Moutasem al-Hameedy – The Evolution Of Fiqh – Part 8

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The third phase of the Prophet's story is discussed, including the rise of modern technology and the legacy of the caliphate. The collection of Hadith's statement is discussed, including its significance in political and social environments and its use of images and headings. The history of the Hadith is also discussed, including its rise and its influence on various cultures and its use of images in writing. The importance of writing books and filming them is emphasized, and the success of the "hadeeth" method in establishing a professional career is highlighted.
AI: Transcript ©
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Cerulean Pacino's

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or shadow Allah

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wa de la sharika shadow No

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are your savvy hedge money. Today's class inshallah will be short, so we will take it until Russia. And then

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that's it so there won't be a continuation after Russia today.

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Today we will establish the will pave the way for our subsequent meetings as to how to deal with what we can consider to be the third phase of in the story of

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the third phase

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after the Prophet sauce. So if you if you count the time of the prophet SAW Selim, it would be the fourth if you discount the era of the Prophet size, and it would be the third we have the lifetime of the messenger Salaam during that time. And then we had

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at the time of the Salah of Russia during the fourth run for for rightly guided caliphs. And lately or last thing we studied was the time after 40

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injury until as we said around 120 130 after.

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So these are three phases. The fourth is what we will start with today. And as I said, if you want to discount the time of the Prophet Salaam, because it was direct revelation from our last panel and paradise of the country area, were pretty much the same for most for the most part.

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You can call this to be considered this to be the third phase.

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This third phase,

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there was some kind of influence based on the political situation, things happen because the

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elephant ommaya, or the Umayyad Caliphate was deteriorating and was losing power was losing power.

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in secret, there was another government in the making another Caliphate in the making. And that was basically a falafel advocacy, the other side caliphate. And the proponents of this khilafah were more in line with

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the right or what they think to be the right of alumina, Vitaly, probably luevano and the elevates the household of the messenger salam to be the whole effort to be the philosopher. So they sided with the descendants of adverse

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and then the family of elbaite

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in order to establish the falafel advocacy

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It took over the Umayyad Caliphate, but it was a very

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vicious and difficult kind of overtaking.

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And there was a lot of blood that was shed, even like

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I suffer. The first probably probably the first ambassy halifa

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he killed the huge number from Bhumi a huge number from venom only, to the extent some of the books have mentioned that he actually got 1000s of skulls of the people of omiya

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1000s of skulls, and he asked for them to be collected. And he made the bed for himself

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from these skulls, unfortunately, so that was the case. So forever embassy took over the oma yet most of them were killed, especially the people were connected to the government. Some of them managed to fled to the North Africa, to the far west of North Africa towards non today's Morocco. And they managed to get to settle and Delos which is in Spain. And then they established a nuclear family, a nuclear family. So the herbicides, they establish their power.

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But yet even in North Africa, there was another

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group that was actually seeking power. And these were adalgisa adalgisa.

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So they came actually they fought at the beginning and there was a person called Idris

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Idris and he was actually fighting against the ambassador

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For, for power, so he managed to

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run away from them and he made it to

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North Africa. And they're among the, the indigenous population of Africa and MSE.

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He managed to get a lot of support from them and some of the Arabs who settled there. And they established what could be called as a Dolan, idrisi and Dolan, etc. Some historians can consider it to be hilarious, but it wasn't big enough to be a philosopher. Most of those remains of those.

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Most of them were in what's known today as Algeria and Tunisia. And Tunisia, a lot of the legacy was in Tunisia and then play it on.

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So, anyway, that's the political and also some, there was a lot of conflict in the episode.

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So some of them gave some of the caliphs

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you know, gave more power and more footing for Arabs among the government body of the government. Some other calibers gave more preference to the Persians, to the Persians. So there was a conflict between the Arabs and Persians overpower them until Mr. Hassan came in.

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He favored the Turks. He favored the Turks, because his mother was Turkish. So he, he brought a lot of Turks into the government, until they actually managed to get very stronghold over the caliphate. So the caliphs afterwards were more like some a little bit more like, to a certain extent, even actually, especially to especially towards the end of the episode, Caliphate were more like puppets, just head figure.

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That's it.

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During this time, what happened?

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Fifth, let's move now to an Hadeeth. Now, the need for Hadith to be documented, started to take root among the Arabs. And you remember we said last time, it was a horrible disease, who realized the importance of what we call cadwyn and Hadees. Because the Hadith was handed down was usually taught verbally, there were some

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people who kept records but that was a personal effort. So there was no collective effort and official effort to really write down the Hadith in collections. The one who really, like paid attention to this was a little bit as he saw, he called upon the albula, or the the,

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the governors of different cities, main cities, in order to call upon the scholars to start writing down the Hadith. And formerly, you know, creating collections or bringing together collections of Hadith. And he sent to Abu Bakar have been hesitant, who was his word he or his governor on Mecca, and he sent to an Kufa he sent

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to Al Basra and he sent to send to Medina, so that the scholars start actually writing collections of Hadith.

