Moutasem al-Hameedy – Advice of Luqman to his son

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The importance of learning and sharing is emphasized in Islam, as it is crucial for personal growth and personal development. The speaker emphasizes the need for more information and the importance of prioritizing parents' rights. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of trusting Allah and avoiding mistakes, as well as the need to be mindful of rules and show one's face in public to increase self-esteem. The segment also touches on the challenges of life and the importance of educating children on negative consequences of actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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salatu salam ala Sayidina Muhammad, he was happy he had Jemaine

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Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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So inshallah our talk today is about

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Aquaman man's conversation with his son,

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the famous conversation and sort of man the beautiful advice from a father to his son. There's a lot of lessons that we can take from it and some reflections and hopefully inshallah we'll be able to squeeze that in the little time that we have.

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So let's start

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so I'm going to read the parts

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from the solar that we will talk about, then provide some kind of translation inshallah of the meaning of the verses and then we will try to draw some lessons in Shivani ology.

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Local man and he can matter any schooling.

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gonna yell to Shrek been

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in Nashville can

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we rally was slain and his son Obi Wan Ed Hannah Leto

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what you saw goofy I mean any any squirmy one you want either you can either here mostly why you

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got to shriek me mad he sent me

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to play at home. Warsaw I

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don't know what

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soon I really

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don't want to be on call being

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done alone. Yeah, bona Yeah. In

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the Comey squad had betting mean how darling

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so how about in movies Santa

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Fe Santa

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Leah TV how law in Allah Napoli phone on clubby.

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Yeah, I'm gonna you saw that movie. Movie when

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Carrie was busy. I saw that in

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a nice to meet you all. While two slides. They're carrying Nancy. Why does she feel lovely now?

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In a long

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walk on daddy's cell phone WaPo CdTe machico. Well, Kawakubo Lumia song will take in

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Gouden elsewhere de la song, me.

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So I'm just going to read a rough translation of the meaning taken from the clear Quran.

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When the man says to his son, as he advised him, Oh My son, do not associate anything with God with Allah for idolatry is a terrible wrong. We have entrusted the human being with the care of his parents, his mother carried him through hardship upon hardship, weaning him into yours. So give thanks to me, and to your parents, to me is the destination. So I want you to think that and think of that in the context of a father, giving advice to his son, Chase highlighting these very important lessons and issues about life, we continue. But if they strive to have you associate with him, something of which you have no knowledge, do not obey them, but keep them back, keep them keep

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them company in this life and kindness and follow the path of him who tends to me, then to me is your return and I will inform you of what you used to do. All my son, even if it were the weight of a mustard seed, in a rock or in the heavens on earth, God will bring it to light God or Allah is kind and expert

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Come on my son. Observe the prayer advocate righteousness forbid evil.

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And be patient over what has before the new these are of the most honorable traits.

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And do not treat people with arrogance Noto proudly on earth, God does not love the arrogant show offs

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and moderate your stride and lower your voice. The most repulsive of voices is the donkey's voice.

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So we want to take the advice of Lachman, as it occurs in the Surah, step by step withdrawal lessons specifically, then we will look at the hidden parts, I would say the most subtle parts of this advice, which can be found in the sequence, for example, and the connections that he makes. First People asked this question, is Lachman a prophet? Or is he a righteous man? Was he a prophet or righteous man? How can an Arabian modulus oil do we know?

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We don't know for sure. And this type of knowledge doesn't really benefit us. This is knowledge that doesn't benefit us. So this is the first lesson that we can take from this first, the prophets also that we used to make the DUA along that India will do become in a min day and fat or Allah, I seek Your protection from knowledge, that yields no benefits. So there is knowledge, there's information that doesn't give you any benefit.

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It's a waste of time, and it's a waste of energy, and you should not busy yourself with it.

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So people would often ask, you know, what's the tree that Adam and Eve sinned? And how what aid from Indiana? What type of tree was that? Or, you know, what type of dog was with the people of the cave? Was it male or female? The answer that spoke about so the man and his

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and his troops?

