Hussain Kamani – Stories of the Companions 12-12-2023

Hussain Kamani
AI: Summary © [SPEAKER 2:] I think it's a -- [SPEAKER 1:] -- insurance. [SPEAKER 2:] -- insurance. [SPEAKER 1:] insurance. [SPEAKER 2:] insurance. [SPEAKER 1:] insurance. [SPEAKER 2:] insurance. [SPEAKER 1:] insurance. [SPEAKER 2:] insurance. [SPEAKER 1:] insurance. [SPEAKER 2:] insurance. [SPEAKER 1:] insurance. [SPEAKER 2:] insurance. [SPEAKER 1:] insurance. [SPEAKER 2:] insurance. [SPEAKER 1:] insurance. [SPEAKER 2:] insurance. [SPEAKER 1:] insurance. [SPEAKER 2:] insurance. [SPEAKER 1:] insurance. [SPEAKER 2:] insurance. [SPEAKER 1:]
AI: Transcript ©
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Nana Rahim Al Hamdulillah

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Hamdulillah he woke up our salmonella Ibadan Latina stopper

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husana Allah say you did a suitable Hatha Milan via

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little Ischia was having

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tonight return to the story of say either a smart bins at the bucket, or the Allahu Taala and Huma.

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She is a great companion, the daughter of a companion, the granddaughter of a companion, and her son of the law, who was also a companion of a sort of loss that Allahu Allah He was

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one of the few who have this honor that her for generations, we're all Sahaba of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam

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and her father wasn't just any person. He was the closest to Rasulullah sallallahu ala he was

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and her sister, I shut up the Allah Allah was the most beloved to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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a smarter the Allahu Allah and has a relationship with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam started prior to migration while she was still a young girl.

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When her father accepted Islam, he presented Islam to his family members.

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And a smarter the Allahu anha was one of the one of the one of the members of his family that accepted Islam. Right in the early days. Some historians say she was in the first 17 to accept Islam.

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Her mother, patella, did not accept Islam.

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And it was for this reason that from the wives of Abu Bakr, Siddiq or the Allah one for Taleb, in tabula rasa was the one that he actually divorced.

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They were married, they had children. He presented Islam to patella when she rejected I will work with silica the Allah Juan made it clear to her that there was no commonality with him between them anymore and this relationship could no longer exist.

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Her mother remained outside of the folds of Islam right until the end. And later on tonight, we'll come to a narration where a smart of the Allahu anha later in her life after migration has a very interesting interaction with her mother and doesn't know how to handle it. So she turns to the sort of loss that Allahu Allah who was salam for that clarity.

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The historians have written that a smarter the Allahu anha was around 10 years older than Aisha Radi Allahu taala. Anna.

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She was intelligent, very smart, surrounded by the brightest minds. From a young age. She saw what her father Abubakar, significant of the hola Juan was willing to do for the sake of the deen and how far he was willing to go for a suit allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and there is no better time to be than that. That a child grows up seeing their ideals in their parents. Abubaker Siddiqa Viola one was by the side of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at every step of the way. So when she is called to duty, when it's her turn to serve Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it comes very, very naturally.

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She was a courageous woman. Very strong, very bold. She had no fear of anyone no one could intimidate a smarter the Hola Hola. Hola Ana. A sham in Ottawa narrates gut flora lawsuits will Medina that at some point, they became a large number of bandits in Medina people were stealing from the city of Medina. But the smell hinged on zemana So even in the US, Ghana dejavu Dr. ocsea smarter the Allahu anha had a dagger that she would keep under her pillow. In case anyone broken or decided to make a move on her or her possessions, a smarter the Allahu anha was ready to deal with the affairs herself. She was sleep with the dagger right under her pillow. A smarter the Allah Allah was

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very intelligent. If I'm walking there him Allah Allah says, Ganga sorry, Musa You mean a very nasty Leroy? Yeah, sorry the LUMO segura. Ravi Allah Allah Allah and Rahim Allah Allah Allah Allah so you to Tabby I mean, he was known to be the leader of his people when it came to interpreting dreams. Where did say learn in dream interpretation other than Malika and USMA Binti Aviva he learned the art of dream interpretation from us MonaVie Allahu Dona Ana,

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Where did a smarter the Allahu Anhu learn this from? Will that be her and she learned it from satan Abu Bakr significantly Allah one. And welcome to San Diego the Allah one was trained directly by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. You'll see in the collection of Hadith that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would turn to the Companions and ask them to interpret dreams. And specifically, there is an interaction between a sort of loss of Allahu alayhi wa salam and Abu Bakr Siddiq, or the Allah one famous narration, where he told me that I will consider the Allah who want to interpret a dream. And then Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made the corrections were

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needed. This is how you interpreted it. This is what should have happened. This is actually what this this word meant. This is actually what this scene represented. Abubaker Siddiqa the Allahu on learned from a sort of Lhasa Allahu alayhi wa sallam dream interpretation. He then pass it on to a smuggler, the Allahu anha and then as part of the Allah Allah had many students wonder suit allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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intended his migration from mucca mucca mucca Madina Munawwara. Many of the companions has had already started their journeys. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went towards the tail end. For over two months, the Sahaba had been migrating from mucca mucca mucca Medina, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam waited because he knew that once he left the port, he would increase their antics, they would go really hard and the people that were left behind, they would have a tough time in migration. On top of that, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam was waiting for explicit permission from Allah subhanho wa taala. Because unabIe does not leave his people until

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granted permission by Allah azza wa jal as we learn from the story of Satan or Yunus it Salaam. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam waited one day during the midday hours at a time where a sudo allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam would not go to meet people, people would be at their homes resting spending time with their families. The Prophet alayhi salam shows up to the house of Abu Bakr, God, Allah Juan.

