Mohammed Mana – Attaining the Love of Allah, Part 4

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The importance of voluntary action and hedging hedging currency is emphasized in Islam, as it is the third way to attain the love of Islam. The speakers discuss the use of Varian's Vicar in English, English, Arabic, and English, as well as the importance of practicing worship and avoiding things that make one feel as if they have been done. The importance of remembering everything in Arabic, including words and actions, is emphasized, as it is the third way to attain the love of Islam. Consent to practicing worship and learning to use the power of words and actions is also emphasized. Finally, the importance of gathering in large groups to avoid regret and confusion is emphasized.
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Okay simula Hello Amanda Rahim and hamdulillah he'll be right I mean, was salatu salam
ala Amina it he will be a Jemaine long that eliminare Mia Farrow Noah Furby marlington I was eating long Indian Oh, who became you know?
When I mean any Latina women have seen that Joshua block Melissa Hannah in magenta who Salah
has made a shift to Sahara. We begin by thanking and praising Allah, who is most deserving of our gratitude and our praise.
And we also begin by asking a lot to shower Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with salutations and compliments, mercy and His blessings, and upon his family and his companions and all those who follow his tradition, until the end of time. May Allah make us among them. We ask a lot of teachers that which benefits us and allow us to benefit from that which he has taught us and to increase us and beneficial knowledge. I mean,
we ask a lot to protect us from information that does not benefit.
knowledge that does not bring us closer to him or his pleasure. We ask Allah to protect us from a heart that does not tremble at his remembrance from AI that does not shed tears and from a neffs that does not ever find satisfaction, we affirm that nothing is possible except if Allah makes it so and he is the one capable of making the most difficult, achievable, as to what follows. We have been talking for the past few months, about how to attain the love of Allah. So there are people who make the claim that they love Allah. And I would make it a safe assumption that we are all amongst them. We make the claim that we love a lot and inshallah that is sincere and true. But it is one thing to
love and it's another thing to be loved. Those are two different dimensions and levels. And ally mentioned of the believers in the Quran, you hit boom, when you hit buena,
the ally mentioned in the Quran that there are believers that Allah loves and they love him. So we want to make sure that not only are we the people that say we love Allah, but we want to also make sure that we are the people that Allah loves.
And that is what we've been trying to achieve. In this series, how to attain the love of Allah subhanho data. This is just a quick refresher in case anyone is joining us for the first time. But the previous sessions were recorded and you'll find them on the on the masjid IOC YouTube page, we have extracted a list of 10 ways to attain the love of Allah. And this has been taken from the work of the scholar.
In his famous book my dad had just Sadie King. and in it he mentioned LSR, Bula, Ashura and Mooji, very mahad, Betty LA, the 10 ways to attain the love of Allah. And so we've been going through each of those, the first of which does anyone remember so there are some people that are regulars? So let's see, inshallah. Unfortunately, there is quite a gap of time between each of our gatherings. So if anyone doesn't remember, you are forgiven challah.
But we will still look at you Yes. So the first one was,
there you go to Edinburgh. Good. So the first one was actually combining both of which you said, there are a total or only Bigtable, reading or reciting or an with to the book. And we talked about extensively what is to the board and we said it is to reflect and to ponder, deeply, to ask questions to investigate, to think, how does this verse apply to me right now where I am here, in this day and age. So that was the first one and the second.
Yes, and no, often, after a person comes close, seeks closeness to Allah by fulfilling the obligatory actions, they then want to take it to the next level. They want to continue coming close to Allah so then they start doing the Noah fill the voluntary supererogatory actions. We talked about that extensively actually, did we finish that? I don't think we finished that.
We talked a lot about that. And we mentioned some examples.
We mentioned examples of of voluntary acts in prayer and in fasting, Salah, devotional prayer, and in fact
There is also
some examples of voluntary acts of sadaqa of charity.
So we know that there is something called as a cat, which is the obligatory charity. One of the pillars is a cat. And there are two types of zecca there is a cartoon fitted, which is given before, even fitted, the one that's given at the end of Ramadan, before the celebration of Aden fettle, and, and then there is the one and that's a set amount. And then there is the captured Mal, which is a cow, which is a percentage of a person's wealth that they have accrued and accumulated over one year, it has remained in their position for a year. And it has to be above the new slot value, which is 85 grams in gold. And that's two and a half percent. So if you meet those conditions, and you
give that as a cat, when we say is a cat as a pillar of Islam, that's the one that we're talking to talking about. But when we talk about the voluntary charity, we're talking about something additional to that. And it doesn't only have to be in money.
Unfortunately, every time we have a conversation about sadaqa, we always are talking about it in the light of money. Don't get me wrong.
Here money is still needed.
But it's not only about money, so a person can give sadaqa through their time through their physical ability through their intellectual ability. The Prophet said in authentic hadith kulu maroof in South Africa, and the act of murder of any act of goodness, that is helpful, that is good service to others is considered it falls under the umbrella of sadaqa of charity, so much so that the Prophet said whatever Sumo katha gfycat sada if all you have in this world are the muscles in your face to smile in the face of your Muslim Brothers sister, that is
so let us not only think about currency, definitely that's a big one. But but that is only one type. So voluntary.
