Mohammad Elshinawy – The Knowledge Within Us – 01.24.2020

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including the implementation of Islam in the United States and the use of it in various countries. The use of sallam as a way to assert one's credibility and potential risks of it are also discussed. The importance of remembering to use one's knowledge to avoid confusion and misunderstandings and the dangerous consequences of not being aware of the reality of Islam are also discussed. The concept of guidance and how it can be applied to everyday life, including personal life, is also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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In an hamdulillah heat island model hola Serena we want to stop federal when our Altavilla darlin God unforeseen I was a year Dr Molina minion de la Jota Allah Allah mobila Woman Euclid further has yella Why should you Allah Ilaha illa Allah who had the whole Ashley Keller or shadow anna Muhammad and others who who whenever you who are pseudo? Yeah you're Latina? No taco la haka, Ducati you Aleta moto Illa 123 moon

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yeah, you have NASA Hora Kumala the Halacha community Wahida who are kala caminho Jaha well but I mean humare journal and kefir on one is

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water hola hola de Tessa Luna be halal or haram in Allah Cana La Cumbre viva. Yeah, you're Latina. I'm an otaku Allah or Hulu Poland Saudi sadita Yo la kumara Malecon where Fila kung fu back home well my new para la hora Sula, who for for the first frozen Alima All Praise and Glory be to Allah we thank him and we seek His help and his guidance and his pleasure and its forgiveness.

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And we seek protection with Allah from the evil whispers within us and from the consequences of our evil deeds. For whomever Allah guides one can ever lead us astray and whoever Allah leads us straight on can never guide and we testify that no one is worthy of worship of Allah and Allah alone or any partners, the true supreme King, and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was indeed his prophet, and his servants and its messenger from Allah azza wa jal center for mercy to the world.

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After welcoming my brothers and sisters, in Islam to the house of Allah azza wa jal, and reminding myself and you with what our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would begin reminding with it every Jumar which is the circle of Allah, consciousness dutifulness to Allah azza wa jal as best as we can manage.

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One of the great tampereen

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who was known to have collected many of the signs of the Hour of the end times from the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam firsthand. His name was debated. NuFACE Rahim Allah

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an Imam Muhammad Al Hakim, they narrate that this man Ubaid of new faces

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and with an authentic chain, he said I met one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his name was alpha v Malik from the Allah Who an

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alpha the new Malik

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said to me, debate is saying I have said to me, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looked up at the sky one day and he said, had that I won your farewell alien. This is a time these are the end times he was the last prophet This is the time when knowledge meaning sacred knowledge will be uplifted will be removed from this earth

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and so our man from those sitting there names yeah didn't either did or the hola Juan he got up and he said yeah rasool Allah or you're a foreigner in Morocco. That was a bit what will clue Well, I don't know Korea webinar and I want to say another Quran Surah Surah Allah How can that happen? How can knowledge after it came down and the hearts have contained it

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be removed from the earth?

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How can knowledge be uplifted? When we are actively currently teaching our women our wives that our children Quran?

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We're spreading it as we speak. We're disseminating it as we speak. How can it just disappear? And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him to the added Nila bead in Khun Tula Cebu cam in Africa in Medina, I used to think that you were of the most knowledgeable people of Medina. Meaning I know that you are a very wise man, a man of great understanding. I didn't think that you of all people would make a mistake like this

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summer that Kerravala Talia who they were not far out. Now if you add him in Quito villa, and then the prophets Allah Allahu Allah then went on to explain to Ziad and anyone else who had this discrepancy, and he mentioned to them examples of how the Jews and the Christians before them went astray despite having their original copy of the book of Allah presents in their mid

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presence among them.

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So to bait even no fade this February heard alpha the Malik saying this incident throughout the province also looking at the sky and mentioning how knowledge be uplifted and the way it happened with the previous nations. And so he took this to another so heavy to confirm to double confirm. Shut that out about the hola Juan he says to him I told him out of the Malik said this long incident about the Prophet Prophet Allah

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I'm very strange. It said that to him for the golf outside the truth I have has been accurate. I'll relate it to you as it happened. This is true. And then said that wish to add to the image and he said to him, Allah Bureau cabbie, oh well as Alika UEFA. Would you like me to inform you of the very first sacred knowledge the very first science to be uplifted? Called Well, I said, Of course tell me, Carl, who sure has that as a kegel Tara de la Harsha. The first thing to go will be the all of Allah is appearing to the point where you will hardly be able to find someone that truly fears Allah

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that truly fears Allah subhanho wa taala. This is a profound Hadith. But I wish to stop at the mazurka who don't know Farah Manaphy, Id him and kita villa, the province often mentioned to them examples of how the Jews and the Christians went astray despite having the book of Allah with them.

