Mirza Yawar Baig – Lessons from the Anbiya – I love the Messenger #26

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The history of the Middle East, including the rise of Islam and the arrival of Islamist leaders, is discussed. The Arab tribes faced struggles and struggles with their actions to change their culture, including the loss of leaders and their credibility. The "medicals of the garden variety" and "medicals of the family tree" are highlighted, and the " Lineage," "branded," and "immature" lineages of the Middle East are discussed. The value of land and money is discussed, and the "we are connected with" label is used to indicate who is connected with Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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salam ala Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam. Ala Mabel mousseline.

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Muhammad Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa salam to slim and cathedra and cathedra Abbado, my brothers and sisters, when Rasul Allah is Allah Salam migrated to Medina and we spoke about that in the last few

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section sessions.

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We need to understand what kind of society he came into.

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And remember, he came to that society not as a visitor, he came as the ruler, he was invited there to come and be the ruler of that place.

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So he's coming was very different from what how it would normally be for anyone else. Now, Medina was a was a very multi

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cultural and multi religious and multi ethnic place. There were five tribes five major tribes in Medina, there were three Jewish tribes and two Arab tribes. The Jewish tribes were the one who kind of the mono for ADA and the Bonneville and the Arab tribes were ours and hostage. The balloon kinda lived in the middle of Medina and they controlled the market of jewelry.

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So, they were merchants and they can control the market of jewelry, the Monroe corridor and the banana V lived on the outskirts of Medina in fortresses. So, they had

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Medina was a collection of villages and so, they had 45 villages,

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they had between the two of them, they had 59 fortresses with a fighting force of 2000 men 2000 warriors. Now when you say fortresses, we are not looking at some huge castles, the probably more like you know, large

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houses or something like that which which were fought which were fortified.

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fortifying here was really a reflection of the times because reading by others, reading of one village in one community by others was a time honored tradition of the time and people did that. The Muslims also did that or Soros or Salem, allowed it and it

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people did that. So it was something which was not

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in the time it was not considered to be a crime and so on. So people did this. So obviously if you lived on those times, you needed to be prepared for that one of the ways was to fortify your dwelling place so you had high walls and so on and so forth. Having said that, you're not looking at fortresses which are designed to stand withstand siege engines and big sieges by army. That's not how it happened. They weren't a siege engines, they were no long term sieges, nobody, you know sort of surrounded the fortress and waited for you to start with something. It was it was more of a momentary thing.

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A raiding party would come and attack and then the the warriors in the community they would come out and and retaliate. That's also how every able bodied man and in many cases, including women, were trained in fighting, so sword skills, bow and arrow, spear, and horse riding. I mean, these were things which were time honored. And they were essential literally essential life skills. I mean, you had to know how to fight otherwise you would be dead simple as that.

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The Arab tribes were the hours of the coverage and they had between them 4000 fighting men, the house lived in the north and coverage lived in the

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in the south of Medina.

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Medina economy was mostly agricultural, as I said, there was also this market of, of jewelry. But, you know, it wasn't really something which was

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which was big.

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At the time of the Hijra.

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There were

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also some,

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some, some pagan idolaters and people who worshiped idols among the Arabs and the Jews never did that among the Arabs, and of course, they were Muslims. I mean, that's how I sort of came to it now because a lot of them had accepted Islam. So they were, they were Arabs, Muslim and non Muslim, and they were Jews.

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The dogs therefore the task of Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam was extremely complex.

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Every one was not in favor of rasool Allah. So setup. So this is another one of the important things to understand that it is not as if everyone, you know, loved the idea that he was coming there.

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And they did not accept everyone did not accept him as

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the leader.

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And there were many who hated the idea of his presence among them and wanted him to leave or wanted to do away with him. And they actively worked towards that and they wanted to, you know, assassinate him, kill him, destroy his credibility, whatever way they could do it. Now, just to give you an example of how this kind of thing happened one day, or civilizer Salam went to a meeting

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in which Abdullah in the way was present and I'm still having a way

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Abdullah bin Obinze saloon. So this was his name. And Abdullah bin Abdullah was his son, son was a Muslim and he was a Sahabi of Rasulullah salah, but Abdullah bin, bin Salman was the father and he was the

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he was he was

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the head of coverage. And he was the worst enemy of Rasul Allah.

