Hussain Kamani – Strength Through Submission – Juz 07

Hussain Kamani
AI: Summary ©
The importance of being mindful of God and the audit of one's behavior is discussed, including the use of hesitation as a protection against evil behavior. The use of hesitation as a means of protecting against evil behavior is emphasized, along with the importance of knowing one's actions and perception of one's behavior in order to manage one's life. The use of the Prophet's actions and their impact on one's life and behavior is also discussed, along with the importance of trusting Islam's system and avoiding knowing one's behavior. The segment also touches on the idea of the "has been lost with the loss of Allah" and its result, as well as the idea of the "has been lost with the loss of Allah" and its result due to the church's own deeds.
AI: Transcript ©
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That's part of submission, Allah has given you enough reason to submit, for you to submit even when you don't know the specific reason for something that's happening in your life.

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That aspect of trying your best is the action of a person that is mindful of God. They're mindful of God and that's the audit as bad. And as a result of being the one that uses their intellect. They're the ones that are the successful ones. There is bitterness, there is this hatred, there is this pain in their heart that why is it that mankind submits to a Lord they can't see and they're not willing to submit to our will. We've been throwing dollars at them and entertainment at them, why aren't they you know, standing up from God and sitting with us? Why do these Muslims keep standing up from us and going back to their Quran? A cinema at Qumran to live with the cats everyone welcome back to

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Quran 330 So the question for today based on yesterday's Jews, how many times is the phrase yeah you Hala Dean Ave. Oh, you who believe mentioned in surah tilma either so please answer below and shot lots of data. And a reminder before we get started with the night data to please donate generously, to the efforts of the 15th We hope that you're enjoying all that we've put out there but in the night Allah and everything of course, is free and for the benefit of the Ummah and is made possible first and foremost by the blessing of Allah subhanaw taala and then you investing in this work in sha Allah Tada i hope that you and your family are benefiting in the nighttime from everything that

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we have here. Today we are joined by of course Sheikh Abdullah duro as always and Mufti Hussain. Kimani. kyphotic multisoft How are you hungry? We got the same same shoes, you know, though didn't get the memo. Now I got them home because you haven't seen before you came every time I see chicken with the command and we do a little jujitsu little wrestling. So that's what I see. Looks a little exhausted. Just so just

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you know, it's so who won? Oh, he won myself. He wants salad.

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That's good. That's good. I'm not gonna get involved, you know? Because now I gotta make sure that no, that ping pong basketball and just just

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stick to ping pong and basketball. Yeah, well, you shouldn't practice more ping pong and bass or odor. You're lucky people haven't seen the tape. You're lucky people haven't seen the tape man.

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stuff has gone hand in our things that column. Excellent. I'm live in London. Good to have you here with me and inshallah Tada. Today we are going to be reflecting bitten the night data on Jews seven with him did inaudible I mean, so So without him that all slots on our student our Eddie he was like the woman Wella so inshallah Tada today I'm going to be inserted an arm and Subhanallah if you look at the previous to observe the things that we covered there in just five now if Allah labia Adobe COMM And check out momentum. Why would Allah subhanaw taala punish you? What is Allah azza wa jal benefit from punishing you when you are grateful and faithful? And then in just six Allah's parents,

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I mentioned many Israelite breaking the covenant and of course what are far enough alcohol motto right? Allah azza wa jal mentions raising a toward raising the mount over them as a warning to them. And because of their breaking the covenant and so you see the punishment that comes to them the warning that comes to them as a result, direct result of their Cofer as a direct result of their ingratitude and their lack of faith. Now in this Jers, Allah subhanaw taala continues inserted and and this is verse 17. What am sesco Allah who will run Fela cash if Allahu Allahu wa AMCs can be hired and for who Allah coalition Kadir, Allah subhanaw taala says If Allah subhanaw taala touches

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you with harm, then none can undo that harm except Allah subhanaw taala none can undo it except him. And fellow Kashi fella who literally the scars will say fell off here nothing, no one can alleviate right and it's really profound when you think about it, a mountain literally being put on top of a people to warn them, no one can raise that, but no one can raise that trial from you. Except Allah subhanaw taala What am says can be hydron for who are other could you say encoded and if Allah subhanaw taala touches you with a blessing, then he is most capable of all things. Now. It's really beautiful and profound here that Allah subhanaw taala says if he tests you with harm, nothing can