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Collections started to appear. So like have the London bollocks to Fianna 30 they had their own collections started to become more popular, there were a lot of attempts to write something called on wattpad and what that means something that is made easy in topia in the Arabic language totally, that means facilitation, introduction, something like this. So the one that really became most famous was morbidly magnonic was the more part of Mr. Malik. Now we're talking this this time actually spread from a year the year 130 after his law till the year 270, almost 270 around that time, which is the the the life of the

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embassy beside caliphate.

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So we're talking generally about this era, what happened so the collections of Hadith started to appear. The one that really stood out at the early stage of this time of this era was more common in America. This is why Shafi says Lisa de missoma

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Bucky tabula xojo metamorpho. a madman he says there's nothing under the skies and no book that is or more authentic. That is second to the book of Allah except more totally magnetic. He said that before we Buhari and Muslim for Korean Muslim so that was the case at the beginning.

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mortoni man Malik and this is how most of the books that he's done most most of the motto arts at his time, were collections of Hadith

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statements from the companions

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I thought and fatawa from the Tabby fatawa from the traveling. So the collections of these, there were collections of ahaadeeth fatawa of the companions statements from the companions and fatawa from a Serbian. So this is how matale Medical find a lot of this, then.

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Then the scholars turned towards another type of had these collections and this was LMS I need LMS I need LMS I need basically were the way they were organized was based on the animal companion only reads

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the companion who narrates the Hadith. So for example, we will find the most famous example is Muslim dilemma Muhammad. No, ma'am, I haven't. And it's probably the best example. On the books of Masonic and Muslim demand you'll find Muslim ebihara

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Okay, the collections of imbabura So in one place, you will find all the Hadith reported by Abu hurayrah all in one place, then Muslim Abdullah nama, then you will find most not the idea of the Hadith narrated by from Abdullah, Abdullah Allah and so on and so forth. So each one of the companions would have a Muslim,

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Muslim remember what was such a huge and profound effort because it is a huge collection collection. Mmm it is more than 100,000 studies in

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more than 100,000 Hadith and he chose his Muslim from this huge collection that he had, and in the Muslim without any repetitions. Just the unique Hadith he has around 20,000 and something 28,000 Hadith and something that's Muslim.

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And it was only the Hadith.

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hardly find anything from the companions or anything from a tablet. So it specifically for how you saw the master need were mainly pure collections of Hadeeth

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as different from the mod pot, so that was more

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more of a step forward and the compilations of Hadith. So the Messiah need were exclusively for Hadith, stripping the Hadith away from other fatawa that were usually narrated with

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a great deal of it are authentically. But he also mentioned some weaker headings. So I did have some weakness in them.

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And little bit of them have issues, real issues like they were considered very weak. Now someone might say why did they narrate these

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we have to understand the demand of the time, the demand of the time was

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lying against the prophet SAW Selim appeared at that time, so fabricated Hadeeth fabricated it. And it was not easy

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to really discern or find out the difference, because when a hadith was spreading around,

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okay, it came with a chain of narration. And this column had it done. Not everyone in the chain of narration doesn't know everyone. So he has to research. So the the focus of the scholars at the time was still specifically with documentation, documentation. So they used to document everything that came to them, everything that came to them, they would document it. This is why I'm at the 100,000 today that he memorized

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that he knows some more some of the more authentic Some were not this is why he included in his must not only 28,000 only 28,000 and change.

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Somebody might say okay, why does he for example, mentioned some weak Hadith.

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What is he mentioned some we can use, the scholars mentioned some points of benefit here. They said, some weak Hadith a lot of weaker Hadith, they came through. Like the issue with them was one Narrator In the chain of narration, there was one person

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and this one person. If you chase his ahaadeeth, if it is added, you will find they are not all the same.

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So you'll find some of his Hadees were actually authentic, that he narrated them when he had a very good memory. But towards the end of his life, his memory deteriorated or he lost his book, his books.

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He lost his books. So you will find these statements very common in the science of hygiene. Specifically elementary john when they talk about the narrator of the headache for example, they say can I have you been gonna feel pattern has he been he was trustworthy, reliable, and he was very good memorizer his memory was perfect.

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Except that was the

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of his life, he lost his mind.

