Mohammed Faqih – Khutbah Back To Basic Kalimah Shahadah .

Mohammed Faqih
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of living life and not denying one's weaknesses and shortcomings, while acknowledging the need for enough drug to heal hearts and finding responsible actions. They stress the importance of respecting Islamic culture and embracing all of the prophets and their teachings. The transcript describes the history and significance of the name Qammoqas, a Latin American title, and its cultural significance, including its connection to religion and the ancient religion of the Roman Empire. It also touches on the importance of being a volunteer in community settings and mentions the significance of being a volunteer in community settings for all.
AI: Transcript ©
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Long Walk

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Roku ma

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Mohammed also known law oh

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ah you

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know long

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in Al Hamdulillah

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who was studying who was Sophia who has de oro to be later ILM asurion fujinami say, Dr. Molina de la, la la la la la, la la, la la, la la

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la la la sharika. lah Laguna Moncada who will help you he will you'll meet well who are luckily Shane Paddy also Lee will send him Allah Rasulullah he'll carry along masala Mohammed in avocado sulochana below me, Allah Allah he was when he was already he came out so late Allah Brahim early Ibrahim alberic Allah Mohammed in avocado silicon Nabeel me or Allah. He was he was really come about Allah Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim in naka hamidah Majid abajo hibbity Villa pain of soccer de tabula

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rasa Lila Sharona Morimoto said to her, a column in beta or colavita, Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah tiffin. Yeah, Latina mo taco la Hakata Kati Morton Illa to Muslim en

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su taco de como la de holla Kaka minassian wahida wahala kamin has Baba seminoma, Rizal and Kathy on one

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particular holiday. Luna Viola ham in LA hurricane alley merkiva. Yeah, Latina mo taco la Baku Ponce de de la cama cama de la creme de novo Come with me

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hawara Sula, who foccacia

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Lima, I'm about to do a hibbity villa.

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I wanted to actually have a very strong, very strong start. Unfortunately, I won't be able to do that, because I'm distracted with people who are on their cell phones and their PDA or whatever else. You know, we have and I just happened to be this week, I had a jury duty and and the judge said, those people who cannot stay

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away from these devices cannot stay away from being connected to Facebook and Twitter, or even just texting or checking the latest.

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They cannot be away from it for for a short period of time. They're not gonna get an excuse from the court because when you're on jury duty, you're not supposed to be on any of that, regardless of how long

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the trial goes on. She said you need some counseling,

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some counseling, because you have to wonder how did we live

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Our lives. And it used to be so peaceful. Before these devices came.

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My phone broke about a week ago, and I didn't get a chance to go get it fixed. I just so comforting.

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So brothers and sisters Come on. This is Joomla. First and foremost. Secondly, it's the first day of Ramadan.

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We should be focusing shala was not going to be too long. But for the next four weeks, this is this is week one, and we have four more weeks, we're going to be talking and discussing very important concepts. I'm going to be talking about three of them.

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And my dear brother, Mohammed man is going to be talking about two of them. We're going to be talking about the basics of old religion. reconnect with the basics. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Hadith says Boolean Islam, Allah comes that Islam was built upon Islam was established upon. And he mentioned his five foundations, so that these five June was in this month of Ramadan are going to be about the five foundations of Islam, just to reconnect with them, we're not going to be able to cover every detail, we're not going to be able to elaborate, but it is to reconnect with the five pillars of Islam that we take for granted, yet, we brag about them, and we

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call people to them. We don't even sometimes know what we're calling people to write. And in many cases, people when they say, the five pillars of Islam, we take it for granted. So the idea is to reconnect with them, live them, and inshallah after every Juma or after every hot word, there will be action items, for three to five action items, resolutions, if you will, things that I would like us, each and every single one of us to commit to one or more of those action items, it will be, believe it or not, it will be posted on our Facebook account, shala page, and it will be tweeted as well. IOC is much easier to count. So sign up and look it up afterwards for now, focus during the

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hotbar. And try to take a mental note, you might want to make your decision while you're sitting here. And before we pray the Salah as to which one of those action items you're going to commit to,

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you know, for the rest of this month, or maybe for for the rest of the year, I asked a lot of junk to make you and I have those who listen and follow the best of what they listen to. And I asked a lot of zildjian to bless us in this month of Ramadan, and make us of those who take full advantage of it. Those who maintain their inspiration from day one, until the last day of this month. We are very fortunate to be here today, brothers and sisters, very fortunate to be here. Alhamdulillah we're alive. There are so many people that didn't make it and hamdulillah that were healthy, and that we are safe and sound. And we can be here Alhamdulillah that we have safety, that we can sit

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here throughout the whole hotbed without having to, you know worry about getting shelled or bombed and hamdulillah This is an AMA from Allah subhanaw taala we're going to be held accountable. So what is it that I want to discuss with you today? The very first pillar of Islam, the key to the whole establishment,

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the main Foundation, the primary foundation without which nothing counts, and that is what we know as Cali Machado.

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La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah a statement that most of us take for granted, yet we know very little about and what is so unique about this statement is that it is not enough to say it saying it is one thing, but brothers and sisters we need to start living it as well.

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So today, I want us to say it, live it and call to it.

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Say it, live it and call to it with the hope that we live by it and die upon it. This is the dream of every sincere Muslim, I feel that I needed this myself.

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Because sometimes we are so detached and we get so

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busy and preoccupied with very with complex concepts and we try to indulgent them and we forget the very basic the very basic that we need the most In fact, we need plenty of it on a daily basis to heal the wounds of our hearts.

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To be able to revive our souls, we need plenty of it. Yeah, you know her in the law, Muhammad Rasulullah a statement made of two phrases.

