Mirza Yawar Baig – Reflect on the Qur’an #02

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The importance of learning the Quran and learning to clean one's hearts before teaching others is emphasized. The conversation also touches on the topic of man who cleaned a table and gave advice to students, and the importance of learning to produce sound in curriculum. The speakers emphasize the need for students to repeat sounds and not just memorize them. The success of Islam is also emphasized, and the importance of living life and being a role model for others is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Number 11 salatu salam Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah He was Haryana

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my sister's.

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The fourth element of teaching the Quran, Al Karim is the importance of mosquito knifes.

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If you

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if you go back to the ayat of where Allah Subhana Allah gave Nabi sallallahu Sallam this task and he taught him the four step process yet through Allah him it was a key him for you Altima will get up.

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Now does get enough's clean cleaning of the of the of the heart cleaning of the soul. This is a very, very critical element in understanding the Quran, Allah, in allowing the Kalam of Allah to settle to take a route to germinate. And to bear the fruit of guidance in our hearts, it is extremely important for us to focus on the cleaning of our hearts.

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A good way of illustrating this is to is to think agriculture, if you have the best seat in the world, but if you take this best seat in the world, and if you plant it into soil, which is not prepared soil which is stony, which is dry air, which has not been prepared for planting, and you take this best seed in the world, and you put it into that soil, what's gonna happen, either the seed will not germinate at all, or even if the seed germinates, that seed will never give you the kind of crop that is the potential of that seed to give us the same issue is with the column of Allah,

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the column of Allah Jalla Jalla, Allah who is pure, and it does not reside in a place which is impure. And that's the reason why it is very important for us to clean our hearts before we approach the colorfulness monitor, and most definitely, to clean our hearts before we teach the Quran to anybody else. for teachers in the Quran, it's a it's a double whammy. It's true responsibilities, glorify yourself, and help the student to clarify himself or herself. Now this means that a teacher of the Quran must also be a moron, he must also be a Muslim. I know it's a bit of a

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a bit of a stretch. I know you might tell me that, you know, what can we do? We don't have people like that. And my point is, it is our job to set the standards just because we don't have we don't have people like that commonly available today. There are people but just because they are not common. It does not mean that we bring the standard down. No, we keep the standard where it is. This is what ideally should be the teacher of the Quran was and used to be a Muslim and I'm and I'm Robbie.

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Roberto, I was a teacher of the Quran. And he was the Muslim and warabi of

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Malaga, Mallika to lolly that people who taught the Quran were people who themselves their own teskey had been done, and then monitored that and they knew how to do the task of the student who came to him

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labella sisters, grandma to lolly went in search of a teacher, he went in instead of somebody to clean his knifes because he wanted to learn the Quran. He wanted to learn to deal with them. For those of you who do not know he is a well known, well known personality. And he's a he's one of our sort of assala him. He was the king of the the of the Kingdom of bulk, which is currently in the whole area which we know as of when he was the king of Burke. And one day he decided to leave his kingdom and go in search of a chef to go in search of a Muslim or be have to find his own Saskia and for his own tarbiyah. So when I met him, went

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and he came to this person, this person, he came to him and he said I would like to learn from you please accept me as a student. This Robbie was Muslim, the sheriff's office, he told him sure I will accept you as a student, but you have to agree to do whatever I tell you. So he said yes, I agree. But this was the whole process of by which we used to be given because not based on there was not for us to take money from them. The buyer was in an agreement to obey the teacher and to do what the teacher tells you to do. So now them agreed. And they said to him, he showed him his table of his horse which was a distance away from his house. And he said to him, Go there that stable and clean a

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place for yourself and stay there and make music or have Allah subhanaw taala. So one of them must have thought What a strange start is this, that I am a king. I have come from my kingdom I have come with all these good intentions of learning the Quran of Allah. I've come within

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Instead of, of cleansing myself and of coconuts, and I'm being asked to go and stay in a stable, of course, anyway Alhamdulillah students had more other than they have today. So he didn't question it was that he went, and he cleaned a small part of this table, and he put his bed there. And he was on his bed and he was making the call of Allah subhanaw taala. All day passed, in the evening, the groom brought the horse of the chef, and the chef called the groom. And he said, when you go to steal the horse, when you go to park doors, there is a man sitting there. And he said, when you're gluing the horse and getting this to throw a bit of dirt on that man, throw some dirt on the man and

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on his bed.

