Mohammed Mana – The Shama’il – A Description of the Messenger (Part 12)

Mohammed Mana
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of honoring children in the family and the benefits of language language language in apologizing for false accusations. They emphasize the need to be aware of emotions and be gentle with children, and briefly mention a book called Shama. The transcript is not a conversation about a specific incident or situation, but rather a reflection of the overall environment in which the company operates. The company is focused on providing the best customer experience possible, investing in technology to improve customer service, and launching a new mobile app called Mozaik. They are also investing in technology to improve customer service, including a new mobile app for mobile banking and a mobile app for mobile banking app.
AI: Transcript ©
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demeanor the Eddie he also had big mehreen llama eliminare may unfair and our friendly be married him to know as

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we begin by thanking and praising alone, we beseech him to shower, our beloved messenger with compliments and salutations.

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We ask a lot to teach us that which benefits us and to allow us to benefit from what he has taught us and to increase us in beneficial knowledge.

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As to what follows. We will carry on where we left off, we have been reading some selected narrations from the book of a shaman in or Shama Illa, mohammedia, by the Hadith scholar, imama, Timothy, and this is a text which compiles narrations organized into chapters, that refers to the description of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, physical description and mannerisms and behaviors and whatnot. And the last chapter that we did two weeks ago

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was chapter number 36. Was it 35 or one?

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chapter number 35.

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And it was discussing Babu magic if you watch the key Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it was when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would express happiness and joy, and how he would do so laughing or smiling. How was the laughter? Did the Prophet laugh out loud with a sound we discussed that? We said no, he did not. But rather it was a big smile. Sometimes it was the norm was the Prophet would be smiling. And then sometimes the smile would be so broad that his back teeth would show which means it was a big smile. And we mentioned different narrations and different instances where something was mentioned, or something happened and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam reacted

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with that emotion of joy of happiness. So continuing to chapter number 36, which is related. Chapter number 36 is Babu magic if you sleep it Misaki Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the chapter that discusses how the Prophet would joke

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that kinds of jokes or that he would say or funny things that he would do or say.

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And so did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam ever tell jokes or do any kind of joking, humorous

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statements or actions?

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And the answer is yes. And that's really a component of human interaction and human behavior and expression.

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And some people you know, based on different personalities, for some people, their personality leads leans more towards seriousness. And some people their personality leads leans more towards humor. And just, and people are different. They differ in their characteristics and their personality traits and whatnot. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam was balanced, he was moderate. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not excessive. In joking and in laughter. The Prophet was not joking and making jokes all day, every single day. But the prophet also was not someone who was grumpy or who is frowning. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam was moderate was balanced in his in his

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expressions, but did the Prophet sallallahu wasallam ever express something funny or humorous? And the answer is, Yes, he did. So let's see some examples of that. And let's see how the Prophet would express jokes and humor. And let's see some examples of that from the life of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam so we'll see the narrations that Timmy the recorded for us in his book and chapter number 36 pottery mama Timothy or him Allahu tada Babu magic if you see Fetty miseria Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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or adesina mahamudra VLAN para de Sena Abu samata Angelica and Al similar Shawwal and nsep numatic in nav acivir la Hollywood cinema para la Yeah, that was the name

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in his first narration

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and usually don't go into too much detail into the narrator's but there is an interesting narrator here that I will mention something about

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this Hadeeth is on the authority of the companion NSF nomadic and he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, said to NSF nomadic,

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he called out to him, and he called out to him by name, which in Arabic means.

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The one who has two ears

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for you literally translated, the one who has two ears. And nobody laughed at that. Because it's not doesn't seem like it's that funny. And sometimes when you translate things, it kills the humor.

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Sometimes when you translate things that kills the humor,

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but here we have an example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam speaking to NSF in American NSF

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nomadic in the company of the messenger was a young boy. And he spent quite a

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significant amount of time with the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So in this narration, we see that their messenger referred to him in a kind of joking manner, you know, you know, come here to ears, you know, like something like that, you know, imagine if you call someone like that. Now, the Prophet did not mock his ears. And it was a correct thing. Does NSF nomadic have two ears? Yes, he did. And it was not something that was insulting, but it was endearing. You know, it was kind of like something like cute, like, come here, one of two ears.

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And so that was an example of that now in the Arabic language in that culture, that would be something humorous, when you would call someone like that.

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Now, this particular narration actually has some weakness in it. And actually the reason why it has some weaknesses interesting, in the chain of narration from the scholar in ama Timothy who recorded it, until the actual companion who is reported to have heard it from the Messenger of Allah, we have a few names. We have someone by the name of in that chain of narration, we have someone called mahamudra halen.

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Who says that he heard from abou sama, who says that he heard from Shetty who heard from Alison and everyone who heard it from NSF nomadic. So there are five people between MMS in MIDI and the Messenger of Allah, for people between the Rama Tina MIDI and also having the companion. Now the scholars of the Hadith I just want to take this tangent so we can appreciate the science of Hadith. So we can appreciate the science of narrations and chains of narration, and how the scholars dissected each individual in the chain. So when the scholars looked at this chain, they said there is some weakness in this narration Why?

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They said because this link number three, so we said modem no VLAN, from Abu Osama from sherek from Allison from ns. So we have five people in this chain between me Timothy and the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So they said this person number three, whose name is shake, they said this person is a weak narrator.

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But when we look into the biographies, we see that this is someone who is a notable scholar and is praiseworthy. But I want you to appreciate how meticulous the scholars of Hadith were, in dissecting and grading narrators and narrations. They said this person said he was a great scholar of Islam, and a great narrator of Hadith. But they say, we look at who he's narrating from, and who narrated from him, before him and after him. And based on that we can deduce what time period in his life this narration took place. And from looking at this narration, we see that this was later in his life.