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It has mentioned throughout the Quran we all know Allah azza wa jal says about bento Israel in one place, and Lavina Atay now who will keytab it for that who can make it full Ebina at home Lena, Freddie Amin whom like to more than half our home yeah, Allah moon.

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Those we gave the book to the Torah to they recognize him they recognize the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as they would recognize their own sun,

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but a group of them conceal the truth while they know it while they're sure of it.

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And this happened in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this recognition because the descriptions in their book the original descriptions, were still there some much was still there.

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As a matter of fact, Abu Musa luxury are the Allahu and he says this is gonna be the route and elsewhere that when the Prophet SAW Fela migrated to Medina where numerous Jewish tribes existed. They used to Yetta Otto suna in the Navy sallallahu alayhi wasallam they used to go and make believe pretend to sneeze in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam because they saw from Muslim culture norms that when someone sneezes you tell them your hammock Allah may Allah have mercy on you. So they wanted the province all fell under, say your hammock Allah, may Allah have mercy on you. And since they believe he's a prophet, and God has to accept the prayer of the Prophet, they're

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going to sneak their way into paradise. Going to have verse This is what they thought they thought there was a backdoor without believing in him. But still, they unwittingly were admitting that he is the prophet by doing things like this.

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And they certainly were not going to deceive Allah nor did they deceive the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to simply say back to them yeah de como la jolla useful tobacco May Allah guide you and rectify your affairs.

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And there are so many verses like this.

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Well either theta Lahoma Tabby Roma Anza Allah Karlova Natalia Roma al Fein Allah yeah but Anna when it is said to them why don't you follow what you know God sent down they say no, we will follow it we found our ancestors follow. Many times you find this even nowadays you tell them what religion do you follow? I follow this. Do you believe this? No, I don't believe this. I'm socially Christian. I'm socially this I'm so I'm not going to ruin the holiday season. This is the they know that this is inconsistent, incorrect indefensible. But still, despite that, they went the street and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did not want this owner to fall into that, that huge ditch where

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the knowledge within them is held against them and it's not for them.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam constantly instilled in the Sahaba that this sacred knowledge must be taken with the utmost seriousness.

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And he began with himself like I should have the Allahu Allah she didn't tell us the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would just recite Quran around the clock day and night which he would which he said what can hold the whole Quran, he embodied the Quran, his character was the Quran, there was no difference whatsoever.

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And I'll go to him and salami says that the way the Sahaba of the Allahu Anhu would memorize the Quran was very careful. They would only memorize 10 is at a time understand all there was to understand about it and put it into practice. It wasn't a luxury wasn't a joke. It was very dangerous before they moved on to the next set of verses, the next 10 verses

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and one of those who have I would no doubt have the Allahu Anhu he used to say in NEMA action and Rob Bo Mel piano and yeah, drew an arrow Allah rose in color

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Effie, Falco, Yarrow Amer for hula BayCare OB

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for Hulu Mazda, I mean, female alim.

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He says the greatest thing I fear that I imagined Allah calling me forward on the Day of Judgment in front of all of his creation and calling out to me by name and I'm saying at my at your service, my Lord, and he says to me, What have you done with each of the things that I've taught you with what you've known?

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And that's why I would do that himself. You still also say lent Hakuna Villa ailing me i Lima hat Hakuna Beloeil me I'm Mila. You don't really know something unless you're acting upon it.

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And similarly the earlier of the Allahu Allah leave nebith all of us to say Allah al Moriarty for Bill Amman saying this, they must be inseparable knowledge calls for actions right away. He says for in Agia who are ill or to *, either actions will either respond to the invitation will either accompany knowledge or else it disappears. Or else you have no credit, no rank, no virtue of that fact of that knowledge, that bit of information unless it causes some sort of change inside you for the better a transformation inside you.

