Ibrahim Hindy – The Prophetic Counsel

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The importance of strong emotional connections and specific advice to others is emphasized, along with the need for parents to allow their children to commit sin and strong parenting. The Prophet's teachings and the culture of Islam are discussed, emphasizing the importance of laughter and sharing good advice to avoid problems like violence and death. The need for community and entertaining is emphasized, along with the importance of laughter in people's lives.
AI: Summary ©
Prophet Sall Allahu Allah he will send them
would give advice and counsel to anyone who would come and ask him.
And even though it was not in the destiny of our lives, that we would be in the companionship, the physical companionship of our prophets of Allah wherever he was,
as the Companions were, and we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah not to prevent us from his company in the next life.
We see the advice the Prophet used to give,
and we benefit from the counsel that he would give his companions. So often in the different Hadith. We have companions coming to the Prophet saying, well, Messenger of Allah, advise us on Messenger of Allah, guide us to an act that will bring us closer to Paradise, or messenger of Allah, what is the best action in the sight of Allah azza wa jal and the Prophet would give advice to these people.
But we will find that often the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would cater his advice to the individual asking.
So a man comes to our Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and says give me advice and the Prophet telson Latin Don't, don't be angry. He tells me it doesn't give me advice. Again, the prophet tells him Don't be angry three times. Because this was a person, as the scholar say, Who's prone to anger. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was would advise him, based on what this person needed the most different a hadith a personal come to the Prophet and say, Man, a humble man and Allah were invested in the sight of Allah. The Prophet would say, to one person, a Salah to Allah works to to pray at its appointed time. He would say to another person as jihad, he said, need Allah, he would
say to another person, it's called a slaughter, Muslim to give happiness deliver happiness to another Muslim.
So the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam caters, sometimes the advice based on the context that people were in, or this situation that person was struggling with. But today, I want to speak about an advice of our profits on the lawn where either you send them
which it wasn't that someone came to the Prophet and asked him for advice. But rather, the Prophet stood in front of the people and said, Who will take from me advice? I have some advice to give, I have some counsel to give, who is there that wants to take it from me?
So the Prophet did this. He stood in front of the people who said Who wants advice from me and ever worried are they Allah, Allah, I'm came to the Prophet running. He said, I will take these words of advice from you or messenger of Allah.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam
took him by his hand.
And he said,
and this is, by the way, in and of itself a lesson for us. That when we give advice, we cannot give advice. That's just words.
For the advice to be followed, there has to be a connection
between the teacher and between the students.
There has to be an emotional connection for you to take the advice you have to know the one who is giving you the advice actually cares about you. Otherwise, it's just words.
This is something that comes up often in parenting, where my kids listen to me. And one of the issues sometimes is they ask the parents, do your kids know that you love them? Because if they don't know that you love them and care about them, if they don't know it, whether it's true or not, if they don't know it, how are they going to take your advice?
We see the Hadith of the young man who came to our Prophet SAW Allah wherever he was, send them. And he said, O Messenger of Allah give me permission to commit Zina.
He wants permission to do this sin.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he gives him an intellectual argument. He tells him, would you like someone to do this action with your sister? He says, No, I would hate that. He said, Well can I can ask, likewise, other people hate this action to be done to their sisters, would you like it to be done? And he went through his family members? And the voice says no, I don't want this action to be done to any of my female family members who I care about who I love. And the Prophet says likewise, other people don't want it to be done to their family members. So now he gave him a logical answer of why he will not permit him to commit this action of Zina. But is that where our
Prophet stopped? No. The young man said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam put his hand on my chest. And then he made dua, he said, Oh Allah, for Allah, O Allah, purify his hearts, and protect his private parts from haram, and forgive his sins. Now our Prophet SAW Allah while he said, as we know in the Sunnah, he would make dua, he would raise his hands. Sometimes he would point his finger
or sometimes you'd raise his hands all the way up in times of distress. Here the Prophet did not do any of this. Rather he put his hand on the chest of the young men.
They call this the psychology of touch. You're creating an emotional relationship.
That young man gets up he says, when it came to the Prophet, there's nothing I desired more than to commit that sin. When I left the Prophet there is nothing I despised more than that sin. The Prophet turned him around completely, because he engaged with him intellectually, but also emotionally. So here are the prophets, Allah, Allah who always takes the hand of Abu Raider of the alumni. And on his fingers, he begins to count five pieces of advice. So that will aid us not just hearing words, he has an emotional connection to our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells him the first piece of advice, it took in Manhattan Techwood
algorithm does, abstain from what is haram, from what is forbidden, you will be the most developed of all the worshipers and it shows us that true or
true Bodia true worship of Allah subhanaw taala is found
in remaining steadfast against that which is haram.
