Mohammed Faqih – A Prophetic Day with

Mohammed Faqih
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam is a common practice for individuals to ask for forgiveness early in the day. The importance of forgiveness is discussed, including the need for mindful behavior and the presence of others in one's life. The speaker also touches on the importance of praying for pleasure and finding a partner, emphasizing the need for forgiveness and finding a partner.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh who Smilla Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam, ala Rasulillah, his sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Praise be to Allah, who allowed us to come to this moment of this blessed day.

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Praise be to Allah subhanaw taala that this evening came upon all of us,

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in the best of conditions be the lighthouse origin and if there's anyone out there who is suffering in any way, or having any

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distress, we ask Allah subhanaw taala at this lesson moment, to relieve them and to

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to remove their stressors. And to make this a pleasant evening, for them and for us and for the rest of our brothers and sisters. My dear brothers and sisters, tonight we have

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a topic that is very interesting, obviously, it's something that we would share with Tata need to delve in and go into the details of it, but not in this particular setting, maybe in a in a form of seminar, or,

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or a lecture or a series of lectures. But it's tonight, I just wanted to reflect with you and go over as much as we can.

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A sample or an example of the prophetic day, what was the Prophet sallallahu ala he was synonyms day like, you know, what would you notice if you were to?

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If you are one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, hypothetically speaking, if you were someone that had the ability to examine the day of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, again, again, this is just, you know, an imaginary, obviously scenario of us being able to look at and examine, you know, if we were

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with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or if we were to look through the various sources that we have, what did they say about the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam life

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or about the prophesy syndromes day, rather. So perhaps one thing that you would notice, or there's a bunch of things that you will notice when we go over these narrations that I just want to go over them. One thing is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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when you examine his daily routine,

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you will for sure, come to the conclusion that his life revolved around the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa taala. From the moment he woke up salatu salam, until he goes back to sleep or until you know, so from the moment he wakes up until he goes to sleep later, so if he slept during the day, so a lot, isn't it but so day in day out the problem that sometimes life revolved around the remembrance of Allah, mentioning the name of Allah remembering ALLAH SubhanA, Allah was a key thing you would, there is no, there's no way that no one would not notice.

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The other thing that you are going to notice also is that the prophets I send them very often ask Allah for forgiveness,

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selfhood, Allah was a common practice. He always used to say that I suffered a loss I still feel alive. I ask Allah for forgiveness, I seek God's forgiveness. So this was something that was very, very common in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his day. It's not like he had, let's say, a certain part of the day dedicated to sit down and ask Allah for forgiveness only. Or he asked Allah for forgiveness early in the morning and maybe later at night. No, throughout the day, in a setting in a gathering when he's so always the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. One thing that one would always hear and observe is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, asking Allah for forgiveness. So

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sometimes the prophets of salaam will say it out loud. Sometimes the Companions would be able to read his lips sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they would realize that he was saying, what he was asking Allah for forgiveness. Another very common practice something that was extremely present

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throughout his day, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was solid, right? The regular prayers in addition to the Sooners and we're going to try to cover some of these insha Allah Tala, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam obviously his day also evolved, you know reading a Quran or receiving revenue

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Asian from Allah subhanaw taala this was very common, or teaching his companions or listening to them read the Quran, and he enjoyed listening to the Quran. So this was a very common deal in the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. His life was very simple, but he was extremely balanced and productive. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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His day was not

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it was the process. LM was busy, but he was not rushing. Right. So he was not always rushing. He was very, very calm. sal Allahu alayhi wa salam. And one thing that amazes me is the, you know, obviously, I'm not amazed meaning he's Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But one fascinating aspect of his personality was the proximate center was president. He was mindful Salallahu Alaihe Salam, and he taught us certain things that are meant to teach us to be mindful by the way, and we're going to examine some of these today inshallah Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Life again, was very simple, but it was, it was organized and it was predictable. Sal, Allahu alayhi

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wa sallam, yet he was easy going. And at times he can he could be some Allah Who said I'm very spontaneous sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, one thing you're going to notice is the fact that he was present in the life of his family members, and his family members were fully engaged with his with his life, even his

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I wouldn't call it professional life, but even his his work, what the process did outside the house, the members of his household, including, and primarily, especially his wives, were in tuned with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his mission in life, and what he did outside, and sometimes when things overwhelm him outside or if something you know, doesn't go, well, the province has sent them bound sup support. And even at times, he found,

