Khutbah 10.20.2017
Mohammad Elshinawy – Allah Obligates You to be Happy
![Mohammad Elshinawy](
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The speakers discuss the need for antidepressants and suicide rates in younger demographics, as well as the importance of working with Islam to avoid suicides and achieve good health. They also emphasize the importance of shaping behavior to fit in with one's culture and environment, and the need to be mindful of one's behavior. The negative impact of sadness on one's life is discussed, along with the importance of taking action to avoid damaging oneself and others. The segment also touches on the idea of "good here and good there" in achieving happiness and avoiding suffering, and the need to rejuvenate one's body and stay true to oneself.
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In the counter a lot of data and I don't want to sign up here.
Todd I mean surely unforeseen. I will say Dr. Medina
do whatever you have or sudo yada yada Latina de la
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Manager then Kathy around when he
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Inaba, Akan, la Cooperativa
de la Hello Gulu Colin sadita.
our solar roof advisor, Felton Halima. Well praise the Lord into a lovely thank him and we seek His help and his guidance and his pleasure and his forgiveness. And we seek His protection from the evil whispers within us and the awful consequences of our evil deeds for whenever Allah guides you know when to lead astray and remember, Allah leaves a strain on Can God and we testify that no one is worthy of our worship and our devotion with Allah alone with Arnie parkrunners, the true supreme king of the Prophet Mohammed Salah Lavalle to sit down with his prophet, and his servant, that is messenger, whom Allah says a mercy to the world so people have Emad have the tough, blah, blah,
blah, keep mindful and beautiful of law to the extent that he deserves
and do not die except in a state of complete and total, willing and loving surrender to a law state of Islam.
To begin after welcoming our brothers and sisters to the house of a law soldier.
After spending four months on how Islam, regulated and balanced and channeled this natural, inevitable emotion of human anger, I wish to shift gears now to a different emotion.
And that is the emotion of sadness or depression,
and how Islam evaluates it,
and how Islam provides us priceless guidance on it.
I came across some very thorough research insistence on depression in the world today.
And how there's been a drastic increase worldwide in depression.
From the year 1988, to 2008, in these 20 years, there has been a 400% increase in the need for antidepressants.
And someone can say this is just a flood by the pharmaceutical industry pushing it out. If that was the only statistic, I may have to agree that that's the only reason why this is reflective of an epidemic of our time.
Because there's also an increase a dramatic increase in suicide rates as well. The people that maybe don't take these antidepressants, or these antidepressants don't work for them or whatever other reason.
Between 1950 to the year 2000. In younger demographics from 15 years old to 24 years old, the numbers for suicide have tripled.
And from the year 1999, about the year 2000.
till about 2012.
in middle age demographics, the numbers of suicide rates have also shot up about 14%.
And it didn't have to be this way. And the world didn't have to look like this. And ally Zilla Gen does not enjoy, nor is he even non caring about people suffering in this way. In fact, he sent down his religion for the very opposite. If you read through he saw, for example, that sort of
a lie. So it begins it by saying matins and
we didn't send down the score and upon you so that you will be miserable. Right
later on towards the end of the surah Allah sent down upon your guidance.
Lu what is whoever follows these guidelines guidance, I'm sending them they'll never be lost. They'll never be tortured by confusion, nor will they be miserable in their behaviors and the outcomes of their behaviors. And the AI right after a very dire he says women are blind only those who turn away from my remembrance the reminder I sent for them for in Nana who marry Shan banca for them will be a wife that is bunk and of the train
installations of bunkers depression,
wife is tight five is limited life is compressed down. So limiting so constricting emotionally on the ground internally all of it. One actual Yama, Yama, tiara, and this person who chooses to do that to themselves will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment line
22, Basilan, who will say Oh my Lord, why don't you reserve the line when I used to have eyesight I used to be able to see and it will be sent to him
because in the same fashion that your my verses came to you, you acted like you forgot them, you turned away from them. Today, you will be forgotten as well. He chose to be blind to our verses and forget all about them. So you are blind today and you yourself will be forgotten or ever will.
And I came across a second study is all set the stage regarding the need for this subject. This study was particularly interesting.
It was a cross cultural study across 132 different countries. And it surveyed and this is a lots of time and lots of resources, and lots of analysis, then 132 different countries they studied or they surveyed 140,000 different people.
And some of the results of their results we all know and we say all the time that the wealthier countries, almost sort of monopolize the suicide rates.
But what's interesting, though, is that these wealthier regions in the world, they report higher rates of happiness, the study calls that happiness. But if you look a little deeper, it really means comfort. They're talking about comfort. People who tell Are you happy with your car? Are you happy with your house? Are you happy with your spouse Are you have they reported higher rates of happiness, perceived comfort, and yet they have higher suicide rates across the consistently This is the result. Then when they want to poorer countries, they found that poorer countries, by and large, they have a much lower suicide rates.
