Moutasem al-Hameedy – A Thematic Commentary On The Quran #22

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The speaker discusses the importance of organic shapes for the organic body and Halacha guidance. They emphasize the importance of learning and memorizing the Quran for the best guidance, as any one with integrated everything will be safe. The speaker also emphasizes the capacity for survival, loving, and desire, while the capacity for happiness is the capacity for knowledge. Any one with integrated everything will be safe, and anyone with no integration will be in trouble.
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Even Ahmed in Wagga, Ali he was having a domain war battle.
He also apologized about the
the missing halacha last week was certain the weather was tough. There was some some circumstances. But anyways, we get back to Surratt, and Nisa. And we said, the central theme is sort of Denisa appears strongly in verse number one. And it boils down to the fact that humans are all related to one another, they come from the same father and the same mother. And
there's a highlight of the, of the input or the centrality of women in relationships and families in the building of society and nations.
And Allah wraps this together within the framework of being mindful of him and being careful of his own punishment. The fact that he's a watcher over us, so that exactly, so that we, we are meant to observe the, the connections, family connections.
So the solar in brief, we said what sorting is that is about establishes this universal bond among humans, that humanity is one family, essentially. And this removes all means of segregation, prejudice, racism, regardless of what the background of this is, whether it's race, ethnicity, language, culture, whatever the what really matters with Allah subhanaw taala, the basis for judgment with Allah subhanaw taala.
Or the criterion
by which Allah judges humanity is taqwa the Prophet SAW Selim says in the authentic hadith,
therefore Bula your Halabi in her Agia Megan wala Dr. Jaime Jin Ha ha Robinson, elaborate Taqwa there is no fee or there is no merit
for an Arab over an Arab or an Arab over an Arab except when it comes to Taqwa tackle. So Islam removes right from the outset, every other basis for judgment among humans. It states that humans are equal because they come from the same father and the same mother. And then this life is a competition as to who gets ahead of the others or who does well in terms of Taqwa as simple as that.
So, rotten Nisa deals a lot with family law,
marital relationships,
rules of marriage, divorce,
And then it starts it talks about
the society moves from the family, from the unit of the family, into a bigger kind of family, which is this society itself. And it addresses some of the issues that were found in the society of Medina at the time. And although it talks specifically about that society, but the issues that it treats, extends to every society, throughout human existence, and then after that,
Allah subhanaw taala, and sort of in his talks about the hypocrites,
Allah talks about the hypocrites because the hypocrites are.
Were a big chunk of the society in Medina. And actually, they there was quite a good number among the Muslim community. There were hypocrites, people pretended who pretended to be Muslim, but they were not. And this impacted the Muslim family, the big Muslim family. So Allah subhanaw taala gives the Muslims instructions as to how to handle them. There's a lot of wisdom in Surah Nyssa in terms of dealing with relationships, dealing with segments of society dealing with people who are different than you, people who have real animosity towards you, a lot of wisdom is showed because the hypocrites in the Muslim society are sworn enemies to the Muslims. They were eating the Muslims
from inside there were stabbing the Muslims in the back. They were passive aggressive in that sense. They were lying in wait, they would seize a moment to destroy the Muslims and take them by surprise. Yet the Muslims were not instructed in the Surah. To show enmity or respond with with an explicit enmity towards the hypocrites they were they were advised to handle them with wisdom with wisdom. And the reason this is wise is the
are generally speaking, when people start learning the religion, when I say start learning the religion, I don't, I don't mean someone who just started a couple of months ago, people who just started learning the religion, this takes years.
This takes years.
Oftentimes, these people think their religion or the understanding of Islam is that you memorize some text and you understand their basic meaning.
You could actually memorize the whole Quran, and you can memorize al Bukhari, and Muslim and understand the basic meanings of the text. And you're not even a student of knowledge.
Because some people have this notion, that knowledge is information. And that's not what knowledge is. That's not what knowledge is, this is this is the prerequisite for knowledge. Knowledge comes after this. Knowledge is the integration of all of that, and the proper, relevant, wise application of all of this in dynamic situations and contexts. So knowledge is about integration. This is what it's called, in the Arabic language in the Islamic tradition, alhfam alhfam, which literally is translated as comprehension, but it's comprehension and wisdom. It is comprehension and wisdom among the Allahu Anhu when he sent, I believe more IW Jebel to Yemen to be the governor of Yemen, he gave
him very famous advice.
And he said, at a cabin for me female, oddly enough, he came in and
he said you will need
what you will.
What you will die Lee need is alhfam which is this deep level of comprehension integration and unwise application of what you know,
with whatever you are faced with any situation that is brought to your attention.
This is how this is how the scholars were actually classified, generally speaking, the classification of scholars was based on their, on their level of FEM IMOCA em from Allah to Allah, he talks about famine, he says, in one statement, his alpha mu,
in one of sadaqa Yeah, woman surely Willa Yachty. And surely Wilayat era here, he says,
this kind of firm wisdom and integration, he says it's the title of truthfulness.
this description of acidity, that you're truly honest and true to Allah subhanho wa taala. It says the title of this is fun, it can be achieved only by fan because if you look at the coverage, for example, the coverage memorized a lot, and they knew a lot. What they lacked primarily was alhfam, proper integration of what they understood, their understanding was fragmented, it was compartmentalized.
any situation that you find in life and Islamic judgment on it is very dynamic, and is multi dimensional. So you cannot pass a judgement. Just by understanding one dimension of the situation, you have to have full understanding before you open your mouth. And you have to understand how the religious texts and the religious intents, how they apply to these situations, to the different dimensions and how they integrate together.
So you will find a lot of this insalata Nyssa and how to handle the People of the Book People of the Scripture.
He is somebody who just acts on mere knowledge, basic understanding, they would be very frustrated with the response of the People of the Scripture in Medina, and they would definitely jump to
a state of war with them yet the prophets of salaam did not do that. War was the raw last resort when they left the prophets of salaam with no option whatsoever, when they tried to assassinate the Prophet sallallahu sallam, when they conspired with external enemies against the treaty that they had signed with the Prophet SAW Selim of common defense
when they start the Muslims in the back in the Battle of the Trench, when the Muslims were completely protected, and they left their backs to to the to the blue collar River
and they had this disagreement with them.