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And the family members, they say that this was a time the Prophet generally wouldn't meet us. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam entered, he said to Abu Bakr, Siddiq, or the Allah one that Allah azza wa jal has granted permission to migrate Abu Bakr Siddiq or the Allah one immediately said, O Messenger of Allah, allow me to be your companion to that and then he said, Allahu Allahu wa salam said, This is exactly why I'm here. You and I are going to take this journey on together. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heads back, I will book a city called the Allah Juan takes full responsibility of preparation for the Hijra. And the first people that he tagged in are his

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family members. A smuggler the hola Juana has a duty. Abdullah the son of Abu Bakr Siddiq Rhodiola one has a duty I should have the Allah Ivana and her brother of the Rahman who are both from one mother, they did not have any specific responsibility during the hijab because they were much younger. But a smarter the Allahu Allah and her happy brother Abdullah, who are both children of both ala they were older and age so they played an active role. The brother would bring the news to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and Abu Bakr Siddiq or the Allah Juan and keep them updated on what was going on, in in Makkah.

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Now, whenever workers to think of the Allahu Allah had everything in place, he informed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and the Musa Allahu alayhi wa sallam started the Hijra. The Quraysh at that time had surrounded the house of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because they have been given advice by shaytaan who came in the form of a senior member. And that advice was, now is the time for you to kill this man. So they surrounded the house of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made dua to Allah and left right between them without them seeing him

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on either the hola Juan was in the house of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because there were some

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Amma not some crust that maybe some Allahu alayhi wa sallam held that belonged to the Moroccans and that needed to be returned. The next morning when they saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wasn't there, they began to search in the first place. Even the Quraysh Abu jehlen co realized they should search was the house of Abu Bakr Siddiq on the UCLA one because their bond and relationship was unquestionable even by the enemies. When they came, given us half narrates that Abuja approached the house with a group of people for karate lay him a smarter the Allah Juana she's the narrator. So she says, I came forward and I fell hundreds to La him I came out to meet them for call you enter a

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bookie Where's your father? Because wherever he is, that's where the profit is.

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A call to La de Walla he Aina Hua. So she said by Allah, I don't know where they are Abu Bakr Siddiq, or the Allah Juan was very particular about his intelligence. He had

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compartmentalize the information. Where are we going to be? When are we going to be how long are we going to be there? She said I don't know. Forever Abuja Helen Jada who will not have the lot Martin.

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Her I mean her karate for months

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that I will work on to decode the Allahu wanton daughter a smell of the Allah Juana says that in that moment with Jamal, he raised his hand and he hit her really hard. She had an ornament on it came out, he hit her really hard, and smother the Allahu anha. This was her jihad. This was her, her patients. This was her moment that she had to join her father in his struggle for a sort of loss and Allah Juana he was sent him.

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This for her wasn't something that she had shame of, she had great pride in this, that there was a day in my life that I was also struck, because I defended Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And that's the interesting thing about the companions that the difficulties they faced in practicing their Deen was not something they were afraid of, or something they hid from.

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It was something they took pride in, that when a person serves the dean, and at the end of the dean there, at the end of the day, they're tired or exhausted, or they faced one challenge or another. It's not something that they frown on. It's a moment of pride actually, that at least that moment in my life, I exerted myself for the sake of this Dean, maybe that moment will take me an agenda. Because these moments of sacrificing for the dean will also pass by, and then we'll return back to our lives, where all we do is sacrifice for the material. Every morning and evening. There's a sacrifice for the material. One person wakes up in the morning, to go to a mother to set a study and

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other person wakes up in the morning to go to work to study. Now going to work is not a bad thing. But it's not the same as waking up and going to a classroom where your day will be spent on Allah, God will soon the two are not the same. There's a difference, but there's a reward and both of them don't be mistaken. Right? Smarter the Allahu anha what she did that day, that pain that she endured, the sacrifice she took on was something that you must never forget she saw in her own father.

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There was no difficulty that she saw Abacha Siddiqa, the Allah one get beaten the lights out of him, or his life was in the scale that they weren't sure if he was going to live or not. It was hanging by a thread. She saw that when Abu Bakar woke up. The first thing that he asks for is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then refuses to eat until he lays his eyes on Rasulullah sallallahu. If

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you want to teach the next generation anything, you want to teach them the lesson of sacrifice, you wish to teach them the lesson of loving the Quran, you wish to teach them to have a bold, strong Muslim identity. You wish to teach them on how to balance their material, slash family slash work life with the dean. These are things that are taught through action. You want to teach someone to fall in love with dica you want to teach someone to be loyal to the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, make it a priority in your own life. Let your child see you do the cat every day. Let your child see you turn to Allah when you're struggling. Let your family members see you open

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the Quran before you go to sleep and open the Quran. When you wake up in the morning. Let your child see you sit down with a family and read a few hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, let them see what it is that you stand for. What it is that you believe in? Because that will be the strongest lesson those memories are burned into their memory. Those thoughts that we are trying to convey to them through words are rather experienced. And they don't enter from one means of entry point they enter from all orifices of the human body, that this message is universal. I saw my father live by this life. I told you guys when I was in Denver, about that young man who I met, who

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you know himself, he was still trying to figure out what to do with his life and what was next. But one thing that he knew, and I was a person that he had met for no more than at that point, two minutes. And he's telling me that my father loved Allah and

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this is what he remembers, that my father loved Allah and Allah He said, he spent his life doing Dawa in Tbilisi traveling from community to community. The economy Atilla that's what my father did, he saw that in

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a smarter the Allahu anha. Now when the journey starts Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Satan comes to decode the hola Juan decide to spend three nights in a horror thriller to throw the Quraysh off of their trail.