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He lost his mind. But he still generated some ahaadeeth. So the scholars would not take from the time after he lost his mind. But how could they tell? So they had to collect all his Hadith and see when the inconsistency started. And okay, this adage shows signs of inconsistency, because it's unlike his first narration, and so on and so forth. So there was a lot of scrutiny that the scholars made. Another thing was, for example, there was a scholar that or there was an arranger of Hadith, that she Fianna theory used to narrate his Hadith. But he said to the people do not take the headache of this person,

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except for me.

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So he said, if you if you get a headache, and in the chain of narration there is this person, I can't remember the name of the person. Don't you know this card? This headache? Forget it.

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Don't take it. So they said to him, but like human raters, how do you feel in your classes? You know, he had it from him. He says, In the mid forsetico, home in Canada, I know when he's telling a correct Hadith, and when he's making it up.

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I know. I know. So this is why this call somebody might say why didn't they just collect the authentic had forgot, forgot all about the weaker ones? No, no, the weaker ones had traces about the narrator's of Hadeeth. And their style of narration, and the weakness and the strength and the different stages they went through. You will hear for example, sometimes when they talk about the life of one narrator, they would say, telepathically to boo.

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Now one stage, his books were burnt, like probably his house burned and his library was was lost.

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So Afterwards,

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he tries to recollect the idea from his memory, but he didn't have a very strong memory without it being documented. So there would be very careful. So they would recognize by tracing all his narrations, they added that he narrated when he had his books, and then they would trace back the other ones, and be able to tell the difference with the ones that he narrated after he lost his books, and so on and so forth. So the week had these fabricated ahaadeeth they had a lot of clues. A lot of there was a lot of knowledge hidden there. So this is why this course did not dump these ahaadeeth altogether.

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Because they gave them so much knowledge about the narrator's Can you search for consistencies. You search for patterns, you can develop very good rules.

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Why are we talking about Hadith because one of the main sources of work is the Hadith of the Prophet SAW salon. So we need to see what happened to the Hadith. And the availability of the Hadith in order to see how Africa developed.

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Afterwards as the Messiah need appeared, specifically Muslim Imam Muhammad and there was an analysis there is a huge collection of Hadith that's even bigger than him. ammendments book was another Muslim that called Muslim, a

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Muslim, but they had been misled. He was in an underdose. In Spain.

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Muslim but they've been misled is lost. We don't have it.

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There is small, you know, parchments from it that were found here and there. But it was lost. And it was far bigger than most of the math. I had some, like some scholars say it's more than 50,000 studies in that book.

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But not all of them are authentic. Okay. Not all of them authentic. Some of the researchers at our time. They actually think it is somewhere in Germany.

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Yes, like some of the very active scholars today who search and have very special interest in

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manuscripts. And it's one of my teachers chef mature. He's been chasing the Muslims of bhakti with the

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Muslim even misled the manuscript for that for more than 30 years.

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And he says, I have very strong clues that it's in the house of one German

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guy, and this German guy is refusing to show the collection he had which he inherited from his father, and his father inherited it from his grandfather who was an orientalist.

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So he has it in his basement. He has a huge collection of Arabic manuscripts, or big books that no one knows anything about. So the shift has been chasing the history of these manuscripts. And he says, I've, I have very strong clues that it might be in that person's house, but he's refusing to do this. He's refusing to use reason even to let anyone get into it, even German institutions.

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So, thus, must not be even Muslim.

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As these masani it have documented, that had ether in circulation, the scholars now decided to look for something to

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Take the whole game of Hadeeth in order to the next level, so amendment Buhari was one of excellent students of Heidi. One day he was listening to his share of busara Razi observers he was saying, I wish that someone would make a compilation of Hadith only for the authentic, only authentic caddies.

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So he said, and that resonated with me. So he dedicated the rest of his life to write his soul here which came came to him Buhari and became the book The first book of Hades ever until today, the first book of Handyside Buhari

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became the number one among the books of Hadith in terms of authenticity, all the main howdy there are authentic. Even the other Hadith that he mentioned in support.

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These are not they're not supposed to be part of this site, but still these ones also are authentic. Also these ones they call them an oil apart. Well motor bats, okay, these are not the main Hades but he mentioned them in support of some Hadith, primary Hadith he mentioned

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Emeril Buhari did something in here that was fascinating to you, he was a fatty as well. He would not mention the whole Hadith.

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So, he did not make like the Messiah need that must not

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be raw, must not

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have the love and mustard Oh god, no, why he took the subject or the content of the Hadith and created headings based on

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So, the headings are based on an understanding First there is issues of our data as issues of Salah issues of siyam issues of so many things. So he put headings and under the heading, he put the segment of the headings that fits that heading. So you will have a hadith say around the page that makes a page full page. So, you will find under for example Kitab

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and he will put two lines of it that are relevant and he will not put the full headings. But you will find the other segments of the headings fitting in some other under other headings. That's an Bukhari.