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Part One, let you know in the law there is no one worthy to be worshipped except Allah

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subhanho wa Taala

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when do people say the most when someone is dying or after someone's death

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the very time where people are supposed to be carrying the agenda has quietly and say whatever they have to say in their hearts. People are screaming and shouting because we feel like this is what we need.

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This is the lifeline

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This is it. That's what it boils down to. Everything is left behind that person leaves everything.

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And now that person needs just that one word. One statement. The province will no longer be sentimental headin says that. If La ilaha illAllah was written on a postcard

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or on a card on a piece of paper. Right and brought on the Day of Resurrection and put on one side of the scale and everything else was put on the other side. La ilaha illa Allah will outweigh everything. Brothers and sisters This is what a last panel to Allah created the universe for. This is the very concept for which we are here. Nothing else matters. Nothing else matters. No wealth, politics, health, nothing else counts except La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying it is very important saying it is very powerful. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said if dalu Ohio mockcall to Anna wannabe Yuna cudney

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in La la de la sharika

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the best of what I and the prophets before me said

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and what they said they acted and they lived upon and they called people to and died upon.

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Right? La ilaha illallah wa de la sharika he has no partners to panel who was to Allah. This is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent for, if it was not for this, by the way you and I would have not been here today as Muslims gathering today, sitting here having this Juma

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we would have not been able to fast there will be no concept of fasting.

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Can you imagine? Can you imagine a world to wish a man by the name of Mohammed Salah it was it was not was not sent to me the Prophet sallallahu said would have not have any if it was not for La ilaha illa Allah

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This is it. Not only him but all of the prophets before hit our very existence brothers and sisters is nothing but for the sake of La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, unfortunately, somehow we managed to marginalize it. Somehow we managed to be heedless, some somehow we managed to be distracted from it. And we rarely even say it. So the Prophet says is the best of what I said. So we need to start seeing it more often.

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We need to start eating saying it more often saying it by the way brothers and sisters, I was just listening to one of the show he said Subhana Allah, it is a cure for so many diseases.

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And it's a solution for so many problems simply to say, you know, Illallah

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Muhammad Rasul Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us to say, La ilaha illallah wa e collar

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coalition party, if you say it 100 times every day, guess what? It is equivalent, it is as if you have freed 10 slaves 10 of slaves. It is as if you have given

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10 people their freedom and that's why I believe that La ilaha illa Allah by the way, is the most liberating statement, the most liberating concept, it is nothing but about your freedom. It came to free you and I

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from anything except the reality, which is that we're the slaves of Allah subhanaw taala I am your which which you're simply saying, I'm not the slaves of anyone. I'm not the slave of anyone, or any any concept or any establishment.

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except Allah subhanho wa Taala the Supreme Being to whom I belong, who created me and who made me

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it is freedom for those people who are seeking freedom and anything else is not

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anything else is not you're actually enslaving yourself. So that's why so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said you say it 100 times, every day, it is as if you have actually freed yourself or 10 people 10 people yes it is as if you freed 10 people, it is as if you have given 10 people their life.

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It is as if you have given 10 people their lives back. Can you imagine saving 10 lives.

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La Ilaha Illa la hora de la sharika La la la la policia.

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Some of us may say, Oh, that's 100 times. I mean, okay, well, how about 10 times?

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It is as if you saved one, or you freed one human being. How about that? How about if we start with with that, and if you want to step a little higher than that, say 10 times after surgery, and 10 times of turmoil, so 10 times in the morning and 10 times in the evening, you free to two people. It is equivalent to the reward of freeing

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two individuals. Just to give you an idea, Abu Bakr radi, Allahu anhu became Muslim. Right?

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He freed six people.

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And he was responsible for six of the greatest companions of the Prophet sallallahu. So you know how much money he had to spend to do that? That's a lot of money.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Well, kuchibhotla, homea to Hezbollah, and then 100 good deeds are going to be written for you. This is a month of deeds. So we need to pile up as many of these as possible. Not only that, but what more he attacks me to say Yeah. And then 100

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evil or bad deeds are going to be wiped out. removed, we need to do that.

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Add 100 subtract 100

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that's plus 200.

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That's if we don't do anything else during the day. Oh, the things that are counting against us. So we're working against so many things. We're working against ourselves. We're working against our own weaknesses and shortcomings. And guess what we're working against our ultimate enemy? Check upon, guess what those people were so excited the month of Ramadan is here. shavon is chained Alhamdulillah. You know that if you continue to say, La ilaha illallah wa de la sharika 100 times gets what comes next in the Hadith. The Prophet says, What can Attila who hears them in a shaper, it will be a protection for you from shavon. So it doesn't matter whether he's changed or not. You're

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going to be protected so long as you continue to say La la la la la de la sharika Mercado and him 100 times. Right, then the promise or wasallam says, and no one will ever be able to bring something except someone who would bring something equal to it. When I'm yet to be me measure up in the UK ceramidin ik La ilaha illallah wa de la sharika lahu mon cola when you hear when you meet who Allah cliche, if you say it every morning, well is not going to take more than what two minutes not even, not even.

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You say it with the hope to live upon it because it is not enough to say it but not live upon it. It has conditions and I urge you to go and study the conditions of light law Hello, urge you to read the Quran. The Quran says Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. No, no, that there is no god worthy to be worshipped except Allah subhanaw taala it's a knowledge.

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Right? So it's not enough just to say it, but we need to start living by and then we need to start calling people to it brothers and sisters. You know, I just mentioned the example of abubaker of the Allahu anhu Allah, one of our greatest inspirations in our history. You know, abubaker became Muslim.

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He became Muslim. He was amongst the very first, you know, few people to accept Islam, perhaps within within days,

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if not, within hours of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam receiving the message.

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Guess what, within days?

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And within weeks, I mean, in less than probably a month I will work out all day long, and who is responsible

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for so many people to become Muslim? Six of whom are from those who are promised agenda?

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How much or and do you think was revealed by them?