The Prophet sallallahu Sallam Allah in the Quran and the prophet SAW Selim in so many places mentioned the virtue and a lot of praise for those who engage in sada
there is another one also which is a voluntary hedging Urmila. So, you see, out of all of these five pillars, there is the obligatory aspect and then there is doing it voluntarily. So, sola is one of the five pillars we talked about how you could do some voluntary salaat fasting, we also have hedge and aroma, the major pilgrimage which happens once a year and that particular season, and then you have aroma, the minor pilgrimage, which can be done anytime throughout the year.
So a person needs to do hedge at least one time in their life, if they have the financial and physical ability to do so. But they can do it as well more than that as voluntary, Hajj. Also, Ramadan is something that can be done regularly voluntary, throughout the year throughout a person's life multiple times. And actually the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
that if a person does aroma, and then they do another aroma, that between the two of us between the two minor pilgrimages, their minor sins will be forgiven. And remember to eat an aroma kafala to the Medina Houma, the prophet said from one number to another is expiation for the mistakes that happen in between them. Also, the prophet said, Elijah brew, a righteous and a good hedge that doesn't have any ill behavior anything that nullifies it, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam suddenly said, Oh, hold on iljin there can be no reward for that accepted hedge except paradise. Like that's, that's the reward for that hedge. So, it is a big deal. Now, of course, definitely hedging are are
difficult these days.
The the difficulty has changed. So in the olden days, it was expensive, but it was also physically difficult. Nowadays, the physical difficulty of it has reduced dramatically, but the financial difficulty of it has increased dramatically.
And that's an unfortunate reality that we live in. So definitely, it may be difficult upon some people, but for those that do have the ability, it is something highly, highly recommended.
So those are some other examples. With that, we'll jump into the next chapter. And the third setup the third way to attain the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala a suburb of Dallas. You guys already?
You already are. We shouldn't move on. Should we okay?
So want to make sure
if nobody says de la musique Rahim, Allah curry Harlan. melissani. Well, Emily,
fantasy Whoo hoo mina vumatel mohab Betty padrino sleepy Haim and Heather Decker.
Essentially, the third way of attaining the love of Allah is by continuing
newest record
and we'll talk about what that word means. And if nobody and the author he says Dolan was the key here adequately *, continuous and constant Vicar of a law of God Almighty in across the different situations that a person finds himself in life.
Billy Sahni with the tongue, Bill Appleby with the heart. Well, Emily with a person's actions will help and with their state of being.
Each of these can be a medium of making the cut of a lot. And he continues and he says, For an LC boohooman, and in my head, Betty, and Katarina, cb human has a vicar. He says the portion of the love of God that you're going to get is a is proportionate to your amount of victory. Does that make sense? directly proportional. So if you're making a lot of Vica there's a lot of love from God Almighty for you. If you're making just a tiny little bit of a kid, then less love that you are
able to attain from Allah from God Almighty. But I'll say boohooman Allah Huberty Allah arena, cb him and had a vicar okay. So first of all, what is the ticket? Somebody called me so I just answered the call, so maybe they will hear some nice things.
I saw one of my teachers do that sometimes somebody called me just answered, he's like, you want to call me that's gonna get
hung up. not free to talk, but you can listen in to the lecture.
For what is thicker? What is thicker?
I'm sure many of you have heard this word before. What's the kid? Who can tell me?
So this sister is saying victory is remembrance of Allah. Anybody agree with that?
Man, you only got like three? Okay, four or five? say, Okay, a little bit more. What about the rest of you? You have a different opinion. Let's see someone has something different. Yes, ma'am.
So mentioned so she's so physically not physically verbally, making mention
of what
I want to hear from her. Yes.
mentioning of a lot, okay. So verbally, okay. Anybody have something different?
Okay, so that's an example that's a form of thicker, the sister said reciting the Quran. So you know, we have this thing. When we study Islamic sciences and subjects, we always like to define words linguistically. And then we see how their application is. So Vicar in the Arabic language, because it's an Arabic word, let's break it down. It consists of three letters that go along. Okay. And this word refers, it has several linguistic meanings of them is to remember something
to remember something. Now, when you remember, when you are re remembering.
That means it's something that you already
know. You don't remember something that you're only learning for the first time. Right? So the idea behind remembering something that necessitates that you know, something you've been taught something or you heard something, you then forgot it. So now you're remembering it makes sense we agree. Okay, so there is that element of victory there's that element of victory which is very interesting because a law in sorta to usher
in certain harsher
which is chapter number 59. Thank you, Jackie number 59 on the end, and the last page is a very famous chapter of Quran because it concludes by listing a lot of the names of Allah, Who Allahu Allah De La Isla De La Hoya medical produce, etc.
Before that, Allah Subhana Allah says, Yeah, you heard Medina amruta Por La Hoya will turn off some epidemically Allah, Allah.
Allah says, Oh you who believe have Taqwa of Allah. Be aware of a law, be conscious of Allah, be afraid of the displeasure of Allah.
Welcome burden of sin and every person every soul should think carefully about what they have put forward for tomorrow. Tomorrow meaning the meeting with Allah. And then Allah says again, with Allah again, being reminded to have tough one.