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I'm describing to you the process of Islam.

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The process of Islam is not some random thing. It is something where it's exactly like going to a doctor

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and asking the doctor do a complete check of yours. And then to prescribe for you a medicine or prescribe for your course of action to take care of some disease that you are suffering from. Now, you may not even be aware that you are suffering from this disease, that is the reason why you go to be diagnosed, and the doctor scans you. And the doctor says this is the issue with you with your heart. This is the issue with your kidneys, the issue with your lungs. And obviously, the cure is not the same is not going to give you the same, he will not prescribe the same treatment for a heart ailment, as he will prescribe you for a lung ailment, or as he will prescribe you for a liver

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ailment or kidney ailment. The treatments are different, because the diseases are different. So this man, this chair, he said to them with him, go and stay in this table and he said to the room, throw some dirt on the man. When you go to clean this table, the room went and as you're sweeping the place he throws some dirt on the grandmother. Imagine the state of that man here is this King of bulk. He came from his palace. He lived his whole life. He was born in a palace. He lived his whole life in luxury in great splendor. He was the king is no one to question his authority. Now first he goes when he goes to the chef, the first problem that he encounters is that he's asked to go and

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stay in his table. And the second counter is he a second problem he encounters is that this groom of the horse throws dirt on him. Now imagine from the perspective of the king, who is the guru of the horse. The horse is nobody is a guru of the arts is someone that the king probably never even sees in his normal life. Right? The horse is brought to him by one of the nobles is not brought by the groom. The groom is somebody somewhere who does something The king has doesn't even know the man exists. And such a man from such a low social status. He is actually throwing dirt on the cake. What do you think about him did obviously better than didn't beat them or something. But he said a few

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words to him. The groom came back and reported to the chef. And he said this is what happened. That made me

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stay in that stable of the horse for 12 years. My brother sister has asked this question, do you think you remember them was tied to the horse? Was he tied? Was he chained to the still? Couldn't he have walked away? Couldn't he have said this shirt is crazy. He's telling me first he told me to stay in a stable then he makes me stay there for such a long time ago, I go and find myself a circle is more compatible to my way of thinking and my will be could you not have done that. But you did not do that. He decided to stay in that stable for 12 years. Believe me he did not stay in the stable for the love of the horse. He stayed in the stable for the love of Allah subhanaw taala

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gelato with whom he was trying to connect whose column he was trying to learn who whose column he was he was trying to enable that column to enter his heart. Why did it take him 12 years because he was suffering from the the ailment of kings. And literally with the due respect. This is the ailment of kings and sooo. And that element is keyboard.

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The same element, the element of King and the element of Allah. And that is keyboard that is arrogance. May Allah protect us from keyboard, Allah subhanaw taala promised to destroy the person who has given

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that ailment is a very evil ailment. It's a it's a fatal ailment and takes a long time to cure. And that is the reason why this shock made my mother stay in that stable for 12 years. And at the end of 12 years his art was clean. And that is whenever I'm around jewelry became one of the greatest alama one of the greatest Alia Allah insha Allah of this oma sisters, prepare to receive the revelation in your hearts. Clean your hearts and teach people how to clean the hearts. If you don't know how to teach people then learn how to teach people because it's very, very important. You cannot teach until you clean and unless you clean, your teaching will be completely ineffective. You will only be

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teaching the words don't do that. Without preparation. The best seed will not germinate.

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Come back again to my old refrain. And that is the two biggest ailments of the heart. The two biggest blocks to the square is money, and fame, money and name

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two biggest blocks. And believe me, it's not a matter of we claiming that we have no love for money, that we have no love for fame, only Allah will know, only Allah knows. And that is the reason why we must fear such things where it is only between me and Allah.