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A smarter deal

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lawanna knows that it's her task to deliver food to them.

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At that point, she's already married, married to Abdullah bin Zubaydah, the Hola, Juan, I'll speak more about this shortly. So she's married and she's pregnant with her child. And she is the one that has the responsibility of delivering food to how to fold why her because of Quraysh will suspect her the least.

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They don't expect her to be the one that will lead them. Leader lead them to him. Why? Because she's pregnant, talk to someone who's pregnant, they have headaches and the throwing up and back pain. It's difficult for them to move. And they're, you know, they're worried about their health at all times. But a smarter the hola Juana. What's in her mind at that moment, that she's ready to climb a mountain and Vitaphone if you look at the actual cave, it's not at the base of the mountain. It's not in the middle of the mountain. If you go online and search an image of waterphone you will see where does this cave where does this cave lie?

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And you will know

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At the top there is no step to take once you read about it though.

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There's nowhere enough to go right at the top.

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So smarter the Allahu anha shows the world a lesson and teaches them a lesson of lettuce ism. But this athleticism is not a result of treadmill and elliptical and Stairmaster. This is a result of ima and you must remember the statement of mind it's not a loose statement I carefully thought about this.

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I would like us to do the Allah one he fought by the sight of Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam in so many battles. Someone asked Allah the Allah one ones who was more courageous you are a boubakeur.

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So earlier the hola Juan said Abu Bakr was more courageous and a more fierce fighter than everyone. Why? Because in the Battle of brother earlier the hola Juan says every person was trying to defend themselves. We had to face to three people at once everyone was protecting themselves in fighting and fighting and groups. Abubaker Siddiqa, the Allah who won in the Battle of butter wasn't fighting for himself. He was only focused on defending Rasulullah sallallahu. So that's all he was doing. That's what his battle was. And Abu Bakr Siddiq was the Allah one was wasn't some meaty, bulky person. He was very thin today in Muscat. We read that he Wyatt McGrath to that I will book a study

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called the Allah one. He he said to the sort of Lhasa Allahu Allah, He was certain that I can't keep my lower garment above my hip unless I keep pulling it up again and again. His waistline was thin.

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That, you know, it'd be sort of said that whoever drags their garment.

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Out of boastfulness under their ankles will be in the fire of how he said our messenger of Allah I, I can't I can't keep my pants off of my ankles, they keep slipping down. So maybe sort of Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, Nicholas the minute you are not one of the people that is boastful. You are not an arrogant person. And this shows us this, this there are so many lessons to learn from this. But on one side, we also learn about Cassidy Guardiola who runs frame. But he's still fighting nothing stopped him he was biter. So the loss of Allah Allah Salam side in building all the Masada than digging out the trench, and by the side of us with allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and every

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battle and even after a sort of loss that Allahu alayhi wa sallam, because their strength was driven by purpose. Their sacrifice was driven by purpose. Don't get caught into, you know, believing that your strength purely and only originates from your dieting, and you're weightlifting, that's good. That's good stuff, too. You know, you got to keep yourself healthy. But deeper than that, your strength is actually driven by what motivates you. You know, once I was reading a book of almost Schwarzenegger, and he was addressing this issue of how do you push yourself through the last rep, you know, right, when you're in that last rep, and you know that this is the important one and you

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got the weights in your hand, then you're your mid rep and you're in a lot, a lot, a lot of pain. So how does he pull through it? So he said, you know, in that moment, right, when I'm struggling, I close my eyes, and I just fixate on the body image that I'm struggling for, and I just push through

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because that's where the strength comes from, from your purpose. It comes from what you can envision, it comes from your dream.

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And for Abu Bakr Siddiq, or the Allah one, his dream was one to be the closest companion of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and nothing was going to come between him in that and a smarter the hola Juan ha sees the same thing. So it's time for her to take the food to the top of the mountain. And so no one notices her a smile of the Allahu Ana she takes

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a scarf that she had

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and she rips it into two

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and ties

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The fruit around her body and supports her back with that and climbs the mountain and therefore earns her herself. The title of that Anita cane. The one with two scarps. She had one scarf she ripped it in half. Let me sort of long while he was sort of made dua for her and said that Allah subhanho wa Taala give you your scarf and gender and she gained that a lot from the recent Allah Juana he wants to know

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as I mentioned, a smarter the Allah who was married to say that Zubaydah Bella was gonna be Allah one who was also from the ashram of Bashara

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from one of the 10 promised paradise, Everything about her is just epic. Whichever angle you look at it from one of these angles would have been enough for a person Allah subhanaw taala gave her all of them hamdulillah

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Zubaydah, a woman of the Allah one was young, she was young.

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However in the narrations, when you study Zubaydah or the Allah one his life where he was at that point when he married her, got a shot been more Milan

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Karna Shaban more Milan. More Milan means for Clearin

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he wasn't too well off financially.

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Lisa who heard him on Oman us your OB He Allah yearly. He laid out for us in externa. He had one horse that he used for traveling in for the battle. Outside of that he had no servant to help at home. He didn't have much wealth to provide for his family. So

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a smarter the Allahu anha played a very powerful role in their marriage. She was by his side through those tough days. And she was with him in taking care of the chores of the household, as a matter of the Allahu anha. In one narrate one narration as narrated by Muhammad Imam Hardy Muslim.