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How much knowledge of Islam Do you think of a Booker had by them? How much information did they learn by that? Mainly, it was that you know, Illallah Muhammad Rasulullah.

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And by the way, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to Abu Bakar in a book, it was a very intelligent man, he was one of the intellectuals of Mecca of that time, please brothers move forward and fill in all the gaps in do not block the entrance or the passage. And please, at this point, mark the closest and the nearest exit to you just in case of emergency. Right? It could be behind you it could be to your left or to your right.

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How much did the long run at that point have

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and did the province analyze that and have to debate with Abu Bakar all day long and engage him in a in a lengthy discussion and to convince him No.

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Then what did I

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do with that much of information that he had? He went and he started calling people today. Hello. Hello.

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Mohammed Rasul Allah, people that he had good good connection with. You know that avocado that Lauren was responsible for man affair to become Muslim.

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He was the one that called them to Islam. Did you know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his cousin as one of the 10 promised agenda? came to Islam through aboubaker.

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Did you know that saddam Nabeel aka the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam uncle one of the 10 promised agenda came to Islam through abubaker.

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Did you know that Abdul Rahim Allah now one of the 10 promised agenda and one of the wealthiest companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a young, charismatic, intelligent man came to Islam through Abu Bakar. And the list goes on and on

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over the lawn, how much did he have before he went? And he started propagating? And he started chanting that along with people, how many people have we since we have said or came to La ilaha illAllah? How many people have we called to Allah? Today? Hello, how many people are we responsible for?

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I feel this and I say this and I'm very ashamed of myself. So one of those action items that I would like to suggest to you is that this year, right, resolve to call someone to lay the handle. You have until next Ramadan for if you do that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to leave me alone and wildlife Allah was to guide one person through you, right? Hey, yo, Luqman Hammadi now is better for you than then the most precious wealth on the face of this earth.

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And guess what this is this is a long term investment because you don't know who that person is gonna call to slump and you will receive the reward of every good action that that individual does. Right. So calling people to that in a Hitler law. The second part of it brothers and sisters is Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and there is a lot to be said and inshallah there will be an entire hook but after the month of Ramadan about this man, and what he means to a salallahu alayhi wa sallam, but I would like you brothers and sisters, to

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engage. I would like us all inshallah to Allah to resolve to remember the Prophet sallallahu ala more often, many of us brothers and sisters are rushed to share our Ramadan greetings with our loved ones and with our friends. Right, who's going to be the first one to say Ramadan Mubarak, or happy Ramadan, Ramadan Kareem.

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or whatever other Greetings, like the ones that I've been tweeting in different languages.

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Everybody, right, hamdulillah great. This is something very normal. Right? You should do that. No problem. But how many of us remembered to say, Sal, Allahu Allah. Rasulullah sallallahu. So how many of us said remembered Ramadan brought back to them the memories of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the man responsible for us to know even about the month of Ramadan. Humanity was heedless about the month of Ramadan. There are so many millions, the majority of people around us they're busy, you know with Batman's movie, right? And what? what comes out of that the majority of people are busy. Can you imagine the majority of people around us don't know that. This

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is the first day of the month of Ramadan. They're supposed to be fasting, they're not fasting.

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How did how did we manage to know about it? If it was not for a man by the name of Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the least we owe him is to invoke Allah Peace and blessings. Send a gift not to our to him but to ourselves. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us to do that, in fact, in the very heady way in which the Prophet mentions the month of Ramadan being a golden opportunity for our sins to be forgiven. In that Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that, may he or that individual, that here is the name of the Prophet and does not invoke his peace of laws, peace and blessings upon the Prophet is a loser. He's losing out. And if

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the person does it intentionally, that individual is stingy, very cheap, and miserly, and I seek refuge in Allah subhanaw taala from that, so every morning, right, if we resolve inshallah Tada, that for the rest of this month, every morning, we do solo ads on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam darood, Sharif Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed Ibrahim Ali 10 times, there are some people who do not invoke a lot of Peace and blessings upon the Prophet except in their salad. If it was not mandatory in Salah they probably would never say it and they don't know they're missing, you losing out. Don't be amongst those who are heedless and shallow. In the second quarter I'll share

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with you a very beautiful Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam about that I asked a large project to make you and I have those who listen and follow the bishop or they listen to a llama feelin I don't know whenever I seraphina Marina Allahumma medical Shannon akula hula taking the LM phocoena turpentine alumni in Chicago, genetic. Apolo Hidalgo sobre la Holly Welcome. Welcome.

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hamdu lillahi wa salatu salam ala Dino stofer there is something very interesting about Hamad rasulillah. When you bear witness that there is no that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah. Right? By the way, who is of course, again the man responsible for the first part of the Shahada. Right humanity what a stray from La ilaha illa Allah who brought them back to Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, Allah subhanaw taala through this man named Mohammed Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his Rasulullah when you say are your tests are the testify, and he confirmed that he is indeed the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you are actually saying so many

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things, one of which by the way, you are saying that every prophet that the Prophet taught us about in the Prophet taught us about all of all of the prophets. We don't make any distinction so we accept them all. Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus, Abraham, peace be upon them all and many more. Right? So when you say Mohammed Rasulullah, you're saying Isa, Rasulullah Musa. Rasulullah Ibrahim Rasulullah? No Rasulullah lute Rasulullah. Idris Rasulullah, it's Mary Rasulullah is half Rasulullah. Adam alayhis Salam rasulillah. And the list goes on, on, on and on, you know,

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the names of all of them. Right? So that's what we're saying. Number two brothers isn't when we say Mohammed Rasulullah. That means that we accept everything that we can confirm that we can, that that has been verified to have come from him as the truth, the ultimate truth, and we submit to it submit an hour Aparna.

