Kamil Ahmad – Lessons from the Seerah 03

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the origins and history of the Prophet salessu alayhi wa sallam, including the birth of the wife and newborn child. The story of the Prophet's death, including the rise of Islamist movement, the loss of control over Mecca, and the return of Shay needed by his mother. The transcript also describes a woman who experienced a dream and was promised something, but did not receive it. The group discusses various events and plans to find water and bury their children.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala terminal acmella Ania Allahu Allah He urged Marine.

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While early he was taught to be one of many that the Hadith was stunning to be sunnah te la Yomi Deen Allah eliminate millions foreigner when foreigner Bhima I limped tener was eat dinner

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what are the net helped to help garden what is open a tea bag? What Adina LaBelle, Bella Bella Whelan what is OpenACC Tina?

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Well Gianna, Minister Mia una cola for you to be Hoonah Sena. Me meanwhile, Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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Last week, we went over

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an important topic to

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kind of introduce the zero of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that was looking at

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the situation of the Arabs

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in Arabia prior to him coming sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And so we looked at the kind of life

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that existed in Arabia. And that's why it was referred to as the days of Jamelia, the pre Islamic times,

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and how there was a need for Allah subhanho wa Taala to send a messenger

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at this particular time in history.

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Now, when the writers of sera

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they begin discussing

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the family background of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, which is what we want to do today.

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They usually start with

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the story of Ibrahim Ali Salah

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and how

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he left

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Hotjar his wife, and her newborn son is married

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in the valley of Makkah.

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So this is where we start on the journey of looking at the family background of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. And so tonight, we have

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several different stories to cover.

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Starting from them, coming all the way to

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coming all the way to before the birth of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So we're talking about several centuries, and in fact, millennia

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between the time of Israel and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We're talking about 1000s of years.

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And so we start with the origins.

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And we start with the story of is Mary lady has Salam.

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And so, Ibrahim alayhis salam, he takes his wife and their newborn son to hijas.

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So Ibrahim Ali Hassan was not from Arabia, he was not from

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hijas, but rather he was from Iraq.

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So he had two wives. He had surah. And he had Hotjar. From surah. He had his Huck or a Salaam and from Hotjar he had Ismael el Alayhi Salam.

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So he takes them to present a Mecca, and at that time, it was a dead Valley.

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There was nothing there. However,

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the location was always sacred.

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This particular place where the kava will eventually be built by Ibrahim and Ismail.

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It was a sacred land. It was a sacred place. Now there is a difference of opinion among the scholars as to who first built the cap. And so some mentioned that it was Adam Alayhis Salam. While many mentioned that it was Ibrahim alayhis salam either way. Either way, the location was always a secret location since the day that Allah created the world. And so Ibrahim Ali Hassan left his wife and his son is married there, along with some water and a bag of dates.

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And then he started to walk away.

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And Harjo she knew that Ibrahim Ali Islam was going to leave them there. But she did not know that

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he would leave them.

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He did not she did not expect that he will leave them in such a place in the middle of the desert.

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where they have nothing.

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And so she started to follow him.

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And she asked him, oh, Ibrahim,

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are you going to leave us in this place in this valley, where there is no cultivation?

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And there is no one living here.

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And so Ibrahim Ali, some did not respond.

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She asked him again.

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And she didn't get an answer. She asked him a third time, and again no answer.

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Then she said, she asked

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Allah who Mr. AKA the herder

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is it Allah? Who told you to do this? Oh, Ibrahim.

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And so Ibrahim alayhis salam said yes.

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And so that was all she wanted to hear.

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That answer was sufficient of an answer for her. And so when she heard that, she said, in that case,

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Allah will not abandon us.

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Allah will not neglect us, we are taken care of.

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And so

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it shows you her trust in Allah subhana who would add her telecoil in Allah subhanho wa taala, even though you know, all odds are against her and against her survival in terms of material standards, no human being could survive in such a place, let alone a woman with

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with a newborn child. And so Ibrahim Ali Islam left, but when he reached the outskirts,

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a place where, you know, she could not see him anymore. He turned around and face the direction of the Kaaba and me.

