Kamal El-Mekki – Life of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal #01

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses various struggles and struggles with various personal and professional struggles. It covers various personal and professional struggles, including COVID-19, the birth of Hanban, the struggles of a successful entrepreneur, a famous Saudi Arabia man named Mohammed bin Salman, and the struggles of a former student who struggled with finding the right person to study with. The transcript also describes a former chef who found success in finding the right person to study with the judge and other judges until he was sick and never went back to work.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right, Santa Monica de la vaca Bismillahirrahmanirrahim hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. Meanwhile, he was talking

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about So, as we announced, we said that we're going to be looking at the the life and trials of mammogram, Allah. And a lot of times when you choose a topic someone always says why this topic? Why not the other topic? Why not this important issue? You know, we're at times of, of, you know, difficulty. Why not talk about something more relevant, or something about the Coronavirus specifically. And of course, the answer is, well, my answer is Aren't you sick and tired of the Coronavirus? I'm personally sick and tired of hearing about washing the hands and hearing about this and that. And I'm getting message after message repeat after repeat. And the worst ones are the

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remedies. Okay. You don't have to worry about it. Just eat onions. All right. Don't worry about it. Eat garlic. The one I got today it says tea. Tea was the answer. And the Chinese cured their patients by giving them cups of tea three times a week. If that's the case, why are the British getting sick? They drink a lot of tea. Anyways. So we said let's let's look at the the biography of Muhammad.

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A number of things number one,

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people are watching Netflix anyways, they're watching movies. So what's wrong with hearing a biography of one of the great scholars of Islam. The other thing is, I must admit, really besides the Syrah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam This is hands down my absolute favorite biography is just beautiful story, beautiful character. So I hope that we'll be able to enjoy together and get our minds off of what's happening in the world for a moment. And at the same time also, I believe it's better than Netflix You mean the life of Muhammad Rahim Allah. So with that we'll begin in sha Allah.

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We are talking about the moment Hanban who was born in the month of May and oh one in the year 164 after the hijra. Now in the Gregorian calendar that's about 780 or 781, the year 780. Okay.

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His name is Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Hamdan bin Hillel Asad Idris ibn Abdullah. So I met the son of Mohammed, the son of humble. So he's not the son of humble, humble is his grandfather. So why was he referred to by his grandfather's name, we'll find out. He was born in the city of Bogota, in what is known today as Iraq. And he quotes he says, I have never seen my father nor my grandfather. So that means he was born an orphan, never saw his father or grandfather, his grandfather, humble from the tribe of Shaban, he used to be he was like a known person. And he amongst his many positions, he was the governor of the city of socks in hora sun. And he was a very active individual, and he took part

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in bringing down the Omega dynasty and help bringing to power the abasa dynasty. And so even Mohammed is known as Amma libnah. Humble because his grandfather so popular so he was referred to his grandfather, a family been humble instead of Mohammed, Mohammed, or Muhammad Muhammad. And

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his lineage also meets with that of the Prophet lamb at Nazareth. So way up, he meets with the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in lineage. He did not have any brothers or sisters, so he was an only child. And he was close to his two uncles. He has an uncle who was known as our beloved and humble. And his other uncle, his half, even humble, his half was very close to him. And he was also for a period of time his neighbor as well. His description, a mammogram, Allah, his description, is that he was tall, and he was handsome. And he had a tan now, and sometimes you'll hear the description of a scholar that he wasn't described as being handsome, you know? So because some people say, Oh, it

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was every time we hear of a scholar, he's handsome look, not all of them. Some were not handsome. And he would put light on his hairs like on his white hairs. And later on, he had a few white hairs in his beard. And he would always wear coarse rough clothing, not by choice, we're going to look at his poverty. He was very, very poor, extremely poor. And so his clothing was already always rough and coarse type of clothing. And they even described how he would sit like he would sit cross legged, and he would be reciting Quran in his home. This is how someone described them. He visited him in his home, and he was sitting cross legged reciting the whole art. His mother was a fee, been

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to me Muna, winter, Abdulmalik even shavon. So she's also like his father, from the

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Trouble shavon she raised him. And she used to love him a lot. And she used to love his company. Even after he grew up, they were very close to each other. And he was very obedient to her. And when he would try to leave early for federales should be afraid for him, and she would hold on to his clothing and tell him wait until they give the man like, you're leaving way too early. It's too dark.