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You know, was it a male or female? What's the name, quote? What was its name, all of that doesn't benefit us. So as a Muslim, we should always ask about the things that really benefit us. mere curiosity in our ears is not even a waste, or is not mutual in value, it's negative in value. Why? Because whatever Allah subhanaw taala gave you in terms of resources, time, mental energy, focus, ability to process the thing, all of that is meant to be used or put to good use. If you don't use it construct constructively, and you use it on something that doesn't yield benefit, then you have missed out on something on an on a on an equal opportunity of good. So whatever you invest in

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something that is idle, or neutral or something evil, it's not like that you have wasted your time, or you have invested in evil, but you have also at the same time lost an opportunity to build something good. So that's why it's a double loss. So it's very important to, you know, know that if something benefits us, Allah will teach us that thing. If there is something that Allah kept hidden from us, that means the knowledge of this thing would not be beneficial, actually, it might be harmful. Yes, sometimes knowledge for some people could be harmful, some knowledge. This is why there is something called incremental approach to knowledge. This is why sometimes if you teach

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people something that is above their head, that is not suitable for their specific intention at a given time. It could be a trial and a cause of fitna for some of them. A man came to the lab normally alone when he was teaching and he said,

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Can a murderer repent

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and be forgiven?

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He turned away from him. He insisted. He said, No, there's no repentance. Now he's not he's lying, but he's saying that there is no guarantee for repentance for someone who kills.

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So his students asked, asked him afterwards, they said, This man came and asked you and we know that Allah Subhan, Allah forgives all sins. So why did you give him this answer? Moreover, again, more of a political answer. He said, Because I saw in his eyes the intention to kill had I told him that there is tell them that there is possibility to repent, most likely, I would have just given him the push that he needs or the excuse that he needs to fall into sin.

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So again, it's important first to seek the knowledge that has beneficial and the knowledge that is suitable for you. If you teach a child knowledge that doesn't, you know, suit their age, you create confusion and fitna again, you what you're sharing might be true, but it could be problematic. So this is why knowledge is not something you share.

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randomly there is wisdom. There is wisdom.

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So look, man, again, he's teaching his son and this shows you Subhanallah the verse what you call a local man we live in he, and it happened that a local man said to his son, well, who is able who? Eva mo Eva? We hear this word in the Quran sometimes a lot. No way. So we have two types of teaching in Islam, we have no waiver, a waiver and we have an ame. Thus, what is the difference? There is difference. And these are two styles in Dawa, that are very important, both of them are important and the balance between them is important. Allah subhanaw taala describes the Quran as what my way but the judge can

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become what she found him after. So the more

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Abdullah route or the Allahu Anhu set an authentic hadith narration, he says, cannot Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to her well, Luna will know wherever the Prophet sallahu wa sallam used to seize opportunities.

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Whenever there's an opportunity to give us more Allah, he would do it behalf at a salamati Elena, the prophecy would not do it all the time. He would do it when he finds the time is right. Because he doesn't want to overburden us he doesn't want to bore us. Again, good teacher. But then we have written proper studying. What's the difference? Knowing is more of shaking the person up.

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To have equal that's what this call is call it. A reminder that awakens the man that gets the person a shift in perspective. Hey, wake up. What are you doing? Fear Allah subhanaw taala.

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It's more we call it the emotional I don't like this name. But it's more about shaking the person up getting them to, you know, to wake up from the reflux that's more able.

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Whereas the US or Tallinn is actually proper education, academic education. The focus here is information. So, look, man, he was not in the process of teaching his son, which obviously we know He taught his son since he was at least a wise man. He definitely taught him the amount of knowledge he must have taught his son, but he was giving an advice, a reminder, and awakening sometimes. And this is important for parents, not only a father, but also a mother, that you should seize moments when you see your child is most receptive.

