Mohammed Faqih – Khutbah A Call For Change

Mohammed Faqih
AI: Summary © The importance of living in a small or empty society is emphasized in this segment of a conversation. The speakers emphasize the need to create a clear image of one's life and goals to achieve success and avoid wasting time. The importance of avoiding sh appointed individuals and socializing is also emphasized. The speakers stress the need to focus on one's purpose and goals rather than trying to achieve success and create a clear vision of one's life. Additionally, the speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding wasting time and creating a clear image of one's life to achieve success.
AI: Transcript ©
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in 100 in the mother who was saying who was Sophia who study? Where would we like? Me Sharia fusina missy. Melina mais de la Vela mo de la la, la, la, la, la la la la la sharika was shadow Mohammed Abdul Rasul

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Allah who will help us here on a deal on baignade A sir Luca Allah How are Rasulullah who foccacia casilla Hello Rasulullah train hula Guru nafsa

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Chiquita la la hora de Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or Sharon to her wakulla Desert in beta Bakula? Allah Allah wakulla balada Tim Finn Ah, yeah, Latina de la Hakata what a tempo tune in to Muslim Oh, yeah. Johan su taco de comida de Holla

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Holla caminhadas o Jehovah amin humeri Jalan Cathy Irwin is a tabula rasa Luna b1 or ham in LA con la karateka. Yeah, you're living in Tacoma wa kuroko de salida lucilla. American Well, filicudi Rubicam, la hora, Sula, hufa defesa, frozen alima. Dear brothers and sisters, this is the first quarter of the year. And

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I intend to give today a relevant talk about what we're that we can all relate to be it young, or old, men or women.

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In fact, my plan was to just go off, you know, as usual, and try to make it as powerful as possible. Then I said to myself, I need to get real and, and I say that

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today in this

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in this day and age that we live in, you have to be very realistic.

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Even even the government is talking about how realistic they need to be with, what your limitations are, what your resources are, and what what you can do and what you can't do. It's a, it's an essential element for success, to be realistic. In fact, it is one of the qualities that anyone, anyone's goal has to have, it has to be realistic. So realistically speaking, brothers and sisters, if we continue to do business as usual, and whatever aspect of life

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you may consider, whether it be in our relationships, or careers, or studies, or even our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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If we do business as usual, we're not going to get different results, we're going to get the same results.

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So we have to change if things are not working for us if we're not as happy.

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And if we're not experiencing any growth,

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then it's time for change. And the loss of Hannah with the added gives us these opportunities and last week's ups it was talking about the end of the year in the beginning of a new year. Allah subhanaw taala allowed us to live until this day, in this moment, and we're starting this year. How do we start? How do we begin?

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This is a new beginning. Of course, I consider every day a new beginning. But how do we start this year? How can we make this year different from last year? How can we make it the best ever?

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Well, we find an answer.

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In the first chapter of a famous and popular collection called real solid eight, we also find the answer in the book of Allah zildjian. We also find the answer and books, bestsellers written by some of the best experts.

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One of the key

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that someone has to have in order for them to be successful

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is that they begin on the right foot.

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And the way one of the Wiseman puts it, is begin with the end in mind.

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begin with the end in mind,

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this is a very powerful and profound statement.

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It is about seeing the end result before you take any action.

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Can you imagine getting in your car and driving around, wanting to get somewhere but you don't know where that place is.

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You don't have an address, you don't have directions, you don't have GPS. And even if you have GPS, if you do not put an actual address,

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you're just going to be driving around, you'll be all over the place.

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Can you imagine starting a business, going and renting a location, not knowing what that business is all about. You don't even know what what that business is supposed to be. You don't know what that business is supposed to produce or sell or or engaging. You just open a place.

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Unfortunately, we approach many important aspects of our lives with that kind of attitude. And especially that which is the foundation of our existence, and that is our relationship with our Creator Allah subhana wa Tada.

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We cannot afford brothers and sisters continue to, to be distracted in from the very purpose for which Allah Subhana Allah created us. Allah subhanaw taala is so compassionate, so merciful, that he didn't let us figure what our purpose and what our goal is and what the end is, in fact, the loss of habitat have told us exactly what the end will be like.