Even though Josie Rahim Allah Allah when he speaks about the story of Prophet Yusuf alayhi salam, and how the temptation the fitna was made easy for him.
He was a young man, when you're young, the temptation is stronger than when you're old. He was in a foreign land, no one would say look at this person, him and his family are shouldn't be ashamed of what he's done. Nobody knows who his family is. He's in a foreign country. And he is in a position of weakness. He is the slave and she is rich and she is beautiful. And she is powerful. And she is threatening him with punishment to go to jail.
Everything was made to push us into that which was haram and he resisted and even a Josie says when a tough Hello everybody Yeah, this is where true or booty a true servitude to Allah Subhan Allah to Allah become seen becomes known in his abstaining from that which is haram when he has the power and the opportunity to do it.
That's something for us to really think about.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
said, The alamin acquirement Mattia tunel Malkia be Hassan and third July Muhammad by Allah. He said, I know people from my Alma who will come on the Day of Judgment, they will have good deeds that will be as numerous as large as mountains with a white peak on top of it is speaking about a particular mountain mountains with the white peaks, huge mountains of good deeds. He says fire out of Allah abandonment for Allah will make it like scattered dust. The companion said to the Prophet Sall Allahu Allah is an alumnus of Allah, Who are these people. People come in with mountains of the deeds of prayer, fasting, of Hajj, observe all these things they've been doing. And the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the home one
woman genetical where Who do I mean? A lady came at Kowloon. He said they are your brothers.
And they are from your offspring from your tribe from your lineage. Wait, hold on a minute, lady. Come on, tough. We're doing they pray at night. Just as you pray at night. Who is he speaking to? He's speaking to the Sahaba he say they pray at night just like you pray at nights. Well, I can now.
Either Hello will be Muhammad Allah
in Toccoa. But if they were left alone,
with the sanctity of the rights of Allah, they were left alone with that which was haram, they violate it. They commit that which was haram. When they're alone, and the opportunity presents, they go to it.
And so the Prophet says their deeds would be made into scattering dust. This is something for us to think about. We live in a world where the philosophy here is a liberal philosophy, the idea that the human being has to liberate themselves from all possible shackles, for them to do everything possible that that's when they are the exemplary human being. The exemplary human being can do whatever he wants, it's a liberal society, liberating the human being.
And Islam is the opposite. The perfect human being is the opposite of Allah subhanaw taala, the servant of Allah azza wa jal, and true servitude is found in restricting yourself even when the opportunity is there, restricting yourself according to the commandments of the kings of Hannah Horta.
It took a Muharram Techwin Arabic and as the Prophet says, abstain from what is haram? And you will be the most developed of all the worshipers. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, what will be my custom Allah will tell us, He said Be content with what Allah has a portion for you, and you will be the richest of all the people. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran well that's what then that renaker lmm atta and I be here as well. I mean, Hamza, Ratan higher to dunya, lifted on fee? What is up because I don't extend your eyes don't look towards what Allah has given of enjoyment to others. Zenith enhancer duty it is the splendor of this world the life Linux tilahun fi
Allah reminds you I only gave it to them to test them. I gave them this dunya and this enjoyment as a test. Why do you want the test? What is score up because
the provision of your Lord is better for you. And it's longer lasting.
And there's a lot to think about Allah subhanaw taala is telling you here, don't look to the dunya. I've given other people because that dunya is just a test. First of all, don't forget this dunya is just a test. And then realize that what Allah gave you is better for you. What is for a bigger, higher wildcard, what Allah has provided you is better for you.
The choice of Allah subhanaw taala for you is always better than your choice for yourself. And if you know this, you'll find happiness and contentment.
What will not be my customer Allah will be content with what Allah has a portion for you, you will be the richest of all the people. So many of the problems of society is that people cannot be content with the choices of Allah subhanaw taala for them. Allah chose their family. They tell you now, there's a family that you didn't choose, and there's a family you chose. Meaning they tell people choose your own family, go find your friends, make your own family, forget about the family, that Allah gave you. Go no contact with them, don't even contact them. Cut them off completely. They talked about this in society. Like it's a healthy, proper way to live.
Allah's count Allah gave you your family, he chose them for you. Yes, some families are challenging, no question. But he gave you this family for a reason. You have an obligation to have a relationship with them.
But they don't like what Allah has decreed for them, so they want to change it.
Allah has given men some things that he's given to women some things
what I say to men, no, now football, Allahu Allah, Allah says, Don't wish for what Allah has given some people over others. And this is in reference to men and women, Allah has given men certain powers and abilities and given women other powers and abilities.