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We don't argue with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we don't have attitude with what he taught us. What Matt Atacama rasuluh because he does not speak of his own desire. So whatever the Prophet brought to you, Allah subhanaw taala set in and then take it, embrace it. Not only do we take it and embrace it, but we actually get excited about it. We get excited about it, but a lot bigger. Let me know. Are you happy mocha FEMA shadowbane home tamala G 2pm for saying hello Jemima Are you send images Lima, they will not find any grudge, any hatred, any discomfort in their hearts against anything or Mohammed that you have ruled or judged with. And upon that, they invoke the last

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piece upon you. They're so grateful.

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When we say Muhammad Rasulullah that we that means that he is the most beloved of human beings, human human being to our hearts. He's the most beloved Salonika. We love him more than our parents. We love them more than our children. We love him more than our spouses. We love him more than anyone else. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and guess what if you love the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that much you will be in his company, on the Day of Resurrection.

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And those who pray for the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, those who remember the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, are most worthy of his intercession on the Day of Resurrection. And these individuals, by the way, are the closest to him on the day of the resurrection. And guess what, those individuals have the least amount of anxiety and problems in this life,

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emotional and psychological problems, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when a man told him all messenger of Allah, what should I dedicate for you? Of my prayers?

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You know,

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way even the capital, the law one, he the way he said, almost you have a law? How about 25%? How about

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one fourth, the province said, mash it as you like, as you wish, with nzqa who hire and if you do more, it's better for you. He said,

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How about 50%? How about one half? He said mash it is up to you, when zipped up for hire. And if you do more than this is good for you. This is special connection. This is a special privilege obey of the law had, he was bargaining with a messenger of a loss of a lot. So that's, that's one of the privileges that companions of the Prophet had. That they could converse with a prophet and make deals like this with the Prophet. You know, Allah honor them with that. I mean, we can't envy them for that. Ali alojado. So obey Allah Allah said, una casa la tequilla. He said, You know what, almost you have Allah I will dedicate my entire prayers to you. How about that? The Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, even took hammock you follow them back, then all of your concerns will be taken care of, and your sins will be forgiven.

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I conclude with the following brothers and sisters, those people who say la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, and live apart La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah and call people to La ilaha illAllah. Muhammad Rasulullah are the most worthy and most qualified to be able to say la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah when they need to say the most, especially at the last moment, in this life, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said medterra little condemning him like Daniela Illallah, the halogen whosoever is

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last statement in this life is La ilaha illAllah. will, will indeed intergender. Not Not everyone gets to St. Not everyone. I will conclude with this with this story of a man who lived and engage in Dawa. His name was my talk, Chef, I still remember him. I may have told you this story in the past for the sake of those who have not heard this story, the name of this individual was Matt took shape, or himolla 2520 years ago, no, actually more than 20 years ago, 20 to 23 years ago, right. I learned this story. I still remember his name because it shook me as a youth as a 15 year old, you know, when I heard this, he was a man engaged in dour right lived his life. He had his 1212 year old

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son with him. in Medina, he was from the people of Medina, he went to one of the machines to give Bayon with a group of people, Gemma that were giving down.

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He took the stand and he was about to give a ban after mobile prayer, I think it was after mode of prayer, when all of a sudden he collapsed.

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He collapsed. Something happened he collapsed. There was a huge panic in the machine. Right? Call the ambulance, get him CPR this that. He managed to come back and he was calming everyone down.

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But people will not come down. They're like, No, no, no, don't say anything. And let's get you an ambulance. So he said people, people please calm down and they wouldn't come down. So his style of calming people down was to get them to say like I said, Can I get everyone to say

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just to calm them down. So everybody in the machines are like, No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not like this. So they're like, okay, maybe the guy is better. Now. He's doing well. He said, I want you to say it from your heart. I want you to say

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in the law, the whole minister said in a law and he fell down that passed away a lot on

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people when they're dying. They need someone to remind them to say like this man, because he lived for La ilaha illAllah. Not only did he manage to say La la la la but he got the entire message to say La la la.

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That was the last moment of his life.

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I asked Allah azza wa jal to give us to give us a better ending. So the three action items brothers and sisters, number one, commit to c'est la ilaha illa mahabaleshwar ecola. Or to make Salawat on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a 10 times a day, 10 times in the morning, 10 times in the evening, that's manageable, or you can do more, how about 100 times every day?

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Number two, read the Quran.

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Even if it's one page, because it is what teaches us about law in law. And or throughout this year, read the seal of the Prophet sallallahu is and to get to know him more.

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So you commit to read the seal of the prophets Allah listen throughout the month of Ramadan, and the month of Ramadan is too busy. Then before next Ramadan, you accomplish this task, but isn't it number three, call someone to La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and hopefully inshallah will have the chance to get a taste of what it feels like to be able to be responsible for someone taking the Shahada brothers and sisters, prayer times for your salon inshallah tada at the masjid is every day at five o'clock throughout the whole month of Ramadan,

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the corner will be at five o'clock, a shot will start at 930 taraweeh prayer will conclude inshallah no later than 11 o'clock do not park in the shopping center where blah. blockbuster used to be, I don't know what what is called now. But also please do not park at the gas station. And I intentionally kept this for the very last

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minute, because there are people who come last and they park in the gas station, this is not, in fact, you're better off not paying. If you can't park your car anywhere. Do not leave your cars at the gas station or the gas pump. It just doesn't make sense whatsoever. Brothers and sisters and if you know anyone who does that, please

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tell them not to Let's respect our neighbors and make sure that that that will reflect the true Islamic

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ethics. You can park at Skechers at night until 11:30pm. After 1145 your car will be towed. So make sure that if you park at the sketcher parking lot, por todo de that you will remove it that you move your car by 1130 inshallah Tada. And on your way out, please take a note there is a huge calendar of the entire year. And I want you to just to just take a few seconds and think of this consider this. The whole year. It costs us about $1,000 a day to run the machine. This is the average right to varies Of course, so the average is one time. So it's about our budget, our annual budget to keep the machine open and running and how all these activities and

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programs is about $365,000.