And they intended to open to create an opening for Quraysh and Hopper fan and the other enemies to attack the Muslims to break into Medina from that point from their from their land. That's when the Prophet Solomon had to deal with them.
So you'll find sometimes people again, who, who who lacked and
I'm emphasizing this because it's extremely important. And in critical times, by the way, and what I mean by critical times critical times like like this when there's a health risk, and there's a health crisis, and critical times is when there's a family. The the integrity of a family is, is at risk, or when the future of people's children is at risk, or when, when we have a youth, or some of the youth who are really having doubts about Islam. And when we act without wisdom, we push them away from Islam or we destroy a family, or we we end up causing, you know, suffering to people in terms of health, etc. This is this is a lot of sin for a person to carry on their shoulders and the
face Allah subhanaw taala on the day of judgment with this.
So it's extremely important to really highlight that Islam is about wisdom, a lot of the bad
coverage that is given to Islam, in the media, it exploits and it capitalizes on what these kinds of lack of wisdom, lack of wisdom we're gonna see in sha Allah how Surah Nisa when he displays a lot of the Islamic wisdom. So a lot of the bad name that was given to Islam was perpetuated and originated first by Muslims, then it was picked upon by those who don't want good for Islam and Muslims. And it was blown out of proportion in the media, and it gives the Muslims a bad knee.
So, lack of wisdom is extremely, extremely dangerous. And we have the prophets of Solomon one incident,
which was extreme and the Prophet SAW Salem, he told the prophecy, he predicted about a man whose little Hawaii Sara was very well known as the Prophet SAW Salem after the Battle of Hunan when the Muslims defeat after the Muslims had defeated
Latifah and the people of a thought if sorry, thief and that wasn't from a thought if especially if a thief at the time
the Muslim Muslims earn some so a lot of spoils of war and the prophets of salaam had a specific way of distributing them. This man will Hoysala he says to the prophets of Salaam in public in the heat of the moment, the battle is still fresh. He says to the Prophet SAW Salem, yah, Mohammed dill, for in the howdy here this Martoma Aw how to Allah, very defined, the attitude is extremely defined and disrespectful. He says, oh, Muhammad, be fair be just this kind of distribution is not for the sake of Allah.
He's speaking to the Prophet SAW Salem in front of all of these companions and a woman to victory
who speaks to the Prophet SAW Salem in that manner?
And you guessed it, I'm going to help Bob was going to jump the guy and and and chop off his head.
The prophecy was sallam said, leave him
that wisdom, you might say but the person who had the right to do that, yes. The fact that you have the right doesn't mean you exercise this right? Because there are moments where exercising your legal right. And religious right, could actually bring about more harm. That's wisdom.
So this kind of lack of wisdom and obnoxious kind of approach. We sometimes
as individuals, and sometimes as a Muslim community, we abused our legal rights.
We need to be careful.
We need to be because the fact that something is your right does not mean it's wise actually to take his spirit and I don't I don't mean give up on your rights. But I say there are certain situations that call for you making a compromise. It's wiser, and the gain the long term gain is far bigger.
So the Prophet SAW sent me he said, Thou
so in one narration, the Prophet SAW Selim gives the detail and it's extremely important the Prophet SAW Selim says
yeah, Hello, gentlemen. We had a woman
Tayrona salata. Camila Salatin was the Yama comida see I mean
the Emerald on him in a Dini camellia Morocco, Sam Amina la mia.
program said, the followers of this person
will be those that when you compare your prayer to their to their prayer, your prayer will seem to be very little. Nothing insignificant. And if you compare your fast to their fast, they will surpass you in terms of number external performance.
They will
pass through the religion just like an arrow passes through the game.
Say you shoot a rabbit with an arrow there the
The arrow goes through the rabbit in and outs, and it's really fast.
If you check the arrow you will find even no trace of blood on the arrow. The province of salaam gave that analogy that these people will enter into Islam and it seems like they've entered into STEM, but they will leave from the other side without any trace of Islam through trace of Islam.
Other generations the prophets of salaam said these will be the dogs of the Hellfire
to Ballymun
glad tidings to the one who kills them or gets killed by them.
Then I'm gonna tab Upon hearing this, this is the Rasul Allah the Messenger of Allah, let me go and kill this guy.
Let me go and finish him off if all of this evil is going to come from this person, and the followers of this person.
Let's get rid of him now.
The prophets of salaam said
la Yatta had the fullness and know Muhammad and Yocto was horrible.
I don't want people to assume and think that Muhammad in escaped Muhammad kills his companions when they disagree with him on the objects in
the broth, that's another dimension of the situation. But if someone is saying it's my right, he spoke to the Prophet and defiantly he accused the prophecy of not being fair and not seeking Allah subhanaw taala. And this can that meaning the prophets of salaam was playing favoritism. Thus, that was his his blatant accusation. And the Prophet SAW Salem explicitly said that his followers will do so much damage.
He had the prophecies on him, let him go. Why? Because the promise of them sees that the damage that it's a very difficult choice.
Both choices are bad. But again, here, pick your poison, choose the lesser lesser of the two evils. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam says, I don't want people to assume or thing because that's how people don't know the the details of the situation. People don't know what's going on here. Well, it seems outside people are going to get this the outside story, the cover story, which is Muhammad kills his companions.
And that's gonna give a bad name to Islam. And this will push many people away from truly considering Islam as their way of life and the prophecies and unwanted the guidance of people. That's wisdom.
Many of this isn't salt in this app, but it's it's between the lines.
Because wisdom, the moment you put wisdom in a tweet, it loses its potency.
Once you put it explicitly, wisdom, once you put it explicitly
become becomes misunderstood. It's not appreciated, it's not valued. Subhanallah that's, that's human nature. Wisdom makes sense when the person needs it the most.
And this is why generally speaking, the early generations, the self did not teach everything to everyone.
That naughty teach everything to me, they would pick their students,
they would pick their students, and they would study a person because before they teach that person, so if they saw a person who had arrogance, and who had so much pride that would not teach that person because they know that this person would use this, this knowledge to gain so much prominence in society, we'll use Islam for their own agenda. So they do not teach that person.
That's wisdom. Somebody might come to them and say you're
you're withholding knowledge that's haram, the prophet Selim warned against this.
No, no, you can, you can live in that small world, alright. But there is some there is there is more more to this situation than this. Okay. So.
