Mirza Yawar Baig – Reflect on the Qur’an #04

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of memorizing the Quran in various ways, including writing it down or in various forms, and the use of people in various countries. They also touch on the holy Bible and its potential harm, as well as the importance of being in a relationship and not just using words to make them aware of their actions. The speakers emphasize the need for a "RA" approach to the situation and suggest asking guests about their experiences with Huawei. They also discuss the history of slavery and the responsibility of the owner of a slave to protect his slave.
AI: Transcript ©
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Fill out another Rahim al hamdu Lillah alameen wa salatu wa salam O Allah, MBA well mousseline Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sahbihi wa sallam does live on Kaziranga sera from ababu mighty sisters

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Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah

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arabela al hamdu kabayan babila Jalali Virgie, Kobayashi, muscle tonic, or Allah all praise and thanks to you, in keeping

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with the glory and magnificence of your countenance and the glory and magnificence of your kingdom,

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our brothers sisters,

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we have a religion which is based on a book

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and the book is on Quran Al Karim.

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This book of Allah subhanho wa Taala even though we refer refer refer to it as a book, but it came as the spoken word,

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it did not come as a written word, it was preserved. And even in preservation, it was first preserved

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by memory by memorizing it.

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And then even more importantly, it was preserved by people

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believing in it and living by it, by its practice.

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And then it was preserved also in writing.

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So, the choral magic is preserved in three ways, as I mentioned to you, by memorizing by living it and by writing it down or in whatever form now we have, of course, preservation also in electronic form and so on. So, the point is,

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that, when we are talking about the heads of Quran, memorization of the Quran, we give a lot of importance to it and it is important there is nothing wrong with that we should give importance we should memorize it, the entire hora or as much of it as we can, we must make continuously make effort. We ask Allah to make it easy.

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But what is the real Higgs of Quran?

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We take another word from the same root word, that word in order is a facet.

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And the one who does hevs

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his his he's called or she is called have his or her visa.

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And the one who does he rather is called Mojave is the one who does it. Who guards who takes care. So one is the one who memorizes the corner.

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And the other one is the one who guards it and protects it.

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The two can be the same.

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But sometimes they're not the same.

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Some of the, of course we have the best of them. They're a Soldier Soldier himself, who was both hafeez and Mojave is he was the one who memorized the Quran and also who protected the Koran by teaching it by living it by explaining it by demonstrating

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what Allah subhanaw taala sent in the Quran Al Karim

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and we have all the Sahaba Ridwan Allah here let him anyway and who are the best of examples for mankind hamdulillah.

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But in more

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not recent as in very close to our time, but later times,

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we have

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examples of different people, of course, all over the world, but some of the finest examples are in Cape Town, where we have

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chef use of Mikasa.

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These were prisoners of war, who were brought were exiled from Indonesia, the Malayan Peninsula, that whole area Indonesia, Malaysia, which is not countries of with those names at that time, it was called Malay.

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so they were

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people who are fighting the Dutch, the Dutch colonial colonialists. So they were captured and they were exiled to the Cape of Good Hope. Which is where Cape Town now is. And they were imprisoned there. Some on Robben Island, some on the mainland but extremely inhospitable and terrible conditions.

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But people like this, Chef use of and then another one

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Who is

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also very well known who is called one guru and is called one guru because to one a means Prince and he was a prince, and that is Mr. Abdullah kadhi Abdul salam, Rahim Allah Dara and use of of

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Mikasa Rahmatullah Allah

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who were not just who files of the Koran.

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But when they were exiled, they were just obviously the prisoners. They didn't let them take anything including the Quran. But hamdulillah they were fast with the extent that they wrote the Quran

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from memory and they wrote it perfectly correctly without any mistakes.

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And to angora himself, that is, Mr. Abdullah, are the Abdul salam, Allah Allah.

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When he was released from prison,

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he set up the first Marisa

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in in 1767, he was imprisoned and brought to Cape Town. And then he was released from Jelena in 1793. And he established a mother sign that year, and that was the the foundation of Islam in Africa,

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in South Africa, North Africa, in South Africa. And these were the pioneers who,

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who came and who brought Africa who brought Islam to that part of the continent.