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And so the scholars have already said shediac is an authentic Narrator In the beginning of his years of narrating. But as we came to the later years of his adulthood, he became a weak narrator. How, because they said in the early days of his narration, he was entirely devoted to the study and the transmission of Hadith, of narrations of the prophets that allowed us and then

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after some time, only Elphaba, after some time, he was appointed as a judge, the ruler at that time imposed upon him, appointed him to be a judge in the court.

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And a judge has a very difficult job. They're constantly hearing cases and you know, settling and arbitrating, mediating settling quarrels between people etc, is a very difficult job. So they say when He further Mr. hora will acaba Moreover,

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he started making when he became so busy as a judge, then there started being some discrepancies in his narrations.

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So they said that the grading of this hadith is weak, it is not, you know,

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acceptable to narrate. And there is a lesson that can be extracted from it, but I just wanted to take that tangent so we can appreciate how meticulous now after all of this arduous inspection and effort, then people come to you now and they say we don't accept Hadeeth

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after all of this meticulous and arduous centuries worth of documented research, scientifically dating, who met who, where and from what time to what time and how they were in their life. Oh great scholar trustworthy anana Hold on. great scholar and trustworthy, fine, but meticulous and Hadeeth only in this period of time later was too busy to be careful about wording of headings and narrations. Wow

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How meticulous and careful that is. Then somebody comes does not do any study of it doesn't give any appreciation to the centuries of scholastic effort and says, I don't accept it.

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And, and that's really troubling. So next time somebody tells you that tell them

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don't even tell them anything, just walk away. The next generation that doesn't live in a city park, and I work here and sure about an 80 year and NSF American pilot in Canada Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, ala, Moana had to put in lease of the year, your roommate malphur, I didn't know here.

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So this is an authentic narration. And the chain of narration is strong and authentic. And in this narration, also on the authority of NSM nomadic How much time did he get to spend with it also, like it's

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amazing. So unless of nomadic says that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would interact and mix with us. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam was mixing johani tuna the Prophet was with the Sahaba, living with them, eating with them, going with them going to the marketplace, traveling with them, talking, teaching, correcting, and even sometimes joking as well. So he said the Prophet sallallahu wasallam would mix with us in till, you know, so much so he was so part of the fabric of our community. So much so that he said to a younger brother of mine, little boy,

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he said to him, yeah, I have a roommate. He gave him a nickname. And the roommate is a way of it's like an endearing and a cute way of saying aroma. You know how you give someone a nickname? Can you give me some examples?

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Something common, what do you guys do when someone changes your, your name? So it's like kind of cute,

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So for Okay, there you go. So someone's name is Ahmed Mohammed, they call

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their likes. And then he turns 12 years old. And he's like, Don't call me that.

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You know, maybe, you know, somebody or brother is named David. Maybe somebody came as a Navy. You know, they ever call you that when you were a little? He's like, no, they still call me that. I'm joking. The idea is sometimes you refer to someone by a nickname, it's an endearing way. It's a way of showing love. It's a way of showing. So the Prophet is referring to this young boy about roommate, father of roommate, and he says What happened to your little birdie? Because the boy had a little bird that he used to play with. And he gave the burden name and no here and it rhymed with the nickname that he gave him. Oh about roommate what happened to you a little burden of aid.

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Now if you've noticed we're about halfway a little bit more than halfway through this book. If you've noticed, you know I'm autonomy the generally does not give commentary on

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it. Generally speaking, his style of work in this book is he compiles the narrations. In this hadith we find him and a few times he does this but not much. In this Hadith, we find one of those instances where he broke his pattern in his norm, and he actually gave some commentary on the head. And so in admittedly this as part of Orisa abreeza is your enemy, the fighter aboard Isa? Well, if you hadn't had it in the Navy so long where it was at a mechanic who Mazur was he and who can now hold on sozialen for para la jolla about Rumi was he and hula in Europe of Soviet era. lira baby for a NEMA para una de Sala Harris linea about roommate Myfanwy. Yahoo Canada hoonah movie fermata

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Hasina hoorah. More la him as a

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roommate McFadden, la salatu wa sallam. So Mmm, Timothy says, and from the benefits from the lessons that we extract from this Hadith, and he mentions one after another. And by the way, by the way,

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the scholar of Hadith is a great great scholar of Hadith His name is Xiao

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Zhang is the one that wrote the most famous commentary on the collection of Buhari of Hadith, in the library of, of Islamic books. His book is like legendary, it's huge. It's like super, very important. So it was a huge, huge scholar in the history of Islam, specifically of the statements of the prophets of Allah Hardison, them, if not your quote, quotes, another scholar, a shaeffer, a scholar,

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whose name was a poverty, but not to be confused with the Tafseer scholar poverty, a different poverty. He was sheffy and he says, this scholar from this hadith Did you see how short this hadith is? The Prophet found this little boy and he said to him, oh, about Romania. What happened to your new lady? That's it. That's a state that's, those are that's the statement of Rasul Allah. This scholar came

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extracted from that statement 60 lessons c two and f are either so Mohajer, you know, summarize them and, you know, added his own commentary in some places as well. He added his own commentary, you can refer back to his work to see the long exhaustive list. Can we extract 60 lessons from our omitted? What did you do with the little Nova?

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I mean, really look at the Scholastic effort. In ama Timothy mentions a handful. Let's look at what he mentioned, he says, of the benefits of this hadith is, look how the Prophet would joke

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would be humorous. The Prophet is like, you know, being funny with him and being jovial and, you know, in a humorous kind of way.

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Number one, number two, he said, Look how the Prophet gave him a cornea.

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A cornea is a nickname, but it's a specific type of nickname, a kunia.

