Kamil Ahmad – The Strangers: Episode 2 – Explanation of the Hadith on the Strangers

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses various hadiths and their significance in Islam, including the third Hadeeth meaning "hasith" and the third heavy meaning "hasith ofennah." They also discuss the history behind the phrase "howdy" and its meaning in various context, including the history of Islam and the importance of finding the right person to ask for help. The speaker emphasizes the need for people to not abandon their religion and to not give glad tidings to others, as it is a strange thing that will return to being something normal.
AI: Transcript ©
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Which is reported in Sahih Muslim where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said better Islam or even worse a better hurry then for to de Lille hora de Islam began as something strange, and it will again return as it began, as something strange. So glad tidings for the hurrah, the strangers. The second Hadeeth that we have is also found in Sahih Muslim. It is the hadith of Abdullah bin Omar, who said that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in Islam by the reader was even better.

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It is very nearly Miss Jamie Kamara.

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He said, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Indeed Islam began as something strange, and it will again return as something strange in the same manner in which it began. And he went on to say, and it will recede between the two mustards meaning Mecca and Medina, just like a snake crawls back into its hole, the third Hadees that we have, the first two ahaadeeth that we mentioned, are authentic in Sahih Muslim. The third heavy that we have is found in various books of Hadith, such as in a margin and also by a Bharani and also reported by a layup. This Hadith is not graded as being sushi, but rather graded as being SM meaning that it is not at the level of perfect authenticity,

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but it has other evidences to bring it up to a good level. That's why it's referred to as hesson. In this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam basically said in Islam, or even worse, or even pursue the little Harada woman in Hyderabad Yara sudo la four con la Vina usili una EDA suddenness. In this hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Indeed, Islam began as something strange.

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And it will again return as being something strange, so give glad tidings to the strangers. So it was said the companions around him as a messenger of Allah, Who are the strangers. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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Those who reformed the people, they rectify the people, those who were formed the people. They try to reform the corruption process of them said those who reformed the people, when the people have become corrupted, those who reformed the people, when the people have become corrupted. The fourth Hadees that we have, is also graded as being hyson as being good or fair. This is the hadith of Abdullah a banana house for the Allahu anhu Ma, which is reported by Imam Ahmed in his Muslim and also reported by October Ronnie in El Mirage lKb in this Howdy, Abdullah even, even Alas, he said, Cora sudo wa he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam data Yeoman national NGO who toda la hora de la hora de

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Yasuda wa for call una de una de una si su in Casa de una sala

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de una seem to in casier many as we him a thorough menu to many men, nuclear. And so in this Howdy, Abdullah Abraham rebel house, he says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said one day while we're sitting around him, he said, Give glad tidings to the strangers. So, it was said, Who are the strangers almost river law. So he said they are a people who are righteous among

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a larger group of people who are evil, who are wicked, those who obey them, those who obey these righteous individuals are less than those who disobeyed them or less than those who disobeyed. And so, these are some of the wordings of the Hadith of the strangers. There are many other that have been narrated, many others that have been transmitted. However, most of those other narrations I have not mentioned because, for the most part, they are weak narration

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They are inauthentic. And they should not really be relied upon. However, having said that, as we can see there are many many narrations regarding this Howdy. As a result, the scholars of Howdy, they consider it to be a moot awatea Howdy, howdy, which has been recorded by many, many, various narrators. And so, this is sufficient for us to attribute it to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now, we come to the meaning of the strangers and the meaning of their strangers, that is mentioned in these ahaadeeth. And so, the general meaning is, as we have already mentioned, in our previous episode, that basically, the stranger in these ahaadeeth refers to a Muslim

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who chooses the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala, remaining steadfast and firm upon the straight path of a loss of Hannah who will die. And those who agree with him, or few, those who approve of Him, who are satisfied with him, are few in number, while those who disagree with him, or many, the majority of people disagree with him, do not approve of his way of life. And when he calls the people to follow Him, to follow the guidance that Allah guided him to, they review, the majority of people refuse, and he only gets a handful of follow. But there's also another way of looking at the strangeness of these strangers. And that is basically the difficulty that the strangers face in

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adhering to Islam. And so the more we are distanced from the time of prophethood, from the era of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, and his companions, the more evil we will find in this world, and it will be so difficult to do something good.

