Mohammad Elshinawy – Best of Stories – Study of Surat Yusuf 19
![Mohammad Elshinawy](
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The story of Islam is a series of events occurring in the story. The guests' brother joins them, the guest's brother opens up the mailbox, the guest's brother is the one who opened up the mailbox, and the guest's brother is the one who opened up the mailbox. The segment touches on the lack of recognition for Subhanallah as a human and the struggles of his older brother to forget him. The use of AI and negative language in writing are discussed, as well as the importance of showing respect for someone's behavior and not giving up on their weaknesses. The segment ends with a discussion of a photo of the brother's behavior.
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Allah hamdulillah Sato salam ala Rasulillah earliest savage mine will begin the name of Allah or Praise and Glory be to Allah and makes finding peace and blessings be upon His messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and his family and his companions and all those who tried his path. We ask Allah azza wa jal to bless us with the Quran and we ask Allah to purge from us our fears, by virtue of our nearness to the Koran, and to cleanse us of our sins and to remove from us our ignorance and to elevate for us our ranks. By virtue of the time we spend with his book and his glorious words, alumni mean, we welcome everyone back to the best of stories, the study of Surah,
Yusuf alayhi salam and just today we will be back to broadcasting remotely and inshallah we will be back to the masjid in the coming weeks coming Friday evenings meeting later.
So now we are at a new juncture in the story when use of Ali Salam has
settled in his royal roll, and his brothers now after a long Disconnect his brothers
came came to Egypt came to Egypt seeking
seeking rations seeking provisions because now the famine has ensued. And the people are hungry and everyone is traveling around the globe if you will,
trying to purchase food versus staple foods or whatnot to bring back home to their families. And so Eliza legit it says here or jet fo to use sofa Hello, hi Leigh. He thought of her home while home let him get on that and the use of his brothers came for their family and they entered into His presence they entered upon him fly out of her home. And so immediately he recognized them. But they did not recognize him.
First of all, just marvel at when the brothers of use of re enter the story, like marvel at the incredible timing of Allah subhanaw taala. Had they arrived earlier, the brothers of Yusuf had they come to Egypt,
a few years, maybe even a few decades earlier,
he would have been an unknown obscure personality slave boy beyond the palace walls, they may never even met him. Or they may have come at a time when he was a convict in the dungeons. But now they come Allah chooses that they come when he's at the height of his power.
And Allah subhana wa Tada told us about a sinner when he was being thrown into the world to not be unknown via medium, whether you are going to inform them of this affair of theirs, you're going to yourself, tell them about this treachery. And here it is finally happening here it is with them at the perfect timing.
For him to avenge himself, if he so desires, his brothers are crossing the earth, walking up to him on foot.
You know, one of the lessons that could be remembered here or reflected on here is that when Allah has zero agenda wishes to avenge a person who sometimes causes his enemies to grovel at his feet, or he sends his enemies chasing after him in desperate need for him, not realizing that they are pursuing their demise or pursuing what they don't realize they're pursuing had they known that this was useful if they would have done absolutely anything to avoid this encounter.
And this is the perfect time and in the perfect planning of Allah.
That happens always, but in particular here in the context of avenging the oppressed.
And then the recognition factor in this idea, he recognized them, they didn't recognize him. And so like, despite the journey itself, exhausting them, and the aging process, altering their physical features, use valet setup still recognize them.
But they didn't recognize him. Scholars explained why it's perfectly
understandable for them not to recognize him. I mean,
but other scholars said it could just be divine intervention, that Allah this allowed their eyes from realizing who he was. But again, it could be perfectly understandable. I mean, he was last the boy now he's a man. He could have been, you know, someone that didn't have a beard now a beard has covered his face. Could be the fact that they were trying to forget him anyway. So after he's finally out of the picture, they've like, you assume he's dead. So you're not really checking around for him. You're positive. He's dead. So he was less than boy now he's an adult. You wanted to forget him and so you did. You are sure that he was dead. And so you would never
suspect and also he is disguise the fuel or camouflage strike now in the, like the the guards of royalty, the Imperial Guards.