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remove that harm except for him. And there are multiple supplications multiple drugs that have this similar tone. When we call upon Allah subhanho wa Taala Allahu Allah amonia we mount our plate Oh Allah, there is no one who can prevent no one who can forbid that which You have given? Well, more than two Yeah, the minute and no one can give what you have prevented or forbidden so no one can give or withhold except Allah subhanaw taala and no one can withhold except Allah subhanaw taala and no one can benefit or harm as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told I believe that most of the a lot of Tyler and Homer know that if the

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Tyer almost everyone wants to gather together to benefit you at something they would not be able to benefit you with anything except that ALLAH subhanaw taala has written it for you. And if they were together to harm you with anything, they would not be able to harm you with anything except that ALLAH subhanaw taala has written it against you Illa wicked Ketubah Allahu Allah. So in the first situation, except that Allah has written it for you in the second situation, except that Allah has written it against you. And the Prophet saw some Sophia to Lachlan which offer to serve that really depends have been lifted, and the pages have dried. So coddled, and Allah subhanho continues in this

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surah well, who will call Hiro folk, everybody will Hakeem will Javier, that Allah subhanaw taala is the sub Doer over his creation, and He is the all wise and all aware. So if you look at the doers, and what the prophets like some is teaching us about our relationship with Allah azza wa jal. We don't ascribe evil to Allah subhanaw taala. But we do acknowledge that test comes to us from Allah subhanaw taala to bring about a good result within us because to ascribe evil to Allah subhanaw taala is to suggest that Allah subhanaw taala has, you know, a way in dealing with his creation that comes from a place of shelter that comes from a place of evil and Allah azza wa jal deals with us

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with justice and with mercy. Now our manager, our manager, Minca Illa elite, and there is no escape or refuge from you, except back to you, oh Allah. And so everything is meant to drive you back to Allah back to Allah back to Allah. And what is the benefit of the Prophet sighs I'm sharing with him an ambassador, the Allahu anha, that benefit and harm only come from Allah subhanaw taala in the ultimate sense, so that you do not seek benefit from creation, nor do you believe that the alleviating of harm ultimately comes from creation because anything that has come your way has come for wise purposes. And therefore you must respond in a way in sha Allah to Allah, that you turn back

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to Allah subhanaw taala with a profound and with a sincere return to Him SubhanaHu its ad and finally we'll we'll call Hillfolk about the wood Hekima hobby. He reigns supreme over his creation and he has always all aware the scholars mentioned of course of the names of Allah azza wa jal, alcohol, alcohol, the sudden doer, the one who subdues His creation, He subdues the tyrant, he subdues his entire creation with his will over what they will. And as a katabi Rahim Allah says, He subdues all of us with death the way that he does would sleep at night. And then on the day of judgment, of course, who is Lehmann and will Korean to Whom belongs the dominion to Allah Allah

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hadal kaha to the only one, the Ultimates of newer Subhan Allah to Allah wa Hakim, and he is the most wise with his actions, will who will Hakeem as the scholar state with his actions will who will have here and he is all aware of his about so with his AMA, Allah azza wa jal only does what is wise and Allah subhanaw taala knows everything in regards to his a bad in regards to his servants in regards to his slaves, and inshallah Tada with that, pass it on to our beloved Sheikh Abdullah Jes Aquila, here is when I was still out of cinema let us do that while he was talking about this beautiful month of Ramadan is a month of really coming closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala by

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spiritual deprivation, voluntary deprivation for spiritual conditioning. And with that you come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala by getting close to him by learning his names and attributes and how they are manifest how they take place in your life and different aspects of your life. He mentioned Allah subhanaw taala being alcohol we'll call her, the one that seduced his creation and also the wisdom and knowledge of Allah. From his wisdom is that he has given the shittier this this this this body of linguistically means a body of water, channels of water that come to body of water to nourish the soul. When when practices it, they feel this nourishment this spiritual nourishment,