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And give them advice. give them advice about the most important things in life. That's what really matters. This is what your life should be about what is called a local man who live in Hilo, Hawaii, I know there is a hierarchy in this there is an order of importance and Subhanallah commands since he's a wise man Allah says, well, Tina Lokmanya al hikma we have endowed local man with Hekima with wisdom, Heckman, the scholars, I like to define it as follows. They say what little shaman, putting something in its right place where it truly belongs. So this is why some people have the knowledge, they have the know how but they put it in the wrong place. They give it to the wrong person. They

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convey it in the wrong way at the wrong time. This is lack of knowledge. So a wise person is not doesn't only have the knowledge but also is very smart about how to communicate it, when to communicate it, how to communicate it, what's the right dose, and so on and so forth. So everything is appropriate for that. But the perfect kid perfect conditions. So look, man was giving his son this advice. And obviously he's not someone who's chasing his son all the time with this type of advice. But he saw a moment and it seems that this happened. We can sort of sense from the language that this happened more than once.

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We've got a Look man, he was

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born a year Latin American builder. Now a very important thing here to keep in mind.

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Because somebody might think, you know, when they look man just sort of woke up, saw his son. And out of the blue just told him Do not associate partners with Allah don't commit check.

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Now this would be a very naive, sort of revision of the recent scenario. A wise man Allah says, well, Tina look man and Heckman. What is a hallmark of a wise person I believe that

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they worship Allah spent

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their life is a clear translation of the worship of Allah of the love of Allah of devotion, of good conduct of a bad so that means Look, man, Allah. He said, I'm already taught his son primarily through his example, through his example, because we know that children learn from our behavior more than they learn from our preaching. That's it.

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Given, Every parent knows this, and they, you know, we say it in a funny way, you know, monkey see monkey do, right? That's what kids do. You say to your child, don't lie, but they see that you actually lie. In many instances, they're gonna lie, you smoke and you tell them Smoking kills, they're gonna smoke, right? They see you do bad things. They're just gonna pick up your attitude, your behaviors, your way of, you know, the way you carry yourself. They're gonna pick that up, you know, even the way you walk, by the way, children usually pick up the way their parents walk, the boys pick up the way the father walks, the Girls pick up the way their mother walks, this is proven.

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So again, this is how Allah designed us, we absorbed so much just by being around people, seeing them behave, being with them living with them, we pick up so much at an unconscious level. Okay, so when Lokman speaks to his son, he's not like out of the blue. He's always busy working on things. And one day he sees his son, he says, Come here, let me give you some advice. That's not how it happened.

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He there was a full context of education. And the most important he laid the grounds and the foundations by what being a good person, often the people, people ask the question, How can I become a good spouse, a good husband, a good wife? There's no technique. There's no technique? Or how can I become a good parent, the answer to all of these is one thing become a good person.

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When you are a good person, you will find yourself to be a good spouse, when you are a good person, you will find yourself to become a good parent, you might have some things you need to fix. But these will be some some issues on the surface, and you can easily fix them. But without being a good person. So people think, oh, I can be a bad person. But I can learn the technique to be a good parent, it doesn't work. It doesn't work like that.

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Because your son will literally absorb most of what you are. That's That's how kids learn. That's how humans learn. You can spend some time in the company of some people and you will start to notice or if you don't notice, others will start to notice that you will start even pronouncing words in the same way that they pronounce them, you start to have, you know, feeling patterns similar to those people. It's amazing how humans you know Subhanallah learn from each other. So look, man, being a wise man, he must have been a great example. He must have educated his son, his son has must have seen beautiful example of being a Muslim of being a believer of being someone who worships

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ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and ask this out in his life in his attitude in his actions and his words in his dealings and everything. So the foundations are laid and they're very solid and strong. So now when look man says to his son,

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luxury Camilla. It makes full sense, because his father the life of his father is a statement is an actual statement, or an actual lifestyle of this statement. They are gonna electrician, Camilla, And subhanAllah Toshi. This is about to hate. So what does he start with the most important thing because this point means you either into paradise or the Hellfire to heat there ilaha illallah you worship Allah alone,