And then the next verse, Allah says one at Punahou still addressing the believers are you who believe Don't be la tech guru, Ken Levine and Nestle. Ah ha. Don't be like the people that forgot about Allah forever.
So home and foster home.
So a lot caused them to forget about themselves. What does that mean? Forget about themselves? What is that referring to? Is that like,
forgetting your identity or not, what does that mean? The aroma discolors. They said forenza home and foster home, meaning they ended up making bad choices in their own affairs.
They forgot about what's in their own good and their own benefit in their own interest. They start making decisions and choices that are less than wise less than appropriate, less than healthy. For the home, they end up having a deficiency in their own daily affairs, why that's a negative consequence of forgetting about Allah. When it's at home for so. So, right in that verse, a lot sort of juxtapose things that vigor is the opposite of people who continuously forget about Allah.
Forget that Allah is the one deserving of remembrance. So thicket refers to remembrance, it also refers to what our sister said, have mentioned. So in the Arabic language, you could do Vicar of someone.
Okay, you could do a vicar of someone. So you may make mention of someone, let's say you have a friend named
I don't know, what's your friend's name?
You have a friend named Matt, what did you say?
You said, Wow, great minds, think alike. So let's say you want to make mention of your friend. You got this friend of mine, you haven't seen him in a long time. And you're sitting with your other friends and you say, Oh, you know what, one time I was with Ahmed or you say, Hey, you know, I did this, I haven't said this, you are making Vicar of armor, you are making mention of them.
You are making mention of them. It doesn't mean that you forgot about them, but you are mentioning their name. So when we say is Vicar of Allah, it refers to remembering. And it also refers to making mention. So it doesn't mean that every time you make the call, that means Oh, I forgot about a lot. Now I have to re member again, not necessarily. It's it implies remembering, it also implies making mention of
and that is the linguistic usage of the word Vicar. And that applies technically in the context of the vicar of Allah. And so generally speaking, when we use this term Vicar, as a comprehensive term, we are talking about
carrying out some type of statement or action or behavior, or even thought that makes mention of a law.
That's very comprehensive. That's why the sister gave us an example she said to the Koran. So reading Quran is a form of Vicar
making your app supplicating. Praying, having a conversation with God Almighty is a form of Vica.
Seeing the common phrases and statements of praise of God like Subhana Allah, which means that God is free from any imperfection or fault, that's a form of Vicar, saying Alhamdulillah thanking and praising God Almighty, that's a form of Vicar, saying La ilaha illa Allah there is no one worthy to be worshipped except Allah alone. That's a form of Vicar, sending compliments and salutations upon the messenger. sallallahu alayhi wasallam. That's a form of Vicar. So it is comprehensive and it includes all of the above sadhana, the devotional ritual prayer that we do five times a day, it's a form of Vicar, how do we know Allah said in the Quran, will help in his sonnet and the decree
established the salah for my Vicar for my remembrance. Allah said that in the Quran. So now we know what it is. Right? Okay, good.
Now ignobly him when he mentioned that this is one of the ways of attaining the love of Allah. He didn't just say, doing Vicar. That's not what his choice of words were. He said, del wamu the creme de la musica meaning constantly doing Vicar, constantly doing the good. That's how we attain the love of Allah. It's not like a one time thing that's just done here. And then that's it. It's something constant or continuous over and over again.
So definitely Victor is
one of the ways of attaining the love of Allah. Let's look at this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which is recorded in the book of imatinib imagine the scholar said it is authentic.
The Prophet said in Allah as though a gel a spoon, enema, Abdi macaroni,
what the * do I get to be?
The Prophet of Allah said, and he quoted Allah, he said, Allah God Almighty said, What did Allah say? Allah said, I am with my Arabic
I am with my servants.
So long as they make the good of me, so long as they make a mention of me and remember me, what the * do I get to be Shia Fatah and he moves his lip moves his mouth make meaning uttering statements of remembrance of me. So that's one form of liquid using the tongue.
Allah in the Quran says further koroni as corkum
Allah, our Creator tells us in the portal and speaking to us, he says you do the good of me, I'll do the good of you.
Isn't that amazing? Allah says he will do victory of you. Because it's a two way relationship.
It's a two way relationship. You know, I used to this is this is a phrase that's often translated at the conclusion of the Juma ultimate, something that is often repeated, it's taken from a
from reversing the fourth and fifth koroni as cocomo scuro de la tech foon. Also insalata National, there is a phrase that is often there's a verse that is often repeated at the end of the hotel, but in the La Jolla motivator as the reverse anyway at either autobio inherent in fresh a monk at all about the lukewarm la la comida, the Quran, federal law. So the verse ends with the cool one, and then the healthy usually reminds people to then make liquor of Allah. This was a tradition that was started by our model nerve disease. Some historians say the early
Khalifa, the believers during the oma dynasty.
Anyways, so what I'm getting to is, so a lot of times when you're this is this is a personal experience. So a lot of times when you're giving a lot or you're giving lectures, sometimes you don't pay very close attention to your choice of words, or how you translate certain things from Arabic to English, because translating is kind of tricky. It can be difficult at times. So I used to always say this, and just subconsciously without thinking just habitually used to say, remember a lot he will remember you.
