Goal Process Metrics

Mirza Yawar Baig


Channel: Mirza Yawar Baig

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The speaker discusses the importance of goal-setting and how it can contribute to achieving personal goals. They emphasize the need for a goal in order to achieve a

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filarmonica Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Aisha Philomena Eva mousseline, Mohammad Rasool Allah is Allah Allah Allah He was, he was of yourself, the Steven cathedra. And because he Rama Babu, my brothers and sisters, I

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have said this before and I'm saying it again mainly to remind myself more than anything else. And that is the importance of

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having a goal in life. Not living pointlessly

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without direction without a go. Just existing reading,

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you know, morning happens, evening happens Suba OTA, Sham OTA, this is the reason they give tamam booty Hey,

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morning happens, night happens, even happens this is how life finishes. That is not the best way of leading your life. What differentiates us from animals is that we human beings have long term goals and our also has a goal which is to fit his belly

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or to

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mate with a with a with a with a female, and so forth. But that is animal life. A human being is distinguished by having long term goals. And by having goals which are more which are normal or which are more significant than simply physical

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fitness and physical survival.

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And that's why I say three things one, goal determines direction. If I have no goal, then I can't possibly have any direction in my life.

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I can't answer the question, What must I do now, because what I must do now depends on what am I trying to achieve, I may have several options. And it's impossible to choose between options. If I don't have a goal, to direct myself towards.

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It's only if I have a goal

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that I can choose the direction of my life. And I can choose what I need to do, which means which is the best out of the choices that are available to me.

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The only way to do that is by having a goal. So goal determines direction.

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Now, once you have a goal, we need something else which is process process ensures compliance to principles.

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Process is critically important, because it is possible to achieve any goal in multiple ways. Some of those ways are noble, and they are worthy of praise worthy of emulation and other goals ignoble, and they are despicable and they are liable to be punished. Now, how do we determine which is which we determine it by having the right process complying to certain principles.

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We are living in a world which is going

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from having been

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militarily dominated in the age of empire to being commercially dominated post empire. Principally, these things are almost impossible to put a date on there. But by and large, if you if you look at some indicators, after the collapse of the USSR, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, people, I don't have any people even remember what USSR fully the full form of it was. But we have seen that so after that, a world that became unipolar and got more and more dominated by commercial interests. So we have the economies the United States economy being far the biggest, and China coming up as a both as the possibly in the future by 2030, the biggest market in the world, as well as being hugely

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productive in terms of manufacturing. Therefore, the United States and China have this amazing love hate relationship of

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you know, USC is China as a

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as as in I won't say enemy but definitely as a

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competitor and as an adversity of some sort, but at the same time, both are both economies are hugely dependent on each other, you have all kinds of manufacturing facilities of for US companies, which are in China, because of Chinese efficiency in manufacturing. So, therefore, we are, we were we are still, as I said, this is very difficult to

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draw lines and say This ended at the started. So, there is some kind of parallel influence, but it has it continuous is basically the biggest driver, then then became, and continues to a great extent today, the commercial interest, so the world dominated by commerce. And then we come to a world dominated by technology. So, it's the big technology companies, which in some cases have the sales turnover is more than the GDP of

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many, many smaller countries. So, you have that, if you take, for example, the,

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turnover Sr, or of all the technology companies in the United States, it comes to around $50 trillion,

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which is even more than the GDP of the US itself several times, or almost three times the GDP of the US itself. So, it's a

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we went into that world, which is a world of technology companies, if you look at the world technology companies, you say, Well, how about a world that is run by

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people who own those and run those the CEOs of those technology companies? What will that will look like or what, what will drive their decision making. And then

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what runs commonly as it's read through all of this

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is the people who own the money and run the money, the bankers of the world, the financials of the world,

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who take decisions. Now all of that depends on what drives them. And that is the reason why it is so important to have education, which is based on principles and ethics and values.

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Because process ensures compliance to principles and ensure that you reach your goal in a way that is honorable, and that is beneficial for all the people in the game. For all those people in the world, especially those who cannot and do not have the power to protect themselves. If you had a principle based world, you would not be seeing what you're seeing today for example. And the final point is to have metrics because metrics enables measurement to progress, unless we have metrics unless we no matter how indistinct or in

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virtualization in I was inaccurate, not inaccurate, but yeah, indistinct and

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indefinite, those metrics might be it is essential to have metrics, because without metrics, you have no clue. I went backward forwards, I will fast enough to fast and so on, so forth. So, to quickly sum up, goal is critical, because without goal we have no direction. So goal determines direction. process ensures compliance to principles and therefore, principles are very important to established and the process to reach the goal must comply with those principles. And then finally, metrics enables measurement of progress. Metrics enables measurements of progress or some Allah Allah will carry Value Survey bedrock together