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the Prophet and call it with that agenda, the key to Jana. That's how you enter paradise. You enter paradise with worshipping Allah, Allah, recognizing Allah is the Creator, the Sustainer, the provider, the one who's in control, flow control, the creator of everything, and that only him deserves our ultimate love or worship, our devotion, our dedication,

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and that he is unique in His names and attributes and most perfect and he doesn't have similarity to his creation. Simple. You live that and this is really you know, this is the fuel this is the, the fire that ignites you know, that that feeds the engine of life really the believer, the Muslim, you know, the life of a Muslim truly a true Muslim, the life of a Muslim is a love story.

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Is the story of loving Allah subhanaw taala and acting this love out as a lifestyle. This is really what the life of a Muslim is. Yeah, I'm not talking about the traditional way we were taught Islam about the culture where Islam is all about, you know, you know, going through the movements and having to do things and social expectations and all of that No, Islam is about loving Allah subhanaw taala and turning this love into a lifestyle and this lifestyle is prescribed the guidelines for it are very clear they are in the Quran, in the Sunnah and the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the rest of the details you work them out how they apply to your life. This is really

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what it is. It's a love story. You love Allah subhanho wa Taala You were created to love Allah, this love of Allah is instilled in you even when you were born. You need to recover it you need to reclaim it.

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You need to embrace it, you need to let it dominate your life inform your life, animate your life, this is the life of a believer.

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So when a man says to his son we are born a luxury villa, this to heat is expressed in the Quran in two forms and if bath and the Nephi if that is in Allah, Allah is the only true God who deserves to be worshipped that affirmation. And sometimes it's communicated by negating the opposite Allah ILA, there is no one who deserves to be worshipped. But Allah, you need both. And they are usually expressed in the Quran together.

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So look, man here, when he says to his son, do not associate partners with Allah when he's saying, live your life in the worship of Allah, in the heat of Allah subhanaw taala let your life be a statement of, you know, worshipping Allah subhanaw taala alone. This is what your life should be. So he's actually teaching his son how to live. How to Live is not just teaching him something about life. He's telling him what life is about. He's saying life is about worshipping Allah is about loving Allah is about fearing Allah subhanaw taala is that you live your life for Allah. This is what life is about. And this is how you should live. Any other way of life is going to lead to the

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hellfire. Simple as that. That's the most important Yeah. Bucha Yeah, Trisha Camilla initial Pelabuhan Moon album, when you associate partners with Allah, basically, when someone is more important in your life than Allah. You start bordering into sin and ship eventually, you need to be careful. And it's not like you're doing Allah favor because once you fail to give Allah his rights, you are falling into an oppression in injustice. Why are you taking from the rights of Allah, This life belongs to Allah, you belong to Allah, your life belongs to Allah, your heart belongs to Allah, your eyes belong to Allah. Your body belongs to Allah, your hair belongs to Allah, all of you belong

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to Allah, everything around you belongs to Allah. You can't use it the way you like, you have no ownership. You didn't even exist. Most of us 50 years ago, none of us existed except for the few of our respected elders.

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So how come now you own something to you and nothing? You were nothing. You were brought into this world? How come all of a sudden you own things.

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You don't own anything, everything you own is for Allah subhanaw taala even yourself. So when you don't give Allah what He owns, what are you doing? You stealing. That's why it's oppression. So when you use your life, when you use your mind when you use your heart, when you use your hands, your feet, your eyes, your ears,

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everything when you use it, for other than what it was created for, for something that doesn't serve Allah subhanaw taala you're stealing you're doing injustice, let alone with you live for something other than Allah, the worship of money, the worship of well, the worship of fame, the worship of status, the worship of your job, the worship of your favorite sport, the worship of your video games, the worship of the person that you love, the worship of your own reputation and your own ego.

