Ibraheem Menk – IntaLIVE #39 Continuous Charity & Waqf – Endowment

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the benefits of good deeds and sustainability in achieving one's goals after death. They emphasize the importance of giving work opportunities to benefit oneself and achieve their goals, and stress the need for individuals to give themselves a work opportunity to benefit themselves and achieve their goals. The speakers also touch on the benefits of working in small businesses and small increments, including generating income and revenue, and emphasize the importance of healthy lifestyle and staying true to one's values. They mention upcoming events and programs, including upcoming events and programs.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam robotica ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edgemead we have an alert Today we'll be speaking about a topic that is quite prevalent a lot of people are interested in in fact, every Muslim should be interested when it comes to this topic. And this topic is about having good deeds that continue while after your death, even whilst you are living, doing a good deed that is able to, you know, carry on giving to be eaten alive, we'll be speaking about that today we'll be touching on behalf of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, wherein he speaks about how a person after you die, your deeds that you

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are able to do come to an end you cannot increase your good deeds anymore except through three things. That Hadith is in Sahih Muslim, even Illa will be touching on it. Also, we will be speaking a little bit about work, the concept of work, what's the concept before getting into the meaning the concept is having an asset that carries on giving benefit that carries on allowing or that carries on allowing those who are benefiting from it and it carries on giving or it could be something that is generating income and from that income a person fight certain people, certain entities who will benefit from this work. So we have an alert we'll be speaking about that

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in a bit more detail.

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Some salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato OReilly Castilla la vaca chef and I owe you hamdulillah How are you? And hamdulillah welcome and I hope the viewers are all well, inshallah we hope they will well and we hope everybody who's following our Well, we have in Illa chef today we want to speak about a topic that's you know, important for every single Muslim every person who wants to do good, and that is the topic of a person's good deeds carrying on after death, not only after death, but also in your life. If you are able to do a good deed that you know, it carries on giving carries on giving inshallah we'll get into that, and so he Muslim, the messenger sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam says that when a person passes away, in that matter incense in other animals in lambing fellas, basically his good deeds that he is able to do come to an end except three things. He then mentions these three things sadaqa jariya, asakawa charity that was given and it continues elimu wilhelminian effort will be more beneficial knowledge that people carry on benefiting from it. But well it in solid in the order Allah will pious child that makes dua for this person. So from this Hadith, we gather that from your own doing, after you die, you can increase your good deeds except through these things. A person may say, Well, if you make dua we know in the Hadith set to

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help a person Yes, that's also there, but that's not from your doing. That's somebody else is doing it on your behalf. They're giving sadaqa on your behalf.

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Yes, I think it's important to talk about this topic because you find people looking for ways to benefit those who have passed on. And the best way to do that would be the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told you to do it, or he did himself. And this is what I tell people who come to me and say, Look, we'd like to do X, Y and Zed you know perhaps recite on or perform Salah I tell them Look, why do you want to leave something that you are sure will benefit the past the person who's passed on for that which you're unsure of. So perhaps you perform to rock out of salah and you decide to you know what they call a gift that person these deeds, we don't know whether that

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will definitely reach the the part of the person who's passed on. And that's the least you could say of that. So why you do that when you can give us that you on behalf of this person. You can you know what's mentioned in the in the Hadith, you can make your heart you can do all of the things that are already confirmed and will definitely benefit this person

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shall know and coming to this Hadith, especially the first part of Southern Nigeria, a lot of the scholars mentioned that this this is speaking about work. Now a lot of people if we as Muslims, a lot of us haven't really heard about what if we have we don't really understand the concept. If we understand this concept, firstly, we will realize that one of the reasons why so many, you know advanced nations, whether it was the Muslims before or the West currently but people advanced countries, one of the reasons they have strong education systems or the university system is good and they're able to advance is because of this work. This concept of having an asset that carries on

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giving whether it's wealth or benefit it carries on giving and it sustains itself. So when you look at for example, Harvard or Yale or some of the universities in the West top universities, the budget, they have when

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When it comes to the endowment, or their work is more than many countries actually have. So this entity or educational place is being self sustained. We don't have to carry on, you know, asking for donations or save this, this, they've put in a structure that we put in place. So the concept of work before getting into it, is you've got an asset. And inshallah we'll speak about it more in Islam, it's the concept is you have this asset and it carries on giving the people are benefiting from it, or you're getting some sort of money and income and from that you give you give it Allah II that's of utmost importance today, because you find so many Institute's that are going out there and

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asking for money regularly. And yes, they may be initially asking if you operating with this modus operandi, so to speak, where you

