Hussain Kamani – 40 Ahadith of Imam An-Nawawi 37 – The Grace of Allah

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The use of negative narrations and rewarding good deeds is emphasized in the context of the Hadith system used in the Middle East. The speaker also discusses the concept of evil thoughts and acknowledges that they can be absorbed in actions such as thinking of a cow or being in a sexual situation. The speaker emphasizes the need to be cautious and consider one's surrounding context, as evil thoughts can be caused by actions and "will" and "willful."
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
Salam today we are starting with Hadith number 37
on a bow bus and are the Allahu Taala on our suit Allah who said Allahu alayhi wa salam, female Yahweh here Robbie heat Avara Kota Allah upon in the law Hakata well Hassan it was said yet Sumava Jana Dalek from a Hummer B Haseltine film Yamaha cateva hola hola. And de who has an earthen Camila Weinheimer behalf Amina cateva Allahu endo who Ashura has an atom in southern Emirati, there have been other often other often cathedra Weinheimer we see in film Yamaha cuttable hula in the who hasn't gotten Camela when hammer behalf Amina cuttable hola soy yet and wider. Raw hottie are Muslim.
The hadith is narrated by Abdullah bin Ibis of the Allah Han he narrates from the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, who relates from what
is narrated what is related from his Lord from Allah azza wa jal, Verily Allah has written down the good deeds and the evil deeds, and then explained it by saying, whosoever intended to perform a good deed but did not do it, that Allah writes it down with himself as a complete good deed. And if he intended to perform it, and then did perform it, then Allah writes it down with himself, as from 10, good deeds up to 700 times, up to many times multiplied. And if he intended to perform an evil deed, but did not do it, then Allah writes it down with himself as a complete good deed. And if He intended it, meaning the evil deed, and then performed it, Allah writes it down as one evil deed.
The hadith is narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim Raha YALI.
So right off the bat this hadith we see as Imam nowhere with Allahu Allah and Eretz that he uses the language at the beginning female Yahweh Arabic. And this means these words are those that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is relating from Allah subhanahu wa Tada. This is a type of Hadith Bootsy a divine narration. The details regarding hadith of Bootsy have previously been discussed in one of the classes. So we'll leave that for those who wish to study it and to revisit it can go and visited in the in the notes.
This particular Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam regarding the reward for good deeds in the sin for doing evil is related through different narrators and different companions. But the message is very similar. So for example, and one Hadith narrated by Eva body and your mom's gonna have to look at it from a video with the Allahu
Allah azza wa jal says again this is a Hadith you could see the whole Allah daraga either or the Abdi and Yama the secret and filata to ha Allah He had Daya Mela. Allah azza wa jal says to the angels that one mind servant intends to do a good intends to do a bad deed and evil deed. Do not write it down until he actually does it. Find out I mean, I have to have you with rehab. And if he does end up going through with that intention, that inclination and does that bad thing that only write it down as one sin, not multiple, what in Thanaka have an agilely factor whoo ha Allahu hustler. And if he leaves that sin because of my fear, because of my, for my sake, if he leaves it
for my sake, then write it down as a good intention. And if He intends Wayne or order a Yamaha Selatan phelim Yamaha FAAC to go holla, who has an and if He intends to do a good deed, but for whatever reason, doesn't end up doing it, write it down as a good deed. Fine. I mean, I have talked to Wuhan Allah Who Ashura has an earthen Villa southern immunity they often and if he does end up following through with our good intention and actually does the good deed, then at a minimum, write it down as 10 good deeds and multiply up to 700 times
And another Hadith by Imam Bukhari mmm Mr. Muhammad Allah Allah Hema from a Buddha or the Allah one. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Kulu Amelie Bani, ADAMA, you go off that every deed every good deed of the son of Adam and his son and the children of Adam, the concern is multiply, and Hustler to be accidentally every good deed is multiplied by 10. In a sobering reality, they often until 700, God Allah azza wa jal, Allah azza wa jal then says in the song or illicium, except for fast fame, the holy war energies EB yoga or shahada, who were Tomahawk Sharapova, whom agilely X except for fasting, the reward of fasting is beyond 700 foals. It's much much greater in the Psalm
except for fasting failure who Lee that person fasted he made a sacrifice of leaving his food, his drink his carnal passion for my sin. So for one that Zb, I will reward for it directly. And in one reading of this particular Hadith, instead of one, Zb, the Hadith will have written as the barbed wire on the puja savvy meaning I will be the reward, my ultimate pleasure will be the reward of that servant, who fast solely and only for my sake,
the scholars, they read this hadith and they say that there are four types of people discussed in this particular Hadith. And in today's class Inshallah, we will briefly look at each of these four people and understand what's happening in each scenario.
So the first scenario is of a PERT, I'll list all four out, then we'll go into each one in more detail. The first person or the first type of person is someone who actually does a good deed.
The second type of person is someone who actually does the bad deed. The third type of person is someone who intends to do a good deed, but doesn't end up doing it. He does intensive.
And the fourth type of person is someone who intends to do something evil, but doesn't necessarily follow through with it. So we have four types of people here we will study each one as we go along.
The first person is the one who does a good deed. He actually follows through and doesn't have 100 left we just prayed Aisha Salah and hamdulillah we're sitting in this gathering studying Hadith together. These are all good deeds. These are actions that are beloved to Allah subhanahu wa Tada. The scholars discuss what is the definition of hustler? What is the definition of a good deed? They say a hustler to hear Kulu magia officially, every single thing that has come in the deen or hafla fairly he meaning in a manner that the religion encourages it. It motivates people to do this good deed. I'm gonna watch about a minute and a half bad, either it's something mandatory or recommended.
So anything that Dean Islam encourages you to do. regardless of it being mandatory or recommended. Minute Rule one minute no effing salon cannot owner golden O'Fallon regardless of it being a statement or an action is considered a good deal. So I'll just restate that, again. Anything that being Islam encourages us to do,
regardless of it being mandatory or recommended. And regardless of it being a statement or an action, doing that is a good deed. This is something we are encouraged to do. People that commonly
get upset when they talk about Islamic law because the word law is a little intimidating. People don't like thinking of law, they feel like they're being watched, the Big Brother is looking after them and how if they don't do it, they'll be punished. So out of fear, they do it. Our shift used to say, think of Islamic Sharia the guidelines of our life that Islam presents to us how we should live our life, the code of life, not necessarily as laws, but rather view them as the secrets to loving the one who you love.
These are the things that will bring you the love of Allah subhanaw mourtada, you know, you're interested in marrying someone, you know the person who you want to marry. Now you have to figure out how to win their heart and how to win the heart of their family members. So what do you do? You don't wing it because if you're winging it, you might blow the blow the opportunity. So what you do is you speak to the people that are close to that person that you're interested in. You speak to people that are close to that family, what are their likes, what are their dislikes? What kind of food do they like? What kind of gifts do they like? And when you prepare yourself and you come in a
fashion that is pleasing to them, you will without doubt attract their love and attract their respect. And that's what Sharia is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is delivering us delivering to us the cheatbook If I may say the secrets of how to love Allah subhanho wa Taala because these methods the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching as they have set out in the city, the things we need to do, the things we need to stay away from are inspired to the heart of the Prophet directly from Allah subhanho wa taala. They don't come from
A third party or for a third source.
