Ismail Kamdar – The Dua & Repentance of Adam, the Father of Humanity

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of learning from lessons learned from the Prophet Adam or Samalam and the sharia's power in shaping one's life. They emphasize the need for everyone to acknowledge their weaknesses and take responsibility for their actions, and emphasize the importance of practicing forgiveness and not wake up in a light. They also touch on the concept of "hasha" and its relation to slipping up.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah who who want to stay in when it's stuck Pharaoh? When we know we hit the wall Hello Ali when all the below him in Cerulean Latina woman see Dr. Molina mejor de la who further moody Allah. Will may you dilute for the Hardy la Mavado

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forgot to call Allahu Allahu Majeed by the Eau de bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Robina, dilemna and husana are in love duggleby Lana, what are Hamner then Hakuna nominal horseferry.

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One of the most repeated stories in the Quran is the story of the Prophet Adam or a salaam, the father of humanity, the first human being. And this is a story that we all should be familiar with. We all should know the details of the story, right? For the most part, the details are shared between the Islam, Christianity and Judaism that these religions have a similar understanding of the origin of humanity, that Allah subhanho wa Taala created Adam, and he created from Adam Hawa or Eve, and they were the first humans and they were put into paradise. And they ate from the forbidden fruit and they were sent to Earth. But what I want us to reflect on today is some of the lessons

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that we can take from the story, some of the lessons that we can take from the story, because the purpose of the stories in the Quran, especially the Stories of the Prophets, is for us to derive lessons. And too often, we get caught up in the details, we get caught up in wanting to know what and when and how, without going into what's more important, which is what can I learned from this? So sometimes you want to know, what kind of fruit did they eat? How many years did they stay in paradise? And what were they any other humans besides them? Who did their children marry? Who did the grandchildren now do you want to know all these details, and in doing so, we tend to forget

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about what's most important, what's most important is that we reflect on the stories, and we take lessons for our lives, and we apply it to our lives.

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And so with the story of Adam Alayhis Salam, there are many aspects of the story repeated throughout the Quran. And each of these give us something different to reflect on. But today, I want us to reflect more on the nature of human beings. And

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why we sin, why we make mistakes, and how do we find our way back to Allah subhanho wa Taala after you have messed up and wonders, look at this in light of the story of Adam Alayhis Salam. So the Prophet Adam Alayhis Salam.

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Can you imagine being in his situation, the only human beings you in Paradise, and

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you can do anything you want. There's just one rule. Don't eat from this tree. There's one forbidden tree, one type of forbidden fruit. That's the only rule.

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And shaytaan comes to him with wasa

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seducing them, making this fruit look tempting making it look like the one thing that you want. And I think this is human nature, that if we told you can have anything you want besides that, that's the one thing everyone's eyes goes goes on. Right? That's where all of us turn to why not that? Why can't I have that? What is that? And what are they keeping away from you? What are they hiding? For me, this is human nature. And this has been the nature of human beings from the very beginning. So Adam Alayhis Salam, eventually he is tricked into eating this fruit. And him and his wife are sent to earth, and they repent, and they are kept on earth and all of the descendants have to stay on

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Earth and have to work their way back towards paradise. Now, one of the questions that comes up at this point is, why didn't Allah just put them back in Paradise after they repented? Why keep them on Earth? Right? Well, why would they mean paradise in the first place if you were created for it? Right? Because there's two sides to the story. One side of the story is Allah created human beings to live on Earth? So why put them in paradise first. The other side of the story is, if they were in Paradise, and they messed up, and they repented, and Allah accepted the dependence, why did they have to stay on Earth?

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And to answer these questions you see, number one, that Allah put them in paradise, to put in the hearts of humanity, a love for Paradise and a yearning for Paradise. Because this means that Jana was the original home of human beings. And this is ingrained in the souls of humanity. That paradise is our home, and we long for our home. So we will work for our whole so that initial placement of Adam and Howard

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Jana wants to put into the souls of humanity. A love for Jana and Jana is the home. This feeling of Jana being our home and then putting them on earth? Well, Allah subhanaw taala stated in the very beginning, that's where he's going to put us in the jar Elune feel already Khalifa, the I'm creating a representative on earth. I'm creating my representative on urgency in Ghana, from the beginning, humans were meant to go to Earth first. And then those who are working will end up in gender. Those who are Allah's Mercy will end up in Jannah. But Earth was always meant to be the place where the test plays out. So we don't go too much into the whys.