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Just to show how obedient he was to his mother, one day he was with his friends. So can you imagine young men altogether, and the the forest, the Tigris River overflowed. And, you know, those of you who know this, sometimes or certain seasons, rivers would overflow, and they would really, you know, get the look completely different. So

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all his friends crossed. So imagine a young man and peer pressure now, all his friends crossed the river when it overflowed. And really, the current is stronger. And so it's more, there's more of a chance of you drowning, when it's overflowing or flooding was opposed, as opposed to the other times when it's not that strong. So all his friends crossed, and he told him to cross and He said, No, they said, why not? He said, my mother tells me not to cross when it overflows, or when it floods. And he he wasn't there, and all his friends, there was the pressure, but he still remained obedient. And that's just a small example of that.

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His mother or him Allah was also the one to push him towards attaining knowledge. And he began with memorization of the Quran and with learning the Arabic language because then that's your key to learning their religion is to have a strong grasp of their language. And she raised him to have Taqwa of Allah zeal and to be pious, one of the world. He, he lived during the reign of huddle, negotiate. Now the halifa Harun Rashid, what he would do is he used to travel to hedge and to battle. So he would take all his ministers and everyone, they would camp with him. So he would temporarily be in Baghdad, which was the the seat of the khilafah. That was the capital, the

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Hollywood was always involved that the heroine Rashid, specifically would, in his seasons of going to battle and going to HUD, you would leave the city. So like almost six months, this way, six months that way. And the the soldiers now are all gone. So the women, and a lot of the woman didn't know how to write. So they would ask the young men, the boys, they would actually

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ask the young boys to write the letters to their husbands. And they would write whatever the woman would tell them. But even though he was young, he would only write things that were decent, and he would not write anything that was, you know, had some harm in it or was inappropriate, he would refuse to write that. And what's amazing is that he's a little young boy at this time. But he already had so much taqwa.

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There was one point where his uncle would write the news of Baghdad. So basically, the governor of Baghdad would leave with the halifa. So while the governor is is out of the city during his absence, the uncle of a mama Hamad would basically kind of do the spying for him, and write him all the news of what's going on and what's happening. And then he would mail it to him. And then suddenly, these letters stopped coming to the governor, but that, so when he came back, he's like, what he's telling the uncle, I'm like, Why did you stop sending me the letters, the news information? He said, I didn't stop, I would write the letters constantly. And I would give them to my nephew to send to

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you. So they called him the humble. And they said,

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they said, Where are the letters that that we used to send? And so he says, You want me to pass on this kind of news? You want me to be the one who passes on spying, and all this kind of stuff. And, and sometimes when you you know, with the spying and this news, there's exaggerations, and you might do injustice to people. So it says, You want me to pass on this kind of information. He says, Anna, out of our own myths about bar, you want me to do something like that? He said, look at the romito filma Should I throw them all in the river? I'm not gonna pass something like this on when he said that. The governor said in the law, we're in LA Roger on we are to Allah and to whom we shall

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return. Meaning This is something you say when you know a time of calamity or something bad happens. So he's saying this because the calamity he says, this is a young man, and he is a warrior and he fears a lot to this fine level because there wouldn't be any sin on him. But this is what I when you go the extra mile. He says this is a young man, and he has this water. And he's saying what about us in Alabama in a lot of your own for our situation like, we don't care. We're spying on people. We're spreading.

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This news and this young boy refuses to pass on this information.

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Another of the people who lived at that time, he said, I spend on my children and I bring them a Debian back then the dip is what we today would be the equivalent of a tutor, except that back then the mother would come and he would teach your children language, and he would teach them refined manners, and he would teach them poetry, so that they can become, I don't know, aristocrats are some big shots like that. And he says, and I don't see any benefit. He says, I spend on my children, I'm bringing them the domain, and I don't see any benefit. I don't see any change in them. And then look at the humble and orphan young boy, what he's trying to say is, he's an orphan young boy, and he's

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so much more knowledgeable and better mannered and knows more poetry and knows so much more. And he doesn't have rich parents who spent so much on him and look at him Mashallah. That's basically what he's trying to say.