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Many a time some young person comes to me and says, Please make dua for me, I want to memorize the Quran.

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Many times I've had young parents come to me saying, Please make dua for my child, I want him or her to become a harvest.

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in all these years, I have yet to hear somebody say, please make dua for me, I want to understand the Koran. And I want to live by the

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Now, of course, I make God that people

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should become a part of the Quran.

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I would also like to be happy.

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this leads me to question that our understanding of the word have is which of course means one of the meanings is somebody who memorizes but also half is half is means protector.

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So it's true that the one who memorizes the Quran is a habit.

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But what if all he really

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made his off is the sound of the ayat.

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Not their meaning. And he didn't he did not make any effort to implement it.

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So what therefore must we call such a person who has memorized the sound but has no clue about the meaning?

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To make a long story short, this is the state of the majority of people who have arrived or are today, especially in countries which are not Arabic speaking,

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even among the Arabs,

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because Arabic today has so many different dialects. And the Quran is in

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classical Arabic.

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There are many, many Arabs who do not understand the Quran.

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The classic lol because Warren. So when they memorize and they're reciting, they're as good or bad as a Indian or Pakistani or somebody who is reciting

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from memory because they don't understand what you're saying.

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Now recall,

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an amusing incident which

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was narrated to me by one of the famous comedies in Hyderabad. And he had very, very beautiful

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so he said he went to Saudi Arabia once and they asked him to read Salah, so he led salah and he read ad from Surah Joseph.

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And he said that when he finished salah and he turned around to sit he saw one of the

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Saudi men who was praying behind him.

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He looked extremely amused. He was like almost, you know, look like you wanted to start laughing burst out laughing.

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So this man said, I found that a little strange

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after, you know, sooner all finished, the band was still there. So he said, I went, I couldn't

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stop myself. So I went up to him and asked him, I said, you know, you look

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very amused as you something very funny has happened is does that have to do with me? Did I say or do something? Which, you know, so if so please tell me, what is it? What did I do or say, That is so funny? He said, No, no, no, I apologize. I'm not trying to make fun of you and so on. It's a No, no, tell me what is it? I mean, what did I do? He said, You put Yusuf Alayhi Salam in the well, and you did not take him out.

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Alright, so the idea that he resided in the office was also very, very finished. The resignation was when usually ceramide been put into the well. Now normally, it is not part of the sort fog or anything like this. As far as the Salah is concerned, the Salah is valid, there's no problem. But anybody who's is who's deciding, understanding the meaning of the Quran,

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whether it's sort of useful or anywhere, if he starts reciting

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from any part of the Quran, he will make sure that the must warn the

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the meaning the incident, the subject of that set of ayat

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is completed in the recitation of that Salah so that somebody listening can make some meaning out of it.

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He wants to end in the middle of something where you know, or part of an order or part of something is has been said. And then it's you are left there Moloch you know, suspended in the air, so to speak. And you don't know what else happened after that. You will never do that. Now, in this case, he said he did it. So he says I found it very amusing to put yourself in the alien, whatever took you out. So this gentleman said I'm very sorry. But you know, I don't understand what I decided to resign. I felt very ashamed

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that I did not understand. You know that this man caught me out that I didn't understand what I decided.

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Having said that, of course on a side note, please understand that to

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knowingly amin either deliberately or accidentally to humiliate somebody in public, this is haram in Islam, please understand that you might think you are a great scholar and you know, you want to point a finger at somebody and pick somebody is fault.

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But if you're doing it in public, then you are committing something which also certain privated and which is a sin, and May Allah protect you, the hurt and humiliation that you cause to that individual will be on your scales on the Day of Judgment.

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So please understand that if somebody makes a mistake, then if you are so interested in correcting them that take them aside somewhere, maintain the person's dignity. And then you say what do you have to say to the person but not in public not in in front of other people, where the person obviously will feel hurt and, and humiliated and sad.

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So let's ask this question, you know, when we're talking about memorizing and so on, so forth.

