Mirza Yawar Baig – How do I love Allah?

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The speakers discuss the importance of love and building relationships with people to achieve happiness and aware of the benefits of blessings. They emphasize the need to "we" and build relationships with people to increase enjoyment and awareness of blessings. The importance of gratitude and sugar reduction is also emphasized. The conversation includes personal examples and calls to action, as well as suggestions to stop giving free food.
AI: Summary ©
altavilla Humira shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Allahu Allah Allah, Allah who will hire you will call you
Loretta hoodoo Sina to know lahoma is mama de Mama.
My daddy
will be rainy. Yeah mama Nivea mama Salva home while you're a wannabe Shea mineral me he
was the CO CEO somehow
while I owe him Zuma whoa whoa Riley will we?
Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar.
Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar valen. Hill.
Who Allah Allah, Allah
Ali movie was the
man or Rahi who Allah, Allah, Allah
Al maliko condos are Salah
mo I mean arises or
bear soba
soba Han Allah
usually eco will love will highly Hi. Barry Olmos hola hola SMA
u sub B hola hola is de la wahoo la z is all hioki
Allahu Akbar Allah Akbar
Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah.
Allah He
is Villa Rama Rahim Allah O Allah.
Allah. Ahmed lamea Li. Yo, while I'm here, whoa for one
Alhamdulillah horrible alameen wa sallahu wa salam O Allah, Colombia, evil mousseline while Allah He was heavy as main robot.
Salaam Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
My brothers and sisters, I began with the ayat of the Quran, where Allah subhanho wa Taala introduced himself
when Allah subhanho wa Taala glorified himself when Allah subhanho wa Taala described himself when Allah subhanaw taala described is outside of his device,
and he used his Beautiful Names his asthma,
so that we can recognize him.
The topic of today's lecture is how can I love Allah?
But really, we should change this topic.
And the real topic of this lecture should be How can I not love Allah?
Not how can I love Allah? But how can I not love Allah? How is it possible not to love Allah?
Allah subhanaw taala asked this question in Surah Baqarah Allah subhanaw taala said cave attack for una bella
he said cave attack for una bella How do you deny Allah
How can you not love Allah gave attack for una Villa Heba Ahmad and for I hear some yummy to consume your hiko sama Isla de todo. Allah subhanaw taala said how can you not love Allah? How can you deny Allah when you were dead?
quantum and water you are dead
holida Allah in sunny Hey, hello Mina daddy lahmacun Surya makura Allah subhanaw taala
tune into the surah he said has the hazard human being has a man forgotten the time when he was not even a memory.
Not only did he not exist in his material form, he did not even exist in memory. His name wasn't there. lamea concejo muskwa he was not even someone he was he had no name he had no remembers he did not exist even in memory.
And a day will come when will I?
Today I'm sitting here
and you will say yeah, we're bigger sitting here
tomorrow and I'm lying here. He will say move
body at the back,
you will not move your back to the back. You will say move the body to the back.
Always the same person.
But you will not say move and you will not use by name. You will say move the body, bring the body
we pray janazah on the body.
This is our reality
between being dead and being dead again.
Come to my water, fire Jaco. Allah subhanaw taala gave you life
and you rely Allah and you cannot love Allah,
He gave you life he gave you existence, it is because of his hokum that you are even alive that you even breathing
so much
and he will kill you,
you will die
call them tell them that they will die.
molecule multi level killer
molecule mouth has been set on them.
As a watch over them, he will extract their souls and you will return to your
goal yet
because they said before that will follow either will or the infp Falcon God.
He said after we are lost in the earth
after we have disintegrated and lost in the earth
will we be created a new will we be created again? Allah subhanaw taala says yes
you will be created again because when you are created the first time you did not even exist. So when the one who created you
from nothing? How is it difficult for him to recreate you from whatever remnants of yours remain?
Even if you're atomized in a nuclear blast.
There are still remnants in the end, we know scientifically that this is true.
Nothing ever completely disappears. Everything is within the atmosphere, atmosphere of this earth in one form or the other. Salas Mandela says when He created you for the first time, you truly did not exist.