So when a person does a good deed, the good deed is multiplied
10 times without any doubt, one with often hustler TBRC and 30 had last him only cooler has an ad. Every time a person does a good deed, it will surely be multiplied 10 times. We know this because the Quran makes us promise men Jah a bill Haseltine fellow who Ashu Antalya in Surah, verse number 160, Allah Subhana Allah says, and whoever brings a good deed, they will read they will be rewarded tenfold right off the bat we see the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala it says if ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada is giving us the chance to do good deeds that we would have required 10 lifetimes in one lifetime. Allah is saying live one life live 160 years, but you'll get the good deeds of how many years
600 years will give you 60 years to live. Each DD will do we will multiply by 10 You can live 600 years in 60 years. That's the fulfilling grace of the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa taala. But it doesn't stop there. That's just the beginning. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us and this is for every deeds smaller, great, you know, all deeds can be great if they're done with sincerity. But when I see small I mean easy deeds. Some deeds are easier to do than others. You know, doing Hajj is not so easy, it's more difficult. reading the Quran is easier. It's something everyone has access to you pick it up you say with the right intention, you give it the best you
have and you're reading the Quran there. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says the 10 times the P the 10 multiplication of each good deed even applies to reading the Quran. And not just reading the Quran, it actually applies to every letter of the Quran. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said for reading any flam mean because there are three letters in this one word, a person walks away with 30 Good deeds, okay? And these good deeds are, if a person can say like a currency, think of them as a currency, the more the more a person has the currency of good deeds, the more they attract the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala it's not necessarily a currency to purchase gender
because the only way to get into Jannah as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself said, is through the mercy of Allah, this these good deeds that we do attract that mercy. They bring that mercy to us. And ultimately, it's that follow that favor that Grace of Allah that allows us to go into gender.
And then this fathers they say, Well, I'm Mazzei the Tirumala tiarella Asha De Lima and sha Allah and your wife Allah Who
and as for multiplying it beyond 10 times per good deed. This is for the favor of Allah and Allah can do it for who he wishes for Allah azza wa jal, it says in the Quran, when Allah who you've already fully mania SHA, Allah will multiply for whoever he wishes, Allah will increase many foals for whoever he wishes. By the way.
This statement of Allah we have Eifler, Manisha in the Quran comes in the ayah, in which Allah promises to multiply the charity of the one who gives charity by 700 times. Allah says this, if he's not saying Allah will multiply in comparison to 10 times. Allah is making this promise Allah is saying that he can multiply for whoever he wishes, after stating in this very same idea that I promised to give someone who gives in charity gives him sadaqa 700 times that on top of that, Allah says, well, Allah who you have already fully made your shot. And on top of that, 700 Allah can multiply 700 times I really want you to let that settle in.
In one year of your life, you can walk away with a reward of 700 years.
For a person who gives up a deal or no deal guys.
That's a deal. That's a solid deal right there. And to think that Allah subhanaw taala is offering it you know, that's nothing big because Allahu mccolley The Sunnah wa we're in the home of it from Arabia, Ireland, Allah Allahu Allah subhanaw taala as treasurer, there's not a decrease in any way. But what's amazing about this deal is that Allah is offering it to us.
Because I'm not worthy of this deal. If I was worthy of it, then I would say hey, I'm worthy of it. Not a big deal. You know, you have a lot to give. I have a lot to take, I'm worthy and I'm deserving of what you have to give. But here what's happening is Allah subhanho wa Taala is offering this phenomenal deal of Jannah to a person who in reality isn't worthy of it. If this isn't the father of the favor the Mercy of Allah than what is the father in favor and mercy of Allah.
There's a narration from him and I'm gonna be a long one as narrated by him I've been in this
lesson Manasseh Tannehill is a methodology and even people who have been in chemical habit and embedded savasana been part of Sudha Lhasa Allahu alayhi wa sallam. Robbie
Sit committee
if I'm gonna say hola Juan says after the 200 and 61st Verse of the Sunnah Ivanka was revealed in which Allah subhanho wa Taala promises the one who will give charity, a reward multiplied by 700 volts. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, prompt visit Mati O Allah, give my ummah even more
funds that Allahu Taala Therefore Allah subhanahu wa data revealed another verse and sort of mandala, the utility Allah Hassan Hassan for you or if Allah who are often cathedra that who is there willing to give a goodly loan to Allah, and Allah will reward you compensate you many folds. Now we're no longer bounded by 700 What does Allah say? cathedra many phones
for call Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I'm busy on my T. O Allah giving my ummah even more funds Allahu Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala then revealed the verse of Surah Zoomer in nama. You are for sabe Runa ADRA hungers. ADA has said
that those who are patient those who still suffer out of TA those who are patient and doing the deeds and they continue to strive and struggle, and they continue to stick to this life, stick to a life of righteousness. You are for who you are into my wife Asakura agita. homebuilt at Lisa there is no concern at all. We're not even talking many fold 700 folds, Allah will give and Allah will give and Allah will give you so much that you will he will please you as Allah says to the prophets of Allah it was said on the sort of Haha, well so for your T current Buka fatawa that Allah will give you a Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam until you are pleased and our hope with Allah is
that that promise also extends to every one of us Inshallah, every person from the home of the prophet from the earliest of times to the last one that will step foot on the face of this earth.
Allah azza wa jal says in the Quran, there's an aeration actually by Mohammed bin humbler from Fulani Allah from Abu Huraira the Allah one, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Indeed Allah subhanahu wa Tada will multiply good deeds many 1000s of 1000s of times which is in the millions 1000s of 1000s of times Allah will multiply your good deeds through meta data that I will read or the Allahu Allah recited the verse of the Quran, or any taco Hassan atta and your life. Will you Timmy legend who has yet another student Nisa, Allah subhanaw taala says, and if there is a good deed Allah will multiply it and he will give from his own a grand reward we'll call and then avoid
or the Allahu on set after saying we have to be a little edgier on our theme after Allah says Arjuna and Aviva a grand a great reward of the hooded or the Allah one then said we're gonna either ought Allah who edited Alima for my younger Beauticontrol who, what Allah says a general Dima a great reward who can truly understand that who can truly understand a great for you and I'm always one thing, grid for a millionaire means one another thing. Great for the Holika Malik.
What does that mean for him and I will put it under the alarm Vaughn says the truth is, we won't understand. We see Allah subhanahu wa promises so much reward for good deeds. There's an aeration by abdominal the Allah one that he never reached the promise of a long while he was sort of dealing with it for too long he had a narrative. If I'm fitting with the one narrating this hadith, he does indicate that there is some weakness in it. But how are you I'm telling me these still narrative and many scholars have accepted it and made it their practice. I saw my teachers they would they have this hadith a part of their routine that when they whenever they visited the soup the market, they
recited this following dua, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said mandala Sue whoever enters into the market, you know for US market also applies to virtual markets. You log on to Amazon, you log on to eBay and I'm being honest with you because these are markets you know, how much time can you end up spending in a market online?