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But the other question would be is, why did he eat as many people so you know, if Adam just didn't eat that food we'd all be in Jannah. Right now, you get the question in your head. And firstly, is the color of Allah with the eight foot? Well, number two, it's a good chance for us to look in the mirror. Look at the story of Adam Alayhis Salam, as the story of each and every one of us that we look in the mirror, all of us have times in our life, where we ate the forbidden fruit, metaphorically speaking, where if we look at the Sharia that Allah has given us, the majority of the things in this world are halal. Yet still our eyes go to the haram. Still, our heart is inclined

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towards haram. Still, at some point in your life, somebody slips up and they fall into haram. And the thing is, we know which haram, we know the harms of it. We know it's not good for our souls, but we still slip up.

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And the story of ultimately Islam is meant to demonstrate to us that this is how Allah created human beings to be. We are meant to be creatures that slip up and we repent.

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And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said every son of Adam makes mistakes. But the best of those who make mistakes are those who are constantly repenting, meaning every descendant of Adam is going to slip up just like Adam slipped up. But what separates Adam Ali Salaam and his true followers and his true descendants from those who will go straight is repentance. It's finding your way back to Allah after you have messed up. This is the difference in the story. Both are the Malays, Salam and shaytaan do something wrong. But the difference what makes one shaytaan it makes the other our role model is that she don't never admitted that he messed up. He just went deeper and

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deeper into it. arrogantly refusing to accept that he did anything wrong, that arrogance, or continuing in sin, and never looking back and thinking that I am the problem. This is the attitude of shaitan. While Adam Alayhis Salam, he recognized that he was wrong. He recognized that he messed up, he regretted his mistake, he made Toba for his mistake. And that is the way to Jannah. The way to Jannah is not to live a sinless life. It's to repent and to regret and to get back on the straight path after you have messed up.

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And so we know that when Allah created ultimately salaam, the angels objected, the angels objected and they asked Allah, why would you create something that's going to cause chaos? Why would you create the creation that's capable of shedding blood off of murder?

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Because remember, the angels already exist, they had no free will. They were perfect worshipers of Allah, they are perfect worshipers of Allah. So the angels want to know, why are you then creating a human being, because human beings have the capacity of great evil, but they also have the capacity for great good.

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And we have seen throughout history, that everything evil that happens on this earth is the result of human action. But also, every great and amazing thing that has happened on this earth is the result of human action.

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And so Allah simply told the angels I know that which you do not know. Meaning there is a divine wisdom behind the creation of human beings.

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That you're able to understand the difference between good and evil. You need to have a creation that has free will to make that choice. So you can see the choice to then see the consequences of both. And so Allah created us from the very beginning as a flawed creation.

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Adam Alayhis Salam made a mistake and so his descendants make mistakes are the Malayalam forgotten so his descendants forget our them. Elisa lamb was mortal and we are all mortal. That we are not meant to be perfect in any sense of the word.

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In Shura are off, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us about the DUA, the specific dua that Adam Alayhis Salam made when he repented.

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And I want us to reflect a bit on this tool.

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So in Surah, Al Baqarah, Allah tells us that He taught Adam some words and he used it to repent. And then he saw

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Araki tells us what those words are. And this is a very beautiful and powerful dua that every Muslim should learn and should say at the time of repentance or seeking forgiveness. And that is the dua robinus alumna and fusina. Were in love duggleby Lana water Hamner. lenok woonona Amina Lahore Syrian.

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Rob Bernards alumna and Fusa. Our Lord, we have oppressed ourselves. We're in love Delvin Lena water Hamner, if you don't forgive us, and if you don't have mercy on us, Linda Coonan Domina horsey, then we will be amongst the losers. This is the dua of Adam Alayhis Salam at the time of repentance, recorded in the Quran so that we can make the same to art and we can reflect on it and let's break down the DUA and take some lessons from it. Number one, the DUA begins with the words of Rob Bana, our Lord and most of the Quranic Dewas begin with these words Rabbana our Lord and we need to understand what does this mean remember when you are making dua you should call upon Allah but his

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most beautiful names and attributes. And amongst him will beautiful attributes is the attribute of being robbed will mean the Lord of the universe, that Rob means that Allah owns everything, it means that Allah controls everything, it means Allah is in charge of everything, that he is the only owner control and sustain of the entire universe. And so we call upon Allah as the one who controls everything, when we need something that are beyond our control.

