Hesham Al-Awadi – Women Inspired By The Beloved 02

Hesham Al-Awadi
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AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim sisters and brothers. Now I'm going to introduce to you the first title and our perfume narrative if you want. And this title, I called it energy, energy symbolizes being young,

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and hear my target audience. All when I was looking for stories that service this title, I was looking for extremely young girls. In fact, I wanted to omit the word women and say, girl, very young girls, preferably teen ages, and up until the early mid 20s. This is the woman that I have in mind when I am putting this title, energy.

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So again, excuse me for using this commercial mentality. If I wanted to sell this title to a consumer, the title is energy. And the consumer is a female,

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teen to early 20s. We were market producers, this is my title. So most of my consumers, most of my customers or most of my heroes fall into this category. They are young, they are teenagers, or they are in their 20s. This is the title energy. What is this title based upon two pillars, two conceptions two paradigms.

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I am approaching youth I'm approaching energy I am approaching young through two lenses.

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One lens says the following.

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That being young is a challenging period, particularly when one is growing up in a society

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that doesn't share her own value system. And therefore identity which is another important word in my

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energy, title, identity might go through a phase of crisis and confusion about choices, needs and desire.

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She should develop Therefore, a commitment to and pride with her heritage. And I mean, religious Islamic heritage, not tradition. If tradition opposes religion. If it doesn't, it should be respected.

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She should develop a commitment, a striking balance and a commitment to being proud with her heritage, but at the same time,

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engage with and participate in that good of that society that she is part and parcel of this is my first lens and the energy.

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That identity during that age for a girl who's going through her teenage and early 20s is problematic.

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And allow me to use the word crisis and combine it therefore with an identity crisis.

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The way out is to reorganize your identity in such a way that you are a Muslim, proud of being a Muslim, have an identity that is unique.

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But open.

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And taking from society that you are in and which does not necessarily in its entire value system is common to you take from that society what is compatible with your identity. This is the first lens or paradigm in approaching the word energy or the title.

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Number to being young is perhaps

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the most exciting period in one's life.

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However, excitement shouldn't go against responsibility and accountability.

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The enthusiasm of the period should be utilized in developing long life learning and making use of one's time, effort and energy. These are the concepts

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I have them in mind. Because I have you in mind. And I say Allah,

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me make the search for a woman that serves this two paradigms, easy so that I can bring it forward to you.

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Allah Alhamdulillah

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makes it easy and some stories are generated out of these.

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Let's talk first of all about being young.

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In a society that doesn't necessarily share your value system. Let's talk about

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About a girl that was born

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in a Christian society,

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not in a Muslim society,

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not even in a pagan society, but from a religious point of view Christian society. And that is

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Mr. Bin Talat, who some of you might not know of, but she is a very prominent companion. She was born and brought up in Abbey sr, a few PA.

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She's not a Pakistani, born and brought up in Birmingham. She is an Arab from Africa, but born and brought up in a society that has different color, different language, different culture, different religion. Now, let us see how Emma

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reacted to that society. This is our first

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Mr. Bin Khalid

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was born in Kenya. And she wasn't the only one who was born. Every senior there were about over 50 girls and boys Born in avicennia.

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So we have 50 migrants

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living in Abyssinia

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and a society that was populated with 1000s.

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Look, I'm not talking about 2 million Muslims living epi senior. I'm talking about 50.

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Born children in obesity. Okay, what about the senior What about the parents? The parents have not exceeded the 100. So in total, I'm talking about a Muslim community

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who does not exceed 100 living in Abyssinia

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that is composed of 1000s

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that means no mosques, no halal food,

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no conferences,

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no summer courses. They don't have even the ability to travel to Yemen to learn Arabic. Because the moment that they are caught, they will be killed by Abuja.

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They have no at the senior citizenship. They cannot participate in elections.

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They are migrants and living there

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not knowing whether they will live there forever.

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Or they will go to Medina. But that was not the point. The point was for Emma, and for the rest of the girls and boys that were born and for the parents is how to retain our identity as Muslims, but at the same time, at the same time open up to these positive healthy aspects of the culture that we are immersed with him.

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Mr. Bin Khalid is unlike a lot of you. In many ways.

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Mr. Bin Khalid, her only institution that introduced her to Islam was her parents.

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No schools, no Islamic schools.

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No shade in the mosque Sunday schools or Friday schools. No, she doesn't know she has no perception of that. I sometimes think that if Allah was to sit with any girl of you and chat with you and say you live in London. Oh, this is not Muslim country. How many Muslims live in London? Oh, in Britain, you say 2 million What? 2 million? What is a million? Oh, it's a one with six. No. Oh, that's, that's more than 100 isn't it? Oh, yes, of course. 2 million.

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You've been prosecuted? No, we have mosques. Oh, what's the oh this is a halal halal shop. I don't know if it's halal or not. But you know, it says halal meat. Oh, right. Oh, sister is wearing it. Oh, there is loads of them.

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Um, I didn't have a perception of anything like that.

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I'm trying to dramatize to you

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how difficult it was living in non Muslim societies to an extent that you yourself will not feel that you are living in another Muslim society. I know this is an extreme statement. But I had to make it so extreme to dramatize ms case.

