Ismail Kamdar – Jumah Khutbah – Consistent Small Deeds

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The Hadees hold a high importance of forgiveness and the importance of developing good deed habits, including praying five times a day and doing regular prayer. They stress the need to avoid praying too much and start small, avoid praying too much, and not take lightly or small deeds. The importance of practicing Islam, including praying five times a day and fasting the month of whoever is available, is emphasized. The importance of physical acts of worship, such as praying and doing small acts of worship, is also emphasized. Consistent behavior and small actions of worship are also encouraged. The segment concludes with a discussion of the importance of rewarding small actions and avoiding feelings and emotions when thinking of good deeds.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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a hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah amin will begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala and asking Allah to send his peace and blessings upon the final prophet Mohammed even up the last of Allahu alayhi wa salam and all those who follow his way with righteousness until the last day. So before I get into today's topic,

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which is about the importance of having habits of good deeds, I just want to give a brief reminder about the last few nights of Ramadan. hamdulillah Ramadan is almost over we have less than a week. if Allah wills this may be the last Juma of Ramadan. We don't know until Thursday night when we search for the moon. But inshallah you know, these last few nights is the time when we should be searching for Leila kobada. And one of the mistakes that many of us make is after the 27th nights, you know, for the 28th and 29th night we don't take it too seriously. In order the number of people coming to the masjid decreases, the amount of people doing ibadah decreases. Remember that the 29th

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ninth especially, also has a high chance of being Lila lucado. So just as we push ourselves to do more ibadah on the 27th night and the 24th night, do the same on the 29th night as well. Right don't allow yourself to get lazy. force yourself to be someone who's doing a bother until the end. Why? Because this is the month when sins are forgiven. This is the man who Allah has put so many systems in place for the forgiveness of sins. And I want us all to think about this. Which of us here can say I don't need my sins to be forgiven? While you don't have any sense that need forgiving? Which human beings consider nobody to Allah has given us Ramadan, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam has said about Ramadan, the man sama Ramadan Manawatu Saba

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zombie man coma ramadan bancomer ramadan Manawatu Saba Whoopi Rolla Houma Dakota mommy zombie one comma let me know what is about

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Coca Cola Sumo logic. Whoever fast the month of Ramadan Allah out of Eman hoping for reward ALLAH forgive whoever prays the nights of Ramadan out of demand and hoping for reward Allah forgives the person whoever prays the night or later Okada out of environment hoping for reward Allah forgives the persons so what excuse Would any of us have to leave Ramadan with since our our company Allah makers from those who are forgiven in this month and remember the special to our to earn that forgiveness that we can make in these last few nights Allahumma inaka who taheebo Africa Annie, Oh Allah, you are most forgiving most progeny, you love to pardon you love to forgive, so forgive me

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Pardon me. So, this is a very powerful one, where we are talking about loss of a halo of dollars, forgiveness, and Alicia has no love for forgiving, unless you have a hand or $1 if you wanted, he could have made us perfect, he could have made us angels, he could have made us such beings that never commit a sin. But Allah loves to forgive and it is nobody doing sin and then making istikhara who is there for Allah to forgive. So Allah has purposely created us as flawed beings. And it is out of his mercy that He has given us Ramadan and he has given us to go further and he has given us the Ravi and he has given us past and you've given us charity and all of these are means to which our

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sins can be forgiven.

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So today inshallah I want to talk about a very important Hadees and this continues the series of Juma lectures we've been giving on her thesis. Last time I was here we spoke about the Hadees not to cause harm to yourself or anybody else, La da da, da da da. The time before that, we spoke about the Hadees in which Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam gave you advice to his cousin Abdullah even abus rajala and who about the father about destiny, adjusting Allah subhanho wa Taala. Today we'll talk about the Hadees and is different durations of this hadith we go with the narration of Ayesha Raja haka, in which she said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advise all of us to do as

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much good deeds as possible. And then he said, Nobody is going to enter agenda because of the deeds. Nobody is going to enter agenda because of the deeds. Why?

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Because none of us are perfect. None of us are worth the agenda.

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Think about which of us can say I deserve eternal happiness.

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Which man can see I deserve

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which person to see I deserve rebels of mine.