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Now some of us choose to listen. And many choose to forget that and walk away from

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us

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what He created us for and what the end is gonna be. dunia comes in distress. it overwhelms us. It actually deceives us and our loss of habitat it tells us that one of the diseases inshallah we'll talk about how to combat this disease, and how to protect ourselves from this disease, but one of the diseases is being distracted and being overwhelmed and being addicted to this dunya. Allah Subhana Allah says can lead to Hebrew and Elijah, what's his

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name, you love this fast this quick, this role. And you forget about Africa, you forget about the everlasting the here after we get deceived by Julian because we have it, it's right there. But before you know it, it's all gonna be gone.

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So Allah Subhana, Allah tells us not to be distracted. And to always remember, what comes next with the future is what the end result will be like. One of the dangers of not knowing not having a clear direction and not knowing what the end is, is the fact that it will waste your time.

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One of the greatest time wasting elements is not knowing what your purpose or what your goal is. And that's why Allah subhana wa tada in the Quran tells us about gender. And then somewhere a loss of habitat. It tells you that you need to race to gender savvy, stereo race to gender.

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You can only erase if there's a if there's an end line, if there is an end that you know where it is. So Allah subhanaw taala tells us about what that end is. And there are only two destinations. There isn't a third option. There are only two options. As one of the posts put it in Isla Jen, what in Ilana or Ilana what you may imagine, either two gentlemen, eternal life, eternal life in paradise with a loss of habitat in the presence of the best of people, the prophets, the messengers, the righteous, the martyrs, and the companions or what emit Ilana hellfire. So brothers and sisters, we

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To begin with that image clear in our minds, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us the lifestyle that that will induce would be explained in this hadith. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, men have an advantage. Madhava advantage alleged that it was reported by Abu hurayrah. He said I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, Man, half an address, which means he who fears his enemies or who he who fears darkness. See, in the old days, darkness basically brought all kinds of dangerous predators, enemies. So the province of awesome and gives us this parable, if someone is in the in the wilderness, when they want to do is they want to get to

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their destination, or to a resting place, or go home before it gets dark. And that's called an Arabic the word for it is a pleasure to hasten to get about finishing your business. And then going back to your destination before it's too late.

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Because when it's get when it gets dark, you won't be able to see your way around. You can trace your path back to your desk, to your to your house or to whatever the places. So the Prophet says men have advantage whoever fears the darkness of the night or the fall of the night, will hasten will focus on whatever he he or she has to do. And they will head back home. And the prophet SAW sort of says woman at leisure

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and whosoever does so does that will indeed reach his destination. He will reach his home. We'll get home.

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Then the province of RSM says Ella in Ottawa Hill Jana, indeed, the commodity of Allah azza wa jal,

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the commodity of Allah as origin, this business, this relationship that we have with the loss of Hamlet, Allah, what Allah Subhana Allah has for us in return is gender.

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The commodity of a law agenda is not held by the way, Allah subhanho wa Taala does not intend Allah is not, does not have * out there to get people. What Allah has for people is gender. And if people refuse gender, if people don't qualify to gender, then they're going to go somewhere else,

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then they're going to become a waste. And where what do you do with a waste? Okay, recycle.

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There is no recycling, there will be no, that's it. It's one life, we have only one life to live, there is no recycling center go to hellfire. You burn it, you destroyed.

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So the price on a lot is seven said the commodity of a lot, which is gender. And indeed, that commodity is very precious, and are in the silicon lagenda. In the Seattle La Jolla. And in the silicon region. The commodity of a law is very precious. And the commodity of a law is none other than gender. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, in other words, that is the destination, that should be the end.

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One of the most powerful methods

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in helping people change bring about positive change in their lives. One of the most powerful methods and techniques to help someone focus and change and maintain their motivation is something that they call creating a visual creating a mental image, the visualization of what they're going to be like when they accomplish their goal.

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Right. So for instance, if your goal is to, to lose weight, or to get fit, you need to always have this image, you have to create this image and you have to have this image in your head of how you would look like if you were to get fit or lose weight. If there is if there is some kind of disease or some kind of illness or whatever challenge you have in your life that you're trying to get rid of. You basically create this mental image of what your life will look like and be like, once you have gotten rid of that bad habit or that bad element in your life. And it is that image that is going to keep you going What does Allah subhanho wa Taala do for us, Allah subhanaw taala gives us a

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beautiful gift called Docker and that gives us a very clear image as to what you will be like and what life will be like with a loss of data in general.

