Mirza Yawar Baig – Understanding our purpose #2

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The host discusses the collective purpose of Islam's actions, including creating value for all of humanity and balancing personal pleasure with the collective value of all of humanity. They also touch on the importance of fulfilling personal and group benefits, including integrity, quality, and contribution. The speaker emphasizes the importance of asking oneself the following questions to determine if they are a good fit for life, and encourages listeners to value their neighbors and pursue their accomplishments.
AI: Transcript ©
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Change can change

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala MBL mursaleen why Allah Allah He was happy he is married. Am I bad? Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Welcome back to the program understanding your purpose. We talked about two things and we said Allah subhanaw taala mentioned an individual purpose for why He created us. And he mentioned the collective purpose. We said that individual as individual purpose Allah subhanaw taala, said in Serato, Zarya, he said Rama, Allah told jen novoline, sila Leah Buddha, he said, I have not created the ins and the jinn, the human beings and the jinn for any purpose, other than to worship me. And we then discussed how it is

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actually possible to convert every action of our life into an action of worship. We talked about that, we talked about how it is possible to do this, we talked about the methodology, that it consists of three things, it consists of ensuring that the action is in accordance with the Sharia, that it is something which is jeyes and halaal. And secondly, that the action must be done with the class, that it is something which must be done to please Allah subhanaw taala alone and for no other purpose. And the third thing is that it must be done in accordance with the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that is what gives the action value added benefits. Let us now look

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at the at what Allah subhanaw taala said with regard to the collective purpose, what is the state as the collective purpose for this for this Omar of Bahamas Allah Allah Allah, Allah, Allah subhanaw taala said in the eye and sort of algebra, as I as I mentioned, I have 110 where he said, Quantum hydromet in rejet, leanness, Tamura Bill maroochy, botton hona annual Moncure was Amina Nabila, Allah subhanaw taala talked about three things, he said that you are the best of peoples, because you are the most beneficial of peoples, you are the best of people, because you have been created, you have been selected, you have been extracted over ijet linas Allah did not say Oh, forget

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minuteness Allah did not say you have been extracted from the people. Allah said you have been extracted and selected for the people for the benefit of people. So hon Allah, this oma, this entire Muslim, oma was created to cause benefit to give benefit as benefactors of all of humanity. And somewhere, I think we've seemed to have lost the plot. And we do not live our lives in a way where we even consider other people. So how we live our lives like anybody else, in a never ending cycle of personal consumption, and personal gratification, and we run from one sensation to another sensation. And we call this happiness. How can happiness be found in that when happiness is a state

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of the heart, it's a state of the mind. Happiness is not a state of the pocket. It's not a state of your garage. It's not a state of your house. It is not a state of your storeroom or your attic, which is full of unused stuff, which you have bought on the spur of the moment. Happiness is a state of the heart and the mind. And Allah subhanaw taala said, I love music related to my inner colo, he said that the happiness of the heart, the it will not have the color, the peace of mind, the state of contentment can come only from the vicar and remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala the forgot this somewhere. And therefore, we live in we live a life like anybody else. Whereas we should have

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been differentiating, we should have differentiated on the basis of adding value to all of humanity. That is the purpose why Allah subhanho wa Taala said He created us He created us to add value to people. He created us to benefit all of humanity who courageously NASS, Allah did not say originally muslimeen Allah did not say oh frigidly momineen Allah said, Oh project leanness, you have been selected for the benefit of people, for the people, for all of people, for all of humanity, no matter where they exist, if there is one Muslim among them, that Muslim must be causing benefit to them, that Muslim must be must be a source of happiness for them must be a source of joy for them.

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And that is the collective purpose of this oma project leanness, Tamura and what do we do that morona Bill Maher roof, Allah said you are the people who enjoy all that is good. What is good memories

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Sisters, as I told you, it is this this amaura Bill Maher of Mr. Bill Morrow, again, we have made everything muddled we have we have made everything small, we have made everything we have put things into the thought into into a prison. And we have we have made things and and and, you know, made them made them congested and constricted, we must expand and understand Alma rove is everything which is good, education is good, all kinds of education is good as let us ask ourselves, how much focus does this oma give on education? Let us ask ourselves, how much focus does this Omar give on things which are beneficial? You know, recently, I saw two things I want to share with you.

