Mirza Yawar Baig – Master Class Decision Making

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The essential decision is the effect of taking a wrong decision on one's life and cost of marriage. Number 1 is the number of essentials, while number 2 is the number of desirable. A woman must be clear about essential decisions and give a weight on the point to determine whether she wants to marry. A speaker emphasizes the importance of making a clear selection of one's essentials to avoid confusion and mistakes.
AI: Transcript ©
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I promise to do a master class on

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decision making.

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So that is what we will do now.

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I suggest you take some notes. Otherwise, you're

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not gonna remember this.

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I will do this in I will do

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this in 15 minutes.

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The first and most important thing to do

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the most important things that you need to

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decide about.

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Not every decision has the same weightage.

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So what is

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what constitutes

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an important decision?

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There are 3 things. Number 1,

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the effect of that decision.

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heavy is it going to be?

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How important, how heavy, how critical,

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how serious,

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within court sometimes in some sub cases, how

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Second thing is

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how long will the effect of the decision

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So even if it's a difficult decision or

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heavy decision, maybe it doesn't last for a

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long time. So it's not that important. So

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is it something which lasts for a long

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And third thing is,

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what is the cost of taking a wrong

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So if these three things are

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important enough, then that decision is a critical

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Now what you need to do in that

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decision? Now some some examples of these decisions.

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1 of the

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one of the probably, especially a lot of

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young guys here, one of the most critical

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ones is who do you marry?

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Absolutely. It's a heavy decision. It's a lifelong

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decision, and the effect of that is, you

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know, long.

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And the cost of making a wrong choice

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is very heavy.

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You marry the wrong man or wrong woman

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and you are in serious trouble. Right?

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So that's one.

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Some other decisions,

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including something, for example, like buying a car.

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I mean, you know, you don't buy a

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car every day, so which is a good

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car to buy and so on depending on

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what people are giving you. Maybe buying a

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a job,

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choosing a career in one line or the

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other line and so on and so, including

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higher studies. For example,

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do you want to go for a particular

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course or some other course? For example, do

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you want to go into do pre med

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and go into,

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a doctor, a physician, or do you want

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to be a, say, a nurse practitioner?

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Right? You still make good money.

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The the work you've done and so on.

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Study is not that heavy. It doesn't take

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that long, faster return, and so on. So

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different kinds of,

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Now the first thing to do with any

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is to decide on what

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I call the essentials.

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The essentials are those things without which

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you that decision that that thing is not

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acceptable. Right?

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The essentials are absolutely critical

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for you to decide

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in favor of that decision.

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So take marriage for example. Easiest to illustrate

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that's why I'm using that.

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You might say,

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as a man,

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the woman must

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be Muslim.

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Essential. If she is not Muslim,

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I don't care what else is there. I

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will not consider.

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Then you might say, well, Muslim meaning

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because we are from,

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she must be a Sunni Muslim.

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So if she is of she may be

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a Muslim, but she is from other some

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other sect, we

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do not,

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you know, I will not marry that lady

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because she's not from.

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Essential. Meaning

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that now a proposal comes to you where

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there is this woman. She is very beautiful.

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She is wealthy. She is highly educated. She

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is very, very well connected and so on

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on and so on, but she is not

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a Muslim

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from the.

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You say, no. Thank you very much.

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Not for me.

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The reason I'm giving you this example is

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because it's easiest to illustrate. And the point

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I want to make here is essentials means

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that you have to be clear in your

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mind that this is what we call a

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go, no go situation.

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Right? It is a live or die situation.

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It's a it's a make or break situation.

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So if the essential is not there, you

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are not going to consider anything else.

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Say, for example, you want to buy a

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So you say, okay, brother, make make, you

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know, a list of essentials. So you say

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the how the essentials. Again, remember the word

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essential. He said essential is the house must

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have 3 bedrooms

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with attached bathrooms.

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The house must be less than 10 miles

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from my

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These are the 2 essentials.

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So now I find you a house which

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is 15 miles away from your work, has

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3 bedrooms with with attached bathrooms. Will you

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take it or you don't take it? You

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don't take it. No matter how stupid that

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sound, you do not take it because you

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are it does not satisfy your essential.

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The point I want to make for you

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is that is the reason why you should

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be very clear in your mind about essentials.

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The biggest confusion happens, the reason why people

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take bad decisions is because they decide on

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some things as essentials, and then they go

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and change them.

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Then they get a proposal. Ah, you know,

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no. This this after all this, you're done.

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You're you're finished.

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You can't make a decision.

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Essentials means that go no go. No matter

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how nice that other part looks, you will

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not touch it because it does not satisfy

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your essence.