And so all of those make it perfectly understandable why they wouldn't recognize him while he would recognize them. I mean, how could he forget them? I mean, he was told he's going to meet them again. And how could he forget the faces that toss him down? Uh, well, the faces that betrayed him. This is likely a scene that he replayed, especially knowing that it's going to the story is not over, he probably replayed the scene time and time again, in tears maybe
about how his elderly brothers did this. How could he forget when he's had been anticipating this moment for years, and it has finally arrived?
What Subhanallah they
they couldn't tell that this was useful. They didn't have the slightest clue. And this is your brother, this is your blood. And the most obvious facts This is also an important lesson. The most obvious facts in life are riddles are unsolvable riddles, until Allah Subhana. Allah Allah grants you the unlock code, because he is in fact, he is the one who is constantly opening anything that opens up for you or for anybody, it's because he opened it up. And if he didn't open it up, it would never have opened up an opportunity, a pocket in our mind, you know, what we call second nature, or like, innate knowledge, inborn knowledge, or what we call the subconscious mind all these things,
these subtle effects that are given that aren't even like, consciously learned or consciously remembered or constant consciously invoked, invoked for usage. These are
that way because Allah made them so accessible to you. But if he wishes, even those elements of your understanding of things can disappear, can get locked away from your,
your ability to make use of them. And we see this right, don't you? Did you ever look for your keys or your glasses? And they're on your face? Or they're in your hands? Or they're in your pocket? Did you ever, like solve an issue 1000 times over a math problem or problem between people. And then suddenly it's just so complicated. And so always remember that it is. So one of His Names for Taleem, right? The opener, the All Knowing subhanaw taala that he is the one that admitted to you through doors that are otherwise sealed and for other people, they're sealed. And at the same time, he is the one that allows kids and your kids or your pets even to to
to not struggle with certain things and they're such a roadblock for you.
So they couldn't recognize their own brother SubhanAllah.
Then the next verse says, Well, I'm not sure has a home vija has him once he provided them with their provisions. And so people were coming to Egypt and paying for some rations because there is no food growing anywhere. It's a drought and famine.
And so after he provided them he he he traded with them and gave them from the store houses of Egypt. He sold to them these provisions. Call it 20 B F in Lycoming vehicle. He said to them, bring me a brother of yours from your father. So there there must have been a conversation here. And they told him there's actually more of us. And so we need more food than just for us. We have a father back there we got our clan. We have another brother
that's our own Annie will fill Kayla Anna Hi, Rosaline. And so he said to them, don't you see that I feel K i, I fill up the measure the measure like a bucket that I measure with right the measuring tool, don't you see that I fill it up or overfill it. The I'm I'm generous, right? I'm not trying to shortchange you. And I even gave you more than you have proven that you need so they would limit the supply. And so he's saying Bring your brother next time so I know that you're truthful in saying you have the right to buy more because they were selling in limited quantities. I guess in the COVID era we can relate right unlimited quantities on the shelves and so even though it's a sale the he told
them okay now I'm going to give you for this brother You said you have but next time you need to bring me this brother of yours that you share a father with because you know half brothers remember that you share a father with and don't you see that I'm paying in full. Now you prove that you deserve this payment and full plan a fireman zillion and I am the best of hosts you see that I'm taking care of you.
Now, bring me some evidence next time
And so he, he jumped on the opportunity. Once they mentioned we have a brother said, Okay, bring me this brother of yours.
The one that he longed for, right, his full brother, the one like whose memories comforted him, the one who didn't betray him, the one who he's wondering, he's probably suffering a lot with these other brothers
that remain in the shadow of their evil. For years, I mean, use of AI, they said, I was thrown down a wall, but he also escaped his brothers. In a sense, this brother is still with them. And so he said to them, bring me your brother, you see that I'm, you know, I'm an upright guy. And that is the permissible form and an important actually
tool that you need to use when you're trying to convince people of sensitive things, which is point people to your actions, like put all the resumes aside, put all the preachy words aside, put all the you know, the claims aside, point me to your actions, you know, as the white saying goes, like actions speak louder than words or someone reworded it. He said,
I'm sorry, I, I can't hear what you're saying your actions are too loud, because the actions are louder than the words, right.