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We know in our hearts, we know in our hearts, what is the effect of fame. We know in our hearts, how much we are tuned towards popularity, towards gaining popularity, we know in our hearts, how many compromises we make, including with the principles of Islam, in order that we have more students in order that more people come to our classes. Why? Because that is linked to our own livelihood. People come we charge them a fee to teach them and that's the reason why we need more people because we want to make more money, remove this, remove this remove this, please understand, do not allow money and fame to come in the way these are the two biggest problems of people who teach Islam who

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teach the Quran. The Sahaba understood this Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam understood this all our Salah for salah and understood this. As I mentioned before, there is no deal whatsoever from the life of the Sahaba

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or from the Sierra Club, where they took money in order to teach the Quran. And what was the result of that? Think about this. One of the earliest teachers of the Quran was Muslim numero de la No, unless Renata, the prophet of Allah sallallahu sallam. He said Musa be removed from Mecca to Medina. Most of the Roma goes to Medina

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paid the price of learning the Quran, our brothers and sisters, this is our problem today we do not pay the price. It comes to us too easy. And that is why there is no there is no effect in our teaching. There's no effect in our recitation. masabi were paid the price that he paid the price for Islam because he when he accepted Islam, he his mother took away everything. And we know the whole story. I don't want to take your time by telling the whole story. But you know the story. Masahiro Maya was made destitute. His mother took over everything including his clothes on his body. And she just gave him a sheet of cloth to cover his nakedness. And this was a bill that was sent to Salah

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Salem sent him to Medina to present Islam to teach people the Quran delana was one of the most beautiful recitals of the Quran. So Miramar goes to Madeira. masa de roamers friend in Medina, he tells him there is one man in this place, if you can convince him, the entire tribe of bunny house will become Muslim. And that is a huge, huge, huge benefit. All you have to do is convince that one man but he said let me warn you in advance that man is a very hard man he's not easy to convince is a very difficult man.

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No matter what the law says, Take me to this band takes him to the garden of sod Denmark, Rolando

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is standing in his garden at a distance with another friend of his he's he has his personal arms with him. He has a spear in his and he has his sword by on his belt. This man as a friend of Southern law says that man who's who just came into a garden. This is the man who came from from Makkah. He is the friend of Mohammed Salah Salah who came here and he is preaching his religion here. And he's he's speaking against our gods. And now he seems to be in your house

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is that the boss said to the man. He said you Wait here. I'll be back very shortly. And Robin what came and southern law was a huge big man. He was massive physically, he came. And by then most of the rumor is sitting there on a platform under some trees and the friend of wasabi Noma who was a cousin of zarbin. While he was also sitting there. There were a few more few other people gathered there, sad than what cape addressed his cousin directly. He ignored most of the noise. He addressed his cousin. And he said Who have you brought here with His permission and you brought here he said the only reason I am speaking and I'm not actually acting with my hand is because you are my cousin.

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If you had not been my cousin, I would have sliced your head off. Now he said Now get out. I don't want to see you again. Most of the number says I'm talking about people who taught the Quran who had escaped enough's who paid the price and who knew the value of the caliber of Allah subhanaw taala see the effect of that must have been Omar alano says to the assessors to soften what I have come all the way home aka I am ready to go. You tell me to leave I'm going to I will leave but will you not give me a few minutes just sit and listen to what I have to say.

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There's no harm in that. He sat down and most of the time I recited the Quran. The result of recitation of the Quran is when masabi Romero Delano finished salvinorin said this is what Muhammad brought. This is what you came from Makkah from Muhammad. This is what you came with tabin was

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said yes, he said tell me how to accept Islam,

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how to accept Islam.