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He was the head of the monarchy in what came to be called the monarchy in the hypocrites. This was a phenomena unique to Marina, they were not gonna fit in Makkah. in Makkah, it was clear those who were for Islam, they accepted Islam, those who are against Islam, like Buddha will have and so on. They were clearly against Islam. They made no bones about it. There was no one in Makkah, who pretended to be Muslim, and then worked against Islam and against all sorts of Salem, clandestine li but in Medina, there was this whole group, which was headed by Abdullah bin Obi Wan saloon, which was exactly like that, which was they pretended to be Muslim, but they tried to sabotage the work of

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Rasulullah Salah Abdullah with the way we did this to the extent that he would pray every Salah

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you know with Rossano Salam in Majid Nawaz Sharif in the first half and when Lazarus assalam came he would stand up and he would say to people, Oh, listen here is Mohamed Salah Salem, listen to him, I mean, this was not it was not his role. It was not necessary but he just to sort of, you know, more loyal than the king kind of thing. This is what he used to do. So now one day in the early days, Ross was went to a meeting in which Abdullah bin away bin Salman was dead. And

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he was riding his donkey.

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And so when he came there, he you know, you if you if you think about this

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if you see how a donkey moves a donkey is sort of shuffled, right. They don't lift up their feet and put their feet up and down. So when a donkey moves, there is a lot of dust that gets thrown up. So when I came there, this donkey obviously kicked up some dust because you know he was that's how the donkeys work. So I'm driving in circles and keep your dust away from us.

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Very you know, disrespectfully. Now also the restaurant did not respond to you. These are also a lesson for us, you wrote respond to to people who are trying to provoke you, and those around it that I said way that our whole Jahai Luna Carlu Salama if you if a dial up an ignorant person, if a fool if as if you know needlessly combative or a person addresses you called you tries to provoke you. Last month I said don't don't react, don't react, don't engage with them just say slavery and go and walk away.

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So now he says Adam did not respond to him. He started to speak to the gathering. Salem started to speak to that group and presented Islam to them. When he finished Abdullah, we always say don't bother us in our meetings, you stay at home if people come to you tell them your stories in LA when they lead you very, very

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disrespectful. Now, Abdullah bin Raha

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are the Alonso, who was as a hobby versus a seller. He was present in that meeting. And he said, No, we want you to come to our meetings and we want you to talk to us.

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so you please go now I got started and gathered force but also sort of calm the people down. And once they once they come down, he left then so as a seller went to the house of sad vinnova or the Allahu Anhu and told him what happened. So sadly, nobody said who see people but you were very understanding also means they were they were calm and people.

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So he said,

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he told us and then the reality of Ebola in a way instead of delivering away why

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was about to be crowned

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and declared the king of the huzzah Raj. And as a matter of fact, he was he was getting a crown made for himself. Right? Yeah, he had designed a crown this was it's completely unique to it. This is something which was totally out of

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keeping the

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keeping the, out of keeping with the tradition of the Arabs, the Arabs didn't have any kings. They never had anything their tribal chiefs, but they were not there was no Crown King and so on. But nobody was trying to, you know, change that and wanted to become king there agreed. And he was even getting his crown made. And so as I've been whether the law said to him jasola He was about to be declared king when you arrived. So he sees you as someone who has stripped him of his kingdom. And so his resistance is there. It's understandable. Now

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understood this. I mean, this was the story of the thing. Now when you think about the Syrah and you think about Medina, if you say, Well, what were the key things that are sort of like, RSL update? What were the, you know, the key processes, the key institutional things that he did, which bed this whole period

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of his stay in Madeira, so amazingly powerful, and so amazingly,

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you know, what's the, what's the word for productive, right? In terms of Dawa?