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And so in all of the famous do hours that we learn from the Quran, most of them begin with

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Robina Artina for dunya, Asana Robina, Hubdoc. I mean as wodgina

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Robin Allah to Allah, he's not in the scene our and Robin has a lambda and fusina. These do us all begin with the same phrase, Rob Bana, our Rob and we need to understand this phrase and we need to internalize the meaning of this phrase, that what we are saying is, Oh Allah, I have no control over these things. But you are the rob you control everything. So I'm calling upon you as the one who has control over everything to please give me this, we are acknowledging our own weakness. And we are acknowledging the greatness of Allah subhanho wa taala. You will recall him by the name Rob Bernal.

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Now, this next phrase is very deep, and they are layers upon layers of meaning industries

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other than Islam in his dua, he begins by saying zoo alumna and personnel, we have oppressed ourselves. We have hurt ourselves, we have harmed ourselves. And there are multiple lessons we can take from this race. Lesson number one, is the importance of total accountability.

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We live in a time when people don't want to be accountable for their own sins. So nowadays, people will blame somebody else, you know, it's his fault. It's her fault. It's the government's fault. It's, you know, it shutdowns fault. We don't say ever say it's my fault. Yet what this dua teaches us is don't blame anyone but yourself.

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She turns the one who's whispering society may be trying to influence you. Friends may be trying to influence you, somebody may be trying to seduce you, by the end of the day, it's your choice. At the end of the day, your free will whether you gave into the trap or not. And so what did you do a teacher has given you say the lamb Now, unfortunately, we have oppressed our own selves. by attributing the sin to yourself, you think we have done this, you are acknowledging that you are the one who is wrong, and you're taking full accountability for your own deeds, and you're not blaming anybody else for your sense. And this is a very important step. And this is a step that is missing

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in our times, that nowadays, if we taught people to do certain good deeds is to show you the two sides of it, you tell a brother to know he's gay, he or she's not wearing hijab, and we tell the sister the way he jumped, he or she must know, in his case, both of you do what Allah has commanded, instead of looking at the other person, right? You can only control what is in your control. So you can choose to do what Allah has asked you to do. Don't see or I'm not going to do it because he's also not doing it or she's not doing it. No focus on yourself, what are you in control of improving other people's and you have no control over but you can control your own sense. And so Robin has

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alumna unfortunate we have oppressed ourselves. This is an admittance of being at fault. This is taking full accountability for one's sir.

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Number two. A second lesson we can take from this phase is that once again, going back to the issue of accountability, you will notice here a clear difference between Islam and Christianity in that in the story of Adam and Eve, Adam and Eve. In the Quranic version of the story, there is both of them are taking accountability for their own sense. But in the Christian version of the story, all the blame is put on the woman. Like all the blame is put on Eve and it's seen as the seduction of woman and the weakness of woman. Islam doesn't have that concept.

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All right, that is a Christian understanding of the study rather than Islamic understanding is both of them messed up. Both of them are sinful. Both of them are counter accountable for their own sins. And so you don't say she made me do it. This is the alumna, and we messed up. Right. So it's a very subtle but important point that shows us how Islam views this differently from the other religions. A third lesson from the alumna and husana. It's a very important one is that we understand from this why sin is haram. Why did Allah make certain things haram? Why did Allah prohibit certain things? Anything that Allah has prohibited? He has prohibited it because it is bad for us. And so when you

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do something haram, you are harming yourself. The alumna and fusina. We have harmed ourselves, indulging in Haram itself harm. When someone takes drugs, they are harming themselves. When someone drinks alcohol, they are harming themselves. When someone gets caught up in rebar, they are harming themselves. When someone commit Zina, they are harming themselves. When you do anything haram, you are harming yourself. There's the spiritual harm, the impact it has on your feet, but it's also worldly consequences. When you get involved in rebar, you are getting caught up in this cycle where either you are the one who's going to be in perpetual perpetual debt because you are paying off the