A lot of time right? So easy to get carried away looking for deals slick You know, this deal your time before you know you spent hours they're looking for the next good deal browsing through the the products that are being showcased in in the flash sale. So the Scarlet, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said mandala suka whoever enters into the market and says the following La La ilaha illallah wa who would actually love will muku wonderful hum Do you hear what you need? Well, hello hi Yan Leia mood Beardy Hill. Hi Are Hawala, cool Alicia in Kadeem, whoever enters into the market and read this blog reads this particular dhikr this this we're in our indo Pak culture,
we call this the fourth time.
There are six statements of faith we teach our kids when they're young, to help them understand their faith. There's the old kalima DOM galena Santelli, Muharram, Colima, bandroom Cestrum, they're six statements of faith, sometimes even seven statements of faith that children are taught from a
An agent they are ingrained in their mind. The first statement of faith is now ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasool Allah. The second statement of faith is a shadow Allah Allah illAllah Muhammad Abdul Manasu. The third statement of faith is Subhan Allah will hamdulillah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allahu Akbar, what a Hola Hola, Quwata illa biLlah Hello Ali. Now the fourth statement of faith is faith they teach the kids now, this one now, but however this dua has a little modification, a small modification to that statement, and I'll read it again and highlight that modification. The fourth statement of faith that we teach our kids when they're young, La ilaha illallah wa de who will
actually Cara who? La hula bull cola will hunt you hear what you need, and now there's a little addition. Yeah, he will you meet after that you will add what who or how you enlightenment. You hear what you need to wear who will how you lie a mood. Bat he'll say what water pollution bullshitting. Whoever reads this dua when they enter into the market. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam makes a great promise in return.
Are you guys ready for this promise? It's great. I'm telling you, it's amazing. And you have to make an intention to practice this inshallah
God Khattab Allahu Allahu alpha alpha Hassan, Allah will rewrite for him 1000 1000 The deeds what's 1000 1000
If you were to times 1000 by 1000 times, what would that be? That six zeros right? six zeros equals to
a million. Khattab Allahu Allahu alpha alpha Hazara. Allah will write for him 1 million for deeds.
You can live 1 million years in a single year
while my heart and it's not done, by the way, if you thought that was great when I'm done well I'm a ha I know who Alpha alphas said. Yeah. And Allah subhanahu wa Tada will wipe away from him 1 million of his evil doings of his wrongdoings
and we're not done step one off Allah Who alpha alpha Raja and Allah will elevate him 1 million ranks.
This is the father of Allah this is the favor of Allah. Similarly, there's a hadith a hadith by Tammy Medallia the Allah one also narrates this narration also has some weakness in it but the scholars have still narrated it mancala whoever says a shadow Allah Allah Allahu la sharika
while I'm reading this live encourage you all to read with me just in case in your life if you don't get the chance at least you've read it today. read after me a shadow Allah ilaha IL Allah
wa Julio Sherry Keller
Isla Han wa hidden
a hidden samedan
Let me atrophy Sahiba atan. What are what are the wollam your color who? Khufu one?
So he says whoever reads this, this be 10 times
greater Allahu Allahu Akbar Isla alpha alpha Hazara, Allah will reward this person with 40 million good deeds. Okay. So for some of us, we may think, Wow, that's a lot of reward for a small deal. So right off the bat, I mean, is Allah subhanahu wa taala restricted in any way to reward his servants? Not at all? Have you forgot the Hadith of the person that will come to Allah on the Day of Judgment with 99 volumes of sin and have one paper in the scale of good deeds? Well, La Ilaha, il Allah forgive him, he will just have one small little, you know, little piece of paper in the scale. And on that scale, what will it say?
Lila Hill, Allah, that's all it'll say. And that La ilaha illa, Allah will outweigh the 99 values. Are we trying to restrict the father of Allah? Now, this is another discussion. That's a that's a more technical discussion, when we discuss the virtue of good deeds, you know, when we talk about, you know, the authenticity of the narration, how authentic it should be, how authentic it can be, when is it acceptable? When is it not acceptable? That's a whole different discussion. If I'm telling you that Melania Lee right off the bat narrating the Hadith in itself is proof that the narration has merit. Even I'm Timothy narrates How do you think that highlights the weakness
himself? It's not that he's not aware of it. He's aware of the weakness. He might determine the this he does this all the time. He'll never read a hadith and then he'll say full on Hadith Hassan I'm sorry that it's hassle but it's very true. Or he'll say life Imam Timothy, you will do the dual due to see a verification of authenticity of that marriage himself, but he still includes it because an originals mirror and the scholars in the Mojave theater in particular, the masters of Hadith have been very relaxed when it comes to accepting week narrations into the chapters of philosophy when it comes to establishing virtues as long as they're not vague Jinda they're not extremely weak. Okay,
and these variations are not extremely weak.
scholars they say that the good deed of a person can be multiplied many folds depending on the heart of that person, their European, their emot and then suspend their sincerity. It has to be filed with Sahibi while you're thenI here what Imani based on that person's Iman what what where are they speaking from where are they doing this cookie from their their your clean their trusted a lot, but I'm going to do this right now, even though it makes no sense because I'm just going to trust Alana, and I know Allah is going to come through Allah will take care of my affairs.
And out of sincere when a person adds these three ingredients into an action,
the reward of it will truly multiply.
Now the second type of action mentioned this hadith so the first one was a person who does a good deed, we discussed the reward for that. The second point discuss with the second type of person second type of action discuss on this habit is I'm going to seek you out doing evil deeds doing wrong things for took that will set you to immediately minerality Madatha.
When a person doesn't evil action, ALLAH SubhanA horadada will write that evil action equivalent to
the single evil that was it will not be multiplied many folds. Unlike good deeds, Allah promised one will always equal to 10 with bad with evil thought the same way. It's as if ALLAH SubhanA wa God has given us a chance to live 10 lifetimes in one lifetime when it comes to our good deeds. But Allah is shrinking our sins and limiting them only to one lifetime.
Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran,
Mangia Mangia city Atif Allah you deserve il myth. Lucha hula is going to moon in Surah Anon, that when a person who comes with evil with wrongdoing wrong actions, they will not be compensated but equivalent to it, meaning just one, it won't be multiplied.
There's a difference of opinion amongst the scholars that is there any place in the deen where sins are multiplied, or there's one sin always just equal to one sin. So, there is a discussion here
is have been monsoon call is half of the monsoon call to the Bahama hula fish a mineral Hadith at an associate, took trouble be at ferrymen Wahida is husbandman sources that I said to him on Amazon humble. Is there any place in the Hadith that we are told for any place in the Dean we are told that a single bad act will be multiplied you know more than just one? It'll be multiplied.