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you know, understanding at home that he found the motivation or the support that he needed from his family members. One thing also that you're going to notice is that the prophets I send them on a daily basis. His day was not only to himself, but it was for the people. He lived for the people who engage the people. And he was serving after Allah subhanaw taala. He used to be in the service of his community, so Allahu Allah, he was sending. You noticed also that the prompts I said, LEMs level of energy, the process and that was highly energetic, so Allah I'd even send them

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and you also notice the, you know, balance between,

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you know, personal needs, as well as what others needed from him, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam. One thing also that we would notice is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was very cheerful, very positive, and highly motivated, and he was extremely inspirational and motivational for his companions. So let's begin. Let's see how far we can go in sha Allah to Allah. With details, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his day started early, it even started before the day started. So Allah who I think is, so the Prophet peace be upon him, was someone that would wake up before pleasure.

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And, obviously, you know, one thing

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you know anyone that if you read anything about successful people, and most productive people, you would know that one thing that they have in common, one of the elements that they have in common, one of their basic habits is waking up early. The Prophet peace be upon him made dua, in a hadith that was actually narrated in 26 different

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you know, chains or 26, different, rewired, 2020 26 different reports. Multiple companions reported, the prophet that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made dua, that Allah subhana wa to Allah blesses the early hours of the day for his ummah, Allah whom evatik You Matthew people Korea, right? And this hadith is sound. This hadith is actually authentic, right? Allahumma Baddeck Leo omit the feeble, feeble Korea. So the early hours of the day are our blessing hours.

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I believe it was a Stephen Covey that

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It used to call it the golden hours right between the hours between five and 8am. He calls that the golden hour. Right? That period, the golden hours. Nobody should be asleep at that time. That's the time when you're supposed to be

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that that that is the time that will set the mood for the rest of the day. Right. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to be awake, he would awaken before that. So the profit center would would wake up before that time comes in Salallahu Alaihe Salam, either 4pm a nail or for his for his whatever it is, sometimes he would pray at night and we will talk about the Prophet salallahu Salam his nightly routine

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on another occasion, inshallah Tada. But sometimes he would pray and then and then take a nap, go back to sleep. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would wake up

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with the advent of Bilal, Radi Allahu Allah. No. And you will notice that when you read the various narrations as to what was the first thing that Prophet SAW Selim did, yes, he was asleep. But the promise that sent them was still mindful. Right. So as soon as he woke up salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet peace be upon him would be remembering Allah subhanaw taala even if he woke up because of a dream, even if he had a dream, right?

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We know that the dream of the Gambia is a revelation from Allah. So the first thing that pops up, or a good seller would do when he woke up was to remember Allah mentioned the name of Allah subhanaw taala. He would either praise Allah subhanaw taala or He will glorify Allah subhana wa Tada. So he would be saying Subhan Allah, or he would be saying an hamdulillah right? The most common is an hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Allah they are here in Nevada, I'm not sure. Or if he woke up in the middle of the night Alhamdulillah Allah Subhana Allah when that you know, in Allah, Allahu Akbar, whatever. However, whenever was the end Nebula, it takes someone who is extremely mindful to

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remember that. So the first thing that he did some Allahu alayhi wa sallam, when he woke up was under the name of Allah subhanaw taala. And mentioned Allah subhanaw taala. And praise him, you know, compare that to what we do nowadays, myself guilty, right? We look at, I understand, sometimes we may be turning the alarm off, but we check something else. So the first thing, try to follow that example and make sure that the first the first thing that you say is the name of Allah subhanho wa taala. By the way, just a helpful tip.

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Make sure that the last thing that you say is the name of Allah subhanaw taala. You mentioned the name of Allah subhanaw taala. So, there's a good chance that if that's the case, that when you wake up, you will also mention Allah subhanaw taala his name, and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with

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a cleanser of his mouth. Salatu Salam, he would go and brush his teeth, you'll see wax, obviously, not not. They didn't have brushes back then. But he would clean his mouth and raise his mouth, wash his hands first, and then clean his teeth and wash his mouth. sal Allahu Allahu wa salam. And he would also sometimes wipe them so no matter what the process would wipe, you know, his face, just in case there's anything that stuck to his face. So the prompts that send them would be rubbing his face, Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam. Again, obviously,

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you know, nowadays, we're told not to touch your face. But again,

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you know,

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wash your hands, and then wipe your face to wake up Subhanallah

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then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was pray the tool aka fajr

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When he woke up for failure at the end of Bilello, the Allahu Anhu would pray the to look out for failure at home, and these two records would be very light or quick. So they were not very lengthy in nature. He would read in the first raka Kalia you had caffeine and in the second worker, who Allahu Ahad and then after that the prophets Allah wa sallam would lay down on his right side. So Allahu alayhi salam.