So it was actually here in this semester. And so a brother came to me afterwards, he said, Hey, man, I don't like that. You got me a little new bothered me? Said Bismillah. What's going on? And this is why it's important to give constructive feedback to to the Imams of the communities because no one is perfect. He said, Well, you said remember Allah says, Remember me I will remember you.
Remember Allah, He will remember you. I said, Yeah. Okay. He said, Well, the fact that you say remember, that means that someone forgot and a lot doesn't forget. A lot never forgets. So in Arabic, it makes sense because in Arabic, it's carrying multiple meanings. What an English remember is, remember, it means you forgot. So I was like, oh, man, that's a good catch. Thank you very much, I apologize. So then I had to adjust that. So now we say for the curonian korakuen. remember Allah He will make mention of you. Because a lot never forgets. The human being is the one that forgets that's part of being a human being. So Allah says in the Quran, in Surah Al Baqarah, chapter number
two verse 152, further kolonie as Kodachrome insalata zebb chapter 33 verse 35, Allah describes the believers he mentions characteristics of them he mentioned 11 characteristics in Muslim ina will Muslim as well Mina will mean it well Connie will patina Juanita to Assad at Northside if it was Serbian alum inches, all of these descriptions Muslims, those that submit means those that believe those that worship with devotion, etc.
all the way until the end of that verse. It's a long paragraph of a verse chapter 33 verse 35, a lot concludes it by saying one of the things he praises and describes the believers with his with that Kadena Lucha, Kafeel on with that a lot. Allah says those males that remember a lot in abundance, and the females that remember a lot of abundance, Allah mentions the masculine and the feminine version of each description.
But the the punchline here is that Allah said, with that King Allaha caphyon was that getting a la hackathon in that same chapter? So to the hub chapter 33. If you fast forward to the next page, verse 41, verse 41, Allah speaks to the believers gives a direct command. And he says, Yeah, you're Latina. Armando was Kuru Lucha, recon. Cafiero was a boo boo boo kurata. What else Allah. Allah says, Oh, you who believe do Vicar have a lot, a lot in abundance. There are ms said if you if you survey the entire for an and you look at all of the places in the Quran, where Allah commands the believers to do a particular act of worship. This is the only one where you will find Allah
instructing the believers
To do it with abundance. So in the Quran Allah said to pray, do Salah, your karuma Joaquin,
Allah said make otaku or bow and prostrate make sujood but we don't find anywhere in the Quran Allah saying it'll cut through Catherine was doodoo Catherine right? We find in the Quran Allah commands a believers to do charity soda
but we don't find him saying does a cat a lot not to say that that's anything wrong if a person wants to do so a lot, a lot, a lot more power to you Bismillah Go ahead. But a lot singled out Vicar to say Catherine Why? Why Why do you guys think out of everything a lot chose Vicar. Think about it. Do some terrible. Why out of all of the acts of worship Vicar. Allah said Catherine do a lot
Bismillah someone in the back
to stay connected to Allah. Okay, good. Yes.
Good. So the code is comprehensive. So it includes all of those. Okay. And you want to Yes.
So easy.
So easy. You know the AMA they say a vicar. They say hello to everybody that the easiest Vicar.
Allah says of the Quran, Allah help the airman walk udon, where Allah you know, become Allah said make vicars standing, sitting, even if you're lying down on your side make a vicar.
A meaningless it's so easy. It can be done in any situation. You know, a person can be completely in paralysis, may Allah grant you all health, and strength. But a person can be completely paralyzed. But they can make liquor,
they can't get up and make will do and do soda, they can't move. But they can make
a person can be in jail, they can be locked up. They can't participate in any communal activities. They can learn and attending classes, I mean, things like that, doing a lot of things that we do as free people, but they can make Vicar
you're a person even can be in the most in the highest level of subjugation, where even they're not even allowed to speak. But you can still make music and your heart and your mind, no matter what your situation is, you can make the good. Now for a salon, it's a ritual, it has certain conditions you got to have will do, you got to be facing
it at certain times, you say certain things, you make certain motions. There are certain restrictions parameters, and you perform Salah within those parameters. The obligatory is that guys done within certain parameters. But Vicar is much more encompassing. And that's why it's so easy.
Now, what's incredible, and this is something that is not logical doesn't really make sense. What is the reality is that it's over the easiest acts of worship. Yet it's one of the most neglected.
So if a person goes to sleep at night, and they pause, and they reflect throughout their day, and they think about the different conversations they had, you can look on your phone and see how much time you spent active minutes and phone calls. You can see how many messages sent and received, how many emails were sent, how many arguments how many debates, all of these things? And you put all that together? And then you see well, how much did I do
with like, oh, not that much. But it's so easy. You could be doing it simultaneously or you do something else, at least the liquid of the tongue, but yet it's not being done. That's why Allah says the current kathira because it's so easy to forget. It's so easy to slip your mind, even though it's so easy to do and fulfill. So when you do something in abundance, it becomes part of your
daily routine part of your habit. It just becomes something normal to you. That's why we are taught if you learn the thicket that the Prophet taught us there are so many there's a dictator before you Bismillah let's think what are all the other code that the Prophet teaches us? Mr. Lai, I'm sure just in this room we can list 100 what what do we have? Bismillah?
Not Allah wants Bismillah Yes.
