Kamal El-Mekki – Akhlaaq Good Manners

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The importance of good manners and good deeds in Islam is discussed, with the Prophet's advice being to learn from past and good luck linked to success. The importance of good manners and deeds is emphasized, along with hesitation in religious practices and actions of worship. The speaker emphasizes the need for good luck in learning and working hard, and the importance of good manners in shaping behavior. The speaker also highlights the importance of good deeds in achieving success, avoiding bad manners, and achieving good character.
AI: Transcript ©
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Medina, Maya de la hufa modo de la sala de la, y shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa la sharika or shadow Ana Mohammed Abu rasuluh.

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All praises due to Allah, we praise Him and seek his assistance. We seek refuge with a love from the evil within ourselves and from the evil of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides, none can misguide him, yet whomever he allows to go astray, none can guide him and I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah alone. He has no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger yeah you live in Amarillo taco la Takata hola como una in our in our anti muslim on? Are you who believe fear Allah as he should be feared and do not die except in the state of Islam? Yeah, you live in an otaku la Julio COVID and said either useless Amada, como de novo con

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la hora Sula, hufa codfather fosun habima are you who believe fear Allah and speak the truth, he will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive your sins, and whomsoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed achieved a great achievement and my bad when esta casa de la Watson and had he had the Mohammedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Sharon lamorinda to Hakuna Matata de la la la la cynefin. Now,

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brothers and sisters in Islam. Today we want to address an extremely important topic in Islam. It is one of the most important things in Islam, but most people are not aware of that most people think it is from the actions that you do after you complete what is obligatory. Most people believe that this is from the mustafabad or the sunon that once you finish your Salah once you finish your Hajj and your Korean and your siyam if you have time left over then you should do this. But that is not the case. It is one of the most important things in Islam and it is one of the most essential

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and one of the most it's one of the foundations of who the leading man or woman is. Our topic for today is a flat, good manners, the importance of a HELOC. There are so many ideas and so many ahaadeeth that point to the importance of this topic. But as we said so many people believe that it's something that you do as something that's nice to have. As soon when you when you finish everything else, then you do the or you improve and you perfect your good manners and your character and you're kind to people. But we see from many Hadith and ayat Allah as it says in the Quran, when he's mentioning why he sent the Prophet sallallahu wasallam Allah azza wa jal says Lama also Naka in

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La maternidad amin, and we have not sent you except as a mercy to the universe. So here, no doubt we can understand how the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was sent as a mercy because it's through what he teaches us that we can avoid the Hellfire will air the villa. And it's through what he teaches us that will take to paradise so we can all understand how the sending of the prophets of Allah send them is a mercy in the next life. But no doubt we'll all agree that the Prophet said love being sent is a mercy in the next life but in this life as well. And in this life, you cannot have mercy amongst human beings if you do not have good luck.

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If we were to take the example of a village, and in this village, every aspect of bad luck exists, there is envy. There is hatred, there's jealousy. There's backbiting there is cursing, there's cussing, every aspect of bad luck and no good luck and this village, can you describe this village as being a place of mercy for a merciful merciful village? No, because in order to have mercy, you have to have good luck. So when Allah azza wa jal says to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in the Quran, Allah Azza Naka, illa maternidad me in this ayah is an indication to the importance of luck to the importance of good manners.

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Likewise, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself explains why he was sent, and he could say that he was sent to teach people the Quran, he was sent so people would pray. He was sent to eradicate ship, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a booth to the Mima Makarem And verily I was sent to perfect the most noble of goodness

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character of manners. So it's as if the wording he's using sort of law and insulin is as if he was only sent to improve people's luck. Why? To show us the importance of luck

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and good manners and good dealings with other people. It is something that will give you success in every aspect, in life, in raising children in being a good teacher and being a good businessman, in dealing with your wife and for the wife dealing with her husband. Everything depends on good Allah and your success in this dunya is linked to good luck. And for that reason, we find the Imam Malik Rahim Allah when he was a young boy and he wanted to start learning knowledge. His mother gave him advice. She told him go to obey authority, the scholars of Medina is hub in Arabia, for the Allah Min adorabile Kabbalah in may go to a BIA and learn from his edit from his manners before you learn

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from his knowledge.