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And the province of the law that sort of comes in complements that and he tells us what Allah subhanaw taala has prepared for the believers in general.

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It is either that or something else. So brothers and sisters, you need to decide now this is this is basically my message today is very simple. We need to go home

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Or go back to our offices and figure out what it is that you would like to do. What is your purpose? as an individual? What is your purpose? And whether you're right? And then you have to ask yourself, does my lifestyle, do my choices, my pattern of behavior, the things that I do, the things that I focus on

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the activities that consume most of our of my time? Do they really fulfill that purpose? If not, then we need to change. Otherwise, we're going to be miserable, otherwise, we're not gonna experience any growth and this life will be a waste and then a time will come. Allah subhanaw taala says that the wrongdoers on the day of judgment will bite on their hands. The wrongdoers on the day of judgment will come and make all kinds of statements expressing their regret and remorse. One of which, by the way, that always you know, it's just very powerful when a lot of hard

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work or

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a small owner.

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fee of heavy sorry, they will say that if we were intelligent, if we listened, if we listened to that message and and brought about a positive change, we would have not been amongst the dwellers of this blazing fire.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala also says while our nanny Johanna McAfee

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is we have indeed dedicated many to Hellfire

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of jinn and mankind,

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they have hearts with which they do not comprehend. They have eyes with wit with which they do not see and they have ears with which they do not listen or hear.

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So lots of Hana data says that they're going to end up in Hellfire because they did not utilize or use all these beautiful gifts that Allah Subhana Allah has given them and fulfilling the purpose for which they were created. And they lost focus or they lost vision. They did not keep the end in mind. I asked him what to make you and I have those who listen and follow the best of who they listen to. Apollo has the code was saphira la de la

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sala la

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Alhambra. Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Nina stopper was one of the beautiful gifts of a lot is that if you focus on the purpose for which a lot of Hamlet Allah created us, and Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us what that purpose is. Allah says what Malhotra Jean said,

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stone. I have not created mankind and jinn except to worship me. Allah created us for for his worship. Any other any, and I'm not exaggerating. And I'm not just getting all you know.

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Excited, right?

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Any other purpose that you spend time or effort on is a waste of time. It's a waste a loss of amortizes I have not one malocclusion. This is not joke. It is not just it's not a metaphor. It's a very clear statement last count as I have not created you, for other than me.

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That's the purpose.

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So everything in our lives from the moment we wake up until we go back to sleep. From the moment we start living until the moment we stop living, and die should be for that purpose. And it should be based on that.

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And we ought to sit with ourselves and figure out a way to make it such

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a loss of hello to and also at the end of sorts. And I conclude with this, I conclude this topic with this loss of habitat at the end of Surah Al CAPP I 110. The surah that many people read, we read on a weekly basis.

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There are even some narrations that say if you must, if you cannot read the whole story, then at least read the last 10 verses. There is a reason and I want you to really go and reflect on the very last page, not the whole sort of just the very last page of that song.

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And it's specifically

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I 110, the very last I but even the is before that very interesting Allah subhanaw taala talks about those people who have some kind of motive, people who have some kind of focus in life, people will have some kind of mission in life, self created, self imposed mission. Right. And, and and people who really who may even enjoy what they're doing.

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Hence, if what they're doing is not in alignment with what our loss of habitat equated them for what a waste and the loss of habitat. It calls them the worst of losers.

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COVID surina Amana Latino heritage dunya homie Ivana and Noemi pseudo masala they think they're doing well. They think they're successful, they think they're happy. They think they're there, they're the best. And they're deceived by that they have this false sense of accomplishment, false sense of success.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala says, but all come on the day of judgment and will be worth nothing

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like a lady in a couple will be a it will be more than happy for a man whom their deeds are rendered in vain, philanthropy, whatever Yeoman PM, it wasn't that, in spite of the weight that they had, they meant that they may have been the richest, and the most successful and the most popular of all people, maybe the most influential, maybe the most powerful of people in this life. But on the Day of Judgment, they will carry no weight whatsoever filetto P. moolah. homeodomain. Timothy was now they will have no weight. Because all of their efforts, everything that they have worked so hard for was not for the purpose for which Allah created them.