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Why was the Quran revealed? Just think about the Why Why did a lot of handlers in the corner descended so we could memorize it sound and then we live our lives anyway. We like we recite the Quran as part of a formal worship ritual. And we do nothing else on our did it come so that we can understand it, we can reflect on it, and we can live our lives according to it.

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I know it's a dumb question.

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But if you look at what we do, then it's not such a damn question. I mean, we have to ask ourselves that if indeed we believe that the Quran came to be understood, and to be implemented in our lives, to be for our lives to be lived by the Koran, if this is the reason why the Quran was revealed, then how come we make no effort to understand it, much less to live our lives by it. And we are content unsatisfied with memorizing some of it. And then listening to it mostly in Dharavi in Ramadan. Or, like nowadays, it's

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it's common with other people with a lot of people that they just listen to the Quran while driving and so on and so forth. And may Allah protect us for a lot of people. It's like, some kind of background sound that's happening.

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Is that why the foreign was revealed?

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was revealed?

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A sound

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nice sound but just sound or is it an actual message

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that Allah subhanho Medina has sent for us?

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Let's see what Allah subhanaw taala the author of the Quran,

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Let's see what he said. Allah Rhonda said of Allah tada Barona Khurana Amala. Lubin a fall, why?

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Do they not insert Mohammed Allah Raja said, Do they not then reflect and think deeply in the Koran? Or are their hearts locked up from understanding?

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I remember many years ago, more than 20 years ago, I met this

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American guy

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who was from I think he was on North Hampshire or Maine or something, one of the North, northeast states we're not.

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asked him, I usually ask, you know, reverts how they came to Islam is a very interesting and very inspiring stories. So this guy says to be that he was enrolled in a seminary, Christian seminary, and he was doing a course. And he says his task was to he was given a a translation of the Quran and he was told to find mistakes in it

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matches a good look for this look for mistakes.

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So he said, I read that thing from cover to cover.

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And I was so hugely impressed that he said, I, when I finished reading, he said, I'm looking at it, you know, in the front, in the back, first page, second page, at the back and so on, to find the name of the author who wrote these things. And he said, there is no name.

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There is no name, there's no the author is not the name of the author is not there. And then he said, of course, when I when I read it, I know that this is supposed to be the direct word of Allah subhanaw taala.

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So I told him, I said, What did what struck you in the Quran? What is it that you were, you know, he was so impressed by? He said, the majesty of the address.

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He said, when I read the Quran, where Allah subhanho wa Taala is directly speaking and Allah subhanaw taala is commanding.

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Or Allah is talking about himself, he's giving his enjoy interaction, Lola, Hola, hola. Yo, yo.

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He said that I was struck by the glory and majesty of this address. And I said to myself, that this cannot be the word of any human being.

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No human being can speak like this. He said, this has to be the creator of gelatin. Hello,

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Jeep. So this man says, and I told his way up, he said, I want you said I did this. And I was reading it for for many days, weeks, months.

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And he says one night, it was very late in the night when it struck me that this is the truth.

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This is the truth. And I wanted to become Muslim. I wanted to enter his love. But he said my whole state

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there was there's no magic. There's no magic. There's no magic.

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And he said, I am this. I'm talking about 20 Oh, yeah, I was 20 years ago. So you know, he didn't have access to the internet and all that sort of stuff. I mean, there was internet but you know, it wasn't as easy. They weren't in his phone and stuff. So he said that I remembered that the nearest Masjid was in Boston.

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We just a couple of 100 miles from where he was. So I said What did you do? Did you go to Boston next morning? He said no, no, not next morning. I went then

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ajibola teleport to the hearts of people.

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So I said you in that cold and you know that time of the night.

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You drove from where you were all the way to Boston area.

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He said all the way to Boston took him some four hours or six hours or something like this. And he said he drove and drove all night and then the next day

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he reached Boston and he is a

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hunting around robots. He then finally he found the main mosque in Boston.

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And then he met Huawei a dear friend of mine have the body and then he accepted Islam on his hand.

