Mohamad Baajour – I Am Near #07 Duaa for Instant Provision

Mohamad Baajour
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A person (Speaker 1) describes a situation where someone (Speaker 2) found nothing but a goat and a shale team led a nightly celebration. The hosts (Speaker 1 and Speaker 2) received the bounty and the guest (Speaker 1) is waiting for the mercy. The hosts later tell the guest that they received the bounty and they are waiting for the mercy.
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Eman came through Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam and ask if he has any food Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam checked with his wives and he found nothing Subhanallah and then he made this Allahumma inni es el Luca min Fub Lika whare metric for him now lie obliqua Liqua Illa Ya Allah, I ask you from your bounty and your mercy, because none hold position of them except you. After that. A man knocked at the door of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and presented him with a barbecued goat. He served the guest, and he said, we got the bounty and now we are waiting for the mercy. Few two hours a day. We'll keep the shale team away.

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