You truly did not exist. Even your memory wasn't even your name wasn't there.
Reflect on this, my brothers and sisters, when a child is born, what do you say?
You say so and so had a child.
Maybe the child later on is going to be called Abdul Rahman. You will not say Abdul Rahman was born you say so and so had a child. If the if the father of Abdul Rahman is is Abdullah Abdullah had a son.
You will not you do not say Abdul Rahman is born. Because when Abdullah said Adorama does not exist.
It's only many days later that they come to the oh we should name this child Abdul Rahman.
And may Allah subhanaw taala give you good and healthy children and give them long and productive lives in Eva. But if for example, the child dies soon after it is born.
Say the child dies A few days later a few hours later. What do you say who died Lucy abdomen died even though you may have given the child a name at that point in time you the name of a man might already
be there and you might be using it and so on. You see I've got a man died. You said Abdulla son died you know Abdullah had a son a few days back son died.
We are a creature
who did not even exist in a memory. Even after we are actually born, we still don't exist. We still don't have an identity. Nobody even refers to us by name by specifically by name until some time passes.
And then when we die again our identity disappears even though the body is still there. Because they move the body here they are whatever it is.
And Allah says and you deny
so my you will need to confirm my your eco man he will bring you back alive again. So my era
and you will return to Him.
How can we not love Allah?
And I began with the ads relating to the to the introduction of Allah subhanho wa Taala because it's a reality of life that will love somebody you have to know that person.
You cannot love somebody without knowing them.
And so when we say how can I love Allah How can I develop the love for Allah subhanho wa Taala It is important for us to get to know our
Do you know Allah, you know about Allah,
there is a difference, there is a difference.
If you ask me, do you know the Prime Minister of India?
And I said, Yes, he is Mr. Manmohan Singh and his father is so and so so and so and the mother is so and so. And he was born in this village and he was born in Punjab NCR God before partition. Singh was I'm not telling you a lot as you do about one month as it Do you know, Manmohan Singh. What does it mean do know Manmohan Singh?
It means Can you go and say salam alaikum to my evil is, it means Can you walk into his house? Will you in we will will invite you, it means if you pick up if you warn him? Will he answer your phone? It means if you're if you invite him, will you come to your house? Yes or no?
When you call him when you invite him and so on, he might answer your phone and you say who's been Moses father? I don't I don't know. I mean, I you know, I know him, but I don't know who his father is.
You know where he was born? I have no idea. I don't know where he was born.
But you know, yeah, I know him. Come and take you to meet him.
And that's the question I've asked you do you know Allah?
Not saying do know about Allah, we know what Allah
Do you know Allah subhanaw taala.
When you ask Allah does he give you
I'm not talking theory.
Individual the purpose of these lectures in ethnographies individual personal reflection, I'm not talking theory of course Allah gives.
I'm saying you you
do you have a personal experience in your life? Where you say I asked Allah for this and he gave it to me. I am the witness before Allah, that Allah exists.
Do you have something like this in your life?
Can you say that?
Because I like I like this. Because Allah subhanaw taala said this
already as the job local asked me I will give you
ask me, I will give you
so did you ask did he give you
that is what I mean by saying dude Allah.
How can you love somebody? If you don't know that?
And that is why it is important to spend some time and reflect and know a lie.
And then only you can love somebody.
Tell me why is it important?
Why must I know Allah?
Why must I love Allah?
Okay is why another day explain to me what is the meaning of know Allah? For example, you say do you know Manmohan Singh? Well, another explain to me what you mean by knowing Manmohan Singh, tala, all of that. I'm not giving the example of Manmohan Singh.
Just to illustrate
now that he explained to me, what does it mean by saying Do you know Manmohan Singh? What I tell you what, I don't know, my Mosaic, and frankly, I'm not even interested. Why should I know?
I have no need for one was he?
Well, he's a nice guy, maybe a nice guy. Maybe I don't have to every nice guy in the world. I mean, it's okay. Let him be a nice guy. What do I care?
So that's my next question. My next question is, you know, Allah. And next question is, if you don't know Allah, doesn't matter.
Does it bother you? Should it bother you?