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And this Doha, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the ayat that we recited in insalata, Russia

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in Surah Abraham Surah T Brahim he made to our to Allah subhanho wa Taala Rob bene in the US can tune into reality. Beware in a way resolve him in the vertical Malhotra from Benelli UK masala, Virgil, either Tennessee tahu la Marzocco Minato Marathi law alone is called the O Allah I have left my family

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in this barren valley that doesn't have any vegetation, no cultivation

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so let them to establish Salah look at how his main concern was

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worshiping Allah his main concern was not what Allah provide for them with food and drink. He mentioned that after he mentioned that after what is Oklahoma in a thorough Marathi

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you know provide for them of fruits. But he mentions first up masala I have left them here for them to establish Salah.

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And then

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he makes that DUA and then he leaves them.

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He leaves them there.

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Hotjar makes use of the small amount of water and dates that she has, but obviously

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it's not enough. And so soon, whatever she had ran out.

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And so she was breastfeeding her son Ismail. And eventually, without without food without drink.

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You know, her milk was gonna dry out. And that's exactly what happened. And so is my rehearsal and he starts to cry, out of hunger

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and so hard your she could not bear that anymore, seeing her child in pain. And so she went in search of food.

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And so she started to climb a nearby hill, this hill will later on be referred to and called suffer, Mount suffer.

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And so she looks to her right to her left when she gets on top of the hill. Seeing if she could see any food if she can see any people. And so when she cannot see anything, she climbs down

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and then when she reaches

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the middle of the valley she starts to run and then she makes it to the next hill which will later on be called Marwa.

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And she climbs on top of Medusa and here she looks around again looking for food or a sign of people and when she cannot see any she comes down

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During the same thing until she reaches mount suffer, and so she does this seven times. She does this seven times.

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On the seventh time,

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when she reaches the top of Marula

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all of a sudden she hears a sound.

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she looks around her for the source of the sound. And to her amazement, she sees that the sound was basically

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water gushing forth from beneath the feet of her son, Ismail Ali salah. And so this is when Gibreel Allah has Salam came and dug, the well of zamzam.

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And so the the water is now gushing forth beneath his from beneath his feet, and harjot came, and,

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you know,

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she didn't want this, she didn't want this water to,

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to dry out, or, you know, to go to waste. And so she thought that if she just leaves it,

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it'll, you know, it'll go away. And so she starts to make it into a pool, she starts to get gather the sound around it, the sand around it, and she made it into a pool.

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And this is how this is how it became a well, this is how zamzam became a well. And so it stayed in that place, becoming a well.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned this.

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And so he said, may Allah have mercy on the mother of Israel, if she had left the water alone, if she did not do that, then it would have become a flowing river.

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It would have become a flowing river or a spring

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in which the water flows on the surface of the earth.

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what was Hotjar feeling when she was running up and down these two hills.

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Now for us, we all know the story. And we knew what was going to happen next. But she had no idea what was going to happen.

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She did put her trust in Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And this is the sign of the true believer. But even then the true believer, even after putting their trust in Allah, they don't know what's going to happen. They don't know how Allah subhanahu Attalla is going to take care of them.

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And so she must have been broken, she must have been crying because of the pain, the suffering that she's seeing of her son in front of her own eyes.

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And so this was her test from Allah subhanho wa taala.

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So Allah had hidden, Allah had hidden for her something that would happen.

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And imagine, right beneath his two feet, right beneath his two feet, she would never have imagined that this is how Allah subhanahu wa Tada would take care of them.

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Not only that, but she would never have imagined

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that hundreds of years later, in fact, 1000s of years later,

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people would be following in her footsteps

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until the day of judgment.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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mentioned that this is the reason why

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in the camera or in the hedge, we make set a running between we're walking between these two mountains now suffer and Marwa

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So the lesson we learned from this is

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we need to realize that you know in in, in difficult situations, Allah subhanahu wa taala is testing us

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to see who will who will we be attached to

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when we attach ourselves to Allah or will we attach ourselves to others? Or will we lose hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala

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So, it's a test for us. It's also a test of our patience. And so when going through difficult situations, let us remember the story of Hotjar and how she put her trust in Allah subhanahu wa taala and how Allah subhanho wa Taala eventually provided a

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hurt with something far better. Now

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we finally have water in this barren Valley.