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That's all Buhari. This is why recently in our time has been there has been some scholars trying to make matassa al Buhari, Maka sosyal Buhari like they would remove any repetitions because he also would repeat the Hadith in more than one place because it fits more than one heading. So they they stripped down the side Buhari from any repetition. And they got the fragmented parts of the hedis put it into one place. And the best one who did this was Schaefer had been in his pasta sauce. I had Buhari, he did a wonderful job, wonderful job connecting because that's a very, that's a lot of work, because you have to see what is the chain of narration of this hadith. And

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because Buhari had for the same Hadith more than one chain of narration.

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That's a bit probably complicated, but it's worth mentioning. So he would have one handy, which is long through five chains of narration al Bukhari. So in one spot, he would use part of the Hadith,

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part of the Hadith where it fits, then he would use another part of the Hadith and another play under another heading another subject. But he when he mentioned the other segment, he would not mention the same chain of narration he would mention another chain of narration for variety.

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So he's very skillful, Buhari, like it's hard to trace him back as how we deal with fire. So she had held many puts so much where he put us you have many says like this book, like,

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like it's taken a lot from me, it's taken a lot from me.

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Okay, so that was what Buhari did and his book was received favorably by this cause and became the authority on the authentic hadith.

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came an Imam, Muslim, a Muslim and Muslim was a student he wasn't actually he was more of a colleague and a student of

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alcohol he was far far more skillful, not far more knowledgeable than Muslim but Muslim did something slightly similar to Al Bukhari, which is basically getting only the authentic Harry's and he would put the whole Heidi under the heading

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so he would not fragment the Hadees he would not fragment they are hiding.

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Happy said lol lol Buhari. llama raha Muslim and Elijah? Is it headed not fun book

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have had it not been for the Buhari, you know, Muslim would have not had would have not done anything.

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Basically was an inquiry that was the main inspiration and source of teaching for evil Muslim forum. But his book is absolutely amazing. Absolutely amazing. So it comes next after

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Imam after the Sahaba

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then came

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mmm and they say

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the moment I say

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and he wrote his book as soon

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as soon as an essay, an essay is probably the

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in the six books of Hadith and a famous and so he's the only Arab.

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He was born in Palestine. The other ones are mainly from Asia, Asia Minor.

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So remember NASA, he

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wrote his big book, the vast majority of the ideas are authentic. But still remember NASA he was a very powerful 40. So he makes he put a lot of fatawa in his book, he put a lot of his fatawa in his book sunon and si si

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Then came a Buddha would suggest

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a Buddha would suggest and

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by the way, so just stanny

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The Arabs pronounced into a nicer place in Iran. So they pronounce it in two ways, such as Stanley or systemic stanny comes from the same place by the way.

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I would I would ask standing.

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So they always used to say others such as Stan or system, such as Danny or system

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i would i would was very good with

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an alien as well. Signs of an alien.

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So he wrote his sunan as well. So maybe there would

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then came a material meeting from tiramisu.

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Maybe from

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a mixer maybe

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he mixed in his book, you'll find authentic Heidi, and some weak ahaadeeth. And he would actually great. He would read the Hadith, he would say So hey, let's say Hassan sorry, and say a different person, and so on and so forth. And he had his own terminology.

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It's not completely off the main mainstream terminology, it's actually more of an extension of a more of a variation of it. more variation of it. Remember autonomy as well was very good with payment in the hidden problems within aerations of Halley's was very strong with that, and he was a student of a Bukhari, he was a student of Al Bukhari attend me was one of the main students of Al Bukhari and he has shown so much knowledge about Ll the hidden issues with with it.

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And came then have been

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able to measure even measure is the last book of the six books.

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Last the six books, and the majority of the books are of the authentic, but yet he has probably in this, the six books have had it, he has the biggest percentage of weak Hadith. But as we said, these he has a lot of fatawa in his book, imagine was also a puppy is a weenie from pursuing.

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So you might imagine he has a lot of work. And when he mentioned the other week, he actually did that on purpose, as I said, because there was some points of benefit when these teeth were mentioned.

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So that's generally a very quick kind of tour around these books of Hadith who said not by Malik al Bukhari Sahih Bukhari Sahih Muslim soon and unnecessary. So then have you that would

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suit an attorney maybe although they call it sometimes I tell me the but it's not so here.

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It says woman, a woman that will be only a half an attacker, sir, hold on, sorry, anyone who calls us I hear that this is a very lenient approach. So it's basically it's Solon autonomy. And

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then we have imagine, imagine these are the famous and we mentioned Muslim to the man Mohammed, and Muslim but even Muhammad, these are probably like the main major books of Hadith until today, until today.