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If now, his wife is not if

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his wife is not awake, or if she's asleep is still poor, you know, not then the positive use to rest in a particular area. If she's already up, and she, you know, let's say is getting ready to pray for your she paid project. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam would be having a conversation with her. So and then until Bilal comes in

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tells him that it's time Mercy of Allah for the farmer. So Dan was in charge of, you know, bringing that, obviously, you know, alerting the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, now that the Prophet said have needed someone to alert him, but because the problem statement sometimes would need to rest and by the way it's sleeping or not sleeping, laying down, laying down after

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pleasure or after the event of pleasure is a well established sunnah.

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So he would come out sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you would notice one thing, the Prime Minister was extremely mindful in some of these depth. All of these adab fine,

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adequate that the province of Selim taught us are meant to make us to help us become more mindful of our actions. The province of Salem was obviously was very Salalah and seldom in tune, and he was well aware, and he was present Salallahu Alaihe Salam, and he was extremely mindful of everything that he says, even his own thoughts solo etc. But everything that he said and everything that he did, even the steps that he took, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he stepped out of his house, to process them, there was a dua that he would say, right, and then when he stepped into the masjid, or on his way, that short walk between his his place in the masjid, the promise of seven

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days, and that he said, When he entered the masjid, there's a DUA, the process that taught us entering with his right foot in first, right, again, this is all meant to teach us to be mindful of everything,

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our actions, so he would come and the Prophet sallallahu I need to send them with greet the people when he walked into the Masjid. Salallahu Alaihe Salam, and then straighten the lines.

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And the karma would be called and then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam takes his time to make sure that everyone is standing straight and properly. And then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam begins praying, pleasure, pleasure, prayer, normally the prophets Allah Allah, so let me use to prolong for your prayer, he would read anywhere from 60 to 100 verses, right.

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You know, verses like from animal Hassan, you know, from off and realizing dheireadh in onward. So the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam would read slowly, clearly out loud for years so people can hear him

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and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would prolong it. On the day of Juma, if the day is July, then it was very common that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam would recite Surah sesion, which is now like, you know, 30 verses in three pages. And then Surah Al Insan, which is two and a half pages, or almost two pages, you know, a little more than two pages. So that's what he would recite Sallalahu it was seven, and those who are, you know, making their way to the masjid will be able to catch up.

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And then sometimes, if there is an extraordinary event that has overwhelmed or that has struck, struck the Muslim community, there's a calamity the Prophet SAW Selim will make to the second worker, a project known as pinata no acid.

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If he once he finishes the Salah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before turning around, he did not rush especially with failure, by the way, and process them did not rush to turn around after failure. And he would be sitting in his place, remembering Allah subhanaw taala asking Allah for forgiveness, right? And then now you can start counting how many times the process of selling would be asking Allah subhanaw taala for forgiveness, and then he would be praising Allah subhanaw taala and making dua and asking Allah Subhana Allah to grant him and his family, you know, a good productive blessed day to seek refuge from any evil within the day. Praise Allah subhanho wa taala.

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Speaking of the Dhikr after failure,

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you know the DUA that I always like to remind my pleasure congregation with La ilaha illallah wa don't necessarily brothers or sisters, it's to be said, while you're sitting as soon as you finish the salah before you even like undo you're like in the same position that you're in. Before you move before you turn around before you do anything. After you do yourself up. C'est la ilaha illa Allah, wa The whole Asha, you can learn more going on who are conditioning and pioneer 10 times. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam then after that he would turn around and face his companions and

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He would be either speaking to them. Some people will say, Well, this is when the Prophet sallahu wa Salam is office hour began. Well, you can call it office hour if you want to. But the Prophet SAW Allah they said they would make himself available. And it was time for them to, for him to engage his community members, answer their questions, ask them how they're doing. Teach them something, if there was a revelation that he received the night before he would be sharing it with them. If he had a profound dream that he would share with them, sometimes we would ask them about their own dreams, when Moon Cobra

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No, which did any one of you see any dream, and then the companions will be discussing that. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would interpret these dreams for them. Some Allah Hadith, and they will be mentioning Allah subhanaw taala, praising Allah subhanaw taala, teaching each other learning from one another, sometimes they would be just conversing about the days of generally, things that happened in the old days, sometimes they will be laughing, and he would be smiling sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And they will do this until sunrise. And when the sunrises they wouldn't get up and some of them will pray the Prophet SAW Selim will go home, and perhaps pray there, and he