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She says, Does Oh Jenny Zubaydah Ramallah who che on radiopharmacy

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are going to associate who Ali poo adobo, Lena Devi and Noah. Were a study with Arjun we're going to uncover an hour of this debate. allottee Okta Okta who Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah ROTC, well who Allah to say first off, so she says that I you know, I helped him in all aspects of life, wherever Zubaydah the Allah who needed assistance, I was his wife, I was there with him, all maintaining the animals and taking care of the land and everything. So she says I used to carry the pits going to Uncle Noah, I had the date pits and I would carry them from the land of the weight of the Allah and one that was given to him by us for the loss of a lot of sun to our home. And one time

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it was it was at a distance budget to Yeoman one Noah Allah ROTC one day I was heading back home after picking them up from the field. And while I was heading back, the dates were on my head for Rocky to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam Omar who never maybe said Allahu alayhi wa sallam was passing by with a group of Sahaba and he saw a smell of the alot Juana in the heat, carrying a basket on her head, a weight on her head with pits

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for the ANI to be sword Allahu alayhi wa sallam called call it is Leah Madani. He said Come here, come here, holder. And then he made a sound like he was inviting her on the animal that why don't you write how are you going to walk all the way to Madina? Munawwara here's an animal you can write it

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a smarter the Allahu anha says faster yay to

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what occurred was Wade was a rotten

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that I turned away when the abuse of a lot of sudden offered me to write and I remembered my husband's debate and how he is very protective like this.

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Or that from other newbies that Aloha alayhi wa sallam saw her higher and he liked

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but I'm not afraid to ask her to survive. And I came back home I told her the beta the Allah one

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for Call of Allah he la hum looking never Cana a Shuddha aleja mineral Qubee chemo is It Had you taken the ride it would have been better than carrying the the date the date Pitts imagine how hard that wasn't heard the weight. The difficulty she had to take on said you could have just taken the ride with a little loss and Alonzo

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la Abu Bakr in value behind him Abu Bakr, Siddiq it Allah I want her to what happened to and then he made an intention that I'm going to give my daughter a hug and so she doesn't have to do this anymore.

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Like I felt nice Yassa who will first see us at first, but Taccone finally that servant did come in. And now the servant took care of the horses and took care of this and took care of that. It was as if that day I was relieved of so many responsibilities. Now this is why it's so handy WIA. Obviously there's a question

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that how did a suit allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam invite us man of the Allahu Ana to ride on an animal when they are laid Maham In Islam we know the ruling of avoiding physical contact between men and women.

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So addressing this Ibrahim journalist Kalani Rahim Allah Jota Allah says that fucker,

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Kandahar Fahima daddy come in Korean and tell her that it's possible that a smarter the Allahu Anhu assumed that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam invited her to the animal that he was sitting on.

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That may be an assumption on her part that was sort of loss of a lot of someone invited her to sit on the same animal he was on.

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wildlife Tamil Hakuna sallallahu alayhi wa sallam erotica your cover her Mama Mama ma Jakob Hua che on Aqua Vida Dalek

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had she accepted Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have given her her own animal because there were a group of people there and allowed her to carry her load on the animal and he himself would have taken another animal this is what is going on you know him Allah Tala comments on this Imam and no we don't lie Ali because it is the way of a Muslim to well commenting on this dua he says that offI Hema connoisseur Allahu alayhi wa sallam Mina Scheffer, Katya, Nina well not me not that from this rewire we see the the love and compassion or sort of loss that Allah Allah was salam had on the believing men and believing women.

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And then Imam nawawi says in this dua we can also see Wi Fi Joe was in the dark will Marathi allottee laser Raman either watch it either watch that fit, fit, fit or didn't work at all yet. That is also the permissibility of giving a ride to a female even though she may not be a relative if she is found on the path and she is exhausted and tired. Right? He looks at this from a more vahidi perspective that maybe it was sort of loss of a lot of sudden was giving her that right let's see. Yeah, Mama Gemma rt regionalen Saltine. Obviously, this was nothing private. It was a public affair. She says that when there's sort of loss of the law and while he was selling stop, there were a group

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of people there. So this was nothing private at all. There's no halwa

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and then the mom nobody says what are Shakopee Joe was immediately harder. There is no doubt in the permissibility of this. So he's looking at this from a perspective of Badulla if you have a situation where it's snowing outside and it's snow everywhere and you see a Muslim female on the site, help that person out you know help that person out don't just leave them there that's what you might know we're here today saying we'll call a call we'll call we'll call the area of further you have Malika Ramallah Tala will commenting on the same Hadith. He said how the hospital in Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam defeated us at this incident of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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stopping and offering the right amount of the Allahu Ana who was not his direct relative is something specific to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and not for others. For Amarna, Bill MOBA, will MOBA oddity and facet reality when Lisa because maybe said Allahu alayhi wa salam commanded for there to be a separation between the physical bodies of the men and the women. What kind of the other two who said Allahu alayhi wa sallam Abba to mobile or to Hoonah and it was also the practice of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to avoid any contact at all with the opposite gender. Why was that? So that is Uma will follow him. Right? And then some scholars have said that

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this was actually hoss. In that moment. It was specific to that moment, because on one side you have a pseudo loss of a lot. It's sitting with a group of companions. On the other side, it was in the mechanic had he associated the who likoni had been to amoeba, water Aisha and secondly she was a relative of a suitor Lhasa Allahu Allah. He was Saddam, the sister of Aisha the Allah Juana, the daughter of Abu Bakr Siddiq with the hola Juan and the wife of Zubaydah, a woman of the hola Juan

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Maha Maha Sabha. He said, Allahu alayhi wa sallam Mikasa be so long it was salam a no unluckily, it'd be he and all sorts of Allah said Allahu Allah He was salam was, it'd be Haley hijo de Lucia Hawaii. Also the last Allahu alayhi wa salam was also someone who never intended ill carnally in a passionate way towards someone from the opposite gender sort of loss and loss and it was very, very, very modest. But anyway, from this new idea, we see an incident from the life of Sita, a smuggler, the Allahu Donna.