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None of us we all are sinners. We all have our faults. So, which of us can say we deserve gentle cannabis? Another Hadees Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam commenting on this idea he said that you will only enter Jannah because of Allah's mercy. Again, it comes back to Allah forgiveness. That's the week agenda, unless mercy and forgiveness, but then wants to do Lastly, somebody told Aisha Raja has something that she can do is something that all of us can do, that can help us to earn our mercy. And he said, under a hug when a man is Allah, or the woman who follow Allah, that the most beloved actions to Allah are those that are done regularly. Do them every single day, even if they are very

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small actions. And this is the topic I want to speak about today. The importance of each and every one of us developing good deed habits, habits of good deeds, good deeds that we do on a daily and consistent basis, because these are the deeds that are most beloved to Allah after the word about after the compulsory actions. So before I go into those type of good deeds, I reminder, this does not mean that you must only do some small deeds and you can avoid what is compulsory. Rather, it's talking about what is extra, you still have to do what's compulsory in this country the stated that the thing that brings us closer to Allah, what what is the what is the actions that bring us closer

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to Allah, the compulsory actions, the YG was one of the people's reactions.

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The five pillars of Islam, the Shahada, praying five times a day, fasting the month of Ramadan, discharging our car once a year, going for Hajj once in a lifetime, those five are a must.

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Remember, these five things are a must. These five things are the pillars of Islam. You let go of a pillar of Islam your Eman begins to crumble. So before we discuss what's extra, let us make sure that we have what minimum in place. If any of us are not in the habit of praying five times a day, let us rectify that this Ramadan and then make it a habit to pray five times a day. Because this is the one thing the one action that can truly save you on the Day of Judgment. Because the first thing that Allah will ask you about on the Day of Judgment is

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the first thing they allow ask you about on the Day of Judgment. Unfortunately, for many of us, we have again ritualized the Salah, and we've come up with our own version of Islam, we think we only have to pray on Juma. This does not exist in any version of Islam. Five times a day is minimum. And when you say five times a day is minimum, to follow the procedure for follow her for foster, three for Margaret, for for a shop that is minimal. If you are not in the habit of praying five times a day, start with debt. Once you finish, build that into a habit, then you add in the winter, then you add in the sweetness. But start with that start towards minimum. Because this is you know the main

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action you're going to be asked about on the Day of Judgment did we pray five times a day.

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Allah created us to worship Him. And this is the main way of worshipping Him that He has prescribed the thing five times a day, so do not take it lightly. It is so important that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about it, man taraka hufa kotkapura whoever abandons praying five times a day has disbelieved. And the owner might have different interpretation of this idea. Nonetheless, the wording is so strong. If you make any of us all of us feel, you know, just avoiding this bad habit of missing sign up. It's something that the problem is associated with Cooper. He said cafaro is a means of leaving the religion when you stop praying five times a day. If you are

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not in the habit of being five times a day, start today, make this a habit. Right. And the other Pillars of Islam are just as important. This is the god the fasting the Hajj, make sure that all of this is in order. And this is the minimum that is needed to get into Jenga. And we noticed through another Heidi's were one of the big ones. He came to a pseudo last of the level I think he was lm. And he asked Rasulullah what is Islam? What does he need to do? And the proper slaw is I'm only told him three things believe that there is no god except Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger, pray five times a day and fast the month of Ramadan. Now the scholars say why didn't he mention the cow

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Hajj, because this individual could not afford the cow Hajj, and we know that God, only obligatory upon the person who can afford it. So this man he asked the Prophet Oh rahula if I only do these things, I pray my Salah I believe in Allah and His messenger. I passed the Ramadan

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intergender What did the prophet SAW said? He said, Yes, yes, you will enter the jungle. That is the minimum requirement, praying five times a day, fasting the month of Ramadan. And if you have well, Sokka and hydrous. Well, these are the minimum requirements for entering into Ghana. So let's get that in order first. Now, once you have that, in order, going back to the Hadees, that we mentioned at the beginning,

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the prophet slow Islam had mentioned that

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the thing that brings us closer to Allah are the ones you bought, and then the optional acts of worship. Now many of us think that when we start practicing Islam, we have to go all in, you know, we have to you go big or go home, we think we have to be this super pious guy who does good deeds all day long. And it must be massive good deeds. So some people when they first get into the practice of Islam, they think that they need to pray to family all night, or they need to fast every day. They know they need to recite the entire Quran once a week. They feel like they have to do these things. Otherwise, I'm not a good Muslim. Now, and what happens when you set such goals like

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What happens? You can't sustain it.