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And in the desert,

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water is a source of life.

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It attracts

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not only human beings but animals.

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And so

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soon enough,

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there were birds hovering above,

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above the well of zamzam.

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And so

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a tribe

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that had migrated from Yemen

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were nearby. And this tribe was the tribe of Jordan, the tribe of Jordan. And they were familiar with the area of Mecca.

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And they were

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familiar, they knew that there was nothing in this area, there is no water, there is no vegetation. And so when they saw these birds hovering above that area,

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they became curious what's going on.

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So they sent two men to go and investigate.

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And so these two men, they went, they saw what was there. And so they came back with the news of this well, and this woman with her child, so

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this tribe of Jordan, they decided now to come and

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to settle in this place, because now we have a source of water, which is important in the desert.

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So they came and they asked, How

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can we settle in this place?

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So she responded.

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And she said, if you want to stay, I have a condition. And that is that this water belongs to me.

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You can come you can live here, but the water is ours.

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And so she being a lonely woman, with no protection whatsoever.

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She's negotiating,

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even though, you know she's in a position of weakness.

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she negotiated with them, and they agreed. They agreed.

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So now it's Mary Laurie has Salem. He grows up among this tribe, which has now settled in Mecca. And so this is the beginning of natca in terms of it being an inhabited city.

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And so it's Mariela Ali salaam grows up among this Arab tribe.

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And remember, is married and his mother are not Arabs.

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They are from Iraq.

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They speak a different language.

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But now it's Marie Lally, who sang growing up among them, he learns their customs, their heritage, and he learns their language.

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And so this is where the lineage of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam begins,

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is Mariela it has Salam grows up,

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and he becomes a man and he eventually marries from this tribe.

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Now we fast forward.

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And so, Jordan, this tribe remained in Mecca for almost 2000 years.

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they were basically

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managing over the affairs of Makkah, while

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the descendants of Ismail Ali salaam

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were managing the religious aspects of Mecca, so they had, remember they had Zumba

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they're taking care of, you know, whoever comes to Mecca.

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They're taking care of all the religious matters, but Jordan and their descendants they are managing in terms of being the rulers of of Mecca. But now, after hundreds of years, 2000 years, Jordan they become tyrannical and they become corrupt. So Allah subhanahu Attallah sends another tribe to annihilate them.

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So this other tribe

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they are whose Allah

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they come in, and they invade Mecca and they get rid of Europe.

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But before Jotunheim leave

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They do two things.

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dump the well of zamzam.

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They cover it up,

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and they erase any trace of it to any sign of of the well of themselves.

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And they steal the treasures of the cab.

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So by now the cab was built, it was built by Israel and Ibrahim alayhi wa sallam.

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And it used to be a place where they would keep treasures in. So they steal its treasures. And then they leave.

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Now, Whose are they become the de facto leaders of Mecca.

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While the descendants of Israel by that time had already increased, the number branched out and spread all over Arabia,

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the descendants of Israel. However, there is one

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branch of their descendants who will remain in Mecca.

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And they eventually be referred to as the tribe of Quraysh.

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They eventually be referred to as the tribe of Quraysh.

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And so

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Quraysh is the tribe in Mecca, from the descendants of is married. And you have this other tribe, the tribe of Jose,

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who is ruling overmuch now.

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Last week, we mentioned an individual

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who was from this tribe,

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who was that individual.

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We mentioned

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a very important figure

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who played a huge role in changing the religion of the Arabs. Because as we can see,

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it's my I preached the message of Toshi youth. And so, Allah subhanho wa Taala would be worshipped alone.

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But how is it that they ended up worshipping idols, this was because of an individual by the name of Alhambra Ibn who hails from this tribe of Huzzah, he was one of their leaders. And we mentioned his story last week, how he is the one who introduced idol worship.

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Now, we fast forward several hundreds of years.

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And we come to an individual by the name of qusai even keel up

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he is from Quraysh, one of the descendants of Ismail, Sarah,

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goofy Ben Caleb he becomes the leader of kurush.

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And he manages to unify Quraysh against Husa

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which they did, and they ended up they ended up taking control of Mecca,

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complete control.