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bifida Lapa, a cornea is when you refer to someone as father of so and so or mother of so and so. You refer to them by a child that they have. So if somebody has a child, and their child is named aroma, so we call them a father of aroma, or mother of aroma, for example. And that was very common. And it's still practiced until today, it's still practiced until today, maybe not so much in Western cultures, because they rely on the family name a lot. But in Eastern cultures, the family name was attached to a bigger tribe, and that would come at the end. But individually, people were known as father of so and so Mother of so and so. which also gives some importance to the family structure

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and the children that they have and whatnot.

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So this young boy, does he have a son named Romain.

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He doesn't, he's too young. He's a little boy.

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He's a little boy, he doesn't have children. So how is the Prophet calling him Oh, father of roommate about roommate, oh, father of roommate.

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He doesn't have a child named Jeremy.

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They said this is a way of also expressing love.

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And they said, it's permissible to give someone a cornea, even if they don't have a child by that name.

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It's permissible for us. So for example, somebody may say, I would like to have a child one day.

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I would like to have for example, someone may say, I would like to have a daughter one day and name her half son. So he goes by Abu hafsah.

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For example, they don't have that child doesn't exist. They haven't come into the world yet.

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But they can still have that, that nickname. It's permissible to do that. And some say it's from the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, some scholars said it's from this and some said it is something you know, optional.

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Isha, another example of that. Aisha, the wife of Rasulullah, she had a cornea. Did he have children?

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Did I actually have children?

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Did he have children? Who said yes.

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Who is the child of Russia, the wife of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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He said he did not have any children. But she had to Kenya and some of the narrations she was referred to as Omar Abdullah.

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And some said that was copying her sister.

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The sister has not been to me, Becca was or Abdullah Abdullah, who is

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the son of a legend of the Sahaba. So he had this idea of Mother of Abdullah, she never had Abdullah, some historian said she had a child, but it was a miscarriage. And this is not correct. This is not true, he did not have any children. So is another example of someone who had a kunia, who had a nickname of Mother of so and so have some child and she didn't have that child and that person, that child didn't exist. So it's permissible to have that permissible to have that, that kind of Kenya and permissible to give that Kenya to someone else, of course, pending that they accept it, and they are happy with that name. The Prophet said refer to people by the most beloved

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of names to them. You don't want to call someone by a nickname and they don't like it, then they may get angry with you, and they may not talk to you. So you don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. So that's one of the benefits is that permissibility of you know, giving a young child a Kenya they say they don't even have children yet. They're still a child, but it's okay. They can have a Kenya they can have a Kenya again, another benefit email multimedia mentions is it's okay to allow a young child to play with a small bird.

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Because this young boy is playing with this bird nolet and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not chastise him for that did not scold him for that the prophets are sent him Did not you know

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instruct that you not be allowed to play with the little birdie. But the prophet, notice that he played with the burden, he came and asked him about it later on.

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Because he had this little bird, a new ladies, little songbird used to make these noises. And if then the Prophet next time you saw him, he didn't see the bird. Well Solo is used to seeing the boy with the little bird, what happened to the bird. And what happened was the bird actually died,

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the little bird actually died. And so the young boy was sad, the little bird he used to play with died. So the Prophet was wanting to joke with him and bring a smile to his face. And and be kind to this child.

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of the benefits of this heady thought our teachers and scholars mentioned is the importance of being of being aware of the feelings of children,

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that oftentimes children are ignored or neglected. And here we have Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam, the most important person in the community, his seconds are more valuable than our lifetimes. And yet, he has no problem spending these minutes to console. And notice that this child is feeling sad that we bring some happiness into the life of this child.

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So Prophet sallallahu Sallam is teaching us to be attentive to children, in many of our gatherings that children are neglected. And actually, we learn from child psychology, that this can have big detrimental effects, behavioral effects, emotional effects, when children are not given that kind of attention.

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They end up doing so for example, many people complained from children that are very unruly, oh, this child is giving us a headache, they won't stop causing problems. But when you look, actually, that mischievous behavior is a cry for attention.

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It's a cry for attention, because a child is being neglected by those individuals in his life, or her life, that they need attention from mother and father and family and siblings and whatnot. And when a child does not get the healthy dose of attention from a safe and healthy environment, such as the home, it's only a matter of time before they will go and seek it elsewhere.

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And so here we see the profit some of the hardest, and I'm training us and teaching us be acute, be aware, be sensitive, be you know, be willing to give some time to attend to the emotions and the emotional needs of even this young child. You're about roommate, what happened to your noid Salatu was Salam.

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And the benefits of this? Can you guys notice anything else? What do you guys think?

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How Joel mentioned 60 plus benefits? What can you What can you notice? What can we learn from this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu escena?

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Use of the language in a rhyming nice way. Good. Yes, ma'am.

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Be humble and deal with the children based on the level they're on. Be gentle with the child. Good. So don't feel like I'm too important. I don't have time for that.

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That's why they said there was a funny story funny and sad. At the same time, they said a child child came to his father once and said, you know, a father, how much is your salary per hour?

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And he's like, well, you asking me about my salary. He said, Please just tell me. So he said, you know, whatever number, I don't know, what number do you guys want? $100 an hour.

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So he said, Okay, can I please have $100 $100 what are you gonna do with $100 I said, I just told you I spent hours working you want to just get $100 Well, you need $100 for he said give me $100 so that I can give it back to you and have an hour of your time please.

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So they say you know that that kind of need is is important.

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When low tide islands so very good, you know a person humbling themselves and making time. And you know, in another Hadith, which we mentioned in a previous chapter, I don't know which one is they said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam made himself so available for his community that a little girl would come and grab him by the hand and say, Come come, I gotta show you something. And he doesn't know what she wants to show him and she is dragging him and pulling him through the alleys and streets of Medina and the Prophet follows her. Okay, show me what do you want? What do you want me to see?