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Now, it's not of the Allahu anha after a suit Allah said a lot of them in the companion in Abu Bakr Siddiq, but the Allah one arrived in Medina. She then started her hijab as well with some of the family members that were still behind. She narrates herself that I was pregnant with Abdullah bin Zubaydah the Allahu I'm in Makkah and then I started my Hegira to attend Medina financial to be pulled up for Allah

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firewall a firewall a firewall that who.

00:35:04 --> 00:35:24

Sorry for that too. There you go, that's better. Tongue Bukoba she says that I arrived in I arrived I traveled from Mecca Medina. We then settled in Hoba that's where a suit Allah said a lot instead of months he was still waiting to go. So we arrived there and that's where I gave birth to a beloved Sons of Anarchy, Allah one.

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Now this mother gave birth to the Prophet of Allah has two obligations of the Allah one while the prophet of Allah is in the city. And she just made this big sacrifice. She did Hijra while pregnant.

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Just internalize that someone catches a flight from Chicago to Dallas and and does a big deal.

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She migrated all the way from where to where? From Macomb, Oklahoma all the way to Madina, Munawwara while pregnant, so she takes her little baby

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and she brings the baby to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but without to houfy He he and she said I placed my little baby in the lap of Rasulullah sallallahu and

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some of the arboretum rotten the beasts of the lioness and I'm asked for a data from another high he made it more with his saliva. He chewed on it a little bit from my Tafolla fee fee for kind of a while I'm Dr. Levy JioFi. He required a supervisor a lot

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smarter the Allahu Ana says

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the first thing that entered into my little baby's body was the saliva of Rasulullah sallallahu

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because nobody saw us and took that that date and place it in the child's mouth.

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Whether Allah who were Bhadrakali he worked on a wall a wall of mold in wooley, the finished lamp, the resource and and made dua for my child and made dua that Allah puts Baraka in my child's life, and my child was the first to be born in Islam. That means after headed up from the MaHA June of Levin's Aveda the Allah Juana was the first child to be born. So she's making reference to that.

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That's one of the Allahu Allah Now that she's in Medina she is one of the close people to to sort of less than Allah Juana he was set up. She has many interactions with the props that a lot of so many narrations from a smile of the Allah and why not can be found in the Messiah need in the Hadith collections, and people actually come to her to learn Islam.

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If they want something clear, clear it up, they go to a smarter the Allahu anha and they also know that because she has this close relationship and bond with the prophets of Allah Allah was salam. If she ever gets stuck a smarter the Allahu Anahata can receive the clarification directly from a sort of Lhasa Lohani Wison a smarter the Allahu anha she shares some of her observations, some of the special moments that she saw. One day she says, a lady came to visit in the recent Allahu alayhi wa salam and she said O Messenger of Allah, I have a co wife, Jad in an episode a lot of some Envirothon Pakala to rasool Allah in ni aleja Beratan. verboten means a place of harm, which was the

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Arabic word for CO wife.

00:38:08 --> 00:38:23

Hilarious. So she says I have a co wife. But Hello Ana Yojana at a Shabbat I mean Zoji Bimala mutiny. Is it okay if I act like my husband gave me certain things that he didn't really give me to kind of stick it to her face.

00:38:25 --> 00:38:27

I want to stick it to her. So

00:38:28 --> 00:39:03

but Allah Allah you do not want to shed BA with the firewall. Min Zoji Bimala Myasthenia Bacala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam al Motta Shapiro BML Amuro top gala besito Vizu episode Allahu alayhi wa sallam said the one who falsely presents themselves as having something they don't have gala BC that will be Zewde is like the one wearing garment supplies. Right? You don't take it. Like today's world is all about faking for no reason at all. We're trying to get the attention of people who don't care, right? But maybe Salatu Salam is teaching this lesson.

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Similarly, a smile of the Allahu Anhu says that

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in Madina Munawwara

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the Muslims are por cada Muslim Moana del Hajah Ganon Muslim Munna they will have that we had written

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yet Desi Runa we had the hint Namira they will take these small leather garments and some some fabric and they were tied around their waist. It wasn't for pants it wasn't a full length garment, something small they would take it tighter on their waist. She's talking about the men forgot it in the mat W and Safa suit the hem so it would reach their mid shin area. It was a smaller garment they were wearing. Oh, not with Alec for semi auto Rasulullah Salallahu Salam Yeah, cool. So then I heard it'd be sort of law who it was and I'm saying so she first lays out the context. People didn't have a lot of wealth. They weren't the smaller garments that would barely cover their bodies and one time

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because everyone would come to the masjid you can see the conundrum that women were praying the back part of the masjid. And what is agreed upon by all Hadith when there was no divider between the men and women in the mosque of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam. Now, there are many reasons why, but this is a fact. Now, the other thing that she's saying is that when the men would pray they have the small garments on. So if the women got out from surgery at first they would see the overall the men

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Now bear in mind how Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam handles this. So as part of the Allah Juana has says Semir to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yakut mankind I don't mean to be lucky William and Arthur. Yeah, nice. Fella Teresa Ross razza Navarro, Hatha nerve out husana. She says, I heard her sort of loss and Allahu alayhi wa sallam saying to the women, that whoever from you believes believes in Allah and in the final day, should not raise their head from such that until the men stand up first. Let them stand up. Because if they stand up, they will be able to cover themselves. And then the women should cover them raise themselves, Carl here, and tempura era,

00:41:07 --> 00:41:10

our archery journey, Min sillery who's udim?