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He accepted Islam on the hand of Xabi of Masada as had been mad. Delano accepted Islam on the head of bossa nova Delano. And then when he turned on went back, his friend said, I thought to myself, this is not the same sort of went there. This is a different man who's coming back. So I've been called his own tribe, he called the bunny house, and he said, I've accepted Islam. Now you accept Islam, otherwise, I will not speak to you. And the writers of this of this story, they say that before the night came, all the bunny house had become Muslim. Brothers and sisters, this is the result of teaching with us get enough. My dear brothers and sisters.

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The fifth rule of teaching the Quran

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is to understand what you teach.

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Before I go further, let me clarify when I'm saying the first rule and the second rule and so on. This is not in some order of priority, except, of course, lasagna has to be the first but other than that, they're all equally important, it's not that the fifth rule is less important than the fourth rule or something like this. So, do keep that in mind.

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Now, understanding the Quran seriously, if you ask me, I this is something that I should not need to say

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that a person who is teaching something needs to understand it himself or herself.

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This would be a very strange thing to say, if I was for example, giving a lecture on

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on how to drive a car, and if I had to say, the before you can become a driving instructor you must know how to drive a car yourself, I mean, this will look like a complete, you know, silly thing to say, because unless I know how to drive a car, how can I teach somebody else I mean, this is logic, right? This is logic. So also with anything else, for example, if I say before you can teach somebody how to cook, you must know how to cook yourself. Before you can teach somebody English language, you must know English language yourself, you should be able to understand English language yourself.

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So when I tell you now,

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before you teach the Quran, you should be able to understand the Quran yourself.

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This is really a very silly thing to say. And all of you should, you know, you should sort of laugh and say what is what is what a stupid thing to say. But I don't think you need to do that. Because you know that what I'm saying is a reality. The reality is that we, a lot of us, I'm not saying all of us with an umbrella, there are exceptions, but a lot of us we attempt to teach the Quran when we ourselves do not understand what we are teaching. Now this is because of what we have done with, especially with hymns of the Quran, especially with his camera, especially in our countries, meaning the Indian subcontinent. And that's close to

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close to, you know, maybe 500 million people, which is almost half the half the

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population of Muslims in the world's a huge number of people. And then the influence of that all over the world. We have converted hips of the Quran into memorizing the sound of the words. That's it,

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memorizing the sound of the words Tajweed is focused on producing that sound correctly. And hips consists of memorizing that sound. So we don't seem to be

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concerned with understanding what it is that we are teaching. I submit to you my brothers sisters, that the Quran is speech, it is it is the Kalam of Allah, it is a speech of Allah, it is not merely sound, you are not teaching a tool, you are not teaching music, you are teaching speech, you are teaching something which has a meaning.

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You are not teaching something which is me which is a meaningless sound, no matter how pleasant it might be. For example, if you were a teacher of of classical music, vocal classical music, then you would be teaching tunes, which sound very nice to the year but they have no meaning. This is just a tune. And so you are a teacher of that tool. And you would focus on the student being able to repeat that tune correctly. And so you would be focusing on the

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in Arabic what we call Mahara which is From where does this tune come out? Which is one of those rules of Tajweed. Where we say what is the Maharaja of za? What is the Maharaja of za what is the Maharaja of

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A lot and what is the majority of za and these four have to be have to be from different places it is not okay to say is as lucilla Tila Susie's Allah ha, this is the wrong pronunciation, we must pronounce it correctly, there is a there is a

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there is a wall, and there is a war. And therefore, we have to outdo zils, Allah ha, we have to say this correctly, we are focusing on how to make the sound how to produce the sound.

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Now, our Hibbs seems to be almost focused completely,

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only on this on saying how to produce the sound. And this is the issue that I want to raise with you and say that how can we say that this is sufficient when we teach the Quran because speech needs a response, somebody says something, because they want you to do something. For example, if somebody is take this line,

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there is a fire leaves a room, there is a fire leaves the room. And now for example, you are teaching this and you are teaching this children to say there is a fire leaves the room there is a fire leaves the room, or you want to say it in a tool, and you have some tune by which you say and you say there is a fire, leave the row,

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tell me you are going to die, you are going to burn to death in that fire. Because you don't understand what you're saying. You are simply teaching them how to save fire, how to say leave the room and you are repeating this there is a fire leave the room there is a fire leave the room. And we call this teaching How can this be teaching telling.