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And we've probably all seen people who have gained a lot of knowledge as far as information, but they're very rude and they're very harsh and dealing with them is difficult experience and nobody wants to sit and learn knowledge from them. Not only that, but we have the best message ever, which is the Quran. The Quran, the best message ever would not have been accepted by the Sahaba and they have the best hearts ever. If it came packaged with bad luck, they wouldn't have accepted the message. Allah says in the Koran to the prophets of Allah is a lamb Willow couldn't have been Valley, the Colville and subdomain Holic and if you were crude or harsh and hard hearted with them,

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the companions, they would have scattered from around you, they wouldn't sit to learn from you. So that means even though this message is so great, and these people who are willing to accept it are so great, they wouldn't accept this message if it came packaged with bad luck. So, in order to be successful in anything, you have to have good luck and in the alpha you need to have good luck as we will see inshallah. So Mr. Malik, his mother gives him this advice to learn from the manners of Roberto before he learns from the knowledge because if he has knowledge, no manners, who will want to sit with him who will want to deal with that type of person with bad manners, but then we see the

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effect of this advice of a mathematics mother hammer holla. Later on one of the students of Imam Malik, a brilliant brilliant man who gained all of the knowledge of the Imam in the first year, he stuck with the Imam for 20 years. In the first year, he learned everything that the Imam had, but yet he remained for 19 years and everything was repetition to him. So they asked him, Why did you remain for 19 years, even though you gained all of the mom's knowledge in the first year, he said I remained for 19 years learning from his luck. He was an ocean in manners, the way he dealt with a fellow scholar, the way he dealt with an ignorant person, the way he dealt with a child, the way he

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dealt with the governor or the ruler.

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Every day in every experience in every dealing of his was a lesson in a HELOC. So this great scholar studied with him for 20 years 19 of it was just to learn from his luck. But then he says something more profound. He says, and I wish all of the 20 years was just learning from his luck. He said I wish even that first year was just to learn from his luck.

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And when we look at the body, every time you see an ad that mentions a great reward, you think it's going to talk about something great, like Salah or like swam or like HUD or like jihad, but the HUD it goes back and it mentions the greatness of a HELOC. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said the most complete of believers in Eman what do they do? The best of them in manners, the closest people to me on the Day of Judgment, the best of them in manners, the most beloved of people to Allah azza wa jal What did these people do? Dr. Salah, the best of them in manners. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said to his companions hire the best amongst you hire the best of you or the best of you to their

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families. And the scholars explain why the Prophet said Lim said the best of you to their families, why their families specifically because the scholars say that if someone has good manners within his home, it is very probable that he has good manners outside of the home, because we all know people like this one as a Binda, who are extremely intelligent, extremely well mannered and polite, and gentle in the masjid. But in their homes, it's a different story. They even use profanity in the curse, and they always erupt and lose their temper. So the person who is good with his family is very probable that he's also good outside of the house, and that's why the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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said hydrocodone, hydrocodone

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The best the best amongst you is the best amongst his family.

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Likewise, one time the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting with his companions, so he asked him a question. He said at the Drona many movies do you know who is the one who is bankrupt? Galleria rasulillah and musli Safina manager hamara hawara mata. They said, Oh prophet of Allah, the One who is bankrupt amongst us is the one who has no dyrham, no currency, no money, and no possessions. So then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained to them, that the one who is bankrupt is the one who comes forth on the Day of Judgment with a lot of good deeds, he comes forth with a mountain of good deeds, but he has also come forth with bad manners. He has insulted this

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person and he has hit that person, he took the wealth of that person, and he might have killed this other person. So what happens, this person will take from his good deeds, and then that person will take from his good deeds and then when his good deeds expire. So these are believers now that he offended in this dunya they will come and start to take from his good deeds because he offended them, he insulted them, he hit them. When his good deeds expire, he will begin to take from their bad deeds and the prophets of Salaam explained at the end of the Hadith, then he will be thrown back into the hellfire.

