Misha very specifically in Egypt. And Al Madani became one of the main scholars of a of a Shafi madhhab and he himself was one of the main mage to hits specifically with us and Korea's Subhan Allah as the Imam Shafi predicted.

01:09:45 --> 01:09:57

So, these are beautiful aspects about an Imam Shafi. Now Mr. Misha fury, had so many journeys, so he we said first he was born in escalon on Rosa

01:09:58 --> 01:09:59

and living in Paris.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:26

Stein, Rosa ascalon. Then his mother took him after his father passed away to Mecca. And there he learned and he went to the tribal Benny who then and he learned from them. Then he went back to Mecca. Then he went to Medina and learned Medina with the Imam Malik then he came back to Mecca, and he became one of the main established scholars. By the way, ma'am. Shafi was given permission by his teachers to teach and give fatwa at age 15.

01:10:27 --> 01:11:16

At age 15, age 15 he was considered to be a mage the head, someone who can give fatwa his teaching and mystical heroine at age 15, age 15. So the Imam Shafi, later on, goes to Iraq, goes to Iraq. And there he meets the students of Imam Abu hanifa Abu Yusuf Ali Abu Yusuf and Mohammed Al Hassan Shaban Imam Shafi loves Mohammed bin hasn't shaved man is so much like in his books, when he talks about Mohammed bin Hassan shibani. You can see so much admiration and love from Imam Shafi to Mohammed who hasn't shaved and he says this is a man with so much intelligence and so much knowledge about Islam. And he says Mara, a to Semyon and fee higher on cup Allah Mohammed Al Hassan Shivani says, I haven't

01:11:16 --> 01:11:25

seen an obese man who has any goodness in him, but Muhammad will have a belly. Remember, Chef, it was against overweight By the way, he didn't like this.

01:11:29 --> 01:11:43

Something else mmm chef, he learned astrology by astrology and astronomy, as they were at this time, astrology and astronomy. Okay, he learnt about this. He learned about this but he left astrology. He left it and he realized it was wrong.

01:11:46 --> 01:11:47

As we said he has some knowledge about

01:11:49 --> 01:12:19

about medicine, a good knowledge about medicine. So he went to Iraq first time, and he studied with Mohammed was on the ship and he stayed with him for long and with a beautiful Kali and he learned but the Rasul Allah Ye, the students of Imam, Abu hanifa, who used a lot of like intellect in their understanding of fact, and he managed to combine the knowledge of the scholars of Hadith al Hadith with an array and this is the unique contribution will be managed carefully. Then he went back to Mecca as a very big scholar. Then again, he went back to

01:12:20 --> 01:12:38

Iraq again. He went back to Iraq again, and this is the second visit. This is where Imam Ahmed became one of his men. He studied with him so much. He started with him so much. Every time Imam Shafi visited Baghdad where mm Ahmed was in Mount Misha. Mm hmm Mohammed would not pray the sooner

01:12:41 --> 01:13:30

Why? Because he spent all his time with a chef at all his time, the only time he would leave a chef is to pray the fall. Apart from this he would stay with an Imam Shafi and learn from him. Even the son of Imam Ahmed later on he says, Oh my father Yeah, Betty McCann, a chef in India in need, as I said Allah horrifically, Allah says who was a Shafi that you you make draft for him every Salah it says yeah, boonie Yeah, when I can a chef if you kiss Shem silly dunia will kill afiya Tibetan for Hellman minha * and hula even a what is oh my son, Michelle. He was like the sun for this dunya and he was like health for the buddy. These are replaceable. That was the Imam Shafi. So even if he

01:13:30 --> 01:13:32

then left Iraq and he decided to move to

01:13:34 --> 01:13:50

to Egypt, he decided to move to Egypt and very settled in Egypt. He lived the last four years of his life in Egypt, and that's where he passed away. Some narrations indicate that he passed away from hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, okay, he had Hemorrhoids and he bled to death.