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Another man, his name is Ibrahim ablution mass, and he was known as a lavabit. And Azad. He was someone who was a devout worshipper of a large they were getting someone who

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was like, basically left the materialism of the world. He says, This man, Ibrahim ignition mass, he says, Come to our humble you he lay wahoo of wisdom. And you know, the word of wisdom is what used for, you know, a boy of nine years, 10 years 11 years old. He says I used to see him stand the knight in prayer while he was a young boy. And he can you imagine now, and nine or a 10 year old wakes up by himself at night, his mother didn't force him or anybody. He wakes up and at night and in the cold he makes will do and he stands and he prays for hours until fudger. So this was this is where we're talking about Rahim Allah.

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Another man by the name of Allah, Haytham IGNOU. Jimmy and this he was a major scholar, you know, he was a major scholar and many studied. He studied under Mr. Malik, and they had been sad, ignorant Mubarak, all these were his teachers. He was known as alpha key and half of and he was a knowledgeable scholar. He says, Now when he met him, Ahmed as a young boy, so this great scholar says about this young boy, he says in our Shahada alfetta if this young man lives meaning lives long enough for SEO kuno hood jetten Allah Allah Zamani basically be when you see someone is a hookah like it means literally means like this one will be like almost like an argument against this

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people. But he will basically be like a star and trying through, you know.

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Now one of the interesting things we said he lived in extreme poverty, his mother, she would sew clothing for people and make a little money from that. As for Obama, he would do something actually quite strange, but it shows extreme poverty. So in the markets where you put, you know, the big bags of grain and whatever it is wheat and rice, whatever it is, you put on the back of the camels, and the caravans would set and caravans would be arriving. So as you put all these grains on the back of these camels in these big bags, sometimes there'll be a hole or some of it would spill on the ground. So he would spend long periods of time picking up these grains from the ground one by one,

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like that's how poor they were. He picked up the grains from the sand one by one. And then they would use that they would go home, boil that, cook it, eat it, or sometimes he would maybe sell some of it, but that's what he did. That's the level of poverty, poverty that they experience.

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As for his studies, he studied with a lot of scholars, they mentioned that he studied with 414 scholars, one of them being a woman, but we're going to look at the major scholars that are the ones that really affected him the most, the big names and you can even see what he picked up. Which mannerism he picked up from which scholar you know, which you know, big becoming a devout worshiper, he picked it up from that scholar. So that's the benefit to see how this personality was shaped. And one of the ways to understand that is by looking at the scholars that he studied with

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him, he was famous for a statement he would say he used to say, Man, man, Bora.

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Bora. Bora is like the the ink pen and the ink pot. You know, you're always dipping and then you write then you dip in it, then you write. So he used he used people would ask him like, you know, you're always constantly learning so he said, with the ink pen, so and the ink pot because he's always dipping, always writing until the grave, meaning we're always learning continuously.

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He says, I first he himself is saying I first studied Hadith with Abu Yusuf those of you who

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No, Imam Abu hanifa you know who abused Of course, this was his one of his two students that really built the Hanafi madhhab. So he started with Abu Yusuf first started Hadith with him and Abu Yusuf was the Chief Justice at the time. So he was called in coda. So he was chief justice. And he studied with him for a while. But if you know the biography of hanifa, and Abu Yusuf, their style was that of debating and going back and forth, but it wasn't like a typical class where the chef sits, he quotes a hadith. And he teaches a lesson and people write it down and there's no back and forth. Here, they would go back and forth, back and forth. So this style, maybe didn't appeal to him talk

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too much. So from there he went, and he started studying with a great scholar by the name of who shame Eben Bashir

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and he also studied with one of the famous scholars known as Abu Bakr Ibn is Rahim Allah, and he would have a class right after him. So he would wake up before fudger to go early to the masjid. And we're still speaking about a young man now. He would go up before fudger when it's still dark, so he could get a good seat. So he'd be upfront. So you could listen from the Chef abubaker bias or himolla. But his mother would hold on to his clothing as he's going out, you'd grab him, and she said, Just wait until they're done. It's too early, it's too dark. You know, you're young, something could happen to you. So robocup is one of the famous and known and major scholars with the majority