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One was something I read and one was something I saw. thing I read was that the Auto Show, the automobile show in Stockholm, the most talked about the most spoken about item on the auto show in Stockholm was a new design of carburetor. And that carburetor has been designed in such a way that it uses minimal fuel, and it gives maximum power. So the people were talking about this garburator Our people are talking about the issue of great r&d, research and development, the issues of great engineering. So now think about this, a young Muslim boy or girl, or anybody, a young person who goes with his father or his mother to the Stockholm Auto Show, what is he hearing? What is he

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thinking? And as a result of that, what is his aspiration, his aspiration is to focus towards innovation. His aspiration is to focus towards great science and technology is to create things which are beneficial to society, something which uses less fuel and less power, and gives more power and return something which is beneficial. Same kind of auto show, which happened in Qatar, the most talked about thing was solid gold plated rims for the tires of the car, and a gold plate and a gold ring on the steering wheel of the car. So a young person now going with his father or mother to the auto show in Tata, what is he going to hear? He is going to hear about consumption, a gold plated

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wheel rims, for God's sake, what good is that to anybody? And so harleigh that is what happens in a Muslim country. And I'm talking about something which happens in a European country, which is predominantly non Muslim. Where are we going? Where is this on my head on my way here to Australia, where I'm sitting now, on the plane, I saw two wonderful clippings on on on the on the television, one clipping was about this person. This this is a young indian guy, non Muslim, who has invented a methodology of growing vegetables fresh vegetables on the rooftops in on the buildings of New York. And the beauty is that he says that we grow these vegetables without using any soil. Why? Because

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old buildings the roofs are weak. And we if you put a lot of soil on the roof, the roof cannot take the take the weight, so they use hydroponics and they have PVC pipes, through which water nutrient rich water flows. And they have these vegetables that are planted in the holes in these pipes. And the whole system is so fantastic. They have a gantry which runs on top which automatically lifts the with the plants and the plants the back and so on, or it's all automated. And you have these beautiful rooftop vegetable gardens, which with fresh lettuce and, and tomatoes and and all sorts of lovely vegetables which the people can eat. The man is spending his time and energy and he's

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spending his technology. And he's spending his resources in creating goodness for people around and this beautiful amount of hours his money is spent in creating all of this goodness, the next the very next

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item was a covering of the Dubai Racecourse of the Dubai races. The WNS is in Dubai. And they talked about the billions of dollars, which are spent on horse racing, on gambling on on the training of horses for the purpose of racing. So holla, I was thinking to myself here is this, within quotes, what we like to call her country America. And here is within quotes, what we like to call Muslim country of the UAE and Dubai and see what they are doing this the people who are supposed to benefit all of mankind are stuck in gambling, which is a detrimental something which is haram and which is detrimental and which is harmful. And the people who do not bear this burden of benefiting all of

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mankind, they are actually benefiting all of mankind. So all power to them, all part of them that they are creating something which is good for all of humankind, that they are there they are growing fresh vegetables where people can eat fresh vegetables living in the middle of New York, where obviously people in New York don't see fields and farms and so on and so forth. But until they are able to do that because somebody is using their their brains and their intelligence to create something good

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We seriously need to think and ask ourselves, where are we headed? Because Allah subhanaw taala created us for the purpose of benefiting all of mankind. And he said, Mr. Bill Maher of enjoying what is good when I hear Neil munkar and stop something which is bad. Tell me is gambling halal or haram in Islam? Do the people who run those gambling gambling shows? Do they not know that it is haram in Islam? On what basis? Do they run it? How are they going to answer to Allah subhanho wa Taala for all the Haram income they're generating, and all the money they're spending on Haram. And instead of that, if that money had been spent on education, if that money had been spent on feeding