Call Allah. He said no. Mas Amina Elahi Mahkota Lita demon, but I have not seen anywhere the scholars say that a sin will be multiplied more than one except for one done in Makkah. Macatawa. I have seen the scholar saying that I've heard that when a person does an evil act in Makkah, then there is a sin that holds a greater weight. And that's what the scholars aceites they say sometimes when a person does a sin, there are some scenarios where and even when it comes to good deeds. Sometimes there's a Samad and makan where if you do that good deed in that timeframe or in that place, your good deed will be multiplied some false.
And the scholars they argue that this could also apply to certain times and places if a person does a bad deed. So for example, there's one person who commits Zina. That's not a good thing to do. It's a haram act. It's a major sin. But then another person commit Zina in the masjid. Without any doubt, that's a disgusting thing to do. That's not only you committing Zina, but that's you violating the Hutmacher honor of the masjid, which is horrible in itself. So when a person commits a sin, Scott Some scholars argue in places of virtue in times of virtue, it's possible that the effect of it may grow. Now, even though it's disputed, the only place where we can find some sort of a more stronger
opinion that's shared by many scholars is when it comes to the Haram when it comes to Mecca Mikado.
However, there are some scholars who do hold certain positions when it comes to
hygiene as well. So for example, Allah subhanahu wa Tada says, I've had to Ashura Marlo Matt from unfollow Buffy hinder her Jaffa, la Rafa wala Asuka, whoever performs heart do not engage in fist fist means transgression. If the Almighty Allah Juan says, fist fullsuit ATL ATR Luma RC Laffel haram. Fist is to commit a sin inside the haram. This is what Allah is telling us specifically that people from across the world are coming for hydrogen. You will
Come to the Haram when you are in the sanctuary when you are in the Haram be extra careful not to commit any sins there. What kind of Jamal come into Sahaba T
yet the owner sukhna Haram, there were a group of Sahaba who actually refrained from living in Mecca for this reason.
Hashem is erotica with the new beefy metal houbara Abbas will Abdullah hypnotic Manasse Luca Luca Cara Ahmed Abdul Abdul Aziz, yes.
This is the practice of nabasa the Allah one of the loving amateur loss of the Allah one and also narrated from Ahmed bin Abdulaziz
Well, kinda Abdullah if not Ahmed will ask you a full on Saudi to fee album of the law but I'm gonna ask her the Allahu Allah would say that a sin in Makkah mocha Rama is greater, greater than just a sin. It grows or whatever photography Allahu Allah it has narrated from him he said
the Submariner hottie attend be rady marqeta A humble eladia and of the 40 fly that can be Mata that it is more beloved to me to commit 70 sins outside MCCA than committing once in inside mocha which I hit says the famous Hadith I'm sorry professor
to the officer to be Makita Kumar to the author has an ad that sins are multiplied in Makkah just as good deeds are multiplied. Even Jurij another great scholar says Bella bunny, another hottie, Tabby Mark gotta be me it Katya that it has reached me that doing one sin in Makkah, is equivalent to 100 sins in Makkah.
Now we enter into the third type of discussion, the third type of action or intention being discussing this idea. The first was doing good deeds. The second was doing bad deeds. The third is intending a good deed but not doing it.
And humbled is not doing a good deed. A fish are intending to be having an inclination hum means to be inclined to something, I'll actually give a more
more more detailed explanation of the word hum in the next in the last part of the Hadith. But for now, when I use the word hum as the word as a hadith use of the word harm if you noticed at the beginning of the class, when I read out the translation of the Hadith as I translated, I can see that the word hum as intended
to intend something.
So a person intends to do good, but doesn't end up doing it. So what is the ruling of this person? Will he be rewarded or not? And if he will be rewarded, how much will he be rewarded? Now this hadith tells us that this person will be rewarded for attending the good deed, and this person will be rewarded for attending the good deed. But the scholars have said that there are different types of people who intend good deeds and there's a different ruling for each one. The first
this is the person who intends to do a good deed.
He tries to do a good deed, but the means to do that good deed are not available.
This person intends to do a good deed they actually try as well. And yes, as Bobby what I can let me recap. He intends to do a good deed he tries his hardest to do the good deed, but the means do not present themselves. So for this person, Allah subhanahu Matata will give the complete reward even though he was unable or she wasn't able to accomplish it. Allah azza wa jal said in the Quran
when my younger would have been Beta he Mahajan it Allah He was surely he thought my you did equal mode for the work or a Jew who are Allah, the One who leaves his home, migrating towards Allah and His messenger and on the way dies. Fuck the world's largest Avada law. That person's reward has fallen on Allah meaning ALLAH will take care of that person's reward. Surah Nisa is number 100.
Every common example of this is there's a there is a
this is a good one. There is a for example, there is a sister in the community or a brother in the community who listens to a lecture or they read a book and they read regarding the virtue of studying the deen and memorizing the Quran. So they make an intention. I want to study the deen. I want to study Hadith. I want to acquaint myself a fifth. But for whatever reason, the ASVAB of doing that never presented themselves. There were other responsibilities that stopped them. It's not laziness that prevented them. It was a lack of opportunity. There were other responsibilities they had and because of those responsibilities, they couldn't go to study that the you know, they
couldn't memorize the Quran. So know that as long as your intention is sincere and you continue to try
even though the pathway doesn't present itself, for how the Wacom drew what Allah the reward of it.
lives with Allah subhanahu wa Tada. Another common example, the jurist gift of this particular issue. The focal hog here is a person who wishes to stand up and pray but isn't able to.
A person has the desire, I want to stand up and pray. But unfortunately, their legs don't work that person, maybe they lost their legs in an accident, because they have the desire to stand up and pray even though they are not able to stand up and pray, they will get the reward of standing up and praying. The second type of person
is a person who intends to do something good.
But it is but ends up not doing that good deed because they opt to do something even greater.
You guys understand that a person intends to do something good. But then they opt to do another deed that is greater.
So this person will walk away with both rewards not one with for the other night and the other for the one they initially intended. And for the greater good they did. I'll give two examples. The first example is from the Hadith. A person came to the Prophet sallallahu It was sort of
after for chemica and he said O Messenger of Allah.
I made a vow to Allah. After my como Como was conquered, he said, O Messenger of Allah, I made a vow, that Oh ALLAH if mocha Mocha is conquered, I will pray to God in Baden Mata This
includes Palestine, Jerusalem, to which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, suddenly Havana is praying here. Because mocha mocha Rama is greater in Macomb and in virtue than praying in what's so pray here and leave that. And this person walked away with both, right? He walked away with praying in Harlem, but also gave the reward of that intention that he had, because he didn't fulfill that intention because the Messenger of Allah told him to focus on something else. Another example which is which will help understand this issue
is a person intends to go for Hutch
Hodges and follow up on them. They're making an intention that I want to try to go for Hudson Shaw about something that's on my to do list, or let's use the Amara example. Okay, I want to go for Omaha. It's something that's meaningful to me something I've been trying, my friends, all my family members have gone, I see people posting pictures online, and it seems really fun. And it seems something that I'd like to spiritually experience to.