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of the benefit that he got was from his shame, membership. He says, Mr. Mohammed says I memorized everything from his shame while his shame was alive, who shame died in the year 184 after the hero So Mr. Muhammad was 20 years old. Remember we said he was born 164 who shamed is 184. So at this point, he's 20 years old, he has spent about four and a half years with Hussein Shamoon Bashir. After that, when Hussein died, he started traveling to gain knowledge. So, of his first trips, he goes to the city of Vancouver, and he studies with a scholar there by the name of via ignore them. And he actually took a friend of his known as the human mind. Marine is a famous or known scholar,

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that was a friend of the Armada needs to travel to these places together. So they went to school first started with the idea.

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Then they also studied with Abdullah, Mohammed, bin Zayed and Mojave, and then they started the third scholar that he studied with an El Kufa was work here ignore JIRA. JIRA also is a famous scholar, and he is the one in the famous lines of Imam Shafi mammoth chef he was going in, went to work here and he says Shaco to Isla Joaquin. So he says I complained to work here about my weak memory if I'm a chef, I had tremendous memory. But in by his standard, he said, My memory is weak. And I complained to a care that my memory is weak. What should I do for our shed any electrical murase so he guided me or he advised me to stop sinning wacana allambie n bn and Elma Noren. minoura

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la Hey, la utako RC. So he says, know that knowledge is light in the light of Allah is not given to one that is, you know,

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RC meaning someone who's disobedient, that's what he's saying. Anyways, these famous lines were all related to a caribou Jarrah. That's the one that Mr. Malik Ahmed now is studying with in a group as well. And he used to say Mara Ito Miss Slovakian Phil hiff, when

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Yanni when it's not,

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when a BB, Ma, Maha Shula and Mahara. He says, I have never seen anyone, like work here, in his memorization, and in his chain of narrations as well because they were learning Hadith. And with who Sure, which is like humility, and what our fear of Allah high level fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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imamo caribou Jarrah died in the year 196 after the hegira when he was on his way to Hajj and

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Imam Amma just to show you how much he gained the knowledge of okay at Majora. He told his son, he was saying to his son later on, he said take any book from work here and asked me about it. And I've memorized the books of work here. He said take any book from working and asked me about it. And if you like you can ask me about the Hadith. And I'll give you the it's not Yanni. You told me just read the Hadith to me. I will tell you from memory the chain of narrators or if you like, give me

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The chain of narratives, I will give you the Hadeeth understand what we're talking about, you know, the chain of narratives, you know, it was told to us from so and so from so and so from so and so that he heard so and so that he heard from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, that's the chain of narratives. And then there's the Hadith itself. This is what the Brazilian said, known as admiten. So he memorize the Book. So well, if you give me the metal, I'll give you the chain of narratives. If you give me just a chain of narratives from anywhere in the book, I will give you the Hadith that's how well he memorized and got the knowledge of vocabulary Rahim Allah.

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Yeah, and work here also saw Mr. Mohammed as a special student. So outside of the classes, he will give him specific Hadith just for him that he wouldn't like give the rest of the students. So remember, Ahmed would get extra like bonus Hadeeth basically. And then when he would leave work here, he would find all the other students of okay waiting for him. And they would say only Elena, tell us what he told you give us from the gems that he gave you.

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Anyways, this was his trip in in Kufa seeking knowledge. Then he goes to Basra. And he would go to he went to a bus for about five times. And he would say, roughly about six months, each time he would go so five times going to ulcer each time he would say for stay there for about six months at a time. And he used to pray at MST they are known as Masjid magazine. And he would people would ask him, why do you pray so much there. And he would say that that is the masjid of my family. And he's from his tribe, people would pray there. It used to be there's

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what's interesting, then in a busser, he studied with some great scholars, one of them was by the name of vzW Harlem, and you see them the heroine, we're gonna talk about him. And if we have time today, he was a major scholar, like he was such a major scholar that the fitna of the creation of the Quran that we're gonna be talking about. The halifa delayed the fitna out of fear of using the huddle. That's how much he was a major scholar that he feared that if he said the Quran is created, and his 11, the heroine said, No, it's not that everybody would follow us either in the huddle, that's what a heavy hitter the scholar was. But what's interesting, and this is also why I love is

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either not so much, Rahim Allah, He used to be a joker, he used to love joking. Now, a lot of people I understand that a lot of people they want, especially religious talks to be very serious, and they don't want joking. And maybe also a lot of scholars.