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people, if that money had been spent on alleviation of illness and disease, and voila, of course, people will tell you, yeah, we also spent money on that in the rely on that, Roger, it's not a question of also spent just because you spend money on something good, it does not give you the license also to spend an equal amount of money or more or less on something which is bad, what spending money on something which is bad is haram, per se, we have no right to do that, irrespective of anything else. And what is good, we have to spend not little bit as much as possible on what is what is jazz and so forth. Give aspirations to your children give aspirations to the young people of

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this oma to do something which is good to create a name for themselves to create a brand for themselves. And what is the brand The brand is that a Muslim spreads goodness, a Muslim spirits goodness, so voila, this must be a brand a Muslim spread good. If somebody wants any goodness, if someone wants any benefit from anywhere, they must come and say find me a Muslim because these are the guys who do it. Find me a Muslim because these are the guys who do it. They must be advertisement when people are hiring people when they're hiring employees, they must say we are looking for Muslims. Why because we know that Muslims work because Muslims do not work fearing us,

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they work fearing Allah, they work fearing the one to whom they are accountable, and therefore they will do an honest day's job, they will be sincere, they will be honest, they will work with integrity Alhamdulillah these are the kind of people we want. When when people want politicians, when they want leaders in the in the in society, they must go and look for Muslims because they say why do you want a Muslim because we know that these Muslims hold themselves accountable to the one for whom Nothing can be hidden. So we don't have to worry about corruption. We don't have to worry that they will lie and cheat. We don't have to worry about anything because they are not answerable

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to us they are answerable to their to their god to Allah subhanaw taala and therefore we are sure absolutely certain that they will do the best job possible. I think that is the that is the branch that is the image that we have to create because Allah subhanaw taala centers for that he said okay, just the Lynas thing my brothers and sisters about how can we benefit humanity Look around you and say how can I benefit the people amongst whom I live? All the my neighbors and friends and so on and so forth? How can I benefit them? When we come back after the break in a couple of seconds, we will talk some more about this of an Al Mancha and how this dovetails with the individual purpose jack ma

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Ferran Don't go away Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala shadowfell ambia masa de la la Li was heavy as main. My bad Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Welcome back to our session on understanding our purpose. We were talking about the collective purpose of why the Muslim Mama was created by Allah subhanaw taala What did I say about his purpose of sending us into this world and I also invited you to reflect on what we seem to be doing with how we are actually leading our lives, even though Allah subhanho wa Taala has decreed for us a certain way of being. So we talked about the issue of Mr. will borrow of the issue of the halal Moncure we talked about individual purpose, which

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is to worship Allah subhanaw taala. And we talked about the collective purpose, which is to benefit all of humanity by doing what by enjoining, good and forbidding evil. And the third part of this ayah where our last one that I said what do we know Nabila and then you have the man on Allah subhanho wa Taala. If you see how the collective purpose and the individual purpose link with each other, you see this beautiful link that when a person lives his whole life purely and purely for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When he is very

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careful about how he leads life. What happens to the person internally, the person's taqwa increases the person's love for Allah subhanaw taala increases, because you ask yourself, why am I doing all of this? Because I love Allah subhanaw taala what is taqwa? brothers and sisters? That's why sometimes translated as fear of Allah. So Allah, I believe that this is not the right translation. dukkha is not fear of Allah for a very simple reason. We hate the things that we fear. Ask your children, when they go to school, if there is a teacher in the class who they fear ask them if they love that teacher, and the answer is no, we hate for example, dictators. We may we may fear them if

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you're the dictator, because of the harm that we see. Or we think that he can do too.

