Mohammed Faqih – 5 Rights of A Muslim over another Muslim

Mohammed Faqih
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of community bonds and sharing responsibility to restore them. They emphasize the need for a culture of mutual responsibility and a culture of mutual respect. They also emphasize the importance of welcoming and respecting individuals, especially when gathering. The speakers emphasize the need to avoid overcomplicating things and offer advice to individuals.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Al Hamdulillah Ahmed, who was saying was so futile who was said he will be laid out I mean surely office you know, I mean, so yeah, Dr. Medina Maga de la who for LA Mola when my little fella heard yella wash Hello Hola. Hola Hola Hola Hola Hola Cherie color wash you know Mohammed Abdullah Sudha whatsover you human being a hunter here Haryana Bella receta wat de la man one also Holly had enormous Allah to Allah He was so damn Wadi. Yeah, you're living in an otaku La Habra to RT Walter moeten Illa. To Muslim on your nurse with taco rob the Kamala the Holika Camino I've seen Wahida wahala come in has Zosia with them in humare Jalan cathedra when he says,

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what the colada lady it has to be healed or ham in Allaha Khanna and ecoman Optiva Yeah, you're living in Temecula Akoto colons Salida. will select la cama Mata como la

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la mejor que la hora SUTA * has a hose and Alima I'm not my dear brothers, and respect his sisters, as we come back together as a community and many people are coming back from vacation. And many are making their way back and we're hoping insha Allah azza wa jal that the community will be if not as vibrant, and as connected as it was before COVID inshallah more vivid in that now that we understand the value of this connection and bond that we have amongst ourselves. And I know for so many people, it may be very difficult, we may have gotten used to the distance and various means of communication, but there's nothing like us coming back together as a community and congregating in

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one of the houses of Allah subhanho wa taala. And Allah azza wa jal blessed this community with a beautiful facility.

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What will make this facility special is not necessarily the size, or the, you know, decoration, or the various, you know, beautiful amenities that we have here. But rather, it's the beauty of the people that occupy the space

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and their love for one another, Allah azza wa jal talks about the believers, this body of believers being a body of brothers and sisters, in me knowing that this bond that we have amongst ourselves, is established by law Subhana wa taala, from above the seventh heaven.

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And that bond that we have is more important than any other bond.

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It's more important than

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our national, or ethnic or tribal, or any other affiliation, or identity that we carry.

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If a Muslim does not understand that, or is struggling with it, then they're not where they're supposed to be. That means we need to work on ourselves, we need to work on somehow allowing these divisions and borders, right, in factions to get into our hearts. They're not even on the map, unless we put them. Right, if you fly over any piece of land, you're not going to see any borders.

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Right? Is this is what part of the post colonial reality that was imposed upon us. There was a time when we were one OMA, literally, you could travel from one place to another I, myself, my ancestors, my great grandfather migrated from one place to another freely.

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My grandfather was born in one area, he was buried in another area, you know, there was a time where people used to, the only identity that they needed to carry is, as a matter of fact, even non Muslims were able to travel through Muslim land freely

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and be welcomed. So

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so we need to restore that.

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We need to restore that. And we should start with ourselves. We should start internally, right? Really, when you see a believer, think of that person as yourself.

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How are we going to really be an example of what the Prophet SAW Allah said and talked about, of how like you're really not a true believer in to the you love for your brother, what you love for yourself, how are we going to get there? So one of these areas that as we come together and we start interacting with one another, I wanted to remind myself it's may sound very basic, but I wanted to remind myself and go over some of the fear of interaction between believers, fear of interaction.

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There is a famous

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is Hadith in which the province of Allahu alayhi wa sallam talks about what is known as HOCl, duties, rights duties, however you want to see them. Right? So we usually talk about them as rights. And whenever you see rights that whenever I talk about a right, what would that does to a person to the listener? Is it makes you aware of your rights. So you're in that mode of demanding and expecting your rights, right?