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He did three things one was he build buses and our buses can never be a Sharif. Right? The most of them are promises. Interestingly, he built it before he built his own house. I tell you the story in a minute. So that's very interesting to understand and think he did not put his house you know,

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before today when we look at the work of Dean and anything we say, oh, but you see, I have to do I have to do this and this and this. All those things are things of the dunya all those things are things which relate to the world and our worldly affairs. And then when we have some spare time we say Okay, I'm ready to go and sit and Allah I'm ready to go and run some DNA I'm ready to work on the Quran Outwitting the Quran, so, we do not give that primacy. Whereas with the Sahaba with one layer level bein, the deed had privacy. So it also has built

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the masjid before he built his house. And that is something that is

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a matter of, you know, lesson for us to think about how we approach Dean and how he is Allah's approach the the second thing he did was he formed this brotherhood, this amazing brotherhood, based on Fifth between what were called the mahadji rune and the Ansel, the Mahajan were the people who came from Makkah and elsewhere because the giver Abyssinian and so on, so forth. Around fancy came from Persia. So people who migrated to Medina, and the anzar These are the people who

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help them in Medina, the helpers. So we in Sierra literature, we call the we call the muhajir. And answer the migrants and the helpers.

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It's important to understand that almost all the behind your own were really refugees, because they they didn't come, you know, leaving behind assets, they came because they were driven out of their society. Of course, obviously, they also came to be with us for a salary. So there was that aspect to it as well.

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Now, so now we started to form this brotherhood. Now why is this unique?

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It's unique because in the in the Arab tradition,

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one of them for example, one of the very coveted and respected bodies of knowledge was the knowledge of genealogy. For example, over Garcinia Cambogia Lana was an expert in genealogy and there were others who could, you know, if you if you told him your name, for example, and he could trace your ancestry back, and people remember that today we live in a world was one of May Allah have mercy on us? I have actually met people who do not even know the name of the Father. I mean, this is it basically you might be shocked but I've said I've met many people

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here in America who do not even know the name of their father, kids, children who don't even know who the father is. Let's leave that aside. But the point is that if I asked you how many of you know the name, not Danny daddy and and who is your name of your mother's mother?

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And to the reason I'm asking you that that particular line linkage right, do you know the name of your mother's mother

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the name of my mother's mother was mom doesn't miss a beggar May Allah Samantha Fila covered with newer and grantor janitor producer IRA.

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We do many of us do not even remember the name of our mothers but that's it.

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I'm linking that lineage, lineage because it is a woman to over

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the man's name still remember father's father? We remember right? mother's father also we might remember, but mother's mother.

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And if you remember that, then tell me what was her mother's name,

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which is your great grandmother. That's just two generations, your parents, your grandparents, right? If you do not know the name, if you know the name of your grandmother, what is it? What was her mother's day. And the Arabs on the other hand, and this is true of many communities to this day, in India, among the Hindus, the community, that their highest caste of brabbins is a caste culture to really in a gentle way it is it is part of a of their marriage ceremony, that one full day is allocated to the reciting of the lineage of the bright side and the groom's side. So they have these priests who are experts in lineage, and they come and they recite this lineage. And they go back,

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God knows how many generations right generation after generation, so this knowledge is preserved. It's preserved today. I mean, it's like, you know, they have this ancestry.com and so on.

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Which are we do research in order we are now I don't know what level of research they do. But anyways, you you split, you split it up in a test tube, and you send it to them, and they do a DNA analysis. And they tell you that you are the second cousin to the King Charles or something. I mean, the point is that we're not talking about, I'm talking about actually remembering, and obviously, if you want to try to create your family tree today, it's probably impossible because nobody kept those records, right? For most of us, but for the even even I and other communities, in our community and so on. You will probably vine, family trees of kings,

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Royal Family, somebody who's got a connection with the royal family, you will find that because somebody took the trouble to keep those names alive. But generally people you know, our garden variety lizards, we nobody knows anything. That was not the case with the Arabs, the Arabs took a great deal of pride in the lineage they remember they generated even the naming, for example, right? We have our names have no lives. Sometimes people even name give people a name because it sounds nice. I mean, what's that got to do with anything, maybe the Arabs didn't do that they always have this full on being full and meaningful and meaningful and meaningful. And so and so the Sol, sol,

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sol, sol, sol, sol, sol, sol, sol, sol, this way the light the lineage was preserved. Now, this was the reason I'm saying spending all this time was because this was the basis of their brotherhood. So I'm the brother of so and so because he is connected to me lineage wise,

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which automatically meant that he was also from my tribe, right. So he was from whichever tribe that I came from, that I come from, sometimes the name itself would, would would indicate the tribe, for example, as Andes is a very famous and big tribe in Saudi Arabia, for example, even today, that was the chef, saddle grandi who is the house of habit of Allah, the grid recite of horror, he is on the tribe of ambi.