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What it also means is

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the more the number of essentials,

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the narrower your choice.

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So for example, if you say this girl

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I want to marry must be Muslim, must

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must be Ashari,

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must not be Maturidi,

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must be Somali

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from Somaliland,

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not from Somalia,

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must be

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you can say all this. You can say

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anything you want. Right? Make a list of

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There is you'll probably end up and saying,

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create this woman because she does not exist.

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Because all this long this time and now

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there is no such thing.

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So be clear about that. Essentials

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cannot be changed, but the more essentials you

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have, the narrower your choice.

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Then the second part is what I call

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Now desirables are those things which are nice

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to have but not essential.

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It should be clear in your mind. Absolutely

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clear. Nice to have. If it is there,

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good. If it is not there, no problem.

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But essentials,

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without that, I will not decide.

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So now what you do with the desirable

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is so so you have these two choices.

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Here is choice 1, choice 2. You say

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choice 1, essentials are these

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choice 2, essential.

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Now you say the desirable what you do

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is you give them what we call weightage.

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So for example, the house example.

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House must have 3 bedroom with attached bathroom,

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must be 10 miles from my work. Now

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must be in a nice

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How many on a on a on a

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weighted scale of 1 is to 10, how

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many points do you want to give to

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that? Nice neighborhood. How many points?

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1 is your 10, 5 points. Okay. Five

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points. Right? Then you might say, this house

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must have a nice garden with a lawn

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in front. How many points to that?

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10. That's it. That are that important?

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Okay. Not important. Ten points. Right?

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You might say this house also must have

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very fancy kitchen.

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How many points?

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8 points. So 8 and 10 is 18

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5 is how much? 23.

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So 23 points.

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So now you got another house

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it has

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nice neighborhood,

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has a great kitchen,

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but the front lawn is, you know, kind

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So you say, well and I and I

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add up these points.

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It's not coming 23. It's coming to maybe

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and another one is coming when I add

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up the points, it's coming to 22. So

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I choose the one which is 22 instead

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of 17. You get the point? Okay. So

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what we are doing here is we are

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taking the whole decision making process

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and making it into a measurable

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method which you can

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And you will get fantastic decisions.

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So quick recap

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is number 1.

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I told you 15 minutes. This is just

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9 minutes. Number

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What's the number

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1? Two points. Essential then?

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Desirable. Very nice. What about essentials?

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Quick turn. Essential must be what?

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Clearing your mind. Clearing your mind. Number 1.

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Number 2?

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or no go. Go or no go. Absolutely.

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Can you change them? Once you make them,

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can you change them? Nope.

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Once you make them, you don't change them.

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Right? And how many essential should we have?

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No. Really. I mean, seriously.

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Have make sure it is essential

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because if you if you load up too

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many essentials, your decision becomes very tough. The

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the the choice completely narrow narrows down. One

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of the places where a lot of young

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guys would get in trouble

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is with carriers.

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Because they say I you qualify, you get

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a good degree, but I must be close

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to my mom and dad. I must be

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in my town. You you just you just

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destroyed 3 quarters of your of your option,

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Allah gave you the whole world.

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But you are saying no. No. My arth

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is only West Springfield then you are dead

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before you started, right?

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So you have to have

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give yourself options, keep it open but

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on the converse side, if you keep everything

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open then you will be spinning around like

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a top. I mean, you won't you will

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not be able to decide anything.

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This is also good. That's also good. That's

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no decision. So don't do that. Don't do

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this or that. Right?

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Essential. And desirables, what must you do with

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them? Desirables?

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Quick quick quick. Weighted.

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Correct. Absolutely. Put weighted on the desirables

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on a scale of 1 is to 10.

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How much how much is each one? How

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many numbers you want to put to that?

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And then when you have these two options,

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here is option 1, satisfied

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all essentials,

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satisfies the desirables. This is the number. Here

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is option 2. Satisfies all essentials.

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Desirable number is that much. You take you

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take the one, which is more.

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Right? How about if you have this this

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option satisfied all essentials? The other one satisfies

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all desirables,

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but one essential is missing. Will you choose

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You will not choose that. Believe me, this

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thing is painful. When you are doing that,

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sometimes it is painful.

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But you'll never regret it this much, I'll

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tell you. If you are clear about your

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the decision will be a good decision.

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Right? And you you avoid for yourself a

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lot of confusion, a lot of unnecessary talk

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because it gets you nowhere. Instead of that,

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get your essentials clearly. Point number 1, point

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number 2, point number 3, then you are

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done. These are all okay. Nice. Nice to

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have. Nice to have.

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Is it clear?

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Grant us the opportunity

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to make good decisions which are good for

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us in the duniya

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