Kamil Ahmad – Prophetic Parables – Parable #17 – The Feelings of the Believers Towards one Another

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The concept of mutual bonds between believers and their counterparts is discussed, including the idea that they are one another and that they are like one another. The importance of praying for Muslims and raising awareness to reduce suffering is emphasized, along with the need for people to be aware of the systemic suffering that causes feelings of loss and confusion. The speaker emphasizes the need for people to be aware of the magnitude of suffering and its consequences, as it causes feelings of loss and confusion.
AI: Transcript ©
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We move on after that to our next parable today, and that is the parable in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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described the feelings and the sentiments that the believers are supposed to have for one another.

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And so this hadith

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is agreed upon mentioned by both Bukhari and Muslim.

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The narrator is a normal man in the machine or the logline. Allah Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam matter Lulu Mina feet wide de him. What are our who me him? What are our poofy him methodolgy Sadie, either sbtech I mean, who are the one that I know who said he will just study this, he will come in this hadith. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that example of the believers with regards to their mutual love, their compassion. Their sympathy is like that of one body.

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When any part of it feels pain, the rest of the body responds with sleeplessness and fever.

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And so the relationship between the members of this oma

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is unlike any other relationship of any other group of people.

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The members of this oma the believers are bonded by one thing, and that is there enough and nothing else. And that's why it was some kind of data says describing the believers.

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will it mean to bow loom earlier

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that the believers men and women are elderly at

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they are only

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for one another? And Olia are basically

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friends, helpers, supporters protectors. This is the meaning of earlier.

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And email Michelle Kenney. Commenting on this verse, he says, meaning that their hearts are united in mutual love, affection and sympathy because of what unites them have their Diem and their belief in Allah subhanahu wa tada

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A Shem. bleeping Mohammed Al amin shook up

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the famous

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share who passed away

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in the last century

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and he was a professor.

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in Medina, he was one of the scholars of Medina I used to teach him a semester they never leave. And he has a very famous, I've seen a one by n.

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He mentions a very beautiful observation

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of how in the Quran, Allah Subhana Allah

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mentions us the believers, by seeing

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by addressing us and saying and fuko yourselves, but meaning not meaning us and when you say for example,

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take care of yourself.

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If somebody was to tell you take care of yourself,

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or if somebody was to address

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a group of people and he said, Take care of yourselves, what do you understand from that you understand from that, that each person should take care of his own self.

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But in the Quran, when Allah subhanho wa Taala addresses us and says unfurl sukoon yourselves

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a shoe creepy, shall creepy he mentioned that what is actually meant

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in the context of believers is

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your brothers and sisters.

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And so he says, this indicates how the bond of Islam makes the Muslim, the Muslim his brother, your Muslim brother it makes him like you like yourself.

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It makes him like yourself.

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And then he gives examples. He says For example, Allah Subhana Allah says

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wanna want to hurry Juna and full circle I mean the article

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and do not expel yourselves

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From your homes, he says what is meant here is do not expel your Muslim brothers from their homes

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and the loss of heaven with Allah says

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in the story of the slander of eyeshadow the Allahu anhu in order to move lots of head on with Allah says Lola avicennia to move one, Luna well Mina to be an fusi and Pio,

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that when you heard this lander,

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the believers and the men and the women of the believers,

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they thought of themselves, they thought good of themselves. He says, what it means is not themselves but of their brothers and their sisters. They taught they thought good of their brothers and their sisters. Also Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah 200 when I tell him he Zoo and full circle,

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do not ask. Do not make fun of one another of yourselves. When I told him he is when I tell him he Zoo and full circle, do not

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call yourselves with evil names. What he's meant to is

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what is actually meant is do not call your Muslim brothers and sisters by evil names do not make fun of them. Also, Allah Subhana Allah says wanna what kulu Amanda convener con Bilbao really

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let not one of you to consume, let not, do not consume your

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do not consume your wealth and justly do not consume your wealth unjustly what isn't it is do not consume the wealth of your brother unjustly. And then he mentioned the Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, none of you truly believes until he loves for his brother, what he loves for himself.