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So, now,

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all of the affairs and Metka are under Quraysh

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having complete control

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governing the city having control of not only the Religious Affairs like taking care of the pilgrims, looking after the cow but but also heading what was known as the network, which is basically like the assembly or like the parliament

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also being the flag bearers.

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And so, complete control was now in the hands of Quraysh

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It was done by this leader of Quraysh by the name of closely even keel up.

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when Kosei passes away,

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he passes on these roles to his children. So now, the different roles that he had, he passed them on to his children and they were distributed. So

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you know, one of them had control of or one of them was responsible for the cab, one was responsible for finances, etc.

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they used to have

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a particular way of feeding the Pilgrims by giving them bread and drink, etc.

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But Alma, he invented a new way of feeding them and that was by taking the bread and crushing it

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and mixing it with soup

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So now we have crushed bread mixed with soup.

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Now why am I mentioning this? Because in the Arabic language, doing this crushing bread is known as Hashem, Hashem.

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So I'm not because he innovated this new way of feeding the pilgrims. He ended up being known as Hashem.

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He ended up becoming known as Hashem.

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And he is who? Who is Hashem.

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Hashem is basically the great grandfather of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So now you can see we're getting close to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, Hashem was also the first one to start.

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The journey that Qureshi used to make one in the summer and one in the winter that Allah mentions in Surah Quraysh, the ereferral Quraysh era for him reflector schita, he was safe. So in the summer, they will travel to Syria for trade. And in the winter, they will travel south to Yemen. And so he was the one who started this.

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Now, Hashim, eventually he goes on to get married, but not from

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he travels to yesterday,

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which later on becomes known as Medina. He travels to Yathrib and that is where he gets married. So he gets married. And he leaves behind his wife and continues his journey north to Syria. So basically, he leaves mica travels north to Yathrib, gets married there, leaves his wife and continues his travel north to Syria for for business.

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However, he eventually passes away on this journey. So he dies in Gaza. And that's where he gets buried.

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But he ends up leaving behind a pregnant wife in your trip.

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Eventually, she delivers a baby.

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And this baby, she, she named him Shaybah.

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in the Arabic language Shaybah means an old man.

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Why does she name a child in old man?

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It's because

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at the time of his birth, he had some gray hair.

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she ends up calling him giving him the name of Shaybah.

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So shaver is the son of Hashem.

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So eventually Shaybah he grows up in Medina, in yes trip with his mother and

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and his relatives from the side of his mother.

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One day,

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a man comes into Yathrib.

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from Makkah, from Quraysh, by the name of Al McCollum

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by the name of an Motala.

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And he is the brother of Hashem.

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He is the brother of Hashem. So he is the uncle of this boy.

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He is the uncle of this boy

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Shaybah Why does he come? He comes to claim his nephew.

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He comes to claim his nephew. And so he, he tells them, I need to take him back to America.

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And so initially, they refused.

00:29:02 --> 00:29:03

But then he convinced them he said, Look,

00:29:05 --> 00:29:15

he comes from a noble family. And he needs to go back to learn his heritage and his culture, and to start to assume his responsibilities.

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00:29:18 --> 00:29:23

the responsibilities are, you know, divided among the sons of qusai.

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So you had Hashem. And now you have

00:29:28 --> 00:29:45

you have this boy, by the name of Shaybah. So, eventually, they agreed to let him go. And so al Muttalib he enters Maccha with this child, Schaber that no one had ever seen before.

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And in those days, slavery was common.

00:29:52 --> 00:29:59

You would go to the market and buy a slave and slaves were usually young boys, because you would buy them and then you would train them

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to work as slaves. So

00:30:07 --> 00:30:12

he enters Mecca with this boy that no one had ever seen before from the people in the cup.

00:30:14 --> 00:30:27

And so they assumed that this must be the slave of animal polyp he just bought him. So they end up referring to him as this child, they end up referring to him as Abdulmutallab,

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they end up referring to the child as have dual. We'll call him the slave of Al Muttalib. And so who was ABD and Muttalib? He was,

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he was who? The grandfather, the grandfather of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so his real name was Shaybah.