Despite this is the interesting part, reporting less happiness, you tell them? Are you happy when
life is tough, like three difficult, then why aren't you killing yourself as much as this other country? they asked the third question which explains everything.
They asked these countries that reported higher happiness, but also higher suicide rates. Do you believe there's a purpose in life? Do you believe there's meaning behind life, and they had much less people respond positively. So it's not the other country the opposite. These countries that were very poor and very uncomfortable lives did not have nearly as much suicides because they had much higher rates of perceived they saw life as meaningful. Life had a purpose, life had a meaning. And so this study suggests what that actually having a meaning for life, understanding what life's about, even if life's complicated, is far more valuable than actually being comfortable in life and
happy per se.
And if that alone, it doesn't show you the value of just one adamant in the book of Allah. Allah telling you the meaning of your life, the value of one on one up to a gene level insanely valuable dude, him telling you love leaving you in the dark. The reason I created you the meaning behind your existence, is that you devote your life to me. He gave you meaning there that is worth the world. Because people that have the world, but don't have this concept.
lifestyle of living for them, even if they're more comfortable, even if they're more happy.
And then there's another way that Islam comes about and does away with depressions and does away with suicide and does away with unnecessary happiness. And this is just so remarkable about rd, Allah says it will be dysfunctional if you don't devote your life To me, that's your meaning. Now here's step two or just another aspect of this. A lot is telling you and part of you devoting your life to me is that you must be happy
all throughout our Dean on buses. Right? rejoice, right? Have good hopes have good meanings. He says I sent down for you a book family of Russia, let them be happy let them celebrate this book. Let them sell it let them be happy
marriages I single button Avila to have good assumptions of our largest go forward with life and don't be don't don't let worries get you down. Don't let worries can
This is actually a part of our religion. Our prophets often have lived and taught the world and spoke to the Sahaba. You must, a lot demands of you, if you're dedicated to Allah, what does Allah want from you? He wants you to be happy, you must have felt that he said to them, You must be optimistic. You must believe and be served and tell yourself, there are good things in store because Allah is my God. Can you imagine a man telling you, you have to be happy? I want you to be happy. If you want to please me Be happy. That's an obligation Islam. What a splendid obligation.
You know, for a long time, I could not understand. In my studies of theology, what did the prophet SAW said to me when he said, How do you have to shift
comes from the word thought.
Because one of the ways they used to believe in bad luck, basically misfortune in the times before Islam is that when you would walk out, you release a bird, the bird goes forward, you go forward.
And if the bird goes back, you cancel your whole trip, you don't go on the business trip, you don't go travel to another country, you don't tell us bad luck. Just like our societies and cultures. Today, when you see a black cat or you walk under a ladder, or the day a Friday lens on a 13 or something like this, bad omen superstitions. And so the thought there was a bird, you grab a bird, and you'd release it before you went on a trip, if it went right, and if it went left, something horrible is gonna happen today. Don't leave your home stable, so that when you die and your wife comes crashing down, happens at home, at least you get janessa around the relatives. This was their
superstition that changed them down the process also that said to them,
to believe in yourself to believe in bad luck to believe in bad omens. This is shift shift means to make equals with Allah. How can I do television? Because I was elegent. Since you listen to me, you're listening to somebody else. I told you be happy. I told you. There's no reason to be worried. I told you good things are coming your way. And of course, when a person does allow that sadness, that grief, that concern that worry, that negative mentality to happen, then bad things will happen in your life, because you're assuming the best of them a lot anymore. That's why we welcome civilians who tell the people incredibly sad and I can't wait to be tele.
In Alabama, Mr. Calhoun did not.
He says Be careful of letting your tongue say things and you get tested with your own words. Oh, man, something bad's gonna happen to it is that the presumption of Allah then?
He says, because tribulations are interlinked with your utterances. Because your utterance is a translation of what's in your mind that mentality and negative mentality. And so you say it might well come through right, what they call nowadays, the self fulfilling prophecy. And so
this has a great relationship with once again happiness versus sadness, negativity versus a positive mindset. He says, I'll try to tap into
this bad omen. Oh, man, this is a bad sign.
This comes to everybody. The only difference is what
do we have to do who do have beats are good, but the lever the ones devoted to God? He doesn't listen. He just listened to God. It doesn't commit you plead out on meaning it comes knocking on everybody's door. When does it become ship? When you get into it? When you give into negativity, that is part of a panda loans from you, for you to chase away negativity by just putting your trust in Allah and not acting on it just moving forward.