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Because if somebody is saying there is a fire leave the room, they want you to do something, they want you to save yourself they want it they want you to save the lives of other people and say leave the room because there is a fire the purpose of giving this message that there is a fire so leave the room. The purpose of this is not to make you sit in the same room, continue in the same room and keep on repeating that message. I mean, this is so silly that me saying this. I hope you're laughing because at least it's a joke. But I'm saying that this is why this is what we do to the Koran. This is what we do to the caliber of Allah subhanaw taala especially with respect to hips, we just

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consider him to be memorizing of sounds. My brothers and sisters, Allah subhanaw taala spoke because he wants us to do something. Allah subhanaw taala asked a question because he wants us to respond. Allah subhanaw taala did not speak so that we could simply repeat what he said, without doing anything. We he did not speak so that we could simply repeat whatever he said and do nothing about it. Please think about this. Why must anyone need to convince you about this? Please understand that we will not be asked what we knew or how much we knew. We will be asked what we did. What did we do with that knowledge? Not how much of knowledge did you have? Allah subhanaw taala for example, in

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the Quran, is one in Surah Allah Allah, Allah Subhana Allah said, Allah Allah, Allah Hi, Yara, just one small Ayah the game with respect to

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Allah subhanaw taala asking a question, Allah May Allah be an Allah Hira? Does he not know that Allah is watching?

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My brothers and sisters? How many times have we taught children these this is how many times have we been the child is memorizing? How many times do we go over desire? Did we ever ever ever did we ever think to ourselves, or did we ever ask that child? Are you aware of the fact that Allah subhanaw taala is watching?

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Tell me Allah May Allah, Allah Allah to me is the is the as Baba nozel is with respect to our gel. But to me that ayah is denia which describes Ali Hassan. Allah Allah, Allah Allah is Allah Hassan. Because Allah Salam said and he said about he said, He's Aranda de la haka Anika Torah, for ilam taco Tara fine.

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Worship Allah subhanho wa Taala, as if you can see him and if you cannot see him, know that he sees you, Allah, may Allah, Allah Allah,

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Allah May Allah May Allah Allah is the essence of your son.

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Now how many times did we think about that? How many times did we teach our children this? How many times did we say that when you are standing in Salah? Are you aware that Allah subhanaw taala is watching you?

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When was the time that we connected Allah May Allah May Allah Allah Hara with algebra with regard to the explanation of a sun? And if we did not do that, why did we not do that? This is what I am saying the issue of understanding what we are teaching. This can never happen if we teach without understanding. It's absolutely critical for us to teach with understanding because according to me

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There is no other way of teaching. If you are teaching without understanding it yourself, then you only think you are teaching. You are not teaching at all. You're going through the motions of teaching, you are pretending to teach, you are performing an act of teaching. You are not actually teaching because you yourself don't understand, like in anything else, how can you teach something that you don't understand yourself? Well, I we have to make this we have to make these connections. My brothers and sisters, think and reflect, teach with understanding, reflect on the column of Allah subhanho wa Jalla Jalla Lu, and teach that with understanding because that is the only way of

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My brothers and sisters This is how the Sahaba learned the the story of Abdullah and Omar they allow an Omar who took 12 years to memorize rural Missouri. What is this story about? It is about the it is about teaching and learning with understanding. I read an ayat of the Quran, I I hear what Allah subhanaw taala told me, I reflect on it, I understand it, I apply it in my life, I see the beauty of that application. And then I come back to the next day. This was the methodology of teaching of the Quran. You know, one of the things which has which will short circuits as and which has sabotaged us is also this focus on time.