So sorting this out here starts with the whole concept of
marriage, taking care of orphans, and et cetera, and giving women the Don't worry the rights. And then it moves on to the issue of inheritance. And again, one of the misunderstandings and
false assumptions about Islam that males are given double the shadow females and inheritance. But again, this is just taking one dimension of a bigger context, a very complex situation. Just picking on one and say, You see,
Islam favors males over females or men over women that's completely
completely false and merely It's a misunderstanding of Islam. The problem is, again, when when there is when when what you have around his shallow knowledge, it's it's hard to make people see the you know, the futility of their of their conclusion.
is Islam is a complete system. And if you look at what Islam what are the obligations and the responsibilities that Islam placed on the male
And the female you will see a beautiful balance that is compatible with the nature of men and the nature of women.
So, in the laws of inheritance, in most of the cases, most of the cases, you will find women inheriting more than men.
There are cases where women, actually the majority of the cases, women inherit more than more than men.
In many cases, and there's a few research papers that have been done in these times what's going on?
yeah, so, so there have been research papers written on this, where it shows that it actually it's only maybe three cases in the whole of Islamic Maori or laws of inheritance, where males inherit more than females. And it shows that the criteria is not actually gender, when it comes to the shirt, but there is the closeness to the person and then the financial obligations on that person within this context and so on and so forth. But anyway, this is not the point where we are here to talk about insulting Fatiha, there's a point about
which usually is raised
about testimony, when there is
there is a loan, when you write the contract of a loan, you get the last one that says
Mr. Shido Shahe, the name originally come in let me Hoonah Raju Laney Farage balloon one rotten moment abdominal ministry,
get two witnesses, two male witnesses, if not two male witnesses, then you get a one male witness and two female witnesses. So they said okay, Islam is saying that women cannot remember and they're not good with testimony and things like that.
It's irrelevant. It's irrelevant here. Because if you look at Islam, for example, the say if a woman narrates a hadith, and this happens a lot, and many Eseni, or chains of narration of Hadith, you'll find a woman narrates a hadith. And this is a far bigger testimony, because it's about matters of religion rather than matters of finances. Islam, this is way way more important, yet if there is a female narrator, and we know that
her in terms of memory, she is good. And in terms of honesty, she is good. We accept the narration. And we don't ask for two narrators to female narrators. This shows that the issue is not about this, but some some Muslim scholars have actually expounded on this, to explain. Now this has to do with the nature general generally speaking the nature of females, because when there is testimony, and there is money, the witnesses are or they're only in turn in cases of denial, when the person who was taking the loan, denies the loan,
does have not taken have not borrowed money from this person.
So here you need the witnesses. These situations are very tense. Generally speaking, generally speaking, people of softer nature, nature, mainly women, and there is men as well.
When they are in these tense situation where there's a lot of challenge, they're emotionally overwhelmed. And this gets to because of their empathy, it gets to affect the way they narrate, or the way they even recall the testimony or the incident, this is very well known. So if if a judge suspects that there is a man, one of the witnesses, is have this kind of soft nature, and they get affected out of because of the intensity of the situation, they can actually download out their testimony. So again, this is not our topic, but just to give you some examples, that how things get taken out of context. And then they are the way they are depicted to people that a Islam, you know,
looks at women as lesser than men and so on and so forth.
But all of this is actually the wisdom of the Divine legislation that puts everything in place.
And Allah subhanaw taala here as as he talks about laws of inheritance.
And then he talks about even promiscuity and Xena relationships if people will in relationships outside the wedlock how to handle the situation.
Then Allah subhanaw taala talks about
laws of divorce,
verse number 2021. And then about who's permissible for
For a man to marry.
So Allah subhanaw taala talks about the women that are prohibited for a man to marry. So mothers sisters, aren't right, daughters, etc. So Allah Allah mentions that all of this is for the, for the, for the well being, this is all for the well being of the family, the individual and the society in general.
Then Allah subhanaw taala, even addresses issues where, and here this is verse number
Number 25. In case there are people who can't afford to get married, and at the time, there were slaves, Allah Santana makes it permissible to marry a slave girl.
Because her daughter is going to be way cheaper, is more affordable.
And this shows that again, when when we talk about Islam and slavery, etc, got it, this is a big discussion.
And this is a problem with, with, with when we use terms, already packed terms.
slavery as a term, and as a phenomenon. When you say slavery comes with a lot of stuff.
Because the word slavery is English, and it comes from the Western Hemisphere. It's, it's full of baggage from what from the history of slavery is slavery in the Western Hemisphere, the treatment of the slaves, etc, and so on and so forth.
The problem is when we take this word slavery and apply it to Islamic history,
we carry all the negative connotations that are in the West, and we dump them on the history of Islam. And that's completely unfair. It's completely unfair.
So we take all the elements and the flaws of the Western practices and the European practices when it came to slavery, and the treatment of slaves, and the kidnapping of innocent people and so on, and sort of free people and so on and so forth.
And abusing them.
And it was completely inhuman, something unbelievable. The atrocities are just something you can't
it's something unimaginable, then to take that and dump it on Islamic history is completely unfair and say, Hey, Islam encourages slavery.
We have now with with these issues, we did a careful study. In his a couple of so at the time, there were slaves and slaves were able to get buried.
And they were given four rights in terms of the marriage and so on and so forth. This just gives you a glimpse that even though there was slavery, and Islam encouraged against slavery, definitely, and encouraged people on many occasions to free the slaves and give them their freedom. But again, when we talk about slaves or in the Arabic language, it is categorically different from what we know when it comes to slavery in the Western experience.
Then I want to highlight verses here 2627 and 28. Because oftentimes, these concepts, they go unnoticed when we when it comes to fake Now this stuff is highly fake, is pure fake Allah, he talks about 50 issues, these are very technical issues, very technical, a lot talks about details, rights, obligations, contracts. Then Allah subhanaw taala Look at, look at the, again, I'm using this word loosely the philosophy which is the wisdom I'm talking about the wisdom behind Islamic legislation, look at what Allah says. Allah says, Why does he legislate all of these things regulations? Why does he stipulate all of these detailed rules for you? You read Hola Hola, you will be unique Hola, como
Maya dia come soon. Anna Lydian I'm in public homeboy to ballet como la who had even Hakim let me read the translation from here. So we stick to this
translation 26.