When you wake up, there's a victor when you wake up opposite of that before you go to sleep, there's a ticket. You know what, in the middle of sleeping? What if you wake up with a nightmare? There's a ticket. What if you wake up with a nice dream, there's a ticket for that.
Before you sleep when you wake up and everything in between, there's a kid but what else? That was like three or four right there before eating and after eating, and all you're eating
Okay, what else
When you enter the masjid, or while you're in the masjid, when you exit the masjid, each of these has a vicar. The Prophet taught us a specific supplication to make. You know
what else before we go into the bathroom, when we come out of the bathroom, if you when you leave your house when you enter the house, when you're traveling, there's what else
when you sneeze, sneezing is amazing. Because the one who sneezes makes it thicker, and the one who hears you makes it bigger. And then you say, back again, it's like back and forth. This is amazing. Just with a sneeze, like
lightning and thunder, rain, wind,
that all these different changes in the weather around each one of them has a different Vicki that the Prophet taught us drought. Too much rain. All of these have a different dickered What else?
Look at yourself in the mirror, put on new clothes, put on clothes in general see someone else wearing new clothes, there's a ticket for that too.
Someone sent me a picture of them like buying a brand new suit. So there's a decoder of the Prophet said. So you can send that it's nice. What else?
Baby even before the baby even before conception, when a married couple has before they have *, there's a thicker even when they get married. There's a thicker when the baby is born as they can before he's born is thicker. Yes. All that the whole process does count. Yes.
Yes, all of those even if you're not even into the bathroom, even if you're just removing your clothes, changing your clothes or something, there's a ticket for that. So you guys get the idea. So many, if you cannot everything we listed here, how many of them do we engage in on a daily basis?
throughout the day,
at least you sleep at least on the very least even if you tell me I don't eat? Or at least you're sleeping? Yes.
Yeah, there are so many papers, there are cards, you know what? Nowadays, there's a lot of phone applications.
So many phone applications. And you know what it doesn't have to be a person could struggle with Arabic, that's fine. This is not a religion only for people who speak Arabic, learn the translation of it in English and memorize it in English. Nothing wrong with that, and learn the Arabic because those are the same words that the Prophet uttered. So they have some blessing in them. But it might take time, there's no problem. This isn't a race. go at your own pace. that rhymed.
But that's good. That's good. So a person doesn't have to memorize an Arabic right away, it might be overwhelming. And if you feel overwhelmed, you're like, oh, my god, there's all these different
things that I got to say, and I don't know, like, half of them. That's fine. You can learn one per week. If you just learn only they could have, what do I say before I go inside the bathroom. Just learn that one only. And then you repeat it the whole week. Every time you go in the bathroom, you repeat it, bam, bam, bam, bam, that by the end of that week, you've got it memorized. And then the next week, you can add one, you know, set up program for yourself, but learn them. That's part of what's called law, econ kathira. That's part of that. Now the idea is if you follow all of these prophetic
habits, and all of these prophetic of God and supplications then they become part of your daily routine. You know, a person moves a person does this, that they're always their mouth is always moving with the remembrance of Allah. And that has a profound impact on a person's character on a person's behavior.
You know, this morning, or earlier today, I was driving with my mom, and somebody cut me off on the road, and I was like,
oh, and she's Bismillah
AR Are you gonna get road rage and someone's making Vicodin? Like you just be okay, fine. You know, you can't get road rage and McVicker at the same time. It doesn't work. The two just don't go together. You're either gonna have road rage, or you're gonna make Vicodin. He can be going after someone being like this
doesn't work like that. So it'll have an effect on your character on your on how you handle yourself. If a person is making profound Vicodin, it will it will be a physical and a metaphorical light for them
illuminates their days and their nights. It brings TC that brings ease from a law and your affairs.
Try it out and see. You know, I've noticed and this is from experience and observation that our teachers and scholars that make vicus
Much, you find that they have a lot of Baraka, they have a lot of blessing in their time.
So they only have 24 hours just like the rest of us. It's not like some pious person is given extra hours in the day and night. No, everybody has 24 hours. But what they are able to achieve in that same window of time is far more than others who are not making the good. That's one of the I remember I complained to one of my teachers. I said, Man, I don't have time. It's not working out. I don't know what to do. There's no time. What am I going to do? The only thing left for me to cut out is like, I just don't sleep anymore. What else am I gonna do? I'll have time. So he gave me he said, make
make a salatu salam, and maybe 100 times in the morning 100 times in the evening, you get more But okay, in your day, you have the same number of hours which you'll be able to achieve more. So people who do a lot of remembrance of Allah, they have a lot of blessing of their time they're able to achieve more with their time. So they could Allah tells us to do it a lot in abundance. It's not something that you can just do in tiny little amounts here and there. It needs to be done in abundance
for you.
Allah says with a court of law Catherine de Allah come to flee Hoon, Allah says and salata Juma, Allah says make a lot of liquids so that you will have success for that so that you will succeed. So of the means of attaining success is making a lot of Vica Allah says with that good luck if you're done with that kill it. Ad de la Hooda who Mother feuilleton Jelena Lima, Allah says those people that do a lot of Vicar, whether they're men or women, males or females, Allah says he has prepared for them melphalan forgivness concealment of their errors and sins. Well agilon Lima and a great lofty, valuable edge of reward, which is Jenna.