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So we see the importance of good manners from this Hadith, the man came with a mountain of good deeds. So perhaps he gave so much of his wealth in South Africa, perhaps separate federal in the masjid every single day. Perhaps he prayed. He fasted Ramadan obligatory first he went to, he went to Rama, he did so many of the extra good deeds, but he had bad manners and because of his bad manners, they killed and destroyed all of his good deeds. So it can't be then that good manners is just something from them is to have that from the extra good deeds that you do. If you have time left over. It is one of the most important things and beware beware brothers and sisters be where

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from in from offending your fellow Muslims, beware of that. Because if they don't forgive you in this dunya and Allah will forgive you for what use you are against him soprano Tada. But if you are against your believing brother or sister, make sure you get their forgiveness from them in this dunya before they take it from the most beloved thing thing to you in the era before they take it from your good deeds. But if we contemplate this headed some more,

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where does this happen? This this trust fear the settling of accounts between the believers, where does this happen? This happens in front of the gates of Qian.

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So what does that mean? Then? All the believers gathered in front of the gates of gentlemen, before the gates of Paradise are opened, then the Muslims will be called one by one because no one goes into Jenna having issues with his brother or his sister. So everything is settled between people. So it happens before the gates of gender. So what does that mean? That means this man, the mu fellas who had so many good deeds, in the beginning, he passed through so many stages to make it in front of the gates of Jelena because, as you know, if someone doesn't have good deeds, death itself is a very difficult experience, the soul leaving the body, but he had a lot of good deeds. So perhaps he

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passed through this first difficulty of death, and then the grave the questions of the grave, only the believers and the people of good deeds can answer, perhaps he passed through that stage as well. And then there is the torment of the grave. And he Pat made it past that stage as well. Then there is a day of resurrection for 50,000 years, people stand with the sun one mile away from their heads. And for the people of good deeds, it will seem like a very short day, and to varying degrees, as people have worse deeds that they become it's longer and longer and longer. So he may have made it past that stage as well. That difficulty as well. Then there is the questioning and standing in

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front of Allah subhanaw taala. And we know that difficulty, he made it past that stage. And then he started to cross the bridge that Surat that's over the Hellfire, you cross this bridge, and you make it all the way to in front of the gates of gender. So this bridge, the prophet SAW, Selim described it in the Hadith, that it's thinner than a human hair sharper than a sword. And it's as if Allah gave it a mind of its own. It's craftier than a fox, and people will some people will have a lot of difficulty crossing over the syrup. Some people will try to cross and people will fall off of it. And those who have good deeds will pass it very quickly. Some people like the like a bolt of

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lightning, others like the blink of an eye, others like a fast racehorse. Some will run some will work, some will crawl and some will fall. So this man made it past that stage, and now he's in front of the gates of paradise. And then

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his bad manners catch up with him.

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When they call him in front of everyone who has a right to take from him, then the believers come that he is insulted and offended. And then they start to take from his good deeds, then he takes from their bad deeds, then he's thrown into the Hellfire with a villa. So it can't be that a flood is not one of the most important things in Islam. Not only that, but to stress the importance of Allah. We see that one of the wisdoms and one of the the benefits of all the acts of worship is that they're supposed to impact you're

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one of the wisdoms and one of the benefits of doing an act of worship is that it's supposed to impact your love

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Allah as we just says about Salah in the Quran welcomes Salah in the salt and

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establish the salah solo prohibits the sins and the reprehensible acts. bad manners are included in the reprehensible acts concerning Hajj Allah says in the Quran, falada fella Rafa hola for Sukkot Elijah. So there is no vain talk, there's no argumentation in hajj, which is bad manners.