Yeah, it is Allah's Will to make things clear to you, guide you to the noble ways of those before you and turn and turn to you in mercy for Allah is all knowing, all wise. I was explaining why does he legislate and this underlies all of Islamic legislation, this kind of wisdom, this kind of, again, framework. Sometimes I want to say philosophy again, but I'm not saying philosophy as in a technical and technical sense but as the guiding principles behind.
Then Allah says,
Allah who you read a year to bury como URI do leadin, ATB ona shouty and Timmy Romanian Alima 27
and it is Allah's Will to turn you
who to turn to you in grace. But those who follow their desires wish to see you deviate entirely from Allah's way. So Allah says that fit Islamic legislation is designed
for what? For you to be in your favor.
It is designed in your best interest. That's what it's for. And it's a complete consensus among the Muslim scholars throughout the times that all of Islamic legislation and they have a word that they actually agree upon. Even the wording of it they agree upon
in the majority Cherie to lead you legal bill Masada he will not in my first job in masala he went to community health, whether Ill my first CD was utterly Islamic legislation is there the purpose of Islamic legislation is to guarantee
guarantee benefits and maximize them and to remove harm, harm and minimize it. That's the underlying principle of all Islamic legislation. Everything in Islam
and the moment you don't see this, you're not you haven't dug deep enough. That's it, the moment something seems to be to not to be in your best interest. Then you are looking at a shallow level you have not dug deep enough.
Then this the following verse, you read Allah Who are you have FIFA and Come Holy Collinson, Oba Eva.
And it is Allah's Will to lighten your burdens for humankind was created week.
So what is Allah, Allah gives us all of this legislation. He puts it together for us. Why? Because Allah wants to lessen our burden. Allah wants to lighten the burden that we are shouldering allowance to make things easy for us.
And this is why Allah subhanaw taala when he talks about the Prophet SAW Selim, he says no, you're welcome. fika theory mineral embryonic. If the Prophet SAW Salem were to follow your wishes and your desires and your counsel. And most of the issues, it will eventually lead you to more burden.
That's human intellect.
You can get some benefits short term, but you don't realize the long term consequences of what you do. And Hume, if humans are left to their minds, to their intellect to choose, they will end up choosing what is immediately rewarding along the long term. detrimental
that's how human logic there's our functions because we can't see you know, Allah, our lifespan, our our timeline, our assessment of time is very small, very tiny. Our lives are just 70 7080 years. Maximum. That's our lifespan. But Allah subhanaw taala says in neoman in Dharug, Becca Calfee Senath a matter of a day with Allah is like 1000 years of yours
so we are sort of stuck in our in this in the present moment, we don't see how things will unfold eventually. And the nature of things ism is a mystery for us. We just know very little about the world. We know very little even about ourselves. There's so much we don't know there's so much we don't understand.
Look at this Coronavirus.
Humanity has no has come to know so much about viruses. Right?
But again, there is so many things we don't know. And this is why there is panic. This is why, you know, everyone is on their gods. If you look at the numbers so far,
it's not it's not too scary. But what is what is what makes it scary to that level to that degree is that there is so much we don't know about it yet.
That's this is what freaks governments out.
So okay, so Islamic legislation is all is all put to be in your best interest. And this is why the correct opinion among Muslim scholars because some of the deviant sects. They say, Islamic legislation is arbitrary. Meaning has no meaning. It's just there because it's there. That's it for the sake of obedience.
But that's not true.
That's not true. Islamic legislation has guidelines, it has principles. And these principles were actually detected by the scholars that were gleaned by studying Islam thoroughly. The scholars spotted some of those the major ones major wisdoms, and they call them what the mocaa said, the goals and the objectives of legislation and what are they
preserving people's rights? To know
Allah and worship Him to know the truth which is horrible at the end have young people interpreted or misinterpreted as preserving religion in like any religion. No Islam preserves the truth. Islam seeks to preserve the truth because if you bring about an ideology, you call it a religion is detrimental to people Islam seeks to expose it
as first one number one number two preserving human life have bought
have Valhalla
have gone inside. And this comes preserving your life all forms of your life at all levels. This is where health comes comes about this where people's lives is sacred. Islamic legislation all of it it's all about preserving human life. You can eat something haram when you have nothing else to eat, to save your life you can eat haram concessions are made. Why because your life is a priority.
There is damage there but it says it becomes minor in a case of need.
And then preserving people's what people sanity.
Your ability to tell right from wrong.
Have a little apple
and this is why intoxicants are haram. Anything that affects your brain temporarily or permanently is haram. Anything that brings about any that reduces your faculties is haram.
And then preserving
people's dignity and honor.
That's the emotional aspect of humans. And the social, it's more its social and emotional.
That's a human arm because
it's an integral part of who we are. When you compromise someone's dignity, you ruin their life. You traumatize them.
People kill themselves because of that.
And included in this preserving people's lineage, people's people's right to know their ancestry and to attribute themselves to their true fathers or mothers.
And fifth is preserving people's possessions and property.
Because our properties are an extension of our sense of self.
And when people's property is open to violation. It's extremely painful to humans, it's it's, it's, it's unsettling for humans.
And life cannot go for life cannot flourish. Humans cannot live a good quality of life. When when the rights in this sense are compromised. Okay, so we can see that Islamic legislation is all about it's in your best interest. Sometimes you might see it actually narrows things down upon you. It makes things tight for you, hard for you. But that's just that's on the short term. You have to look at the grand scheme of things.
And another verse I want to highlight is verse number 32. Allah Subhan Allah says, well at the time and Noma football Allah will be about documentary about you'll be joining us regional Cebu Mactan Cebu well in Nisa in Cebu min Makita. Seven, was a Lula humming fugly in Allah can have equally she in Lima.
Allah says and do not crave what Allah has given some of you over others men will be rewarded according to their deeds and women equally according to their to their deeds. rather ask Allah for His bounties. Surely Allah has perfect knowledge of all things. Again.
It's about Yes, Allah
gave in certain areas specific legislation
to males and specific on different legislations to females, not to favor any one over the other. But the legislation of Allah subhanaw taala is compatible with the nature of the person. And this is why rulings by the way, many rulings in Islam changed from one person to the other.
Many rulings change from one person to the other. And this is not a fatwa is the same it doesn't change No it does change and this is a consensus among Muslim scholars.
