Karim Abuzaid – Why The Sahabah (RA) #4

Karim Abuzaid
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallliya's teachings and actions, including mistakes made by their companions and the loss of their children, have been discussed. The importance of honoring companions in Islam is emphasized, as it is crucial for peace and security in the Middle East. The importance of learning about companions in Islam is also emphasized, including stories of individuals like a worker who sacrificed their lives to bring the deen of Islam to their own country and how they sacrificed their wealth to become a worker. The upcoming episode of stitch of the wedding and sacred wedding are also mentioned.
AI: Transcript ©
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people needed to hear

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I really did.

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Mohammed's message from

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the prophets faithful friend trust protected him his love had nowhere

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please with pm companion

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in the middle who want to stay in stock for one hour will allow him in sharara fusina sejati amarena manga de la hufa la mobile Allah one minute lil fella her the Allah will shadow Allah Allah Allah Allahu la sharika lah wa shadow anessa Donna wanna Vienna Mohammedan Abdullah who are solo brothers and sisters in Islam as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. And welcome again, to righteous companions, brothers and sisters in Islam. inshallah, this will be the fourth episode and the last in answering this question, why the Sahaba? Why the companions? Why we must, not should, we must learn about the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We mentioned four reasons,

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three reasons are left and be in Illa. We will finish them up this episode, just hang in there. The first of the third reasons is we want to make sure that we are not talking about angels here. We are talking about human beings, the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam brothers and sisters in Islam. They were human beings like me and you. Because we know some people in the oma have elevated some of them to the status of Gods sometimes there are people who worship

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some of these companions. Unfortunately, we want also to make sure that you understand that these companions, they were human beings, they actually had shortcomings.

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I'll just cite you one example and we'll help you understand it if you sell Buhari

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nabee malayaka he said this care they'll hire on a laka it's almost that the two righteous companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the best of them, Abu Bakr and Omar about to be doomed to reunite basically to be destroyed. Why? Because they raised their voices in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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and Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed Koran regarding this issue in salted gerat Allah subhana wa Taala says, yeah leadin Amanullah swatter can focus on the Walla Walla Whoville, kolayca horiba, coolibah and Baba, amen, Amal Kumar and to MLA

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Oh II believe, do not raise your voices in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because this may lead to you losing all your deeds, and that is this is what is meant by they are doomed to Ryun. But look at the companions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and this is what we want to prove to you that they have shortcomings. But with one difference, they always retreat to the truth.

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This is Ohio Muslim, beautiful Hadith. Hadith is set up with no holiday, a holiday Vanessa, if I could be mistaken in the order of the name here. He said this, I was in front of the machine in front of honorable photography Alon, in the vicinity of the graveyard of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he hit me with a little rock in order to get my attention. And then, as soon as I looked at Omar bukata, when he was the Commander of the Faithful when he was ameerul, momineen, the leader of the oma when I looked at the lava, and basically he got my attention. Then he told me, come here, come here, and then he did not even speak, because he was around the

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graveyard of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he pointed at two individuals who were talking loud in front of the grave yard of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he told me in a very, basically, low tone, go get me those two who are talking in front of the graveyard of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and when they arrived in front of hon katavi Allah and he

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Ask them, where are you from? They said we are from a PA, which is a neighboring town to Medina, a neighboring town, not from Medina basically, he said, Would you have been from Medina I would have done so and so and so because you're not supposed to raise your voice above the in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even so this is the graveyard of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, I want to prove to you here that because of the experience that the mistake that he made, in which Allah subhana wa tada revealed Quran, this is how he retreated. This is how he acted the same exact thing. Another example, when a Buddha or the Allah on a companion that I would love to share

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your history with you in sha Allah, Allah, Allah and the series. When he one day he called Bilal, yep. nessa

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he actually called Bilal one day when he got angry abna soda. Then bill and of course got so upset. And he went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Hadith, this hadith. This after. It's enough, since I am Muslim, but the wording is in other books of Hadith, I'm combining everything together, just to give you the meanings here. The land went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he complained about a Buddha. And then