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That's as many days as we have in the year. So, here's a deal, how God is sponsoring one day, or multiple days or half a day, whatever you can afford, you will be responsible for keeping the machine open on that day and everything that happens in the machine. On that day, the reward goes to you

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pick whoever comes in, learns about Islam, whoever takes the Shahada, whoever comes in praise or these are those who are memorizing the Quran. Everyone that benefits from the machine on that day, you're responsible for making the machine open in a law said, Those who maintain the massage have a lot of those who believe in the laws which are truly in the last day. So make your pick sponsor as many days as you can, may Allah subhanho wa Taala help you and I inshallah, to be amongst those who

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whose sins are forgiven in this month, and whose deeds are accepted or open at midnight in the Kansas me Ronnie Elena mowlana in the Kansas River him along with one animal so Garfield I mean, I'm assuming if you call him a can of tuna for jr husafell authority Hudson Ottawa, Canada now, along Minister lokomotiva rahmati carozza mmm theoretical celebrity Nicholas Wallonia with me cool liberal pozible genuinely jetavana now a better law in the law, whatever it is, anyway, he tells him Cordova in Halifax, a woman Kuru and belly, to the corona cola have Coca

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Cola, the cola cola to

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maintain their inspiration from day one, until the last day of this month. We are very fortunate to be here today, brothers and sisters, very fortunate to be here. Alhamdulillah we're alive. There are so many people that didn't make it, and hamdulillah that were healthy, and that we are safe and sound. And we can be here and hamdulillah that we have safety, that we can sit here throughout the whole hotbed without having to, you know, worry about getting shelled or bombed Alhamdulillah This is an AMA from Allah subhanaw taala we're going to be held accountable. So what is it that I want to discuss with you today, the very first pillar of Islam, the key to the whole establishment,

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the main Foundation, the primary foundation without which nothing counts. And that is what we know as Kelly Machado.

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La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah a statement that most of us take for granted, yet we know very little about. And what is so unique about this statement is that it is not enough to say it saying it is one thing, but brothers and sisters, we need to start living it as well.

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So today, I want us to say it, live it and call to it.

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Say it, live it and call to it with the hope that we live by it and die upon it. This is the dream of every sincere Muslim, I feel that I needed this myself.

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Because sometimes we are so detached and we get so

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busy and preoccupied with very with complex concepts, and we try to indulgent them. And we forget the very basic, the very basic that we need the most. In fact, we need plenty of it on a daily basis to heal the wounds of our hearts.

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To be able to revive our souls, we need plenty of it. Let you know in the law, Muhammad Rasulullah a statement made of two phrases.

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Part One law in a in the law, there is no one worthy to be worshipped except Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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When do people say the most when someone is dying or after someone's death,

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the very time where people are supposed to be carrying the agenda has quietly and say whatever they have to say in their hearts. People are screaming and shouting because we feel like this is what we need.

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This is the lifeline.

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This is it. That's what it boils down to. Everything is left behind that person leaves everything.

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And now that person needs just that one word, one statement. The province will allow the sentiment of it and says that if not in a halo law was written on a postcard

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or on a card on a piece of paper. Right and brought on the Day of Resurrection and put on one side of the scale in everything else was put on the other side. La ilaha illa Allah will outweigh everything. Brothers and sisters This is what a loss of Hannah with Allah created the universe for this is the very concept for which we are here. Nothing else matters. Nothing else matters. No wealth, politics help nothing else counts except La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying it is very simple.

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saying it is very powerful. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, If dalu, Ohio, ma call to Ana wannabe Yuna cudney

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in La la la sharika

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the best of what I and the prophets before me said

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and what they said, they acted and they lived upon, and they called people to and died upon.

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Right? La ilaha illallah wa de la sharika he has no partners subhanho wa Taala This is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent for, if it was not for this, by the way, you and I would have not been here today as Muslims gathering today sitting here having this Juma

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we would have not been able to fast there will be no concept of fasting.

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Yet Can you imagine? Can you imagine a world tuition a man by the name of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not was not sent to the province of the Lord, he said would have not have any if it was not for La ilaha illa Allah

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This is it. Not only him, but all the prophets before him. our very existence brothers and sisters is nothing but for the sake of Allah Illallah Muhammad Rasul Allah, unfortunately, somehow we manage to marginalize it. Somehow we managed to be heedless, some somehow we managed to be distracted from it. And we rarely even say it. So the Prophet says is the best of what I said. So we need to start saying it more often.

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We need to start eating saying it more often saying it by the way brothers and sisters, I was just listening to one of the show he said Subhana Allah, it is a cure for so many diseases.

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And it's a solution for so many problems simply to say, you know, Illallah

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Muhammad Rasul Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us to say, let you know in Allahu

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Allah, Allah Anna, who will who Allah coalition party, if you say it 100 times every day, guess what it is equivalent, it is as if you have freed 10 of slaves 10 of slaves. It is as if you have given

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10 people their freedom. And that's why I believe that La ilaha illa Allah by the way, is the most liberating a statement, the most liberating concept, it is nothing but about your freedom. It came to free you and I

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from anything except reality, which is that we're the slaves of a loss of habitat. I am your which, which you're simply saying, I'm not the slaves of anyone. I'm not the slave of anyone, or any any concept or any establishment.

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except Allah subhanho wa Taala the Supreme Being to whom I belong, who created me and who made me

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it is freedom for those people who are seeking freedom in anything else is not

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anything else is not you're actually enslaving yourself. So that's why so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said you say 10 100 times every day, it is as if you have actually freed yourself or 10 people 10 people yes, it is as if you freed 10 people, it is as if you have given 10 people their life.