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So the Hadeeth went through these stages.

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Now let's see how what stages fick went through we said previously, there was a Alhaji in LA jazz in Medina mainly, and a lot war in Iraq and the war in Iraq, this kind of trend can continue. This kind of trend continued.

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So, an ultimately led in Iraq to the emergence of Abu hanifa.

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So, Abu hanifa being the main

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scholar being the main scholar in Iraq, being the main scholar in Iraq, in the heavy rock and he was a very intelligent person. And he also was a merchant. He was mentioned so he used to sell fabric and clothes to General has, okay and silk.

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So he was a businessman, and he actually had the beginning he was a businessman, then he turned to knowledge, and he saw people have knowledge around him in Botswana and Kufa, he actually loved knowledge. So he decided to go into knowledge and he, like he did better than all the other students. So when his shape mad,

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traveled, or they actually he became the main teacher in the masjid.

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When his when he had passed away, the only one to actually become the teacher in Kufa was

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an Imam Abu hanifa Bahama home long time hanifa

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remember, hanifa was born around at

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the year 80. After his job.

00:31:46 --> 00:32:08

There is a dispute big dispute among the scholars have original schools of history as well with a did he meet any of the companions on that? Did he meet any of the companions, some of them mentioned that he actually met and nomadic. Some of the region's historical narrations say that he met him and was the companion and has been Malik.

00:32:09 --> 00:32:14

But the majority of the scholars of regional or howdy they actually think that did not happen.

00:32:15 --> 00:32:34

So he's not from a tablet is not from a Tabby because the tambourine are the ones who manage to see the companions witness lived and mixed with the companions. So it seems that one ether for him a lot. Most likely, he did not meet any of the companions, although they said there is a dispute, there is a dispute.

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00:32:44 --> 00:32:59

Okay, Mr. maryk, in Medina, he emerged afterwards, shortly afterwards. And they said the knowledge of the seventh of Medina and the Hadees that were there, they ended up with him. And so remember, Malik wrote his book.

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He wrote his book, Alma Bach,

00:33:06 --> 00:33:17

and he became the scholar of Medina. He became the scholar of Medina, and he himself, he said majilis to lit Idris had shahida de Alba,

00:33:18 --> 00:33:20

kebab tagname tagging.

00:33:21 --> 00:33:31

He should, he said, I did not sit to teach until 40 of the great companions of a Tabby in, gave me permission. Give me Just

00:33:36 --> 00:33:39

remember, Nick was a scholar of Hades and a scholar.

00:33:40 --> 00:34:20

And his main focus in his mehtab is actually the fact the historical fact that most of the companions of the Prophet and remained in Medina and they maintained the heritage of the prophets of Salaam, then a Tabby and took it from them. So for him, what added Medina are upon what the people of Medina are upon, is a main source of tertiary in of legislation. So for him to understand the verse we see how the people of Medina and implemented to understand the Hadith, we see how they implement it. Because for him, that was a living legacy from the time of the Prophet Solomon, so only two generations. So for him, it's still authentic. And that's why and then fifth Hill, Maliki

00:34:20 --> 00:34:35

and Medina. What added Medina are upon is one of the main sources. It's not It's not like at the same level as Quran and Sunnah, but it's a way to understand for him it's a it's a context to understand the Quran and Sunnah through

00:34:37 --> 00:34:49

Okay, so there was a verse or there's a hadith suggesting something but the people of Medina did not implement it they actually the opposite. For him, he would say so most likely this hadith is probably meant to abrogate it

00:34:50 --> 00:34:59

or if there is a command in it, and the people of Medina, they do not and it's not random people of Medina, you're talking about scholars, you're talking about tabea in it

00:35:00 --> 00:35:12

They did not take it as an obligation he says then this command or this imperative do, okay is not for obligation, it's for recommendation. Okay. These are some of the specifics of

00:35:13 --> 00:35:14

the Maliki manner.

00:35:17 --> 00:35:21

Then afterwards appeared in Imam Shafi. I remember Shafi

00:35:24 --> 00:35:27

showed signs of intelligence from a young age.

00:35:28 --> 00:35:28


00:35:29 --> 00:35:53

he went his mother sent him to Medina to study with my Malik. So he went to Imam Malik when he was about 910 years old. He went to study he went from Mecca to Medina. And when he came to America, it came to the doorstep Mr. Malik said obviously, like he saw him very young for him to join the class. He said what do you know, he said, I know what buy your book by heart

00:35:54 --> 00:36:09

said go ahead Show me. So you actually recited for him started reciting So, and it was flowing without any kind of hesitation. So it was very good memory, Shiva Malik was impressed and allowed him to join his halaqaat and his classes.