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave that kind of attention to his community members, even if they are young in age. Okay, so we see again, the light, lightness and the light humor of the Prophet so the longer it he was in them, the next had he had death in our bus of Mohammed duty, or even Hassan moussaka and ban Abdullah Barak and Osama tipnis aid and se eight and Nakamura and ebihara Rafael Fallujah, rasulillah inika to their Ivana Allah in Nila aku Illa hapa

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Nita aku Ilaha

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this hadith is a sound hasn't it is a sound narration. And in this hadith on the authority of Abu Varela, Abu hurayrah said that some of the Sahaba said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one day, O Messenger of Allah, sometimes you're teasing us. Sometimes you're joking with us and teasing us. Sometimes you like, playing games with us and joking, like, well, what's this all about? Our messenger of Allah. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, Hey, I only say that which is true.

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As a disclaimer, meaning I didn't make any lies, I didn't make anything up. And so the moment they said that it's permissible for a person to joke for a person to be humorous, but they should not lie.

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They should not lie. And that's why, you know, the the current state of affairs is that people will lie, to tell jokes, to make people laugh, to make money, and you have an entire industry built around that. And that's very, that's not something acceptable in our Deen. So we are encouraged by the prophet sallallahu wasallam to express humor, but do not lie. So some people want so bad to make others laugh that they'll tell lies about it. Remember, about last time we were talking about some people, somebody wants to tell a funny story. So they inject themselves in the story. A You know, one time I was on a plane, and this person said, you know,

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did that actually happen to you know, it's just something I heard. Why did you say you happen to you? It sounds more funny that way.

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Other people do this a lot, you know. So that's not acceptable. It's not permissible to to lie, just to tell a joke. So they're saying to the Prophet, you're teasing us You're joking with us here. You know, you're funny with us sometimes. The prophets I send them says yes, but I only say that which is true. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam never lied to tell a joke.

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never told a lie for the purpose of making people laugh. And that is something evil that is not something humorous or praiseworthy. If something genuinely is funny, and you have to share and it's, you know, good. It's not something that is lewd or inappropriate. Go ahead. Let's have a, you know, a good laugh with one another, but we don't need to make any lies or stretch or alter the truth. So we learned from the prophets of alarm is that when he was humorous, he maintained his truthfulness. In the next narration had there's an apathy but to crusade

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Abdullah and her maid and nsep American and Roger and his stepmother, Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wasallam have a pile in the middle Carla Villa de Napa para rasulillah last night will be what I did Napa for Casa de la where it was held at Delhi we were held at the villa inland new.

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So in this narration, which is authentic, which is why here

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ns of nomadic says that a man came to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and asked him for an animal to ride on,

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as in for the animal to carry a load or to ride donkey and you give me as an animal. And so the prophet SAW the virus and then said, Okay, I will carry you on the child of a camel.

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I'll carry you on the child of a camel.

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And so the man is like, what am I gonna do with it? Child camel, the man understood that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is gonna give him a baby camel, which is not strong enough to carry the weight the load? Yeah, it's not strong enough to carry the load and say what am I gonna do mousemat ob what I did not know of no benefit to me on messenger of Allah. So the Messenger of Allah said, Ah, interesting. And do camels give birth to other than children of camels?

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Obviously, I'm giving you a camel. I didn't say it was a baby camel. I said it was a child of a camel. The morning camels come from they came out of the clouds. Yeah, I mean, of course the camel was born from another camel.

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So the problem is that a lot of them kind of like used that wording to kind of like play a joke on the guy. The guy is like, I need a strong animal. The prophets like I'll give you a child of a camel. What am I gonna do with it baby camel? Oh, really? Because camels don't give birth to other than camels. So he is joking with him. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said this, it was humorous. So here we have an example of different kinds of humor, which what you call like word puns, you know, like a word pun. Right? Where, for example, the wording of something. It's not it's not a lie. But the wording is a little bit mysterious. And it could refer to different things. And so you have to

00:29:35 --> 00:29:59

be careful. What exactly do you mean by that? wording, like a word pun, like smart, kind of, you know, witty, witty humor i think is what we'd call it right witty. So here we have the Prophet Solaris, and I'm here as an example of how he made that kind of joke. So the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam sometimes was humorous in statements, and sometimes was humorous in action, in behavior. Did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam ever pull a prank on someone

00:30:03 --> 00:30:19

Whoa. Now nowadays, when people think about pranks, they think of really disturbing things. And some people have become millionaires on the internet from just pulling pranks on people. And some of these pranks are absolutely deplorable.

00:30:20 --> 00:30:56

And I'm thinking to myself, you know, people are laughing I'm thinking, Man, if somebody did this to me, oh, man, we'd be in bad shape right now. You know, that's not funny, you know? So so let's understand exactly you remember we said the prophets lie Selim. Whenever he was funny, he didn't lie, and the Prophet Solaris and him didn't hurt or abuse people or their property. Some people took it too far. They want to make a video, a prank, a parody, whatnot, they end up damaging other people's property, or some people get hurt, or somebody breaks laws or crimes are committed. That's going too far. That's not funny anymore. That's just dumb. is what it is. So let's look at how the

00:30:56 --> 00:31:04

Prophet played jokes in behavior, not just a statement, okay. In this narration, which is an authentic narration

00:31:05 --> 00:31:36

is happening on SOPA, de abdulrazaq, MMR and tabet and nsmt medic. Okay, let's look at another little nugget of the chain of narration similar to what we mentioned earlier, again, just so we can appreciate the meticulous work of the science of Hadeeth. In this narration, we have you know, Timothy says he heard from his half the woman soul one who heard from Abdul Razak Abdullah sock this person Abdul Razak is for nanny,

00:31:38 --> 00:31:57

which means he is from the city of Santa May Allah subhanaw taala protect our brothers and sisters there and uplift oppression from them. He said part of our model and far between now this guy sabot this guy murmur is also from Yemen.