Okay, so I don't know unless our big deal.
Why should I know Allah? For what?
My brothers and sisters, there's only one reason why we build a relationship with anybody.
Whether you and I like it or not, there's only one reason why we build a relationship with anyone. animate inanimate.
And, and what's that reason? Because of the benefit that we get from that relationship.
There is no relationship in the world that is built purely on a state of selflessness. Because even the relationships of selflessness the payoff, the return is the good feeling that you get out of being selfless. You might say, well, I give a lot of charity to poor people. I don't get anything from them.
So I am selfless, selfless, you get the pleasure of giving charity, which is the highest of pleasures, why do you think people like Bill Gates and
you know, Buffett and so on, are going around the world distributing money for what
because that
is the ultimate, when you have the kind of money where you can literally buy, you know buy when when your personal net worth is more than the GDP of some countries.
You can buy anything you want.
Just accumulating growing, accumulating material stuff is a sign of mental retardation, retardedness and mental retardation is I think it is exclusive to the Muslim ummah.
Only the Muslims are stupid enough to buy personal jets and put Jacuzzis in them and gold plated Cadillacs, and nobody else has that kind of breath. Only the most you have to be your ally Laila for your brain to completely disappear. And you can do all of these things. In real life, nobody is stupid enough
to spend a billion dollars on a personal jet customizing it, and putting gold plated escalators and Jacuzzis and four poster beds, and only a Muslim can do that, and only a Muslim did it.
There are a lot of people who are not Muslim who have that money and more.
But along with that money, guess what, they also have brains.
So they don't use that money for that kind of nonsense. They use the money to build their own power, they use the money to build their own influence in the world, they use that money to control the world, they use that money for their own benefit Allah Allah, they do not have the the the understanding of the euro, but the dunya, which they understand, they ensure that they control that dunya by using that money.
And they are perfectly happy with traveling first class Emirates, no problem.
First Class Singapore Airlines no problem.
Or even if they have a personal jet, they have a regular personal jet. They are focused more on the on how fast it goes and how efficient how fuel efficient it is, and so on. And this definitely do not have gold plated escalators in that stupid jet.
Take some Muslim to do that, in daily life. And the
point I'm making is that we build relationships, for what, for the benefit, it gives us every relationship,
whether it's with our parents, whether it's with our spouses, whether it's with our children, whether it's with our friends,
even relationships, which are inanimate, for example, today, we are talking a lot about global warming, we are talking about environmental protection, and so on and so forth.
If you say, Well, why must I build a relationship with the earth, for example, if you want to put it in Divine it in those terms, taking care of the environment? That's my relationship with the earth? Why must I build a relationship with the earth
as a well, first of all, because that's the only planet which has chocolate.
So build a relationship with the earth.
And secondly, if you think that if you think that the economy is more important than then the environment, then try holding your breath while counting your money.
Right. So you need to build a relationship with the earth, because that's the only thing we got, we have to live in, we have to live here. And if you want to live here in a reasonable level of happiness, then you must ensure that it is not polluted beyond description.
So the next question is,
with regard to relationships?
Do we need the relationship with Allah?
Yes or no? Why?
For what?
Look, again, and don't lie, the point I'm making here is reflect at a personal level don't give me intellectual hypothetical answers. I know all of those answers.
I'm talking you personally, internally, you said that we need I need a relationship with Allah. My question is why?
How is the fact that today, your relationship with a lie that does not exist? Or it's very weak, how is it affecting you?
is it affecting you? Do you feel the effect of that
you know, when you will feel the effect of something, this is again human nature, we feel the effect of something only when we have tasted something better.
We feel the loss of something only when we have tasted the benefit of that thing.
If you go to one of the villages
in our country, where they have
no experience of air conditioning,
or if you are as old as me, and we grew up without air conditioning, we didn't even even the word didn't exist.
And if you ask a person from there is a do miss air conditioning.
Can he Miss agonistic?
Is it possible he might feel very hot and very sweaty and so on. But do you miss air conditioning? Is it possible to miss
Air Conditioning when you never had air conditioning, is it possible to do that? Yes or no? No, no.