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So, this is this way, you know, you have different tribes so, that this was the, the the, the adhesive, this was the reason for brotherhood at the time of Musa salah. Even today, this is the reason for Bravo Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam. So people were worried that they were they were the brothers were people who are related related to the my blood by lineage or by tribe, and even in the tribe, there was some some linkage of the lineage of the blood anyway.

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So obviously, it meant meant also the same race the same, you know, ethnicity and so on.

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Now Rasul Allah is Allah Selim changed that he changed the basis of relating,

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and the basis of relating, he changed it from blood, and try to fit to Islam. So a Muslim was the brother of another Muslim, irrespective of whether the other Muslim was related to him by blood or not, are related to him by tribe or not, or related to him by ethnicity or not, or nationality or not, and so on and so forth.

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As long as they were both Muslim, they were brothers. And we'll come to this in detail is one of the fantastic miracles of Allah subhanho wa Taala that a sorcerer Salam performed, where he connected people who are so diverse, so different from each other, that it's unbelievable. And those people connected in a way

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Which today may Allah forgive us we do not even connect with our own brothers, our own blood brothers and sisters, the way the Sahaba the companions of asanas and Assam connected with and loved each other, somebody who was so completely different from them in every single way.

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So when he made his brotherhood you they were not, you know roommates or, or class friend or something they were brothers in every sense of the word. So first thing he did was he built buses and everywhere Sharif before even built his own house. And second one was he formed his brotherhood of Mohammed Iran. And outside of the third thing he did was, he created a covenant. Today, many people call it the the first constitution of the world and so on and so forth. Call it what you want. It's, that's not particularly material. But it was the it was a an agreement

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about how people would relate to each other how people would,

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would deal with each other. And by people, as I mentioned, you there were so many different people, they were Arabs, they were non Arabs, they were Jews, they were Muslim, or non Muslim Arabs or so on, so forth. So these were different tribes. So this was a very important document that he created, which we know as the covenant of Medina. And again, there's a very interesting part to that document, which is the fact that So Elijah Salem, the document was in his name, and the people so he by this document, he also assumed the role of head of state. Right. So this is a very important thing to think about. Now, let's look at the first of these, which is the machines and Sheriff.

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As I mentioned, do this was the first thing that Rasulillah Salam did in Medina, Ki scabbard was as I mentioned, earlier, this camel entered Medina was going to the streets and

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people were trying to pull the gamma towards their homes and so on and say please come here, please come there.

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Rasul Allah, Sara Sara said, Leave her alone. Yamamura she is being commanded by Allah subhanaw taala.

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So lever, so the left also did not direct her he just left the reins. Finally the gavel stopped in one place. And Russell Russell Russell said handled Monday, he said this is our destination. Now, this was a open piece of land for drying dates,

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which belong to two offers. So Ross Ross requested them to sell this land to him. They refused. They said Yeah, Zola we don't want any money for this. We want to gift it to you. Present it to you.

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And so Sarah Salem accepted their gift and he built his masjid and he's living quarters on that piece of land. Think about that. Just think about these two orphans. They were not necessarily poor or something. I mean, they're they had this land and water. But they gifted this land, which became mustard and Sharif on this land

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was rested the head the blessed forehead of Rasul Allah is Allah is seldom in every Sajida that he did

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on this land, prayed,

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rasool Allah Azza wa sallam himself and all the Sahaba with him.

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And to this day, and until Allah subhanaw taala keeps Masuda wa Sharif safe and may Allah keep it save until the last day.

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All the millions and millions and millions of people who have been praying on that piece of land,

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generation after generation after generation, as we speak for 14 centuries, the reward of that goes to those two orphans. They get the reward of the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Talk about long term planning toward understanding the true reality of life.

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You make a one time investment Look at this. I mean, I mean, it literally blows my mind. Right? You're talking about return on investment, ROI. Think about his ROI.

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One Piece, what was that? What would that piece of land have been worth anyway? Even if they had taken money for this so we're not talking about you know, piles of gold or something.