00:41:12 --> 00:41:54

Why didn't it be salsa and tell the women to wait when getting up from Salah when getting up from such that. So they would not see the private areas of the men because of their smaller, skimpy or garments that they had on due to lack of access to materials. She's sharing how they're sort of lost and Allahu Allah was sort of taught us the lesson of modesty. How to be sort of a lot of self taught us to lower our gaze and know that there's accountability with this is how you create societies. This is how you create communities. You take the lesson of Taqwa to the hearts of the listener to the hearts of the belief that if you have Taqwa then you can save yourself from sin. Otherwise, if

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not this one then the next one shaytan is waiting for you if not this corner then the next one shaytaan is waiting for you and he's going to wipe you off your feet that's another the Allahu anha

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it's this particular rewire that I'm going to share with you guys now we read it today also in Hadith class in Wisconsin wasabia And we just got to we read this exact same video while some of the hola Juan has says if you're wondering why are we reading all these garments? narrations because we're reading Kitab believe us over there. The whole chapter is about garments and clothing. So that's not what the Allahu Ana she says in the 60 Why

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that she had a garment that belonged to the suit of Lhasa Allah listen I'm with small amounts of

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silk on it. It had silk in the

00:42:40 --> 00:42:49

in the neck area and the collar area what photo J hammock fool Fany be here and also the opening of the sleeves had small bits of

00:42:52 --> 00:43:35

hurried of silk there and cyber Moscato and he narrates and Hadith he narrated. Why to show that men are not supposed to wear garments made of silk, but if there's a small amount of silk on it, a minority of the garment has small patches of silk then it is permissible. And he proves that through this hadith of Asmara, the Allah Juana that she had a garment that belonged to Rasulullah sallallahu it was cinnamon and had small little bits of of silk on it, or that she said Harvey he Juba to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Cara Besa carrot in the Aisha phylum COVID that are Isha to convert to her Ilia one novel pseudo Halal Marie the Mina use dish Fabia. She says that this was a

00:43:35 --> 00:43:56

garment of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after the Prophet passed away, he remained in the possession of my sister, and one of my sister Aisha Radi Allahu Allah had passed away. I then took possession of the kebab Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So when someone is sick in the community, and if someone isn't well, we take this garment of a prophet of Allah we wash it in the water from there is given to the sick for their cure.

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This is 100 narration

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that a smarter the Allahu Ana says that we used to wash the garment of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the water taken from that garment about have been thought in the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam, we would then give it to the sick hoping that Allah subhanaw taala would grab Grantham. Sure. In the first part of the lecture I told you that a smarter the Allahu ANA has mother Taylor, the first wife, Abu Bakr, Siddiq, or the Allah one did not accept Islam. And it was for that reason that Abu Bakr Siddiq or the Allah one then went on to

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divorce her. He separated himself from her

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later on

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during the period of the Treaty of Arabia because there was going to be no war people now openly started traveling people went from Mecca to Medina Medina to Makkah, there was this open, open travel come and go.

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That's it matter the Allahu anha says that it was in that time that my mother came to visit me. She came to Medina

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and she was needy. She didn't have wealth she seemed to be

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Struggling a smarter the Allahu Allah wasn't sure if she was supposed to be kind to her mother or not.

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What's her question? My mother is not Muslim, which means she doesn't believe in your messenger of Allah and if she doesn't believe in you then what? What do I actually have in common with her? For her? That was a hard point. So she went to the zoo to Lhasa Allahu Allah He wants them to ask for LC know how should I maintain bonds with my mother? Should I take care of her? Should I financially support her? Pata Nam silly omake Bismillah Islam said yes, maintain your bonds with your mother. And it was a bit of the hola Juan says it was because of this that the IR was revealed. He says the IR was revealed in response to my mother my mother was a part of the of the revelation of Gaia the

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cause of the revelation of the ayah lie and how Camilla Juan in Medina let me call you looking for Dina want to move to Jerusalem in the article and taba room, one toxicity that Allah does not prevent you from maintaining bonds with people who are not combatants. Someone's not fighting with you and even if they're not Muslim doesn't mean you have to turn away from them uncover room but talk to you to lay in the law who will mostly in Surah one Dinah

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Now there's one more incident that I want to share with you have a smart with Viola Juana

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greatness begets greatness.

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A smarter the Allahu anha learned her courage, her strength, her knowledge, her wisdom from the people that were around her. And in her care, she was raising

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a great future leader Abdullah bin Zubaydah, the Allah one

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of the Levin's Aveda the Allah one

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ends up being appointed as a Khalifa in response to the corrupt magnets who basically ruled and governed out of Sham the people of the hijas Mecca Medina and also Mr. Raw parts of Quran. They didn't like the Romanians, they felt that these people were worldly materialistic people and they didn't have a good they didn't have a good streak for ruling they weren't doing it well.

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And they also took a very hard stance against many of the senior Sahaba Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. Everyone knows about how they dealt with a stain on the lawn.

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May Allah subhanahu wa Tada punish those who wronged the family of Rasulullah sallallahu.

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So Abdullah bin Zubaydah, the Allah one was appointed as Khalifa

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there are millions weren't too happy

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and they wanted to crush him. He ran his Khilafah from Macomb, Oklahoma.

