Wisam Sharieff – Learning How To Learn- Myers-Briggs Type Personality Tests And Self-Development

Wisam Sharieff
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The speaker discusses how learning to be a auditorily,chapping, and listening confidently can improve writing and listening skills. They recommend taking a personality test and focus on personality type to determine one's strengths and weaknesses. They also emphasize the importance of finding one's strength and understanding oneself to improve their personality type. The speaker uses personality tests as a template to improve one's personality, and emphasizes learning from one's strengths and weaknesses to improve their personality type.
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because that

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I did not know how to learn or how I learned until I was in my last year of college. Right. And it was actually an assessment that I took. And then I tested afterwards the assessment

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basically identified me as a auditorily, kinesthetic learner, okay? And I'm like, what does that mean? What it turns out is that I'm primarily kinesthetic, I need to get my hands on something. And if I'm doing something, while I'm listening, I will make it and take it in, as opposed to not doing anything. So me sitting down and listening to somebody talk is one in one ear out the other. Right? Even if I'm visually engaged, right. I will remember the visuals, maybe the emotions attached to that, but I won't know audibly what happened, because in one ear out the other. However, if I were listening to an audio book, right, and I'm doing something, I can tell you where I was, what I was

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doing, and what was being said in the audio book. In that moment. Yeah. Now, how did I test it, and I applied it was I was actually taking an aid in North Americans class, who was a second semester that I took it. And the professor was very clear, they look my method of testing, and I'm like anybody else? Right? My method of testing is that I'm going to it's going to be all open ended. It's all essay, right? So your writing ability needs to be on point. And the same time is like, there are I'm going to give you

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nine open ended questions. Five of them are going to be on the essay. I'm not gonna tell you which five so if unique teaching, right and so, so what I did was like, Alright, so this is gonna be like, I need to know my stuff. I was pretty good at taking notes. Right in terms of being in the class, that part of me kinesthetically. You're moving and engaging. Yeah, and even my notes are like our tools. It's not even like writing works for you. And then what happened was I presented not presented, I recorded myself presenting the notes. Okay, right. Not even just reading. I was presenting the notes performing. Yeah, I was performing the notes, looking at them and whatnot being

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different. And then I listened to the notes while I was doing stuff. And, and I listened to the notes on the way to the test. And I've never aced a test. Like I taste a style to where I was doing something was there. Yeah, you had read the page before? Subak. Like you. You're going to recite yourself book and then Yeah, listen to your voice telling you allow you be careful here. Be careful. Yeah. And it just came. When I got my five questions. I knocked it out. First one to finish went home, right haystack class. Oh, he was happy. I was waiting. I was waiting for the Britannica. Commercial. Were you over killed? Oh my god, like I aced the class. And the thing is, I knew other

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people who did not prepare. Right and of class to prepare. If you're you can't slide by on this one. Right. You can slide Yeah, he wanted you to, to know it. Yeah, exactly. left an impact on you. So I'm grateful for that class. Because now I know how I learned. Yeah, right. And so you learn that later. I think most folks don't know.

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10 second tangent below most Muslim people are uncomfortable with personality test Enneagram. I would strongly recommend taking go to nine types.com Take an Enneagram personality test. Myers Briggs, pli. These are more advanced, but Muslim folks, I feel like immediately I told someone Hey, this is great personality tested haram. So horoscopes are around what happens I go to horoscope

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y, like, okay, because then you want to try me these are essentially strengths. Maybe what it is that everyone has different personality type. I feel like if you find somebody in a corporate management setting, yeah, like that's common practice. Yes, fine. Find your strength, where I did my MiGs, Myers, Briggs, and PLI, all those tests were incorporated. Yeah, I mean, in my case, like in a, in a management setting, the Myers Briggs is considered rudimentary, right? It's a very, very basic What, like one of these, I would highly advise a cost of money. It's not a lot of money like $20, right?