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All of that is stealing from Allah Subhana Allah He is theft

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it's a life of untruth

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it's a life of injustice and oppression you Oh Allah all yourself. So how come you You did not Allah his rights you're gonna pay for that I mean, Allah gave you choice but you're gonna pay for that inner circle Illuminati mostly in in in Santa bydd a minute or more. One

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who has the rights, most rights upon you after Allah? Your parents and it happens in the blind many times with a lot of Bacala taboo.

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Allah ordained prescribe that you worship numbered him and that you stay good to your parents. Why? Because Allah brought you into this life through them.

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So you owe them.

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You're indebted to them.

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indebted to them. I think Abdullah and I'm gonna lay low and we saw a man carrying his mother on his back at the time they were again no trolleys, no wheelchairs, nothing. So he had to carry his mother on his back and now people make a lot of short, right.

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So he carried his mother and he performed Hajj with his mother on his back. He carried down his back. And he asked him to love now. He said, did I pay him back?

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He said not even one breath during her labor. You haven't paid him back.

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That's the rights of the parents. The companion ask the prophets Allah sent them and it happened as he hasn't. So how about the Messenger of Allah? Who are the people who deserve

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My company my time spending time with them, my kindness, my generosity, the best, the best that I have who deserve that? He said, your mother, he said, then who? Almost your mother, then who your mother went home from a book. He said, your father, your parents?

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Soon you give preference to somebody other than your parents.

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What are you doing? You're violating, you're violating

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to give them the rights. But again, you are kind and you're nice and you're dutiful to your parents, but they want you to do something wrong, starting with the biggest trunk which is what associate partners with Allah.

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Right? So Allah says, Worship Me, it'd be good to your parents, your parents say don't worship Allah, what do you do? I have to obey Allah. Right and be good to my parents and not worship Allah, you see the contradiction?

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What do you do know? This is why we said there is hierarchy there is level of obligations. So the obligation to your parents does not have strength and potency to cancel the higher and more important obligation, the origin obligation of worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. Right. So it's important this is called in Islam, morality will come, you know, rulings of Islam are not all at the same level, some of them are stronger than others. So that when there is a situation when there is competition between two rulings, one of them has to be applied, one has to be violated for the other to be applied. You can't apply them both in the same situation the same time. This is called

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Conflict, situational conflict, which one do you adhere to the one that is higher in the hierarchy that has more value in Islam?

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And you violate the other one yes, you violate someone says, oh, but you committed a sin you committed the lesson them the greatest sin. This is our Islam is.

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So your parents want you to do something haram. They want you to eat pork. They want you not to wear hijab, or Allah says Be good to your parents know, when it's haram Lapa I tell him Hello, Confucius.

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There is no obedience for a creation that constitutes disobedience to the Creator to Allah. That's it hierarchy, you see hierarchy.

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Okay, my parents are abusive.

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Now we start thinking of what kinds of exceptions that's the disease of today. People don't want to talk about rules, they all want to talk about exceptions. You know, if you don't establish the rule and understand that you will not be able to handle exceptions to stay all your life traumatized by exceptions, really, you need to understand the dot run out of time or

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cautiously listening towards the end. Okay? Exceptions, you can't deal with exceptions. You can't deal with exceptions. Unless you grasp the rule and give it its right then you can start dealing with exceptions today everyone once you say something, but what about this you know, you already missed the path to this because it goes through this that you don't want to dissenter.

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So in these situations, exceptions, each situation can be dealt with on a case to case basis. There is no injustice in it's not there's no standard that tells you will be oppressed and be happy about it. It doesn't say that.

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When you had to shake it KB Melissa Campion,

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Macedonian adult, okay, so they want you to disobey Allah. They want you to associate partners with Allah, don't obey them in that, but stay good to them, give them their rights. What an amazing balance. So it's not something that someone does something wrong, we violate their rights. Let's write them out. Let's destroy them. You can't do this. There is balance. And every one there is every human being there is good in them and there is evil in them. We love them for the good. We support them in the good, and we stand against them in the evil.

