Ibrahim Hindy – Prophetic Du’as #9

Ibrahim Hindy
AI: Summary © The importance of taking action when anxiety and fear are present is emphasized, along with the need for individuals to address their feelings and avoid them causing harm. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa is also discussed, with advice on seeking help from others, seeking medical attention, or therapy. The main contributor to mental health challenges is the happiness advantage, which allows individuals to overcome struggles and become sad, leading to loss of self worth and feeling hopeless. The speaker encourages forgiveness and takes action to remove mental health from the ground.
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica, welcome to Lego. But our cat two thank you for joining us for another episode of prophetic. One day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam enter the masjid. And he saw him in there. And it was at a time where the message is typically empty because people are out there working, they're doing their business. And he sees this man sitting in the message by himself. He said, Oh, mama, what are you doing right now? What are you doing here in the message right now I'm surprised to see you here at a time that is not the time of Sadat. So I will remember responded to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the eldest with a lot less Ms. Nene Hoon, or messenger of

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Allah I have become entangled with anxiety and debts are upon me. So I am in debt. And because of my debt, I have anxiety and anxiety has overwhelmed me. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, or Abu mammas Shall I not tell you words? If you were to say them, they will remove your debts and remove your concerns. They will remove your concerns and your worries and your anxiety and they will fulfill your debts. So I bomb MSDS or messenger of a lot. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then said when you wake up in the morning, and before you go to sleep every day make this to what is the alarm in Nero Vika middleham me when hasn't will I dizzy well Kessel will Bocconi

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will German, while bada Dini walk rigid, and this is a very powerful, beautiful lie. It says, Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from worry and from grief. And I seek refuge in You from incapacity and laziness, and from coward dice, and miserliness and from being heavily in debt, and from being overpowered by other men, and NSR. The long run said, I used to serve the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam every day, and he would often repeat this over and over. Truthfully, there are so many benefits though, in wisdoms that we can take from this. And we can extract from it, though probably we don't have too much time to talk about right now. But particularly as we live in an age where

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mental health challenges are have have only become more and more intense, it's really important for us to look at this too. And to take from it a lot of wisdom. Many people feel a stigma when it comes to talking about their mental health struggles, their anxieties, their depression, right? If we said to people, if we asked people, you know, how many people have diabetes, how many people have even cancer, people would answer these questions freely. But if you ask how many people suffer from depression, they will feel very hesitant and shy to answer a question like that. Yeah. When the Prophet sallallahu wasallam asks, What are you doing in the message right now? He says, I'm

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suffering from anxiety, right? I'm suffering from worries, right because of my debt. So the stigma sometimes stops us from getting help and support, whereas I will remember because he is open and he says, what it is that he's suffering from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam aids him and supports him by the means of this, that he teaches him. How does the do I begin along the India with a bigger mental Hemi will has an old life seek refuge in You from him? And hasn't? What is him and what is hasn't? Him is what can be translated as anxiety, overbearing concern, and fear over the future? You're concerned about what's going to happen in the future? Am I going to be able to

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fulfill my debts, I'm not going to be able to pay for my kids, I'm not going to be able to do this and that so it's worrying anxiety about the future and hasn't is sorrow over the past you know, we feel sadness over the pain of the past we feel regret from missing out on something that was good that that could have been or we feel you know afflicted, the pain of the you know, affliction of an evil or a hardship that happened to us in the past. And some people think no good Muslim should ever have these feelings of anxiety or these feelings of sadness or these feelings of depression. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam you know, himself he said mal Saba min min hem welcome water

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hasn't had to show Can you share a key who has elected for La Jolla at the Prophet sallallahu erysimum says no believer is afflicted with him or hasn't with anxiety with grief with difficulties and depression, even the thorn that pricks him, except that Allah will forgive some of their sins. And the Prophet says clearly the believer is afflicted with these things. So believer can be challenged with him with hasn with sorrow and grief and sadness and anxiety. And now, you know, these are don't mean that they're a bad Muslim Rather, they can even be a means of their forgiveness. The fact that they struggle with these difficulties could be a reason Allah Subhana

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Allah forgives them. And and so it doesn't mean that we are you know, lacking because of these struggles that people might face and allow us to add dimensions to us in the Quran. You know the struggles of grief and sorrow that Yahoo Valley Sam suffers when his son Yusuf is taken away will be able to enter human and host for hurricane Lima lost pounds Allah mentions his eyes become white meaning he loses his eyesight because of his grief. Right. So unless panel data shows us the example of the aquabats

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He said I'm losing eyesight because of his grief and his sadness, yet Allah doesn't criticize him for this. And so just because you know we suffer some of these difficulties doesn't mean we are a bad believer. But in this day, the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam is seeking refuge from these things. He's asking a loss protection from these things. And this shows us that even though it might be natural for us to suffer some level of grief, some level of sadness, some level of anxiety, there is a point where it becomes overbearing, there is a point where it becomes too much and the believer should be struggling and striving to have this removed. And particularly these struggles can become

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so significant, that they become a barrier stopping the person from benefiting themselves, including a barrier that can prevent the person from worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. And so for this reason, we seek refuge and a lot from grief and from sadness and from anxiety. And just as we seek refuge in Allah subhanaw taala, we should also take all the means at our disposal to relieve ourselves from anxiety and depression. When we ask a lot to help us with something, we should also act to achieve that thing that we were asking the last panel to add his help for. And so if it means speaking to other people about our problems, or if it means seeking medical attention or therapy, all of this is