I never experienced air conditioning. So how can I miss the conditioning?
And that's my question to you.
What is the fact that Allah Subhana Allah?
May Allah protect us? Illa Masha Allah for most of us, Allah subhanho wa Taala has presence or absence in our lives makes no difference anyway.
build a relationship for what
you've asked you do miss Ella,
do you miss Ella,
you can miss Allah who had Allah and you lost Allah.
And these are these are these are questions of, of the therapy of people.
Somebody came to say that I live in Atlanta. And he said that I have been trying to wake up in the huddle. He said I used to be regular in the huddle. But for the last one month, I have not been able to wake up for the huddle. And the man was so bothered about that he was so vain and troubled about that.
That he went to say that
please advise me What can I do?
Why did this happen?
So isn't it when I told him your your sins have changed you.
He said your sins have changed you go make Toba then Allah will allow you in his Darbar, Allah will allow you in his court.
So people miss something when they have tasted the sweetness of that thing.
And that's my question to you. Is this relationship with Allah? Do we need it at all?
And if we need it, why do we need it? And what is that relationship with Allah Subhana Allah doing in your life? Right now? Think about that.
What if you had that relationship? next layer? Next Level question. What if you had that relationship?
I don't have it right now. But if I did have that relationship,
think about it. What would I what would happen if I did have that relationship?
So how can you build relationship?
As I began a relationship depends on the benefit you get from it.
And how do you increase that benefit? How do you increase your enjoyment of that benefit?
By doing only one thing, right? And that is
what is it
but is ignoring
we've all been branded all this way.
How do you build that relationship? How do you increase the enjoyment of that relationship by doing what
First make doba first make double for being blended in lectures.
The hava Hotel by shocker you heard this word before.
Yes or no? You heard this word for word to forget it.
thankfulness How do I enhance the enjoyment of something My what?
What is the daily
what is the daily
what I in Chicago?
You heard this before? Is this an idea? It is a some share some point to somebody No. I am not sure
how many times I've said this thing.
Don't say Brendon
wake up.
you increase the enjoyment of the blessing by doing what
sugar thanking Allah subhanho that
line sugar
as you done
while in Chicago is Walla Walla
Walla in Chicago last
one income for the dog on a wobbly line. Jagger como una guerra in kawartha. Mina nada Villa de
la Lyons occur to me. I look marvelous.
Allah said the one who's thanks
To me for my blessings, I will increase the blessings. What is the first increase of the blessing, the awareness of the blessing, which makes you thankful.
thankfulness makes the awareness increases the awareness of the blessing.
increase of blessings does not mean that Allah will physically increase that blessing. For example, if you are if you have a wonderful wife, may Allah subhanaw taala give you those of you who do not
those of you who don't who are not married melas Viola give you a beautiful advice, a good wife Alhamdulillah
those of you who are married melos monitor, I keep you there, safe and sound without rocking the boat.
I am
I one of the few people who is against getting married a second time for a very logical reason.
If you are married to the right woman that don't rock the boat,
thank Allah subhanaw taala Allah will increase the blessing because Alhamdulillah you will be aware that you're married to this great wonderful person and you will enjoy that and you will appreciate that and you are thankful and she will appreciate that you are thankful Angela you have a good life.
On the other hand, if you married to somebody who makes you do a lot of Java then it shows that you are a lousy judge of character anyway. So why make the Why make the same mistake twice because the second one you marry will also be bad because you know you pick the wrong one in the first place. What is the guarantee that you will pick the right one the second time around so so stay with that make Toba inshallah make the make the you know this a source of suburb for you insha Allah May Allah subhanaw taala give you the same wife without all our problems in general.
In general, they will not have the problems right.
Abroad appreciating enhances the enjoyment of the thing.
So sugar of Allah subhanaw taala you want to build a relationship with Allah, what do you do? make sugar of Allah Subhana Allah. So what do we have to thank Allah subhanaw taala for
what do we have to thank Allah Subhana Allah Allah for
Allah Subhana Allah mentioned
specifically, we have to thank Allah for everything but I wanted to specify because if he is everything then everything has nothing.