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00:30:57 --> 00:30:59

we have some important

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we have some important

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00:31:06 --> 00:31:08

to mention.

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From the life of

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from the life of Abdulmutallab.

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And so there are a few stories that we're going to mention. And these are important key events that took place that

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we should we should cover in sha Allah Who Tara

00:31:36 --> 00:31:42

the first incident was the digging up of

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of the well of zamzam.

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Now remember that the well of zamzam

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had disappeared.

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He had disappeared for 300 plus years.

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Because Jordan, before they left they, the they sacked the well, and they dumped it and they got rid of any any trace that there is a well here.

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But Quraysh they're familiar, they know that there is some well, because the tradition passed on.

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And they know that there was a well, that was, you know, they know the story of its married

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and what happened and how well was here once upon a time.

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And so, Abdul Muttalib

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Abdul Muttalib

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he sees a dream one day.

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And so someone comes to him and says,

00:32:49 --> 00:32:50

dig playbar

00:32:52 --> 00:32:56

and so other Muttalib. In his dream, he responds, he says what is labor?

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And so he doesn't hear a response. And that was the end of the dream.

00:33:02 --> 00:33:17

So the following night, he hears a similar voice in the dream. And now he is being told dig, the precious. He says, what is it? What is precious, he doesn't hear anything back.

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And the dream comes when the third night of voice calls out to him and says to him digs himself.

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He responds what is you know, what is emza

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And so, the voice responds ZamZam, it will never fail, it will never dry up.

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It will water the grand pilgrims. And it lies between the dung and the blood, next to the nest of a crow with the white leg and the ants nest.

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So I'm gonna tell him he wakes up in the morning, and

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you know, he's confused. He is unable to decode any of these symbols.

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And so, he goes to the cab in the morning, and

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all of a sudden, he notices certain things.

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He sees dung and blood

00:34:20 --> 00:34:23

from a camel that was slaughtered the night before.

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And, you know, it was just left there. The intestines were just left there. So he noticed his dung and blood.

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And then he sees a crow with a white leg in the same area. And then he also notices a colony of ants. So now, the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. The symbols that he saw in his dream that were mentioned to him, he seen them.

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So Abdulmutallab, he said to himself, this is where the well of zamzam must be. And so he calls his son

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had it and

00:35:02 --> 00:35:08

they start digging. He calls his son Hadith, and they start digging. Now,

00:35:09 --> 00:35:20

the well of zamzam. It's not too far from the cab, only a few meters away. And so the people, they start to notice and they asked, What are you doing?

00:35:21 --> 00:35:24

What are you digging next to the car, but what are you looking for?

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And so without answering them,

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the two of them, the Father and the Son, they continue digging.

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And so

00:35:36 --> 00:35:47

they protest, but until Mottola and his son, they don't listen. And then they continue. And then eventually they leave them. You know, the rest of the members of Qureshi, they leave them.

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The two of them are digging until finally, Abdulmutallab, he cries out and he praises Allah. And so the people that come rushing into their amazement, they find that Abdul Muttalib had uncovered the well of zamzam.

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And so all of the leaders of Quraysh came and said, Yes, we don't want this is

00:36:13 --> 00:36:16

the this was the will of our grandfather, Israel.

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And we are all the descendants of Israel.

00:36:24 --> 00:36:26

And so we all have a right to this well.

00:36:28 --> 00:36:30

And so Abdulmutallab said, No,

00:36:31 --> 00:36:38

it was me, I was the one who saw the dream. And I was the one who uncovered it.

00:36:39 --> 00:36:48

And so it belongs to me and me alone. And so they refused, saying that, you know, they're all the descendants of his married, so it belongs to all of them.

00:36:50 --> 00:37:01

But Abdulmutallab refused. And so they went back and forth, they got into a dispute, and they didn't know how to resolve their dispute. So someone suggested

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let us resolve our dispute by going to

00:37:08 --> 00:37:10

a certain sorcerer, a certain witch,

00:37:12 --> 00:37:21

who used to basically, you know, resolve disputes. And so she was a witch who used to be in contact with the jinn.

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And they said, Let us go to her.

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So it turned out that she had traveled to Syria.