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Then comes the last ayah in that sutra, and says, and this is basically you can take that, that ending as your mission statement, you can take that as your vision, it comes and it describes what your mission is, what the vision is, and what you what your goals should be. Allah Subhana Allah says, For men Cornejo, God,

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as for he hopes, and believes in the meeting of his Lord, which is by the way, certainty is yaqeen. No one disputes that even while they may dispute that they're going to meet Allah subhanaw taala, but everyone knows that they're going to die.

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People differ on one thing, they differ on what happens after they die, but everyone knows that they are going to die.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, As for those, and this is a small group of people who are certain about meeting their Lord, and you and I claim to be of those people, we're certain we know what is after death. Because if you don't know what is after death, then we need to talk you know, you can't be but if you know what is after death, there are loss of habitat, this is this is what you ought to do. This should be your mission.

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From it cannot be failure, amen, amen. saleha, let him work, let him do these. And those these better be saw the better be righteous, better be virtuous, and solid knees. Number one, it has to be sincere, make sure that it is for Allah subhanho wa Taala and for Allah only, that there is nothing else.

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Number Number two, it must, it must conform to the prophetic guidance

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to the best of mankind that Allah subhanaw taala is set to be a role model. And he came in he taught us everything he taught us everything that we need to learn and he taught us principles by which we can live.

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So make sure that you conform to that make sure that it is consistent with his tradition with his teachings. Make sure that it is it is in alignment with the prophetic principles. Then, if you fulfill those two, then your deed is righteous folium ramadan saleha number two whether you should be bad if you're a bee, he had to make sure that you do not spoil your DS or your belief with any ship.

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Allah subhanaw taala centers the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to eliminate check. shirk means associating others with a loss of Hamilton, dedicating any form of worship to other than Allah subhanho wa Taala whether it be minor or major,

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the prophet of Allah and the Prophet of the messengers before him came to liberate humanity, from bondage and from slavery to other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. They came to introduce real freedom they came to liberate us from superstitions and from false beliefs. So what is expected from us as Muslims is to be shipped free, the least amount of shirk is enough to spoil and ruin your deeds. Even if you have piles of goodies. And you're doing things that are saying, Oh, I love a man I love his message. Some of it was a drop of Schick may ruin all of that. So make sure that you purify, make sure that you disinfect, make sure that you get rid of make sure that you if there's any trace

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of ship, and if you if you don't want to, if you want to know what shark is, go look it up, come and ask me. But I think it's very clear, whether it be minor or major. An example of that would be to dedicate anything to other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. An example of that would be to pray to someone other than Allah or to believe that someone is as powerful as Allah subhanho wa Taala. Or to think that you have to answer to someone other than Allah, or to fear someone as much as you love Allah. As much as you fear Allah or to love someone.

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As much as you love Allah, all of these are different forms of ship. Some are minor, some are major. And the major ones actually take the person out of a slump. So be careful. So lots of palletizers do good deeds, righteous deeds, righteous, these mean, sincere number two means that it conforms to the tradition of the process a lot a seller. And the second step would be freeing yourself from elements of shirk, I asked a lot to help you and I succeed in that I asked a lot as we got to make this a blessed year to make this a productive year to make this a wonderful and happy and joyous year for all of us. Brothers and sisters. Speaking of joy, we're trying here to help some, some single

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brothers and sisters have some meaningful life. And one of those efforts that were started last year, and we have a net is something that we call a networking event.

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It's it's for this is not professional networking for all but it's rather networking for single people. hamdulillah we have plenty of great sisters in the community. And I'm sure that we have plenty of great brothers in the community. But the registration on the brothers side is kind of weak.