00:31:58 --> 00:32:05

He is also from Yemen. This guy fair bit terabit and bonanni. He is from bussola.

00:32:07 --> 00:32:09

Or is it Kufa. Now I'm forgetting

00:32:10 --> 00:32:17

bussola or la bussola in a lot. Okay. And the next one is NSW Malik.

00:32:18 --> 00:33:05

Okay, and so we know Malik. So in this chain of narration, they said, you know, this guy sabbat. Okay, from this guy murmur. This is a strong chain of narration. And each of them are strong narrators. But they said, We have to be careful Why? Because they said this person might remember, they used to be in Yemen. Remember I said my mother's from Yemen. Then they moved to bussola. to Iraq, they moved to Iraq. And that's where he met this person sabbat and heard narrations from them. But they said, mama, when he narrates from certain people, at certain times, geographically. Remember, in the other person's life in the other example, we set in a period of their life here.

00:33:05 --> 00:33:26

It's geography. They said when they narrate narrations from Iraq, we have to be a little bit careful outside of Iraq, they're authentic, no problems there. Why? They said, because when he traveled to Iraq, he left all of his books in Yemen. And so he didn't have any of his books with him. So he started making some minor errors in the narration

00:33:28 --> 00:33:33

in Iraq, but if we see that he narrated from someone who's not in Iraq, we're okay. We don't have a problem with that.

00:33:35 --> 00:34:14

How meticulous you know, in the Does that make sense? I know it's very technical. Some people may find it dry. But it's it's interesting to see the amount of effort that was put in that this narrator is authentic in this period of time and their life is scenarios authentic in this geographical zone. That's how much the aroma of Hades traced each person in the chain of narration. Okay, so the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam are preserved and protected and without the narrations of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam there's nothing left of this Deen. So let not anyone fool us into thinking we can do without the narrations of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

00:34:15 --> 00:34:30

and nsmt American intellectual and mineral body at Kansas mouza here on campus mouza here Zaha well can I add in an abuse of Allah Harrison I'm Heidi attend Minh Albania. For Uj huizhou Nebbiolo longer it was lm either

00:34:31 --> 00:34:33

for current Navy so long radios lm

00:34:37 --> 00:34:55

inessa hiran bad yet you know when I know how little what kind of sort of longer it was send me your hibou what kind of module and demihuman fighter whenever you salario said I'm a woman well Who Am biru matter who dodona whom in hilfi yellow man Sakaba Whoa, whoa

00:34:57 --> 00:34:58

whoa, whoa

00:34:59 --> 00:34:59


00:35:00 --> 00:35:01


00:35:04 --> 00:35:05

Romeo many will have a beer on my

00:35:06 --> 00:35:08

coffee. Well Who are you?

00:35:09 --> 00:35:12

and Hannah Rossini felt fit for

00:35:13 --> 00:35:35

a long run he was lm fecha de la Luma sabaha sadhana Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know Allahu flagellin Abu Salam It wasn't me. Many he had many he had an AB de Faria Rasul Allah. Allah He Teddy de Cassie de Vaca. In Abu salam, right. He said I'm lacking in the law, he said, enter in the law Hall.

00:35:37 --> 00:35:47

This is authentic narration. And the narration states that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam knew a man whose name was Zaha. And this man was not a city dweller.

00:35:48 --> 00:35:54

He was not a city dweller. But he lived outside of the city. He was somewhat of a nomadic lifestyle.

00:35:57 --> 00:36:17

And the Prophet loves I had so much and sometimes I had would come back from his trips outside, you know, outside of the city of Medina, and he would come back and bring a gift for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so the Prophet loves I had so much anxiety it was the narration says, can I let you learn them? Even?

00:36:19 --> 00:36:21

My man? I mean, what does it mean? They mean?

00:36:23 --> 00:36:26

They mean, huh?

00:36:29 --> 00:36:34

They mean, look how nice they are in their books of how do they say at me, Lisa? Bill Jamil.

00:36:36 --> 00:36:55

They mean, they said someone who is not beautiful, you know, someone who is not beautiful? So basically, meaning he had some outer appearance. That was a little bit, you know, a little bit less appealing. Hmm, can we say it like that less appealing. That's how he was in his creation.

00:36:56 --> 00:36:58

Just to go in a little tangent here.

00:36:59 --> 00:37:10

Just for those that appreciate the Arabic language. If you write the word de meme, and you put a dot over the first letter, you get a different word, which is the meme.

00:37:12 --> 00:37:14

So they said, What's the difference between me and Damien?

00:37:16 --> 00:37:27

So they said, the meme refers to statements. The meme refers to appearance. So ugly in appearance, ugly in statements, the difference of So Arabic is cool.

00:37:29 --> 00:37:49

That's the point. So basically, the narration the narrator says, Look, that's just how he looked. And he wasn't the he wasn't the handsomest guy in town. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam saw him from a distance one day, and he was in the marketplace, selling some stuff that he had some stuff that he collected from outside of the city, he brought it, he wants to sell it.

00:37:51 --> 00:38:03

So the profit snuck up behind him, and he sold it to a salon. he snuck up behind him, and he grabbed him from behind vital Bona, who gave him a bear hug from behind? Hmm. And he for whom in selfie.