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And so this is something that I wish for us to reflect on this afternoon. Think about how many Juma awful it was we have heard in our life.

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How many

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1000s They've been 1000s for most of us

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think of how many Islamic facts have been discussed at a dinner table or in a car and we complete each other's sentences or not to each other like I know what you're going to say I know what you're talking about.

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That is that is could be very dangerous for us. Sophia and Rahim Allah He used to say lol mo in them in fact, the rock this knowledge, if it's not bettering you, it will hurt you. There's no There's no this is not to mean that a person shouldn't learn shouldn't attend hope buddy more shouldn't have fruitful discussions in their gatherings anymore. But as the poet tea he puts it very eloquently when he said

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thing Quintella surgery for Tilka masiva. If you have no knowledge if you're ignorant, that's a catastrophe.

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When confronted the default mostly but to normal, but if you are someone with knowledge than the catastrophe is greater meaning the stakes are even higher. You know, interestingly in Surah Al Juma which is about Friday and the hot water reminder that happens on Friday. What does the what does the surah begin with?

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In the Latina hamilo Terrazza Mala Mia Maru her chemotherapy Maria middle as well. The example of the people that were given the torah to carry it but they didn't live up to it they didn't carry it properly is like the example of the Hammad of the donkey right who carry the library of books on his back. That is where that's also the genre to tell you take this seriously, when you come to Jumeirah Be alert when you hear a hadith you've already heard or an idea you've heard 100 times don't say I've heard this Oh, I know this. Say How many times have I heard this? I even know what page it's on. I know where it exists. But I don't know where it is in my life. I can't locate it. Where is it?

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A donkey is not benefited by the library they are weighed down by it, they are harmed by it. And they said of the examples

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are of the reasons the similarities between those who dismiss who don't take seriously sacred knowledge. And this scene of the donkey that carry the library is that the donkey is the most submissive animal, the easiest animal to bully the easiest animal to mean. Like you can have a little child directly donkey around in any direction as opposed maybe to a camel as opposed to a horse anybody can take them wherever they want.

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So easily victimized. So they are harmed by this. And they have no direction in their lives. Anyone can take them into the darkest, most dangerous corners and they're defenseless. This is the vulnerability that comes with taking Sacred Knowledge lightly.

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And so how do we respond to it is what we want to reflect on. When Allah azza wa jal speaks about the stakes of sacred knowledge he says what

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yeah, you have Levina man Oh, you are faithful is that God? Allahu Allah Rasool respond continue to respond to Allah and his messenger the Quran and the Sunnah to Allah and his messenger either the icon Lima Yoshi come when they invite you to that which gives you life. By acting on this knowledge. You are being called to life you are coming to life.

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What does that mean? Number one, your hereafter depends on it which is our true life. Yes, Allah azza wa jal said Wayne Nadal accurate tele he'll hyaluron the life of the hereafter that is the true ongoing life.

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Allah azza wa jal says that we will say on the Day of Judgment, yeah late any Kadem to the hierarchy I wish I prepared for my life. This is my real life

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and also invite you to that which gives you life meaning a good life here because Allah azza wa jal told us any believing man or woman that works righteousness that acts upon that knowledge for land, Oceania, who hired on by EBA we promised to give them a goodly life here.

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And ultimately invite you to that which gives you life means the life of your heart because this world and the next are dependent on what this here the life of your heart. And the early Muslims said and don't overlook this, they said invites you to that which gives you life also means keeps you alive in this dunya gives you victory against your oppressors.

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May Allah azza wa jal give this OMA victory against his oppressors,

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the condition of the Ummah, the weakness of the Ummah, the manipulation of the OMA, its greatest cause its greatest root cause is our ignorance to begin with, of what Allah revealed to us a proper understanding of Islam and the gaping hole between what we know and the practice of Islam. So understanding Islam right, but that's not today's comfortable. And taking Islam seriously, acting upon Islam with dedication, that is what will give us life that is what will allow us to survive in the face of those that don't want us to. It all hinges on what that is the jabber that responsiveness to Allah and his messenger on the invite us to that which gives us life. And that's

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the biggest difference that we all know between us and the earlier generations of Islam.