And so this is permissible. I mean, when they tried people, they're misguided people, deviant people there to challenge the the integrity and the loyalty of Earth man or the Lavon. And they laid siege to his house and said, You're corrupt. And you're like, using your power to you know, appoint your relatives and to like, you know, use it for personal gains and money. And so of the things he said, he said, Who bought this well, and donated it to the Muslims who expanded this Masjid of the Prophet SAW Salem, that you're not letting me pray in, you know, this is not men men is a huge wrong in Islam, to remind people of your favours, you know, I did this for you, and I did that for you, and
this is wrong. But when you need to convince people, you are allowed to call them to your track record
for the sake of establishing justice. And so he said, You see, I'm a great guy, I'm not trying to be a dictator or authoritarian here or a tyrant, I'm giving you in full, I'm giving you even more than you deserve. And so bring your brother next time so that I have justification to keep giving you
food for this amount of people to sell you food for this amount of people.
You know, off the lessons, the scholars point that here is that he was personally in charge of the distribution. He didn't delegate someone and he was personally hosting guests. He didn't leave that to other people. And that is something you see in the Quran that Allah azza wa jal Allah the mighty majestic speaks about his great grandfather you suave sounds great grandfather, Ibrahim alayhi salam who hosted the guests himself personally, himself didn't let his servant they didn't let anyone host the guests because this is an honor in Islam and so the prophets would host their guests personally. And the prophets also lead by example that when they dealt in business, they would give people full
measure and even then some you may think that
this doesn't form the usual your interests or anything at all right so long as you know, like even in money so long as it's not contractual, that you're gonna pay me back more than right. But this is not loans right? This is a sale
or bartering of two different items. But the point is in some Hadith the Prophet alayhi salatu salam even like instructed this he said to the people zinhle origin he said when you weigh things out for people in business out of your like
basically give them more than they deserve way out to them portion out to them more than what they paid for. Don't be you know, like tooth and nail trying to negotiate and technicalities and all that stuff be gracious be benevolent prophet that is also said In another Hadith
you know, may Allah have mercy on a man that is some honey there that is easy going when he sells easygoing when he buys easy going when he demands repayment or like calls people to account checks and balances. And so use of Ra CERAM showed that himself. Then he says though after he like incentivize for them to bring their brother and come back and this that in the third.
He said for any lamp that Toony V fella kala reccomend de la collarbone. But if you don't bring him to me, you will have no measure from me. I'm never selling you anything again. Located Alaikum nd you will have no measure from me well as a for a boon and you will not come near me.
You know one of the commentators I read for
in his book USofA yet Dr. Alan Fifi
He says, man, if he says, If they would just would have paid attention to the anger in that statement. And if you don't bring the brother, you're not coming back in here, I'm not selling you anything, are you going to be allowed back in Egypt? He said, If they would have just paid attention to the the tone, the anger in that line, and the eagerness in his words for his brother,
they would have realized it was used on Friday. So
it's a nice thought to think about that he just after he incentivize so much and painted this rosy picture truthful, but rosy picture about himself. Then he said, and if you don't, he flipped it on the vest. Like he used it the fear and hope tactic, the good cop and bad cop and one tactic, if you will.
I won't sell to you again, and you will not be let back in Egypt. You know, when I looked through the deficit of this idea, almost every scholar I've come across in every I've seen it over 1000 years, I didn't read over 1000 years of work, but just so no matter where you put them
they all discuss the same point. They say how can you survive his Salem? Say this, I'm not gonna let you back into Egypt? Because they said because the expectation here is what Islamically speaking,
rush back to your father mend his broken heart. They said it it's goodness to your parents, to what to rush to them and invite them personally and you know,
tend to their moods, their wounds their emotional wounds, you're saying so how could use valet Salam use this tactic when it seems so contrary to kindness to parents, which of course the prophets are at the pinnacle of showing us how to do
the fact that every single scholar notices that something is off here, it was just very beautiful. It shows you how, how thoughtful they were and also how how central kindness appearance is
made me feel like we're supposed to notice it as well, me personally, I just without that, to see it, I would have never thought of this.