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where you've got investments that are continually paying you, not only does it ensure continuity, but it's helping you in terms of preserving your honor, you don't need to go out there and a big the people all the time, ask them for money. I'm not saying it's bad for organizations to canvass for the money, etc, for good cause. Good for them. And we hope them and we wish them all the best, definitely. But I'm sure there's a better way of doing it. So I fully agree with you. That's the main part sustainability. So maybe you will get people to give you give you give you Okay, what about next year, you're going to ask for the same 100,000 or million. Okay, there's another 1020. So

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yes, that's the level but to get to a better level, see how you can sustain yourself. And one of the ways is through what a person may ask, what's the difference between just giving a normal sadaqa a normal charity and the work? And is anybody able to do it? Or do you have to have a lot of money, we'll go into that a soda when you are giving a normal charity. So you give a poor person, let's say he needs some food, you give it to him, right? Whether he consumes it, whether he sells it, it's under his ownership, there's nothing you can do about it. And once it's taken and consumed or sold, finished, it's gone. It's not really giving anything back. As for work, we are speaking about what

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the scholars, they define it as

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Liesl hustle, hustle, wait for all practical purposes, we'll send assets. So you've got an asset that's being held, so it's not owned by you. So you can't do anything about it. It's not owned by the poor person, so they can sell it, you can gift it to anybody, it's not inherited. And what SV will magnify, whatever benefit is coming from this work, or this asset, we are distributing it to who the person decided. So me as a person, let's say I want to have a work, I can decide when it comes to certain things. Let's say I've got a, I've got a house. And I say house, I say that this house, I'm putting it as work, I then say that for every poor person who is passing through or

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traveling through this, so I specified who can benefit from it, the house remains, people carry on benefiting, or I could say that this house is on rent, whatever rent money I get is work that will go to help orphans, for example. So notice how in sadaqa, you've given the poor person his own it, whatever he does, when it's finished, here, you've got the asset, it carries on giving carries on giving carries on giving.

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Yes, Allah He, I love this concept, because you're in your grades you you've passed on, and the rewards keep coming, they keep coming, they keep coming. And this continuty of those rewards, so Subhanallah This not only benefit, once you once you've given that sort of coverage, it continues, and it carries on. So this is something amazing. In addition to this, you know, maybe we could add into this way, if you empower a person and you give them like we were once talking about giving seeds to the farmers etc. When you're empowering that person, maybe the hustle would have been used, but it will help that person continue benefiting so he will get the the crops he maintains or retain

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some seeds, puts them back into the ground. And he starts off his business, it helps him and I think what's important when doing something like this is to make sure you look for the right people to give it to because you can give it to a person who will just use it and destroy it or take it and sell it and benefit from that. So rather than doing you know during that you look for the right person who's got a bit of business acumen and empower that person within a certain family. And what happens is eventually that person will end up empowering others if he is successful. So I think it's a little bit more complicated when it comes to empowering others but you've got to make sure you

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give the right person at the right time, etc. Yes, looking to get people on their own feet because the more people are able to look after themselves. That means that

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People who needed help you able to get that budget or that help to them, and you're able to get one of them out. So he becomes an asset, he helps himself and he can help others. So you lessening the burden on that side, you lessening your costs, and you're helping somebody else. Imagine, you've got one person from the side who's unable you teach him how to do something. This is your concept we mentioned about giving them a hand up, okay, he's no longer in need here on this side. So that's one less person, but he himself cannot give him him, his family and another 10 people, for example.

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Yes, and, you know, something very interesting that you mentioned was that Harvard Harvard Institute, for example, is benefiting from endowments, etc, or running the Institute on endowment. We look up to these to these endowments and say, Look, look at how they're doing things yet. It's possible they themselves took it from Islam, they themselves really learned the system from Islam. We don't know we just think it's possible. So we, I think you've mentioned this once before, where we were talking about this and you said, Look, we've got our own examples that we can learn from, for example, a man or the Allah animal.

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This was not what they allow. And we find that the time of the messenger sallallahu alayhi, wa sallam he bought the well be Roma, and from the vet became a walk, so the Muslims would benefit from its water, etc. And then you find to today 1400 odd years later, just nearby here in Medina, from the water, then they've grown dates and trees and the dates you still benefit from them and all that now, if you go near harem, there's a hotel and that hotel is written works for a man of my family, a loved one who so he passed away when, but what he put down as a word for an asset that carries on giving, they are using this to novel The hotel and to do this and to do this and it carries on