Now, as they're getting ready to go,
their mother has an accident, Allah protect, she needs to go into surgery.
She doesn't have insurance, or she has insurance, but the copay is really high on her part of the or the payment is really high. And she says to her child, that the only way I can go is if you support me financially through this difficult time of mine. So what this person does is they put their camera on hold to do what to financially fork the bill of their mother's medical needs. This person is doing a greater good deed. So not only will they get the reward of financially assisting their mother at a time where she needs, but this person will also get the reward of that I'm going on to inshallah you guys understand. There's, we were in hudge, some years back, I went with a group from
Chicago. And one of the brothers who was in our group, he shared the story with us. We were doing this late night reflection in Mecca. I asked everyone in the group that share with me the most powerful reflection or interaction you'd had over your last three days in Macau. And I kid you not as soon as everyone started sharing their experiences, the whole room was in tears, some very powerful experiences that brothers had, I always reflect over those. So one of the reflections was by a friend of mine and one he said that I was sitting in the huddle.
And there was this guy sitting next to me, I started talking to him.
What's going on? How's everything going? We were both waiting for Salah. I asked this guy, where are you from? He said, I'm from Houston. He asked my buddy, where are you from? He said, I'm from Chicago. They're like, whoa, that's so cool. Like we're out of all the people that could have been sitting next to in the huddle millions of people. I'm sitting next to someone from Houston. You know, I've been there before and they started talking. So this person asked my friend
that How long did it take you to financially prepare yourself to come for Hutch?
Like how long did you have to start saving in order for you to come for Hutch? So my friend said to him,
you know the truth is I only took a few months. Earlier on this year. One of my friends told me let's go for Hutch. I cut down on some of my expenses. I started working some extra hours at 100. My my wife and I are here.
So this person broke out into tears. He said I've been trying to come to Hutch for 40 years now.
How many years 40 years I've been trying to come for Hutch. Every time I save money. Something else comes up and I give my money
there, then I saved money. And something else came up. And I gave my money there. And this friend of mine, he said that when I was sitting there, I started crying.
Because I thought to myself that this person craved for Hajj. And look, Allah brought him here. And for me, what did I even pray for? What did I want? What did I What was my sacrifice in comparison to this person. And I sit at this friend of mine, and I said to everyone in the room when he shared that experience, that This man isn't performing one, this isn't his first Hutch. He hasn't had the reward of one hutch, he has a reward for how many 40 years of hutch, because of the promise in the father of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. The third type of person
is someone who intends to do a good deed. Well, you have to look, aha, the customer, the person intends a good deed, but they abandon the good deed out of laziness. For this person, there is a reward. And there is the reward for the intention. But there is no reward for the action. Note in the first scenario, there was reward for the intention and also for the action, the one who couldn't stand up and pray even though he wanted to, they get the reward of action two. And the second scenario, you get the reward of the other night and the ALA, the lower integrator, both, you're given an award for both actions. In this third scenario, where a person abandons a good deed out of
laziness, the scholars they see, he will he or she will get the reward of the intention.
Well, I can lie you thought a lot and he will not get the reward of actually doing the action.
So make good intentions, you know, and be firm on your intentions. If you make firm intentions of doing good, you will be rewarded and something even
something I don't want to say greater than but something else to consider that you will benefit from making good intentions is that you will constantly have this perspective of doing good. Your mind will constantly be thinking of doing good.
You know a person who always watches have you ever met someone or you have a friend or a family member who just sits at home and watch his YouTube videos of food and cooked
they just watched random food being sold strict food of India strict food of Indonesia and they just sit there and watch it.
Allah knows it's very possible, you won't get the chance to taste the pleasure of those flavors in this dunya
so that person won't get a chance to act upon eating that food that they're seeing.
Even though they don't eat it, they'll end up fantasizing that food now for the rest of the next few days. They were thinking big would even put a balcony in their mind that's all they were thinking you know that particular street for there's going to be roaming in their mind. Same thing with good deeds. When you do intend to good deed even if you don't do it. It'll end up occupying your mind if you make the intention frequently enough and then the two feet of Allah will come and inshallah inshallah you will follow through for them but I have said, Never leave a good deed. Because you fear that people will praise you because that in itself is showing off.
Don't do a good deed because people will praise you. Neither should you leave a good deed because people will praise you. Because there's a there's a keeper there's a do not keep up. There's a real there's a show off in both scenarios. There's a beautiful Hadith, two narrations I want to share. The first is from Abu Dhabi, Allah who I'm
mad at Russia who will who I envy and you suddenly I mean a name for Hala Botswana who had to use Bihar coochie Bella who Manawa the person who comes to his bed to lie down and sleep and makes an intention to wake up in the middle of the night for Tahajjud prayer for halibut Aina, who had to use his sleep overcomes him until morning enters this person missed their family and they Mr. Tahajjud prayer cootie Bella Humala, however they will have the reward of praying that 200
Does it really hurt to set an alarm to make an intention before you go to sleep? Inshallah today, I will wake up you know, today I'm going to try, I'll try today. I might fail, but that's okay. But I'm going to try. I'm going to set my alarm. I'm going to set a second alarm, and I'm going to try to wake up today. Make that intention, the rural reward will be there for you. There's another narration about Bukom shadow the Allahu Allah He narrates from the puffs that along on it was sitting. This is a beautiful Hadith
in the medina about Arvato nothin indeed in the world. There are four types of people
I'm doing Rosato hola hola hola and where Illman The first is someone who Allah gave wealth and now that you both do
for who yesterday for here but who were yesterday up here imma who were ya ya ya ya ya ya allah Mooney la Heaphy happen for Heather be of the remain as
the first person is someone who Allah give knowledge to the knowledge of the deen and wealth. So because he has knowledge he knows how to utilize that wealth, building bonds fulfilling his account. He
is conscious of Allah not committing sins without wealth not living an unnecessarily lavish life. This person is the best, because he will be rewarded for spending and he will spend it correctly because he has the knowledge to do so. Why wouldn't Rosa for hula hoop? Well, I'm here to supplement them. The second is someone who has the knowledge of the deen, but doesn't have wealth. So he has a desire to do good, but doesn't have the wealth to do it. For who I saw this for Nia, that person, then I'll have a truthful intention. He will be sincere. Yeah. Oh Lu, la anelli Marlon, la Emile to be Amani. Funan for who have been a yeti for algebra Homosassa. He says, Oh Allah, if I had good
deeds, I would give charity like so. And so I would build institutions like so. And so I think of this all the time. You know, I went to India for some therapy with my back last year. And when I was there, as I after I was done with my therapy, I decided to tour the country a little bit and visit some of the scholars and religious institutions. There was a particular institution that I visited
in, in the state of Gujarat. It was a small village called the Kishwar. Very interesting place, by the way, you know, in order to get there, we had to like drive on the main road and then take some dirt road and go inside, some are far and then finally we got to the village and that is all cobbled roads. And it was a very interesting small little village. However, when I got to the madrasa, it was humongous. I'm talking about university campus. And by the way, I haven't gone to a country so far.