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It is as if you have given 10 people their lives back. Can you imagine saving 10 lives?

00:43:41 --> 00:43:43

La Ilaha Illa la hora de la sharika

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Allah cliche, some of us may say, Oh, that's too much 100 times. I mean, I'm okay what How about 10 times?

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It is as if you saved one or you freed one human being? How about that? How about if we start with with that, and if you want a step a little higher than that, say 10 times after fudger and 10 times of thermography. So 10 times in the morning and 10 times in the evening. You free to two people. It is equivalent to the reward of freeing

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to individuals. Just to give you an idea, Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu became Muslim. Right?

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He freed six people.

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And he was responsible for six of the greatest companions of the Prophet sallallahu. So you know how much money you have to spend to do that. That's a lot of money.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Well, kuchibhotla homea to Hezbollah, and then 100 good deeds are going to be written for you. This is a month of deeds, so we need to pile up as many deals as possible. Not only that, but we're more than happy to say yeah, and then 100

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Evil or bad deeds are going to be wiped out, removed, we need to do that.

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Add 100, subtract 100

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that's plus 200

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That's if we don't do anything else during the day, all the things that are counting against us. So we're working against so many things. We're working against ourselves. We're working against our own weaknesses and shortcomings. And guess what we're working against our ultimate enemy. Check upon. Guess what those people were so excited the month of Ramadan is here. shavon is chained Alhamdulillah. You know that if you continue to say, La ilaha illallah wa de la sharika 100 times gets what comes next in the Hadith. The Prophet says, What can Atilla who hears them in a shaper? It will be a protection for you from shavon. So it doesn't matter whether he's changed or not. You're

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going to be protected so long as you continue to say that you know, hey la la de la sharika Mercado and him 100 times. Right. Then the professor was Selim says, and no one will ever be able to bring something except someone who would bring something equal to it. When I'm yet to be Abdullah, imagine I'd be in the taxonomy Dallek La ilaha illallah wa de la sharika lah Holloman cola when you hear you meet, Alicia, if you say it every morning, well LA is not going to take more than what two minutes not even, not even.

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You say it with the hope to live upon it because it is not enough to say it but not live upon it. It has conditions and I urge you to go and study the conditions of life Allah Allah wa urge you to read the Quran the Quran says, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. No, no, that there is no god worthy to be worshipped except Allah subhana wa Tada. It's a knowledge.

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Right? So it's not enough just to say it, but we need to start living by and then we need to start calling people to it brothers and sisters. You know, I just mentioned the example of Abu Bakar radi Allahu anhu. One of our greatest inspirations in our history, you know, became Muslim.

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He became Muslim. He was amongst the very first, you know, few people to accept Islam, perhaps within within days,

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if not, within hours of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam receiving the message.

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00:47:24 --> 00:47:27

Guess what, within days?

00:47:29 --> 00:47:34

And within weeks, I mean, in less than probably a month, Abu Bakar all day long and was responsible

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for so many people to become Muslim. Six of whom are from those who are promised gender.

00:47:43 --> 00:47:46

How much or and do you think was revealed by them?

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How much knowledge of Islam Do you think of a Booker had by them? How much information did they learn by that? Mainly, it was La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah.

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And by the way, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came out in a book that was a very intelligent man, he was one of the intellectuals of Mecca of that time, please brothers move forward and fill in all the gaps and do not block the entrance or the passage and please at this point mark the closest and the nearest exit to you just in case of emergency, right? It could be behind you it could be to your left or to your right.

00:48:22 --> 00:48:26

How much did the long run at that point have

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and did the province analyze and have to debate with Abubakar all day long and engage him in a in a lengthy discussion and to convince him No.

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Then what did they

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do with that much of information that he had? He went and he started calling people today La la la Mohammed Rasul Allah, people that he had good good good connection with. You know that avocado that Lauren was responsible for man and I found to become Muslim.

00:48:56 --> 00:49:04

He was the one that called him to Islam. Did you know that the province of a lot more I think it was Ellen's cousin as debatable and I was one of the 10 promised agenda came to Islam through obachan.

00:49:06 --> 00:49:13

Did you know that Saudi Arabia because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his uncle one of the 10 promised agenda came to Islam through Abu Bakar

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Did you know that Abdul Rahim Allah now one of the 10 promise, gentlemen, one of the wealthiest companions of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, a young, charismatic, intelligent man came to Islam through Abu Bakar and the list goes on and on.

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All day long, how much did he have before he went? And he started propagating and he started chatting, let alone with people. How many people have we since we have said or came to La ilaha illAllah? How many people have we called to Allah? Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, how many people are we responsible for?

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I feel this and I say this and I'm very ashamed of myself. So one of those action items that I would like to suggest to you is that this year, right, resolved to call someone to Lyla Angela, you have until next Ramadan for

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You do that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to eliminate butala probably Allah and wildlife Allah was to guide one person through you. Right? Pharaoh let him in Hamada now is better for you than then the most precious wealth on the face of this earth.

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And guess what this is this is a long term investment because you don't know who that person is going to call to slump. And you will receive the reward of every good action that that individual does. Right? So calling people to La ilaha illAllah. The second part of it brothers and sisters is Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And there is a lot to be said in Sharla there will be an entire hook but after the month of Ramadan about this man, and what he means to a salallahu alayhi wa sallam, but I would like you brothers and sisters, to

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engage. I would like us all in sha Allah tala to resolve to remember the promise of a lot is the more often many of us brothers and sisters are rushed to share our Ramadan greetings with our loved ones and with our friends. Right, who's going to be the first one to say animal Donald Duck, or happy Ramadan, Ramadan Kareem.

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or whatever other Greetings, like the ones that I've been tweeting in different languages.