00:36:10 --> 00:36:12

So remember, shefali took the knowledge of Eman Malik

00:36:13 --> 00:36:32

it took the knowledge of human knowledge. And then obviously he traveled his travel to Iraq. And he met with a beautiful quality the main student of Imam Abu hanifa and he met with Mohammed bin Hassan Shivani. And he like he loved Mohammed Shivani.

00:36:33 --> 00:36:51

So much. So if you haven't chef it's said so many words of praise. With regards to Mohammed bin it hasn't actually been around, hasn't shibani He's the one who actually he wrote about six books on the soul of a must have met Abu Abu hanifa and he preserved it so he preserved it.

00:36:53 --> 00:36:59

Imam Shafi used to say as a famous statement he says mama a to Semyon and fee higher

00:37:00 --> 00:37:01

Illa Muhammad when it hasn't.

00:37:03 --> 00:37:05

I haven't seen any obese person

00:37:07 --> 00:37:08

who has good in him

00:37:10 --> 00:37:13

was benefiting him except for Muhammad but it hasn't shaven.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:18

Except so remember 70 by the way Imam Shafi was a medical doctor as well.

00:37:19 --> 00:37:32

Imam Shafi was a medical doctor. Yes, by obviously not practiced so much, because he was busy with alpha. And he himself said, he said do not leave lotto anymore. He said the immortal man

00:37:33 --> 00:37:55

in Mondrian, while he said knowledge is to have knowledge of the deen and knowledge of the body, that means medicine. It says that the true core element, Allah kita for your holy book, Mali, Dr. Jonah Hill, he said don't leave the knowledge of medicine for the people of the book the People of the Scripture, because you might end up being in need of them.

00:37:58 --> 00:38:27

Yeah, because I was Manisha Imam Shafi anyway, anyone he went to Iraq, and he saw that, Okay, we got people in Medina and Mecca, there's so much focus on Hadith. But he saw people in Iraq, there's a lot of knowledge basically taken from a hadith taken from some of the people who met Abu hanifa. They said, like if he takes Hadith, while Hadith, he gets so much cam and rulings from it. He could extract rulings from what a hadith

00:38:29 --> 00:38:39

something unbelievable. So he had this phenomenal ability to to deduce extract rulings and infer rulings from Hadeeth.

00:38:42 --> 00:38:55

So remember, Shapiro was impressed with his students, they have so much knowledge and understanding of the of the Hadith that they have, and they know and they can get so much knowledge from one heading. So he was impressed by that. So he studied with them, and he learned from them.

00:38:57 --> 00:38:59

And then he built his madhhab, around

00:39:01 --> 00:39:03

reconciling these two approaches.

00:39:07 --> 00:39:07


00:39:09 --> 00:39:15

he had a very strong tool, which is the Arabic language. he mastered the Arabic language because he grew with Ben knew who they

00:39:16 --> 00:39:30

were. They were the best among the Arabs who preserved the purity of the Arabic language. He grew up as a little child, his mother sent him to grow up with bamboo they, so he learned, he learned the poetry of the Arabs he was and this is why I

00:39:35 --> 00:39:39

said one of the great Scott one of the great scholars of the Arabic language,

00:39:40 --> 00:39:40

you know,

00:39:42 --> 00:39:48

the scholars of the Arabic language when they want to take the meaning of a word, or something about

00:39:51 --> 00:39:54

an hour sort of like about grammar or morphology,

00:39:56 --> 00:40:00

and syntax, if they want to take it from any one from another

00:40:00 --> 00:40:02

Like that, from that time from a Fabien

00:40:03 --> 00:40:14

otavi 17. They would require that person to bring with equal share head, which is basically some poetry or some statement from the previous Arabs.

00:40:16 --> 00:40:17

Except for Imam Shafi

00:40:19 --> 00:40:23

except for Imam Shafi, they said Imam Shafi hood genuine follower.

00:40:24 --> 00:40:27

Some of the Arabs because they said qalamoun

00:40:28 --> 00:40:45

Cara Mahajan, so anything Imam Shafi says about the Arabic language that's evidence enough for him, Shafi evidence enough, and the Arabic language and this is why some of like his students and Mussolini, he said, mass America to a chef it he yelled, handle,

00:40:48 --> 00:40:56

never made any mistake in the Arabic language. And he like mistaking grammar or morphology or syntax at all.

00:40:57 --> 00:41:03

at all, there's no mistake he made and he said this is was this was very rare, very rare.