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giving Subhan Allah Subhana Allah, you know, a lot of people actually look at it and say that's for rich people, that's for wealthy people, we can't build a Masjid, we can't put up a building for work. But it doesn't need to be so big. It can be you know, something very small or well, or borehole that you've dug for somebody. And with the sincerity of intention, Allah subhanho wa Taala ensures continuity and benefit from that, you know, reading about some of the ideas when it comes to work, especially for somebody who may not have much you know, even when you go to the masjid, I read this a few days ago, go to the masjid and you find the shoes everywhere, bring one shelf for the

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shoes and make this as a walk for the masjid everybody is benefiting. Something else you can do is you can give, you know, a beneficial book, and people are reading this book, or you have

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an educational institute and you've got a little library and you say this, all the books in here work for everybody who's in this institute, that's something of benefit. Another thing you can do, it's more contemporary, we mentioned that the concept is having an asset that carries on giving. So somebody who has made an application an app, and they can say that whatever money let's say they charging for it, whatever money we have, we are putting this as whatever money we get, we will give it to wherever whether it's orphans, or you know, an Islamic project, etc. So the main point we get into here is yes, it's good to give sadaqa it's good to give, you know, give food and etc. but also

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another part of it is giving things that can sustain themselves that sustainability and continuity

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is one money, I've often thought of a business idea where you have a system and I'm only saying this so that if someone takes it and benefits from it, inshallah, there'll be a lot of reward that will be generated from that, you know, when you have like a bank, you act like a bank, and you're sitting say, listen, come get some loans, and it will be a form of investment. So we are investing and in you in your project, this is what you will do, this is how you will behave with this money. And if you are profitable 50% of that will be ours, you take that 50% back, you reinvest it into your business, so to speak into your work, and you take that ultimately there will be 10 people say that

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you've given money to say five of them are profitable, they come back to you, they give you 50% back, and you taking that money and giving it to other people. And you know, it will it should, if you've got a large enough, you know, base, then it should actually benefit a lot of people in sha Allah. Yes, for those who read about it, you would find that even when it comes to money itself, yes, the scholars, they, they differ when it comes to this to say that if you're putting your money as a work, the money itself will be finished and it will go so it's not an asset that remains however there are other scholars who say No, you've got your money, you've decided that this 100

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1000 is going to be for small businesses or business startups, right? So every time you've given somebody 100,000, but when they give that money back, that money that comes back is what now to support someone else's business in somebody else's business in somebody else's business. And you carry on like that. And obviously, you mentioned a very important point at the beginning, is that you can't just give your money to anybody, you can't just you know, there has to be a process, you have to look at it, listen to their business plans, listen to what they're going to use their money with, you don't want to be somebody who wants to make a workflow with 100,000 or a million dollars,

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and you give it to people who have no expertise in business, they go squander the money in everything comes crashing down.

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Also, another way to do it would be to do it in small amounts and increments, and see how well this person does with what you've given them. And if they show that the acumen business acumen to be able to continue, then you give them a bit more support and help because you haven't lost you minimizing the risk that way, when you give them a small amount and see what they do with it.

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Yes, as we, as you mentioned, rightly so shepardize, anything else you want to add on, I think maybe one or two things we should touch on, especially when it comes to work. Specifically, we mentioned the concept where you've got an asset, and this asset carries on giving. So from the conditions of work, you have to have an asset that remains so you cannot make a piece of bread or a meal, some food as a work because once a person eats it, it's finished, it's gone. So you need to have an asset that remains whether it's a book whether it's as small we said even drinking glasses, you know, you can go to the masjid and you can say these glasses, that drinking glasses, I'm putting them in the

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masculine, whoever benefits from the benefits from them. And you know, as you mentioned, you don't have to be a rich person, you don't have to have your hotel, etc. Yes, whether Allah has given that to that's from Allah subhanho wa Taala. But for us who may not have that, look at small little things, assets that carry on benefiting people go to an orphanage say you've got a fridge lying at home an old fridge, make that work for this Masjid and leave it for this orphanage and let them benefit from it.

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You someone's asking here is donating for a Masjid to be built considered what a Masjid in and of itself is a work because the person who builds it doesn't own it, families don't own it. Nobody owns a mustard. So mustard in and of itself is a work van, we mentioned that there's two types of work one that way it's generating income, you're getting the money and you're putting it some way or others that are just benefiting people. So they're not really giving income or money as per se so a mustard is a work. And even in law one who is donating to that mastery, the mastery is built people read salein if they benefit from it, even if your reward is what the last panel will tell, and it is

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a form of continuous reward even the law.