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And so they said, Okay, let's travel. And so they traveled, and on the way, they ran out of water. And so, in the middle of the desert,

00:37:41 --> 00:37:43

Abdul Muttalib tells them that look.

00:37:44 --> 00:37:54

If we are all going to die here, then we might as well dig our own grapes. And so whenever one of us dies, the rest of the rest of us can come in

00:37:56 --> 00:38:10

cover, cover him and you know, bury him instead of all of us dying, you know, without getting buried. So they all dug their graves and they were waiting inside of their graves waiting for death.

00:38:11 --> 00:38:14

So then Abdulmutallab, he said, No, this is not right.

00:38:16 --> 00:38:34

For men like us to wait for death, let us do something, let us go and search for water. And so they agreed, and they went in different directions to search for water. After a short while Abdul Muttalib he finds water and he comes to them. And he says

00:38:37 --> 00:38:51

he says if Allah subhanho wa Taala has saved you in this desert, and provided for you water and Allah showed me the dream to uncover ZamZam, then surely this must be an indication

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this must be an indication and so

00:38:55 --> 00:39:00

they all said to him, that this is a sign that something belongs to you.

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And so they said we give up our claim. And let us go back. So they go back to Mecca.

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when the whole incident happened, and they pressured Abdul Muttalib to share the well of zamzam. Abdul Muttalib felt weak

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because he only had one son to defend him.

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And so in tribal societies, in tribal societies,

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your strength is usually based on how many men you have.

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And so you could count on your sons the most.

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And so under Muttalib

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other Muttalib he makes a promise to Allah subhanho wa Taala when he comes back to Mecca, he makes a vow and so he says, Oh Allah, if you grant me 10 Sun

00:40:00 --> 00:40:04

means that I will sacrifice one of them for your sake.

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And so that is exactly what ends up happening. Allah blesses Abdulmutallab with 10 sons and six daughters.

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So now, it comes time for him to

00:40:21 --> 00:40:30

to fulfill his vow and sacrifice. He said, I will sacrifice for you, Oh Allah, if you give me if you give me 10 sons. So

00:40:33 --> 00:40:34

what they used to do

00:40:36 --> 00:40:38

Quraysh and the Arabs,

00:40:40 --> 00:40:47

they would go to their idol, and they would have these arrows that they thought were divine. And so they would

00:40:48 --> 00:40:51

they would cast they would cast

00:40:52 --> 00:40:58

arrows in the direction of, of the aisle and for for Croatia, it was their idol hotel.

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And so what was the sacrifice supposed to be he was supposed to sacrifice his son the temperature.

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He was supposed to sacrifice his 10 son, which was,

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which was Abdullah.

00:41:14 --> 00:41:23

So Abdullah, the son of Abdul Muttalib, was supposed to be sacrificed. So basically, Abdul Muttalib.

00:41:24 --> 00:41:27

He goes to,

00:41:28 --> 00:41:29

you know, cast these

00:41:31 --> 00:41:33

air arrows. So basically,

00:41:35 --> 00:41:35


00:41:37 --> 00:41:41

these arrows, he lines up his sons, his 10 sons.

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And he cast these he casts an arrow. And he throws it basically,

00:41:49 --> 00:41:55

every time he throws it a point to who it points to Abdullah, his son Abdullah.

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And he does it several times.

00:42:02 --> 00:42:03

And so

00:42:05 --> 00:42:09

after doing it so many times, it's clear that I have to sacrifice this son and no other son.

00:42:10 --> 00:42:17

And so he goes to the cab, and he gets ready to sacrifice his son Abdullah.

00:42:20 --> 00:42:24

And so one of the elder sons of Abdul Muttalib

00:42:25 --> 00:42:27

you he comes to his father and he was who

00:42:29 --> 00:42:30

Abu Talib.

00:42:31 --> 00:42:33

Abu Talib comes to

00:42:35 --> 00:42:40

his father Abdulmutallab and says, Look, we cannot allow you to kill your son.