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In our his mother and mother is for example, any average student is supposed to memorize the entire Quran in two years. If he's a slow student, three years, if it looks like he's willing to take more than three years, we generally send them out with a Serato this student is key he cannot memorize the Quran. This is one of the biggest problems. The whole issue of memorization has been made into an end in itself. The end is not to understand the Quran. The end is not to implement the Quran in our lives. The end is only to memorize. Now, I know you're not saying that. I know that you have not made this as a aim and objective of your brother's not to say that a student must not implement the

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Quran. You have never said that. But you have never also implemented it. You have never also focused on it. You have never also asked questions with regard to implementation. I remember I had a major argument with one of the

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teachers of his as a result of is the man literally cut his connections with me because I insisted that he must teach people he must teach the children the meaning of what they are reciting. And he was absolutely adamant. And he told me that if they learn the meaning of what they are reciting they will not be able to make gifts. And I was amazed I said how can you say that? How then did the Sahaba make gifts? Were there any who fall among the Sahaba? Was Abdullah nabasa harvest Quran was a the is in this era delana was she

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were our current Amara, the Allahumma was the father of Cora. Yes. How did they remember how did they memorize? How come? How come wasabi no matter? How come Abdullah muscles? How come these people? How did these people memorize the Quran? Because they understood the Quran they understood the Quran, it was in their body it was in their hearts. It wasn't their souls. They live their lives by their Quran. These are the exemplars of our society. These are the people we look up to. These are the people who are the gold standard that Allah subhanaw taala sent for all of mankind in the Day of Judgment, and they memorize the Quran, because they understood the Quran. And today we have

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told ourselves that we have convinced ourselves that if the if the children understand the Kalam of Allah, they cannot memorize what kind of insanity is this? Please tell me what kind of insanity is this? You know, and I know this is this is our belief. You know, I know this is how we run our lives. But that is I seriously and seriously with great respect. I want you don't do this to yourself. Do not do this to the teaching and learning of the Quran. Do not turn the column of Allah into a meaningless tune that you are memorizing, focusing only on the sole and rules of pronunciation and nothing else. And you say a person is average per annum because he can recite the

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parameters with that is it La hawla wala quwata illa Allah, how can a person be average of the Quran? When he recites when he just recites without understanding what happens to us in Dharavi? What happens to us over and over year after year after year? We have roofers who recite the whole Quran in taraweeh. And he has not understood a single word. This is our reality. How many times have we seen the half is makes a mistake in recitation, and he does not even know he made a mistake because he doesn't understand what he's reciting Is this our rabada? Is this our rebar the army content to pray behind people who recite the Quran without even understanding anything?

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are we prepared to pray behind somebody who's just singing a tune as far as that is concerned? La hawla wala quwata illa Allah, please do not do this to our due to this to yourself and to our children. Do not do this. understand the Quran. Take time to understand the Quran. Teach only when you have understood the foreign, I'm not saying you have to take yourself to a level of professional xaba but make the effort. understand the Quran if you do not understand the Quran, do not teach the Koran because you have no right to teach the Quran if you do not understand the Quran, don't turn it. As I said, Don't turn it into the same thing like somebody teaching a tool. Because the Kalam of

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Allah is the speech of Allah, it demands answers, it demands responses. It demands that we do something about it. And we cannot do that unless we understand the caliber of Allah Allah Allah Allah who asked Allah subhanaw taala to open your hearts and my heart to the understanding of Islam. ask Allah subhanaw taala to infuse this column into our entire lives so that we live this life according to the outcome of Allah Jalla Jalla Allahu and according to his according to the Sunnah of His Habib Muhammad Mustafa sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, my dear brothers and sisters, the sixth rule of teaching of the Quran is to live it yourself.

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If you notice, I'm following the same sequence that Allah subhanaw taala taught, are also Allah is Allah Allah Salam with regard to teaching of the Quran which is recited, purify yourself and the people explain and understand it, and then live it. And that's what we are following. So therefore, for the teacher of the Quran, it is absolutely essential to live the Quran yourself.