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So if the single brothers wants to get married and want to have some kind of

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success in their life, they need to conduct business this year, different than they have in the past years. Because if they approach this topic, this issue and many brothers come to me they're like, Oh, I'm frustrated, I cannot find if they approach it the way they have been doing for the past few years, they're going to stay single for a long time. So in order for that to change, they need to explore different methods. Now we're trying to facilitate something here. So again, you have a chance to register I'm not sure when when the deadline is, but the event itself is on the 15th. So if you are if you're a decent single person,

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or if you know a decent single person, please, especially brothers,

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let them know about this, they can contact the office or they can go on our website I oc iisc stands for Islamic Institute of orange and there will be plenty of information for them there. We ask Allah azza wa jal to help our single brothers and sisters fulfill half of their Deen and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make those of us who are married, happy and contented with what we have. And to bring stability in love and harmony in our relationships. Robin attina Jr. has an orphan Africa has been lucky enough to have enough along minister como geographical automatic was that enough? authority was selected equally. Equally, there will always have been agenda when the

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gentleman and now you got the law in the law have mobilized the senate at the White House? It will mockery well done. Yeah. karoun, Cola, Coca

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methanol, oh, dear brothers and sisters, it was brought to my attention. That, that there, there may be people who need financial assistance. And I understand these are very tough economically, in terms of the economies, it's very tough period for many people. Let me just say this, number one, if someone needs help, we have a mechanism in place to help them to the best of our ability. So if you or someone that you know or someone that comes in approaches, you need financial help, then you need to send them they need to go through the proper channel. And they need to go to the office and we have other organizations and agencies that we deal with, that we collaborate with. So send them

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there. Be careful. Now, if someone comes in approaches, you please do not try to help them on your own unless you know them and unless it's something personal and the less as a family member, if you want to do it, do it at your own risk, but I advise you to, to to help us

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regulate and organize this so we can be effective. Unfortunately, many people have been deceived and many people have basically been robbed of their hard earned wealth and Allah subhanho wa Taala is not pleased with people who are not who do not do their due diligence in doing that. So please, again, send them send them our way and inshallah to Allah we have a mechanism in place to help them is that well known high on Santa Monica.

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Going and renting a location, not knowing what that business is all about. You don't even know what what that business is supposed to be. You don't know what that business is supposed to produce or sell or or engaging. He says open a place.

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Unfortunately, we approach many important aspects of our lives.

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That kind of attitude. And especially that which is the foundation of our existence, and that is our relationship with our Creator, Allah Subhana. Wa that

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we cannot afford brothers and sisters and continue to, to be distracted and from the very purposeful, which Allah Subhana, Allah created us. Allah subhanaw taala is so compassionate, so merciful, that he didn't let us figure what our purpose and what our goal and what the end is, in fact, the loss of habitat told us exactly what the end will be like.

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Now some of us choose to listen. And many choose to forget that and walk away from

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us

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what He created us for and what the end is going to be. dunia comes in distress. it overwhelms us. It actually deceives us about loss of habitat, it tells us that one of the diseases inshallah we'll talk about how to combat this disease, and how to protect ourselves from this disease, but one of the diseases is being distracted and being overwhelmed and being addicted to this dunya Allah subhanaw taala says can lead to Hebrew and Elijah with

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me, you love this fast this quick, this role. And you forget about you forget about the everlasting, the here after we get deceived by Julian because we have it, it's right there. But before you know it, it's all gonna be gone.

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So lots of data tells us not to be distracted and not and to always remember, what comes next with the future is what the end result will be like. One of the dangers of not knowing not having a clear direction and not knowing what the end is, is the fact that it will waste your time.

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One of the greatest time wasting elements is not knowing what your purpose or what your goal is. And that's why Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Quran tells us about gender. And then somewhere a loss of habitat. It tells you that you need to race to gender savvy, to race to gender.

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You can only race if there's a if there's an endline if there is an end that you know where it is. So Allah subhanaw taala tells us about what that end is. And there are only two destinations. There isn't a third option. There are only two options. As one of the posts put it in Isla Jen, what image Ilana or Ilana what you may imagine, either two gentlemen, eternal life is eternal life in paradise with a loss of habitat in the presence of the best of people, the prophets, the messengers, the righteous, the martyrs, and the companions, or what image Ilana hellfire. So brothers and sisters, we need to begin with that image clear in our minds. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells

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us the lifestyle that that will induce would be explained in this hadith. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, men have advantage Madhava acknowledged that it was reported by Abu hurayrah. He said I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say men have an advantage, which means he who fears his enemies or who he who fears darkness. So in the old days, darkness basically brought all kinds of dangerous predators, enemies. So the prophets of awesome gives this parable if someone is in the in the wilderness, when they want to do is they want to get to their destination, or to a resting place, or go home before it gets dark.