01:13:52 --> 01:14:31

So, and in a chef edema him I'm sorry, in Egypt demand chef, he developed his new madhhab swim chef, it has two methods, two methods. One does adeem mainly in Mecca and Baghdad. And the second one was in Egypt. Why? Because he grew in knowledge and an understanding and also circumstances changed. So he would give fatawa to different situations. So this is why in the books and that's a very apparent feature in the middle of a chef at the mall, jellied, the old metabones new madhhab, the old method, and the new method, Mr. Chef and one of his main contributions, a beautiful contribution was basically his invention of the science of a solid.

01:14:33 --> 01:14:59

mm chef a brought a new he invented a new science or soul in fact, where he solved the dilemma for the AHA. Before, didn't he just had the text, and they would depend on their understanding of the Arabic language and the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim to derive rulings, but Amanda Shafi distilled those rulings and made them solid and visible. That was a huge leap in the development of development, development of the creation of solar

01:15:00 --> 01:15:09

And until today people still read this book. It's so profound and so powerful. Imam Shafi wrote so many books, one of his most outstanding books, is

01:15:10 --> 01:15:18

his book alone. That's the main book of COVID. Mama Shafi. It's not easy to read, although Imam Shafi Imam Shafi

01:15:20 --> 01:15:22

he said when I write,

01:15:23 --> 01:15:26

I simplify my language for people to be able to understand it.

01:15:29 --> 01:15:37

That's remember sheffey. Now, if you read if you try to read even like someone who's got very good knowledge of Arabic language style, try to read the book of alone.

01:15:38 --> 01:15:48

You'll be struggling, you will be struggling a lot. Sometimes it will be as easy but sometimes will be really difficult. Amanda chefin is very strong Arabic language. So Subhan Allah.

01:15:52 --> 01:16:11

Muhammad himself says, had it not been for the shafee we wouldn't we wouldn't know what's hos mukluk makaya. These are terminology and he said we won't know what's in general what specific in the evidence in the textual evidence, but Imam Shafi he's the one who brought this kind of understanding and knowledge.

01:16:12 --> 01:16:33

And some scholars said Eman Shafi opened the closed doors effect by inventing the signs of a solid, so it became accessible. fick was inaccessible, except that you had to study with a scholar for most of your life. But he managed carefully when he gave this he gave the tools and the keys to the study of mastering it, understanding it.

01:16:34 --> 01:16:45

So I'll conclude with this trial. Imam Shafi when he was in Yemen, he was the governor as well. Someone conspired against him, and he was accused of being a shy

01:16:46 --> 01:16:47

being a Shia.

01:16:48 --> 01:16:58

Yeah, he was accused of this. So he was taken, he was chained. And he was taken all the way from Yemen, chained through all the way to back that

01:16:59 --> 01:17:03

as the head of bassy when he stood in front of the halifa.

01:17:07 --> 01:17:12

He wasn't alone, by the way in that accusation. So the people who were accused they were all executed.

01:17:13 --> 01:17:35

You Oh killed. But when it came to Imam Shafi to defend himself, he spoke very eloquently in front of the halifa. The halifa was impressed with him. And he realized, mm chef, he could show and demonstrate his innocence through his eloquence. When the halifa saw this, he realized this is something

01:17:36 --> 01:18:11

I can't this man is innocent. And also Hamad bin Hassan shibani, he put a word forth with the halifa. So the students remember hanifa k because he had met Shafi previously, or heard about him. So he put a good word, positive word about him. And that led as well to the man of Shafi being freed, then he decided I'm not going to go back into public administration governance, or politics. I'm just gonna focus on knowledge. So I decided to dedicate the rest of his life when he was around 30 to 33 When that happened, on that accusation happened.

01:18:12 --> 01:18:25

So generally speaking, these have general features of Imam Shafi so we are in front of very intelligent person, exceptional. There are so many lessons to learn. But that's for everyone is well, every one of us in Sharla to expound upon and learn from

01:18:26 --> 01:18:27


01:18:29 --> 01:18:33

yeah, that's it for today. Just akmola hieron Any questions?