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So all of this shows us all of this shows us how Allah subhanho wa Taala

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wanted to

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you know get this message across to us that we are like one, we are like one, the believers are like one.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam expound expounded on that in this Hadith, in this parable that he gave. So in this parable, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described this bond between the believers by comparing them to the human body,

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when a part of your body starts to feel pain,

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what happens because all of the parts of the body are connected with one another, your body, every part is connected with the other, no part is independent, no part of your body is functioning independently on its own.

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Each part, each organ, each limb is connected with another.

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And so this is the human body.

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So because each part is connected directly to the other, what happens when one part feels pain,

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or falls ill

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the entire body feels the pain. And so when you fall sick, when you fall, Ill if you have an infection in your lungs,

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it is not only your lung, that will feel the pain or that will suffer. But now, your entire body will will not be able to sleep,

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your entire body will

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know you're going to get a fever now, your entire body is going to feel it.

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You're going to shiver, your entire body is going to shiver.

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You're not going to be able to eat properly, you're not going to be able to sleep properly, and so on and so forth.

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And so

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that this is how the believers are. If one part of the body feels pain, then the entire body responds.

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And so likewise.

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Likewise, the believers, if one group of us

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if one group of us suffers, no matter what part of the earth they're in. If we hear of their suffering,

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then that suffering will be felt by the rest of us. Because we are connected. Just like that one body. And what connects us what connects us is nothing but our email and our Islam.

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But now here's the important part,

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not just the feeling of the pain.

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That's what the prophet SAW to love what he was saying described.

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But now, the more important part is that just like the body that falls ill, it puts up its defenses and fights back the illness, the entire body responds, by fighting back. Likewise, the believers, we don't only feel the pain and the suffering, but now we respond by we respond with action, by coming to the aid of our brothers and sisters, coming to their defense. And so it's not just a false feeling of pain,

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but rather the kind of feeling that that pushes us to action that pushes us to do something about that pain. And so this is what we see in this study. This is what the prophet sallallaahu it was sort of wanting to get across to us.

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That if you feel the pain, do something about it, just like that body, when it feels a pain, it responds, and, you know, the immune system, and the entire body will start,

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you know, putting up its defense, and fighting back.

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And this is what we see. This is what we see not only in the words of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, but more importantly, in his action in what he showed us through His example. And so we see in the life of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam.

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Examples of this feeling that he had for the believers wherever they may have been, and also we'll see how he taught these meanings to his companions.

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And so there are so many examples of how the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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came to the aid of their brothers and their sisters when they were in need. And the best example of that is

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the, when the mahadji rune came from Mecca to Medina,

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leaving behind everything, and they had nothing, they came and were welcomed by the unsought who gave them everything that they had,

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and how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he partnered up one mohajir, with one of the unsought making them brothers. And we see, you know, there are so many examples too many to mention of how the ansara sacrificed what they had for their brothers from the mahadji room.

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And so, this is what Islam came to teach us. And this is what exactly for teachers, and this is what actually existed 1400 years ago. But unfortunately, the reality that we live in today is the complete opposite of that. And so unfortunately, the Muslims today, not only are we disunited, but we don't feel that pain. And even if we feel it, there's little that we do about it.

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And so among the lessons that we learned from this parable, there are many among them

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is, first of all,

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what this Headey teaches us is two things. What this hadith teaches us is two things. The first is

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that the believer, the true believer,

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cannot sleep at night,

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in a warm, comfortable bed, while knowing that he has brothers and sisters who are suffering out in the cold.

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He cannot eat properly, a delicious meal while knowing that there are families Muslim families out there, whether in his own locality or anywhere in the world.

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When he knows that they have to go to sleep at night hungry.

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A Muslim

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does not feel comfortable living in this life when he knows that he has brothers

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who have been imprisoned unjustly and been thrown into internment camps, like our brothers and sisters in eastern Turkistan, the wiggers

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a Muslim cannot possibly feel comfortable in this life

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knowing that there

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are children

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in Muslim countries, whether it be in Palestine, whether it be in Syria, whether it be in Kashmir, in Burma,

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who they have been, they have become orphans.

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And their mothers have become widows. Why? Because of an enemy

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who basically took away their fathers and their husbands for no other crime, then because of their Deen and their email.