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And so,

00:42:48 --> 00:42:54

other people joined and said, We're not going to let you do this. Because if you do this,

00:42:55 --> 00:43:13

then it will become a tsunami. That's what the Arabs will end up doing. Every time they have 10 sons, they will sacrifice one of their sons. And so it will become a trend after you. So Abdulmutallab, he said, this was the pledge that I made to Allah, and I cannot give it up.

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And so

00:43:17 --> 00:43:18

this now ended up in another dispute.

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So, once again, they decided to go to the witch. Once again, they decided to go to the witch. So they went to her and this time she says,

00:43:31 --> 00:43:35

Okay, let me get back to you. I'm going to go and consult my,

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my gym, the spirits. And so the next day they came back, and she had an answer for other Muttalib. And so she said, she asked him, what is the what is the retribution? The blood money that a person pays when someone is killed?

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When someone is murdered,

00:44:01 --> 00:44:10

what is the penalty? What is the blood money and so they said it is 10 camels. They said it is 10 camels. So she said

00:44:12 --> 00:44:19

put 10 camels on one side and put your son Abdullah on the other and then cast arrows.

00:44:20 --> 00:44:24

If the arrow points towards the camels,

00:44:26 --> 00:44:33

then slaughter the camels. But if it points towards Abdullah then add another 10 camels

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and so they agreed and they went back and they did exactly as the witch told them

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and so the arrow ended up pointing towards Abdullah

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and so they added 10 more camels.

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The cast the arrow again.

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It pointed again to to Abdullah

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and they kept on

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doing this until they had now 100 camels.

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00:45:09 --> 00:45:11

now, finally,

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after, you know, we have 100 camels, he draws the arrows again, he draws the arrow. And finally now it points towards the camels.

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And so the people they said finally, okay, release your son. No, I'm done. Muttalib said, no, let me do it again. And so he did it again. And again and again. And it kept on pointing towards the camels.

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So they finally ended up slaughtering and sacrificing the 100 camels. And who paid for it all, Abdulmutallab, Abdullah paid for it all.

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And he was known to be a very generous man. And so there was so much meat left, that even after the people took all the meat, there was still so much that was left that it fed, the birds and the beasts and whatnot. And so that's why later on,

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it became known among the Arabs that under Muttalib is the one who said humans as well as the animals.

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And the people, they were right, when they said to Abdul Muttalib, don't do it, do not sacrifice your son because it will become a trend that people will follow you. And so

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when he sacrificed 100, camels,

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the blood money now,

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it changed from 10 to 100.

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And so

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the Arabs follow this new tradition now.

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And, you know, in fact, this was a tradition that continued even after Islam came. And so in Islam, until today,

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for someone who kills someone, the blood money is 100 camels, or in terms of currency nowadays, which is around 140 or $150,000.

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So, later on the parents of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who are basically Abdullah and Amina, later on, Amina,

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she mentioned to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that you are the son

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of the two who were about to get sacrificed. Who are they? Abdullah, and the second

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Ismail he'll who Something similar happened with him as we know. And Allah subhanho wa taala, exchanged him for the RAM that Ibrahim Ali has sent out,

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And so

00:48:04 --> 00:48:06

this is the story of

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this is the story of

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Adam Muttalib. And how he discovered the well of zamzam. And also the story of him

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about to sacrifice his son Abdullah,

00:48:27 --> 00:48:32

and how he eventually survived. And so in his survival

00:48:33 --> 00:48:40

was the birth of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so, imagine if I'm doing pothead sacrificing,

00:48:42 --> 00:48:42

you know,

00:48:44 --> 00:48:51

the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not have been alive. And so all of these events were precursors

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to the arrival of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. All of these events are being planned by Allah subhanho wa Taala in the sequence, one after the other.

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And so there is one more event that

00:49:09 --> 00:49:13

we would like to cover in sha Allah hooter Allah.

00:49:16 --> 00:49:28

As we mentioned, we had two important events in the life of Abdul Muttalib the second event, we will in sha Allah Jota Allah cover next week better than Allah.

00:49:29 --> 00:49:50

And so, with that, we come to the end of today's session. So hi Nicola, who will be Hamdi cash head with Illa Illa and Estelle Fuuka. To Blue Lake SallAllahu wasallam, Allah and Mohammed while early he was so happy he was salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

The Lineage and Family of Muhammad

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