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Yes or no.

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When we say the rights of the believers, you think of yourself as a believer, and now you're expecting your rights. Right? Very seldom do we think about, I'm talking about the rights of the other, the other side?

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So let me just talk about it from the point of view of it being our duties towards one another. What is your duty towards another believer, another Muslim? The heck of that Muslim? What's your duty, because if we focus on duties, because Allah azza wa jal is going to hold us accountable for,

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for what,

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for either fulfilling or failing and fulfilling our duties. No one on the Day of Judgment is going to come and be held accountable for giving up some of their rights. As a matter of fact, if you give up some of your rights for the sake of Allah, you'll be rewarded.

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This concept, this idea that you have to demand your rights in the stand up for the right, it has to be understood in this context.

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Not when we're dealing with each other. Not when we're dealing with our spouses or family members.

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Right? When we're dealing with our spouses or family members, or our brothers, whom we love, like we love ourselves, we need to be thinking about duties, have I fulfilled my duties towards you?

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How have I disappointed you or failed you in any way or fashion? And what can I do to make it up to you?

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And if that spirit and that mindset spreads amongst the believers or in any community, that community is going to be not only healthy but an exemplary community, a community in which no one will have to demand the rights because everyone is fully aware of the importance of fulfilling their duties towards one another. So in a hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there are two narrations in which the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam talks about five and another Hadith, six specific duties that Muslims have towards one another, and I want to just go over them, one by one.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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in the Hadith, collected by Imam Bukhari and Muslim, this is the Bukhari Muslim version. The Abu Hurayrah Radi Allahu Anhu was reported to have said the Hadith, Muslim Semir to rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I heard the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say the following your code? Right? So this is something he heard directly from the Prophet peace be upon him. How can Muslim and Muslim enhance

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the right or the duties of a Muslim towards another Muslim? Right are five.

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And the other narration, Abu Huraira is reported to have said

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how can Muslim or non Muslim is set

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set to

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set the taco that the rights or the duties of a believer towards another believer are six and there is no contradiction? Maybe some of the students of Abu Hurayrah maybe these were two different occasions where the prompts are seldom in one Okay, on one occasion, was trying to highlight five particular ones and in another occasion, he added a sixth one

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So what are these duties?

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The first one

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but I do Salem

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Roger salah,

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to respond to the greeting of the of the Muslim

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and the other Hadith where he says six the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was reported to have said, which makes you like which makes it very clear that it was on two different occasions. Right the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it says it Allah kita who has Salim Ali

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when you meet the believer or when you come upon a believer when you enter a space or you come in contact with a believer then greet him. Sisters greet each other bros greet each other.

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Right? Or you know greet any believer it doesn't if you if you this is it's not even gender specific. It Allah ketover Salim Ali, and the scholars took these two narrations and they broke it down. And they said well, and again, I'm not gonna go into like the very minut details of the differences of opinion. They said, someone said this means that

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When you see a believer or when you come in contact with a believer you must write based on these two Hadith you must say salaam to that believer. Other said You are encouraged you're highly encouraged to say Salah

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right. It's the proper etiquette for you to say salaam aleikum again some considered to be an obligation

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to say Salah others consider it to be right highly recommended as sunnah to say salaam aleikum and then other a hadith and maybe one day we'll dedicate either a hotbar or maybe a talk to talk about the how how the proper etiquette of Salah because there are details as well who initiates a salam how do you respond to it? How do you say salam all of these things are you know are there you can look it up.

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But Salam My dear brothers and sisters before I go any further it's actually such an essential as a matter of fact it's a trademark of the

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is a hallmark of the Muslim community, something that distinguishes us as Muslims, Allah azza wa jal mentions in the Quran that when someone greets you with a greeting of Salaam, right, and you don't know about their background they don't know about don't say to them, oh, let me know you're not a believer.

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That means if someone greets you with Santa Monica, we should assume that they are what?