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Likewise, with fasting, we know that when someone is fasting and someone fights with you or curses you you say in the sign in the sign, I am fasting and fasting we have the act of worship and the effect it's supposed to have on your Allah. So it can't be that the hula is not one of the most important things. In Islam, Abu huraira della Han asked the Prophet sallallahu Sallam which of the deeds most leads people to paradise. The prophets of Allah Salaam responded taqwa

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piety, being God conscious and having good manners. These are one of the things that do things that mostly take people and lead people into paradise, taqwa and having good manners, then of hora de la Han, as the professor said, the more of the things that mostly people into the Hellfire and the procell and responded the mouth, and the sexual organs, the mouth and what comes out of the mouth again, but so we see good luck one of the things that most take people to paradise, but of luck one of the things that most take people into the Hellfire with a builder, so that we ask Allah Subhana Allah to improve our ability to perfect our good character. A portfolio that was stopped for Allah

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and engineered to stop Pharaoh Pharaohs and Mr. frane escolares in jail for his forgiveness. Surely those who ask for his forgiveness shall prosper.

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah I mean, he was so happy

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about I sort of narrates that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, that verily a believer attains with his good manners, the same degree as that attained by fasting and establishing Salah. With good manners, you can attain the same degree as that established by fasting and establishing Salah. And because of the Hadith that we saw the man who lost all of his good deeds because of his bad manners, one of the early Muslims and one of the ways many haven lager anahola he used to say that good deeds do not compensate for bad manners. While good manners may compensate for bad deeds. He's saying that good deeds will not make up for your bad manners. Just like we saw in the Hadith, the man came forth

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with a lot of good deeds, but he also came forth with a lot of bad manners, and his good deeds did not avail him. So your good deeds do not compensate for bad manners. But when he says, Hola, and good manners may compensate for your bad deeds. And because we have a hadith where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam describes that the heaviest thing on your scale, and you would imagine it to be the dam, you would imagine it to be so you would imagine it to be hudge. But the heaviest, the most dense of your good deeds, the heaviest thing on your scale, on the day of judgment is good manners. So good manners could make up for your bad deeds. So brothers and sisters, be aware of offending.

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Believe that you're believing brothers and sisters and dystonia. Be aware of that, do not do that. And if you've offended anyone seek forgiveness, it is not worth losing your good deeds on the Day of Judgment. It is not worth many people coming up to take from you in front of the gates of paradise for that reason.

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So if you had a theory or no law, the great scholar one time he heard that a group of people were saying bad things about him or backbiting him and insulting him and so on and so forth. So he sent them a bowl of dates as a gift with a message saying, I heard that you have assigned to me yet you have given me some of your good deeds. I couldn't

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not find anything with which to thank you besides this bowl of dates, so please accept it from me.

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Because he's he knows that they're giving him from his good deeds. So don't even talk about anybody, especially someone that you dislike because then you're giving this person that you dislike. It's one of the most beloved things to you, your good deeds.

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Also a man one of the scholars came to Savannah 30 as well hola and he told him, I have never seen Abu hanifa Rahim Allah Imam Abu hanifa backbiting or speaking bad about anyone. So soufiane authority tells him Yes, Abu hanifa aka mean and you're solid, Allah has an ATI Madhava

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is more wise than to give to let's allow someone to go away with his good deeds. So silence is one of the most important things the Arab used to say keeping silent preserves reverence people revere you, the more silent you remain, and I'm looking at us for the low on he used to say and Callum katoa that talking is like medicine in a clinic. I mean, who never were in a car caminho cottage, he used to say that speaking is like medicine, if you give a little of it, it cures and if you give too much of it, it kills. So with that we ask Allah subhanaw taala to improve our luck and to make use of those who are of the best of character. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to accept our fasting and our

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good deed during the month of Ramadan, and to assist us in reaching the next Ramadan as well. We ask Allah azza wa jal to give victory to Islam and to the Muslims. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to give to grant freedom to all the Muslims who are being held unjustly around the world. We ask Allah azza wa jal to not make the dunya the greatest of our concerns. Yeah, Allah did not make the dunya the greatest of our concerns. Yeah, Allah did not make the dunya the greatest of our concerns. We ask Allah to make use of those who hear the speech and follow the best of it. And we asked him to send his salah and Salaam upon his final messenger Muhammad and upon his family and those who follow them

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upon righteousness until the Day of Resurrection for lahoma brim Gary lomatium Rushden you as a VA robotic. What you see here

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we have even arrows we even have

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a simian

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