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indicated by the fact that the prophet SAW Selim is seeking refuge in Allah subhanaw taala from these things. And then he says, What is the well, castle? castle? What is it and what is castle I just means incapacity, not being able to do something. So you can't fast because your six are incapable, you know, you can't pray in the masjid because you know, you can't get there, you can't walk to it, you have no means to get there or the mustards are closed. Right, this is incapacity, it means you have the will to do something, but you're not capable of doing it for reasons outside of your control. And castle is laziness, which means that you have the ability to do something, you

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have the ability to pray, you have the ability to work, you have the ability to fast, but you're not doing it because you don't have enough of the willpower to do so. Right? And the scholars, they said, procrastination is a soldier from the soldiers of shape one. But you know, a good question here is, the art begins with anxiety and grief, anxiety and grief can affect both of these concepts, right? Notice in the hadith of Mr. memmer, he's in debt, and he owes people money he needs to repay his money, yet, where is he? He's not working. He's not out, you know, tilling the fields. He's not out doing business. He's in the masjid. And the Prophet is surprised to see him in the message at

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the time of business. And this is because anxiety can overcome us, and can cause us not to act and cause us to fall into these concepts of address and castle of incapacity, and laziness. And so these concepts are connected to each other and connected to the idea of depression and the idea of sadness and grief. And then he says, Well, he will job miserliness in cowardice, and cowardice. And these are also related to the problems of anxiety and grief and sadness. When we have anxiety and depression, it causes us to fear the future excessively beyond what is healthier or what is reasonable. And it might cause us to lose some of our self esteem, to lose some of our self worth,

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that we think for example, oh, how could you get into debt? Why did you make such a bad decision, and we blame ourselves and we start even you having some self hatred, and lower our self worth. And this causes us to be less generous, and it causes us to be less courageous, less willing to take risks, always afraid of what might happen. Have you know if we take this decision or that because we're living in a world of regrets, and much of our Deen frees us from this fear? Like the Prophet sallallahu, Arizona taught us metal saw in the mail, cyber, chemical, new tech? Well, let me let me call you back, that indeed, what has afflicted you is never going to not afflict you? And what past

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you what avoided you was never going to afflict you? Right? Everything is in the hands of a loss of Hannah, who, what's our item? There's an interesting book that I recommend, that's called the happiness advantage that talks about this question, are people happy? Because they're successful? Or are people successful? Because they're happy? When we see somebody successful? We think, you know, that's why they've become happy. And the reality is that people who, you know, develop in themselves, the concepts of happiness, you know, resilience, of being able to overcome some of these challenges and these difficulties. This allows them to take more risks. This allows them to overcome

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failures. This allows them that when they fail something they don't hate themselves and say, how could I fail? How can I make such a bad decision, it allows them to seek help from other people, when they have these characteristics. This is what allows them to become successful. It's not that they're successful, and they become happy, it's that they're happy and they become successful. And this is related also to our Deen and to our dunya. As we overcome these challenges, and these difficulties, it helps us find success in this world, and in the next. And then he says, To conclude that well about a dean Walker laboratory, from being heavily in debt we seek the refusal of a lot

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and from being overpowered by other men. debt and oppression are major contributors to mental health challenges. Sometimes, you know, it is the debt that makes the person fall into a spiral of grief and a spiral of sadness and a spiral of regret. And because of this, the prophet SAW, like I said, I'm used to encourage the believers not to accumulate debts. Right? And he said that, you know, one of the companions said to the prophets, I send them I always hear you saying this to Allah in Arabic came in and met for me

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We'll muddle around that all lie seek refuge in You from sins and from deaths. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, he said no Roger, either of them had death macadam, what are the love? He said, when the person falls into debts, they start to develop bad characteristics, what are they? He says he starts to tell lies. And he starts to make promises which he breaks. Because the persons are saying, Yeah, I'll pay you back, we'll pay you back, we'll pay you back and they're not able to pay the person back. And so they start lying and they start breaking their promises. And it's also a distraction that distracts us away from Allah subhanaw taala. Instead of

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having to show instead of, you know, having concentration in our prayer, were overcome by the debts that we have and worried about, you know, how we're going to pay them back. And this is why the Prophet slicin also encouraged us to forgive debts. If we have someone owes us money to try to forgive those debts. He said, when I'm more certain, I will do I know of Allahu Allahu fieldly that whoever makes it easy for someone who's in debt, so you give them more time or you forgive the debt completely, that Allah will give them shade on the day,

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on the day when there's no shade, but the shade of Allah subhana wa tada and be overpowered by men being oppressed by others can also you know, break our spirits can put us into anxiety and depression. oppression can make us always feel you know, weakness and lower our self worth and lower our self esteem. And these are very negative qualities that can really deeply affect us. And this can distract us from a loss penalty as well and from the worship of Allah subhanaw taala. So it's important to struggle against depression as well because the free spirit is the one that can worship Allah subhanaw taala better and more deeply. Ultimately, everything in this connects with our mental

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health and it is upon the believer to seek help to relieve themselves and you know, their mental anguish and anxieties and depression. And so if you need support if you need help if you find these challenges, reach out to those who can help you medical professionals, talk to your friends, talk to your family, take on this challenge and seek the refuge of Allah subhanho wa Taala so that you can overcome these difficulties be in the law. So now when it comes to life,

Seek Refuge from Anxiety and Grief

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