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This is the first thing that it teaches us. The second thing that is Hadith teaches us is

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that this feeling,

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this feeling, it moves the believer to take action, like we mentioned, it moves him to take action, by doing whatever he can, whatever is at his disposal to remove that suffering. It's always not just an internal feeling, you hear about what is happening to your Muslim brothers and sisters.

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And you feel sad about it. But then, you know, you go to sleep at night, you don't do anything about it.

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If you truly feel for them,

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if you truly feel for them, that you're going to do something about it. And that is the test of email. That right there is the test of your event. What will you do about it? And that's why here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that they're believers.

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He did not see the Muslims. He said, I mean,

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the believers that people have a man, or like one body, why did he refer to them as people of email, because this is a test of your email.

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And so

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the believer when he feels that pain, it makes them to do something about it, to remove that suffering, either with his wealth,

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by giving what he can to remove that suffering, or with himself, by standing up and defending them, or with his personality, if he has a certain status, if he is a leader of a country, or he's a personality, a famous personality, by, by by standing up for them. And basically,

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you know, basically, raising awareness of these Muslims were suffering.

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Or even if he is not famous, you know, every single Muslim, every single Muslim, has the ability to, you know, support our Muslim brothers and sisters who are suffering to our words, by writing about them, raising awareness about them, but campaigning for them, and so on and so forth. And above all, if you can't do anything, you do have one weapon in your hand. And that is the greatest weapon. It is the power of do app

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until you could raise your hand in the middle of the night, and ask Allah subhana wa Taala, to relieve their suffering, whoever they be, wherever they be, as long as they are your brothers and sisters in faith. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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when some of his companions, who he had set sent out on a mission, they were attacked, and they were viciously killed.

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And they happen to be

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some of the best of his companions, who fall of the 70 of them.

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When he heard about that,

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he prayed

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in every single salon

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for an entire month,

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praying to Allah subhanho wa Taala, against those oppressors making dua against them. And so this is the least that we can do, to make to add against

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the tyrants and oppressors and to make dua for our brothers and sisters. The second lesson that we learned from this heavy than this parable

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is that whoever does not feel the pain and the suffering of his Muslim brothers and sisters. Then this is either due to one of two reasons.

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Either because he is drugged. He is, you know, under drugs,

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just like a body,

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a body that, you know, let's say you have to go for surgery.

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What they do is they, they drug a part of your body so that you don't feel the pain.

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Or if you're going for a heart surgery, they drug your entire body so that you go unconscious. Why because they don't want you to feel the pain. So either you are like a body that is drugged. And that's why it does not feel the pain.

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Or, and and you being drugged means

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that you are drugged by the dounia.

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And so you have love and attachment for the dunya and your desires. And so this is why you don't feel the pain of your Muslim brothers and sisters.

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Or the second reason that you are not a part of this,

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that you are not a part of the room. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that the believers are like one body. So if you don't feel the pain, then either you are like the one body that is drugged, or you are not a part of the body. And that is why you don't feel the pain.

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Even taymiyah shake on Islam, even taymiyah. He says, commenting on this Hadith,

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he says that is why

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the believer is delighted

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by what the believers are delighted with whatever makes the believers happy, it also makes him happy. And he is hurt by what hurts them. Whatever hurts the believers, it also hurts him.

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And then he says, Whoever is not like that, then it means he is not from them. He is not a part of them. If you don't feel the same feelings. As you know the believers, then it means you're not one of them.

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The third lesson that we learned from this hadith is that if the owner if the owner was to stand together, the way this hadith teaches us, we would never hear of the atrocities against Muslims that we hear almost every day.

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If we were to truly stand together,

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supporting one another,

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not only feeling the pain, but doing something about it.

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Whether it be at the level of the masses of the Muslims, or even their leaders, if all the Muslims, all the believers were to stand united, supporting one another, we would never year of the enemies of Islam carry no atrocities against Muslims. Why? Because they would fear us. And she's embarrassed. He says in this regard.

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Commenting on the Hadith, he says, There resemblance, the resemblance of the oma.