But I have met graduates from that institution there. I've never gone to a country so far. And I'm talking about 100 I've had the honor to visit, you know, the continents and Africa and you know, in Asia and you know, in the Middle East and also in America, but I have found graduates from that institution there. And even in America Alhamdulillah we have many graduates from that very small little institution, that village there. One of my good friends was an imam in in California in Mumbai Anwar. He is a graduate from there. He's actually a resident there, he actually has a home there too. And his I went to meet his, his grandmother when I was in that village. So when I went
there, I saw this beautiful massive University campus.
When I saw this campus, I said to the people, the principal, how do you guys finance this? This massive project here must be in the millions. He said, Well, there's a family that lives in Mauritius and the rainy Reunion Islands. They financially provide for the whole school.
The we don't do fundraisers. We just tell them this is the cost. They send it. We continue to rebirthing and I'm talking about a beautiful Mother Teresa. I remember we were walking. And I said to the chef, because this particular institution is known for students reciting beautiful Quran. So I said to him, Chef, can I ask one of the students to recite? He said, Sure, Said, whoever you wish. So there was one student walking paths. I asked him, Brother, do you mind if I if you can read some Quran to me, I'd like to hear you recite. Coincidentally, he was the younger brother of my classmate who I studied with for seven years in England, crazy coincidence, moved to USC and who identify with
who I studied for seven years. This was his younger brother in front of me. He started reading. Yeah, Allah, he read so beautiful. He read so beautiful. And I thought to myself Subhanallah that family
is really banking in. These guys are the Bill Gates of the spiritual world. These guys are making great investments. I was told in South Africa that there are so many Islamic institutions that are supported by families, there were two brothers, Allah gave them in Allah gave them wealth. They took their wealth. They said to the Jamia that we will financially support and they just put their money in a supportive institution. So a person who has the intent the knowledge will know where to invest. The example we were giving is if someone who doesn't have the wealth, though, and he says yeah, Allah, if you give me a wealth, like so and so I would do this good deed. Is it difficult to really
make that intention, my friends,
you know, the good thing about making these intentions, in particular, if you don't have the money, tomorrow, when you get the money, you won't waste it. Because you will remember your promise to Allah. If you don't make commitments from now, many of us who don't have that money, who don't have that money tomorrow if Allah opens the doors of wealth on you, I really fear this you will waste it. Look at the athletes, professional athletes from across this country. How much whilst were they given too much to even hold? You will be amazed to know that some of the people who we respect for their athleticism and how
Create they are a sportsman are bankrupt. I personally think to themselves after gathering so much wealth is it really possible to go bankrupt? And unfortunately, it surely is. While I'm doing rounds up the hula the third person what? While de Rosa hula hula melon while I'm Yasuko Amon, Allah gave this person well but you don't give them knowledge. Yes we to female Lee because when he enters he engages with his wealth without true knowledge. What if he hit up a hole and it's not conscious of his Lord when he deals with his wealth? What is it if you hear him or who he does not use it to build ties and build relations doesn't spend it on his family members. What I Alima wala Yala MFI he
didn't happen and he does not give us a cut for her that the buffet manners and this person is the worst.
Well, I've done in the fourth person, lamb years of hula who Malin what I am, Allah did not give him wealth, nor did Allah given knowledge for Julio Kulu lo anelli. Melon, la Amin to Phoebe Armani Falana. And for who have been at him for wisdom, whom Sol, this is the person who does not have knowledge, therefore, his intentions are corrupt, his role models are corrupt, and he doesn't have wealth. So he said, Yeah, like if I had wealth, I would build a house. And I have a party just like and then slot in whatever, whoever the celebrities look up to, I would party like Jay Z.
He knows how to party. You know, I would, I would dress like you know, whoever it is that you adore, I will live my life like so and so person.
For wizard to whom I saw that person, both people carry the burden equally because that person attends evil, he will share that reward. The fourth type of person is someone who intends who has a thought of committing sin but doesn't end up doing this the last person mentioned that mentioned in this hadith.
Now, the word used in this hadith is Mahatma Sujatha. Whoever intends has an inclination to doing something evil wrong. So the first thing I would have mentioned
even though I translated the word hum as intending and as an inclination, not all hum is equivalent. Not all intentions are equivalent. You guys understand? There are two people sitting here. Two people sitting at a fundraiser and the fundraiser says everyone make an intention to donate some money. One person says Inshallah, Holly Inshallah, he's just saying it. Another person, what is he saying?
Inshallah, and he means it. You guys see the difference between the two intentions. My father used to say the first person says insha, Allah tala, tala Lavaca Pictou. put a lock on it and throw it away, forget about it, don't even give it any attention. And the second verse is inshallah and they mean it from their heart. So, there are different types of intentions. Now, there are different types of commitments, there are different types of inclinations. And this is beautifully manifested in the story of Satan, our use of Anisa.
Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What after the home met to be he will hum my behalf and I'm going to translate this again just literally, and she had an inclination towards him and he had an inclination towards her
series that Allah says Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Subhana Allah be Okay, have you not seen the sign of Allah? And I'll explain that sign in a moment.
So what the is saying that she had an inclination towards him, he had an inclination towards her towards her. If someone fails to understand that inclinations are different levels, they will view unfortunately, what I other Hola Hola, como de La Villa, Yusuf Ali Salam, as an equal in the crime to Zulekha.
But what do you know? They weren't the same. They weren't the same. They can't be the same. Why can't they be the same? Let's read the sudo will hold off for a while we'll call it hate anak. She's locking the doors and she's throwing herself on him. And you somebody said What is he doing? He's running away from her. Can a person running away from the action of Xena and another person walking towards and throwing himself on the other person for Zina have the same level of inclination? Absolutely not. These are two very different types of inclination.
So the scholars they say
that when it comes to be hum of or the inclination of zuleikha Find the HA azmoun aka don't mean Sneem on sabich guna Allama tree that her hum was like it was solid. She made her mind that she wanted to do this app. She planned it free plan that makes sure the home home was ready lock the doors close the curtains and she did the whole thing. As for the hum of use of valleys CERAM well I cannot handle the use of who I am or hartron wahama who Bihar Lisa who will hammer you at the NFL that hump use of Valley surrounds honey
towards her was a natural inclination of a person when they are in solitude with another person who is beautiful and attractive. It's a thought that crosses your mind. It's not that you are going to engage in the action. Are you guys understanding? When a person sees wealth, they like for example, one person has a lot of wealth. And for some random reason they decide to show showcase it. This is all the wealth I have. One person sees the wealth and says, Wow, that's cool. That's a hum. Are you guys following that? Another person says, whoa, that's cool. I gotta steal it. That's another type of hump. One person is more committed to the thought. Another person has a natural human
inclination, a thought that crosses their mind. The word he uses here is cotton. And I'll come to that shortly. That's what the scholars have used different terms to make reference to the various stages of hunting. They say as a famous out of the poet says Marathi will cost the Hudson there are five levels of intention. Marathi will pass the Hudson had you soon Decker will hottie run for Hadith and nasty festa Mia, Marathi will toss the Hamsun Harrison Decker. Ha This is the first one Marathi Board of Trustee Hanson Hodgson. vacarro wahat the room for Hadith and nexy festa Mia, second is called hotter. The third is called Hadith Agnes festa. Mia listen.