00:38:04 --> 00:38:43

And as I had can't see who it is, who's grabbing me, imagine someone grabs you from behind like that, and they tuck their head inside, so you can't see who it is. And you're trying to figure out who it is. And Zion doesn't know he was caught off guard. And so he starts yelling, he says, Our Sydney Madhava Oh, Sydney, who are you? Let go of me, let me go. He doesn't know who it is. Then eventually he looked and he saw. And he saw that it was all sort of law here. So the law is that I'm grabbing him. So when he saw it was also lucky. So like I said, I'm grabbing him. He stopped wriggling and fighting, and he pushed his back to be against the chest of the Prophet salallahu

00:38:43 --> 00:39:15

alayhi wasallam. So that his back would be attached to the blessing just of the prophets of Allah Hardy, who has said no, I mean, that's love. You know, he was so happy to be hugged by the prophets of Allah. Right? I said, I'm like that. And also, you know, the other man commented on this, they said, the people of Albania, that people who live outside of the city, people that do like as I hit, who are traveling outside and they buy, and then they barter, you know, they said these people, generally speaking, they come into the city. They're in the marketplace. They're moving and bustling and whatnot. How do you think they smell?

00:39:18 --> 00:39:51

They don't live in town. They don't have access to water and showers. The way we do water is a scarce resource when you're traveling the desert. So usually the people have a bad idea. They come. They're more disheveled. They're rough. They don't smell so good. Because they're nomadic. They're not living in city. They're not city dwellers. Right? We were talking about hiking earlier. You go hiking, you're hiking, you know, maybe you go camping, you're not showering, you're walking around, you're moving, you smell a little bit, right. And then you come into city and people are in town. They woke up in the morning and took a shower. They got bored in the afternoon. They took another

00:39:51 --> 00:39:59

shower, they sprayed some perfume. The point is this man, you could make the safe assumption that he didn't smell too good.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:02

His clothes were probably not very tidy.

00:40:03 --> 00:40:09

And yet the Prophet sallallahu Sallam doesn't mind to grab him and be so close to him. The Prophet is not disgusted by him.

00:40:12 --> 00:40:25

But he loves them. That's that's his job. That's how he is overlook certain things. And he is someone who doesn't look so pretty. Maybe other people don't consider him a person of value in society. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam considers him someone valuable,

00:40:26 --> 00:41:04

that He gives shows to him love and humor in this way. So he grabs him. So then he sees that it's the Prophet sallallahu sallam, okay, so he knows who it is. So he's comfortable being grabbed by the profits of eliassen. Okay, so where's the joke? We said, the profit printed joke on him. Is it just that he snuck up on him? No, that's the little part. And then the Prophet starts yelling out and says, Who wants to buy this guy from me? He's for sale. He's for sale. Who wants to buy him? Right? he's joking with him. You know, I've got him right here. I've got him who wants to buy him? He's in the marketplace, and everyone's looking at here. So is that what it says to the Prophet sallallahu

00:41:04 --> 00:41:21

sallam, he says a messenger of Allah. Don't bother selling me. I'm really cheap. No one's gonna pay you anything good for me. You're not gonna get much money out of me, you know. So then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Oh, as I had quite the contrary, in the sight of Allah, you are very expensive.

00:41:23 --> 00:41:24

Well, that can occur in the law, he

00:41:26 --> 00:42:07

says a messenger of Allah Are you gonna bother selling me and I'm gonna get much out of me. Nobody really nobody cares for a little old stinkies I had from the desert Prophet said no, you're expensive, you are valuable to Allah subhana wa Tada. So, in this you have humor, verbal humor and physical, you know, humor that the Prophet is hiding, and then eventually is it is who it is. So there are NMS said there was sometimes statements and sometimes behavior. Also, you see the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is joking with him this way. And then you see, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is raising his self esteem and his morale. You are valuable. Don't let anyone you yourself, don't allow

00:42:07 --> 00:42:47

yourself to believe that you are not valuable. You are valuable to Allah, because you are a movement, you are a believer, you are a good person. So he raises up his morale and his self esteem. And that's what the prophets have allowed us to them did. Didn't debase people didn't bring people down. But this is someone who society would look upon this person and would would not consider them much. They don't look too good. And they're not a person of a great respectable profession or a person of property or wealth. This is a guy from the bad yet the Bedouin guy. But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam turns this joke into an opportunity to strengthen and raise the morale of this

00:42:47 --> 00:42:50

believer. That's what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did.

00:42:51 --> 00:42:52


00:42:59 --> 00:42:59


00:43:00 --> 00:43:03

He is not for sale, the profit seminars and I was joking with him.

00:43:05 --> 00:43:28

He was joking with him to see if anybody want to buy him from me. Everybody knows he is not for sale. Yeah, no, he was designed was not for sale. Of course not. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam was not trying to sell and everybody knew he himself was a seller in the marketplace. He has his booth and he's selling stuff. And the profit jumped behind him. Anybody want to buy him? Everybody knows he was joking. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Are they selected

00:43:29 --> 00:43:33

by you? One more narration before we before we wrap up, inshallah?

00:43:34 --> 00:43:35

No. Question Yes.