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Yes, absolutely. You know, when it comes to a Masjid, I remember certain shifts saying that, look, if you don't have the money to build an entire muscle, then take some building material, take a bag of cement, drop it off at the site say look, this is my contribution with your intention. Perhaps Allah subhanho wa Taala will give you a reward of the entire Masjid Allah Subhana. Allah knows best you might even get more than that. More reward than that. So you know, you don't have to have wealth to do this. And I think this is possibly a ploy of shape bank, where he's telling you you don't have wealth to do this, just keep giving donations just keep his he doesn't want you to benefit he

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doesn't he doesn't want you to be successful with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you know, another interesting thing when it comes to the whole work concept, it doesn't have to be for people in need, you can make a work and you can say, let's say I've got a few properties I'm getting rent, the rent we are getting will be for our children. So when our children grow up, and then you can specify you can say all our children will benefit from this money, or the poor from amongst them all my children until they get to university or those who are not married. So you who is putting this work for this asset that will carry on generating income or revenue or benefit, you can specify who will benefit

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from it, you yourself can decide in the conditions that as long as I'm alive, I will benefit from this work. So you find people who've given the fortunes away in the billions of dollars. So they've made companies and

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even when it comes to projects, all these have been built on work and they say they're stipulating that as long as I'm alive, I'll benefit from this little model meaning not being extravagant, but I'll take what I need. So in terms of my clothing, my food I need to travel, some weight, etc. So you yourself as a person, it doesn't have to be for poor people. It also can be for your own family or your grandchildren, and you can benefit from it.

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Or call powerful point. I think a lot of people didn't actually know that you can benefit from this. You know this type of sadaqa so to speak this type of charity

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so to speak, and you know,

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something very, very interesting is that you find people worried that they won't be able to if they give all of their money away, then they might not be able to sustain themselves, they might not be able to be, there may be a time where the children won't really look after them, you know, these thoughts go through people's minds. And if you've got a system like this, then you ensure that you're taken care of, and they will also be taken care of, in the future, if you're doing it for your children or for certain specific people, they can actually benefit you benefit from it, they benefit from it so that the reward is the benefit is just amazing. And send you make to Allah

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subhanho wa Taala to keep it something that carries on, it's mentioned that the Sahaba or the Allahu anhu all of them who are able to, they had some sort of workflow, the Allahu anhu as recorded in the Sorry, I had if I can't remember whether it's so hilarious a Muslim, but he comes to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he tells him, that O Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I've got some some land in Hebrew that I've got, what should I do with it? So the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam literally tells him to make it a work friend who can benefit from it. So he didn't stipulate that people can benefit and those who are related to him, etc, etc. He also goes

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on to say, you know, there's something called now they will work for somebody who's in charge of looking after the work, they themselves, generally, as is well known, they can eat from this work, eat, meaning you can benefit what you need from it. So to look after you looking after it, you seeing its day to day maintenance, etc. take from it but obviously not extra, not taking the asset itself, not taking that asset itself. And we go according to whatever conditions have been stipulated by the person who made the work, unless there's something wrong islamically wrong in these conditions. Say, say a person's given a work or just a question that came to my mind that I

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think people can learn from, say they've already given that work, and then they decide that okay, for whatever reason, we want to sell this or and take that money and put it into another project. Would this be permissible? Okay, so you've, when somebody put something as a work, right, they've decided that this is let's take a mystery, for example, classical example. They've put this money and they've built a Masjid, they said, This Masjid is work. Now what happens a lot of the times, obviously, you're not allowed to sell it, you're not allowed. It's not inherited. It's not owned by anybody. That's the default ruling. However, what happens if this Masjid starts, you know, it needs

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repairs, is falling apart, there's no money, something happens where

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they want to have a project from the government and they say, you know, we're going to demolish this land what happens then? So a lot of the scholars mentioned that look, when it comes to this, if you find that the work is its benefits, what it was made for, its its people or not benefit for benefiting from it in that way it needs some maintenance, its needs, etc, etc. And we are unable to find the money in this case, and few scholars have mentioned it in this case, if it's more beneficial to sell this particular work, so to sell this Masjid, and then buy another Masjid similar somewhere else. So your work the particular one is not there, you're going somewhere else but the

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concept remains because we have to try and follow whoever made or whoever stipulated This works we have to follow the conditions they made and obviously the conditions of our last panel were to enter before anything else and what you no longer own it after you've given it so you cannot decide that you know what I gave this Masjid I bought it and then five years later you decide that you know what I'm taking it back because I want to sell it know that you've given it already. Yes. And I think that goes back also to the wording works, you know, what means stopped completely or, you know, for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala This is now for Allah subhanho wa Taala you can't use it for

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anything else.