Because what there are certain things obviously this is apart from obligations and prohibitions, but there are things that could increase your Eman.
All the things that increase your Eman could actually be challenging to someone to the point that they actually do
that the yield and adverse effect on another person.
And these things are very well known by the way these are things are very well known on the books of faith. The Prophet SAW Selim himself was asked a question by two different people and he gave opposite answers.
This is not just being choosy, and actually being wise, it is being wise. So an example is
authentic hadith.
A young man comes to the Prophet SAW Selim and he asked the Muslim about permissibility of kissing his wife during the daytime in Ramadan. The Prophet has said no.
It's not permissible for you to do it.
Another man comes and asked the prophets of salaam the same question. The prophets of salaam says, yes, you can do it.
What's going on here? The Companions wanted to learn. He said almost ng of Allah like he said, Yes, here is a no here what's going on? The prophets of salaam said that young that is a young man. And when when when men are young,
they can easily be overwhelmed by their desire.
So if I give the this person the Permission to approach his wife, with being intimate with Him, or just kissing his wife, he might get to a point where he gets carried away, and he violates his fast and he falls into a bit bigger sin. He could not maybe it gets to a point where he can't stop himself. But the other one is an older person, an older person is gone. He's past his prime.
Like it's, so he's not gonna get overwhelmed.
It's not gonna get a warm. So I said, Yes, you can do it.
This is wisdom. This is wisdom. Allah subhanaw taala here is saying do not
do not wish for someone else's position, someone else's ruling someone else's rights. And that's the problem today, they have turned females into males and males and two females.
Right. The beauty of a woman is by being a woman, the beauty of a man or a man is, is in being a man. That's it. That's how you can be really happy in your life truly happy and content in your life.
It's just about being true to your nature. And the last minute I'll give the legislation that will guarantee that you will be that you will fit nicely in your role. And you will you can you can experience life fully in that position. But the problem is now you finding men wanting to be like women, and then women wanting to be like men. The thing is, when a woman wants to be like men, she's already she's she's, she's tacitly acknowledging that a man is better than a woman because I need to be like that man, that man because he's better than, than a woman. That's that's the problem.
That's the problem. It's implied this this kind of inferiority is implied.
And thing is once once a woman become once a woman starts to get take the role of a man and take the rights of a man and, and do everything like a man. The problem is, she sees us being a woman, she because she turns into a man
she becomes masculine, she loses her femininity.
That's against the formula that's against a taboo against our own temperament as humans. It's extremely painful when humans go against their temperament is extremely painful. But you know what, sedates people and keeps them intoxicated. So they don't really see that don't feel that social evidence, external pressure from people.
All right, so
then as Allah subhanaw taala talks about these dynamics in relationships and roles, then here comes the verse where Allah Subhana Allah says, which is verse number 36, where Buddha Allah, Allah to shriek we'll be here che and worship Allah alone and don't associate with Him anything in worship.
Now we're talking about relationships, family dynamics, talking about laws of inheritance, we're talking about social rules here, what's going on, then you go to worship, because it's the same. It's the same your lead, you're dealing with the same process, but on multiple levels. The deeper you go, it all boils down to worshipping Allah subhanho wa taala. And guess what? You're fulfilling your obligations and your role as a man or a woman, as a father or a son or a daughter, or whatever you want. And abiding by these rules should come from the essence of worship in the spirit of worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. These are not completely technical. Yes, they are technical in
nature, but they are part of a bigger context. And the real context of this or the general framework that holds all of this together is your devotion to Allah.
Is that you see all of that, within the framework of what what is the purpose of your existence in this world? You Why were you
out into this world you were brought into this world to worship Allah Subhana Allah to make it back to Allah to love Allah subhanaw taala live your life in Love of Allah, in devotion to Allah subhanaw taala experience your life at this level. And then these details and these guidelines, what they do, they actually guide you through the way.
Because you might know, for example,
that Montreal is to the north, is to the northeast, right? You want to drive to Montreal. Now, it's not enough for you to know the general direction, because you could you could get lost in some of the smaller streets.
And I say there is no highway, so there's no 401.
look at look at it how it was like 200 years ago, or you just had East or North Eastern, and you're gonna make it to Montreal, you might find yourself somewhere else. This is why you need a detailed map as well, which is technical, the general spirit of your journey. Yes, you're heading northeast.
But you need as well, to know the exact ways because there are tricky turns. And if you take the wrong turn, you're going to end up somewhere else.
Saying hang so all of this, don't be consumed by the technical nature of these details, you will have to put them in context. When you put them in context, they come to life.
This is why and surprising. You find some time scholars have fake as they speak and the weeping
and many people doesn't make sense. So you're talking about, for example, laws of inheritance, he gets it. He gets a third she gets a fourth he gets a six. What are you talking about numbers, it's mathematics Why are you crying right?
But a person there sees the wisdom of Allah and the care of Allah Subhan Allah, Allah speaks in details, because He cares for us. And it touches the heart. And it happens often, circles of knowledge happens often you find the scholars talking about something that is sounds technical to you. But they are in such a spiritual state and such a transcendent state.
Why because they, they don't see this like we do, as a technical issue in a vacuum that you're treating in a vacuum. They see it as part of the bigger context that is all a devotion that's all saturated with love of Allah subhanaw taala.
Alright, so this is why Allah brings this and look at even the verse itself law says what would allow electricity could be he and will be widely thy name will be the orba well, your time I will Misaki enable God.
Let me read the translation here. Worship Allah alone and associate non with him and be kind to parents. Not only be kind, the word is much bigger, all right.
to parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, near and distant neighbors, close friends, needy travelers, and those
bonds people in your possession. Surely Allah does not like whoever is arrogant and boastful.
Again, it shows that these relationships that that we're talking about in the soul are here, father and mother, son, brother, sister, wife, husband, all of these relate and the bigger relationships, neighbors,
friends, companions,
companion travelers, etc. All of those bones have to be seen within the framework of your relationship with Allah subhanho wa taala. Don't see them in isolation of your relationship with Allah. And this is actually purposeful thinking.
It is called the
elphic Rolla II in the Arabic language figural ly thing is, human mind does not entertain thoughts, per se. Like there's not the human mind does not process.
How can I say, meal thoughts?
The human the human mind is it processes information.
It has underneath a purpose. It has a purpose underneath.