And so their explanation was, they said there's many different explanations, but they said of them is that and this is the one almost all of them prefer that use of Alehissalaam must have been acting here based on revealed instructions to him from Allah. Otherwise, the rule is with Allah your you do your very best to appease your parents. And so it must have been that Allah who wished to perfect the reward of your whole buddy salaam, his father in his affliction by losing now his second son that he's about to lose, in addition to use of a setup.
And to set up the final pieces, if you will, of the puzzle, so that the initial dream can unfold the way it was foretold to unfold.
And so they said call center all we do, and whoever who are in the ferry loan, they said we will solicit him from his father.
That's the official translation right there.
But more or whether
is actually the same word. Now that I think about it, that is earlier on in the story. When Allah says or our that will lead to a fee of 80. And she basically seduced him, schemed to have him the one who in whose house he was living the woman. Now the brothers are saying Sandra widow Anwar Abba, we will not allow it. We're going to scheme basically mean negotiate, we're going to try every angle
to get his father to get his father to let him come this young boy that his father is very protective of Sonora widow and whoever
we're in LFR alone and we will surely do so. And so we will surely do so meaning negotiate and attempt and like pull out all the stops, or we will surely do so meaning we will surely be successful at
cleverly retrieving our young brother from our dead either or we are surely going to try our best or we are surely going to be able to get it done.
And that's pretty straightforward. Really completion of you know, the the exchange between them and use of how they sell on their first exchange. That's it that's the end of the conversation. There's one more verse we'll speak about in a second with use of Ali said I'm addressing his servants, but that's the end of the exchange.
He said you better and they said we're gonna get it done.
And maybe just the perseverance we will get it done.
Of brothers that are not necessarily
the cream of the crop of of their story, right? These are
Brothers had fell into major mischief, but they were still people with determination, and people of perseverance. And this cannot be overemphasized. There are times that no matter what you want, you want to be a criminal or you want to be a saint, you will not make gains in this world. That's the way Allah created this world without perseverance. You know, the admin team and our human bodies who say that no one, you know, made games advanced in any way. He said, not a Prophet, nor anyone else, except with sub, except with patience, perseverance, endurance, and that's why the profits are so limited.
or ugly, I had an APA, I'm hired on Well, I also am in a sub,
there is no profit that was, there were no person has ever given anything that is better and more vast, focus on the word more vast than perseverance, or patience, because it applies to everything. That's why it's most vast, like you want to memorize the Quran, you're gonna need that you want to, you know, lift weights, you're gonna need that you want to become the best cook ever, you're gonna need it. It applies to everything.
This perseverance, and it is a mindset. It is, you know, an attitude, more than any before anything else. I will get this done. Because that is the difference between you being interested in something and you being committed. The difference is perseverance, right, you're interested in something, meaning I'm going to go after it.
So long as it's convenient to go after it or not too much of a hassle to go after it. But when you're determined you're committed to something means you will not let anything get in your way. So it's interesting that even the brothers of Yusuf Ali said who you know, their aims, their gains were not exactly virtuous all the time. They had determination and so we should not be
an OMA of apathy. We should never be a community that is comfortable with people getting over on us or being second best or otherwise. We were a people of excellence forever. And our Dean came to highlight and encourage us to be people of a certain people of perfection. protectionists, people have perseverance. We are a civilization and a history of perseverance.
And so that's the end of the conversation between them and their brothers him and his brothers. The final verse is quite interesting while Clyde only few Tiana hedgehog will be loyal to him very highly him Landa homophone haha even call Abu Isla Holly him la la mujer own then he used to have a Salam said to his servants put to their goods in their saddlebags fairly highly him that so the goods that they sold us and we sold them like it's trade direct trading, right Margaret bartering
the goods that they sold to us, in exchange for the food we sold back to them, put the payment back in there saddlebags, perhaps they will recognize them when they return to their families so that they can realize
that wait are still here. Or we were giving it back when they go back to their families. So put their payment back in their luggage so that they recognize it when they go back to their families, let homology or own so that maybe they will come back. And so why did you survive? They said unto this,
you know, there are many, many different opinions.