Allah also mentioned in the Quran and sola tillbaka chapter two verse 152. For the curonian colloquium, we mentioned this earlier, remember Allah He will make mention of you. And in that same verse, Allah then draws a parallel if you continue reading Allah says, wish guru Li whereas the Quran and be grateful to me Do sugarbeet gratitude, express gratitude, without a colon. And do not do Khufu and go for can be used in the Quran either to refer to being ungrateful, or the opposite of belief opposite of men go for and they are connected because the one who is not grateful to Allah that will lead them to disbelieving in Allah. If you are here in the German Altima, you would have
heard about that. So Allah job draws a parallel between Vicar and Shoko have the means of being grateful to Allah is to always do Vicar. And, and this is something that we experienced, even in our human interactions. You know, a person that expresses gratitude verbally, you know, always says, Thank you always thinks you expresses appreciation, and expresses love. You know, that's why they say, you know, when, when they when they talk about languages of love, they say you have to express your love. That's why a lot of times when you talk to marriage counselors, they're like, you know, you need to express to your spouse that you love them. And the guy's like, Of course I do. What do I
gotta say it? Like, no, no, you gotta say it. We know you do, but you got to verbalize it. And that has an impact on the relationship. So even as humans, we need to hear that. But with along with subpanel data, he doesn't need our they could, but it's an expression of love. And it's an expression of gratitude that you say it. One of my teachers he used to say, if you want to identify who is truly a generous person, person who has Cullum generosity, see, a lot of people will look towards someone who gives a lot. Someone who's always donating, always giving, always sharing, like, Oh, that's very generous, and that's fair. That's fine. But he said, You know, people do that for
different intentions and different motives. May Allah grant his sincerity, but he said, look for the person, that when they are given the tiniest, most insignificant gesture, they respond to it with profound gratitude. That is a sign of person being truly generous. kalon
the one who, when any sign is done to them, they respond to it with profound gratitude. You barely have official, further leka who will carry him that is a truly generous person. And Allah has given us so much, who was more deserving of our gratitude and our statements of sugar. So verbalize it state it? You can say, well, Allah doesn't need
Me too. Yeah, we know Allah doesn't need you to. He doesn't. We are not increasing and allows Dominion by making more of him. But it is to our own benefit. And it's an expression of love.
After hedge, Allah says when you leave hedge, anybody don't hedge here, anybody don't hedge. Okay, so what do we do after we leave our alpha? Where do we go?
You go to most dairy farm, right? And we spend the night there we sleep, and then what do you do?
Now some people leave mazetti for quickly if they're old or if they're tired or they have a concession, but the sun another preferred thing to do is that you stay in was that if you pray for God, you wake up but you stay until the sunrise is doing what doing Vica Allah says for either of the two men as the cocoon for guru law.
For the court of law Hakka decree come about a comb Allah says once you finish those ritual acts in the Hajj, then make a lot of Vicar of Allah. Allah then specifies the mazetti fo which is known in the Quran as Allah Masha Allah how long he says, quote Allah and Allah Masha, Allah Allah. So even in the ritual pilgrimage, there are times when we are taught to devote this time to a lot of remembrance of God Almighty statements and phrases of remembrance
a lot. We also said when he admonished us from being amongst those that forget about Allah. There's also another verse in the Quran in surah,
chapter number seven, verse 205, Allah said, What can mean a little off in in
a lie said, don't be amongst the heedless.
ruffler you know, lafleur is it's to be unaware of what's going on around you. Now, oftentimes a person is perfectly aware of what's physically going on around them. But in terms of the duties of Allah, what a lot what what is the rights of Allah, they could be in a state of law. So a person is living fine, they're waking up, they're eating, they go into work, they're doing the normal things that we consider for daily life, but they're in a complete state of a muffler. Because there's no remembrance of Allah. There's no Vicar. So that's heedlessness, that's a rough law. And when a person is heedless, they end up bumping into things. The best way of understanding of law is when
you see someone walking on the street, looking on their phone, and they're walking. The other day, I was driving in Riverside, and there was a gentleman, he was walking on the sidewalk and I see this as I'm approaching, I'm driving the car, I got a green light and homeboys walking on the street, and he's on his phone, but he's still walking, and he came into the street. I like some little breaks out of Hong Kong on the horn. He's like, he realized he was in the middle of the street. That's awful. Right there. You want to see a real life application of alpha, alpha.
He was very aware of what's going on here. But he wasn't aware of that he about to get hit by a car. That's awful. That's just a metaphor. So when we're living our daily life, you waking up and making your coffee and your breakfast and you're going to work and going to school, and doing this with the kids and doing that with the friends and doing this with those and whatnot. And then you come home and you do this and everything and go to sleep. Everything is fine. Well, if you're saying handler, that's a good way.
But you're not making the Corolla that's heedlessness, even though the average person will look at you and saying, Oh, that's a normal life but that's a heedless, you'll eventually get hit or bumped and bumped into something. One of the traps of shape line that's what you bump into.
So this is the opposite of heedlessness. You know, Allah says something interesting.
Allah says in Surah, to the anchor booth, sorry, that's the verse at the end of the hotel but not necessarily think about. Allah says, well as he could Allahu Akbar.