Specifically what
Allah subhanaw taala mentioned
shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.
Allah I'll buy
Who is
the one who taught the Quran
I want you to imagine Ramadan without Torah.
I want to do imagine Ramadan without MLA
whatever that is, they're just being hungry
and thirsty.
Ramadan is Ramadan not because of hunger and thirst. Ramadan is Ramadan because of because of listening to the column of Allah Subhana Allah is Ramadan because of grammar lane of listening to the color of Allah.
Just this one thing, I'm not even talking about the beauty and Baraka of the Quran in our lives. I'm not even talking about living by the color of Allah. I'm just saying is listening the pleasure of listening to the recitation of the Quran
Do you think it is something we should thank Allah for or not?
What about Salah Do we need to thank Allah subhanaw taala for giving us Allah
I'm not talking about doings I'm saying just the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala gave us this method of reaching him directly without any interference without any interference. We start on the masala is Allah Akbar. There is you and there is Allah.
We make pseudocode and this is the size that is before the arch of our ramen as Nabi sallallahu Sallam told us
Do we need to thank Allah for this.
And Allah Subhana Allah described all the many, many, many things that he gave us for which we need to be thankful.
Allah subhanaw taala said he is the one who gave you sleep.
He is the one who gave you sleep.
Do we need to thank Allah subhanaw taala that we can
Sleep useful
as the people who suffer from insomnia
as the people who suffer from insomnia whether we need to thank Allah that we get that we sleep peacefully, without any drugs without any medicines. And we live and we wake up without feeling exhausted and tired
as people who are sleep as sleep apnea,
they sleep but they wake up exhausted. There's no energy
Do we have to find a loss monitor that we have joints which work
without pain?
As the people who have arthritis
the fact that we have joints, which work without pain, we go we will we walk or run up and down stairs? Absolutely no problem. Do we need to thank Allah subhanaw taala for this? Do we need to thank Allah subhanho wa Taala those of us who don't who don't wear glasses that you that we can see without glasses? Do we need to thank Allah subhanaw taala those of us who wear glasses that Allah created this technology where even though the eyesight may be bad, we can still see.
We need to thank Allah subhanaw taala those who have no I said that are hungry. Now we are prevented from seeing anything, which is
how do you build a relationship with Allah by sugar by thanking Allah subhanho wa Taala. Specifically, one by one by one.
My brothers and sisters, sugar has two aspects to it.
Sugar, it is there are two conditions for sugar. The first condition for sugar is complete and total obedience to the one that you got the good thing from
your Father gives you something good.
And then you disrespect your father. You don't speak to him properly. You deny him his rights
is the sugar. You're saying thank you
gave me this beautiful car. But the father says you know, can you do this for me? No, absolutely not I am busy.
Is the sugar even though you said thank you.
Obedience, complete obedience to Allah.
Allah subhanaw taala mentioned
this is the worst condition. And the second condition is never to use the thing which you received from that person, against the same person.
Never do use what you got from that person against the person.
Sugar is to be obedient. And sugar is never used against the person. We are the citizens of this country.
And what is the basic requirement of citizenship of this country or any country? The same two things, that you will obey the laws of the land. And you will never do anything which is contrary to the interests of the country?
What do you call doing something contrary to the interests of the country? What is it called? treason, treason.
And the punishment for treason everywhere is what? That's
why because you are not showing sugar. The country gave you citizenship, meaning it gave you an identity, it gave you a protection, it gave you a name and a place which you can call your own.
And then you take that
and you go against the law of the same country.
And you are a criminal you put in prison.
And, and do and on top of that. What you do is not only do you break the law of the country, but you now do something against the interests of the country. You're spying on the country or you're colluding and collaborating with the enemies of the country or whatever it was.
So now you're committed treason.
Take this example and put it to what we got from Allah Subhana.
Allah Subhana Allah give us site.
What do we do with this site?
Allah Subhana Allah gave us hearing
what do we do with the hearing?
we're lazy as Anna cooler Shane calaca oh by the color Colleen cernium team. So much Alana slow means reality Mima. immerhin. So Massa, who? One of our coffee, Mirai, what Giada la como sama? Well, basara la vida.
sama, sama Fida? kalila matters guru.