And Allah azza wa jal told us why he wants this from us, this mentality from us. It's fun, continued on the Prophet Allah as Jen says to us, in nem, and ledger ministry, Thani Liang una la Vina Amano
shaytaan he conspires so that he may cause the believers to have hosing it's caused them to grieve to be sad. So Allah wants you happy because that's what's good for you.
And shavon wants you said, that's the way it works.
When he said you love him, sorry.
This mic is enough.
Allah So Jen wants you to be happy and he says when they said the above anything she and he lobbied Milan Allah will always protect the believer shaitaan will not be able to harm you except by a must permission except when a love permits for him to harm you for wisdom that he knows for a justice that he manages to kinda without even the failure no one says something very beautiful about this issue of sadness in the light of the Quran. He says you will not find sadness in the Quran.
Except that it's negated or that it's prohibited, because no fill port and inland fpn elna here. So for example, a law will either forbid you and tell you don't be sad.
Don't be afraid.
And do not be sad, do not read,
or he will negate it, he will say, and these people, I brought them back to me find out hope, when are they him? Whatever, is no, there's no fear for them, nor will they agree. So doing away with fear, doing away with sadness is something Ally's praising throughout the Quran, he says, and the reason for that is clear, because I love wishes. Well, he's a God that wishes well for you. And this God who wishes well, so kind of what Allah knows that sadness will not benefit you in any way, it will just harm me. So if you are
bothered saddened by your past, you're going to be trapped in your past, you're going to be paralyzed by it. And if you're sad because of what you're imagining of the future, what we call worry, not grief of the past, but worry about the future. That's not going to help you be a person of azima a person of determination which are my wants from you. He wants you to steamroll ahead. Yes, you look in the rearview mirror to learn from your past. But that doesn't stop you from seeing the windshield. Right? That would be just ridiculous. And so that's the mentality Allah wants for you, for your own good to dispel all sadness, to fight against all this negativity. If you worship
me, my worship, parts of it is for you to make yourself happy. Keep yourself happy. And all the beautiful God is kind of
a portfolio that was comfortable I love you.
hamdulillah salatu salam
at whoever carefully reads the whole Addison, they rejuvenate your faith through those doors by the way they rejuvenate your faith by seeing clearly what a lot wants from you. Like think of teachings in Islam that may not necessarily seem related at face value. You know, in Islam, when there's a reason to be sad, Allah gives you reason to be sad. He gives you space when you feel there's a reason to be sad, like someone dies of your relatives. Islam gave you that space, you have time to get over it. But then he says to you what
your limit is three days, the expressions of sadness, the time for Isaiah for relief, and Dolan's is in Islam is three days after that. That's it. Because some people do this. Yes, life has challenges. But do you make your life more miserable than it has to be? You keep renewing this bad news in your life. You keep letting shavon revive these concepts. Imagine someone's relative dies and every single person is giving them as that for an entire year. They normally would not have remembered for an entire year the extent of the pain caused by losing this loved one right? So Islam says yes fine. Okay, that's human Have you having compassion is normal expected even, but limited to three days.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would seek protection preemptively even before the fact that he would say aloha mania will be coming at me with the drought we must all learn for our own good Oh Allah protect me and shelter me from heaven Pam is concerned about the future and hazards sadness, sadness, grief, meaning about the past, or law protect me from behind me in front of me from my future and my past from that ever derailing to me and my journey to you.
And so this is your job to ask about law and to not give yourself extra reasons to be upset and to give yourself and those around you reasons to be happy I have been amended a lot soon to tweet
a lot who you hit when you're
one of the most dear acts so along said is auto setup is for you to admit some joy upon a believer. That means Allah loves the believers to be happy, he wants them to be happy. So kinda Tada.
And it's for yourself. Don't linger on the negative give yourself time to realize there's so much positive I should be focusing on. It's not as bad as if I'm lifting shake on making me look at it like that. It's just a matter of perspective. Nothing more.