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The Americans wanted to crush him so they sent their most stern and ruthless general to go and squash this, this what they viewed as a rebellion against the philosopher in Makkah, and the person who they appointed on their armies was

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a judge Ben Yusuf tartufi

00:48:13 --> 00:48:20

Levin's Aveda, the Allah one had a strong army, he gathered them all together, Hajaj UNICEF in his army, they came in they surrounded

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her judge

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started, you know, sending fliers to these people that were that were, you know, closed off, that you have to go now to Rafah, and you have to go to South Plaza, we're giving you this many days, you know, they pass out these token flyers. So he's sort of doing that to there. All the people that are here, if you leave, we will spare you. We don't want to kill anyone. Whoever's here, get out, get out, get out, get out. They're trying to get everyone out of there. They were trying to get people to turn against the loved ones of it or the other one and abandon it.

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Unfortunately, it worked.

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At the end of the day, the beginning of the day, our beloved Isabella, the Allah one had a large group of people around him. Her judgment was so ruthless. I mean, he literally fired a, a rocket if you wish to say an engineer, a catapult at the Kaaba. That's what this man was. And so many of them they then defected of the Levin's Aveda the Allah one was left with just a handful of people.

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And before he took the last standing against her judgment

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there is this iconic interaction that happens

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between Abdullah bin Zubaydah the hola Juan and his mother smuggler, the hola Alana, who most historians say at that point was 100 years old.

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She was very old at this time. Somebody who is also tell us that she couldn't see any more

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so Blevins is aware of the Allah one he comes to visit, visit his mother one last time

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He gives her Salam. Salam wa aka OMA Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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so then she gives her Salam back to her son and says, Why have you come at this time? While the catapults are being launched and what sounds like is a war outside? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be outside.

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So he says to his mom, I came to get your advice.

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A smarter the hola Juana says, you want my advice and what?

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Of the Levin's Aveda the law Juan.

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He says to his mother that everyone has abandoned me.

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All of my soldiers left with only a few of us.

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Some of them left because they were terrified of her judge others left because her judge lured him toward them with promises.

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And I only have a few moments left.

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What do you think I should do? Should I surrender? Or should I fight till the end?

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Is not at the Allahu anha said, Stay where you are.

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You know yourself better than anyone.

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If you believe in the truth, and you call to the truth, then be patient, just like your companions, who are who have been killed already.

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And if you want

00:51:28 --> 00:51:33

dunya and if you're running away, then you are a

00:51:35 --> 00:51:40

wretched servant of Allah, who has destroyed himself and destroyed his soldiers.

00:51:42 --> 00:51:52

So then he says to his mom, I'll be dead by the end of the day. What I can name arcturion Yell Malama holla at the end but I'll be dead by the end of the day. If I continue.

00:51:53 --> 00:51:58

He is she says to him and that is the best outcome for you. That you will be a Shaheed

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he said I don't fear death however what I fear is that they will mutilate my body after I'm gone.

00:52:10 --> 00:52:16

Audit lace abadal Cuddly Maya half will model there is nothing to fear after that.

00:52:17 --> 00:52:24

But Chateau Magoo ha to La limo hustle a slaughter cheap does it feel the pain of being skinned

00:52:25 --> 00:52:31

you will have been gone and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada will reward you like here rewards all of the shahada

00:52:35 --> 00:52:39

What am robotic mother and what a robotic son

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so then

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Abdullah bin Zayed on the hola Juan says to his mother, Mom, it's time for me to go and take my last stand. So when I die, don't grieve

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my loss. rather leave my affairs to Allah subhanho wa taala.

00:53:02 --> 00:53:32

She said How will a mother not grieve the loss of her son in New Zealand? Alec, I will cry. I will miss you. You're my son. And it's fascinating that she says this because it shows us that what she's saying to her son to be courageous and strong. Is it because isn't because she doesn't feel she loves her child like any mother, whether you're 100 years old or 1000 years old. A mother loves her child. She's firm that go. You go and fight the strong. My the laws are with you.

00:53:35 --> 00:53:46

So then he says to his mum, when she says that she will grieve over him. He says Cooney Allah, the N Even Naki lemmya Ahmed it Jana Mulcair and

00:53:47 --> 00:53:54

then Mom, I'm telling you be happy in the fact that your son Abdullah never disobeyed Allah intentionally.

00:53:56 --> 00:54:02

What I mean, the body shutting but I was never inappropriate with anyone in my life. I'm your son.

00:54:04 --> 00:54:12

Well, I'm your jewel your hook Mila. I never oppressed anyone when it came to the murder of Allah. When I'm young with your feet and running I never betrayed a trust

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while I'm yet I'm a bull Muslim, and I never oppressed another Muslim while I had and neither will I had someone who has an agreement and contract with the Muslims.

00:54:27 --> 00:54:32

Oh my mother, I don't say this to purify myself. For Allah knows of my true state.

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But I say this. So I can console you after I die and your heart finds peace and you are proud of your son.

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So then the mother she smiles and says all praises for Allah Who made you

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in such a fashion that he loves you? And Baba I love you to female your hip. Whoo whoa hippo in a fashion that he loves you and I

00:55:00 --> 00:55:00

Love Your

00:55:02 --> 00:55:05

third mini when they come close to me my son

00:55:06 --> 00:55:15

at the Shama rah rah taka. Well, I'll message just a duck. So I may smell you one last time and touch your skin one more time.