Allah describes the process of creation.
And he said we gave them sight, and we gave them hearing and we gave them understanding.
But they ungrateful Why? Because the sight they got they use it in disobedience of Allah, the hearing the god they use the disobedience of Allah and DISA and the understanding they got the heart they got the user to distribute as well as one
requirement of sugar is that we obey and we do not do it do anything in disobedience of Allah subhanaw taala
to how do we increase the love of Allah subhanaw taala by building our relationship with, with Allah, by knowing Allah
by connecting with Allah subhanho wa Taala
by making sugar to Allah subhanho wa Taala for all that He has given us, and by ensuring that we never do anything which is against the outcome of Allah subhanho wa Taala
and by remembering that this relationship is important, why because not only because of what it does for us or can do for us in this dunya
It is important and even more important because a day will come when we will lead this relationship and that is the only relationship will be there at that time because every other relationship would have severed
every other relationship would have been severed.
The only relationship with will get which we'll carry on is our relationship with our Creator.
And what is that?
is as old dealer dealer goes is Allah wa hora JT are GWAS color. Color is
yo ma easy to hide this walkabout Aha. Be on Rob bakau
yo media's door on so watch that and Leo armella home for my family meals. Carla's are rotten. Hi Ray. Well, my name is Karla Ratan Chevrolet.
That is the day
when an atom's weight of good and an atom weight of evil will be shown.
Yara will be shown
that is the day
about which Allah subhanaw taala wanders in I after I after I have so many of them, I don't want to decide all of the pointers, this is enough inshallah. And that is the day when we will need this relationship. And therefore I want to close and end by asking myself a new one question. And that question is that when you are standing before the hours of Allah subhanho wa Taala the day of judgment?
Do you want to be standing there as somebody who has a relationship with him?
Or do you want to be standing there as somebody who has no relationship with him?
Please decide,
and do accordingly.
Allah subhanho wa Taala gave the opportunity to Zambia.
And he gave us that opportunity. So let's decide, do we want to stand before Allah subhanaw taala as somebody who has a relationship with him, or as someone who has no relationship with
that day is going to come?
That day is going to come? And if you say that I want to stand before Allah subhanaw taala as someone who has a relationship with Him, then do what it takes to change your life.
Do what it takes to change your life. And what did he say about that relationship? What does one say about how to build that relationship? In the easiest most beautiful way possible? where not only will you love Allah but Allah We love you.
What did you say?
Allah one of the reason I call him quantum to hipbone Allah Fatah. boonie your baby como la. Well, yeah, the ferula Kumu Allah for him.
I mentioned his ama dame's I mentioned the meaning many times I don't want to repeat myself again and again, just a pointer to remind you, Allah subhanaw taala said say to them, yeah, Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam who claimed to love me, tell them imitate me. Do Follow me, use my way, do everything that I do. And then what will happen? Allah subhanho wa Taala We love you.
Allah, we love you. And if Allah loves you, He will forgive your sins. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is off forgiving and most merciful. For all Rahim We ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us to build a relationship build a relationship with him. We ask Allah Subhana Allah be pleased with us. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to open our hearts to the son of his daddy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so that when we meet Allah subhanaw taala. We will have a relationship
with Allah subhanaw taala on that basis remember anything else you do to build a relationship with Allah subhanaw taala will be something on your own for which you will not be able to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala but if you build your relationship and you work to build your relationship through the Sunnah of Rasulullah Salah, which is what Allah, Allah told us to do, on the day of judgment, at least we will have a talking point to say Allah, I tried my best, and I use the way that you told me to use, I tried my best, and I use the way that you told me to use now today please save me, keep my keep, please do not save me from dishonor. do not reject me because I did my best.
Give you some thought. And let us try to bring about some changes in our lives. The purpose of all these lectures is not simply to listen and go away. The purpose of these lectures is to bring a change in our lives. ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make that easy and possible for us and to give us the strength to do it was on Allah Allah Nabeel Karim Allah Allah He was savage made the Rama Rama Rama