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But we certainly don't love the person. We do not love the person. The people of Egypt did not love Hosni Mubarak. The people of some other country they do not love the dictators who rule them. They fear them. Yes, but they don't love them. But what did Allah subhanaw taala say about the people about the Muslims, Allah subhanaw taala said wala Zina Amano eyeshadow Bella, Allah subhanaw taala said the people of faith, the people who believe they not only love Allah, but they love Allah subhanho wa Taala intensely and more than anything else, a shed is the superlative form of shoddy, Allah subhanaw taala said I shut the hope and Lila, the people of faith, the people who believe they

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love Allah subhanho wa Taala more than they love anything else. So now how do you put these two things together? How do you take taqwa which is generally translated as fear of Allah? And how do you link this with hope of Allah subhanaw taala and not just any hope of Allah subhanaw taala but I shall the humble Allah who love Allah subhanaw taala more than anything else? How do you put these two together? The way I do it is this.

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Duck word to me, is not the fear of Allah, but the fear of offending Allah, the fear of displeasing Allah subhanaw taala and why are we afraid of displeasing Allah? Because we love Allah subhanaw taala so much, you know, I mean, Allah subhanaw taala is above all examples that I love lava lamp that we give an example only to illustrate, I may love my mother very much. So I will. It's not I don't fear her, but I definitely fear offending her or displeasing her. And therefore, I tried to ensure that all my actions are such that she is never offended by any of them, or she is not displeased by any of them, so I'm afraid of displeasing her. So therefore, if Allah subhanaw taala

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if I love Allah subhanaw taala more than anything else, then naturally, I would not want to do anything which Allah subhanaw taala does not like now that is the key thing to understand, is to become mutata in and this month of Ramadan. What did Allah subhanaw taala say about why did Allah subhanaw taala make this fasting for us? Allah subhanaw taala said quotevalet Casa Kamakura Allah La Vina min Kabbalah comme la la comida taco, Allah said this yam, the fasting has been made for Borneo like it used to be for other other people before you so that you become Motoki in so that you have you developed taqwa of Allah subhanaw taala. So hon Allah to the purpose of taqwa What is the

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meaning of Taka, Taka is the his love of Allah to such an extent that we fear to do anything, which is likely to displease Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, you do see how the individual purpose fits in with the collective purpose, the individual purpose a person who is focused on ensuring that every act of his life is an act of a bada What is he doing? He is trying to please Allah subhanaw taala with every single action of his and when he pleases Allah subhanaw taala with every single action of his, his dukkha increases when his dukkha increases. Now when he goes into the world, what is he focused on? He is focused on benefiting all of humanity, he is focused on enjoying what is good, he

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is focused on forbidding what is evil. Remember, Allah did not say enjoy and good only only among the among the Muslims, Allah did not say forbidden, forbidden evil only among the non Muslims. These are statements which are for all of humanity, your courageous willingness for the people, therefore enjoining good, doing good to benefit everybody stopping evil, no matter who does it, you raise a voice against the evil, we raise our hand against the evil, no matter who is doing the evil. Even if the evil is being done by a Muslim, it is the job of the Muslim to stand against it. If a person is being oppressed, irrespective of that person's religion, irrespective of that person's race or caste

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or creed or nationality. It is the job of the Muslim to stand by that person and to stop that oppression or to do his best to ensure that the oppressor is freed from that oppression. The famous Hadith Rasul Allah sallam, he said, help your brother, whether he is the oppressor or the oppressed. He said, The meaning of the Hadees help your brother, whether he is the oppressor or the oppressed, the Sahaba his companions asked in this era sola Salah sallallahu Sallam we can understand if you say, help your brother if he is the oppressed, but if our brother is the oppressor, how can we help him? Why should we help him as well as Allah Salim said, help him by stopping him from oppressing,

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because if you don't stop him from oppressing, he will be punished Allah subhanho wa Taala so you're stopping him from oppressing is actually helping him to save himself from the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Muslim stands against oppression, no matter who the oppressor is, today we see a situation where Muslims are oppressed, we do stand up, or at least some of us stand up but when others are oppressed, we are silent, not acceptable, not acceptable, according to the Quran, not acceptable according to the to the to the collective purpose that Allah subhanho