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And you end up losing hope in yourself, you end up thinking that I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough to be a Muslim. And you end up thinking this is too hard.

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Remember, something Islam is not too hard. We made it too hard on ourselves. So once they were these three young men, who went to visit the wives of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam Salaam to learn about how the prophets Larson would worship in fiber. What kinds of acts of worship would he do when he was on his own? And when the wives of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained to them the worship that the Prophet slicin needs to do? They felt he was very little. Right? This is how the

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people who are young and just started practicing Islam. How do they feel like it's too little. So they talk to themselves. They rationalize, they said, Maybe because he's a prophet, he doesn't have to do that much. But we need to do more. Because you know, we young listeners, we need to do more. So one guy said, I'm going too fast every day of my life. And the second guy said, I am going to pray chiamo Lael, tahajud, all night, every night, I'm not going to sleep at night. And the third person said, I'm never getting value, Virgin for life.

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When the prophet SAW some about what these people said, he got on the member, and he gave a quote, and he said, I've heard people saying things like this, understand that I am closer to Allah than any of you. But I pray sometimes, and I sleep at times, I for some days, I don't pass in other days, and I'm married to any woman, that Rasulullah was and had many wives. And then he said, This is my friend. And whoever abandons My way is not often

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meaning in Islam, we are not supposed to push ourselves to that extreme.

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We need to be balanced and moderate, in the kind of ibadah we take on and this is why when I deal with young people, and try to get them into the religion, I adopt a very gradual approach, step by step, start with the solar, if they accept the solar, and then they start putting solar in, bring in the fasting, then xhaka, then have step by step. So this Hadees helps us with it. Because the Hadees we talking about today, the prophet slice them said that the most beloved actions to Allah are the ones you do on a daily basis, even if they are small. What is a small action you can do on a daily basis, there are so many, there are so many, but the point is to find one, just take one as to make

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it a habit in your life. So it piles up on the Day of Judgment. For example, reciting Quran for 10 minutes again,

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this is something that is humanly possible for almost all of us to take out 10 minutes a day, every day of your life to recite.

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recite it and to reflect on its meaning. Now, you're waiting, but he's only 10 minutes of karate. Oh, Allah gonna accept that for me. Again, back to the IDs. Allah loves the action that is consistent. Even if it is more 10 minutes of Quran think about it like this. For every letter, you recite how much reward do you get?

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Who knows? How much reward you get for every for every letter chain? chain rewards a letter? How many letters Can you recite in general? That's

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2000 a few 1000 letters, times 10 maybe getting like 80 90,000 rewards per day furusiyya monitor Cora.

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Now what if you do that every day for 40 years?

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We looking at rewards in the trillions

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that just seem small anymore.

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Now imagine you've got your mountain of sins, and you've got trillions of rewards for reciting Quran for 10 minutes every day, Which do you think is going to outweigh the other on the day of judgment?

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You see, we think it's more these good deeds, but they pile up if you made it a habit and you stick to it every day, the good

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deeds pile up. Think about charity. You take our 10 random date and give it to charity. At the end of the year homeless charity Have you given someone do the math for us?

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Yes, right now times that by how many years you end up living Allah give us so long like

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you end up in the millions. Right? And you remember when you give charity Allah gives it back to you 10 times over. So you gave to charity everyday in your life. It piles up to the million Allah will send it back to you and this will enter your after advisory. Did he work for charities, not just time scale? The the Quran states that depending on your intention and the quality of charity, it can be anywhere between times 10, two times 700 then you work for your charity, anywhere from 10 times to two times 700 when we talk about the reward for good deeds is always multiplication.

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It's always been multiplied in a huge way.

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104105 o'clock in the driveway, someone needs to leave urgently so it's never played 104105 Can you please move the car?

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Okay, so getting back to our topic.

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We're talking about good deeds, right? I'm giving you a few examples. Each person can take one. And you can try and make this one goodie that happened in your life. That good deed could be reciting Quran for 10 minutes a day, it could be giving 10 grand in South Africa every day, it could be

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throwing two rockets of Nuffield solar every day. It could be sitting off the salah and reciting it as be super Hanover to the three times 183 times about four times. These are very small goodies. They're not going to take a lot of time.