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How many times have we heard that I would have the Allahu Allah and he hears that just said one verse one Isaiah

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Mandela Euclid Allah karbonn, Hassan whomever who is willing to respond to Allah, who is willing to loan to Allah good loan. And he's dearest garden, he gives it up for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, and he goes home and he finds his wife and his children there. And he asks them to step out. And she responds beautifully, as well as you know.

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And when the leader of the House is upright, the rest of the house will be upright, we need to always understand that

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things don't go wrong under when the umbrella on top when the leader that himself is not where they should be acting the way they should be.

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And so she said to him, Robbie Hudbay whoever that there was an excellent transaction you've made or who died actually and say You ruined it should have left something behind. And she walked out. And the narration says, you know that when they were walking out, their son put one of the dates in their mouth. And she put her hand and pulled out this is no longer ours the transaction has been has been executed. It's not ours. This belongs to Allah and His messenger.

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You know, this reminds me of an Abdelaziz who went the OMA took a very ugly dip.

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Allah azza wa jal to revive this oma in, though in a very short span, the two years of the rulership of Ramadan Abdulaziz Rahim Allah Allah, it was said that when fruits were delivered as part of the sadaqa, and he was distributing them to the people, his son grabbed one of the fruits, one of the apple, and was taking a bite out of it. And so he pulled the apple from his son's mouth.

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And the son ran off to home crying. And so when I saw him, Allah came to to his house. His wife said to him, why did you do that to your son?

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Why didn't you allow him to take like the rest of the Muslims take? He said, I feared that Allah who would ask me, why did you feed your son before the rest of the Muslims?

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A very different response to the command to live justly, to live with equity to not take advantage of your momentary privilege responsiveness. So I would say that gives up his garden, his wife

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aligns herself with her husband's guidance and the children as well are taught to commit to this even early on in their life. That's what made all the difference. You know, interestingly, and this is relevant, this is not attention. This very same idea, this very same idea. When the Jews of Medina heard it. Their response was very different. They said, If Dakar Abu Mohammed was

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As a biller, they said the Lord of Muhammad went broke Muhammad's God, asking for a loan.

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But that's not what the verse says. The verse is not saying he's asking me out of need. It said who is willing to loan to Allah good loan so Allah may Allah may multiply for them. Where did the misunderstanding come from?

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Where did the selective hearing come from? The fact that they did not respond to Allah and his messenger caused the person to become very confused regarding the deen

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the same way they knew he was a prophet, but they told themselves it's okay he's a profit fine, but not for us. Where we get profits from bento Israel, he's a prophet for the Arabs, nothing to do with us. Likewise, Yes, God is saying alone, but saying alone because he needs money. They would explain away every obligation they had every instruction that came their way due to the deviation the perversion that happens in a person's heart. And that's actually what this very idea is saying respond to Allah and his messenger when they invite you to that which gives you life. Allah then says what? We must pay very close attention to this while Mo and hola hola, hola banal Marie

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McKelvey, and you need to know that Allah intervenes between a person his heart

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when you don't act upon the things that you know, you start being confused about the things that you know, you know, he's a prophet, you know, this word is from Allah. Still you read it selectively you hear it selectively.

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People wonder sometimes how does Allah misguide me and then it's my fault. We say in the beginning of the football, the time whoever Allah misguides no one can guide how can that be fair then? This is also in the Quran, it's very clear that in Allah azza wa jal sea

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wave Allah Musa Leopold me you have called minima to do Nany remember when Musa said to his people, oh my people Why do you annoy me? Why are you so resistant, hesitant stubborn?

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Why are you so much a nuisance to meet what but Allah moon when you have knowledge, sacred knowledge, when you have knowledge of me being the Messenger of Allah to you, you know that I'm the Messenger, then why why the foot dragging Why are you giving me a hard time? What was the result of this? Allah said, fella Meza Amazon, who as their Allahu kuruva home, so when they deviated from the knowledge they knew Allah deviated their hearts.

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Well, Allahu Allah had the OMA volley mean Allah does not guide the transgressive people.

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When you violate the bounds over and over again of sacred knowledge, Allah Allah though that allows you

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to live in the blindness that you caused yourself to enter whether he has a villa

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Akula Cody has I will start from LA Hollywood.

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Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Milena via via the shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa Hola, Shadi Keller, who actually don't know Muhammad Abdul who, whenever you who are also.