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They don't particularly joke, right. But what's interesting is that it's not really that you should joke or not joke, but it's if it's in their nature, and they just like to joke then it comes through. So you see that the heroine actually used to joke used to joke a lot. But just to show the position of Imam Ahmed, he used to not joke if Mr. Ahmad was in the audience, just out of respect for the student who didn't appreciate jokes. So he kept it serious if he saw Mr. Mohammed. So one day, he's giving the class

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and he didn't see him. So he started joking. So when he joked,

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like that. So then when he saw him, he smacked his forehead, like this. And he told the other students, why didn't you tell me that Armand is in the audience in the room, so I wouldn't joke, even though he's such a great scholar, but out of respect for a student, because he also saw the potential of this student, he wouldn't joke in front of him. And easily no one was also not just a great scholar, but he was like a moron B and he took care of his students. So one time he came, and he gave and he was obviously wealthy, he gave his students 500 dinars. That's 500 Gold dinars. And they all accepted it, but Ahmed refused. And now we're starting to get a glimpse of this, this

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characteristic of the Imam he would never accept money from anyone. So he gave us his students gifts, 500 dinars, you know, you can live but because, you know, students, they're not working, they don't have a source of income, they're always poor. So he gave them that they all accepted but Ahmed refuse to take the money. And he used to never accept gifts nor help from a friend. Now, when we talk about things like this,

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this is not like an issue of religion to be followed. You know, this is a personal preference. Okay, so I used to not accept gifts, you still accept money, not even from his very close friends.

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As we said earlier, yeah. hypno Medina was a very close friend of his and they would travel together, and he would see how Imam Ahmad was poor and in need of money. So he would tell him just take this money, as a gift as a loan from

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You want to pay it back, pay it back who said No, okay, take it as a gift. I don't even want you to pay it back. And he would refuse. That was just his nature.

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So then he went to an Kufa which is in Iraq, went to Basra, which is in Iraq, then he decided to leave Iraq, and he went to Mecca. He, in a total in his life, he spent seven years in the city of Mecca. He says, Now I took advantage of going there for Hajj also, he said I made Hajj five times. Alright, the Imam himself is saying, I made Hajj five times, three of which were on foot. Can you imagine that? So from Iraq, he goes all the way or from wherever he is, but from Iraq, he'll go to Mecca on foot. That's the poverty there's not anything else. He doesn't have a camel. He doesn't have money for a horse or a mule. So he goes on foot, three, three times out of the five all the way

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to Alhambra. And he says and I spent on all of them. Listen to this on all five heights. I spent 30 Durham's not dinars, their hands are silver, there are 12 silver Durham's in one gold dinar. He says I spent 30, Durham's 500 trips, going and staying there and coming back. And that's all he spent. So you can really see this was someone that was extremely, extremely poor.

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And there is a story that shows how adamant he was to learn and how he used to also refuse assistance. This happened in Mecca while he was in Mecca. So a man by the name of Ali admitted jam this man Adam jam was a known poet and his time. He's saying we had a neighbor in both that one day this neighbor took out a book from his library. And remember back then, they still didn't have printing presses. He says this neighbor took a book out of his library. And he showed it to us and he said, Do you know whose handwriting This is? So we said yes, it's the handwriting of Ahmed Mohammed. Like, how did he come to write this book for you? So what to explain, we said there were

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no printing presses. So back then if you wanted a book, maybe you have a book this thick, you want a copy of it, you can just go buy it from the bookstore, you would hire someone, and you give them paper and a pen. And it typically will be someone with good handwriting. And they would sit down and copy this entire book, no matter how many pages they would copy it, and you'd pay them for making a copy. So when they saw the handwriting, look, how did you come to have a book written by Mr. Mohammed, like copied out by Mmm. So then he tells him the story. He says their neighbor and I was telling him the story. He says we were in Mecca, studying with soufiane of Marina, Marina, one of

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the magnificent scholars of Islam.