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He says there resemblance, the resemblance of the believers to one structure and one body. It proves that through their solidarity, through their mutual cooperation and compassion, they will be united, and their rents will be orderly, and they will be safe from their enemy. And it's true. It's true. Whenever this owner was united, and stood together and had each other's back.

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That is when

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the enemies of Islam would not dare to do anything to us. But when the enemies of Islam saw

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that we are disunited, and we don't have each other's back. This embolden them. And they said, if we do something, they're not going to do anything about it. They're not going to come to one another's ate. And so that is why we see the atrocities happening, wherever they're happening throughout the Muslim world, and beyond.

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The fourth lesson that we learned from this hadith and this parable is

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that there will come a day

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there will come a day when those who hear

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the prolonged suffering

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of their brothers and sisters, and they even may feel the pain, but they don't do anything about it, and they don't eat them.

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Then such people will be made to face something similar to that suffering.

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And then no one will care about them.

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And so we need to be aware of this. That if we don't stand up

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to do something about the suffering of our brothers and sisters.

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Then a day will come when we will be

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In the same situation, and then no one will come, no one will come to aid us, and no one will care about us. And this is because

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this is because

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prolonged suffering,

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it causes feelings to become lost, it causes feelings to become lost. When you hear about so much suffering, and you don't do anything about it,

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you know, you become used to it, you become used to hearing about it everyday.

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And then it becomes normal.

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And so when it happens to you,

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others will find it to be normal.

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And this also, as we said it would, it basically emboldens the enemies

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to continue in their aggression. Finally, the last point that we will mention here

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is that, since the believers have been described,

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in this hadith as being being supportive of one another, and

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as Allah describes them, as LDAP, for one another ally, use protectors, and so on and so forth.

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And since they are supposed to feel that mutual love, compassion and sympathy for one another,

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and how this is a sign of their email, it means all that means that these feelings, and these sentiments, and the sympathy

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these are restricted to them.

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These feelings that you have, are supposed to be restricted for the believers. And it should not be shown to other than the believers.

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And this is because the Muslims are like one body as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described? And so whoever His body is already suffering from pain,

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is it possible that he would feel the pain of somebody else?

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Think about it. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam described our oma as being one body, if one part feels pain, the entire body feels pain.

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So it doesn't make sense that if this oma and your if you were to think about it, our oma is really,

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really feeling a lot of pain, throat, throat, the entire body, every part of it is suffering.

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And so the true believer, he should be feeling a lot of pain right now.

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So it doesn't make sense that we should be feeling the pain of other nations,

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other groups of people? No, of course, you know, that is, you know, simple logic. But this does not mean I'm not trying to say here that if you see

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a person, even if he's not a Muslim, a cafe, you see him on the street, homeless, doesn't have anything to eat, this doesn't mean that you're not going to feel any,

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any compassion towards him. That's not what I'm saying. This is not what I mean. What I mean is, in general,

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in general,

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Muslims feel for one another.

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And so when we hear of

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a certain atrocity happening to Muslims, we should feel that pain

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if you do not feel that pain, but rather when you hear of an atrocity happening to others, to other normal cells, and then you feel the pain, then it means there's something wrong here.

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It means that there is a serious problem here. If you don't feel the pain and the suffering

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for the Muslims, like you feel it for the non Muslims, then this is where there is a problem. This is where there is a serious problem. And so,

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to put things into perspective,

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just like you as a human being,

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you feel pain for your own kind.

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And this is a sign of your humanity. You see another human being irrespective of his religion, you see him suffering, you're gonna feel some compassion for him some sympathy for him. And this is a sign of what of your human

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identity and your human nature.

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Similarly, the believer

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if he sees another believer and other Muslim suffering

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and he feels that pain is a sign of what, not a sign of his humanity, but a sign of his a man. And so if you don't feel for another human being, then it's a sign of your weak humanity or human nature. If you don't feel for your Muslim brothers and sisters, it's a sign of your weak.

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It's a sign of your weak. We ask Allah subhana wa Taala.

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To make us to be

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to be one woman

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standing up for each other. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us united once again, as we were in the past, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant us beneficial knowledge that translates into action. So chronicle of Moby Dick ash

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and a still Furukawa to break was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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