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And this is this is the power of the Quran. Okay. And my point is, does it affect us

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Does it affect us? A lot Randall is saying here

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that Allah sent this column. And he mentioned reflecting on the Quran. And he called those who don't do that peoples whose hearts are locked up.

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Now I know this app game for disbelievers. But I wonder what we will say if Allah asks us this question, if allows me to reflect on the Quran? What would I say? If Allah asked you this question, is it do you reflect on the Quran? What would you say?

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Our ancestors,

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there are 228, I add in the Quran, mentioned in Allah's book, but not in a single one in which he mentioned his will do one and 28 is in which Allah mentioned his book, but not in a single one of them really say that it is sufficient to memorize it sound without understanding it, and living by it.

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So how do we justify not only doing this, but insisting that it is not necessary for a habit to learn the meaning of what he's deciding and even worse, our claim that if he learns the meaning he will not be able to memorize?

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How did the Sahaba then memorize it?

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Now, the reason I'm saying this is because this is a argument I had with Allah protect the man for himself, with the one so called rally

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in Hyderabad.

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And to this day, when the man was very offended with me until till today, he's very angry with me, that's okay, you can be angry.

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He's angry, because I refuse to accept this statement from him to say that if the child knows the meaning of what is memorizing, he cannot memorize. And I told him, this is complete nonsense.

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This is complete nonsense.

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And then he had this other argument where he said, Well, you know, then then you cannot memorize in two years, I said, Where do you get two years from?

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Where is it to say, where is it given? Where is it directed? What is the Hong Kong is it? Is there an identifier on where Allah says the Quran must be memorized in two years, not in three years.

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These are all things that we have created for ourselves

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and lost the essence of what we are doing plus the purpose of what we're doing.

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Along the way, another another big issue. We talked about the issue of reflection, Allah Allah, Allah, Akbar una or do they not reflect on the Quran, by submission do is

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the ayat of the Quran.

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Now the I

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mercifully in although also the word is I had, so we don't change that but in English translations, and a lot of people who teach the Koran use the word verse with respect to iron.

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Now there is a problem with English translations, because a lot of English translations were done either by orientalist or by people who were influenced by our intellects or they were done by people who were English speaking. But English was not their first language, English was not their native language, and they didn't speak English.

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You know, with that command.

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And I

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like to believe that it is a mistake. It's not that they did it deliberately host reason about my brothers and justice,

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they inadvertently and unconsciously imbibed the Christian nomenclature in translation of the Quran. So for example, they translate

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the word IRA as verse, they translate the word ABD as servant.

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they translate the word rubber as Lord.

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What else? And there are other things like this. Now, I'll tell you why I'm saying this and I seriously request you give it some thought. And if you are, if you use this kind of terminology, please change it. Please do not use it.

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Well, first and foremost, it is completely and totally wrong. grammatically, I'm not even talking about, you know, theologically, just purely grammatically.

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We have now Google translator go put up.

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Go to English to Arabic translation. Put the word there worse and

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See what the Arabic word comes?

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You will not get it you will get shared.

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Right? You will get shared which means verse, which is the

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element of poetry.

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Now my point is if the Quran What is your akiza? About the Quran? Is it a book of poetry with verses? Or is it the column, the book and the speech of Allah with eye x with the eye? Now, what is the big deal? I'll tell you why the big deal, and how that is related to reflection.

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The big deal is that I am in sign.

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Now a sign what is a sign? A sign is something which has meaning.

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And it has significant meaning.

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And this meaning forces us to reflect on the sign, and then to act according to that sign. Right? So when you're driving down the road,

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and you come to an intersection, and you find the traffic light is red.

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What is that? That's an eye? That's a sign? What does that sign mean? That sign means that you should stop.

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Why is that important? Because if you don't stop, at best, you might get triggered, at worse, you might kill yourself and others.

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So that sign is not decoration, right? It's not Christmas lighting. It is a serious idea. It is a sign. And the sign has meaning.

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When a doctor when a physician looks at a patient

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and he or she diagnosis is doing clinical diagnosis, what are they doing? They're looking for signs.

