Mirza Yawar Baig – Iman Mufassal #4 Allah
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To lie Raha Rahim
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Ashrafi lambier Evil mursaleen
Muhammad Rasool Allah is Allah Allah Allah He write it he was so happy he was sending them this leave on the theorem cathedra from Abba.
My brothers and sisters Salam alikoum Curatola who work
we come therefore to the first of the things that we believe in that first thing which we believe in is Allah subhanho wa taala.
Now we know and we believe that Allah subhanaw taala is alone.
He is unique. And that's the reason why when they asked with the Horatia sososo Salah Mirza Who is Allah,
Allah even Quran
what did I say?
What was the I which was revealed when they asked him who is Allah and Allah is now introducing himself which I
call who Allahu Ahad? Did I get the right? Allah says, say to the call who Allah who I had, think about his Why did Allah Azza Kulu Allahu wa hit
the Arabic is what should we why no one say God is one No, I had
that this is the the beauty of the Arabic language and the complexities are the grammar where
the word had has no proof.
Why it has to Israel was Allah has
already 234 It has from Why do we have this? Nice which is half
and quarter and so on. So what the word warhead is divisible, it is multiplying and divisible. But the word I had is no cannot be divided cannot be multiplied. So holo Allahu Ahad, Allahu Allah, Allah is free from all ones. Allah does not mean anything.
Let me leave you with that.
He was not begotten. And he did not beget he didn't come from his, you know, parents, he's got no children.
Well, Angela, who found that there's nothing in creation like him.
So this is the fundamental belief about Allah subhanaw taala, who which we must be very clear in our minds, Allah is the One who is unique, has no partners, has no helpers, has no associates, you don't know assistance.
He does not need any of that.
He has done and he doesn't need any of that. He has no equals
And this is the basis of what we call the hits.
The head is to believe in the Rania of Allah subhanaw taala digital.
And this is the fundamental principle of justice in Islam, to give everybody their due,
not more, not less.
To give everyone their due, beginning with Allah subhanaw taala.
So we do not have we do not associate anyone we do not give any partners to Allah because He's unique. He has no borders.
Everybody else, including all the prophets, that I'm saying prophets and messengers, because in our belief, they are the highest.
No kings and queens and presidents and whatnot, the prophets
we love all of them. We honor all of them. We hold them in the highest esteem,
but we do not worship them.
That's very important understand this, right? We say what about Abraham, Abraham?
I honor him. I love him. I respect him.
How much more than anybody else? But do I worship prime? No.
Worship is only for Allah.
What about Moses one? No Al is no militia No What about Jesus is Ali salah. What about Mohamed Salah sir himself
I honor him. I respect him i venerate him.
The dust on his shoes is better for me than Jana itself. Right but
I do not worship
is equal to Alano is not equal to is it somehow associated with Ultra
unique Allah subhanaw taala is absolutely unique. And that is why this caliber shahada
the statement of evidence a statement of
bearing witness.
This is the doorway into Islam
Think about that discover begins with a fever. It begins with
denying La Ilaha.
Right the caravan not Allahu Allahu wa la ilaha there is no one worthy of worship. It begins with denial. There's nobody worthy of worship,
Ill Allah
except Allah.
We are not saying only Allah is worthy of wellness, this is a much more emphatic statement there is nobody was there worship, except Allah, La ilaha illAllah. And that is why it is very important to enter into Islam is to first remove the glory and majesty and the fear of everything else from your heart.
and fill your heart with the glory and majesty of Allah.
You don't fear anyone, nothing.
Material human,
of any kind.
And you fill your heart with the glory of ISIS evil.
So somebody says to you what what what if there is an economic collapse? What?
Allah is still there.
What if there is an earthquake, Allah is still there.
So you take steps to protect yourself from the earthquake or the economic collapse or the disease or whatnot? Of course,
of course, we don't deny that
there is COVID You wear a mask God, no problem. Because you don't wear a mask. Don't take a vaccine, no one take the vaccine, but in the heart, who will protect me from this disease, the mask the vaccine or Allah?