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And that's called in Arabic, the word for it is a pleasure to hasten to get about finishing your business. And then going back to your destination before it's too late.

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Because when it's get when it gets dark, you won't be able to see your way around. You can't trace your path back to your desk, to your to your house or to whatever the places. So the Prophet says men have advice whoever fears the darkness of the night or the fall of the night, will hasten will focus on whatever he has he or she has to do, and they will head back home. And the prophet SAW sort of says woman athleisure relevant Minzy

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and whosoever does so does that will indeed reach his destination. He will reach his home. We'll get home.

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Then the province of RSM says Allah in Allahu Jana. Indeed, the commodity of Allah azzawajal.

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The commodity of Allah azza wa jal

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This business, this relationship that we have with a loss of panatela. What a loss of habitat has for us in return is gender.

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The commodity of Allah is gender. It's not held by the way, Allah Subhana. Allah does not intend Allah is not, does not have help out there to get people. What Allah has for people is agenda and if people refuse Jenna, if people don't qualify to agenda, then they're going to go somewhere else.

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Then they're going to become a waste. And where what do you do with a waste? Okay, recycle.

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There is no recycling, there will be no, that's it. It's one life, we have only one life to live. There is no recycle, it's gonna go to * fire. You burn it, you destroy it. So the process of the law they said the commodity of a lot, which is gender. And indeed, that commodity is very precious. And that in the celiac, Allahu Jana, Allah in the Silla De La Jolla, Allah, Allah tala Hagen, the commodity of Allah is very precious. And the commodity of Allah is none other than Jenna, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, in other words, that is the destination, that should be the end.

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One of the most powerful methods

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in helping people change bring about positive change in their lives. One of the most powerful methods and techniques to help someone focus and change and maintain their motivation is something that they call creating a visual, creating a mental image, the visualization of what they're going to be like, when they accomplish their goal.

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Right. So for instance, if your goal is to, to lose weight, or to get fit, you need to always have this image, you have to create this image and you have to have this image in your head of how you would look like if you were to get fit or lose weight. If there is if there's some kind of disease, or some kind of illness or whatever challenge you have in your life that you're trying to get rid of, you basically create this mental image of what your life will look like and be like, once you have gotten rid of that bad habit or that bad element in your life. And it is that image that is going to keep you going, What does Allah subhanho wa Taala do for us, Allah subhanaw taala gives

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this beautiful gift called the Quran, that gives us a very clear image as to what you will be like and what life will be like with a loss of data in general.

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And the province on the wireless sort of comes in complements that and he tells us what Allah subhanaw taala has prepared for the believers in general.

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It is either that or something else. So brothers and sisters, you need to decide now, this is this is basically my message today is very simple. We need to go home, or go back to our offices and figure out what it is that you would like to do. What is your purpose? as an individual? What is your purpose? And whether you like? And then you have to ask yourself, does my lifestyle, do my choices, my pattern of behavior, the things that I do, the things that I focus on?

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The activities that consume most of our of my time? Do they really fulfill that purpose? If not, then we need to change. Otherwise, we're going to be miserable, otherwise, we're not going to experience any growth and this life will be a waste and then a time will come. Allah subhanaw taala says that the wrongdoers on the day of judgment will bite on their hands. The wrongdoers on the day of judgment will come and make all kinds of statements expressing their regret and remorse. One of which, by the way, that always you know, it's just very powerful, not lots of hard

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work or

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a small owner.

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fee of heavy sorry, they will say that if we were intelligent, if we listened, if we listened to that message and and brought about a positive change, we would have not been amongst the dwellers of this blazing fire.

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Allah subhanaw taala also says while our nanny Johanna McAfee on MENA region One is we have indeed dedicated many to Hellfire

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of jinn and mankind they have hearts with which they do not comprehend. They have eyes with wit with which they do not see and they have ears with which they do not listen or hear.

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So Allah subhanaw taala says that they're going to end up in Hellfire because they did not utilize or use all these beautiful gifts.

