Kamil Ahmad – Prophetic Parables – Parable #11 – Generosity vs. Greed

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss two paraphrasal concepts related to the concept of "the greedy and the generous," and their significance in life. They touch on the characteristics of two individuals, the "Grade Speaker" and the "Gredy Speaker," who have a greedy heart and a weak soul. The speakers also emphasize the importance of generosity and avoiding giving oneself too much.
AI: Transcript ©
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After that, we move on to the next parable.

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this is also Macduff Akunyili agreed upon by Bihari a Muslim.

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And it is the hadith of Abu huraira the Allahu Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Mehta, Luba Healy one one fifth. Kemet, le arogya Laney la cima Rupa tanaman Hadid

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Fela Yun fukushi and Illa Magda Tyler Gil de had to Jin Nanana who whatever for at

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the prof the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in this hadith

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the example of a greedy person and a generous person

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is that of two men, clad in iron armor, from their chests up to their collarbones.

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As for the generous person, he doesn't spend anything, except that the iron cloak enlargement.

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It enlarges and spreads over his skin. So much so that it covers his fingertips.

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And it erases his footprints, meaning it comes down to the ground and erases any creases of his steps.

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As for the greedy person, when he thinks of spending, every ring of the iron cloak is sticks to its place against his body. He tries to loosen it, but it does not expand. He tries to loosen it, but it does not expand.

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In this parable, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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explained the difference between two people with two opposite qualities. And that is the greedy and the generous.

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The one who is stingy and greedy. And the one who is not stingy and greedy, but rather, but rather he is generous with his wealth.

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And so in this parable, he compares these two individuals to a person who wears

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And so in the past, when they would go to battle, the soldier his defense would be an iron armor

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that would cover his whole body.

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So when they would put it on it would cover

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it would first cover the chest area, then they would put their arms into the sleeves, allowing, you know allowing their arms to go into the sleeves of this iron armor.

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And then the rest of the armor would basically it would fall down covering the rest of their body until their feet.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam tells us that this is the example of the generous person.

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This is an example of the generous one.

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Whenever he wants to give

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his chest expands and his hands stretch wide. His hands stretch wide.

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As a result, as a result, his sada and his charity, it expiated sins,

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it erases his sins. And thus Allah subhanho wa Taala covers him protecting him in this life. And the next protecting him from being exposed in this life and the next.

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As for a greedy one, a greedy person, he compared him to the one whose hands are

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there basically tied up to his chest.

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So when he puts on the iron armor,

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he puts it on with his hands to his chest.

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Then when he wants the rest of it to cover his body, he can't because his hands won't stretch out and going through the sleeves because he put his hands over here against his chest.

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So he cannot he cannot stretch his his hands to go into the armor.

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So as a

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As a result,

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as a result, the only shield that he has is covering his chest area, not the rest of his body. And so the rest of his body is exposed, and they're

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making this shield nothing but a burden on him. Instead of instead of protecting.

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So whenever the greedy person, this is the example of the greedy person, whenever the greedy person thinks of giving,

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then his chest constraints, and his hands won't stretch forward, his hands won't stretch out, as a result,

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his sins won't be forgiven, and he will remain exposed to danger. And, you know, his reputation will be tarnished in this life, and in the next. And so this is, and so this example it shows, it shows the nature of these two people,

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of the generous person and the greedy person. And how the end result of both of these people.

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The end result of both of these people, why are they generous? And why are they greedy, it all goes back to what is in their heart, How good was their heart and their soul. And this is why it been Tamia, he says,

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Good cannot grow except by leaving evil.

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And crops cannot be rich and pure until the bushes are removed. If you want rich crop, you have to remove

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the bushes that are growing around.

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He says, likewise, the soul and deeds, they cannot become purified until what opposes them are removed. And a person cannot become purified, except by leaving evil for it corrupts the soul and debases it.

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And so what makes a person greedy and stingy is what is in his heart, and his soul

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being attached to his wealth,

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and the selfishness that he has not wanting to let go of that wealth, and share it with others. And then this leads to something worse because there's something called greediness, which in Arabic is bull.

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But there's something else which is worse called a shock.

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And so a bull greediness is basically to hold on to what you have and not give it.