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And in with us, Mr. Mohammed was in that gathering, he would study under instruction under aner Rahim Allah, He says, so for some days, we didn't see him, but he didn't show up to the class. So we went to him. And he was renting a room from from my house. Like there was some people had a house. They rented a small room for him. He was renting that room. And we knocked. And he opened the door and he was wearing hold on hold on, basically, are rags, torn rags they just placed over himself like that. So we said yeah, about Abdullah. That's his cornea. And they call them a father of Abdullah, what is wrong, we haven't seen you for some days in the class. He says, suited cut Thea be

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my clothes were stolen. So he washed them and it doesn't have extras he washed the ones that he had. He put them out to dry. Someone came and stole his clothing. You know?

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So, so, so a man said, Now they're trying to help him. These are students who study with him. A man said, I have some dinars if you like, take a loan from me, and I'll let you borrow it. And if you like take it as a gift. And he refused both. There's one the lawn, and he didn't want it as a gift. So So he says, I thought now the neighbor of the poet who's telling the story, he says, I thought to myself, how can I help him like I know he doesn't take loans. And I know he doesn't take any assistance or even gifts. So I've got to find a way to help him out. So I said to him, would you write this book for me? I have a book. I want a copy of it. Would you write it out for me for a fee?

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And I took out a dinner, one gold dinner.

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By the way, just as a side note here, you know when you say he took out a gold dinar. We imagine like in the movies, the movies in medieval times like these thick gold coins like this, and you drop them and they're all clink clink, clink clink like

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When I was living in, in Virginia, I went to the Smithsonian Institute. And they actually had a golden hour from the Basset dynasty. And it's basically just as finished paper. It's just a circle of pure gold, but it's as thin as paper. So it's not like big chunks of coins, like nice and thick like that. So I gave him a gold dinner.

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And, and I said, take this as an advance payment does not then buy will stop for the event will continue after in shop.

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a shadow,

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So we'll continue.

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We could have made the oven closer to Asia because nobody's showing up. But this was the so this is the last day the mustard is open. Like, it's very sad. But literally tomorrow now we have you know, less than 10 people showing up for the Salawat. But tomorrow, literally it will be completely closed off. So since that's the case, let's keep going on time in Sharla.

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So what's going on? Remember, the the poet was in Baghdad, he showed them the book and he's telling them how I came to have a book written by the hand of him. He says then I was thinking to myself, how can I help him? So I said, Would you I took I said, Would you write this book for me for a fee, I'll pay you for it. And I took out a gold dinar and said take this as advanced payment. So like now you can go buy clothes, whatever. And then it's advanced payment, then you can write the book later. But if I had refused, he refused to take it as he said, buy a piece of cloth and cut it in half. For me, I'll use one as an insult. So one, I'll wrap it like this as a lower garment. And the other so

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it's a long piece of cloth. It's not like fitted garment sewn like this. It's just a long piece of cloth, cut it in half, I tie one around my waist, that's the Tsar and I just draped the other over my shoulders. That was what he was going to wear. Which by the way wasn't uncommon to see someone dressed like that, you know? So.

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And then he says, and then bring me the rest of the money. He says, so I gave him the clothes or the cloth, and then the rest of the money. And I brought him paper and ink and he started to write this for me. And so this is his handwriting meaning this is how I came to have this book. But anyways, this story shows me how much he struggled and suffered seeking knowledge. He's in Mecca, and he's alone and he because he doesn't want to spend time working and studying. He just spent so much time with his studies despite the poverty

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from the teachers of young Ahmed was Imam Shafi. So there are some narrations that he met with the mammoth Schaeffer in Baghdad and others say that he they met in Mecca, but image

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Dr. Harry at the at that point was a young man. And he wasn't popular. He wasn't known as V Mama shaffir as we know him today, so he wasn't even popular. But among ama discovered the knowledge of this man before anyone else discovered it, look at this narration.