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rejuvenation, uplifted, but when they study this shittier when they learn about the deen of Islam, the framework that Allah has given ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala with his hunger he's a hobbyist that he's well aware of what goes on in this world within his creation. He is the one that determines what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad as some scholars say, last month, Allahu Allah VT you have sin or you're a bear, he is the one that determines what is beneficial and that which is not so basically the halal and haram what is played and what is not playing what is good and what is not good Allah Subhan Allah says in the chapter of Matthew diverse number chapter number five verse

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number 100. When he says if there are given leadership managing what did I yesterday with the Hadith Babu Willow algebra ticket, throw two Hadith for Takala yet lb la TUIfly Han Allah soprano without it tells a province that Allah Allah was salam to say, Leia still will hobby to work by you that the Eve

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And the good things are not equal. This is the first portion we want to capitalize on.

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Firstly, Allah subhanaw taala is telling us something that we may know that is better he it is common sense that we may think, even spiritually, that the good and the evil are not equal shaytaan and Adam, they're not equal, right? When Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one that determines what is good and equal. And this is so important. Sometimes in our subconscious, we may think things online or offline are good for us. When we either learn about it for those that convert to Islam, you learn something that you've been doing all your life, Allah Subhana Allah says, in reality, this is evil. Allah subhanaw taala says, This is not good for you. Allah subhanaw taala says, This is not the

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actions of the own of the ones that are pious and recognize God's beautiful names and attributes. So Allah says that that is not equal and hobbies. What do you mean hobby Theon is faceted that which is bad, which is evil, which is corrupt, right? What believe and that which is good, which is pure, which if you indulge on the play on the good, it increases your awareness of Allah you're closest to Allah, your intimacy with Allah subhanho wa taala, meaning the intimacy with the Cydia as well. And then Allah says, whoa, Archer, Becca throttle hobbies, even if you're amazed by the abundance of evil. So right now, if we look at the abundance of evil, it does go on your phone for five minutes

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on social media, you will see an abundance of evil and abundance of things that will distract you and abundance of things that will take you away from the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa taala. And the remembrance of just being a good Muslim. So when looking at this, Catherine until Hadith, notice how Allah subhanaw taala promises from to say, meaning that he wasn't speaking to the province of Allah and he was selling them. It was telling the process on to say this to the people. So we have to look at ourselves, what are those things that I really, really like, that I know are not good for me. And the month of Ramadan can serve as a catalyst, not seasonal, meaning that the month after you

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go back, know somebody that is a catalyst for one deed that you have, that you know is not good for you, whether it's something that you may eat, that is bad for your health, or something that you may do that is bad for your spiritual health as well. The Prophet saw someone saying, even last month I was in the process and to say even if the all of these evil things, you're amazed by it, don't be fazed by it. And that's why last ones I conclude says when he says after the most challenging for Takala Yeah, Odin, Al, Bab, la la come to Finland and this is very interesting, he says, so people have understanding, beware of disobeying Allah, maybe you will be a six the successful ones for

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duckula. So it's in order to be mindful of Allah subhanaw taala. But what's the characteristic he gives? Yet only el Bab and El Bab comes from a loop and look means the center, the core, the crux of the matter? What does it lead to? You're very intellectual, you think you ponder over your Creator and your reality. So the one that is able to distinguish, and not only able to distinguish with that distinguishing factor of I know this is evil for me, I try my best to stay away from it, try because that aspect of trying your best is the action of a person that is mindful of God. They're mindful of God and that's the Al Bab and as a result of being the one that uses their intellect. They're the

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ones that are the successful ones. The successful one is the one that determines the right and wrong from what Allah has told them not their own intellect, but they use that intellect to use it as an engine to stay away from that which is not beneficial for them. Because there will be times where people will say things that are not beneficial for us and we may follow them it's important to go back to that anchor and that's where we'll go chickens to Khamenei is going to speak more about that inshallah Tada, just

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spit it out.

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So we're gonna start off by turning to verse number 68 of salt Allah and

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Allah azza wa jal says, what you thought are eternal Adina Yoho Luna fee. Tina

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Daya Hodo fee Hadith and at what image you can see in Mecca shaytaan. Fela teclado de gras Magcon Bali mean.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala instructs the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with a very important lesson.