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Tell us send us with because we were sent for MLB. Morrow, and now here in Moncure, for enjoining. Good, and for forbidding evil. So the question I want to ask myself and I invite you to ask yourself is, are we fulfilling this purpose? What do you think? Are we fulfilling this purpose? Are we a source of benefit to all of mankind? My brothers and sisters, very simple in customer service, what do you do? If you want to know the level and quality of your customer service? You go and ask your customer? You don't ask your own service people. If you ask me, I will tell you yes, my service is brilliant. But go ask my customer. How does he experience my service? Does he like my service? is

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there is there any shortfall in the service? Is my customer absolutely delighted with the service? Because he is getting more than he bargained for? Or is the customer highly disappointed with the service? Because he does not feel that he is getting value for money? I let us ask our customers who are our customers, our customers are the whole of mankind. Let's go to the people we live with and ask them this very simple question as them, do you think we Muslims are benefiting you in any way? And if you think we are benefiting you tell us how so that we can reinforce that. And if you think we are not benefiting you? Tell us why and how we are not benefiting you so that we can change that?

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Ask them this question. And if they give you an answer, that is the answer to the question, am I beneficial or am I not? I think it is very important for us to ask this question before we are asked this question may Allah subhanho wa Taala when we are when we stand before him, and if Allah subhanaw taala said, I sent you leanness I sent you for the benefit of the people, what benefit Did you give them? What are we going to answer? Let us fear Allah subhanaw taala. And let us fear that day. And before that day comes, let us ask ourselves, are we fulfilling this purpose, that then when we have when we find out that there is a shortfall, let us ask ourselves, where is this shortfall?

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My brothers and sisters, let me define the objective. I want to define the objective of life, the purpose of why we are live in this world, our objective of life is to live a life of such grace, that we benefit all those who share the planet with us. All those who share the planet with us. I'm not even talking about the Muslims or non Muslims. I'm not even talking about the human beings alone. I'm talking about everyone and everything which has the planet with us, the whales in the sea, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, the animals are in the forest, the trees themselves, the grass, everything must make thanks to Allah subhanaw taala, that Muslims are alive, because

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Muslims must be beneficial to the whole of this planet. Muslims are the people who promote all things that are good, or promote ecological safeguards, who promote conservation of energy, who promote non pollution, of water and resources, and so on and so forth. That benefit benefit to all of humanity, and all of creation is to live a life of such grace, that we benefit all those who shared this planet with us, number one, number two, to live a life where we are seen as role models and benchmarks of integrity, of quality, and of contribution. Imagine this, we were sent to show the way we were sent to give we did we were not sent to follow others. We were not sent to take from

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people we were sent to give to people, we were sent to show people the way we were sent with a way of life. And we were sent to show other people how to live this life. We were not we were not sent to take the take other people's wares, ways of life and go chasing them and chasing their ways, when we have a divine way, and which the way which is beneficial for us and for others. So therefore, the number two objective is to live a life where we are seen as role models and benchmarks of integrity, of quality and of contribution. And number three is to live a life where all around us all those around us, no matter who they are, are delighted. And they are thankful that we share the earth with

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them, that we live with them that we live amongst them, and that they regret our passing, I want you to think about this, we have to create a situation where for example, if you are living in a colony, if you are living in an apartment building, if you are living in a society, then if you change your house, if you have to move from this place to that place, your neighbors must come and say, please don't go, we want you to be here. We don't want you to leave. And imagine this is not some imaginary situation that I'm talking about. There's a famous story of Mr. Mohammed where his neighbor was selling his house and the neighbor put up a price for this house which was double the market price.

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A man came and said how do you take so much money? How do you assign money for this? He said because this is the price of the house and the rest of the money is because you will be the neighbor of Imam Muhammad

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Rahim Allah tala. Now imagine the neighbor is a source of profit for him. He says Voila. Being a neighbor of your mama. You should be

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Happy to pay that more money and the man said yes. All right. I agree. I mean, I'm willing to pay that money just to be the neighbor of this man because of who he is and what I can learn from him and how beautiful and beneficial it is to be his neighbor. There is think about that. Just like Kamala Harris we end this episode with this. A Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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