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the other one was called in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he told him, did you say that? He said, Yes, O Messenger of Allah, he got me upset and so on. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told

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in a camera on pekerja helia, you have some of jelly and you look, he found out that he committed a mistake, he made a mistake. He's it, those who go back and fix the mistake that we have committed. And this is the quality that the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had, they had, because arrogance sometimes may hinder you from retreating to what is right, look to the failure of your loved one. Upon learning what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him, he went back to the lab, and he placed his cheek in the ground, an earth and he said, Yeah, below, step on me, step on me. I'm sorry. Basically, he's telling him I'm sorry. I made a mistake. Look at the

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land. Look at that beautiful generation. What a beautiful generation that says brothers and sisters in Islam. They always retreat to the truth. Bilal comes back to Abby doll kills him, comes back to the land, telling him I'm sorry, and below accepting him back. This is so important for us as an oma to reflect upon this. I'll share with you quickly be in the late eila another incident that happened between our worker Sadiq and Ravi Ababa and Houma and the author of the Hadith in Sahih Bukhari Hadith ebitdar. There are a viola Juan Abu Bakr Siddiq, he had some conversation with Omar that ended with a little debate and quarrelsome towards the end. Look over Casa de filled that he did

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something that is not right with Omar he kind of overdid it with Omar. So he told him, I am sorry,

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Oman, katavi Allah and at this time, he was so angry, he did not accept it from him. Our workers became so upset. And then he left his government. And then he went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam was sitting with the rest of his companions. And when he saw our workers so dechra, viola Juan, approaching the gathering, lifting his garment like this, he told his companions, a Messiah will come takahama It looks like he had some problems some quarrelsome when he arrived, he said is Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Then, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked about our Casa de what is wrong

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about our Casa de ke said O Messenger of Allah. I did something wrong to Omar, and I felt bad about it. And I went to him telling him I'm sorry, Omar did not accept from me, and I became a little bit upset. He is what the prophets of Allah Allah wa sallam said, yo quiero la hula?

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hula, hula K. Buck, young.

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Buck, May Allah forgive you. May Allah forgive you. May Allah forgive you, our brothers and sisters in Islam.

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Omar also felt guilty about not accepting the apology of Abu Bakr. He immediately went looking for our Casa de la de la when he went to his house, he did not find him. And of course, he learned that he must be with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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As soon as he abroad the gathering Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his face became so angry, so upset. Our workers became so fearful, so concerned that the Rasul sallallahu alayhi wasallam will speak to honorable hardtop in a very angry way. Abu Bakr Sadiq looks at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam telling him Yara Salama, voila, he and according to Islam, I am the one who was a little bit

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overdid it with Omar I am the one who caused the whole thing to happen. Please Oh messenger of Allah, I will forgive him. And here is honorable hopper the law on coming to ask to ask the forgiveness of Abu Bakr Siddiq for not accepting his apology. This is the type of relationship that we need brothers and sisters in Islam amongst ourselves, again, by presenting righteous companions to the oma at this time. We want to let them know that they were human beings, they were not angels. They were not people who were basically infallible. No, they were subject to errors, that with one difference, they always retreated to the truth, they always retreated to what is right. This is what

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we need to learn brothers and sisters in Islam. Let's take a short break. And we will come back to cover the rest of the reasons why should we talk about the companions of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Remember, we mentioned five reasons so far. role models, they have rights upon us. They are the security for the oma the word human beings and they had some short comings and there is the shortcomings. They were human being shortcomings but they always retreated to the truth. And they were basically they have rights upon us that we should respect and honor and love them. Let's take a short break and come back and cover the rest of the reasons why the Sahaba why righteous companions

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as salaam alaikum Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh I really did

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Mohammed's message from

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viewers who the programs can be watched in the English section of the in flight entertainment directory onboard all Saudi airline flights, domestic and international. Sit back, relax and enjoy watching her this entity and the money shows on your trip.

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herder which is your safe and successful journey

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alight in every home.