00:43:37 --> 00:44:12

Would that be considered light? No, it would not be considered light because the Prophet asked a question, said who wants to buy him? He didn't say you know, he is for sale or this is a slave or something like that. Many, you know, and even the prophet SAW sent him even when he referred to him as all of us are apt because all of us are Abdullah, all of us are servants and slaves of Allah. So even in the wording of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, there was still truthfulness, and there was no lying or deceit. And also another good question, good question. When the Prophet said that, that already saw who it was,

00:44:13 --> 00:44:22

because the narration says, Who is there, then he saw it was also law then versatile, so I sent him said the funny thing that he said, so he knew who it was

00:44:23 --> 00:44:26

like the next narration, para de Santa

00:44:28 --> 00:44:34

Clara de nom de Pere, Mubarak and hasn't caught enter or Jews

00:44:36 --> 00:44:58

or Jews in it and maybe some of Lahore I do sell him for karate Allah so Allah Allah and between any agenda for cada una Fulani in Elgin natella the Torah Jews are for one lakh TAB key for marijuana law of hula here are Jews. And Allahu taala in Shanna hoonah insha Allah Hoon Kela, Reuben atolla

00:44:59 --> 00:45:00

this new

00:45:00 --> 00:45:16

duration is, has some weakness in it. It has some weakness in it because of one of the narrator's So, it is considered a narration of weakness but the weakness is not so much that it cannot be narrated cannot be mentioned. And the narration states that on the authority of

00:45:17 --> 00:45:34

Allah has an he says that an old woman came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, an old woman came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and said O Messenger of Allah, an old woman came to the Prophet Solaris elements that are a messenger of Allah, make dua to Allah to enter me into Jenna,

00:45:35 --> 00:45:48

make your eye to a lot to enter me into gender so that I would be entered into gender. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Oh, mother of so and so on for that whatever her child's name was, or whatever her Kunio was, you know, also and so

00:45:50 --> 00:45:51

he said, Jenna,

00:45:53 --> 00:45:55

old, old women don't enter gender.

00:45:58 --> 00:46:01

The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, old women don't enter agenda.

00:46:02 --> 00:46:04

So the woman started to cry.

00:46:06 --> 00:46:49

She started to cry, and then she ran away, she left. And so the prophets I send them said, Go and tell her quickly, go and tell her that. Go and tell her that Jen, old people don't go into Jenna. And then he mentioned some verses from Saltillo out there where Allah Subhana Allah says, In shutting down hoonah insha Allah subhanaw taala says that the women before they enter agenda, they are returned back to a younger age. And also there are some other narrations which are also weak By the way, there is a narration which is often quoted, and it is very, I don't know any basis to allaahu item, they say that people will enter agenda at the age of ERISA.

00:46:50 --> 00:47:35

The Age of Reason anybody heard that before? Yeah, and they say it will be will be 33 years old. And some say the age of 30 will allow them I don't know if any authentic narration that says that will lower them. And that's what we got from our teachers. And Allah knows best, there is an authentic narration, I will say that states that, that the people of gender will be like Adam will be like the image of our Prophet, our Father, Adam, which is very tall, which is very tall. So even if somebody is short in stature and height, Indonesia, when they're entered into gender, they will be of a taller, have a taller stature and height. But as for age, specifically, the insult and work there

00:47:35 --> 00:47:58

are general they have some ambiguity they don't mention a specific age, but it mentions that people will be returned back to a returned back to a younger state of being an Allah Subhana Allah knows best. But from this Hadith, which we said has some weakness in it. But we see that the Prophet Solaris, and again was a witty sort of humor, a kind of word pundit, the prophet didn't say you're not going into Jenna,

00:48:00 --> 00:48:40

because you're an older woman, but rather you won't be going to Jeanette as an old woman because you will be younger in age and in your age of strength and maturity. And, and youthfulness and Allahu soprano Daddy Knows Best similar to this also was like a woman who the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, a woman came to the Prophet slicin mentioning her husband. And so the prophet SAW Larson m said, Who is your husband, the one that has whiteness in his eye? And so she became scared, she thought, What's wrong with his eyes? So she left or she got scared of the prophet SAW sent him said which one of your eye doesn't have whiteness in it? Because you have eyeballs as whiteness? Right? So it was

00:48:40 --> 00:49:18

like a word punt. It was like it was like, you know, a witty kind of humor like that? Well, I would say, again, what we learned from this is also like subtle, Arsalan was generous with his time, with his emotions, with his humor with his smile, the prophesies that I'm never needed to lie, to tell a joke or to be jovial or humorous with others, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is our role model and our teacher, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to adorn us and beautify us with the character of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam May Allah make us of those who learn his Sunnah his tradition and follow it and stick to it. May Allah Subhana Allah make us of those who value the tradition of the Prophet

00:49:18 --> 00:49:25

sallallahu alayhi wasallam and allow his legacy to live on in our lives. Any questions before we close?

00:49:27 --> 00:49:43

on this idea of humor, I think we made some comments last week as well that you know, in Islam, we have to be very careful about humor and comedy and whatnot. There are certain things we don't tolerate for two weeks ago. f1. For those of you that were here, we made some extensive commentary on that, which is which is very important. Yes.

00:49:50 --> 00:49:59

Yeah. So all of the harmful or negative things that happen to a person and dunia don't happen in in general. So in terms of a person becoming

00:50:00 --> 00:50:30

So as a person ages, you know, maybe they become a little bit weaker, or maybe you know, they become weaker in their faculties. Or maybe a person becomes forgetful, or even a person in dounia person has to go use the restroom and whatnot and relieve themselves. All of those things don't happen in gender, because gender is deltal does not matter. It's the abode of reward and blessing and enjoyment. And none of those, you know, none of those negative things that a person hasn't done yet. They experience in general will love it.

00:50:32 --> 00:50:47

And it's timeless, there is no concept of time in gentlemen, time extends and goes on, and there is no bounds or limits to it. And that's from the the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. Yes, man. Actually, did you I don't know who had their hand up first. Go ahead. Yes.

00:50:48 --> 00:51:07

This book is Shama. Shama, Shama era mohammedia, the description of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, by the Hadith scholar, Imam at Timothy, material. It has been translated into English, a few different translations. I am not familiar enough with them all to recommend one over the other.