00:41:05 --> 00:41:09

I think it wasn't meant to me actually who said a shadow you have just one follower

00:41:10 --> 00:41:14

of chef, he says something that said he's an authority in language.

00:41:15 --> 00:41:16

So remember Shafi.

00:41:18 --> 00:41:23

When he saw his two radical, seemingly

00:41:24 --> 00:41:38

dichotomous approaches, he decided to reconcile them, and here we can solve them in a very beautiful way. And this is why he came up with his book that was revolutionary. And we might actually mention it later on his book or the Santa

00:41:40 --> 00:41:42

Rizal is the first book and also on a solid

00:41:44 --> 00:41:44

first book, and

00:41:45 --> 00:41:56

basically a solo relationship between soulcycle is exactly like the relationship between language and grammar, and language and morphology.

00:41:57 --> 00:42:08

So it's the backbone of language. It's the very structure the codification of language, our sole focus the same it shows you the back dynamic of dynamics affect what happens in the background.

00:42:13 --> 00:42:27

As well remember what he said let me click on it for a while and hos will emerge. Manuel Mufasa had hammered even with Risa Shafi. He said we didn't know those general statements, specific statements we didn't know there was

00:42:29 --> 00:42:50

open statements and a qualifying statements until even amendment hammered when interest came in. They were the Arabs we don't know this. We don't know this, but he managed to come up with the scandal classification. So it's the first book and until now you read the book is really fascinating. Every cell is really really fascinating such a fascinating book.

00:42:53 --> 00:43:11

And it's not all a book on the soul. It's a book on a soul. And part of it is a book on Hadith masala and Hadith. So, this is why the scholars of soul search they say the first book on soul is every Salah by Shafi the scholars of Hadith masala they say the first book on Muslim Lazarus era by Shafi.

00:43:12 --> 00:43:14

So remember chefin is Allah was very profound.

00:43:15 --> 00:43:24

So he had this method, he developed his own opinions, etc. But then later on he traveled to Egypt. He traveled to Egypt and he took

00:43:25 --> 00:43:27

he learnt new knowledge

00:43:29 --> 00:43:32

because some of the students of Imam Malik actually traveled also to

00:43:33 --> 00:43:34

to Egypt.

00:43:36 --> 00:43:36


00:43:38 --> 00:43:48

so remember Shafi built a new model, like he developed in terms of and he saw some new things so his understanding deepened and he became more mature and in Egypt.

00:43:50 --> 00:43:58

This is why for example, if you have animals have a khadeem one might have enjoyed it. The old ones have the new man by the man Shafi

00:44:00 --> 00:44:03

and then Imam Hamad bin Hanbal remember when Hamble

00:44:04 --> 00:44:08

traveled around, and he collected a huge number of Hadees.

00:44:11 --> 00:44:14

And he started with a chef and he so he was a student of a chef

00:44:16 --> 00:44:17

and was a student or chef.

00:44:21 --> 00:44:27

By the way, the book of reseller by demand chef and he wrote his book alone as well like one of the most beautiful,

00:44:28 --> 00:44:31

most significant books on Hadith.

00:44:32 --> 00:44:35

At that time kuttabul on such a huge collection of Patel

00:44:36 --> 00:44:37


00:44:39 --> 00:44:44

Mohammed bin Maddy, one of the students of Imam Shafi, he says

00:44:46 --> 00:44:57

look at number two fakie tabula rasa. I have looked into the book I've read the book of reseller more than 100 times and he says every time I read it, I find new benefit. Something I've never found before

00:45:01 --> 00:45:03

So, he says can a chef you

00:45:05 --> 00:45:08

can see, the dounia will have heated with

00:45:09 --> 00:45:16

his mama Shafi was like the sun for the skies, and he was like health for our bodies.

00:45:20 --> 00:45:25

Mom Shirley passed away in a very, very young age, by the way, and his early 50s, probably about 50 or 51

00:45:27 --> 00:45:31

Imam Shafi passed away when he was 50 or 51. And

00:45:32 --> 00:45:35

he died because of hemorrhoids.

00:45:37 --> 00:45:39

He died because of hemorrhoids.

00:45:40 --> 00:45:41

A lot of mess you

00:45:43 --> 00:46:05

remember what we said. So he started with he man Shafi. He learned from him, and he traveled to take your honey. So he took the honey from Medina, from Iraq, from Egypt from a sham from everywhere, to the editor, and he had such a huge collection. And he had the luxury of looking at the look of all these emails, all these emails.

00:46:08 --> 00:46:14

And he was very careful about following the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim. Even that one time he says,

00:46:15 --> 00:46:19

There is no Hadith that I have come across, except that I implemented it.

