Mohammed Hijab – Co-Founder of Hamas’s Son, Abby Martin and Piers Morgan

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the story of the death of Israeli citizens by the Iranian president, which is a theory that is a quote, a war on humanity. The speaker also talks about the use of language proficiency in a political interview with Piers Morgan, where the speaker is a conservative and liberal. The interviewer also references a desire to take a man named Mossad as an ally to convey Islam's message.
AI: Transcript ©
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The prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam told us,

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whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will

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build for him a similar house in Jannah.

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And we know the great reward that will

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not only be gained but rather

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will fill your grave after your death.

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Whenever someone prays there, whenever someone gives shahada

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in the masjid, whenever someone learns something in

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the masjid,

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that will be something that you'll have on

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your scale.

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Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh How are

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you guys doing? I recently watched a video

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with Piers Morgan,

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Abby Martin

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and 1 uncivilized,

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ill bred

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whose only qualification seems to be

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his association

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with or his being the son of the

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co founder of the very organization

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he despises the most, Hamas.

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And that is a pathetic irony.

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But what is even more pathetic

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is what we're about to witness. Let's take

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a look at him try and articulate himself

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in the English language.

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Listen. It's Israel's responsibility to know the death

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of their own citizens.

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This is their responsibility. I don't think I

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think your question was absurd. This is why

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you put him on the spot. He was

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not prepared for it, but he's not politician

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the reality on the ground. The reality on

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the ground, Hamas

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must go.

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I the only,

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side want Hamas to stay is the Iranian

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and for some stupid reason,

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in America wants Hamas to stay. But the

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Arab world let me tell you something. Jordan,

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Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the majority of the Arab

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world. We are Arabs. I am Arab. We

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are not Palestinians.

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We don't want Hamas. We don't want Islam.

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We want Islamists

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of power. Okay. It's as simple as that.

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Alright. So you can see with this man's

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articulation that English, English language is not his

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strong suit.

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Neither is logic, neither is presenting facts.

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Because everything he said can be dismissed.

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that which can be presented without evidence

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can be rejected without evidence and he's made

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a series of points which are assertions

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statistical evidence. Of course, he's not a man

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of evidence or a man of education.

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As I've mentioned, he's an ill bred uncouth

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without a qualification to his name.

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to the rescue comes Abby Martin. Let's take

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a look at how she responds

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to the questions of Piers Morgan. Because Israel

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has been committing ethnic cleansing

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and genocidal policies against the Palestinians for 70

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But Hamas literally has a charter reiterated the

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war. Hamid, hang on. Hamas literally has a

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of the elimination

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of Israel. That is the purest personification

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of a publicly stated policy of genocide. That's

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not true. I can imagine. They're that's not

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true. Their revised charter says that they actually

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recognize the existence of the Israeli state among

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That that's the revised charter, and they actually

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make a political differentiation between Zionism and Judaism.

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That's the actual charter. So when a master

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to a you keep pointing to a random

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spokesperson. Yeah. Yeah. But he's he's actually you

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are random. He's the official spokesman

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for Hamas. Mhmm. And he said literally 2

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weeks after October 7th, we are gonna do

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this again and again and again. That is

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an existential

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genocidal threat to the existence of everyone in

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Israel, clearly,

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said publicly on camera. I mean, he's brazen

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about it. Look. I think that when you're

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one guy and his statement to literally official

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spokesman of it. Genocidal statements.

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Okay. But look at the official spokespeople of

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Israel appears and look at the Oh, does

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have one now? Side their commit. Cannot compare

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you cannot compare the 2. It's a complete

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false equivalency. One guy is saying one thing,

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the other dozens of Israeli ministers and cabinet

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officials and public media personas

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on TV are saying one thing and actually

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doing it on the phone. Allow Hamas to

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stay in power?

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Now that was a very elegant

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and exceptional

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and impressive performance

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by a woman who's been put under pressure,

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yes, by Piers Morgan to a lesser extent

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but more so by this uncouth, this uncivilized

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And unfortunately

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this embarrassment to the Arabs,

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this Abu Jahal,

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this father of ignorance individual

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had to be put in his place

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in a very fine and elegant manner. You

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see the difference between the two presentations was

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aside from the english language

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on the side of the latter presentation

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compared to the formal presentation

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is that Abby Martin actually cites evidence

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and that's what made Piers Morgan

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And and this is what he does, I

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mean. When he's caught out on a point,

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he just stays there in silence

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and he just kind of looks a little

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bit embarrassed

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as he did when he was scrambling for

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words in the historic discussion with myself.

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But that's something else.

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I'm very happy and proud that we have

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here in the

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who are able to present the case, the

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pro Palestine case and it does give us

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hope in humanity. And it does show you

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that this case is not just for Muslims

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or for Arabs or for Palestinians.

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You can be a conservative, you can be

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a liberal, you can be whatever you are

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and still accept that this, what we're witnessing,

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is genocide and it's a holocaust by missiles.

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And that

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the invasion of Rafah

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is just one chapter

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in this long 70 year

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of injustice

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and oppression.

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Absolute injustice

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and oppression.

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So what we do is we thank everybody

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including Abby Martin and everybody else like herself

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who's got the bravery really to speak about

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this case in the way that they're speaking

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about it and putting people like this treacherous

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to shame. And one thing

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I will say

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to those proponents of the West or the

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Zionist movement who want to take this man

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who's a traitor to his people, to the

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Arabs, to the Muslims, to the Palestinians, to

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You want to take him

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as an ally

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to give you your

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secrets and this and that and whatever.

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Is that a leopard never changes his spots

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and treachery

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is one of those ingrained

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characteristics. If you know that this woman has

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on her ex husband

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then you'd be a fool to marry her

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a leopard

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never changes his spots.

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And a weasel

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like this Mossad

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will never be able to change

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his russet brown back

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and creamy

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throat and belly.

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Hey you, are you wasting your time on

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social media again? Your brothers and sisters in

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the slam net from Norway are establishing a

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Masjid, a dawah center.

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Establishing a Masjid to convey the message of

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Islam is one of the best deeds a

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Muslim can do. There's a huge need for

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it in Norway. You know this and I

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know this.

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So that makes the reward even greater.

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So give generously and Allah Azzawajal

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give you even

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