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Yes, and the amazing thing as we mentioned that even even though you've stipulated you yourself can benefit from it. So the masjid you built, you can also read Salah in it others can read Salah in it, the well you you you dog, people can drink from it, people can benefit from it. And sometimes as you mentioned you may not have all the money to do the whole project give a little bit and inshallah you will share in those rewards. So inshallah

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Jeff and I are very interesting topic a topic where it's evolved especially in the world we live in and so you find a lot of people speaking about how to invest this money, what money can be put in, for example, buying shares, etc. A few things obviously a lot of detail what's halal what's Haram, but the fact that this has evolved so, so, so much

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And we as Muslims, sometimes we aren't aware of the concept, nevermind how its evolved. Yes, yes. It's so important to talk about this because I think it's a topic that many people don't address today. There's a lot of talk about donations, charity, etc. But it's something that you don't hear very often being spoken about. So hamdulillah it's something that we managed to speak about Allah subhanho wa Taala gave us the tofield to sit here today and discuss it. It's been lovely chatting with you. hamdulillah May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us acceptance, I leave you with two interesting points. The first is once I was sitting in Zimbabwe, with somebody and they were

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speaking about one of the massage it and they said that this was built quite long ago, and the pioneers who built this Masjid, they already left certain properties with this Masjid, the money that comes from these properties will be used for the upkeep of this industry. So they've probably died most of them but it's still being used. Another interesting point, one of the brothers from the west, he once was telling me I'm not saying it's the right thing, it's just an idea take it, you might benefit from it somewhere else. He says these days, we've got an idea instead of bringing a building big, big masjids we might build a bit of a smaller Masjid. But on the side we've got some

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shops and things that people can rent, etc, etc. and the money from there. So the whole land is for the masjid. But the money from these shops is then used for the upkeep of the masjid, whether it's for the whatever it may be needed to be used in

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Allah that's so that's so important. You know, if there's a certain country in the world, hey, don't want to specify but they've got, they've got a gym, they've got a madrasa, they've got shops, I mean, in that complex, so if all of that is really generating income for the masjid, the upkeep of it, fantastic, let people you know, benefits and at the same time, it also helps the youth have a an Islamic center where they get together and they gather, and they do what they love. So this lot of youth into bodybuilding, etc. They're into training, you know, building up the muscles, etc. So it's good for them. And at the same time, if you've got a coffee shop, you've got a few different things.

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You can have it in as an Islamic system, Islamic environment where people are islamically, sitting, socializing, benefiting from it. And the masjid is also growing as a whole benefiting from it as a whole. The whole vibe. So you've got a whole community now around this. And you know, a lot of people may ask, why do we touch on the concept of money a lot. When we touch on this concept for a few reasons. If you really study and you look at it, you'll find that we're not saying money is your bill and tool in life is such a goal in life. But we saying it's a means and it it's one of one of the most powerful means of doing any good in this world, no matter what could you want to do. You're

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not saying you have to have money to do good. But if you have it, you know how to use it, you know, you're able to do a lot more behave in a lot. And it's important. Those who read the CLF those who read the biographies of the Philadelphia Zoo and will see that there were a lot of economical decisions made Yes, for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But they were economic benefits when it came to these things.

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He said, You know, you wake up, you're transacting everyday, it's either whether you value it's whether you're buying or you're selling or you're doing, you're transacting most of the time, you know, in, in your,

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in your life, a lot of your life is about transacting Buying and selling. So I think it's important dealing with money, donating charities, it all has to do with wealth. So I think it's something that's absolute of absolute importance. So just to wrap up, if there's anything that we hope you took from this session, it's that one of the ways in which you keep your good deeds, running or continuous, whether it's in this life or after death is by having an asset you've left that carries on giving and one of the ways is through a walk. And we mentioned that you don't have to have a lot of money you can give you know a few drinking glasses to the orphanage or your old fridge at home as

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long as it's an asset that remains it's not something that finishes its benefit remains you can do that and it is endless and limitless opportunities when it comes to this topic.

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Zach Hello, it's lovely being on the live talk you come to 111 a nice session anything else you'd like to mention, inshallah next week we meet again, no HL I can't think of anything right now.

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AKA Luffy comm so until we meet again next week inshallah chef Joseph como la five and for your time I know we had to bring this a little bit forward because you've got some other life so inshallah those who are following Sheree Brahim you can find him and other programs soon after maybe you can announce them inshallah.

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Yeah, insha Allah, it will be on the zoo and it's advertised on my page in Sharla. So if anyone would like

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To join, please see the further further details for further details go to the page and see the post inshallah you can see the detailed

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article African chef inshallah We'll see you next week. Zack along here and once again and Salam Alikum walaikum salam wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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