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It's a differentiated approach. Image shift was something that I have a lot and he says no, I mean, it's budgeted in that way. If I want to fellowship bu LM Fe Heyman, a man in Ohio, who at MFE mean Cofrin worship was every person they have good and evil in them, we love them. We support them, we side with them when it comes to Eman that they have and the good that they do. And we stand against them when it comes to Cofer disbelief, disobedience, sin, etc. We love them for the man and we hate them for the Cofer at the same time. So he says you should tell me often, Marie, when you can actually love the person and hate them at the same time. Schizophrenic No,

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no, but that's actually justice. That's just as many people

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Not when you make a mistake, they want to destroy you who doesn't have a mistake? Who doesn't have a mistake? But you know that's a disease in the heart. Then people weaponize religion, they weaponize truth to destroy you. What are they doing instead of serving Allah and serving his religion? They want Allah and His religion to serve their ego. That's the problem.

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And it's a serious disease. Okay for that

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sebelum Ananda Healy and follow the path of those who returned to me, those who gravitate towards me towards the last month. That means, you know, when things are difficult in life when there's a lot of fitna, one of the most important thing you should do is keep the company of good people which is underestimated today because social media online life has taken us away from that, and we missing out on this. And number two, the individualism is very toxic that we live in. Allah says to the prophets of salaam Was there enough second Allah DNA, the owner of the home beloved, it will actually be read on our chat and limit yourself, confine yourself to those who call upon Allah

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worship Allah subhanaw taala day and night, and do not turn your eyes or your sight or attention away from them. Don't seek the company of other than those people stay with the right people. It's very important. The prophets also have said a lot while I didn't really have the company hired, everyone is upon the religion of their companions. So be careful Be watchful with regards to who you take as companions friends, as people you will hang with.

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So mela Yamanaka maggio confirmed a bigger company manhunt in China, eventually it's going to be tough, the balance is going to be hard. You're going to struggle with that. But you know, this is gonna pass. There's a time limit to this. Eventually you will come back to me and everything, all the scales, or all the accounts will be settled. Justice will be done. So don't worry about that. Yes. Oh, it's going to be inconvenient. Yes, it's going to be challenging. Yes. It's going to be painful. Yes.

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Sometimes will be confusing. Yes. Who said life is going to be easy. And when the Prophet SAW Selim said, My Bucky eminent duniya in

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Hammond, Mohammed Washington, Oka. mcaliley said nothing is left in the dunya except trials hardships, and confusion.

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That's the nature of life. It's test. And it doesn't depend on us. It depends on Allah. Put your trust in Allah will lie. It's not your intelligence. It's not your knowledge. It's not your goodness, that really saves you with Allah. It's your trust in Allah knowing that of yourself, you can't do anything. You can't save yourself, but Allah and no one can save himself. No one can save yourself.

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Only by truly relying on Allah and trusting Allah and hoping in Allah you will be saved. Only this is why we say yeah, can Ambu Wait Yeah, can stain. We worship You. And we seek to help to do that. Because of ourselves. We can't do it. Over with a few are left to yourself, you can't do that you can't fulfill that obligation. But it's Allah subhanaw taala that helps you, you have to understand that that we are actually helpless.

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So eventually you will return to Allah and everyone will be held accountable according to their deeds. So don't worry, you're not going to be held accountable for someone else's mistakes.

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Everyone will be held accountable. And if simply mark as a trainer, every self, it's again destiny is going to be decided by what it does. But what it did, Yamuna Yang, into komikko that habit in how that inserter convinced a lot in our vicinity of Obeah to be Latina, la la la for February, and awakening to the heart on my son, even if it's an atom's weight, and mustard seed, the the most insignificant size of anything that you think is insignificant, you don't pay attention to Allah will bring it on the day of judgment and it will have a place it will have a place on the account. So nothing goes missing with Allah Spanish Allah if it's good, if it's evil, so you should know that

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Allah watches you. When you were in private. Allah watches you. When you show a face in public and another face in private. Allah knows when you show your face in public and inside, you're seeing something else in the your inner dialogue. Allah knows what's in your heart.