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While you know, trying to avoid evil, it will be so difficult to do something that is purely good and purely halaal. from all angles, not only that, it will be even more difficult to basically do something that is purely good due to the many roadblocks, the many hurdles that come in one's way. And we find this in the hadith of Hosea, even a young man, where he said that the people used to ask our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about good, but I used to ask him about evil, for the fear, falling into that evil. So once I asked the Prophet Sall, Allahu Allah, he was sending them O Messenger of Allah. We were in ignorance in Jamelia. So Allah subhanho wa Taala bestowed upon us the

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present good that we are in. So will there be any evil after this good? And so he said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Yes, so I asked, Will there be good after that evil?

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After the evil comes? Will there be another good, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, yes, there will be another good. However, this time, it will be tainted with what he referred to as done, which is basically a little bit of evil, tainted with the good. So I asked, what will its dozen be. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there will be some people who will lead others according to principles other than my tradition,

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they will lead the people to misguidance away from my sadhana.

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And so you will see their actions possible. Some says you will see their actions and you will disapprove of them. So I said, Will there be any evil after this period of good? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said yes, there will be some people who will basically invite others to the door of the Hellfire, and whoever accepts their invitation to it will be thrown into the Hellfire by them. So I asked what do you order us to do in such a situation when this takes place? But before we do that, before we continue this Hadeeth We'll take a short break and be right back

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16th and 17th June 2016. Welcome to witness the dynamic exposure by doctors

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in his public domain

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organised by the Department of Islamic affairs and charitable activities Dubai under the patronage of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

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Ahmed Ramadan gathering today, the most important weapon in the world is the media the meeting on Thursday 16th June 2016 at 10:30pm of the Toronto and we find today Dr. sunken highlights

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and impact

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propaganda, media and Islam followed by an open question and answer session and Saif bin Mohamad family gathering cavani Dubai UAE and inshallah on Friday 17th June 2016 at 10:30pm

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please feel free to ask any question

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satisfying answers from doctors. Good night and I want to ask this question.

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an exclusive open question and answer session and Simon bin Mohamad family gathering Pavani Dubai UAE from all faiths and welcome admission

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doctors suck in my store to UAE

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what are the main characteristics the coolest is slam need to succeed? The key to success in dow and Acura are good characteristics and excellent manners.

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Patience, sacrifice, mercy, forgiveness and overlooking of faults

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or flaws taqwa and see how, what do these mean?

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And how do we attain them.

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To find out more about these qualities join me in green in my series characteristics of the color here on peace TV.

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Discovered those specific values that attract people towards Islam in characteristics of the color to Islam. Next on peace TV.

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Welcome back to the second episode of the strangers. Before we went on our break, we were discussing the headings of data Ignalina.

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He was that companion who always used to ask the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about you know difficult times about the adversities the calamities that will befall this. And in this hadith in the beginning, he mentioned the reason why he used to ask the Prophet so seldom a Buddha, he said because I was afraid that you know, I will end up in those times. So I should take my cautious path regarding that. And so we continue the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was basically mentioning that after a period of good time, there will once again come a period of evil. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, yes, there will be a period of evil again.

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And this time there will be people who will invite others to the doors of Hellfire, and whoever accepts their invitation, he will be thrown into the Hellfire by. And so for the familiar man, he asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam describe these people to us. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, they will belong to us, and they will speak our language, meaning they will be from the Arabs. So I asked, What do you order us to do? What do you order me to do, if such a thing should take place in my lifetime, and so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, adhere to the Jamaat of the Muslim, and their leader, but here to the body of the Muslims, and their

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leader. And so I asked all messenger of Allah, if there is neither a group, a body of Muslims, nor a leader for them, what do you advise me to do? And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Keep away from all of those groups, even if you have to buy on to the root of a tree, until you meet a loss of Hannah who would data while being in that state. And so, this is the Hadith, in which

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam basically told us that after his time, there will be a period of evil, and then there will be a period of good, then once again, there will be a period of evil but each time the evil increases. And so if you try to do good things,

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It will be tainted with evil.

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However, and the point should be mentioned here and that is that it should not be understood that the strangeness that will return to the earth is justification for abandoning Islam. When Islam returns as being something strange. Some people may think that you know, this means that I could abandon Islam because we shouldn't look strange. However, that is not the case. The famous scholar, even taymiyah may Allah have mercy upon him, he said in this regard, it should not be understood that when Islam becomes something strange, that it is now permissible to abandon Islam. Rather, it is as a law said in the Quran. Woman Yeah, but tells you how evil Islam Idina palaniuk, Bella Minh,

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in Surah, Allah and Rhonda wa says, Whoever takes on another religion, other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him. And also Allah says, In Edina and de la he and Islam, that the religion the true religion, accepted by Allah with Allah is an Islam. And Allah says, Yeah, you have levena am an otaku? wahaca toccata while at a much lower level, oh, you believe fear a law the fear that he is most deserving of and do not die, except in a state of Islam, and so, even tinier, he goes on to say, that is why when Islam began as something strange, no other religion was acceptable in the beginning of Islam, when the prophet SAW Selim came with Islam, was any other religion, applicable,