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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh brothers and sisters in Islam Welcome back to righteous companions. Why the Sahaba why the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Two more reasons brothers and sisters in Islam. We have mentioned that we the oma lacks role models and the companions of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam are the ideal because Allah Subhana Allah Allah and His Messenger, they braised them for us in order to follow their footsteps. Reason number two, they are the security for the oma. They were the delivers of the deen to us and if they vanish if they do not exist, then if we cannot honor them and dignify them, if we cannot learn about them, then the

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Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, we also mentioned that they have rights upon us. That is Reason number three, they have rights upon us, we must say about the Allahu anhu all of them without any exception, we must love them, we must honor them. We must dignify them, we cannot neglect learning about them. We cannot abuse them in any way in writing or showing them in pictures and movies, nor we can basically curse them. Number four, they were the ideal template for transformation from nobody to somebody. That is the reason that I forgot to mention before the break down Sahaba they traveled from J helia. to Islam. A lot of us a lot of us brothers and sisters in

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Islam need that transformation. And the Sahaba are the ideal example basically to help us so learning about the companions, it will help you travel from Jamelia to Islam. The reason that I also mentioned right before the break in this episode, that they weren't human beings like you and me, and they had shortcomings but with one difference, they always retreated to the truth. Now by learning about them, this will give us

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The courage also to retreat what is right, if we are in an area of wrong, what is the fifth? What is the sixth and the sixth reason brothers and sisters in Islam and the reason before last, we are talking about the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is the fact that they are the ideal example for us once it comes to steadfastness.

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All right now to make a full commitment to Islam, it is not easy. I tell you, I live in this world too. I know what a devoted Muslim goes through every single day. I know what a devoted brother goes through every single day. What a devoted sister who wears her dress, her hijab, and she looks like a Muslim woman goes through every day. You need people to look at, you need role models, and that is why Allah Subhana Allah narrated to us a lot of stories in the Quran, in order to give us the concept of steadfastness, when you read about so high, for example, having to give up all his wealth for La ilaha illAllah. You could do the same, if you will, from hyrum. Right now, if you learn about

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our Casa de la I'm giving all his life, giving all his family, giving all his money, giving all his everything that he owns to the deen of Allah Subhana Allah, one day he given all his wealth to Allah and His Messenger, like he said, and we'll share this with you, once we talk about a worker. So therefore, the 11 then this will basically strengthen you. This will once you find out that people like these companions, they are in the same path of steadfastness, the same path like you are in right now. This will grant you steadfastness. And this is why Allah subhana wa tada narrated in the Quran, the stories of the prophets, to our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he told

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them this wakulla Naka, soiree came in and there was one man who said b2b for that, and we are assigning to you Oh, Mohammed, the news of the messengers before you worked will grant you steadfastness. Brothers and sisters in Islam. The same thing if you learn about these companions, because I tell you right now, you will not find a lot of people devoted to the deen. A lot of people they lean is wishy washy, unfortunately, but a lot of people are coming back now what you need is people who you can look at and read about their their stories. Some of these companions, brothers and sisters in Islam, sacrificed their lives, given up their wealth, given up everything for the

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deen of Allah Subhana Allah Allah now, by learning about the righteous companions, by learning about the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam this will grant you steadfastness in your path to Allah subhanho wa Taala. The last reason brothers and sisters in Islam, why we are learning about the companions is a very important reason

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Subhan Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam appears in Mecca,

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calling people to Islam.

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Very few join him, believed in him, giving up their wealth, giving up their lives, sometimes for the Diem in order for the dean to spread in earth.

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These companions brothers and sisters in Islam, they sacrificed a lot. They paid the price, they paid the price

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and some of them by the way, did not gain anything in the dooney

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inshallah, I'm going to share with you the story of masala abnormal, or the Alon, the companion whom the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam chosen to send to Medina after the second pledge of the first pledge of Aqaba, in order to teach the people in Medina the Quran and the deen maybe 60% of the people in Medina became Muslims because of mosop because he was the teacher. And maybe we'll share his story with you in the series insha Allah and Subhan Allah, Most of Norway, he was actually the son of a very wealthy women in Mecca. She used to buy for him the best clothes