You know, I was translating a book once for Dr. Hum Daddy, the famous scholar of our contemporary times. And he says I remember traveling to a city to meet a very wealthy businessman to take a donation from him to solicit a donation from him to build a message. And so we sat with him and we spoke to him and he wrote us a check at the end of the night and he said here is for the sake of Allah. And as we were leaving, we saw him taking out some
pills and we may derive from see what's going on. So this is normal I've been taking this for 10 years I cannot sleep without this medication. So we made some drivers and we left that a lot rushing back to health and rewards him for his difficulty. He says as we were leaving that city getting onto the freeway, we saw one of those huge construction sites that have those big lights those dome lights and require a very big generator to power them when it's like daytime at night because of those that you've all seen them we said and it was so loud we had to cover our ears passing by this generator
he said and then as we got to the generator we saw a poor man with very poor clothing city security guard for the construction side sleeping right next to the generator on the side
since the power law laws give this guy fortune and he needs medication to go to sleep and this guy doesn't have that fortune and he can sleep through a fireball right
and so we do that all the time. If you had all the money in the world and couldn't go to sleep at night, wouldn't you trade that in all that money for the ability to sleep at night we make ourselves Saturday and we have to be and I will does not want that from you
you know the profits of the love audience and then went to the point and this headache should be cited even within moderation of course to say that our problems I'll send them approved of safe antidepressants chemical cures even he said to us Alex love oh seven one howdy la could be 10 Vina I prescribed for you 10 peanuts had been as basically like barley that's boiled like oatmeal basically. And now we know the benefits of this and sugars when they go into your system and how they do away with some of your stress and endorphin reaction or whatever it is. He says I prescribed for you to be enough for it to fail. That's a June for what tends to happen, we'll be bothered to
take this convener. This cook this thing for yourself, because it collects your interior it causes your insights to settle for here is the interior the stomach basically to settle and does away with some of the sadness. He gave us prescriptions. You don't say oh, this is my bed. I'm supposed to just sit here and take it and Allah wants me to be upset. So I'm gonna know treat yourself treat your sadness. You know many times and I this is an important part to end the whole bullet. You need to find doors of relief doors of happiness to continue in your deen not just in your life. To continue in your deen The road to a was a very long group.
And you need to be able to pace yourself. That's why I'm helpful. A lot of the other ones like Muslim came with a local sodium and they complained to the province I said that we are going after theme. We're hypocrites why he they basically said because we're inconsistent. When we're in front of you and you describe Jenna and paradise in the Hellfire fat cat and it says if these two are right in front of us, then when we go back home and we do pleasantries we see our business our money we check our bank account, we sit with our family and our properties he said
our family and our properties we deal with these things. Messina Kafeel Mehta, we forget much of what was said the the effect of it that heightened state of worship that heightened state of imagined paradise and Hellfire right there. We can't keep it. The prophet SAW Selim said to them, satin was an hour for this an hour for that sometimes when you overdrive, when you overhaul on yourself, even indeed, you're not able to continue. And so he's telling you give yourself time to rejuvenate. So you don't get frustrated with yourself. You know, taming the animal inside getting your heart to conform with Allah. That doesn't happen overnight. The animal inside is behaving a
little bit, throw in a piece of meat so it doesn't rebel against you.
It doesn't want you to make yourself miserable.
On the other hand regarding this point to use to see but on wish Palooza
female Palooza oak rehat, Amiens. rejuvenate your hearts like give yourself time for r&r time for rejuvenation, time for recreation, go fishing, do something and spend time doing something you like these things. He says if you don't the heart when it's overloaded, it becomes blind. Forget I don't want anymore. I don't want to learn. So there is an aspect of your junior You know, one final heavy perhaps I'll enter that here. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
He said to us this is very interesting because it seems to go against everything we say in all the fields was about the duty in the material world, he says are bound to satisfy
us more than others and authentic
four components of happiness, cottoned on to saleha what Java saw when meskin were sick?
When metrocable saw and honey, he said four components of being happy, is a good woman, of course a good man as well. It happens it works both ways.
He said, and a good neighbor
and a White House, and a pleasant ride.
So wait a minute, that's all done.
That's the worldly life the worldly life doesn't give you happiness. This You know, we've been saying forever. The prophet SAW sell and didn't have all these things, but he was still happy. So he's telling you use these things.
don't depend on them. What did Allah say woman had to do Nia Illa metallic rude the enjoyment of this life is a deceiving and joining me Don't be deceived by it. That's the trick. But if you're going to use some of it to deliver you to Allah, I say interfaces and that doesn't mean that's not material that's metallic. But that's the enjoyment that will help bring you to Allah that's rejuvenating your human gas tank so you can keep going. He wants that from you. I'll use software setup because Allah selgin wants that from someone whose car breaks down every five minutes or their spouse breaks down or should I say flips out every five minutes. This will affect your journey to a
boss, it could affect your journey to a loss telogen This is the meaning. But when these things you tried to do some patch work without sacrificing your deen mending your dunya so that it can get you to your after that's an act of worship, you get rewarded for it.
And the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam passed by a man who was going through great difficulty. And he said to him, Have you said anything? He said I said to Allah, Oh Allah, whatever punishment you are going to punish me with in this dunya in the Hereafter, so I just leave it dunia Give it to me now in the dunya
how long? What are you saying? You cannot bear it Why would you ask to go through troubles to go through sadness to go through pain to go through the suffering? He said to him head up into why didn't you say
why didn't you say Oh look, give me the good here and give me the good there and protect me from the tournament of the fire. May Allah do away with our sadness and yours and gratis the good of this world and the good of the world and protect us in the tournament of the fire.
not been a big long maintenance manual hasn't whenever we can actually like I said whenever we can. Whenever we can do a
lot more
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