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Sheikh Abdullah was just speaking about how right and wrong is determined by Allah's origin.

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In Islam, we don't believe that what's right and wrong is purely subjective, that it's up to me to decide what's right and what's wrong. Rather, there is a divine nature to this. There are subjective elements to the implementation of the objective truth. But the truth starts with a reality. And that is where revelation plays its very important and integral role in the life of the Muslim

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Sometimes the wrong originates from your own knifes something that your lower self instigates and pushes you towards. But then there are times where you're in a good place, you're in Ramadan, you're fasting, you feel like you're safe. But the people around you aren't on the same page as you the environment that you've chosen to surround yourself with. Sometimes, it's that phone and the apps on there. Or it might be the images or the ads that Facebook or Google decides to push your way, it might be the show that you really enjoy watching. They're not on the same page as you. And that's a tricky thing about being in a world that you don't dictate terms to. Or if I may say, just being in

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the world, that there is some of it that's in your control, and then there's a second part of it, that's out of your control, managing what's in your control is easier. But then you have to engage with the second part of reality, which is understanding that there are so many things out of your control, you don't get to determine what happens there, from the beginning to the end. But what you do get to do is decide how you respond to the evil that you see, or the good that you see. The response of the human being is what's in our control. And that's what we're accountable for. Sitting here, this is what I'm accountable for, I don't get to choose what happens on the other side. Now we

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come to this idea. And there is this, this incident,

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not just one, but many instances in the life of Rasulullah sallallahu, ala suddenly had a similar outcome. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was so interested in giving Dawa to people that he would sit with anyone. And when the Prophet of Allah would sit with them, these people, sometimes they would just be ignorant and, you know, act like they couldn't hear the Prophet of Allah. Other times, they would mock Him, ridiculous him. And then at times, they would actually take their antics to a whole different level, where they would engage in

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blasphemy, and begin to mock Allah. And as soon as another Saddam, and right there, I want you to stop and think about your life. Sometimes you're watching a show, or you're just enjoying a particular skit, and everything's good. It's nice, kosher, and then all of a sudden, someone says something, someone does something on that show. You know, it may be a Muslim actor, or maybe a non Muslim actor, but they mock Allah or his little soul, they begin to mock religion, they begin to make fun of it. In their mind, it's not a simple joke. There's bitterness, there's this hatred, there's this pain in their heart that why is it that mankind submits to a Lord they can't see and

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they're not willing to submit to our will. We've been throwing dollars out them in entertainment and why aren't they? You know, standing up from God and sitting with us? Why do these Muslims keep standing up from us and going back to their Quran? This is actually because of the eye of the Quran. Allah subhanaw taala instructs us of this, be mindful of where you are. I'm going to translate the IOM. And you'll see how this all comes together. When you see those who indulge in blaspheming or versus were either eaten Medina who do and Tina, your Hulu and Fei Fei means to dive into something they will say how the filmer person dived into water, and diving into waters diving into an unknown

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body therefore it later on becomes used in hopefield You Hala jumping into unknown area something that you have no expertise in something you have no business doing? Why are you mocking revelation? Who are you to make fun of the deen of Allah subhana wa Tada whenever this happens under the name Hulu and if you if you know that there are people around you who are mocking the verses of Allah for out of that home, what you need to do, stand up and walk away. Turn away from them have a whole goofy Hadith and the lady until they become occupied with some other discourse, what in my uncle Mecca shaytaan. And if shaytaan should cause you to forget this instruction for Allah, the Quran,

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the chrome volley mean, then do not sit with the unjust people after recollection and after recognizing the mistake here. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us Sophia to learn from this and to implement it into our lives.