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First and foremost reason to live the Quran yourself, is because people listen with their eyes. People do not listen with their ears, they listen with their eyes, people don't care what you say, until they see what you do. So therefore, let us be very clear as teachers, we are willy nilly, whether we like it or not role models for our students. Now, question to ask is not whether I want to be a role model, because if you are a teacher, you are a role model. question to ask is what kind of role model do I want to be? Because the reality is that students will emulate you.

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And they will use you and your actions as the delille for their actions, they will use you and your actions as the proof for doing or not doing something they'll tell you.

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And amusing us slightly sad story, but I'm using now nonetheless.

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My driver once I loaned him to an uncle of mine, who was invited to a party, which was given by a very wealthy man. And this party was supposed to be full of all kinds of profit, all kinds of prohibited things. So I of course, I didn't, I didn't want to go and I didn't go to this party. It was a it was a wedding party. But there was an elderly uncle of mine who was a friend of the grandfather of that family. So he called me and he said, Can you loan me Your Car and Driver because this is the night and I don't want to drive? So I said of course most welcome. So my driver went and he went with my uncle, he saw what was happening in that in that wedding party. And next morning, my

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driver comes and tells me, he tells me he says to me, he says Sir, you know you are unnecessarily rigid.

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So I said what kind of thing is this? I mean, what do you mean I'm unnecessarily he said Do you know who was in that party yesterday, last night? And May Allah forgive me, he listed for me the names of many of our religious leaders, many of our teachers and Allah who were in that party. Now he tells me if what was happening there was wrong, how come so and so was there How come so and so was there How come the head of that organization was there? How come the head of that mother mother's I was there is you are the problem is telling me with a bit of a bit of an epi teacher

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and he used to tell me various things. So he tells me you have a problem. He said you could have also gone yesterday you could have enjoyed yourself so I told him man look you know these these these things are in music and dancing and so on and all of this stuff it was happening the party was wrong. He said if it is wrong, why so and so that

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now think about this. Here is a man himself is not an ally he is you know, I don't like to say hello ignorant because that's not true. He knew something but he's obviously he's not

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But he takes as his delille, who he takes as is the legal people who he sees as his teachers. And May Allah forgive them alone, he knows that their reason for going there, whatever that reason is, I don't want to go into that. But point is, those people were there. So the whole issue is that if you do something wrong,

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your students and other people who know you to be an ally, are going to take your action as the delille for their own actions, and believe in our brothers and sisters, that will come back to haunt you, because you will reap the rewards, the returns and the rewards for their actions. So therefore, we have to be very, very clear in our mind and say that I will live by the Quran because that is why the Quran came. The Quran came to show us how to live the Sahaba succeeded because they lived by the Quran, we fail because we live by our own knifes and we ignore the Quran. So ask yourself this question Do I want to succeed or to fail?

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My brothers and sisters see the the if you look at the stories of the Sahaba, if you look at what the Rizal is,

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do we have any instance where the Kalam of Allah subhanaw taala ordered something and you find the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam did something else? And then he tells the people follow the Kalam of Allah Don't look at me. Did he ever say that? Do we have an instance where the Sahaba did something which was against Islam against the caliber of Allah? subhanaw taala? And then if somebody question them, did the Sahaba say, No, no, look at the book. Look at the the order. Don't look at me, I am not at the lead. On the contrary, it was famous out of this out of many of us, I have a if somebody asked them, What is Islam? If somebody asked them, What should we do, they would say Guru mithuna

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become like us, become like us,

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for the Sahaba there and them and their lives was Islam. So therefore, today, if you look at it, we have this, we have this common lament that many Muslims have with regard to the rest of the world. And we say why do we pay? Why do people blame Islam? If a Muslim does something wrong? Why is Islam on trial? Why do people blame Islam? But seriously, look at your look at our own history. Let us look at our history. The Sahaba had quite the opposite view. This our view was that a Muslims action is the reflection of Islam, and therefore, they said kuno muslera become like us. So my point is, if a Muslim does something wrong, who do you want people to blame?

