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Mirza Yawar Baig


Channel: Mirza Yawar Baig

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The importance of unity and acceptance in Islam is crucial to achieve Islam's main goal, with commonalities between Muslims and non- Muslims. Forgiveness is essential for building community and avoiding future evil, while forgiveness is essential for building acceptance and working with others to avoid problems. A man who caused harm to himself and his family was forgiven, and forgiveness is crucial for building community and avoiding future evil. A former mentor who forgivened the man and provided blood money to them was also forgiven.

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My brothers and sisters, Allah

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commanded us.

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And he said, yeah, are you a Ladina

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Allah said,

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hold fast

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and together

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through the rope of Allah

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and do not divide among yourselves.

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Allah did not say

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He did not say, Do not have a

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difference of opinion.

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He said

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He said, Don't form divisions.

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Now obviously, the reason for this is clear.

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I don't think I have to elaborate the

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the first thing that happens when you get

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divided, whether it's

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as Muslims, whether it's in a family,

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whether it's in an organization

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or wherever.

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When you get divided, then you lose strength.

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Right? There are so many

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teaching stories in different cultures.

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And the usual the usual story, one of

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the most common ones is that his father

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is dying

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and he has

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several sons

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and daughters.

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So he tells them each one

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bring 1 arrow. So each one brings 1

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So the father then gives 1 arrow to

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the person and says, break it. You break

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it. Bricks.

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Then he takes

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all the arrows, puts them together, ties them

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and then he says, now break it.

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You can't break it.

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So he said this is like you.

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If you stay together

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then nobody can break you.

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But if you are

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by yourself, if you are divided

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then you will be broken.

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Now question is,

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today, if we see it's very, very peculiar,

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paradoxical thing. Today, if you ask any Muslim,

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what is the single biggest biggest need of

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the Ummah? They will tell you unity.

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That no matter what, anyone, anywhere,

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this is the answer you will get. What

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does this Ummah need the most? Unity.

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But at the same time, we have

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disunity and we have

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reasons to differ and reasons to

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And every day there is a new reason.

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Right? It has to do with,

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maybe maybe with culture, maybe with, Aqidah

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or maybe, you know, this practice, that practice.

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Something or the other. Reason

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of Dubai.

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Now how do you change that?

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How do you change that? What do you

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The opposite of that is people say, well,

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you know, if that is the case, should

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we say that everything is okay?

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So somebody somebody is committing ship, that is

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also okay. Somebody is going and worshiping on

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a grave, that's also okay. Somebody is making

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top of the grave, that's also somebody is

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asking the person in the grave. Yeah. Give

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me just give me that. It's okay. How

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can it be okay? It's not okay.

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None of that is okay. All of this

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is open shirk. If somebody is doing that,

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we believe they have executed Islam. So there's

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no question of okay.

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we have to live together with others.

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And the thing I always remind myself is,

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if you look at

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places of conflict in the world where Muslims

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are being persecuted, where Muslims are being killed,

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the person who is coming to kill you

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is not first asking you,

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are you Hanafi or Shafi? Are you Shia

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or Sunni?

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Right. Are you Salafi or Sufi? He's not

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asking. He doesn't care. You are a Muslim?

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You look like a Muslim? Chop

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neck. But with we with us ourselves no.

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No. Hold on a second.

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I do.

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I raise my hand. Do you raise your

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If you didn't, I said, I'm sorry. I,

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you know, I can't be afraid. Go away.

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That's why he's saying, well, I do.

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So this is.

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So what is the solution to this thing?

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In my view, the solution to this is

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very simple, which is

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practice what you believe to be right based

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on your evidence on your.

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Don't change that.

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But if somebody else is doing something

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differently from you,

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leave him alone.

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Because he has his own dalil. Maybe his

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dalil according to me is wrong, doesn't matter.

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you look for is what are the common

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areas that we have

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that we still need to work together on.

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For example,

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issue of drugs.

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Doesn't matter whether you are or or or

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or or or this one or that one.

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If your kid is into drugs, he's into

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drugs. We have to sit sit and say

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how can we get this drug business out.

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Yes. It doesn't matter. You you you pray

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this way that way. Pray with your hands

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in your pockets. I don't care. As far

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as I'm concerned,

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we have we both have children. There is

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a drug problem. We have to sit together

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and think together to get the children out

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of this drug problem irrespective of how you

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worship and whether you cover your head or

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So look for commonalities

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we have common interest and common

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Work with those. Where we do not have

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common interest or or where we do not

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agreement or something. Leave it alone. No need

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to fight about that.

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Second very important thing is the willingness to

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Willingness to forgive each other.

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I'll give you 2 instances

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the. Take the instance of the man

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who was a relative of

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and who was also poor.