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So they give something

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and it's not as if this is my house. Now I'm leaving my house and I'm on the street and I'm walking with the shopping gardens. No, they had whatever they had

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when they give this land. Today we talk about building massages and so on and so forth. Think about this.

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Do some route of planning you do you make one investment in the path of Allah subhanaw taala the return never ends.

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My brothers and sisters

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It's an endless return

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what is how do you how do you even compute the value? A live everyone said just the value of the salah of Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam, the Sajida of Muhammad Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam on that piece of land, what is the value of that? It's a, there's no way of valuing that in any form or shape.

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Think about this. No.

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Allah subhanaw taala said Buffy, boo, the owl, delamination Andrade, Buffy Butin, Allahu, and Tofa were you the gara fee husband who?

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You said Behold the whole fee below we will ask all the region Allah to hear him to Jarrah to whatever you own and decree law, your economy, solidarity, what it is Kathy, USA for the young man that can level feel Hulu when I saw

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the ad xiaogan Allahu Isola I'm you know, where's he the home in fatherly one Allahu Yasuko. My yesha will be ladies up. Unless America as Arizona nor in houses the massage which Allah has ordered to be raised, and to be cleaned and to be honored to be to be preserved. In them His name is glorified in the mornings and in the afternoons, or the evenings. in them are people men, who neither trade nor sale nor business

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diverts them from the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala with hardened time meaning that they perform the the established salah, nor from establishing a Salah is our the Salah, nor from giving the cat they fear a Day, when hearts and eyes will be overturned. From the horror of the trauma into the Day of Resurrection May Allah save us from that, that Allah will reward them according to the best of their deeds and add even more for them of his grace. And Allah subhanaw taala provides without measure to whom He wills.

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These are as I mentioned, these are

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these are the Ayat of Surah Noor

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absolutely fantastic just think about this atlas radicalization that poor people who build massages, maintain massages, support massages, and then the support is not just writing checks going there, they pray there they do they clean the place they do all this and then they remember ALLAH subhanaw taala in Salah, and indica and so on. And they use the card and the the we are connected with Allah subhanaw taala the fear of the Day of Judgment,

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Allah subhanaw taala will reward them according to the best of their deeds. Now think about this, what is the meaning of reward according to best of the deeds, reward according to best are the deeds means that in all my life, right, in all my life, I may have done so many things I would have prayed I would have asked it I would have given charities a cat and I were given voluntary charities I would have made or I would have made Hajj and I would have read Quran and whatnot right I would have helped people, so on so on and so on, in my life, I would have done, you know, so many good deeds. Now.

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Out of all of those, as you know, the only ones which count is are the ones which Allah accepts, which are full of glass, which are full of sincerity, which are done purely and purely for the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala. So, first point to understand and remember is that even though I may be doing a lot of good deeds, I must not rest and feel relaxed and say, Oh, I have done so much good. No, because if my good that if the deeds if I which I'm doing if they are not with a class, if they are not within 30 Then they're worthless. I mean, I may I may do a lot of stuff, but it will be discarded, it will be rejected. So we ask Allah to save us from that. Now imagine all of these

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dudes, let's say they are all accepted. But in those deeds, there is one that Allah subhanaw taala really liked any according to in the sight of Allah because that's the only thing we matters in the sight of Allah that is the best of my deeds. Maybe just to work out of Salah maybe one such that maybe I had memory or whatever right? It doesn't have to be a big thing can be a very small thing. Maybe I smiled at somebody, maybe I was kind to somebody, maybe I share my food with somebody, whatever. One deed which was which in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala Allah considers the best. Now reward them according to the best

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First of the deeds means that inshallah and Allah knows the meaning. But this is my understanding that Allah subhanaw taala will take the reward of that deed and he will apply to all my deeds.

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This one as the weakest of them to the to this one which is the strongest of them, and He will reward me with that and then Allah subhanho wa Taala never ends with a count Allah subhanaw taala always says, and Allah will add even more out of His grace and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to give us without reason, and Allah provides without measure, to whom He wills. This is the glory and majesty of the kalam of Allah subhanaw taala Li Xia who will allow Osama I'm you know, where is he the whom fugly Wallah we are over here shall be ladies. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to

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to give us without his app inshallah we will continue with our

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with our lecture in our next class. Well some of the anatomy very well Ali he was able to get

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