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That Allah subhanaw taala has given them and fulfilling the purpose for which they were created. And they lost focus or they lost vision they did not keep the end in mind. I asked him as a wizard to make you and I have those who listen and follow the vessel for they listen to a code or the code was sulfuryl La Jolla. Welcome to Sofia

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Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Nina stopper was one of the beautiful gifts of Allah is that if you focus on the purpose for which a loss of Hamlet Allah created us, and Allah subhanaw taala tells us what that purpose is. Allah says, Well, marathwada gene is set in laniado. I have not created mankind and jinn except to worship me. Allah created us for for his worship. Any other any, and I'm not exaggerating. And I'm not just getting all, you know,

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excited, right?

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Any other purpose that you spend time or effort on is a waste of time. It's a waste. Allah subhanaw taala says, I have not watched my follow up project, this is not joke. It is not just it's not a metaphor. It's a very clear statement. last comment as I have not created you, for other than me.

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That's the purpose.

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So everything in our lives from the moment we wake up until we go back to sleep. From the moment we start living until the moment we stop living, and die should be for that purpose. And it should be based on that.

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And we ought to sit with ourselves and figure out a way to make it such

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Allah subhanho wa Taala also at the end of sorts. And I conclude with this, I conclude this topic with this loss of habitat at the end of surah El Cap, I 110. The sutra that many people read we read on a weekly basis.

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There are even some narrations that say if you must not if you cannot read the whole story, then at least read the last 10 verses. There is a reason and I want you to really go and reflect on the very last page, not the whole story, just the very last page of that song.

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And it's specifically

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110 the very last eye but even the is before that very interesting and loss of habitat talks about those people who have some kind of motive. People who have some kind of focus in life, people will have some kind of mission in life, self created, self imposed mission. Right. And, and and people who really, who may even enjoy what they're doing.

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Hence, if what they're doing is not in alignment with what a loss of habitat equated them for what a waste and a loss of habitat. It calls them the worst of losers will handle a big city in America. And Latino boneless dunia. homea Savannah and Noemi pseudo masala they think they're doing well. They think they're successful, they think they're happy. They think they're there, they're the best. And they're deceived by that they have this false sense of accomplishment, false sense of success.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala says, but all come on the day of judgment and will be worth nothing.

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like living in a couple will be a it will be money for a man to whom their deeds are rendered in vain. Philanthropy with a homeopathic remedy was not in spite of the weight that they have. They may they may have been the richest and the most successful and the most popular of all people, maybe the most influential, maybe the most powerful of people in this slide. But on the Day of Judgment, they will carry no weight whatsoever filetto p moolah homeodomain. Tm It was not they will have no weight. Because all of their efforts, everything that they have worked so hard for was not for the purpose for which Allah created them.

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Then comes the last, if not sooner, and says and this is basically you can take that I that ending as your mission statement. You can take that as your vision. It comes and it describes what your mission is, what the vision is, and what you what your goals should be. Allah Subhana Allah says that men can a little Julie Bay, as for he hopes and believes in the meaning of his Lord, which is by the way, certainty is your theme. No one disputes that even while they may dispute that they're going to meet Allah subhanaw taala, but everyone knows that they're going to die.

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People differ on one thing, they differ on what happens after they die, but everyone knows that they're going to die.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, As for those and this is a small group of people

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Who are certain about meaning their Lord, and you and I claim to be of those people. We're certain we know what is after death because if you don't know what is after death, then we need to talk you know, you can't be. But if you know what is after death, there are loss of habitat, this is this is what you ought to do. This should be your mission

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cannot be failure, amen, amen. saleha, let him work, let him do these. And those these better, be solid, better, be righteous, better be virtuous, and solid means, number one, it has to be sincere, make sure that it is for Allah subhanho wa Taala. And for Allah only, that there is nothing else.

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Number Number two, it must it must conform to the prophetic guidance

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to the best of mankind that Allah subhanaw taala sent to be a role model. And he came in he taught us everything he taught us everything that we need to learn, and he taught us principles by which we can live.