But it's clear so that they will come back. What about doing this? We'll make them come back.
So either they're all recordings of a few major explanations, either he wanted to show them one more time that he's a great guy. He wanted to be gracious and benevolent to them. See, I you know, I gave you guys more than you paid for. And now I'm even giving you the money back.
Meaning the first time it was free,
that graciousness will encourage them to come back, you know, until we can get even more next time.
That's an explanation. The other explanation is that
they said
use of Alehissalaam
knew that they were the children of profits, and profits don't consume sadaqa don't consume charity. So unless they paid for this food, someone gave it to them as charity and so they're not going to be able to eat it and so he knows that since they're going to have to eat it, it will be unlawful for them to eat it without paying so they're gonna have to come back and pay because they would not consider it halal for them to consume food that was sadaqa was given as a charity to them. No, it has to be purchased
and so on.
That is why he did it, because they will be forced to come pay the bill for the food that they had no choice but to consume because there is no other food.
And there is no reason there are other explanations that are similar to this similar wordings. There is no reason why it is not both,
and more. So he basically wants to show them that I'm extra gracious. And he wanted to highlight the genius of it right. And he wanted to bring them back, because he knows that even though he's being gracious, are not going to be able to accept it because profits don't eat, charity can't consume charity, they can sell gifts, the consumer, they purchase, they consume what they went over, but they don't consume charity. And so he wanted to bring them over. And also he wanted to be gracious to his father, even though the way the revelation is forcing him to not bring his father yet he wanted to at least not charge his father for food during the time of time of famine.
And this also shows you the great planning of use of a salon, that maybe not all of this was a revelation may ask for your brother or don't ask for your father, right? He had certain parameters he had to work within. And but he seems to be thoroughly you know, painting this whole long scene. He has his whole long plan, thorough plan. And the person who trusts in Allah, Allah told him you're going to like, come out on top and the end, does not sit there and wait for it. Relying on Allah, His inaction of the heart, we must always remember that. So as they say, or one of my teachers used to say
you do with your hands you do with what Allah gave you, your faculties, everything you can, as if everything is in your hands, while your heart is bent on the conviction that everything is in Allah's hands Subhanallah that so he's planning thoroughly and he wanted to be gracious, and he wanted to help them out at same time. He wanted to bring them back. And so this was the perfect ploy, if you will, or technique to do all of that. And you know, I remember Razia Rahim, Allah, I'll close with this, he said, and his staff said, the reason why he overdid it, not just did he give them more than they paid for, but he gave them back their payment. He said he wished to overdo the
because they overdid the evil.
This is powerful. He's saying because the righteous person doesn't deal with others, based on how they dealt with him. He deals with others based on the opportunity to get close to Allah,
that these evil doers, these antagonists, these aggressors are opening up for him. And so you've done more evil to me, that means there's even more reward in being generous with you. So I'm going to be even more generous. And in one incident, actually, of
Ibrahim that Allah has biography. It is said that a man during a conflict
struck him over the head and gash in his head open, he was bleeding. And so he dropped and then he dragged Ibrahim led him this great scholar back into the city and the field told them Are you crazy? This is more human led him and so the man was so regretful, he didn't realize it.
He said, It's alright. It's alright. He said, I swear when he struck me. I asked Allah to give him Jana. They said, Why, why would you do that? He said, Because I knew that
I would be rewarded for this injury by Allah and so I didn't want to get rewarded because of him. And then him get punished because of me.
And so I reciprocated by asking Allah to give him Jana.
It was just a misunderstanding. Very beautiful, very
tender, profoundly polished hearts.
And so remember the saying Ibrahim I use valet Sam did something to that effect. Or that was of the driving reasons why he gave them back their payments for the food that he had just sold them. That's all now we move on to the discussion next week in sha Allah have them with their father
pleading with him to let their brother their younger brother come along to use a valet Salaam in Egypt. That's all it's panic alarm Hamlet for the La La Land and stuff. So Allah Salah water karabiner Muhammad Allah