Yanni he home one Phasma and then comes hum which is number four. And number five is Asan. Yeah, Lee Hamilton, Phasma and Kulu have yet
all of them all five levels of these intentions are forgiven they're waved away in a theater off a fee hill after the fatwa except for the last one. Azim is where you are accountable with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada that's where there is accountability. Okay
so what are these mean what is hedges hedges is a thought that comes on the mind comes to the heart and leaves instantly it's a one off thought you've never thought of it again. One day you were walking a thought came into your mind left thought
hoddan is a thought that now visits you more than once it comes on your heart a second time a third time
the third
is called
How do you been nervous? Have you been nervous means that this thought repeats itself to you again and again and a soft inclination towards this develops
the inclination is not whether to do or not to do that that's the next level that's hum How do you think nothing is the inclination is to entertain the thought you guys understand? The first was the thought came in left I just thought it was it comes multiple times. The third is you allow yourself to entertain the thought Have you been nuts means to speak yourself. You're not allowing the thought to remain then comes home. Home is where
there is an inclination to doing the act. But it's not so strong that it'll push you to actually doing it.
You guys understand? There is an inclination to do the act. But it's not strong enough to make you do it rather you fear doing it. So in your heart you're telling yourself even though a person in their heart they may feel I need to I need to smoke something, you know, whatever haram ingredient there is or substances is there there shouldn't be smoking. So in their heart, they think I should smoke it. So how disagreed they thought of it once it left.
Thought it is that thought comes to them multiple times have you been nuts is they're okay with thinking about the idea even though they're not necessarily inclined to doing it or not doing it hand is
their heart is kind of gravitating towards doing it but they know that smoking that particular substance is haram. So I need to stay away. So their Eman is able to is it gives them the ability to overcome the inclination to do and then Awesome. That's the fifth one where there is accountability
is where the hum matures and becomes so strong, that the inclination now has become more of a intention. It's become what we may call like a commitment that I want to do this. I'm going to go through with this. I now have resolved I'm going to do this. The only thing is the opportunity just hasn't presented itself. So regarding him now that we understand that there are different levels of harm and different levels of intentions. What is their opinion have you out to what Allah humma Allah Muhammad Rahim middle Marcia, the question is, is a person accountable for the thoughts they think of?
So the scholars say first and foremost, we have to understand that intentions are of two types. And I mentioned it in terms of how many taps right now. What did I just say? Five? I just told you intentions are of how many times
Types, five. But now I'm saying intentions are of two types. And I'm actually not contradicting myself. Because the poet said, the first four are forgiven, only the last one you're accountable for. So in essence, how many types of intentions are there?
There's two, there are those intentions that you are not accountable for. And then there are those intentions that you are those inclinations that you are accountable for. So the scholars that say there are two types of intentions. The first are those that come across your mind, but you haven't committed to doing them. You're at war with them. You're fighting them you're not allowing them to settle into your heart. You're not letting those thoughts or those inclinations take root in your heart. You're constantly fighting up, I will not engage in looking at haram I will not engage and doing haram business. The thoughts keep coming keeps coming to your mind cheat someone but you keep
saying No, I won't do it. I won't do it. This is the first type of person
so for this person, without doubt, the scholars say there is no accountability for what they think.
But there is actually even reward for this person struggle.
A person who came to the Prophet Allah who it was sent him and said, O Messenger, Allah I have these very lowly whispers that keep coming to me wasa we said, these these low Lee whispers that keep coming to me these thoughts, but I keep fighting them off.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Cassetti Halima, that is a sign of your faith. Che thought is coming to you with these worse hours with these inclinations with these doubts, evil inclination and doubts. Because you have faith. You don't go to a store to robbing if there's no money there. The Robber will only go to a store that has money shaitaan is coming to you because you have Eman, Dhaka city honey man, that's a sign of your EMA
and the scholars actually say not only is there not a sin on this person, but inshallah there is a reward for this person for fighting off that sin. What did they say? There is a reward for this person because what did they do? They actually fought off that inclination they didn't give in, they kept fighting it off until they stayed away from doing it. The second is where a person makes a firm intention of doing something. If you make a firm intention of doing something, either it's in relation to you committing to an evil thought or committing to an evil action. Either its internal or external. If it's an evil thought, and Azeema as Iman was some am I lucky Tata ofI, Finn new
fusi. These are evil thoughts that come into your heart that relate to your internal for example, the thought that
Phil Milani with Nobu bath, Elena Vatika, for example, a person he thinks, the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not a messenger of Allah. He was an evil person when I heard that you were on some Reddit forum and that thought came into your mind, someone said it, and you you clung on to it held on to it firmly. And now you allow that thought to remain entertaining without actually researching it without finding explanations to those doubts that are in your mind without actually even putting up any sort of resistance to those thoughts. You can submit to every thought that crosses your mind you can accept every proposal in an article on a forum to be fact, as your
principle in life, you have to learn to know that thoughts will come doubts will come you need to deal with them. Otherwise you won't be able to live your life for indeed for every principle that you commit to. There is a thought that counters it. You guys understand that? It's a very scary thing what I just said. But unfortunately that's just the way the world is that's just the way shape on is, you know for every Hawk, he counters it with a bottle. And ultimately, the gel How cool is that button if you really commit to it. If you understand and dedicate yourself to it, you will see the heart always overcomes the bottom. The truth will always overcome the false
now if a person allows these internal spiritual diseases to remain well you have to be had some side or mousy or Metallica will Kulu come Huberty by him little hula. For example, a person has love for that which Allah has prohibited what Allah dislikes or he entertains. Keba pride or entertain entertains hotset. Jealousy was super fun and entertains looking down and thinking lowly of other people always having bad thoughts of other people. This person going back to the first part of it, if you entertain evil beliefs, and you allow them to be there and you commit to them. It's possible this may become a sub and means of Kufa and the fact of disbelief and hypocrisy. So you deal with
them. You get rid of them. That's the idea of evil Fox. Think of it as a fly. If there's a fly sitting on your shoulder, what's your knee jerk reaction guys, shoot, flick it off, get away from me that
Your knee jerk reaction. So when an evil thought comes to your mind you don't let it be there. You know you have stool or some urine on your body you have stool on your body you just let it sit there for the whole day no you clean it. You don't let it sit there you show it off you wash it off you get rid of it. You don't let dirt stay with you. So when a when an evil thought comes to your mind, you Shoo it away. Get away from me. Don't come near me. There's a beautiful dua the Quran tells us to read when evil wasabi, some thoughts come to you. Well, could rob be will be coming hamazon Shayateen are the weaker men hamazon Shayateen Oh, they'll be cut up the room. This is a dewata to
us. And if you can't remember that, when evil thoughts come to you, very beautiful. Everyone can remember everyone probably already has these dogs memorize. Read sort of follow up and soreness will be repelled for up until the end of the surah will also be robbing us to the end of the surah Inshallah, and if you don't have that memorized, just say oh the bIllahi min ash shaytaan EG and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada will help you in repelling those dots getting rid of those dots. The second are those acts that you've committed to that are physical, they're tangible, they're external.
millennia. Kuhlmann Armero Kulu Bal. Kelemen Amara Jawara these are actions that you do. Because Xena was set up or should have been humbled and we'll talk a little bit further when we Dalek. Like your mind is committed to committing Zina. You've told yourself I'm going to commit Zina all you're waiting for his opportunity.