Allah says, Vicar of Allah.
Remember that mention of Allah is a Kabbalah?
Kabbalah is an interesting word, because it's kind of hard to translate. What does what does it mean in English? What do you guys think? And when you say Allahu Akbar greatest, greatest.
Yeah, greatest is not accurate, even though we always use it. I know I'm guilty of it too. Because sometimes you need a quick translation.
That's another thing I'm gonna have to fix and
I'm gonna, I'm gonna start changing that.
mental note.
So the meaning is a cabal is in Arabic we call it secret to flee. It's in the grammatical form of expressing preference over something.
So for example, you know how in English you add er, or with some words you add more in the beginning. So for example, a helmet is strong.
But Aisha is stronger.
So that's called the fleet. That one is better than that one, you know? Or you say,
you know, you guys, you guys get the point. You don't have to give too many examples. So a couple is in that tense, the tense of expressing preference. But the thing is a lot didn't tell us about other than what
just left it open ended. He said when at ecola he Akobo. Now generally, just like an example I mentioned, if I just told you, Isha is stronger, that begs the question, what's the question?
stronger than Oh, who are you talking about? She's stronger. But that doesn't is that a complete thought? It's an incomplete thought. You do that in school, you're gonna get a big red X doesn't work. But here our law says whether they could have lied about the remembrance of Allah is greater. Then
under sentence,
Allahu Akbar when we say in this Allah, Allahu Akbar, everything Allah is greater than.
And the the verse ended, they said, in Arabic, when you do see a lot of Li, when you do this tense of preference, and then you don't mention what is better than or stronger than or greater than, essentially, what you're saying is you can input into that anything that you want, and it'll work.
Anything that you fill the blank with? It's a valid statement. See, if I tell you I say is stronger. You say you fill in the blank with a hammer, like yeah, that's correct. She's stronger than I should. But then you fill in the blank with
I don't know someone else who is someone else?
Hamza, say you're stronger than Hamza like no, no Hamza stronger. That's not a correct statement. But when you say well, I Vicar, Allahu Akbar, Akbar, then what? greater than what? Anything you put into that blink, it'll work.
So in English, we say greatest, meaning there's nothing greater. But that doesn't give you the full meaning.
It says like, I left that blank for a reason was equal Allahu Akbar. There's nothing else that you can do. That is greater than that. Yes, ma'am.
No, you can it works. It works. But it doesn't. It doesn't give you that. You know?
Sometimes you got to use like a whole sentence. To translate one word in Arabic. That's okay. Look at this Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim. We're gonna come to a close soon. But Allah so Allah Himself, Allahu Allah, He will say lamb
or the cervical region. The Prophet is speaking to the companions. And he said, You know, there's these people call them a funny dude, they have won the race. They've gotten ahead. So the companion said, find a woman and a woman and hopefully do in a lawsuit Allah, Who are these people, they didn't know who he was referring to with this term. He said that you don't allow her Catherine was that a lot. He said, those that remember a lot in abundance, whether they be males or females, they're ahead of the race. So you want to get ahead, do a lot of thinking. That's a means of getting ahead in the race.
by you, let's look at this other interesting Hadeeth you know, the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. They were in Medina after the Prophet migrated to Medina. They were aloha June, well unsought. They were the residents of Medina that accepted Islam and welcome the Prophet. And then there were the pilgrims or the migrants, the ones that migrated with the Prophet sallallahu send them to me and they were called in Mahajan. And most of them migrated to Medina under very stressful conditions. So they had to leave everything behind. So many of them will hide, you know, not all of them, but many of them were dirt poor. in Medina, like they had nothing. No
housing, no wealth, they had the clothes on their backs, and even that sometimes didn't last very long. So a group of these will hygiene they came to the prophet SAW Selim abou hooray la narrates to us in a hadith that's recorded Bahati. It's an authentic hadith. He says.
The Allahu Allah Allah Maha jurina We are also in La
Jolla rasulillah.
With the Raja Tila do Surya and elf Nia with the Raja Raja one team. These impoverished poor Mahajan. They came to the prophet and they're like, oh, messenger of Allah. The wealthy companions. They have won the race. They got ahead of us because they have money to spend. So they're giving sadaqa they're helping this person. They're helping that person. They're building they're, they're doing so much because they have the resources. We don't have anything. It's not fair. We fall behind.
So the Prophet said, what my back
he said, What do you
mean how did they get ahead? Oh no use aluna camera no sadly we also Nuna C'mon, assume we are the owner with an ETA for duck. We are the owner well and
he said, Well look, they told the Messenger of Allah, we pray, and they pray. We fast they fasting. But then they come to give charity. We don't have anything to give charity with.
So brown Allah. Nowadays people run away from giving charity. These companions were sad that they couldn't give charity.
Allow me because like them, we are a team owner with a narrative and they free people that are in bondage and that are enslaved, they pay the ransom, they free them. We can't do that.
We don't have money for Florida Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. So the Messenger of Allah said okay, he understood their complaint, but a foreigner or a limo company and to the recruiter be human.
What is going to be Haman better decom when I akuna I don't have one. I mean, come on Sana Messina, Masato The Prophet said all right, how about I tell you something that you can do?