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would go home and greet his wives sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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greets each one of them. And then sometimes he would be asking if there is anything to break, for breakfast to eat. And now this is if it's not Monday or Thursday, usually Mondays and Thursdays the processor, let me use too fast. So, so he wouldn't be looking, you know, to eat something. And if he's told on a random day, other than these two days, if he's told that, well, we don't have anything, you know, we're out of food, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then we'll say for in the side. So, you know, randomly, not randomly, but obviously, the party sellers answer was, if there's no food, okay, then I might as well just pass this day. And from that, we take that if you

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woke up in the morning, without necessarily having the intention to pass the day, if it's not a fork, or a lot of a fork, then you can actually initiate fasting so long, you haven't, you know, one does not eat anything from after failure, right? So from Nigeria, from the time when, like, if you ate something, you know, when failure comes in then Right? And the products are selling his favorite

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meal to begin his day with was dates, right, wrote up, like fresh dates, if he can't find first dates, so the promise I'll send them would

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you know, eat tomorrow, which is dried dates. So, in the Process Center was not very, very, he had favorites, but he was not

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very particular, he did not have what is known as to kind of, he was not very formal. So Allah Salam, he was easy and going, he didn't have to go out of his way to obtain something or to get something, it wasn't like the process of them have to start his day with fresh, warm, camel milk, or fresh, warm, you know, goat's milk, or, you know, if he finds something, he would gratefully

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you know, consume and share. If it's if he's given a gift, you know, sometimes he would receive gifts that early in the morning. If he doesn't have something, then it's not a big deal. So, you know, unlike many of us, unless we start our day with, you know, that cup of coffee, or that latte, or cappuccino, or you know, that bowl of cereal, you know, some some people put the milk for us and some people put the serial first. You know, I don't know which camp you belong to, you know, we have certain routine, like if we don't do it, like it throws us off process was not like this, right? He didn't put a lot of emphasis on these things. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if he if he finds

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something that he likes, he will consume it and he would be very grateful and appreciative of it. And if not, then he goes about his day sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would, you know sometimes go out? You know if it's a Saturday, for instance, the Prophet salallahu Salam this was the time early morning now we're still getting before what would be nowadays like

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9am Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually even before eating at this point, if it's a Saturday, then it was very common that the Prophet SAW Allah to send them with either right his donkey or walk to Cuba to pray to look after he makes will do at home, he would go to Cuba pray to raka there.

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And the reward of someone that does that as a prophet mention in the Hadith, when told Buffy, Beatty and MacArthur you know, Kuba was a lot of it in Canada. Okay. Amara is like the reward of Allah, and he would come back, you know, before before overtime.

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On a regular day, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, this is the time where he would do something for his family, or take care of something that needs to be taken care of, for his community for his companions. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would pray again, sometimes he would pray for, you know, consecutively for multiple days or for a long time, until those who are observing him would say that, Oh, he would never He will pray this prayer forever. And sometimes he would not pray it for a while he would stop, right? He didn't want it to become Whadjuk. But this is what is known as Lucha Salah to Doha. So he would pray for guys or six guys or eight other guys. And

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then before before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had the habit of taking enough power naps on holiday so that he would not and this was a very common thing. You know, it's like a siesta, you know, especially in hot areas. So before the whole time, people would rest would lay down and rest and take a nap. So the blocks I send them won't do that. It's called a lulu in Arabic. Sometimes, he would be, you know, he wouldn't be overwhelmed with certain errands that he had to take care of, or taking care of the affairs of the Muslims, that he may actually Miss Miss that until the whole prayer, but until about a prayer that normally the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam with the rest. And

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once it's time for the for the properties to pray before very early

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the first time of Lahore prayer and the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam would prolong his little prayer, right. Now, keep in mind now that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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you know, wanted to make sure that those who are coming from, you know, far from from from a long distance walk into the masjid will have plenty of time. So the process of settling with prolonged, vulgar prayer.

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His little prayer was

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the first workout was much longer than the second workout.

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And the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam would obviously not raise his voice with the Sahaba you could you could tell that he was reading from the movement of his jaw Salah Salem or from the movement of his beard sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Sometimes they will hear a verse or two coming out. So the pastor when he recited it wasn't, you know, this is this is just a side note. I may be going into tangents here. A lot of people think that a silent prayer is a prayer where you're going where you basically have to read in your mind

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