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Whereas a show

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a kind of selfishness where it's not just greed, but you want now to go after what others have.

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Not only do not give, but you have your eyes on what others have, and you go and you know, you transgress against them.

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And so it leads to theft. It leads to you know, all kinds of evil. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said

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it takelma for volm Lulu Matt Yama, Yama, he said beware of oppression,

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for oppression will be darknesses on the Day of Judgment. And then he said it.

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He said beware of a shoe, the stinginess, he said because it destroyed those before you as it encouraged them to shed blood and make lawful, what was unlawful for them. And so

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this hadith shows us

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the example of the one who is generous, and where that generosity comes from, how it comes from deep within. And that's why he's able to stretch his hands forward and be generous and give, whereas the greedy person, he is greedy, because of what is within him.

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of, you know, selfishness and being attached to this wealth that he has, and not wanting to let it go. And so

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and so, even if he wants to or he thinks about it, he kept he can't because he's stuck as a prophet sallallahu it was sort of mentioned in this example with the iron armor that he wears.

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And so among the lessons that we learned from this hadith is, first of all,

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that generosity

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is a praiseworthy characteristic. That loss of Hannah huhtala loves

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And it points to a good heart.

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On the other hand, greed is a dispraise characteristic that Allah subhanho wa Taala hates. And it points to an evil heart. It points to an evil heart.

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And a person who sees somebody in need, and he's not going to give him

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it's because of what what is in his heart

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of greed and also looking down on other people. And so a greedy person also has all kinds of other evil characteristics, like arrogance, and looking down on others. And so basically, his greediness points to an evil heart. The second lesson that we learned is that generosity leads to all kinds of good,

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being generous, it leads to all kinds of good.

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And so no one who is generous with his wealth is known as being an evil person.

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But rather, it

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when you look at such people, you find that they are the best of people among us.

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And so it leads to all kinds of good

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for, for the person by Allah subhanho, wa Taala. And so are lots of how to who without a purifies his soul, and his deeds, and a loss of Hannah who attalla gives him internal happiness, and peace.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala eases for him, all of his affairs in this life.

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Just like,

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you know, that iron armor that he's wearing,

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he's wearing it and it's covering him and he's moving around easily.

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Likewise, the generous person, all of his affairs for him are easy for him in this life.

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And also, he gets his sins forgiven.

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Contrary to that, the greedy person.

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Greed leads to all kinds of evil, including misery, internal misery in this life, all kinds of worries, because all he's thinking about is his, his his wealth,

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and holding on to it. And so if something of his wealth goes away, that's it. You know, he's gonna fall into depression.

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And so greedy people,

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they are afflicted by Allah subhanho wa Taala, with, with depression, with grief, with worries, also, their life is made difficult for them. Their life is made difficult for them.

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As a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned in this parable,

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that it's like a person wearing that iron armor, and his hands are up to his chest, and he can't, he can't move around. He can't stretch up his hands.

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And so

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the iron armor is actually a burden on him.

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And if he tries to move around, he moves around with difficulty. Likewise, the greedy person, his life is full of difficulties.

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And that is not only in this life, but also in the next also in the era. And so it is a Jessa woman, gentle Amell he got what he deserved.

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His punishment was exactly as he was, as he was in this life.

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The third and final lesson that we learned from this Hadeeth is that those most deserving

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of your generosity are your are those who are closest to you, your family members, because this heady that shows us that the shield

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the iron armor, is what is closest to our body,

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and the closest of people to you,

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our family members and your relatives, and so they are most deserving of your generosity. And this is what we see from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that

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he was the most generous with his own family.

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not greedy and stingy. And so it's not right that you are generous with other people giving but yet you neglect your own family. And you don't give them anything, whether it be that which is obligatory to give and spend on them, or that which is not obligatory, but it's good. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded us

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in the Quran to give to Cordoba

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Those who are close to us and so they deserve our generosity before others, they deserve our generosity before others, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala

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to make us to be generous, and to make us to treat this world that we have as a means to the Acura and to make whatever we give, to be sincerely for his sake and for it to be a means of helping us in this dunya and expiating our sins and helping us in the accurate with that we come to the end of today's session subhanak along be Hamrick a shadow Allah either learned or still Furukawa to be like a Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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