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acceptable? No, Allah subhana wa tada sent our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and as soon as he sent him, all other religions became abrogated. And so even taymiyah goes on to say, rather, it has been established in the authentic sooner. The habito

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even came out that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala look towards the people of the world, at the world and the people of the world. And he showed hatred for the Arab and the non Arab, with the exception of remnants, from Al Kitab. From the People of the Book, in this hadith the prophet SAW some is basically referring to before the advent of Islam. When the prophet SAW Selim came in the very beginning of Islam, Allah subhanho wa Taala looked at the people of the earth, and he was hateful, he was in hatred for them, because of the ignorance that they were living in. Nobody was worshiping a loss of Hannah, who everyone was associating partners

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with a lot. As we mentioned earlier, there was darkness that covered the entire world, as apostle Solomon said, except for remnants from the People of the Book from Al Kitab, a few of them, who still held on to the teachings of the prophets, because even the people of the book they had abandoned, most of them had abandoned the teachings of the prophets. And those are very important point to mention here is that

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the meaning of this Hadith, that Islam began as something strange and it will return as being something strange. It does not mean that when it becomes something strange, again, that the one who is holding on to Islam adhering to Islam, he is in a bad situation. It doesn't mean that, as some people may think, they may think that, you know, it means that the Muslim who is looked at as being a stranger, he's in deep water, and he's in a very, very bad situation. Rather, the opposite. Is it true, rather, the opposite is true. And so, this individual, the stranger, whether it be in the time of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, at the advent of Islam, or when Islam will return as

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being something strange, the stranger, this believer is the happiest of all people. Yes, he is the happiest of all people in the world.

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As the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned at the very end of the same study, what did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam say, he said, For Buddha, hurrah. So give glad tidings to the believers or rather give glad tidings to the stranger.

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And so, the stranger when Islam returns as being something straight, he will basically be the same kind of person in the beginning of Islam, those few companions who followed our Prophet sallallahu alayhi, wasallam this individual who

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will come in later generations, when Islam will become something strange. He will be the same kind of individual that accepted Islam. In the beginning, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam first started his vow. And so those who followed him, when it was something stream, they were the happiest of all people. And that's why these individuals, the few companions, most of them, the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam bore witness to the fact that they will be from the inhabitants of Jenna, before they even die. The 10 who were promised with paradise, and others in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam bore witness to the fact that they would be from the inhabitants of

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Jeddah. And so they were the happiest of all people, both in this life, and in the next. And so in the Hereafter, they will be of the highest ranking people in gender, they will attain gender fulfill those, the highest level that any believer can attain after the prophets and the minister. And so what we learn

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is that being a stranger, in this world, being a stranger being looked at as being a stranger in this dunya is not necessarily something bad. And so

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if you are shunned by your people,

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your people have rejected you, simply because you adhere to Islam, you have decided to study the Quran, the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his companions, and take all of them as role models for yourself.

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Simply because of this, simply because you decided to change your way of life, from the way of life of your people.

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It does not mean in any way whatsoever that you are in, it does not mean in any way whatsoever, that you are in a bad situation. And so, if you started growing your beard, continue, if you started wearing Hijab continue,

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you decided

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to abandon your people, and migrate, for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala, then continue, if you sister are looked at as being a stranger by your own husband, then continue on that path.

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If you are considered a stranger, by your own mother and father, continue on that same path. For this path is actually something good for you. It will lead you to happiness in this dunya before the next, even though it may not seem like that right now. And so continue on that path. For this path. The path of the strangers is the path that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam gave glad tidings for those who will tread this path to remain upon it. I asked Allah subhanahu wa taala to keep us all steadfast and firm upon that path. I asked a loss of Hannah who would Dinah to grant us Jen natural fear to dose as he granted it to those companions of his until our next episode. So they had

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a koala home they'll be handed a shadow Allah, Allah, Allah and Estelle fuuka were to elect

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new to make me from

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love you. And for those who love you, to love me too.

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I'm begging you, to make me love the thing

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that will cause you to love me too.

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There's nothing that can convey to you the wonder and the joy

The Prophet (SAW) said, Islam began as something strange and it will end up being as something strange.

What sets these Strangers apart in the crowd? How do they hold on to their religion when the others have forsaken it? Learn the characteristics of these Strangers which leads them to Paradise.

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