00:55:16 --> 00:55:33

Imagine the mother, who handed off this baby to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and saw and the peace of Allah Allah was set in place his saliva in the child's mouth and she says, give me one last hug. But a kebab de la isla de la Abdullah, the Allah one fell forward on her hands

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matter the Allahu Ana, she pulled her hand back, she began to touch him.

00:55:43 --> 00:55:51

And she says to him, Maha the little vessel who Abdullah What is this that you're wearing? Called a DeRay. He said, This is my armor.

00:55:53 --> 00:55:54

She said.

00:55:55 --> 00:55:58

My Maha Yagoona yearly buzz. May you read the Shahada?

00:55:59 --> 00:56:03

Those seeking shahada don't wear armor, take it off.

00:56:05 --> 00:56:06

So he

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in Zaha so he took it off. And he went on into the battlefield. And Abdullah bin Zayed are the Allahu and right before he leaves he says to his mother, Mama, my last request to you is make dua for me, I think.

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And his mother made a very beautiful dua very beautiful dua in favor of her son. And ultimately, he was killed by her Jasmine Yusuf and gained the honour of martyrdom.

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After he was martyred, hijab renews

00:56:45 --> 00:56:46

came to visit a smarter the Allahu

00:56:48 --> 00:57:05

memberhub era name Eric just in a seat on Amendola, Nakata, alhaja Gibney hedgehog. Hedgehog who Ibanez Zubeidi when her judge killed of the Levin's Aveda the Allah one da Smith Makara La Jolla Oma. He came to her and said Oh mother

00:57:06 --> 00:57:14

in the Ameerul Momineen was Sani big Pahala came in Hajah that the Khalifa the Omega Felipa told me to take care of you is there anything I can do for you?

00:57:15 --> 00:57:17

or less to look at the omen?

00:57:19 --> 00:57:22

He said Don't call me Mom killed my son.

00:57:24 --> 00:57:25

I'm not your mother.

00:57:26 --> 00:57:28

When I can almost loop

00:57:29 --> 00:57:32

I am the son of the one that was hung on that was killed.

00:57:34 --> 00:57:37

Well Mr. Lehman hydroton I have no need.

00:57:38 --> 00:57:42

However, I am a companion of a sort of loss of a lot of money.

00:57:44 --> 00:57:47

So I will share with you a hadith a wretched man.

00:57:49 --> 00:58:10

Well, I can hardly talk I will share a hadith he sent me to Rasulullah sallallahu ala he was selling Yahoo. Yahoo Jamil thief in Cadabra. Were movie Ronnie. But I'm Malika dam photography now with Danielle matar photography. He was the False Prophet Matata fluffy. Well, I'm a movie for and

00:58:11 --> 00:58:38

as for the one that will cause destruction, the OMA and destroy everything mobiola Yes, you could demand the one that spills blood and will be the one that the Prophet said a lot. It's made me so sad. I'm sad that from time will come to people a liar and a man that will wreak havoc. The liar was a toughy who claimed to be a prophet, we know who he was. And as for the one that will wreak havoc on the Ummah, as part of the Allahu Allah says, that is you and I have no doubt in it at all.

00:58:39 --> 00:58:41

Hyderabad was a very insensitive human being.

00:58:43 --> 00:58:57

He could have just walked away, but he said Moby Romana 15 I only read her I only bring difficulty on the hypocrites and your son was a hypocrite. Well hold on a quarter in love Hola Hola. Hola. You know?

00:59:00 --> 00:59:02

As Mara the Allahu anha then left her home

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and she went to the gates of Mecca Hajaj nice have hung the body about Levin's a bit on the gates of Makkah to make us show a symbol that you never turn against the omegas this will be your outcome.

00:59:17 --> 00:59:27

So she went to the body of her son, and she said a little rocky onionsand has a time not come from my horseman now to descend from his end

00:59:29 --> 00:59:31

of the Latina and she lowered the body

00:59:33 --> 00:59:38

Hymn of the Levin's a bit in that moment hijab when you said when after your son's a hypocrite

00:59:39 --> 01:00:00

smarter the Allahu Ana said to Allah Hema kinda monasticon callous a woman kawaman Beren my son was no Wanaka he was an obedient son. He worship Allah subhanho wa taala. He was one that fasted frequently. So hydrogen is etc. In Saudi Arabia, I use the Hadith called the RFT turn

01:00:00 --> 01:00:03

way all women old woman, your mind has gone bad.

01:00:04 --> 01:00:12

Very but the nice he spoke to a smarter the other one I like this the one who brought food to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam during his era is saying crufty that your brain has gone bad.

01:00:14 --> 01:00:33

So that's why the Allah Juana then she repeated that rewire that kebab and movie you're the movie. You're the one that never said aloha and he was sort of born to surf it beside the narrates that after the passing of the Levin's Aveda the hola Juan Mata by the evening has been a added as part of the Aloha and he only lived a few days

01:00:35 --> 01:00:47

of the Levin's a bit of the Allah one who was martyred in the year 73 After Hijra in the month of Jumada Gula the 17 and a few days after that, and that very same month, a smell of the alarm on her departed from this world.

01:00:49 --> 01:00:54

From the story of us model the Allahu anha we learn the lesson of courage.

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That how she learned from her family and then went on to pass on this legacy. She transferred this legacy passed it on to her own children. This is how strong Muslims are made. This is how strong Iman is built.

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The people, the heads of the household have to be strong. A smarter the Allahu anha benefited tremendously from her Sahaba with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the other Sahaba and she passed on to her children and Allah subhanaw taala allow us to walk in her footsteps and strengthen our iman like hurt you man was and give us the ability to sacrifice for the deen just as cheated. Well son Allahu Allah and I said Mohammed said I want to live.

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