You carry the sin now. It's not just Allah waves it because you didn't do it. There is no there is a sin for that intention. That's what we have to be very careful. Actually, there's a discussion. So the second was, you commit to an external Act.
The means just haven't presented themselves. So what's the ruling regarding this? So the first thing that Quran tells us that we are accountable. Allah says not more than one place Allah says, Why Allah mu and Allah Allah Allah mafia and forsaken father rule and know that Allah knows what you are entertaining in your hearts, follow the rules. So what does Allah say allow them to be allow those thoughts to stay there. And you know daydream of Zina daydream of committing Haram is that what Allah says? falou? What does he say? Avoid it stay away from it sort of Uttara verse number 35 And Allah subhana wa Tada says in Surah Baqarah, again 10 verses earlier to 25 What can you
be my cassava Globacom rather ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada will hold you accountable for your hearts earn for the doings of your heart.
So what is a ruling regarding a person? What is the ruling regarding a person who commits to doing an evil act, but hasn't done the evil act yet? are they accountable with Allah or not? There are two positions on the issue.
The first position is they are accountable. You ask how they'll be here. They are accountable for that sin are called Adrian Rivera says to secure authority and you are following Abdullah Hema, Allah either Canada Azzaman Uchida that, I asked him what it says I asked to kind of authority. Will the person be accountable for a thought that they've committed to ascend they've committed to but the action hasn't presented itself. They fantasize they think over it, they allow that thought to cook and this imbrue in their heart, but they haven't done it yet or they're accountable. He said if they've committed to it, and if they've allowed it to say they've made the intention of it, then
know that they will be accountable. He should know very clearly that there we they will be accountable and they are sinful. with Allah subhanho wa Taala
why don't ya ha ha the pole cathedral middle fuqaha II will have the thinner wall mythical demeanor. Many scholars, many many scholars have sided with this position. The second position.
Allah you asked for the bill hum me, Bill, Marcia, that a person even though he has awesome, this is the minority position, but it is a position that even if a person commits to a sin, they are not accountable.
They are not. They are not there's no Senran for them, unless it Allah.
Allah says he intends to do the sin in the Haram. If a person fantasizes or intends to commit a sin in the Haram even if that person is not in the Haram, they are accountable for it. And this is based off of if the Quran and Sunnah Had Allah azza wa jal says, Well, my unit fee or my unit whoever intends fee in the Haram Bill hadn't been Holman nosocomial Idebenone that simply caused because of the intention, there is a punishment. And because of the because of the honor of the Haram that a person should keep their mind clear. On this note, it's very important to know that majority of the scholars are of the position and this seems to be the more correct opinion that when a person
entertains an evil thought, and allows it to be there
You carry a sin. You can't just sit and I apologize for the nature of my example that I'm about to share. But I want to explain what's at stake here. You can't just sit down and think of committing Zina and fantasize committing Zina and expect that there's no accountability with Allah subhanaw taala. There is accountability. If the thought comes to your mind, you push it up, no accountability. There's an inclination, you fight it off, no accountability. But in your mind, are you thinking about Zina? All you're thinking of is committing the act and you're you're fantasizing that there is accountability with with Allah subhanaw. You are accountable with ALLAH SubhanA wa
Tada. You can't think you get away with it. And we have to be careful because this is a statement. I've heard many Muslims saying that thoughts of homosexuality are okay, but the action is haram. That statement isn't purely true. Entertaining A thought, in your mind without actively fighting it off, in itself is sinful. Doing the act is another sin. On the other hand, let's say for example, someone the thought of homosexuality enters into their mind and they find it offensive. No, It's haram, I'm not going to do it. There's a reward for fighting it off, like I discussed earlier, but for you to just allow that thought to sit there and just let it be. And I've heard many, you know,
many young Muslims in particular making the statement that the thought of homosexuality is okay, the action isn't. That's not a correct statement. Majority of the Hadith on the folk Aha, the motor can be ruined, or of the thought of the opinion that to entertain the thought. That is haram and to not fight against it do not do not repel it. There is an account there is an accountability with Allah subhanho wa taala. For this, the scholars they say, even robotica him Allah, Allah says, and other scholars, that whoever does a good deed once man Farah Maha Rahman McGrattan sama Azama, Allah fearly Hema da la for who are Muslim, Marcia, a person commits a sin once and then he says, Man, the
next chance I get to do this, I'm gonna do it again. Even though he doesn't do it, even though he may end up doing it years later, he is considered a sinner regardless. Because he is considered and will sit on Demacia someone was persistent with a sin. He never thought of this engaging from that sin. For for he never thought of repenting from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada, someone punches a person an innocent person and says, next time I see an innocent person, I'm going to punch him again. Then he gets locked away in prison. So when he comes out 10 years later, and that person were to punch another person. He's accountable for that sin and he's considered as missing out on Masia someone
who was persistently doing the same because that intention, it remained with them.
There are other narrations in support of this, I'll leave them for now.
I'll close off with this. The summary of this hadith the lesson was learned from this hadith.
Allah's father and grace is phenomenal integrate,
you will be rewarded for intending to do a good you will you will be rewarded for doing good. You will be rewarded for doing for intending an evil and fighting it off. The sin lies when you intend to do an evil deed with a solid intention. Regardless of whether you end up doing it, or you don't do it. It all comes down to your intentions. Monitor your intentions very carefully. When evil thoughts come to your mind, get rid of them. And more importantly, ask yourself why do they even exist? Why do these thoughts exist? Someone is feeding that thought from somewhere.
You've seen something you've read something you've allowed something to become a part of your life and your environment. And because of that these thoughts remain. If you want those evil thoughts to go away, you have to disengage from that environment. You have to disengage from those people from those reading materials. And that's when your thoughts will become clearer again. Adjust the environment the thoughts will adjust himself.
And lastly, when you hear of a good thing, or when you read a good deed you read of it in a hadith in the Quran, you hear about doing a good deed in the lecture in a lecture the virtue of XY and Z feeding the poor building masajid memorizing the Quran going for heights, you know, whatever it is when you hear of good deeds, make an intention to do them right off the bat. That yeah, a lot I wish to do them
and be firm on that intention. If you commit to the intention, you make it intention. Allah subhanahu wa Tada. We have all hope and Allah's mercy, He will reward you fully compensate you fully as if you have carried out a good action or pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala accepts a set of law one asset and implement a set I will make a little light out of