00:51:09 --> 00:51:24

Some translations are good, and some translations are not, unfortunately. So I know it's been translated, and Allah knows best exactly what the quality of those translations are. So do your due diligence. We have one question here. Yes.

00:51:26 --> 00:51:26

Go ahead.

00:51:33 --> 00:51:33


00:51:41 --> 00:51:42

No, I mentioned

00:51:44 --> 00:51:53

Yes, it's something that is stated, but there is no sound or authentic basis for that. Yeah. That specific age. No, no, go ahead.

00:51:55 --> 00:51:56


00:52:00 --> 00:52:15

Oh, no. So in terms of looks, how do we look in gender. So there are two authentic things which I can say for sure are authentic from the prophet SAW Selim, the first I mentioned about having the height of Adam, and another that is authentic from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is the beauty of use of

00:52:16 --> 00:53:00

and use of is one of the prophets of Allah, who was known for his virtue of being very handsome and very beautiful. So the dwellers of gender are taller in height, and beautiful in appearance. Yes. And there is no again, let's not, you know, let's not understand the amazing blessings of Jenna, through the limited experiences of dunya. What do I mean by that? So, for example, in dunya, we have you know, we're concerned about you know, how I look, Do I look good, I might well, Captain might that engender, there is no concerns that cause you any stress to begin with? You know, worried about that there's no stress. May Allah make us of dollars of Jenna. We asked Allah as he gathered us here

00:53:00 --> 00:53:03

together as agenda with the messenger select to set up. Now.

00:53:04 --> 00:53:07

There was a question behind? Yes.

00:53:18 --> 00:53:24

Allahu Allah. I don't know how to answer that. That's an interesting question. You write it down. So I don't forget.

00:53:31 --> 00:53:32

Does that mean they are night?

00:53:44 --> 00:53:56

Yeah, there's, that's ambiguous. We cannot deduce from that, that there is data and Hello, Adam. I'm gonna hold back comment because I don't know. I don't want to delve into lanos best, but thank you, Abdullah. Interesting question. Yes.

00:53:58 --> 00:53:59


00:54:03 --> 00:54:04


00:54:09 --> 00:54:12

Yeah, the dwellers of gender are at a constant age.

00:54:13 --> 00:54:15

Now, yes.

00:54:18 --> 00:54:19


00:54:22 --> 00:54:24

So some spouses said men and Jenna to

00:54:28 --> 00:54:31

know, but in general, it will be it'll be much better than Indonesian.

00:54:32 --> 00:54:33

Yes, Mr.

00:54:35 --> 00:54:38

Just if we can have a minute so we can hear the question. No, sir.

00:54:45 --> 00:54:47

We mentioned it two weeks ago in the last session.

00:54:48 --> 00:55:00

And first of all, is it an authentic narration or not? That is also a question to be posed. But there is there is truth to the meaning of it. And we mentioned that generally

00:55:00 --> 00:55:39

Speaking things that are permissible when they are in excess, they have the adverse effect and impact. So we said laughter and humor and joking is something that is permissible as long as it's done, you know, appropriately, but that we said that if a person is excessive wear, that is always how they are behaving, then that is something that weakens and distracts the heart from having to push away from having remembrance of Allah and being because there's also there is there is it is praiseworthy to cry when a person reads what is praiseworthy for a person to express emotions when they're in drama. So for a person to always be in a state of laughter, this wisdom of killing the

00:55:39 --> 00:55:44

heart means that it becomes the heart becomes harder, the heart becomes hardened.

00:55:45 --> 00:56:11

And so it becomes dry, and there is no room for that emotion. And so a person may always be joking and laughing, then when they come to read certain items on which are meant to cause a believer to cry, it doesn't move them. And I'll share with you a true story one time, there were some there were some people who were like that, we were in a gathering, and always had something funny to say, always, you know,

00:56:12 --> 00:56:49

to the point of excess to the point of too much. And I remember we were sitting with one of our teachers, and he was mentioning the Tafseer of solar cells, Allah, he does all those things, Allah. And then he said, Do you Did you ever, you know, remember experience earthquake? And they made a joke about it? They said, Yeah, so find this. And so a teacher began to cry is that if you're gonna laugh or think that an earthquake is a joke, when we're reading it from zero to losing data, when the earth will shake and Quake, you know, to such an extent that it is terrifying, then where have the hearts gone? You know, that everything becomes a joke. Not everything is a joke. So the problem

00:56:49 --> 00:56:57

also is that it becomes slippery. When a person jokes about everything, then they are likely to fall into joking about something which is not appropriate to be joked about.

00:56:58 --> 00:57:03

So that's some of the meanings and the wisdoms of of that statement and lanos best.

00:57:19 --> 00:57:19


00:57:22 --> 00:57:23


00:57:27 --> 00:57:28

I don't know.

00:57:29 --> 00:57:31

Allahu Allah. I don't know exactly.

00:57:33 --> 00:57:37

Stay tuned and benefit from other opportunities.

00:57:47 --> 00:58:00

No, he did. He narrated from our LP, but we said some of the LMS said when he was in Iraq, they were more cautious about his narration because they said he left his books in Yemen when he left Yemen he became weaker in narration

00:58:02 --> 00:58:02


00:58:04 --> 00:58:08

No, because of his change in place law one.

00:58:10 --> 00:58:34

Any other questions before we close? No good Zakouma la halen. Their brother asked when will be the next session? The answer is I don't know Allahu Alem if there isn't a next session in the near future for bow and arrow hamdulillah and if not, then May Allah gather us again to complete what we have begun inshallah, but at this current time, I don't know exactly when the next one is. I don't think it will be in the next coming months.

00:58:35 --> 00:58:37

Well, ah, what's out there? I don't what is that called La hidden, said America.

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