00:51:16 --> 00:51:54

Everybody, right, hamdulillah great. This is something very normal. Right? You should do that. No problem. But how many of us remembered to say sallallahu ala rasulillah salam. How many of us said remembered Ramadan brought back to them the memories of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the man responsible for us to know even about the month of Ramadan. Humanity was heedless about the month of Ramadan. There are so many millions, the majority of people around us they're busy, you know with Batman's movie, right? And what? what comes out of that the majority of people are busy. Can you imagine the majority of people around us don't know that this is the first

00:51:54 --> 00:51:57

day of the month of Ramadan? They're supposed to be fasting and not fast.

00:51:59 --> 00:52:39

How did how did we manage to know about it, if it was not for a man by the name of Hamad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam the least we owe him is to invoke a loss Peace and blessings. Send a gift not to our to him but to ourselves. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salat teaches us to do that, in fact, in the very heady way in which the Prophet mentions the month of Ramadan being a golden opportunity for our sins to be forgiven. In that Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that, may he or the individual that here is the name of the Prophet and does not invoke his peace of law's Peace and blessings upon the Prophet is a loser. He's losing out. And if the person does it

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intentionally, that individual is stingy, very cheap, and miserly, and I seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from that, so every morning, right, if we resolve inshallah Tada, that for the rest of this month, every morning, we do solo ads on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam darood Sharif Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed came on late and I brought him on 10 times. There are some people who do not invoke a lot of Peace and blessings upon the Prophet except in their salad and if it was not mandatory in Salah they probably would never say it and they don't know they're missing you losing out. Don't be amongst those who are heedless and inshallah Allah in the

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second about share with you a very beautiful Hadith from the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam about that I asked a lot so just to make you and I have those who listen and follow the bishop or they listen to a llama feelin I don't know whenever so often it emelina Allahumma dramatically Silesia. Allahu Allah taking a lamb for Senator Feinstein alumni in Chicago, Krishna evatik, Apollo cola sobre la la

00:53:41 --> 00:53:42

la comme

00:53:46 --> 00:54:24

Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Eva de Mustapha. There is something very interesting about Mohammed Rasulullah. When you bear witness that there is no that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah. Right? By the way, who is of course, again, the man responsible for the first part of the Shahada, right humanity went astray from La ilaha illAllah, who brought them back to Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah subhanaw taala through this man named Mohammed Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he's Rasulullah when you say are you attests or you testify, and he confirmed that he is indeed the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you are actually

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saying so many things, one of which by the way, you are saying that every prophet that the Prophet taught us about in the Prophet taught us about all of all of the prophets. We don't make any distinction so we accept them all. Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus, Abraham, peace be upon them all and many more. Right? So when you say Mohammed Rasulullah you're saying he said Rasulullah Musa Rasulullah Ibrahim Rasulullah no Rasulullah lute Rasulullah Idris Rasulullah is married Rasul Allah is half Rasulullah. Adam la Santa Rosa

00:55:00 --> 00:55:02

The law and the list goes on and on, on and on, you know

00:55:04 --> 00:55:22

the names of all of them, right? So that's what we're saying. Number two brothers isn't when we say Mohammed Rasulullah. That means that we accept everything that we can confirm that we can, that that has been verified to have come from him as the truth, the ultimate truth, and we submit to it submit in our Atlanta.

00:55:23 --> 00:56:03

We don't argue with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we don't have attitude with what he taught us what man attack woman rasuluh because he does not speak of his own desire. So whatever the Prophet brought you, Allah Subhana Allah said in the Quran, then take it, embrace it. Not only do we take it and embrace it, but we actually get excited about it. We get excited about it, but a lot bigger let me know that you're happy McAfee Mashallah been home to Malaysia to him for saying hello Jemima, will you send them over to sliema they will not find any grudge, any hatred, any discomfort in their hearts against anything or Mohammed that you have ruled or judged with. And upon that, they

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invoke the last piece upon you. They're so grateful.

00:56:08 --> 00:56:33

When we say Mohammed Rasulullah, that we that means that he is the most beloved of human beings, human human being to our hearts. He's the most beloved soul alone, even so, we love him more than our parents. We love him more than our children. We love him more than our spouses. We love him more than anyone else. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and guess what if you love the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that much you will be in his company, on the Day of Resurrection.

00:56:34 --> 00:56:54

And those who pray for the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, those who remember the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, are most worthy of his intercession on the Day of Resurrection. And these individuals, by the way, are the closest to him on the day of the resurrection. And guess what, those individuals have the least amount of anxiety and problems in this life.

00:56:55 --> 00:57:03

emotional and psychological problems, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when a man told him almost Allah, what should I dedicate for you? Of my prayers?

00:57:04 --> 00:57:04

In a

00:57:06 --> 00:57:12

way even the capital the long run? He the way he said, almost you have a lot? How about 25%? How about

00:57:13 --> 00:57:57

one fourth, the province said, match it as you like, as you wish, with nzqa who hire and if you do more, it's better for you. He said to Agnes, How about 50%? How about one half? He said mash it is up to you, when zipped up for hire. And if you do more than that, it's good for you. This is special collection. This is a special privilege. Ilana had, he was bargaining with the Messenger of Allah some a lot. So that's, that's one of the privileges that companions of the Prophet had. That they could converse with a prophet and make deals like this with the Prophet. You know, Allah honor them with that. I mean, we can't envy them for that la de la Han. So obey the law. No, said La Casa La

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tequilla. He said, You know what, oh Mercy of Allah. I will dedicate my entire prayers to you, however, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, even took him a while to follow them back. Then all of your concerns will be taken care of, and your sins will be forgiven.