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So Subhan Allah one thing that I think caught me immediately, and just for the sake of the audience, what were the the verse Numbers, chapter five, verse 100, verse number 68 Hamdulillah. So for those that are following along, one thing that sticks out to me, is that a lot of middle Kulla to be pleased with Allah's decree is a little bit shorter to be pleased with Allah's legislation. It comes from actually the exact same submission to Allah subhanaw taala that Allah determines what is good and Allah determines what is evil. My response is to be pleased and to be submissive. And that's how I come to a place of contentment with the loss of Hannah Montana, well, who had Hakim will hobby of

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us prioritize wise and Allah subhanaw taala is all aware. And so there's wisdom to his decree. There's wisdom to his legislation, there is wisdom to what he puts forward. And there is beauty

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In your submission to what he puts forward regardless of how you're experiencing it, but make sure that you're using the filtration process that he gave you of good and evil, right? And then you don't just judge your own response by that criteria of good and evil. But you actually at that point, see the entire world through that lens of good and evil based upon the criteria that he gave you Subhana wa Tada. And you never come to terms or you never come to a place where you're okay with people mocking Allah subhanaw taala with that which Allah azza wa jal has declared to be evil, even if it seems so innocent. And at the same time, you don't become displeased with Allah subhanaw taala

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because of something that happens to you, or because of something that you have to do, even if it seems pointless, right? So it's kind of like the same thing. Like, why is Allah doing this? What's the point? What's the point of Allah letting this happen to me? What's the point of Allah legislating this? I don't need to actually know what loss of habitat is wisdom, in this particular legislation or this particular decree? Because I know that Allah subhanaw taala is all wise. And so submission to Allah as decree is the same as submission to Allah as legislation. I think that ties all of this

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lie. That's so true. I mean, you find this a lot with the youth and sometimes even with people that convert to Islam, like they have to know the answers to everything, especially in a society where you asking why is intellectual, you want to find out, you know, the reason or the mechanisms behind why something happens. But when it comes to Allah soprano, without, it's a totally different situation, because if he knows the Unseen, our anatomy, physiology, for example, we don't know why our eyes are put in this place, or, you know, our body parts are put in a certain place, but we know that it functions a certain way, and it works together. So there's a level of submission, whether we

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know it or not uncertain things in life. But when it comes to the Creator of life, why is there sometimes we have to take a step back and ask ourselves, why do we challenge that to where our worship becomes conditional? Like you said, what's the point? Why do I have to do this? You know, sometimes you'll find our use and sometimes what, what's the point of it, and just telling them just trust the process, sometimes can be difficult, but in the difficulty, the trust is the bad in and of itself. And that's why it's so beautiful. You know, I remember one time to find out when I, when I was looking into Islam,

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I remember, you know,

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the guy was like, Man, I'm going to become Muslim. But I want to know, for real, if there are aliens, aliens exist, if I can find the answer why aliens exist. Class, I'm becoming Muslim. It's like, the God create aliens that they exist. Yeah, okay. So the fact that you don't know it's something that Allah knows, and he gave you a system, trust in the system, and then maybe later in your life, you may find out

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what's most important for you is to trust and the last one down in the system that he gave you gave you that's what Subhan Allah that Islam is total submission to Him and His his legislation that he's brought. You know, that's fascinating, because

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the reality is that in order for Iman to truly exist, you have to be okay with being vulnerable.

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There are times where vulnerability is blameworthy, and then there are other times where it's praiseworthy.

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vulnerability and before Allah subhanaw taala is probably one of the most beautiful things a human being can do. Just being vulnerable in front of Allah. Being okay with not knowing being okay with crying, being okay with being weak, accepting that you're poor. You know, Shahar was speaking, there was just one word that kept roaming in my mind. It was the Wasp of Buddha.

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Like the pinnacle of the insaan is of the human being is accepting that your entire existence boils down to one reality and that is that you are a servant of Allah. That's the end of the journey of Revelation. The end of Quran and Sunnah is right there. It's Obadiah. So even when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam introduces himself you're saying, a shadow, a knee Abdu, who, what a pseudo that documenta here is fascinating. He mentioned. Yeah, the profit and loss on him he, he mentioned the Buddha element first that I'm a servant of Allah. And then from the servants of Allah, that's like the DISA that's the reality. And then within the servants of Allah there are different

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Oh soften different tears, and then the highest tear from the servants of Allah is the or the Rasul. Those who write the messengers of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and He is Able soon and he is a part of a fraternity of Muslim. So he then says that this is why I am but it boils down to that one thing of Obadiah and that is being okay with it. One thing beautiful about our tradition that's different from others is that we don't need this Catholic concept of leap of faith.