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Allah knows you. You show off with your prayer, you show off with your religiosity. You show off with your wealth, you show off with your kindness with your God with goodness with your charity, and you know, it's not for Allah but you want people's attention and people's admiration.

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And you think you can do that for a lifetime and get away with it. And you think yeah, you start to believe that lie that you've been acting out. Allah knows

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Allah sees through this

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you can't deceive Allah. So you know what? Make sure you give yourself totally to Allah because he's in charge of everything nothing in goes missing or the last minute

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that your perception does not shape or limit the perception of Allah subhanaw taala you can bury your head in the sand and say oh it's not there but if when it's there it's there and you will be held accountable

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Yeah, okay

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yeah TV Hala in the light of life on heavier a lower Bring It On the day of judgment in the lobby for gloss is subtle. And he works in ways you can't figure out and you can never think about hobby and he's aware fully aware. Yeah, Munna Yatta masala, established a prayer, established a prayer and by the way, just to point out the prayer is not only what you see, this is the tip of the iceberg. What is visible to the eye, and what is audible to the ear in the Salah is the tip of the iceberg.

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Most of the Salah happens where in the heart

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most of the Salah happens in the how this white people tell you I pray, but I don't feel it. I pray Allah says, you know the prayer deters you from sin, I pray but I don't feel that because you're not praying. Your heart is not praying. Salah is foremost most and foremost for the heart and takes place in the heart.

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Salons primarily for the heart.

00:36:36 --> 00:36:48

What do you see again, and what you hear this is the tip of the iceberg, call it 5% Literally, it's in the heart. And this way the Prophet SAW said and said two people could be praying next to each other.

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And between their prayer command Venus and it was the difference between their prayer is just like the distance between the heavens and the earth.

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Externally the same was the difference in the heart. So the prayer when you're praying, Allah wants your heart, your limbs and your tongue follow the heart. We're not to make we're not here to make a show before Allah, we're here to be sincere when we pray. And that's why we're not reaping the fruits of the prayer. Yeah, but then a Salah, that's your personal worship obligations. All right? Yeah, putting up in a solid one Mormon model with one hand and called social obligation, because you fixing yourself is not enough. You need to engage, increase the good, and push against the evil by this social responsibility of enjoying the good advicing against the evil,

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a mobile model for you. And now you and your mom got a very important thing. You can't get your ways, right without engaging in that to a healthy extent. And it has a lot of models and it

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has a lot of rules, regulations, and it has wisdom behind it. It's not random. And it's not haphazard. Or it's not a matter of a mood or personal taste. No, there is science behind it. One room over an anchor was better. I can be patient with what befalls you. Because you're going to get hit in life. If you think you know most people are traumatized. A lot of people their trauma or their pain is exacerbated because of their expectations. Life should be nice because that's why they told us have a happy life. fulfilled life full of joy. travel wherever you want. Right Do what you want each what you want. Life is full of happiness and joy. Especially with marriage right marriage

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is going to be beautiful. You're going to live all these you know fairy tales and these love stories. You're going to live that four wheel you get into it and say is that it? I must be married to the wrong person? No, you're just married to a human being. Because you want to be married to your dreams to your fancy.

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Life is tough. A marriage is tough parenthood is tough. Being alive is tough. Dealing with life is tough. That's it? How do you think you're going to enter Jannah

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it doesn't mean it's impossible. On the contrary, this the only way it can be meaningful was that Allah Maha sabak

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So he's teaching his son different skills. Pray, fulfill the obligations, your personal obligations to Allah subhanaw taala. In out inside out.

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Engage in the social worship of advising increasing the good and limiting the evil pushing against the evil was where Allah ma Saba one of the pure actions of the heartbeat patient, that actually the Prophet saw Sam says monopoly had bad Amen Yatta and accent Amina somebody. No one was given up to him and anything more precious than some

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patience. You will need Patience and everything in life. You need patience. It's the it's the secret ingredient that turns everything into gold.