Men are physically stronger women can give birth. They can be mothers, no man can do this.
But what happens is they don't like the rule that Allah subhanaw taala has given the men and the women.
So they start to invert it to change it. They start making the women have the role of the men and the men having the role of the women
because they want to reject what lust powder Allah has decreed, and what Allah has apportion between us,
and then they go even beyond this. Even the man wants to become the woman and the woman wants to become the man. All of this comes out of a lack of contentment with what Allah subhanaw taala decreed. I saw them even put up a poster it says, If nature is unjust, change nature.
So they do this, the surgeries and whatever it is to change nature, because they see nature as unjust. What do they mean by nature here? The meaning of harlots, Hana, what are the creators of Hana or whatever. And the irony is they do all of these things and what happens they're not happy at the end of it. They're not happy in their marriages. They're not happy in their bodies. They're not happy in any event.
And the Prophet saw log where it was sent them tells you what will love you, Michael, some of love will accept anonymous. Be content with what Allah subhanaw taala has given you. What he has a portion for you. Well, he has provided you where he gave you
where he made gave you from family what he gave you from your body, in your gender, what he gave you from health, where he gave you from wealth, be content with what Allah subhanaw taala has given you, you will be the richest of all the people
what will that mean that customer low electrical ugliness, and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, wax and inner John Chapman Mina show excellence show esand to your neighbor, you will be truly a believer. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Gibreel continues
to visit me and advise me in relation to the neighbor, meaning the Prophet is saying time after time after time, Djibouti is coming to the Prophet to tell him take care of your neighbors. Time after time until the Prophet said, I thought maybe the next time He comes, He will tell me to put my neighbor's in my will. Now he didn't do this. This is the level of importance. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw the neighbor being in our religion.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, they said, Mortman, Allah, the reach, shall we widow Zhao, he said, he's not a believer, the one who goes to sleep, and his belly is full. And his neighbor goes to sleep, and he is hungry, meaning the person doesn't even know their neighbor. They don't even know the needs of their neighbor, so they can't take care of them.
We can go on and on with the a hadith of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about the importance of taking care of one's neighbor. And our prophets on the lung were and he sent one of his neighbors who was Jewish, they were not even Muslim. And he was a tailor, who was not the leader of the people. He was not rich, he was not powerful. He was a simple person, he was a tailor, he would sew the clothes together, he invited our prophets of Allah who it was Senator, and all he had to give the Prophet
was dried bread, and something similar to butter.
And the prophets of Allah, wherever you send him will go to his house, and he would visit him, and he would spend time with him. And he would eat with him. So Allah Who are they who will send them and he would speak to him and he was welcoming to him. We can imagine what our prophets of Allah who had even sent him his life, because I guess he's not going to sit there frowning, quiet, he's going to speak and he's going to be hospitable. So Allahu Allah, you send them. And so this is our Prophet sallallahu where it was sent him he would show this respect to his neighbors. And the Prophet says, As an energetic show, sign excellence to your neighbor, meaning good advice, meaning protecting
their property and the rights responding to them with that, which is better. We know that hadith when the people came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they mentioned him a woman that passed away.
And they said in the finance, tools, common capital authority, how was the army? How was the Ducati how? Well you know Ana, Kana took VG Ron, is it a messenger of Allah this woman was known for the amount the large amount of her sada and her cm, and her giving southern charity is that except that she used to harm her neighbors.
With her tongue. She used to curse them. She used to say bad things to them. backbite about them gossip about them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Enough enough, he said this woman is in the hellfire
and social excellence to our neighbor Techwin Mina, you will be a true believer.
Well, I haven't been in Nassima to Hogben enough sake Techwin Muslimah love for the people what you love for yourself and you will be a Muslim. And this is a statement of generality, love for the people, all of the people, most of them non Muslim, religious, not very religious, we love for them what we love for ourselves. We want them to be guided to the truth. We want good for everybody. And this should be the mentality of the Muslim. We want good for everyone. We seek good for for other people. And this is why the Scholars even speak about you know a category as certified in the RC giving sadaqa to a one who was sinful to a person who is sinful Can you give sadaqa to a sinful
person with conditions the scholar speak about this? It's permissible. We know that hadith.
in Sahih Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us a story of a man in the past. This man wants to give charity for the sake of Allah and He wants his charity to be sincere. So he decides to go out at night and to give his charity and basically puts the money in his hand. He goes out at night, he doesn't even want to see who's there. And he gives it to the first person.