And if you don't choose the purpose,
something will choose it for you at a subconscious level and it might not be optimal for you.
So generally speaking.
Let's say people who do data analysis for the market for the marketplace for marketing purposes, what drives them, as they're dealing with numbers, these are not numbers to them. They see what's beyond the numbers. The they see the marketing campaign they see the they see the profit they write, the whole vision of the organization is driving this. Humans cannot process information.
without a goal, we are goal oriented beings. Humans, the human mind is goal oriented, everything, even if you don't consciously choose a goal, you're going to choose it subconsciously. And the problem is you don't know which part of you is choosing that goal. And again, when you look at everything, like you're processing, for example, information about relationships, you have to see everything with a goal. If you keep your goal, Allah subhanaw, taala, everything will fall into place. And you will be easily guided to make the right decisions about things about relationships, about big decisions in your life and small decisions as well.
We all have this kind of guided thinking, by the way. But it's very helpful to choose your goal, what you consciously choose your goal, your goal, consciously. And by the way, if you choose a different goal, you start processing information differently.
You start processing information differently. And this is all about perception. This is why human thinking is called. And this is a concept that's very well known in social sciences. It's called motivated reasoning,
motivated reasoning. human reasoning is always oriented towards a goal. All of our reasoning, all of our thinking is, is motivated has a goal. And usually it's subconscious.
Even even though you don't feel it, even though you don't realize it, and if you choose another goal, your whole thought process is just gonna change, you're gonna start perceiving things differently. And this is something very well known. Something the Arabs say, why not Riba and Cooley, amen. Kelly Latin? Well, I can nine al mukti, to be the Messiah we are, they say,
the eye that sees with love,
in a will miss faults.
Whereas the eye of hatred will only see blunders.
We're biased in our thinking, you know why? Because, you know, there's, there's
there isn't there's infinite data we can process in any given situation.
So we have to choose, we have to choose what to process and in what direction. So the moment you change your direction, you're going to pick a different set of of data from the from the data available to you. That's how that's how our minds think, by the way. And I gave this example many times here, but no harm giving it again.
Again, when you decide, for example, to buy a car, new car, and you start looking into cars, and you realize, hey, I want to buy
this specific MIQ I want to buy whatever, I want to buy a Honda, someone wants to buy, I want to buy a Honda Civic, because really the best car ever most affordable, cheap on gas, etc, etc.
And you don't know much about Honda Civic, but you just started developing an interest. Right? And you walk in,
in the neighborhood.
You look around all of a sudden, Honda Civic is all over the place.
And you just it really is sort of
it gets wondering, you know, why? All of a sudden everyone has a Honda Civic, why the moment I developed an interest in the car, everyone is having it? What's more, you might even be surprised. Watching my cousin has on the Civic. I've never seen that before, man. You probably met them you probably sold the car, but your brain missed it. Why? Because your brain was not oriented towards the car. So when when the eye catches the sight of a car and it takes it to your mind. It might it's gonna say what am I hitting? does this benefit me, it's insignificant, it's irrelevant to what I'm trying to get. So cancels it. It cancels it.
You don't notice it. You don't realize your eyes caught it for you, you eyes did not see it. Because, you know, if our minds if our brains just take in everything our eyes catch, our minds would freeze. They can't handle they can't, the mind cannot handle all of this huge amount of information and detail.
So it only when it sees what you're trying to get. Then it scans the environment for relevant information.
And and it starts processing this information. So we're very selective even in our immediate reality. That's how we live in the world. That's how we That's how, how we orient ourselves in the world. So the thing is, once you have a specific goal orientation
If you're going to think differently,
you're going to, you're going to start paying attention to a different set of information.
And you're going to process them differently. I tell you why.
It's a bit funny, but
older people used to tell us this example,
about someone. This guy was,
was a poor guy. He was a poor guy.
And he went for one day and did some work. And he got paid little money.
And when he did, he went to the market to buy all the times. And it wasn't like they had restaurants and you could buy a sandwich or some old could buy meat, etc. Every day. He just found somebody selling boxes of fig. And he bought a box of fig with the money he had.
And then he thought he's gonna get a job every day, he's going to get the work every day. Right? So he takes this
box of fig home, obviously an older home, so in the yard in his backyard or whatever, he's sitting there, he eats a few of them. And then he feels full of sugar. It's very sweet, right? And dried figs. And they're very sweet.
Then he looks at that, and he says, you know, tomorrow I'm going to work, I'm going to get more money, I can buy other stuff, right? And he looks at some of the figs they don't like they have stains they have they're not perfect shape.
So he says, You know,
I eat the good ones. These are not good ones. So what he does, and apologies for this, he urinates on them
out of what tomorrow I'm gonna work on to get money. He's a poor guy, he just fell on some money, right? So he's gonna abuse you know, his new situation.
The second day, he goes to work and the guy who gave him work, he said, Sorry, I don't have work anymore for you.
Is he stuck? And it's not like he lives in like, a big city like Toronto or anything. Like
you could you could actually wait years to get a job.
So he goes, he goes back home, he says, What am I going to do now? What am I going to eat? Then he remembers the box of figs.
Then he goes back to the box of figs. And he starts picking the ones that did not get any urine on them. So he stopped picking them Oh, that there's no hearing on this one. He eats it eats it. Eventually, after a few days, he ate the whole thing.
Why now because he saw the box of figs completing in a different light because he's a he had a different goal now.
Right, so we have to understand our bias as humans that our our our thoughts could change by the way, you could see a person by the way a negative light, you could see a person in a negative light and start to see interpret everything they do very negatively and you start to hate them happens a lot between husband and wife. By the way, a lot of houses are destroyed just because of that. We don't realize whereby when she once you set your mind negatively on a person, you start to pick on their mistakes to the point, you can't live with them anymore, you start to hate them so much. You don't want to you don't want to see them.
But you know what?
You if you figure or if you let's say you figure out someone says someone says is it, they stop picking on their wives mistakes, and they will they get to a point where they can't even stand senior and he wants to divorce his wife.
But then
the news comes
your father in law
filthy rich
is going to die in a couple of days. He got a heart stroke, he's going to die in a couple of days. And your wife is going to inherit millions.
I'm telling you all of a sudden, she's gonna become the sweetest person on earth.
Right? Humans, we are just like this. We we have to you know, if we don't realize that our our minds are so blind in that sense. And so susceptible to bias.