01:18:39 --> 01:18:47

battles? Not as far as I know. It could be ddmm Shafi take part in battles. I haven't come across anything like this.

01:18:48 --> 01:18:50

Well, it's a poem. Yeah.

01:18:53 --> 01:18:53


01:19:04 --> 01:19:04


01:19:06 --> 01:19:07


01:19:11 --> 01:19:17

I'm not sure exactly when it comes to give Hello, how are you? But let's leave that away? Yes.

01:19:18 --> 01:19:18


01:19:20 --> 01:19:27

sleep on your belly and, and play with dice. Play with dice. Yes. Playing with dice is

01:19:28 --> 01:19:59

playing with dice is Hello. Yes. So don't play with dice. Even if it's an innocent game, the prophets of Salaam says men have been loved this year for Cana Maha Messiah who filet mignon zielen with me, and one who plays with dice not called not or not this year. Okay. It's taking from Persian not this year. It's okay plays with it. It's as if he has put his hands and fingers in the flesh and the blood of the swine of the pig. Okay.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:20

For sleeping on the belly. Yes. The problem said in the hanomag Alley now this is the way people in the Hellfire asleep. So, no one should sleep on their belly unless they need it. Like they have pain. Okay? And their belly and that's the only way they can sleep so they can do it for as long as they have pain. Okay.

01:20:21 --> 01:20:22


01:20:40 --> 01:20:40


01:20:42 --> 01:20:43

I guess it says that

01:20:46 --> 01:20:47

most of them are self

01:20:55 --> 01:20:55


01:21:12 --> 01:21:41

Okay, this says that in the hold on when you recite And this says that you're supposed to make such depth. Most of them are agreed upon a couple of them are actually disputed by some scholars, okay, depending on the authenticity of the Hadith behind them. So it's not I don't think Imam Shafi and Malik invented it. But probably it was their opinion that it was essential for other scholars, some other scholars probably they say that's not the search. So the searches that are taken from the profits of the Law Center, yes, they are taken from the profits.

01:21:46 --> 01:21:48

of this key later on.

01:21:56 --> 01:22:09

Chef is madhhab basically spread because of his students, mainly because of his students, especially our Wabi Sabi animals. Any both of them. So how is spread? Exactly?

01:22:11 --> 01:22:15

I can't remember now, but it's spread mainly in Egypt is spread in.

01:22:16 --> 01:22:20

In parts of Africa. It's spread in.

01:22:21 --> 01:22:24

In Iraq. It's spread in

01:22:26 --> 01:22:39

for the Far East, the Far East. So you have, for example, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Sharpies? Yeah. So how exactly is spread? I'm not. I'm not exactly aware at this moment. Yeah.

01:22:40 --> 01:22:42

Yes. Okay. Final question.

01:22:46 --> 01:23:00

And not as far as I know about intuition, to the sharing of books on intuition and philosophy. I don't really I don't the books that I've come across from a shafia all about circle soul circle. Hadeeth. Yeah, so I don't know anything else. And

01:23:02 --> 01:23:11

actually, there are there are Chinese have some, right. Yeah, the Chinese have some, the Indians have some as well. There are.

01:23:12 --> 01:23:32

Yes, I'm not sure exactly how they what they call they have different names for it, but I'm not sure what's the name in English, but you'll actually find some remains. But there's a lot of dodgy stuff as well. There might be some good things, but there will also be some dodgy stuff. Yeah, because a lot of things. These things are built on personal experience. Yeah.

01:23:34 --> 01:23:35

So lots of them. I mean of Medallia.

There was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding. [12:111]
Sh. Moutasem Al Hameedy Friday halaqah, the story of Imam Shafi’i

Presented on Feb 17, 2017 at the Abu Huraira Center.

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