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So make sure that you conform to that make sure that it is consistent with his tradition with his teachings, make sure that it is it is in alignment with the prophetic principles. Then, if you fulfill those two, then your deed is righteous. For the AMA manansala and number two when I wish I could be a bad if you're a bee I had to make sure that you do not spoil your DS or your belief with any schicke

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Allah subhanaw taala centers the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to eliminate check. shirk means associating others with a loss of habitat, dedicating any form of worship to other than Allah subhanaw taala whether it be minor or major,

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the prophet of Allah and the prophets of the messengers before him came to liberate humanity, from bondage and from slavery to other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. They came to introduce real freedom, they came to liberate us from superstitions and from false beliefs. So what is expected from us as Muslims is to be shipped free, the least amount of ship is enough to spoil and ruin your deeds. Even if you have piles of goodies. And you're doing things that are saying, Oh, I love a man, I love his messenger.

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A drop of ship may ruin all of that. So make sure that you purify, make sure that you disinfect, make sure that you get rid of make sure that you if there's any trace of ship, and if you if you don't want to, if you want to know what shark is, go look it up, come and ask me. But I think it's very clear, whether it be minor or major. An example of that would be to dedicate anything to other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. An example of that would be to pray to someone other than Allah or to believe that someone is as powerful as Allah subhana wa Tada. Or to think that you have to answer to someone other than Allah, or to fear someone as much as you love Allah, as much as you fear Allah or

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to love someone as much as you love Allah. All of these are different forms of ship. Some are minor, some are major. And the major ones actually take the person out of a snap. So be careful. So lots of palletizers do good deeds, righteous deeds, righteous, these mean sincere number two means that it conforms to the tradition of the prophets of Allah, a Salah. And the second step would be freeing yourself from elements of shirk. I asked Allah azza wa jal to help you and I succeed in that I asked a lot to make this a blessing here to make this a productive year to make this a wonderful and happy and joyous year for all of us. Brothers and sisters. Speaking of joy, we're trying here to help

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some, some single brothers and sisters have some meaningful life. And one of those efforts that were started last year, and we have a net is something that we call networking event.

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It's it's for this is not professional networking for all but it's rather networking for single people. On the left, we have plenty of great sisters in the community. And I'm sure that we have plenty of great brothers in the community. But the registration on the brothers side is kind of weak.

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So if the single brothers wants to get married and want to have some kind of

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success in their life, they need to conduct business this year, different than they have in the past years. Because if they approach this topic, this issue in many brothers company, they're like, Oh, I'm frustrated, I cannot find if they approach it the way they have been doing for the past few years. They're gonna stay single for a long time. So in order for that to change, they need to explore different methods. Now we're trying to facilitate something here. So again, you have a chance to register I'm not sure when when the deadline is, but the event itself is on the fifth

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So if you are, if you're a decent single person,

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or if you know a decent single person, please, especially brothers,

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let them know about this they can contact the office or they can go on our website I OC. IMC stands for Islamic Institute of Orange County, that calm and there will be plenty of information for them there We ask Allah azza wa jal to help our single brothers and sisters fulfill half of their Deen and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make those of us who are married, happy and contented with what we have. And to bring stability in love and harmony in our relationships. Robin attina Jr. has an officer who has been lucky enough to have enough a lot of men in his okumu geographical automatic was that Eric was selected equally if when you met them equally, there will always have been gender

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when the gentleman and now he has a law in law of mobility, we'll send him an email at the White House will not carry well done yet. Corona Cola, Coca

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Cola, Coca Cola medicine, our dear brothers and sisters, it was brought to my attention that that there there may be people who need financial assistance. And I understand these are very tough economically in terms of the economy's it's very tough period for many people. Let me just say this, number one, if someone needs help, we have a mechanism in place to help them to the best of our ability. So if you or someone that you know or someone that comes in approaches, you need financial help, then you need to send them they need to go through the proper channel. And they need to go to the office and we have other organizations and agencies that we deal with, that we collaborate with.

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So send them there. Be careful. Now if someone comes in approaches you please do not try to help them on your own unless you know them and unless it's something personal and unless it's a family member, if you want to do it, do it at your own risk, but I advise you to to help us

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regulate and organize so we can be effective. Unfortunately, many people have been deceived and many people have basically been robbed of their hard earned wealth and a loss of data is not pleased with people who are not who do not do their due diligence and doing that. So please again, send them send them our way and inshallah to Allah we have a mechanism in place to help them is aqualung heylen salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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