We're not going to be able to handle this life well.
Okay, so, here Allah subhanaw taala is saying, everything you do in this life, it has to be towards one goal, one ultimate goal. That's Allah subhanaw taala that frames everything for you, then all your relationships become meaningful. Then when people wrong you, you're still going to be patient with them.
You're going to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Even when people fail you you're going to pick them up when they fall themselves. Why? Because all of that is framed within the within your devotion to Allah subhanaw taala. It's not about give and take here.
You have transcended that level.
So this this changes the whole dynamics of relationships with everyone around us. So again, so Allah is saying here, all these rules that I'm giving you, all these stipulations, all of these legislations details, some of them are technical. Yes, don't be taken aback by what seems to be technical on the surface, all of those are part of a bigger meaningful context. And that's your love of Allah. And that has to do with your ultimate destiny with Allah subhanaw taala that's how we we have to see everything's we have levels of perception of anything. So it's good not to be stuck in one small level, always you know, it's good to shift from one to the other. So you are in tune with
many of them as much as possible
then a lot, okay. I'm not gonna comment on every verse, but I'm just gonna, Allah give some general guidance on people how people should behave and should worship Allah subhanho, wa taala, et cetera. And this one verse I want to stop by which is in the law. Hello, I have a limo with Karla Dora. What INTERCO has an attorney Loy timolol John Halima verse number 40.
Indeed, Allah never wronged anyone, even by an atom's weight.
Well, again, the word here is yovel m, which is more of an injustice. Allah does not do injustice, even by an atom's worth. The reason I brought this here to your attention now, is
we get asked a lot
somebody says, my colleague, my neighbor, this person, they're so good. So philanthropic, they do a lot of good to other people. They help the poor. They do a lot of community service. They donate money, but they don't believe in Allah. They're good people are they're gonna go to the hellfire.
What is the answer to this? The answer to this is this verse.
Allah does not do any person, any injustice. Allah is going to be fair to everyone.
And people's the intricacies of a person's situation are not accessible to you.
They're not accessible to you. So leave this whole thing. Be this whole thing to Allah subhanho wa Taala
no one will enter the Hellfire without being deserving of it.
No one so rest assured, be at peace that Allah someone had to do his work don't get into that.
Don't The thing is we have to extreme some people say no good people just gonna go to Paradise regardless. This person is good, right? He's gonna go to Paradise even a Muslim you can't guarantee a Muslim is going to paradise you know, inshallah. Allahu anha. One of the unsolved he had the child or the young child and the child died. And the Prophet Salam came from the janazah after burying the child, Aisha said honey under who don't move or your mentor your agenda. i She said, It's good news for this child is going to be a burden paradise. The Prophet SAW Selim says, Oh, well, you're right, Alec. Or maybe something else.
Maybe something else. I saw she was shocked to the hola Anna. How come the prophets of salaam says in hola hola. Como Jana Haleakala her. Hola. Hola, Kannada Haleakala from an coutume agenda for woman Hilda Norman Quran Allah not for woman had enough. Allah created paradise and he appointed people to it. And Allah created the Hellfire he appointed people to to it. People who were written to be from the people of Ghana, they're going to be in Ghana, people who were written for the hellfire, they're going to be in the hellfire.
But we have Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu salah. He says about the children of the believers of the Muslims. And the most correct opinion among these Muslim schools, well, even the children, any child that dies before puberty, they're going to end up in paradise.
Why is the prophet I'm saying that to Asha, he's teaching how not to judge it's not to you, it's not up to you to say this person is in paradise or the hellfire, it's not up to you at all. That's another thing.
So we say good people are gonna get the reward. And we don't know what good people are and who they are. We can say yeah, this behavior is good, this behavior is good. This kind of lifestyle is, is good in this sense, right? But again, we don't know who really heard the message of Islam truly correctly.
Without any barriers, who didn't know the reality or who knew the reality of Islam?
Who was it truly conveyed to we don't know? This is this is a very personal thing and only Allah knows about this. Even sometimes the person himself or herself don't know about this. So leave it to Allah to Allah in
Al Bukhari sahih al Bukhari as he talks about some a hadith he, the genius of Al Imam Al Bukhari is in choosing the headings he put titles for a number of a hadith and it shows his book as many of the scholars say, feel cool Buhari feet up we Batty, the fake of Imam Al Bukhari is very suggestive. In the sense he shows it in how he old is the Hadith and what heading or what title he gives them. So one of the headings he says Babu la you all fallen on Shaheed Oban la you called for long shade chapter
it cannot be said or should not be said that so on So is a martyr is a shade you don't know.
Person who died in the battlefield defending Islam.
You can't say he shade. You can't. It's not up to you.
Today, everyone's shade everyone. Everyone has said. Right? Why? Because it became politically.
You know?
How can say expected
and that's a problem. But Shahid is a religious it has a lot of religious weights, you can't just apply it here and there.
Okay, I want to close
with one verse where Allah Subhan Allah who talks about salah, Allah talks about family issues, legislation, inheritance, etc. Then he talks about Tauheed, and how to frame all of this, all of these rulings. And then he talks about salah.
And Allah says don't approach Salah when you are intoxicated. Why, because this verse was revealed at the time, alcohol had not been made haram yet. So if you saw people would get intoxicated people would drink. So Allah says do not approach the law do not come to Salah when you are intoxicated.
When you give someone warnings as well, this shows you this kind of, you know, technical classification, hey, this is Eric, this is Arcada. This is soft, hard, soft nose, this is zero, this is this. This is by the way, just for the sake of academia, for the sake of structured study, but in real life, all of this is interconnected. And in our practice of Islam, all of this should be interconnected. All of this. It's one organic body. That's how all of Islam works. You can't just take one thing and apply it technically and think you're doing the right thing. But it doesn't work like that. This is why shapes are important. Shapes. Also, this is because the shape is a more
upbeat teacher is someone
who gives you
not only the knowledge, but because they possessed a lot of knowledge and they integrate a lot. They give you a general direction. So you avoid a lot of mistakes, just by their their suggestions just by the way that they pay for you. So you're safe. It's just like, they say you're going, you're going into a dangerous area as a tourist. And as a tour guide. If you go on your own, you could get into very treacherous areas and maybe slip and fall off a cliff. Why? Because you don't know. And it's not worth it to figure it out yourself. Because you can't possibly do that. It took many lives, before people realize, hey, this is a very tricky area.