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Not when versus looking for signs, signs of what signs of disease, potential disease.

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And because of their knowledge, they are able to diagnose that disease. Just last Friday, Dr. Ali and myself, we were going to the masjid. And when we came to the intersection

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on the highway, near the McDonald's, where we take a left hand to come into onto ms town road.

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There was an accident. There was this lady who i o rear ended a truck. And he her car sort of went and literally under the truck.

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And she was the ambulances there and police and so on. And they were putting out and obviously her legs were damaged. So and she was in great pain. So she was screaming we could hear her screaming. So I said oh my god Poor thing. she's she's screaming how terrible. No dad is that to me? That's a good sign.

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So I said to her screaming is a good sign. So yes. I said Why? He said because it means that she has sensation. She is conscious, she is aware.

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She doesn't probably doesn't have a concussion. And you know, there's no damage to our brain. There's no damage to our, to our nerves and her feeling.

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So even though she's in pain, and she's screaming, all of these are good signs. Now what is he talking about? And why is this? How is he saying that? He's saying that because he's a neurologist, he has knowledge.

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And based on the knowledge is interpreting science, and even though

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he and I are both looking at the same scene, we have completely different views of that scene.

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We have completely different understanding of that scene.

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On the basis of the knowledge, he has specialized knowledge and I don't have that specialized knowledge.

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So the signs of via the I mean sign. Use those words. Allah subhanaw taala could have said he didn't say he said I love

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the album.

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Interview Calvinism I do a lot of diversity Laffy layli one Rila

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de Alba not Asha.

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How do you say verse, Allah said in the in the in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day there are signs for people love understanding, not poetry, not Asha signs. Why? So that they may recognize the rub jelajah Lalo by looking at his signs, this is a sign of Allah. This is a sign of the holder of Allah. This is a sign of the Ramadan

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Allah, this is a sign of the mercy of Allah. This is a sign of the power of creation of Allah.

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Similarly, the word

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is translated servant again, as I told you grammatically wrong, go do a google thing on it. abdomen slave, not a lot of people feel very, you know politically incorrect.

00:30:24 --> 00:30:31

Using the word slave. Please understand slavery of human beings is completely and totally wrong. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.

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But being a slave of Allah is the highest honor that a human being can possibly get.

00:30:40 --> 00:30:45

And that's not my understanding alone. And it's not my statement.

00:30:46 --> 00:30:52

That is the title that Rasul Allah is allow it was seldom was given by Allah subhanaw taala

00:30:53 --> 00:31:07

aboudi he survived semana de Asara B Abba de la la mina Merci de l'homme el Masri the axillary Baraka, how will the holy Norio Minaya Tina

00:31:11 --> 00:31:17

Allah Glorified is He who took his slave will have masala Hollis and agua de

00:31:19 --> 00:31:25

go put the word servant in the Google translator, what will it give you? It gives you a hard

00:31:27 --> 00:31:36

a hard image of servant and Abdi is a slave. Allah did not say so I love the asabi ha de and I said Abdi,

00:31:37 --> 00:31:40

please do not miss translate the Koran.

00:31:42 --> 00:31:54

Now, why is that a big these? Again, completely different, just like sign and verse. A verse is a verse, it's poetry, you will you may at best, you may enjoy it, you may like it, you may not like it.

00:31:55 --> 00:31:59

You can ignore it doesn't matter. But a sign

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is not a matter of liking and disliking. If you ignore a sign you ignore a sign at your own peril.

00:32:07 --> 00:32:14

If you are an intelligent person, you will know to read the signs that apply to you.

00:32:17 --> 00:32:22

Same thing between servant and slave, harden and abs.

00:32:25 --> 00:32:26

Who is a servant?

00:32:27 --> 00:32:29

servant is somebody who is employed

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by somebody, maybe an organization, maybe an individual.

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He's an employee, a servant enters employment at will.

00:32:43 --> 00:32:52

He or she can leave that employment at will. I don't like working for you. Here's my resignation letter goodbye. I'm gone.