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Who do you want people to blame? Because if the Muslim does something right, do you want people to say he did this? Because he's a Muslim? This is a reflection of Islam? Do you want them to say that? Or do you want to send on on Islam has nothing to do with it? He is honest, he is compassionate, he is courageous. That is his personal, internal his own abilities on strength. Islam has nothing to do with that. Do you want people to say that? Obviously No, then how can you object if people use the same meter, if they use the same measurement when you do something wrong? So very seriously, living by the Quran is not only

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not a choice for us, we have to do that. But it's also something which is a source of so much of benefit for us. Imagine, remember this, that if we live by the Quran, and if somebody takes that cue from us, and that person also models his life on the Quran, you may remember that you and I am going to get the benefit of all those actions those people. Now what objection can we have to that?

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What objection can we have to getting the benefits of the actions of all these people, just because we decided to live by the hora. In many cases, we might not even know those people exist. So many, so many instances where somebody maybe somebody sees,

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sees you going somewhere doing something. And that person then takes it from you.

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And that person then does this.

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How many times do we benefit from that? For example, I remember once in in, in an airport, I was sitting there and

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a young man came to me, and he made Salam I didn't even know who he was, he came to image Salaam. And He then told me he said, jack, I learned something from you. I want to thank you for this. I said what I mean, I am thinking to myself, I don't even know this guy and what did he learn from me? Obviously, you know, he's not a student of mine.

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He said, No, he said, You know, he said several years ago, and he gave me the name of the place. He said, I was

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Passing through that place. And in the, in the airport, I saw a man who was sitting reading Quran. He said, I saw this man, people are milling around doing this doing that, reading magazines and so on. And I saw this man, he was just sitting there. And he was reading Quran by himself. And I thought to myself, what a wonderful thing to do that I, you know, I spend my time productively. When I'm sitting, I'm engaged in liquor. And so I learned this thing. So I said, what does it have to have? hamdulillah is very, very good. And I think it's a wonderful thing to do. But what does that have to do with me? He said, You are the man.

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He said, You are the man. Now I think about I didn't even know that this man was there in the in the airport, I didn't even know he had seen me. He said, since then I have been doing this I have been every time I am by myself. Every time I'm in an airport or somewhere where I'm just waiting, I take out my Quran and I read. So he said, imagine this is something which I it was not even my intention to teach him that Allah Subhana Allah is merciful on me, Allah subhanaw taala caused that man to see something that I was doing. I'm only saying this to, to tell you that you know, this is these are things that we do unconsciously. And that is the reason why it's a good idea to get into a situation

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where you do good things unconsciously. Because then you don't have to put on an act to to show anybody. So living the Quran living by the Quran ourselves. This is the secret and this is the secret of the success of the Sahaba. This one is a man made who learned from Rasul Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, therefore I request you on all of these things are linked. We cannot live by the Quran unless we understand the Quran. We cannot understand the Quran until we have the skills enough. We cannot have the skills enough unless we follow the methodology of Mamata rasulillah salam for the skier and we cannot do all of that unless we have the class of Nia to to do to teach and

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learn purely and purely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. And unless and until we love Allah subhanaw taala and we love the caliber of Allah subhanaw taala as well as Mandela to make it easy for us to do this and to be pleased with us when we do this. Because at the end of the day, as I said, and I remind myself again and again, we will not be asked what did you know, we will not be asked how much of the Quran Did you memorize? We will not be asked what was the state of your karate? Did people listen to your karate, karate? How many likes Did you get on Facebook? How many YouTube videos did you have? How many hours of karate competition? How many carrot competitions Did

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you win? We will not be asked any of these questions. We will be asked only one question which is what did you live by?

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Did you practice what you learnt? Why we will not be asked what did you know? We will be asked what did you do? And I asked Allah subhanaw taala to enable us to live a life where when we are asked this question, what did we do? We will not be found wanting a Salahuddin Abdul Karim Allah Allah. He was our main paramedic.

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