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So how can this be extended to our life?

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Review the knowledge that is within you.

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Before you find yourself in a state where you're no longer able to meet that knowledge to commit to that knowledge to embrace it.

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Many times

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we hear people say things like

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I used to read so much Quran at one point in time in my life. I just can't find the interest anymore. I can't find myself to do it anymore.

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I used to be really religious when I was young.

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I want to make Toba. I want to repent and reform but I just I don't know I can can't see myself doing it.

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No matter what I do. I can't get up to pray at night anymore the way I used to do.

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This is all a result of what it is possibly the result of us not being quick enough in our responsiveness. And so there's an intervention between us and our hearts, even if it happens on a lesser level.

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That's why the early Muslims would always emphasize to each other to their students and to each other. I would have no place and would you see it as America will his family he will O'Meara when you hear of a good thing, make sure you act on it even if it's one time in your life just so it doesn't fall away. Catch it quickly. We're here to rock the shake of a chef very he used to say yeah Halal Hadith and do the cattle Hadith ala kulli me I say Hadith in hums oh you who's always studying a hadith for sure you're not going to be able to act as fast as you learn because learning is easier you just taking things in right? He says

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At least pay this account of your Hadith. Two and a half percent pays his account of your Hadith every time you memorize 200 a hadith, pick out five and act on them. Just don't let it go. It is not a light matter. This is the point that's what he's trying to tell them.

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The issue of it's okay I can pray later with the salon time is the Hadith the idea what do you do with that this Allah speaking? Does it not mean enough to us? For us to pray in public? Does it not mean enough to us to interrupt the conversation that shouldn't be happening and ask someone to change the subject? That's part of the acting upon knowledge we must do.

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All of this really is what it is us trying to recognize the difference between knowledge in terms of facts, information

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and between guidance Hooda May Allah grant us a new guidance? How did Allah azza wa jal define guidance, this whole hope but I want one thing out of it.

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For you when you ask Allah for guidance in alafasy, how you mean it and you're concerned about it. And you recognize how far behind me and you can might be from it.

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Allah azza wa jal defines guidance in the following way. And Lavina your stem your own l Cola, first Debbie, Rona Aksana, Hola, ICA Latina Harada, whom Allah will take home orders Alba, those that when they hear a statement, they follow it to the best of their ability, or they follow the best of it. They can't do it all or the varying levels, they follow it to the best of their ability, the best of it, they follow, they follow it in the best form. These are those whom Allah has given guidance.

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Knowledge, action equals guidance. And these are the people of intellect.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say this Allahumma inni who became an admin Lanza, oh Allah protect me from knowledge that is void of action. But that's not what he said. He said knowledge doesn't benefit. What is knowledge doesn't benefit knowledge void of action. We're called Binda, Yaksha and a heart that has no of your Allah when I've seen letters Shiva and an appetite that is never satisfied.

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What do I allow us to jab hula? And that is never responded to.

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That is not heard by Allah azza wa jal meaning responded to those are all interrelated.

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And so when you stand in for Allah Now, let that be one of your reflection points. When you say oh Allah guide me to the straight path you mean someone that hears and responds, hears and complies,

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hears and takes it seriously in a way to wait. And you're saying the straight path The path of those that have your favor the people that had knowledge and actions before me, who understood the stakes,

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viral Magoo, Biale him not those that have your wrath, the people that knew and didn't act, one of Bollin and nor those that are lost, those don't know in the first place.

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That is what is intended there. And I pray that Allah azza wa jal grants us knowledge and piety in a manner that is pleasing to Him and protects us from knowledge that doesn't benefit and a heart that doesn't fear Him and an appetite that has never satisfied and I do is application that is not heard. Allahu manana Oh to become an agent in Lanza. Well, of course been Daya when I've seen that Teshuvah or dua INLA use the jab hula Allahumma inner circle who the what to call Well, I first thought we're gonna Allahumma Lana Williams let me see Matt Allahumma Shu Madonna moto Muslimeen. Well, I feel with Allah and I will tell you the muslimeen or Hamilton or aerobill al Amin, robic Solana

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HollyWell, Idina of their Hambone came out of Belen, LC Laura or sal Allahu wa sallam, Avara canovee and Mohammed daughter early he was gonna be here drain

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