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rebar based debts. Or you are the one who is oppressing other students. That's because you're the one who they have to pay the rebar to. Right either way, the zulum involved it is a zulum based system. It is a oppressive system with Xena, there's all kinds of harm, right? At the very least is the diseases that are transmitted through Xena. There's the loss of honor, there's a loss of reputation, there's the breaking of families, right all of this is the real world harm and consequences that come from Xena. Alcohol and drugs we don't even need to explain. It's obvious the harms that come the self harm that comes from indulging in these things. And so this dua teaches us

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that sin is self harm or ogbonna The alumna and fusina our Lord we have harmed ourselves, you admitting the what you have done is wrong and the person you hurt is not Allah nothing we do can harm Allah, what we have done as hurt ourselves. So these are some of the beautiful lessons that we can take from this to our it's important that we memorize this dua and repeat it often. Robin has alumna and fusina were in love with Lana What are Hamner than woonona in a healthy range of 100 Robin Robin is A to Z phone was salam ala mousseline with hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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hamdu lillah, WA salatu salam ala Mallanna be about the Ummah about for inner circle Hadith Nikita Bula. Well, have you heard you heard the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or Sharon morning to have a column with a little bit at the end Dolla

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dolla Tryphena um about

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in this dua, we are also acknowledging that

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the only path to salvation is the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa taala. And we see that the message of Adam Elisa, and the message of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the same, because in the dua of Adam, we learn that if you do not forgive us, and you do not have mercy on us, we will be amongst the losers, meaning, our salvation, our entrance into Jannah, is dependent entirely upon the Mercy of Allah. And the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us the same thing. When he said, nobody will enter Jannah because of the deeds, you can only enter Jannah because of the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa taala. And so we see a correlation between the messages here, that yes,

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human beings are sinful by nature and human beings will mess up and none of us can say that our deeds and our souls and our piety is on the caliber will be a worthy of Jannah none of us can see we are worth it. And each of us know our own sins and our own mistakes and our own faults. We only intergender because of Allah's mercy. And so when repenting to Allah subhanho wa Taala we call upon him by that mercy. There we see, we're in London, Finland. Now what are the if you don't forgive us? If you don't show mercy on us, then you will be amongst the losers and losers in this verse called quasi real losers here means in the afterlife, it means amongst the people of Johanna. Right. In

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general, when you see the word losers in the Quran, it doesn't mean a poor person, he doesn't mean someone who failed in business. It doesn't mean they are the colloquial usage of losers in modern language, it means someone who's going to be in hellfire forever, because that is the real loser. The true loser is the one who loses out in the afterlife, the one who never gets to Jannah the one who never sees the blessings of Allah, the eternal blessings of Allah that is the greatest loss. And so one of the terms used in the Quran to describe those who will end up in the Hellfire for eternity. Is hos even the loo

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losers, because they had the greatest loss. No financial loss can compare to this. No worldly loss can compare to this, the greatest loss is to lose out in Allah's blessings in the afterlife. And so in this dua, we learn a comprehensive way of asking Allah for forgiveness. And everyone is going to have mistakes, everyone's going to have their fault, everyone's going to have those moments where we slip up. But when we do so, we go back to the story of Adam, Melissa, and remember, and remember the Hadith and every son of Adam will make mistakes. But the best of those who make mistakes are those who constantly repent, right, those who constantly repent. And so when we slip up, instead of

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following shaytaan God and going deeper and deeper into slipping up, instead, we follow the way of our father Adam Alayhis Salam, and we say Rabbana, so alumna and husana, or Ilam, don't Villa water Hamza, then akuna minal hos union. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to forgive our sins, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to allow us to be for the people of righteousness. We ask Allah to conceal our faults and to and to keep our steadfastness straight, but Robina Kolomna and fusina were in love with Luna water Hamner. Guna Namaha saline Robina Arjuna with dunya Hasina, fulfill our theory, he has now working as a banana Robina habla and I mean as wodgina was out in a Kurata Kenai mama Subhana

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rahbek. Robin is at Yama. Yes, ephone was alarmed and mousseline will Hamdu lillahi rabbil, Alameen Akemi Salah

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