00:58:15 --> 00:58:53

Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I conclude with the following brothers and sisters, those people who c'est la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, and live apart La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah and call people to La ilaha illAllah. Muhammad Rasulullah are the most worthy and most qualified to be able to say la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah when they need to say the most, especially at the last moment, in this life, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said makara little Kalani Himmler Daniella Illallah, the halogen, Whosoever his last statement in this life is La ilaha illAllah. will, will indeed intergender not Not everyone gets to St. Not everyone I will

00:58:53 --> 00:59:34

conclude with this was a story of a man who lived and engaged in Dawa. His name was Matt took shape. I still remember him. I may have told you this story in the past for the sake of those who have not heard this story. The name of this individual was Matt took shape, or himolla 2520 years ago, no, actually more than 20 years ago, 20 to 23 years ago. Right? I learned this story. I still remember his name because it shook me as a youth as a 15 year old. You know, when I heard this, he was a man engaged in Dawa, right lived his life. He had his 1212 year old son with him. in Medina, he was from the people of Medina. He went to one of the machines to give by on with a group of people

00:59:35 --> 00:59:44

that were giving down. He took the stand and he was about to give a ban after motive prayer. I think it was after motive prayer, when all of a sudden he collapsed.

00:59:46 --> 00:59:57

He collapsed. Something happened he collapsed. There was a huge panic in the machine. Right called the ambulance get him CPR this that. He managed to come back and he was calming everyone down.

00:59:59 --> 01:00:00

But people will not come

01:00:00 --> 01:00:14

Done. Look, no, no, no, don't say anything. Let's get you an ambulance. So he said, people, people, please calm down and they wouldn't calm down. So his style of calming people down was to get them to say like, Hello. I said, Can I get everyone to say la ilaha illAllah

01:00:16 --> 01:00:28

just to calm them down. So everybody in the machines are like, No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not like this. So they're like, okay, maybe the guy is better. Now. He's doing well. He said, I want you to say it from your heart. I want you to say,

01:00:30 --> 01:00:39

you know, in the law, the whole mess just said, you know, Lola, and he fell down that passed away him a whole lot on

01:00:41 --> 01:00:53

people when they're dying. They need someone to remind them to say like, This man, because he lived for La ilaha illAllah. Not only did he manage to say La la la la, but he got the entire message to say la ilaha illAllah.

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That was the last moment of his life.

01:00:57 --> 01:01:22

I asked Allah azza wa jal to give us to give us a better ending. So the three action items brothers and sisters, number one, commit to c'est la ilaha illAllah, who will actually Kala or to make Salawat on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a 10 times a day 10 times in the morning, 10 times in the evening, if that's manageable, or you can do more, how about 100 times every day?

01:01:23 --> 01:01:26

Number two, read the Quran.

01:01:27 --> 01:01:39

Even if it's one page, because it is what teaches us about La ilaha illa Allah and or, throughout this year, read the seer of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam to get to know him more.

01:01:40 --> 01:01:48

So you commit to read the seal of the prophets, Allah listen throughout the month of Ramadan, and the month of Ramadan is too busy. Then before next Ramadan, you accomplish this task.

01:01:50 --> 01:02:11

Number three, cause someone to La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and hopefully inshallah will have the chance to get a taste of what it feels like to be able to be responsible for someone taking the Shahada, brothers and sisters, prayer times, federal Salam inshallah tada the message is every day at five o'clock throughout the whole month of Ramadan,

01:02:12 --> 01:02:35

the corner will be at five o'clock, a shot will start at 930 taraweeh prayer will conclude inshallah no later than 11 o'clock do not park in the shopping center where blah, blockbuster used to be, I don't know what what is called now, but also please do not park at the gas station. And I intentionally kept this for the very last

01:02:36 --> 01:02:54

minute, because there are people who come last, and they park in the gas station, this is not, in fact, you're better off not praying. If you can't park your car anywhere, do not leave your cars at the gas station or the gas pump, it just doesn't make sense whatsoever. Brothers and sisters, and if you know anyone who does that, please

01:02:56 --> 01:03:02

tell them not to Let's respect our neighbors, and make sure that that will reflect the true Islamic

01:03:05 --> 01:03:48

ethics. You can park at Skechers at night until 11:30pm. After 1145 your car will be towed. So make sure that if you park at the sketchier parking lot for todavia that you will remove it that you move your car by 1130 inshallah Tada. And on your way out, please take a note there is a huge calendar of the entire year. And I want you to just to just take a few seconds and think of this consider this. The whole year, it costs us about $1,000 a day to run the machine. This is the average. Right? It's varies, of course. So the average is one time. So it's about our budget, our annual budget to keep the machine open and running and have all these activities and programs is about $365,000.

01:03:50 --> 01:04:07

That's as many days as we have in the year. So here's a deal, how God is sponsoring one day, or multiple days or half a day, whatever you can afford, you will be responsible for keeping the machine open on that day and everything that happens in the machine. On that day. The reward goes to you

01:04:08 --> 01:04:34

pick whoever comes in, learns about Islam, whoever takes the Shahada, whoever comes in praise or reads for those who are memorizing the Quran, everyone that benefits from the masjid on that day, you're responsible for making the masjid open and Allah said, Those who maintain the massage have a lot of those who believe in Allah azza wa jal truly in the last day, so make your pick sponsor as many days as you can, may Allah subhanho wa Taala help you and I inshallah, to be amongst those who

01:04:36 --> 01:04:59

whose sins are forgiven in this month, and whose deeds are accepted or been at Taco Bell Mina Anaconda semiology Elena mowlana in the cancer Weber Rahim Allah malita Whelan and Mr. boffin Amina muslimeen equally McCann of Donna Tina for Dunia husafell authority Hudson, Ottawa, Canada but now along Minister lokomotiva rahmati carozza political celebrity Nicolas Wallonia with me cool liberal pozible genuine nyjah

01:05:00 --> 01:05:08

Hey, by the law in the law whatever I do it anyway he ties in Puerto Rico and I share it with them on camera and belly. Yeah look we are looking to the corona cola have Coca

01:05:10 --> 01:05:11

Cola cola

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