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Why? Because it's the hallmark of a believer, Muslim community. It's a community of greeting

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and the province on the law how are they gonna sell them in another Hadith says after Salah he begins with that spread the greeting of peace. And another Hadith the Prophet Muhammad said I'm says, By Allah You shall not enter Jannah until you believe Wallah he said hello Jana Hitomi know

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what I told me know how to how to have one you will not be true believers until you start loving one another and then the promise I sent him gives his recommendation. He gives a prescription something that will actually spread love amongst believers, he says and I do look home and I say you need to move to have to him should I not tell you about something if you were to practice, it will actually

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it will actually generate love, it will actually produce love. You know, it will it will make you love each other. You will love one another

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after you salivate, spread the greeting of peace among

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Salam aleikum to those that you know, and those who don't who don't yet.

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some scholars say that it's an obligation to offer or initiate the greeting. Others say that it is actually highly recommended. So now

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how about responding to it? If someone says Salam Alikum to us, they said actually responding to it is almost there's a consensus amongst scholars that responding to it is

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an obligation to duty someone says salam aleikum, you must respond to them. And Allah azza wa jal in the Quran makes that command where you are who you want me to hear him for how you will be so I mean, how to do her. They said what is recommended is that you actually

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give back a better greeting. If someone says Salaam Alaikum he says

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salam Wa Rahmatullah

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right or at least reciprocate. So if someone says salam aleikum wa rahmatullah you should not say why they come.

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I don't know why some people are just you know, like, it's going to cost them something there is no tax on Salam.

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Why they come? Why they come what

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you got to be very specific, is the dua that we're making for one another and I Salam is ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada equals Salam. What if the person said the salam aleikum wa rahmatullah you have no option the proper Adam and well, the obligatory edit is that you respond by saying y equals Salam wa Rahmatullah and it's even better to say why they concern what happens to Allah here, but

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when we become aware of this, and we offer it like we mean it, well, Allah He, you will see what it does to you before what it does to the other person.

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And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam does not speak out of,

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you know, he speaks with authority that Allah subhanaw taala Given President knew what he was saying in salon ism.

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Now, other scholars said, Well, if the greeting comes from an individual to a group of people, then it's really not obligatory upon each person to respond. There are some who say that each person must respond. But there are those who say no, if a group of them respond, then it's sufficient.

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That will fulfill the duty for everyone else.

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So next time you see someone, a believer that you know, or that you don't know, because the Prophet in the Hadith says salam ala man out of time, and I'm tired if you don't have to look at the person and first of all proof

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file them and then look, oh, does this person resemble my people that I will say Santa Monica. And if this person doesn't look like me or sound like me, then I'm just gonna stare at them. It doesn't work like that sisters.

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One of the remedies will you know what I tell you people when they come to any gathering, they're looking for an experience there, and that first impression and interaction that they have with with any individual but and by the way, each and every single one of us represents the whole group.

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Right? And I can't tell you how many times I or any, any of us have any member of the community.

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Right, how many times we left either a good or a bad impression on people. And all it takes is just one, and then they take it out on the whole group, which is wrong to begin, you know, it's wrong. However, you are responsible not only for years, people are not going to judge you alone, they're going to judge the entire congregation, the entire mission, and in some cases, the entire community

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and the religion itself. That is why it's important that we understand that we representatives not only of this community, but of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his teachings. So when someone comes we have to be welcoming.

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And we have to embrace them.

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Right? And we have to really make them feel welcome.

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We have to make them feel it to the best of our ability.

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So this is the first right, and that happens through are the first duty

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to offer Salam.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, were here that will marry you. If that person is sick, then you visit them, you visit them and you check on them.

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We're here that will marry you.

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And the other narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that towards the end, he says, We're either Mariela Pharaoh, who, if he falls sick, if he's ill, then visit that person, check on them.

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Go there for support, make dua for them. And we're taught what kind of dua to make for the individual and be positive. And give them hope.