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But they pile up on the day of judgment and they are beloved to Allah. So we as individuals who want to earn our mercy who want to agenda, we must try and build these kind of habits in our life. These kinds of habits are the ones that will surely stand out the Day of Judgment if it is done for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. I want to mention two stories from the Hadith of the gulags while he was alone, which ended about to Sahaba. Right, so two stories about Sahaba who excelled at good deeds, which you may think are small, and because of those good deeds, they were given the glad tidings of Jenna in this world. Now, some of us may think the direct 10 Sahaba were given the glad

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tidings of gender, national mocha. Everything is only those 10 but the ashram wabasha, the 10 who are given the glad tidings of China, they will tell you were given it in one city, meaning in one sitting, the Prophet slicin pointed to those tents the harbor and said they are going to agenda but there are many other Sahaba who are given Blair Titans agenda to not just abstain from amongst those who had given the glad tidings agenda, but was not part of the Ashleigh Bashara was beloved, even Robert rajala, who

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is authentically underrated. Rasulullah sallallahu I think he was alone. He said that when he saw agenda in a dream, he saw the agenda of Omar Raja Raja and the agenda of Romania.

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And he heard the footsteps of Bilal Raja agenda.

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Right, so he mentioned three Sahaba Vani. Omar, who is already from the ashram Oh, Bashara, Mesa Mesa, Alain de la who was from the answer of Medina, and she was one of the greatest of the answer of Medina, her son was honestly but Malik was one of the greatest scholars of Islam. And the third name was Bilal even raba, who was

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one of the first converts to Islam, the first Muslim.

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But why do you think the prophets laws have heard his footsteps in judgment? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked him, Why did they hear your footsteps agenda? What are you doing? That the others are not doing?

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And you may think it's something big right? Maybe it was the Battle of butter, where he killed me I've been holla maybe you're giving us an you'll be the first magazine we read was the torture in judo. He said, How did I know he mentioned something small, something small but consistent, something small that he did every single day. What did he say? Florida who said the only thing I can think of is that every day after I made to do a pre terracotta filter,

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how much to rock out of the pizza.

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That's not a big deal. to us. It's not a big thing. You know, we think I just to rakata just don't sit on my phone, wait for the exam to go. you'll stand outside the mercy of the wait for the exam to go. But these two records every day after, after every time you need to do it piles up.

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Most Beloved actions to Allah are those which are consistent, even if they are small meeting have to regard or not feel as something small. But Bilal mentioned it as something that he did and the progress don't confirm that that is the reason for hearing his footsteps in gender, a small deal. And this is a man who did great deeds. This is a man who GRP Sabine de la these are the men who endure torture for the FISA vilella This is the first this is the man who was there for Brotherhood in the conquest of Makkah. But when it came to talking about the agenda, it was these two rockets of Salah

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another Sahaba. And the beauty of the next story is we don't even know the name of this hobby. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was sitting in the masjid with the Sahaba. And he told him the next man who walks into the door is going to gender.

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So always the hobble turned towards the door. And they were expecting a move back aroma is one of the the famous about walking. But one of the one of the guy who walked in was someone completely unknown. He was just, you know, a regular with Sally, you know, one of the local businessmen who had become a Muslim. He was so happy because he met her.

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But we don't know his name. He wasn't somebody who has a high social status, you know, that somebody famous. So one of the Sahaba, who was sitting there, and who heard Rasulullah phalodi. Some status was Abdullah even Omar hora de la Mancha. Right, the son of Omar, Abdullah, Abdullah. Abdullah was very curious. And he's wondering, what is this guy doing? That the prophets have said that he's going to gender? No. So he decided to follow that guy, and spend some time with him. So long story, but to cut it short, he spent the day with this man with the Sahaba. And this man lived a very normal life. He wasn't fasting extra. He wasn't playing much gamble. He was making up just before

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one or two or four rockets. He didn't have any extra vehicles he was making. He went to work, did his business came home, spend time with his family? He did all the veggie burger. Remember that? praying five times a day. There's no such thing as as a hobby. You didn't pray five times a day. There's something you never even thought about. Right? He did all the basics. He couldn't find anything extra. So he's Look, he's what he's observing. This man has been to do this man's house. And he can't think of anything extra that this man did. That made him a person of Jenga. So finally decides to just ask him, he said, he told him listen, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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pointed to and said that you're going to gender? What are you doing? That makes you a person of gender.