00:32:54 --> 00:33:13

When I'm your servant, when I'm working for you, you give me a salary that is it. You do not have any more responsibility. You only have to fulfill whatever responsibility that you owned. Whatever responsibility you accepted as being my employer. That's it.

00:33:15 --> 00:33:15

What about a slave?

00:33:17 --> 00:33:21

Can I just walk away and say goodbye? I'm no longer useless. No.

00:33:23 --> 00:33:32

Why is everyone slavery is wrong because a human being is treated as the property of another human being.

00:33:34 --> 00:33:50

As if he belongs to that human being as if he is the property of another human being like this pen belongs to me I can break it if I want my pen. It gives me a stupid thing to do. Why would I want to break a pen but I'm saying if I did, I'm not committing any crime because this thing belongs to me.

00:33:52 --> 00:33:56

And that is why slavery of human beings is wrong.

00:33:58 --> 00:34:08

And that is how we understand slavery of Allah subhanaw taala because we belong to Allah and that is the reason or because we belong to Allah, no human being can claim that we belong to him.

00:34:09 --> 00:34:14

Why slavery wrong because we belong to Allah. You cannot be the average of two people at the same time.

00:34:15 --> 00:34:18

You can be the summer you can have a day job and a night job, right?

00:34:20 --> 00:34:42

I can be working for a company I can also be working from home for somebody else. I can be getting multiple salaries from multiple multiple places I can be employed multiple in different places. But I cannot be the slave of more than one person. And I'm already the slave of Allah. So how can I be the slave of somebody else? That is why slavery is wrong because slavery is wrong because it's intrinsically wrong.

00:34:43 --> 00:34:47

It's a crime against Allah subhanaw taala. And, and against a human being.

00:34:50 --> 00:34:51

But with a loss of animal data.

00:34:53 --> 00:34:59

Because this object is human being is old. He cannot go anywhere.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:11

You cannot leave a line go somewhere. And if he disobeyed his Allah and he leaves a loved one either at or tries to leave it First of all, he cannot do that if he tries to do that if he if he rebuilds that he is wrong because he's rebelling against his owner.

00:35:12 --> 00:35:18

And then, unlike, in the case of the servant, he's not simply getting a salary.

00:35:20 --> 00:35:26

The owner is responsible for every need of the slave.

00:35:28 --> 00:35:32

The order cannot simply say, Well, I paid us already goodbye. No, every needed.

00:35:35 --> 00:35:36

So when we worship Allah

00:35:39 --> 00:35:45

was worship Allah as a slave abdon Shah Kumara Masood Azhar Islam called himself.

00:35:47 --> 00:35:58

They asked him, Why do you exert yourself so much? in worship, you stand all night Your feet are swollen, your blessed feet are swollen? Why do you need to do that?

00:36:01 --> 00:36:07

When your sins have been forgiven Allah subhanaw taala forgive everything you did and everything you might do in the future.

00:36:09 --> 00:36:18

As soon as I was no more sin less he didn't commit any sins and he was not going to go into details I was rather new. This is just a way of honoring his Nabi sallallahu Sallam

00:36:20 --> 00:36:32

say that I just cannot go on as other people they also know why. This is everything I have been revealed to me You are sinless, and you are protected and you cannot commit anything.

00:36:33 --> 00:36:51

Why do you still make so much effort? What did he say? He said Should I not be a grateful slave? abdon Sha, Cora. Allah protect our people who translate this as grateful salad where is the servant? Where is the servant?

00:36:55 --> 00:36:58

You want to cut your tie with Allah as his abs

00:36:59 --> 00:37:03

and change you to servant LaHood stuff.

00:37:06 --> 00:37:11

We are the bad of Allah. We are not the mme of Allah.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:18

I will do who are our solo, not hardy or who are solo.

00:37:20 --> 00:37:34

I want to be I am the abbot of Allah. And I want to ensure that I always remain the abbot of Allah. And I want to reiterate before Allah Subhana Allah Allah I am your Abdu. Only me, I belong to you.

00:37:37 --> 00:37:39

I belong to You created me.

00:37:42 --> 00:37:46

It is not by my will it is by your will that I am your slave.