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And cheer them up. And do not say anything that will saddened that person or depress that person, and be very careful, right? And do not be too inquisitive as to what your condition is, and all of that, you know, maybe sometimes people don't like to talk about their

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right there, their health condition, or what they're going through, be as courteous

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and as considerate as you can be.

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And I told you not too long ago, I think I was mentioning how Subhanallah one of our community members made it a point, like one of the things that made me fall in Love Actually, with the Memphis Muslim community was a brother that used to May Allah Subhana Allah have mercy on him. Right? mentioned to me how when he was when he was hospitalized, here that so many people were going to visit him. So am I so that the nurses,

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you know, thought that he was like, you know, you know, I mean, every Muslim is a big shot, but they really thought he was, you know, he told me that they, they came to me, they're like, Who are you and they were giving him a special treatment. That is because of how the community responded to that.

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People from from different walks of life, people from different ethnic background, not only his his people, but everyone, because every believer, we're the people of every believer.

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If you are a believer, then you you, your people are the believers.

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Right. Your people are the believers. So he was he was just, he was he was, and you have no idea. And sometimes we don't realize how much

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it affects and it impacts the individual's ability to recover.

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And gives that person a reason to live and come back and serve, serve Allah and then serve the community.

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So the province of Salem emphasizes on this and he sets the example himself Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would go and visit people. And he would offer he will make dua for them sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and do not underestimate that one or two or three or five minutes that you spend with someone just checking on them, showing them you know, genuinely that you're really concerned about their well being and about their health and making up for them.

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I know a prominent Muslim figure

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that one time told me what Allah He He told me this personally. Most of you know him, especially from the older generation. He told me I don't think anything helped me overcome

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My his his cancer, more than the support, and the thoughts and the prayers of the believers.

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So doctors were shocked how I was able to overcome that and survive that. And he's still alive until this day, almost two decades later.

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So do not underestimate your DUA, the value of your DUA and your support. Alright.

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Number three,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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in the hadith of Imam Muslim, what TBR Jana is to follow the funeral procession of that individual. In the other Hadith, the prophet has mentioned that at the end, he says, well, either matter of fact.

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And if that person dies, then you know, we should go and pay respect to that individual make dua and pray for that person and be with them. Right, as they're taken to the to the final

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resting place.

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And with that, the scholar said that, as long as we have enough people fulfilling that obligation, right, then it's not necessarily an obligatory thing upon each and every single one of us. However, again, for those of us who are, especially those of us who are living here, anytime my dear brothers and sisters, anytime we hear of a janazah, if you're in town, if you can make it right. And if all it takes is that you go out of your effort or you take time off, every believer is a family member. Do it. Right. And Subhan Allah, Allah azza wa jal may

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soften the hearts of the believers so that on the day where you need their dua, and their salah, they will be there for you. May Allah subhanaw taala make that day when it comes for any one of us, the best of our days?

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Then the Prophet SAW Allah and he said, What? Yeah, but your data, right? Don't wait until that person is desperate. And they need if that person has as well. And they're having a happy occasion, especially if it's a walima, especially if it's a wedding, and they invite you the prom. So I said, I'm said, respond to that individuals invitation and answer. Some of us are very selective as to who we respond to. Right? As long as we don't have, by the way, as long as you don't have a legitimate reason Islamically the scholars say that if someone invites you to their walima, then you're you're obligated to attend.

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Right? So the right thing to do is to respond to any invitation.

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I would like to invite you for a cup of tea, no problem.

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Right? However, if it's a walima, it becomes even, you know, because it only happens for most people. It happens once in a lifetime. Right?

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If you're not there for them on that day, when are you going to be there for them?

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And my dear brothers and sisters, I must say, as I mentioned this, that one law he has, you know, I'm saying this and it's coming from a place of love and concern. Let's keep it simple, Baraka law vehicle, because sometimes we overcomplicate things, we make it very difficult for people actually to even respond to our invitations, because we overcomplicate things, we go very extravagant. Right? Or sometimes we obligate each other with things that we cannot keep up with, you know what I mean? So, these cultural practices, we need to tone it down, especially here, we should we should come up with our own culture that is as close as possible to Islam and keep it simple.