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because a lot of what kills us is our impatience, our haste, our inability to stay upon the what is true and stay consistent until things pay their proof fruit

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in the valley come in as Malambo This is one of the highest traits actually as Mullaghmore strength, firm resolution, you want to be a strong person. You want to be a strong person these are the secrets to a strong person Allah says was the you know the somebody was salah, right? Seek help and strengthen what suburb patients and Salah it makes you stronger. But when you pray properly, when you pray with your heart, it's not like your heart is worshiping something else, thinking of something else, and you just bringing your body to Allah. No, that's not Salaam. That's not how your support you need to give Allah the most precious thing about you and that's your heart. If you give

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that your heart to something else, that means there is something more valuable in your life than Allah.

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Call a spade a spade.

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If you don't bring your attention to the Salah and to want to Allah and feel that love and personal connection, something is more important to you than Allah. What is that thing what your heart is thinking about?

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In order to not be arrogant, do not be contemptuous to people look down upon them. Why? Because you're just a creature like them, but you have nothing to be proud of. You didn't create yourself you didn't bring yourself into existence. Allah created you. So what are you proud about? Only Allah isn't with a camera. Why? Because he's the only one who deserves this pride.

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Humans because you don't own anything of yourself. You helpless, you weak. So when you think good of yourself and you think you're a big shot, that's a lie. You believe in a lie. You're acting out a lie and your attitude. This is why the company is evil.

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What happens you fill out the metal hanging, don't walk on Earth with so much pride. And again, Mara wouldn't be against some sort of a heedlessness. Again, some sort of heedlessness arrogance with heedlessness

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you just saw, you know happy about the things that you have in your life or you're just so busy thinking about your own worldly pursuits. But you you're not in tune with the purpose of this life while you're here.

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Don't do that.

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In the light of turning for hope Allah does not love those who are arrogant, prideful and haughty. Works with famous Sheikh Hawk, you know, with moderation. That's the external. So in your heart, don't have arrogance externally, be mild, be mild and be balanced in everything the way you work, the way you talk. Don't just raise your voice. And the professor was described can either had that asthma. If he spoke he made the other person hear. But his voice wasn't too hot or too high. The volume wasn't too high, it wasn't too low.

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That's how we should speak. Because Allah says, Well, if you've got to compete if you think oh, it's better to be to have a louder voice. It's more like well, whatever I don't know, gives an impression of strength or manliness, right? Well, the voice of the donkey is stronger and louder than your voice. So what are you who are you competing with?

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So again, this is an advice should see it as an incident that would happen occasionally in the life of the man towards his son chose the beautiful example of parenthood of giving advice, and seizing the moment, but also see it in the context of him. And Aquaman being an embodiment of what He is advising his wise man, right, at least we said, he's a wise man, if not a prophet. That means when he gives advice, he already embodies that he has that in him. But he just emphasizes it with more communication, verbal communication.

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I think this is a lesson for all parents. And it's a beautiful way even to advice. And hopefully, when we see it in context, this is something that we can benefit from to see what are the most important that we should give advice about. And it shows that we should educate our kids about to hate because when we tell our kids or when do you want to be in the future? What's your dreams in the future? We never bring Allah. I want to be a doctor, I want to be engineer I want to be a lawyer. I want to be a teacher. I want to be an entrepreneur, I want to be a billionaire, right? That's what we teach them. We think, oh, I want to guarantee a better future for my kids.

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And then when they grow and they don't have Allah and their life is we want to force them to pray and then the Quran and we say how come we gave them the best education? We treated them? Well? Yeah, but Allah was absent.

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So how can you complain now? You reaping what you saw it?

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Really what goes around comes around.

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So when we feel more puzzled, that means we're not looking carefully at what we are doing and the consequences of our own actions and choices. I asked him last month to guide

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As to make us the best of parents spouses and children and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide our hearts and forgive our sins deserve love him for coming out and joining us

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and there's no time just make it to it's the last minute in Friday and hopefully inshallah your answer is answered masala along with cinema Xenium and million writer it was how big Rahim Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa

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