00:37:47 --> 00:37:48

And why is that important?

00:37:49 --> 00:38:00

Because if I am his slave, then he will look after me, because that is his responsibility. It is the responsibility of the owner to take care of his slave

00:38:04 --> 00:38:14

who is a good owner a good owner is the one whose slaves are happy who slaves are taken care of were protected and who is a better owner there are lots of handle danijela.

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00:38:20 --> 00:38:22

Reflect on the haoran This is the

00:38:24 --> 00:38:26

title of the series of classes.

00:38:27 --> 00:38:35

The final one before we close today is Lord. There is a world of difference between Rob and Lord.

00:38:36 --> 00:38:38

Lord first of all is a title.

00:38:39 --> 00:38:41

Secondly, it means chief

00:38:42 --> 00:38:43

lord of the manor.

00:38:46 --> 00:38:53

Now one of the meanings in a human sense in Arabic also miserable but a lot of the banner

00:38:54 --> 00:38:57

but Rob as in Rabbil alameen is very different.

00:38:58 --> 00:39:13

Raja Rabbil alameen is the one who takes is something which is incomplete Shay now is to the stage of command to the stage of perfection but agrees by stages.

00:39:15 --> 00:39:17

The one who nourish is the one who

00:39:18 --> 00:39:22

who who guides and who who gives her

00:39:28 --> 00:39:33

some beers Mara began a lady adara one lady

00:39:40 --> 00:39:44

lady holla Casa de la vida.

00:39:50 --> 00:39:53

Please think about his reflect on this. When one

00:39:56 --> 00:39:59

final point sometimes we will give this very

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Live argument is uh you know, if you say law Robinson, non Muslims don't understand my point is let them not understand because then they will ask you a question. And if they ask you a question it This is This opens the door for you to give our to them.

00:40:18 --> 00:40:26

Because if you don't do that, if you say, Lord, then they understand Lord in whichever way they understand the word.

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I remember a very powerful incident which happened with me.

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I was in Missouri.

00:40:38 --> 00:40:39


00:40:40 --> 00:40:51

after everything was over, I was just, you know, sitting there one corner and I send a message to a few friends of mine, saying, I'm here in Missouri,

00:40:52 --> 00:40:53

and I'm making the offer you

00:40:55 --> 00:41:09

now accidentally, I said I, that was not my intention. I sent a message only to my Muslim friends. But accidentally, one of those messages went to a Hindu friend of mine who lives in Japan.

00:41:10 --> 00:41:24

By accident, I didn't even know that would. So I sent a message to a whole bunch of Muslim friends. And somehow this Hindu guy who lives in Jaipur, good friend of mine, he messaged him also

00:41:25 --> 00:41:30

wasn't the only one who responded was that in the way, may Allah protect us and Muslims?

00:41:32 --> 00:41:36

And he replied, I said, Please make an offering to Lord Allah on my behalf.

00:41:38 --> 00:41:39


00:41:41 --> 00:41:49

Because he's coming from when he goes to a temple, he makes an offering to Lord Ganesh to Lord Rama to law to Lord Krishna, and so on.

00:41:51 --> 00:41:57

So when you say Lord, he's things like Lord Ganesha, Lord, Lord Rama, Lord, Allah knows will.

00:41:59 --> 00:42:01

But if you say Rabbil alameen.

00:42:02 --> 00:42:08

There's nothing that he can join that to. So he has to ask you, what did he just say?

00:42:10 --> 00:42:10

What is

00:42:12 --> 00:42:13

who is me?

00:42:14 --> 00:42:18

And that opens the door for us to give data to the person.

00:42:20 --> 00:42:23

I request to please think about this, reflect on it.

00:42:27 --> 00:42:27


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may Allah subhanaw taala enable us to approach his color in a way that pleases Him and where he will be pleased with us.

00:42:47 --> 00:42:50

I'm gonna add the nappy dunia has a lot of availability as another organism

00:42:52 --> 00:42:58

was Allah Allah, Karim Allah Allah He was a very vain biratnagar hora ma Rosa Maria Kumara to lay work at home.

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