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And this method, I don't know. I'm just a regular businessman. I'm just a normal guy. I don't know what what I'm doing. So we got to think he couldn't figure it out. This and then also you're sitting ntk. Finally the man realized something. And this is amazing point. Man realize there's one good deed he was doing everyday that most people don't do. And he called a blog up and he said, Listen, there is something I'm doing this what is he said every night, before I go to sleep, I make sure I have no ill feelings in my heart towards anybody. No hatred, no jealousy, no animosity towards anybody

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of DDoS attacks, if that's what you're doing every country to have that pure haha.

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And yeah, I'll bring up another point that many of us are unaware of. When it comes to ibadah. When it comes to acts of worship, many of us think acts of worship only as physical acts.

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What this man was doing was not a physical act, it was an internal act of worship.

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Remember, there are three types of acts of worship, the ones we do with our bodies, like praying salah and making tawaf. Right. These are things you do with your bodies, the ones we do with our tongues, like talking about the freaking zikalala recycling. But the third type that many of us are unaware of, is the body of the heart,

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Right, avoiding feelings. This is the bottom of the heart. These are things we do inside ourselves which we are rewarded. When you think of a good deed, you are rewarded for it, even if you don't do it. When you think of a sin and you find that thought and you don't act upon it, you are rewarded, this is internal internal ibadah. When there is hatred in your heart for fellow Muslim and you think about it, and you purify your heart and you get rid of that agent from your heart, this is a bother This is an act of worship. When there is a difficulty in your life and you are patient. Internally you are impatient with a difficulty. This is a bother. This is an act of worship, when they are good

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things in your life and you live your life in a state of sugar in a state of gratitude. This is ibadah remember ibadah and worship is not only done physically it is done.

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ternary as well. And that's what this meant that he did one good deed, which many of us consider small, which many of us don't even think about when we think about good deeds. You know, when we think about good deeds, we think about solar, we think about deca, we think about fasting, we think about reciting Quran, how many of us think about purifying our hearts.

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How many of us think about, you know, removing jealousy from our hearts. One small deed, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that Allah loves deeds are consistent even if you have small every night before going to bed. This man did one small thing, and that was making sure he did not have any hatred or jealousy towards anyone. And it piles up on the Day of Judgment, everyday doing that piles up on the Day of Judgment until he meets Allah with all good saline with a pure heart. And that is a means into entering gentlemen.

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So, my reminder to each and every one of us here today, in these last few nights of Ramadan, let us take the time to build good deed habits in our life. Let us take one act of worship and turn it into a habit. Whether it's reciting Quran, make it a habit to recite Quran for 10 or 15 minutes or even five minutes a day. Don't leave it only for Ramadan. Don't leave it only for Ramadan. Don't be the kind of person who when it comes you close the Quran. You don't open it again until the first of Ramadan next year, or someone passes away. Don't do that be the person who is connecting with the Quran all year round.

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Or maybe can be sadhaka you certify every day of your life no matter how small it is. It doesn't matter it's beloved to Allah no matter how small it is. It can be something else can be smiling at people, smiling is

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the time to smile and greet people on the Rasulullah. After Salama Bina can spread this alarm amongst your spread peace amongst your going around greeting people with Islam make that a habit. It seems small but it piles up it's beloved to Allah. Do not think of any good deed to be too small.

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At the end of Surah garrioch Allah subhanaw taala says whoever does an atom's Word of God will see it.

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And whoever does the Athens work of evil will see it. Right. Whoever does a mustard sees what a good or evil will see it, meaning no good deed is too small. And don't think of any sin as too small either. As we reach the end of Ramadan, we ask Allah to accept our order from us. And to forgive us our sins are to make our fasting and our pm a means of forgiveness for us, to help us all to get there go further and to earn the reward of doing good deeds for 1000 months. And we ask Allah to help us to build habits of good deeds that are accepted by him. And to make this a means of us entering into China.

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Remember not to treat any good deed lightly. Take the time to build them into habits. May Allah give us all the ability to practice on what to say to Africa, Juana de la bella means Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Jumah Khutbah delivered at Ridge Road Musalla, Durban on 8 June 2018. In this Khutbah, Shaykh Ismail explains the Hadith, “Allah loves deeds that are consistent even if they are small.” (Musnad Ahmad)

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