00:46:20 --> 00:46:29

Every minute I saw I implemented it, this is even I came across the Hadith that the prophet SAW said lamb got someone to do hijama for him copying.

00:46:31 --> 00:46:33

And the problem gave him the hump.

00:46:35 --> 00:46:41

So he said, I went to the straightaway as I read this, I went to someone to make a demo for me. And I gave him a demo

00:46:42 --> 00:46:44

to follow exactly what the prophet SAW lots of them said,

00:46:45 --> 00:46:50

and Mr. Mohammed had so many students as well. So wrote down his,

00:46:51 --> 00:47:00

his film, and his edits. So you'll have a look at him and I met by so many of his students, the questions that were given to him and

00:47:01 --> 00:47:08

each one of his students, a good number of them, compiled their questions to him in a different collection of compilation.

00:47:12 --> 00:47:23

So generally speaking, these automata have developed at this time, there was another mother have obviously we there was Sophia and authority mammosphere 30. There was, they must have have

00:47:24 --> 00:47:33

been Jerry robbery, the great professor and historian when he was not he had his own life have a life have been sad in Egypt had his own madhhab

00:47:35 --> 00:47:47

ozai in a sham, he had his own mother, so there were so many other mother, but these are the ones that actually survived. These are the ones that survived. So this is a general description of this,

00:47:48 --> 00:48:02

of this time. So at this time, the Hadith was created put in collections, and it became more available to people more accessible. The film itself was written and like books of Frick were written.

00:48:03 --> 00:48:06

So we saw from the students, for example, the man shafia, a man,

00:48:08 --> 00:48:10

Abu hanifa, his student,

00:48:11 --> 00:48:25

Mohammed who hasn't shaved, Danny wrote six big collections on the amount of behind Eva. So the focus started to dwindle, was written collections on February 10. Amanda shaffir, himself wrote a reseller and he wrote alone

00:48:26 --> 00:48:28

and then his student and was and he wrote a lot of his work.

00:48:33 --> 00:48:51

Yes, Eman Malik, his students wrote his fatawa in what they call Madonna, and widow Juana became one of the main sources of the Maliki for these are the fatawa of Imam Malik, they were written down and documented. So these are things that happened, Imam Ahmed is well we said,

00:48:53 --> 00:49:03

his photography written by myself illuminated by his students. So this was an era as well of writing down the 15 collections and in books, it was more available, more accessible to students more documented.

00:49:05 --> 00:49:29

And the emergence of a solid as a science, these principles behind now they emerged after email, share theory, wrote his book, but they had some of the Hanafi scholars argue that they say the first one to write on a solo was actually at the boosey. Before Imam Shafi, one of the great Hanafi scholars, one of the great Hanafi scholars.

00:49:37 --> 00:49:41

What else about this time, so there was so focus started now

00:49:43 --> 00:49:59

to revolve around these four people, main four people, obviously, the time stretched over like the sea, around 100 years. So it wasn't when he first then magmatic the human chef, it didn't happen. So

00:50:00 --> 00:50:27

Each one stablished each school starts to establish itself, the students started to take the knowledge from their from their teachers and build their method and the principles that assume of them and have based on the fatality. So, these are the general features of this type is the general features of this done. So, this is what we wanted to establish today. inshallah, next week, when we meet, we'll go a little bit briefly into each method and the main sources

00:50:28 --> 00:50:38

main features about this method and we will try to conclude with that time in order to see what happened afterwards in order to see what happened

00:50:40 --> 00:50:56

afterwards and we will try to pinpoint some of the differences and why they happened, some of these differences and why they happen so hopefully it is a good foundation shall law for next week. So as I said, shall after I share there will not be a continuation Today was a brief kind of

00:50:57 --> 00:51:24

like creating some the general or describing the general features of FX in that era, which is from 120 after his role to around 270. After his run, this is generally speaking out so the Hadeeth the surf, and all of that took place and took shape. So they were it was more established now something very important as well to add here, it's actually the masala hat and for key

00:51:26 --> 00:51:28

terminology started to develop and take shape.

00:51:31 --> 00:51:51

So why Jeep now was well established as Okay, that's an obligate obligatory muster hub, okay, it started to take shape. So they developed their own jargon, their own concepts and their own terminology, they became very peculiar to the fapa had specific meanings very well defined meanings and so on and so forth.

00:51:52 --> 00:51:58

So just for your attendance and for your patients medical or physical or sort of lost in them. I don't have enough

This Course presents fiqh from a wide view, beneficial for any student of knowledge. The course starts from the Fiqh at the time of the prothet Mohamed (SAW) up to our time. The main book of the Course is The Evolution of Fiqh by Dr. Bilal Philips.

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