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He was with the famous scholar, Imam Ahmed was with the Imam and the great scholar is half avian rawia. He says I was with his half that when rawia or actually it's hard to retain retain, narrates the story, he says

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we were sitting at a gathering of superior soufiane of Marina. Now if you know who that is, that is a major scholars, the founder of the Ayana were sitting in his gathering, learning from this great scholar. And even Ahmed says to me, yeah, yeah, we are hope. Get up. I'll show you a man that there is none like him.

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So we got up and he took me near Zamzam. So we're still in Mecca. It took me near Zamzam. And there was a young man, this is Imam Shafi. There was a young man wearing white with good appearance, and good mannerisms and a good mind. Very intelligent. So we sat next to him. And then Mr. Mohammed says, This is his half a la jolla

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and an hanbali. And I greeted him and he greeted me. He says, Then he, we spoke a little bit, so he's starting to speak to him. I'm a chef, sorry, he still doesn't know who he is. He says, then knowledge exploded out of this map. This is his half the era where the great scholar he's saying knowledge exploded out of this young man that I don't know,

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that I could that was on I was unable to keep up with I couldn't keep up with the knowledge coming out of this young man. And when the meeting was prolonged, he he tells him about the law. Take us to the young man that you had tickets to the man that you said, There is no one like him.

00:37:02 --> 00:37:50

And I told him this is the young man pointing to him. I'm a Shafi. So it's haka when raha Wareham Allah He says Subhana Allah, we left soufiane as he was saying, a Zohar he narrated any, you know, a great scholar narrating from another great scholar who is also from the tambourine. And you took us out of that gathering. So I thought he says, so I thought that we would go to a man at least like a zaharie or better, you don't leave a gathering, hearing about azuri or hearing the narrations of Missouri unless you're going to someone like him or higher than him. And he's a new bring me to this young man. And he tells me about your coop is talking to his Huckabee right here. He says take from

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this man and he learned from him for I have never seen his likes before I said I've never seen anybody like this young man before. So what's interesting is that before people discovered a mama, Chef mo Mohamad knew his place and know his level of knowledge.

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And so they started to learn from each other because Imam, a chef, he wasn't a muhaddith meaning someone who memorizes narrations and authenticates and weakens narrations. He was someone who give you the rulings and derive the benefits and lessons and wisdoms from the narrations. So even Mohammed now isn't just studying Hadith, and men learning narrations. He's also learning that as well, that's what the benefit that came. Well, at the same time, he was stronger than Mr. Mishra, in in the narration. So that's why I'm a chef. I used to tell him, yeah, about Abdullah that

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you are more knowledgeable with the narration with the authenticity of narrations than I am. So if the Hadith is authentic, then inform me so that I will use it. And so both of them now are benefiting from each other.

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Then Mr. Mola, then he moves to Santa in a lemon. And he studies with some great scholars there.

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But at the same time, he's still extremely poor. And he would work as a handyman, basically, he would carry things for people, you know, hard labor, basically, labor and labor, as they call it. He would carry things for people for a small fee. He would weave baskets also to get some money. And one time he got so poor that he actually pawned his sandals, just to swing with a baker just so you can get a little bit of bread. So when he was in Santa, he studied with Ibrahim

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Hassan Ani, he says I went to him and he was also he was strict, and he was difficult. He says, I stood at his door for a day or maybe two and just trying to get permission to be

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Become a student of the chef, the chef was difficult. And you will see this a lot like, there isn't one way the scholar is that he can be someone who jokes a lot. He can be someone who's extremely serious. No one can talk back to him. He can be someone very relaxed, like Abu hanifa arguing with the students back and forth for hours. So this man in particular was a little bit rough like that. So it says I stood at his door for a day or maybe two, until I got to him and he gave me two Hadith.

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And after all that, it just gave me to Ahadi. So

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but even though the sonar journey was difficult, he learned a lot of Hadith there. So what does that mean? He goes to learn a hadith so it's not like now where you can just, you know, get on the internet and pull any Hadith. You have to travel to hear these a hadith. So the chef would stay the Imam would stay in Basra until he memorized all the Hadith that the people have in that city. Then he'll go to an Kufa memorize, learn some new Hadith then you go to Mecca, then you go to Yemen like that.