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to the extent that we must have would pass by an area you would know that Musab was here because of the scent and the perfume that he uses. His mother used to treat him so well. He used to buy him clothes from all over the world, bring him the best perfume and he given up all of this to become a Muslim. He given up all of this for La ilaha illa Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam chosen him to go to Medina and all that

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Teach and answer the Quran and the religion. And you know what? He died in the Battle of

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Allah Subhana Allah every time that I read his story I shake, because in spite of his sacrifice for the deen and in spite of the work that he did for the dean, when he was amongst the 70 companions who were killed in this battle, when they were trying to basically cover his body, they did not even have a garment for him something to basically cover his body with.

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So he left without getting anything from the dunya He did everything that a person can do for the religion of Allah subhanho wa Taala, yet he left this world and Allah subhana wa Tada. And this is actually what Allah another companion mentioned. And he said, he said he actually made a statement that we feel like Allah subhanaw taala giving us a kick back in this dunya all of us after Islam became stablished in the Arabia and some of the companions they started having some of the dunya some of the wolf and there is nothing wrong with that. And have you ever been refused to say accept Musab Allah subhana wa Ireland spilled all his reward in genuine spirit all his reward in general. I

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come back to the point that I'm trying to reason why every time that you learn about one of these companions, and you will find this out as we learn about a worker so deep as we learn about Omaha top as we learn about automatic non fan, as we learn about Illumina vitalia and the rest of the companions in sha Allah, you will find out that each one of these companions pay the price for the deen of Allah. They did something for the deen of Allah. They serve the deal of Allah in order for the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala to rise and to spread the earth. The question that every time that you must ask yourselves brothers and sisters in Islam, after you read about any of these

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companions, what did you do for the deen of Allah so far? What did you do? Here they are sacrificed? The precious.

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They sacrificed it in order to bring to you the deen of Allah. What legacy will you leave after your life? What legacy?

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Are you willing to give up your wealth for the deen of Allah? If you have to? Are you willing to sacrifice your bad friends? In order to be amongst the good friends? The company of the believers for the deen of Allah? Are you willing to give up your life if you need to, for the deen of Allah? The question that you always have to ask yourselves, after you read about each one of these companions?

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What did you do so far for the deen of Allah. This these are the reasons brothers and sisters in Islam, we are talking about the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the series. This is why we bring in the subject up, it took a little bit longer than I expected, addressing these reasons, but it was important to introduce to you these reasons. So you know the ground in which insha Allah, I will be covering and talking about some of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Again, I want to warn you, so I'm not going to be citing the biography of the companions. If this is what I'm going to do in this episode, then our workers to do the 11

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would be sufficient actually, to talk about him, maybe in 30 and 40 and 50 episodes. Rather, I will focus on some events from the lives that can serve these objectives that I have mentioned, role models

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dignify them, giving them the rights help us in the in the in the area of transformation from Jehovah to Islam, and so forth. Brothers and sisters in Islam. The next episode inshallah is a needed Episode Two. We're going to talk about the creed of a Muslim once it comes to the companions of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. We know that there are people who curse the companions, we know that there are people who curse some of the companions. We know some people who actually elevated some of the companions to the status of gods that they actually call upon them. Yeah, Alia Hussein. Yeah, well, how can we know that we have some people who say this? What is the creed of a

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Muslim once it comes to the companions of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. The next episode is so important for you. If I asked you this question, and you are a Muslim, what is your creed in the companions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam? What is your creed regarding the quarrelsome and the fighting that erupted amongst the companions after the death of God?

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offers on a low value asylum, who is a companion and all of this. This is a very important episode. Do not miss the next episode of righteous companions. This is the last episode that is needed. It's basically a ground before we actually begin and commence talking about the companions of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, and guess who will we talk about first will be Abu Bakr Saudi Arabia lavon I'm so excited actually to be talking about him. Till the next episode of righteous companions Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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to the people who need it.

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I really did.

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Mohammed's message from

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the prophets faithful friend trusted protected him his love had no and

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be pleased with him companion in Jannah or blessing

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the prophets faithful

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