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personal investment StrengthsFinder 2.0 Do it right. The person will transfer to the two of them, right? Both by the same person. So Strength Finders, so StrengthsFinder assessment is a collaboration between Don Clifton Okay, and Marcus Buckingham. These two, they work for Gallup. Okay. Right. And they did assessments, the survey polling company, and so they put together this assessment. Now the purpose of this assessment is that it'll tell you what your strengths tendencies are right now, but it's not prescriptive is descriptive, right. What Marcus Buckingham later did is he actually came up with a standout assessment and now

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was the standard 2.0. Okay, standard 2.0 is similar idea. But then they'll output a 25 page, prescriptive report on how to apply your strength tendencies towards management, sales and leadership. It's because it's business, right? And I have found that some valuable like if somebody is asking you how do you describe yourself? Right in like, I'm curious, adventurous because I show people what's possible, and help them make their ideas real. Right. And that's, that was essentially that on a secondary scale, I like to help people from a coaching perspective. Like, I'm good at coaching, right? Like I can identify what people need to do and help them get there. But that still

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goes back to the first assessment of showing people what's possible, help them realize their best ideas, right? I feel like more people need to do that, I would highly encourage we start by finding out your personality type.

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Read descriptions of several personality types. For example, in Enneagram, you'll read one of the nine and you'll say, I fully I fully see myself in that starting there is a first place and then optimizing below you might be these are some of your strengths, but then new technology shows you can learn differently, you hypnosis, binaural beats listening to things while you're sleeping. Why would you stay stagnant? So as much as the binaural beats, looked into that, that's like the worst. Okay, because it's in one year out. Yeah.

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You're gonna leave, they're going wall wall.

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fell, I did one session that was like, nope.

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I heard one person say, I can't listen to techno. And then I said, Oh, what happened is it's the same thing over and over and over. And I never heard that. I was like, oh, to me.

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Like, it's all going. No, they just hear the same thing. Yeah.

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It might be one, but it's what your brain latches on. So interesting. Where's are aware? Where did that take us? I think that took us for all of us to develop not only our personalities, but getting to know yourself better get to know yourself better, are learning how to memorization technique, get to know yourself better, so that you can learn more learning techniques. Friends, Bill and I are not there yet. But Bill out there some electrode brain scan, like 15 grand, but it shows you how your brain was wired. And sure, let's I feel like some doing something like that would also be like, because your brain is so has such plasticity, that it is now a snapshot of the past where but it

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shows you the growth. Once you see that. Oh 101 thing, Bill, I'll they'll introduce a problem to you. And you'll go through your thought processes. And you'll see how your brain is bypassing all these other centers where you could have come up with a very elaborate, but you just went for the Okay, close the window. But when you look at it, and I think I'm kind of making it as I go, as I'm not a neuroscientist, but the way it was described to me is when you can see your brain going, I took this route. Well, why didn't you go through this route? Why didn't you think, hey, there's something outside or let me do breathing to change the temperature of my body or this or that. You

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just went close the window. But I feel like a lot of that would happen. If the original solution doesn't work. You go to close a window, and suddenly you find out that the light just stuck. Okay, but how about you did close the window, and the temperature did did get fixed? But that doesn't mean all the possibilities are but the thing is our has humans? Are we naturally wired to be as efficient as possible.

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Like, there's that whole life path of least resistance is our natural is the natural way. What if sometimes you could say, Okay, I want to see what else I can loop into this. So I'm, I'm saying to our listeners, yeah, please don't stagnate get stagnant on I can't learn this. I'm stuck. Like, if your kid isn't learning and Alif Lam, I know this is not that's another question. If your kid isn't, doesn't know the difference between Jim Ha ha, don't blame your kid, they'll find a new way to explain it to them. And that's how I ended up here by constantly finding new ways. The process of learning education is the process of taking something you know, and connecting it to something you

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do not know. That is that's been my philosophy. Since I've been teaching. I'm going to take something you know, and say, hey, it's kind of like this. Let's try to connect it and then your brain will absorb it and it might be a completely different thought. But I like to connect things you know, to things you do not know and that's what I call learning.

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