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And I tell people, some how I tell some, you know, the young men and you know, our young sisters, sometimes when they try to do something, you know, that stands out. I say, one nowadays, you want to do something that stands out that people will talk about, keep it simple, because nobody's keeping it simple anyway, anymore. We're overcomplicating things. It's not supposed to be that complicated.

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Right? And put, you know, the costs were something that will benefit the couple

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or benefit other people who may be in need some of their benefits a couple.

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Right? There is baraka in that.

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So keep it simple, so that it's easy for people to to respond. Some of the most beautiful weddings that I attended, or Williams were the ones that were just public there is like open invitation. Everyone comes they kept it very simple. You know, Nothing extravagant. So Palace was beautiful, beautiful, the more people there, right, the more dua you're going to get, the more Baraka there will be

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and the last thing that the prophets Allah mentioned was the meat without us and the Hadith where he mentioned five duties, right? That when you hear him saying Alhamdulillah

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After sneezing you should wish them that Allah subhanaw taala shower them with mercy. So when someone says an hamdulillah after sneezing you say your hammock Allah Rahim and ILAHA Jakob whatever Hola. Hola welcome Akula de Samia to myself for Allah Allah Allah confessor Purulia phylloquinone 104 All right.

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hamdu Lillahi wa salatu salam ala Eva Isla de la sobre la but in the hadith of Imam Muslim, the province of Salem as a Sikh, right. And the province of Selim says that, that right is what either stone Sokka on site level.

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If the believer seeks your advice, then then give them the best, and the most sincere advice that you can give them.

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And the scholar said, actually, if the person seeks your advice, and you're capable of giving them advice, you must give them advice. However, they said, if the person needs your advice, and even if they don't ask you for it, right, it is your moral obligation to offer that advice.

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You can't be seeing someone doing something that is self destructive, or that could affect their health in a negative way, and not offer that advice. And then Hamdulillah we are such a talented community, we have so many

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talented people in various areas, right? We have a lot of experts in various areas. Imagine if we were to start practicing this and I know there are some, you know, legal boundaries and limitations to what you can say or what you cannot say I understand that. But without violating this or without violating the ethics of your profession, we can always reach out to one another and say, by the way, if you need my help, or if I if there's any way I can facilitate something, and I love it to Allah when people do that, I love it. But we need to offer this to everyone.

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It will actually improve the quality not only of our relationships, but the overall health and quality of our community.

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People would want to be part of this community because it's a healthy community self correcting, it's a community that really pays attention to its growth. So not see her right advice. Good advice. May Allah subhanaw taala

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bless each and every single one of our community members, may Allah azza wa jal allow us to fulfill our obligations. One thing that we can practice starting today is Salam. So hopefully, you know it will take us a little longer to get out, but inshallah it will get us more good deeds and help us get to know one another. Right? And it will in short, I'll increase the love that we have for one another. May Allah subhanaw taala spread peace amongst believers, may Allah Subhana Allah allow us to get to know each other better. May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept our deeds and forgive our sins. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help our brothers and sisters who are suffering anywhere in the world

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and our community and abroad. I ask Allah subhanaw taala to shower with his mercy those who pass away of our brothers and sisters, may Allah Subhana Allah grant them forgiveness and grant them Jana, Robinette Acaba, Mina in the Countess me already to Ballina in the cancer world Rahim alarming and looking would you bet your life medic was that in my field? It was salam Atomico the one time equilibrium, while Pozible gen one Naja Tamina now, even as a law in the law what will be said later. When Tasha you want to carry well belly, your elbow coolala Come to the corona with Cotulla has Coco wash Kuru Hala and Annie has it come Allah the Quran Allah Akbar Allahu Allah mattes now

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