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We don't have to take a leap of faith a leap of faith for us is different. When we say we believe in Allah subhana wa Tada. It's very different from the way other faiths struggled with having to process their theology.

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G, we're entire theses upon theses were written because they were so busy copping out from or not being able to explain their religion in a logical manner. Our deen is very different. Our our deen is based off of a tradition of rich scholarship. But yet when it comes to our relationship with Allah subhana, WA Tada when it comes to knowing the Murata, the intent, the knee of Allah, only that person can know who has ye. And with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam departing from the dunya, when he comes to an end, revelation comes to an end. So for the rest of us, at this point, then it's submission to that revelation.

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Right? What are your thoughts on that shift? No, I think it's amazing because what you have is, every abd of Allah, every single one of the slaves of Allah has something that they don't know. And Allah gives you just enough for you to understand that everything is indeed logical, everything is with wise purpose. And so you've seen enough times, if you've lived long enough, you've seen enough times where what you wanted was actually bad for you. And what you didn't want was actually good for you. So you've seen a couple of Allah in action, you've seen the end of that. So you have to trust Allah for the times, and the things that you'll never actually see the wisdom of in this life. And

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when it comes to the shutter, when it comes to legislation, you can find the logical structure behind most things. I mean, you can actually find the logical structure you can see exactly why intellectually, this hokum exists, this ruling exists, it makes sense. But then there are some where you know what, I don't see the reason. But there is enough of an established evidence at this point that there is a reason that Trump has that is beyond me, and I'm okay with that. Now, even the rooster, the messengers of Allah, know far more than we do. But even the rustle have a certain element that they don't know, even the Prophet so I said, I'm had something he did not know and he

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is lost with the loss of Allah, how it was set up. There's something that Allah conceals from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the ultimate thing that is concealed from all of the rules, that is the ultimate thing that is concealed from others. That is when is the Day of Judgment, right? So none of the Rasul of Allah, none of the messengers of Allah know when the day of judgment actually is. So that's part of submission, Allah has given you enough reason to submit, for you to submit even when you don't know the specific reason for something that's happening in your life.

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You know, today earlier, I was teaching at the seminary and we were covering the chapter of Geminis and within the chapter of funerals. The first chapter, the author of Muscat, mentions is regarding illness. So it's one of the longest chapters in the in the book in the collection, because it's very practical and how the Prophet of Allah was so involved in people's lives, right, while we were discussing I was sharing a point with some of the students that if you look at it, at the end of Surah, Baqarah, Allah azza wa jal says, that we should make dua to Allah Subhana Allah to have Mala Mala Takata Nabi wala do not give us a burden to carry that we are not capable of carrying that we

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don't have the strength and power to carry. That idea is preceded by law, you call if Allah Honnef son in law was

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already stating the facts, that does not burden us all. Allah will never burden you more than you can handle. That's facts. But yet we're making dua to Allah subhanahu wa taala here that give me the strength to carry that weight. And one of the things that I heard from my teachers was that if Allah subhanaw taala has determined for us to have a particular test in life, we can be exhausted by how that one test can become so long that I've been experiencing this problem for two years, three years, man, this is tiring. But if that entire test manifested at once in one go, you would collapse. So it's a slow release. And every day you grow into a new strength every day, you go into

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a new shape, a new form. And then three years later, the person who couldn't even handle a little bit of hate online or a person that couldn't handle a little bit of stress in a marriage is coaching and guiding other people. How does that happen? Subhan Allah Subhan Allah so Allah builds strength, Elijah builds strength through faith, and it all comes from submission. I think that's really where this all comes back to. I submit here I submit my intellect I submit my emotional state, I submit my physical state that not only am I being vulnerable to you, Oh Allah, but my sweetest moments in life are when I am vulnerable, that I trust you with myself that that's the kidney the NFC term for dying

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Don't leave me to myself even for the blink of an eye. May Allah subhana wa Tada make us amongst those who truly submit to Him and forgive us for our shortcomings alone. I mean, local aphasia from loved ones local affair multi company is a pleasure to have you on and we asked last fans out to bless all the work that you do. And Zach malachite and to all of you for tuning in and Charlotte's and we'll see you tomorrow for just a cinematic when I'm talking about a council

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