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So used to support him financially. So here

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is a man who is

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one thing he is a relative. Secondly, he

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is receiving money from.

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So normally, what would we expect that the

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person will be very grateful to him and

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very loyal to him. Yes?

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But, you know, I have seen this is

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a amazing thing in, in life. One of

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my very, very dear, mentors,

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he told me I think maybe 50 years

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ago. I was a little kid. He said

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to me if you want to make an

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enemy of somebody

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help them when they need it. So I

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thought this is a crazy thing. I mean,

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no. So you're telling telling me don't no.

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I said, no. You help but don't expect

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that the person will become your friend. He

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will not. He will he will probably be

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the first one to criticize you or the

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first one to go against you. So I

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thought this is rubbish. The he's saying something.

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Anyway, he He was much older than me.

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He was a mentor. So I never said

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I didn't sort of disagree with him. I

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listened to that. But in my life, I

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have seen this to be true multiple times.

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The people who stab you in the back

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are the people who

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who you helped. Right?

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And that is exactly what happened in this

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particular case. This man who was related to

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was receiving

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funds from him. He was one of those

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who slandered our mother

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Right. Last person in the world. You will

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expect this man to stand up against the

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others. Instead of that, this man is the

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is one who now.

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His guilt is proven.

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Punishment is awarded.

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80 lashes.

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He's all all this happens. There is no

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doubt about the fact that he's guilty.

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So quite rightly and justifiably, he says this

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fellow now I'm get out. I I will

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not help him anymore.

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He is a traitor.

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What does Allah what does Allah do? In

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Surah Al Anur, Allah reveals.

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Allah says,

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don't you want Allah to forgive you? Forgive

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Don't you want Allah to forgive?

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Now here is the matter. Because many times

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people say, no. No. No. He did it.

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That is why we have to forgive him.

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If he never did anything, what are you

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So here is a case where the person

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did this yet

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Allah subhanahu wa'ala. Allah is saying, Allah is

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saying you forgive him. Allah says I have

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given you more. I have blessed you more.

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Forgive him.

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2nd big and this is a combination of

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many side. I would mention that as collectively

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as one. Which is Rasool Allah

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SWALLAM treatment of those who harmed him

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And collectively,

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what happened for

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even before that?

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People like

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who who was a bigger enemy of Rasulullah

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SAW Salam than Abu Sufyan.

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So right to the time of Fatima, even

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in Fatima,

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he comes. He says,

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I have no problem with Muhammad.

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still have an issue with

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that. So

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who brought him there?

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I take away my protection from you. You

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are, you know, you are on your own.

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Get killed. I don't care. I mean, I'm

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I'm sick of you. I'm tired of you.

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I don't know what what's the issue with

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is the first one to forgive Abu Sufyan.

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And there are series of them. Hind,

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his wife

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who mutilated

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Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Salam's uncle.

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Al Washi

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who killed Hamza

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and so on and so on. Multiple people.

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Now think about this. So

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goes and forgives all these people, and he

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is forgiving them when he it was in

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his power and he would have been legally

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to execute them or to punish them. He

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does not do that. He forgives

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them. Free.

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He does not even seek compensation from them.

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He does not say, for example, to Vaishi,

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you kill my uncle. I'm his relative. Now

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pay me blood money.

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No. Nothing.

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Now what was the benefit of that? What

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why why is that so important?

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If you think about that, the biggest benefit

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of this was

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that at one stroke, it killed all

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future vendettas,

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all future revenges and everything else. One stroke

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is gone.

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So after this, after

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said to the people, go, you are free.

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He said go away, you are free.

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After that, even if somebody wanted to

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create some conspiracy or create some,

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you know, ill feeling against the,

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he would not get any traction because people

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would say, look. What kind of a man?

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I mean, he just forgave you and you

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are now trying to, you know, backstab him.

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Get out of here.

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And one stroke, he completely removed all opposition

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future opposition to Islam and to his mission

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by forgiving people.

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Now could it was it easy for him

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to forgive? Just think about it. You must

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put yourself in that position. Is it was

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it easy for him to forgive? No. Of

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course, it's not. It's very very difficult.

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But he did it because by that one

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all future opposition is gone.

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And he is now free to do his

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work without anybody interfering and, you know, he

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doesn't have to play politics. He doesn't have

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to watch his back. He doesn't have to

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Is free.

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So I remind myself with you

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that this is a very very very important

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thing to do. It's not easy And that's

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why Allah said hold together firmly to the

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rope of Allah.

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It is not easy, but it is essential

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and it is the most powerful thing that

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we have

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to build community.

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We ask Allah

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to help us to build community and to

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for us and others.

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for us and others.