Mirza Yawar Baig – Justice is not natural

Mirza Yawar Baig
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The potential for "hastaged human chat" and "right," are discussed as core values for civilized society. The importance of self regulation and justice is emphasized, as it is the basis for safety and security. The speaker emphasizes the need for individuals to address their natural desires and establish justice in their relationships.
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To live a high level human hamdulillah Hello Bill Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Shara philam, via Eva more Saudi and Mohammad Rasool Allah, he's another highly why Allah Allah He was, he was seldom does live on cathedral cathedral from Abba, the 1000 sisters. And sitting here on the edge of the Lego and on the stones with Z on both sides, and there's a pelican sitting on the tree. And this Pelican is

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is sitting in a position where I can't seem to get

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close enough to get a good picture.

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And if I move back, I almost fell into the sea. So I have the option of falling into the sea on the left or falling into z on the right, I don't think that's a great option. So the lesson is that if you buy a camera with a

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with a lens, with a fixed focal length, focal length, then this is an issue, lesson to learn.

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Think of all these possibilities before you step in take any steps.

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that having been said,

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what I wanted to say to you is that

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I'll talk about the subject of justice, because we have been seeing huge, huge, huge in the injustices, injustices of a magnitude that I personally never thought that I would ever see my life. And I certainly hope I never see them. I hope that I see this injustice which I am, which is happening right now as we speak. I hope I see it finished and ended once and for all. And there's Ali Moon, the unjust the oppressors

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brought to book I hope I see that in my not just my lifetime but immediately as soon as and quickly as possible. And then of course when you say that quickly as possible with Ultima hotellet. There is no question of possible if Allah wishes it can happen instantly going for a corner position.

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I want to say to you that justice is not natural.

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There is no justice in nature.

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For example, Lions which are hunting, don't say only one of us must hunt one antelope, we must be just

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instead, three lionesses will go for the herd of Impala and stampeded into a shallow ravine in which the other four are waiting.

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As the Emperor stampede down

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the ravine, they attack them in the most energy efficient way possible, and one or two of the Impala die only because they were on the outer edge of the group.

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The zebra calf, for example, at birth imprints, the striped pattern on the hindquarters of his mother, not because he likes abstract art, but because if he can't find his mother in the herd of a million migrating animals, no other zebra mother will nurse him, even though she may be nursing her own cough.

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If you cannot find his mother, he will die.

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When will you be scow, for example, is giving birth and she's spotted by a pack of hyena. They don't say to each other. Let's see how we can help her. They say wow, there's a free meal.

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It is natural, for example, to leave the elderly to die. There are some

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I don't know if you should use the term culture. But there are some people in the world who do that, who live there who take their elderly who cannot take care of themselves anymore. Maybe they have Alzheimer's, maybe they have Parkinson's or something and they cannot contribute physically, materially to the society to the to the tribe, they take them out and leave them in the night. And the hyenas and the lions get them that is natural.

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It is natural to care only for your own young, like lions and elephants do. It is natural to kill all the young in the pride when a new male lion takes over so that his genes will be transmitted. The mothers who had been nursing those babies don't object. They come into estrus immediately and met with a new lord and master.

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Justice is not natural. But justice is the single most prominent sign of civilization.

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Anthropologist Margaret Mead and this is ascribe to her, was asked by a student what she considered to be the first sign of civilization in a culture. She said when I discovered a skeleton with a PhD

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fractured femur, which had healed, I could see where the broken bone had healed and fused back. They asked her why? She replied in nature. When an animal breaks a femur, it is death. It's a death warrant. The femur is the meant big bone, the thigh bone.

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It's a death warrant because it can't run it can't hunt or, or neither can it escape hunters, it dies or it's killed. A broken femur that healed means that there was someone who took care of that individual until the Brunhild.

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That was the beginning of civilization. Believe me, I wept when I read that as I read now, because it reminded me of how barbaric we have become. It reminds me that all the veneer of education and sophistication is just that a veneer. Beneath it lies the barbarian, the unjust, the real Savage, who will kill children who are not his own, who will rip and plunder if you can do it with impunity, who needs force to render him harmless? So are we truly civilized?

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Are we really civilized,

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to be civilized is to be self regulated. To be civilized is to care for others.

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To be civilized, is to be self regulated. To be civilized, is to care for others.

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To be civilized,

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do care for others who don't matter to us in any material urgent way,

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not just others, others were poor. Others who if we don't care for them, it will not harm us or causes any material inconvenience immediately.

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To be civilized it is to do what is right. Not because it is convenient, or profitable or safe.

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But to do it because it is right.

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To be civilized is not to eat well. But to ensure that every that nobody goes to bed hungry. To be civilized is not to wear good clothes, and live in palaces, but to ensure that nobody is naked and living on the street.

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The principle on which the self regulation is best is called justice. Justice is not natural. Justice is the basis of being civilized, because to be civilized is not natural. It's a reflection of the Divine because the source of justice is the divine. Justice is evidence that we have a creator who loves us and is concerned for us. And so taught us how to self regulate our natural desires in a way that results in safety and caring for all of us. Justice is the criterion on which we will be judged when at the end of our lives. We will meet the one who gave us that law. It is the law that Allah gave us when he commanded in the Quran in the La Jolla Amaura will deliver a lesson

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where etha is ill Korba wion Haniel fascia Wellmune Caravelle, bellerby, your eyes are calm La La comme de la karoun Insulting the * the ad we here in practically every Joomla every hotbar Allah subhanaw taala said Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala commands Justice and excellence, mercy, forgiveness and courtesy and kindness to go to close relatives. He forbids indecency, shamelessness, wickedness and aggression.

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He forbids

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oppression he forbids rebelliousness. He instructs us or perhaps you will be mindful.

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This is a world of cause and effect. If you want to change an effect, you must address its cause. He says in effect, it causes justice. Without justice is can never be established without justice. Any apparent peace is only a recess between worse. There are two truths about justice which we all know very well. One, injustice to one is injustice to all two, justice can never be established until those that are not affected by injustice, are willing to stand up against it.

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The question is, what are we willing to do about establishing justice? We will do that. Only when we see how not establishing justice will come around and bite us. I know that self interest is not the most noble of motives. But I say that if that is what it takes for us to stand up against injustice, so be it. But stand we must

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For those who can't stand we must, because it is about us, not about them. The purpose of Islam is to establish justice in our lives, which begins with worshipping the One who created us. With begins with a shadow Allah Hi Lola. Well I shall go under Muhammad Rasul Allah. In Islam. Justice is the fundamental principle that emanates from the truth of equity between all human beings, that all human beings are equally precious in the sight of their Creator. Was Allah Allah Allah, Allah will Karim Allah Allah He was a big mind that I have to go hog wild hungry Allah here Robin Alameen

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