If you do it, you will catch up to those that have gotten ahead of you.
Not only that, you will get ahead of the race, you will be in the you know, in the forefront, you will compete and no one else will be better than you. Except if they do the same. Like you
Rasul Allah. They said yes, please on messenger of Allah, tell us hook us up on two sub beehoon what you can build on to him me doing to what I call you Salatin fella friend with a Latina Mama. He said, after each sada after each of the five devotional prayers, say Subhana Allah 33 times and then say Alhamdulillah 33 times and then say
Allahu Akbar 33 times. So Panama means Allah is free of any imperfection. Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater than anything and everything else. And Alhamdulillah Allah is the most deserving of praise and thinks, if we say each of those 33 times, now the total means 99. Okay, you see that after each Sala, you're going to be ahead of the race, and you'll
compete and pass those that have done more than you even though you don't have the wealth to pay for that charity
on both sides, who are low and behold, I saw the one that narrated from a Varela, he said faraja Africa Omaha Gina Illa Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said me I wanna
follow me slow. So after a while these companions came back to the Prophet, they said, a messenger of Allah, the wealthy ones, they heard they caught on, they saw what we were doing. So now they're doing it too.
We're back at the back of the race Now again, forgot Rasulullah Hassan in America, father in law, he may Yeshua so the Messenger of Allah said, hey, that's the blessing of Allah, He will give it the bounty, the reward, he will give it to whom He wills,
you'll give it to me well, so hasten do your best compete in that which is good.
So that they can it's something that gets you ahead of the race, something that gets you ahead of the race. Now, that's a victory is something we can do individually. But Vicar is also something that we should remind one another when we are in a gathering. So the prophets of Allah Harrison I'm sitting authentic hadith, which is recorded in a hermit in the book of Mohammed and it's authentic. The Prophet said myocardial McFadden lead Quran, Allah azza wa jal, also Luna de la Cana le him hustle attend your middle tiama are in the huddle generated
the profits at any time a group of people sit down together, they have a gathering, you know, people get together and they have get together sittings gatherings, whether it's at your house or at some wherever it's at anytime people have a gathering.
And then they stay in that gathering for a while. And then they end up dispersing cause gathering comes to an end, Okay, see you later, everybody goes home, or wherever they want to go.
And that gathering did not have any Vicar of Allah, or any salutations upon the Prophet of Allah.
In this Hadith, our messenger taught us that on the Day of Judgment, we will come and that gathering will be a source of regret and remorse. That How did we have a gathering a whole gathering? We sat there we talked about everything under the sun, and everyone in our lives. We talked about sports and politics and food and who knows what else we talked about. But there was no mention of a lower his messenger in that gathering.
Then that gathering will be a regret.
Which is very interesting. Because gatherings like that are usually things that you remember back upon, and you cherish. Or remember when we had that one party. Remember when we had that one get together. Remember when we had that picnic? Those are things that you remember and you reflect upon this like a happy memory. But on the Day of Judgment, if that gathering did not have any victory won't be a happy memory. It was I wish I was I wish I didn't do that. It'd be hustler, it'd be a source of regret.
So the idea is, even in our gatherings, let us at least devote one portion of that gathering to a vicar.
We don't have too much time, we got to go for a shot. But I'll conclude with this. There is a door that we make at the end of every gathering. It's called kafala, to imaginisce kafala to Limoges, in and of itself, it deserves its own explanation. Maybe we should have a whole lesson just on this. On this application, it is said that whenever people get together, sit down, when they come time to disperse to conclude the gathering, they make this draft, they say subhanak Allahumma behenic, that shadow Allah, Allah, Allah and Nestor fuuka. Juana to blue lake, it's four phrases, and the meaning of that is subhanak Allahumma, will be handig.
glorified, you are a lot free of any imperfection. We thank you and we praise you.
So how Niccolo home technician to Allah Allah in the end, we bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except, you know, still futile. Can we ask your forgiveness and your concealment when a to buoy lake and we repent and return back to you? How easy was that? We say that at the end of every gathering, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said it's kafala to the mejlis. It's the expiation for whatever was said in that gathering of a mistake.
Or something that was sinful or problematic, because you know, when you have a gathering, someone might get back, a bitten or a lie might get told, or a silly joke that might be inappropriate, or someone might be made fun of, or this. So there's 100 different ways that something could just slip in there. Because the more you talk, the more chances there are of something wrong getting slipped in.
And that's my cue to wrap it up. So we should learn this and conclude our gatherings with it. And let's do so tonight. Let's say it together if you will, so we can learn it. So Hannukah lahoma
what the hantek Nash huddle
illa and NUS still feel Roca.
When a to bu e like and the meaning of that is glorified u r O Allah free of any imperfection. We thank you and we praise you. We bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except you. We ask your forgiveness and your concealment and we repent and return back to you.
Thank you for your attendance and you're listening and inshallah we will continue in this series next month in sha Allah tada how to attain the love of Allah. May Allah make us of those who remember him in abundance. May Allah make us of those who love Him and earn his love. May Allah make us of those who listen and follow the best of what they hear. But I feel Darwin and your hamdulillah he'll be right I mean, I'm sorry Allahumma Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad Allahu Alem Salaam Alaikum