That is the this is why I say Islam is a practice because for a Muslim, it's a daily living experience of the religion. It's not just something I believed I had done home and dine on every single day. I'm asking myself this question is living in me every day I've asked you the question is hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah. All praise to be beat Allah subhanaw taala who kept my heart free from all fears and all anxieties because I have Allah
Allah hamdulillah
so La ilaha illallah La Yun via wala yogoro illallah La hawla wala Quwata illa Allah, there is no one worthy of worship except Allah. La Yun Viva la Vallejo. Nobody can benefit and nobody can harm Illallah except Allah
and La hawla wala Quwata illa Allah, there is no one who has any control any authority, any
unrest, understanding any decision making power, any power, nothing except Allah.
Now we know the Allah subhanaw taala created everything that exists.
And all that we know and all that we don't know. And this is where this is how you get the glory and majesty of Allah in your heart by looking at creation.
Think about that. When the first revelation came, what was the first revelation?
What was the idea?
Here Cora
miss me. Rugby Galizia Kolak
read in the Name of your Lord who created everything
what was that really? Did you will come with a book? No. He's saying read. What?
Read the creation, read the science of Allah and the creation
in the Name of the One who created everything.
That's why me Okay, well,
there are two books. One is the open book which is the Kinect which is the entire universe everything we know and everything we don't know. Some of which Allah will make us make known as we, you know as we as we get more and more knowledge, some of it which will still be completely unknown.
Or of this are signs of Allah. These are Ayat of Allah.
What is the word for sign in Arabic? I
What is the word for the line in the Quran?
I say what
I have to learn that's the reason why I always object when people say verse. The Quran is not a book of verses. The Quran is not poetry. There are no verses in the Quran. There is in the Quran use the language use the language the the word the Arabic language is beautiful the Arabic language the words of have huge meeting. And don't worry, oh, you know, my son's friend, she would understand if she doesn't unless you ask your question. Explain to her what's the problem with that?
What is the problem with that? If somebody doesn't that doesn't know they will ask you to if they ask you, it's good for you good for them.
Use the word there is a reason why Allah subhanaw taala did not say a SHA he didn't say shell is not as if there is no word in Arabic for worse.
What is the Arabic word for worse chair? As you
say what we haven't heard is also Shari Shura share these are words that are in the in the Quran
well why is Allah saying I had
an Allah Martha mentioned this is
in the vehicle the somehow the work or the work delivery lady want to her? I
did Allah say Asha? No lie at Ely only
Allah said Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the ordination of the day in the night there are signs
I add not versus signs for people of intelligence for people who reflect for people who have some thought but people who are not walking around his world like blind people like cattle they have sense they are thinking they're reflecting they're oh my god this is fantastic. How is it that in this Massachusetts where temperatures go down to minus 20 Sometimes you know Celsius I'm I always think in Celsius so 20 willows below zero in Celsius. How is it that there is little bird called Black Capped Chickadee
which remains alive and well when there is even sometimes you know, a couple of feet of snow she can't eat anything, he can't eat anything, there's no food nothing. This bird is still like how SoundMAGIC there is a there is a whole set of reasons.
The way the feet of the birds or birds are different from our feet how because of the kind of feet they don't lose it the way the bird nests and so on and so on. But the point is who creates this entire system for the survival of this bird?
And if you think that is your feeder outside your house, we just saving the world No, it's hard for those birds have been here for hundreds of years long before you can even wear clothes right.
Really, I mean, sometimes you go I love nature. Absolutely. I mean I do a lot of it nature photography. Some of you know you go outside you open your eyes and you watch reality you feel like dancing in the streets like crazy awesome people so what happened is guy he's mad Yeah, he's mad he's madly in love with the last marathon.
So this is my Rob This is Allah
this is my Allah
everywhere everywhere
hola todos our shoulder signs
I landed here 2019 I think it was 19th of September or something like that. So as I'm coming out of Logan Airport if somebody stopped me and said to me that two weeks from now, not a single plane will fly the skies
everybody will be shutting inside their homes. All shops will be shut University shut. businesses shut everything shut down. And animals and and you know bears and elks and moose and deer will walk in the streets. I would ask him his guys Excuse me.
I know I know. recreational use of marijuana is legal in this country in the state but
Delaware Where are you getting your stuff is?