And the next morning, he hears that people are talking and they say somebody gave some refer to a Zania somebody gave sort of a toy prostitute. So he says hamdulillah other than Him says, you know, basically he knows he's thinking he did something wrong. So it says it hamdulillah in every case we say and hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah that this happened he said Laos of the kindness beside of I will give another as he goes out the next day with money. Just gives it to the first person
leaves wakes up in the morning. Here's the people are saying somebody gave some refer to a Saturday to a thief, a thief, a man who steals so he says it handed in there on a Saturday. And again the next night he says I will give sadaqa and he goes out at night and he gives to the first person and he wakes up the next morning and the people say somebody gave sadaqa
1230 to a rich man. So he said, I'm gonna lie a lot of money.
And the next night he's devoting himself I'm gonna give charity again this time and Angel visits him.
And the angel tells them, Allah has accepted your charity. For perhaps the charity you gave will make the woman stop person. And the charity you gave will make the man who is a thief, stop stealing, and the charity you gave to the rich man will make him reconsider himself and for him to start being charitable with what Allah subhanaw taala has given him. And so the southern Hall is accepted from the man, even though he was giving it to people who are unworthy in the sight of people. And so it's a lengthy Hadith but for us to think about this that the Muslim wants good for everyone. Even the people who are sinners, even the people who are committing haram, we want good
for them and we want them to be guided towards the truth football already had our sophomore year that was tough for him.
This allowed him to the Los Altos and Mr. ADARA Rasulillah he was early he was lucky to be here, woman one. The final advice of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
is that he said, What a tech photoblog for in katha 22 He said Do not be excessive in laughter for indeed excessive laughter kills the hearts. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not saying that laughing is how long laughter is held on. But he is saying excessive laughter leads to Coughlin, heedlessness and that leads to the death of one's hearts.
And when we look at our prophets of Allah who don't even send them in descriptions of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam can do
that he said Allah where it was sent to us, the majority of the laughter of our profits from Allah who it was salam, according to the Companions, was smiling, he would smile, very rare that our Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam would laugh. Never would he do what is called the cut kaha which is the cackling laughing so much the person's cackling never has that been reported about our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam it does not mean that joking and laughing is haram the Prophet sometimes the jokes of Allah who I don't even send them. But the movement has to have a level of seriousness for them.
And Catherine to bike this excessiveness of laughter
You know, the Romans started the gladiators and the chariots and all these things for what reason to distract the people. Entertainment was made as a distraction.
People would be distracted about the poverty distracted about the Emperor and what he's doing. That hasn't changed. We live in a society now everything is entertainments, everything around us as entertainment, movies, television, TV shows, people, even the news is all about infotainment information, but it has to be given in the in the medium of entertainment. If the news isn't entertaining enough, then they have to cancel it and remove it. Everything has to be entertaining for us. We live our lives now everybody's on their phone. If the content is not entertaining enough, people don't want to watch it.
Everybody's even our Islamic knowledge. Islamic knowledge has to be through the medium of entertainment. We have to put out into engaging, short, engaging clips that are entertaining in order for people to learn otherwise, they're not going to learn. People have told me before if you don't make enough jokes, people aren't gonna come listen to you. They don't want to listen to you if you don't make more jokes. That's a sad state about who we are. If I say hey, let's take a book of FIP and study it. Let's take a sort of monster Surat and sit down and study it line by line learning our religion, maybe 510 People will come to the masjid at best.
But if there's a celebrity, and if there's going to be joking, and there's going to be a huge Gala, and there's going to be lights and entertainment that people want to come to it. What does that say about us? Even our religion? We want it through the prism of laughter. We want it through the prism of entertainment.
And this leads to a heedlessness? How can we be really? How can we be serious about the problems around us? The problems of poverty, the problems of homelessness, the problems of our homeland, our brothers and sisters around the world who are being oppressed? How can we be serious about all the problems around us if we're just being distracted through entertainment constantly?
That's something for us to really think about. It kills the hearts. It does, it kills the hearts. We think everything in our lives even spending time with our children, if we're not entertaining them constantly that we're failing as parents.
That's the wrong way to think about this world. Rather, as our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shows us in his example, that we have to be people who have a seriousness to us that will tell them when I'm in Ireland, that the HECM Pauline and one of the ketone Cattier on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said, if you knew what I know, you would laugh very little and you would weep very much. And what did our Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam no he saw the Hellfire with his eyes. So love where I mean. So we need to have this more of that seriousness in our life. It doesn't mean laughter is haram. No but this excessive laughter that entertainment becomes everything in our life. This is what causes the heart to die May Allah subhanaw taala prevent us and protect us from that in Oklahoma that exclusively not gonna be able to you know, Amazon do it he was sending with snail mail