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So from abdulrazaq,

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no Abdul Razak here. This was

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we're talking about

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a book or other asaka. bakasana is one of the scholars he studied with. He noticed that this this chef, despite his incredible knowledge, and his incredible memorization, when he was giving narrations and change of narrations. He would do it from a book even though it was completely in his head. But just as an extra measure of being careful, he would have a book in front of him, even though he memorized it completely. He would, from the book make give the chain of narration just as an extra measure of being careful. And what's interesting is so mmm and learn this from him. Later on when he becomes 40 years old. That's when he first starts teaching. And at that point, when he

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first started teaching, he was also teaching with the book. So you, you see which scholar he picked it up from this this notion of being extra careful.

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Then he goes from Yemen, to Mecca to hedges and he for Hajj, sorry, to Mecca for Hajj again, and there he met Imam soufiane authority. Or actually at that point, I'm suffering authority, a great scholar he had already passed on, and Mr. Musharraf, he had gone to Egypt, so he still remained in Mecca seeking knowledge. And even though the journey was long, the top five scholars he benefited from were ashamed new Bashir. This was the beginning remember his youth he stayed for for four and a half years with him, and he learned or memorized or gained 3000 narrations from machine with the machine. Then we have either the heroine, the one that we said like the joke.

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Who's the Imam of wasa the city of wasit, then he he benefited from his marine ignore layer is made up normally, even though relay is a woman's name will explain the story behind that. And he studied with Sophia from the arena. So these are the top five that were the most beneficial, the fifth one of the reserve a son and he stayed with him for two years now. I've reserved Sinani that's another level, we're going to talk about him.

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Probably next time, we only have five minutes now.

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In these five minutes, let me give you actually this five scholars that he benefited the most from, I'm going to give just a brief of their biography. But today, we'll only have probably just enough time to do who Seamus Bashir, the first scholar that he studied with remember from age 16 to 20. Right now, his story shaving machine is that he was born in Wall Street. And but originally he's from bahara. So originally from bajada, he was born in Walsall. His father was a cook. And his father always wanted him the young man who ashamed to work with him to help him at work and with his business. But he used to go and study with the judge of the city. He would go sit, you know, the

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judge, and who sits at the gathering of the judge a lot of other judges and big shots. They're the ones that he would sit with. And one day he was sick, and he was sick for a long time. So he never went to the gathering. The judge, then this is the judge of the city. This is a big deal. The judge says where's that young man that used to sit and study and learn with us? They told him he's sick. It is even though his name is he noticed that the young boy who's to sit here is not here anymore. So that he said, Let's all go and visit him right now. So now these are the big shots of the city, the judge and other judges and noblemen and all that they all got up and they went to the house of

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machine with the machine machine, the cook so when they got his house

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One of the neighbors ranta, to Bashir to the cook. He told him the judges at your house. So he leaves work obviously runs back home. And

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when the judge left, he tells his son he tells him my son, I used to prevent you from seeking knowledge, but not anymore. He says, now the judge comes to my home, I had never dreamed that the judge would come to my home. And from that day on, he started to support who shame in seeking knowledge and in learning the religion. Who shame says I would memorize 100 Hadith in one class. And if you if I were to be asked about these Hadith 10 months later, I would still remember them. In one class, he would memorize 100 Hadith. And 10 months later, you can ask him about all 100 and he would still remember them perfectly. So and he himself who shamed traveled and learned from the Tubby

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rain, and at about a billion the generation after that, so the generation after the companions, and then the generation after that, he studied with azuri like big names he started with a zuri with an Amish with ombre bernadina. He decided I'm sorry, all these he studied with the people who narrated from her shame, who shame Bashir, the teacher of your Mohamad here, Mr. Malik narrated from him, a story narrated from him, sure, but a judge and they were older than him but it shows you the place of his level of his of knowledge that men who are older than him would come and study with someone younger and narrate hide it from him. Okay, that was the brief of the biography of of Hussein with

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the machine the first student or one of the first teachers of Imam Ahmed we've got four more each one of them has something interesting about it inshallah, but that is for next Thursday in the law. We have to stop for for Asia documented for tuning in for attentive listening Salah home Barack Obama to Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Teachers of Imam Ahmed

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