I mean, how How insane is that kind of talk right? But did we see it or we didn't see it?
That just think about that. Just don't go through life with your eyes. blinkers. Yeah. Okay. COVID came what? What do you got here? One little virus, which needs the electron microscope even to see that thing? Is that even alive? This piece of protein?
Is it not? It isn't it doesn't have life. It doesn't have life. What is it?
It shuts down the entire world. All our money, all our weapons all
Our armies or our science everyday
begin null and void.
Right? Should we think
the Sahara Allah subhanaw taala showing us is holding on to showing us design? He's a wake up people.
The Quran has this question I in Where are you going? So I'm not sure that I put us walked us into a wall is a bang. Okay, now stop, where are you going?
You want to time to reflect right? People have people ask you this question, but I'll do that, you know, I think I should sit down. And if that's okay, here's time to reflect Now shut up, sit at home, reflect where is my life taking me?
Where am I going? Is my life going anywhere at all? Or am I living? Anywhere I wake up, I sleep I wake up in between I eat some food I do. Now a hotel level.
This is what this is the meaning of is that every day you are leaving Islam because you're connected with your Creator.
On a real time basis, not only when you go into the mosque, not only when you put on a hat not Oh, no, no, no. You are connected with Allah subhanaw taala. Real Time 24/7 Allah is alive. He's with me. He's with you.
We call on him. He answers us.
Live living.
We also know that Allah subhanaw taala is not just the Creator, He didn't just create and go and walk away. He is the Creator, He is the sustainer he is the protector. He is the provider.
He continuously creates.
He didn't just create one stop. No. He continuously creates, constantly sustains provided. And then he is interested in his creation. He did he didn't just create the walkaway the fact that he sent messenger after messenger, the fact that he said book after book is evidence that he's interested in his creation. And in this case, we're talking about ourselves, but I'm interested in all that he created.
So why did he give us Islam? Allah gave us now Allah gave us everybody from the first day to the last day. Islam is the religion of submission to the Creator.
So we believe that otherwise Sara was Muslim Newari Sarah was Muslim, Ibrahim Ali Salah was Muslim Musa alayhis, Salam and Muslim is Ali Salaam and Muslim, right? Everybody, they all submitted to their Creator Allah subhanaw taala
none of them worshipped idols.
Danny which Prophet worshipped idols
which one?
they are worshipped Allah, they all worship their creator, they were all Muslim.
And that is
evidence that Allah subhanaw taala is interested in Why did Allah sentence law? Why does he said Prophet what is in books, so that we can live lives which are positive which are compassionate, which are kind which are full of justice, where people are take care of each other? Right, as Allah also gives us, Jana?
Think about that. If we had a life in this world, imagine there's no agenda.
Right? There's no There's no afterlife, nothing, you die, you become mud.
But in this life, you live in a society which is just unfair, and compassionate and kind, which is which has human rights where people are treated with dignity?
People help each other kind to each other? What's wrong with that?
What's wrong with that? Is there anything wrong with this?
So how can we not have it?
Why not.
If I want to be kind to you, is anyone preventing me
when someone shouldn't be there?
If I want to stick to politely is anyone resenting me?
If I want to help you, is anyone 20 Me?
So if I don't do that,
who do I want to blame?
You get the point I'm making.
We have created this
absolutely garbage thing which we call civilized.
is not civilization at all it is the worst of barbarism because at least if we were ignorant and we had no knowledge and whatnot then you could say that you know okay people don't we claim to have knowledge of it is we claim that we are the smartest people ever who ever existed on the planet right?
I don't think we're anywhere close to that but anyway, we believe this
we have confused technology to be knowledge technologies tools
tools are important
but tools are not knowledge.
A tool is a tool knowledge is what helps you to understand how to use that tool in the best possible way that knowledge
a knife is a knife
just because my knife is made of gold why stab myself? No.
And it has to be used for it can be used for positive reasons or for being positive in the negative ways.
But what is it that gives me the knowledge to use it in positive ways that's that is really knowledge.
So I'm not surprised that give us this
Ebola stuff for Allah hurry, welcome Melissa Buscemi, first of all in our for him.