A tour guide knows all of this.
So you don't need expertise, you just follow their guidance, and you're safe. So you get the expertise of maybe hundreds of years and generations, just by following the guidance of someone a teacher is just like that. You don't need to know if you can Syrah and
he's gonna nudge you here and there and just get you in the right direction without you having to deal with all of the details. But later on, if you want to learn you can learn.
Okay, so generally speaking, this is how we should approach Islam which with a person who has integrated all of these different things, because Islam is actually all interconnected. And any kind of separation is for the sake of academic study only, just for structure to structure the material that's it, but not in terms of practice. It doesn't work like that. We're going to stop here because it's going to start talking about the People of the Book, we're going to make the connection insha Allah
next week in the letter Hara, and we'll take it from there next week in sha Allah
because due to the dire time change,
the Halacha will be often noclip
because I think the clock will be pushed one hour
murder will be 7/3
Okay, Amara will be 720. So let's say about 740. Let's say the Halacha will start 740 And Sharla. The halacha will start
I'm gonna stay here for a couple
Have questions. I know some people might have questions. So I'm going to stay here. And please, if you have a question ask it now.
Don't ask it to me privately. I'm not in a mood to take private questions for some reason. So the other question is do with it now?
And I'm not going to take questions afterwards privately. Exactly. Yes.
Very good question. If you go through surgery, and
you're, you're
I mean due to anesthesia
basically, the good thing with this is once you wake up, you wake up from anesthesia, sort of wake up, sometimes some people still feel dizzy, but as long as they like you can sort of speak straight. That's that's the folk AHA they discuss the fact they say how do you know if someone is actually they have their ankle like they they have their senses is a vague speak Street is not like gibberish or some saying things that don't make sense. So once the person gets there, then they they start their Salah once they can speak straight, yeah.
if one wants to memorize the Quran, what is the best order to follow, there is no best order to follow to be honest, like start from just one to the end, from the beginning to the end or the end to the beginning. There is no one way there's so many ways. It depends, but the best way for you to memorize the Quran is find a teacher, believe me find a teacher, if you have a teacher, they can save you a lot of time. And they're going to save you a lot of wasted time as well, because they've been through a lot. And they know what works and what doesn't work. And you don't know nothing about that you think you know, but you actually don't. Sometimes you have to take like take one style of
memorizing etc. And you are five years into it. Five years later, you realize it doesn't really work. You've wasted five years. So a teacher will actually tell you before the five years are lost, they will tell you hey this, this this doesn't work. Leave it take this do that. I need someone to follow up on you. So with teaching Quran especially with memorization, there's a bit of coaching because there's accountability memorize this Did you memorize this? Did you memorize that someone is following up on you. And this is extremely helpful. So the most important thing if you really want to the reason people memorize the Quran on their own there are but the safest and the easiest way is
get a teacher and let them follow up on you until you finish complete memorizing the Quran.
Any more questions
wait Washington
wisdom. I thought someone was gonna ask about Coronavirus, good
wisdom with software
stating that every case is perfect.
Because sometimes wisdom
especially in terms of
educational giants personally a harsh word.
Very good question. So, yes, speaking about wisdom, there seems to be an assumption, generally speaking, that wisdom is being softer, or is the softer approach rather than the harsh approach? Well, there is truth to that.
There is truth to that. So, wisdom, first of all, is independent of harshness or softness.
Wisdom itself, wisdom is being responsive, being very well informed and responsive. And again, wisdom is a mystery, but part of wisdom comes from the soul, spiritual nature Filppula. And it comes from
accumulated experience, proper accumulated experience, and it comes from a very thorough knowledge of the situation.
And eventually it's a gift. Allah Subhana Allah says util hematoma Yeshua, Allah gives wisdom to whomever He wills.
But generally speaking,
if you are softer, you are closer to wisdom. You're going to get more wisdom instances than when you are harsher. Why because Allah Sandra says to the pro
For Sale selling well couldn't have been hurry or couldn't beat him for Bowman Alec, had you been harsh and tough in your approach people would have left you they would have dispersed from around you. So generally speaking, it's hard it has to do with human nature the prophets of Simon Says Matt cannot drink coffee in in lezana.
When whenever kindness gentleness softness is put with something then it beautifies it. One man who is the I mentioned in elation whenever softness and gentleness is taken away from something, it actually takes away the beauty with it. So seems actually would say let's say,
three quarters of wisdom is with softness and gentleness and there is a reason behind this. There is a reason behind this. The Scholars say and they took this by the way, again, from early philosophers again here is an instance of Muslims taken from earlier philosophers and agree on one that actually all nations agree on this, that the self enough's is made of three faculties, three capacities.
The capacity for survival and the Arab the Arabs call it the capacity for anger, it could express itself in two ways, either aggression and animosity.
Or the opposite, which is
cowardice and withdrawal. Both have the same essence, phobia, this is the power for survival. Second one is an overshare one here which is the capacity for desiring and wanting something which is motivation, which is why we desire food why we desire intimacy, why we desire what we like whatever we like, even knowledge, we desire, knowledge, we desire, social attention, we desire relationships. And the third one is actually here is the capacity is our sanity, our capacity for understanding and wisdom This is where wisdom comes from.
Wisdom, the capacity for knowledge supposed to dominate
our desires and our anger, our survival.
So, softness comes
from an oval Elmi from an article from the mind because the mind is calm. And in order to process you don't need any kind of intensity.
The problem specifically with an oval habia which is survival, which is usually aggressive and powerful, very potent, is actually it blocks thinking processing information this is why when in Islam a judge if they have any level of anger they can they cannot judge judge impermissible for them to judge
and making decisions while in a state of anger. Definitely you're gonna get it wrong. Why? Cuz it out shadows, your your capacity for thinking for Reason.
Reason, needs calmness and softness and gentleness. So usually with softness, you have the luxury to figure things out. So wisdom is more aligned with softness. Yes. harshness is roughly speaking, it's a rough estimate. But I would say three quarters of wisdom is with softness. Yes, but there is a quarter still with I would say decisiveness maybe harshness, sometimes by Zack la Halen and metering Shala next week halacha will be after multiple salons in the Muslim community of Saudi salah.