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So her only attachment to Islam is

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her father and her mother. And I've been told is also different than you or some of you, at least, because her father and mother

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were not born Muslims. Her father originally is not called Mohammed or Ali or an Islamic name.

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Her father actually was a pagan. So he knows that

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practices of pagans,

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there is another difference three,

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the father of ama did not migrate to be senior, because Mecca is poor.

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And he is on tension. Or he is working from seven till 11 all day and night and therefore ignoring his children, and suddenly being shocked that his daughter is going out with a boyfriend, or that he's suddenly his son is a drug addict. The father and the mother came primarily to be senior left all their junior in order to maintain that identity. So Emma is growing up in that context, where identity is not controversial. I'm not trying to simplify Emma's case, I'm not I'm trying to tell you that identity for me is more or less a resolved issue.

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She sees her father pray. And she sees her mother pray. And she sees that her father is he is from Makkah, and he loves Mecca. But Mecca to him doesn't mean anything if he had to make a choice between Cooper and ma not between money and being unemployed.

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There is another difference between us and Emma.

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Emma loved the Prophet, but never saw him when she was young. She saw him later.

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But her religiosity was not contingent on the fact that when I see the Prophet, my Eman will increase. What's the point? The point is that you have to make an effort to retain your identity, and not wait for a savior, be a language, Arabic or a speaker, or a movement, or this or chef or molana or the because Emma was not living for the time until she meets the prophet SAW Selim. She was not concerned much in her immediate daily life, what she was concerned about is trying to be a good Muslim. And one day if she migrates to Medina, it will be an additional pleasure and blessing that now she is a proper companion, seeing the Prophet sallallahu how many differences now for Okay,

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another difference? Emma's love for Allah saw Selim was not based on a superficial emotionality. That came through reading books.

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Emma has a personal attachment to our Azusa center. Now, this is not a mystical statement, I want to justify the statement for you to appreciate what I'm saying.

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First of all, let us pose and let me tell you a story. And then we'll come back to Emma.

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Emma, learned that her father was a non Muslim.

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This is not mentioned in the books of literature in history. But I would imagine that when Emma grew up a little bit, she said, my father, we are not black. I am not Christian, we are not the decisions.

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Yes, yes, we are Arabs, oh, Arabs. What is that? Oh, it's in Mecca. Then why? What are we doing here? Oh, we are we were prosecuted. And and this is what I imagine he would say, but this is true in the story. He say, Yes, because I married your mother. We were quite young.

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My father, and my two brothers did not choose Islam. So I was prosecuted. So I had to escape and come to me senior.

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This is a different narrative than saying, in Bangladesh or in Calcutta, or in Mogadishu. There is the civil war or there is tribal war, or there is poverty or the so I came to less than I am in no way undermining the legitimacy of forefathers that came here, I'm just trying to strike, you had to alert you to a contrasting difference. And therefore, for you to appreciate now, concepts that are being created in the minds and in the hearts of young people. And therefore to appreciate later that Emma did not have a problem. Being a Muslim and living in an A Muslim society, because she knew what it means to be Muslim. And she's proud. She's not she's not negotiating whether to enter a job or

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not. Or maybe when it leaves a little bit of hair here, or a makeup here. No, it's resolved. But yes, we can open up the society and we can learn from that society. So she says to her father, how did you become a Muslim and he says to her, one day I dreamt a dream. I dreamt all Amma and his father was famous for telling his stories. And this is the point I'm trying to tell you that the household was the only institution he was the storyteller. He was the father. He was the motivator. He was everything because if she opened

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The door and every senior it was people playing football here, there were no Islamic institutions to complement the role of the household. So the load of building this Islamic identity was concentrated on those 100. But primarily in so far as M is concerned on those two, father and mother. So the father used to tell her lots of narratives and one of the narrative was, and you try tell your children narratives. And

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I told this story to my daughter.

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And she knows about Emma, because of that story.

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I said to her one day, there was a girl called Emma,

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and her father, like you father used to tell her stories.

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I'm not lying, meaning I'm not lying to my daughter. This is true. Her father used to tell us stories.

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And, and she's listening. And sometimes I say, I have to leave now. No, no, no, continue, continue, please. I feel happy. Okay. She's attracted. So I said to her, her father, one day told her, oh, Anna, I had a bad dream. And my daughter was this dream.

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It's a matter of engaging this child in a narrative. He said to her, one day, I saw in my dream that I was walking. And I came across a deep hole that was full of fire.

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And I was about to fall into that whole.

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Imagine a father tells his daughter that

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and imagine

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and he says to her, and I was about to fall into that hole. And I'm saying this to my daughter, and all my body would burn and,

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and my daughter, and ever again, is doing like this, I suppose.

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But before I fall into this hole, someone grabs me from the back

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and rescues me.

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I don't know who is this person.

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So the following day, I would go to Abu Bakar

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Emma is now introduced to Abu Bakar.

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So maybe he would tell her and I went the following year to Abu Bakar By the way, Abu Bakar. Emma is a very nice man. He's in Medina now without also Salah. He was a good friend of mine. Okay, but what was the story? Um, I would say.

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He said, I went to Abu Bakar and narrated to him the dream. And you know, a man what was his interpretation?

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his interpretation was that this person who grabbed you from the back was Mohammed, Salah, Salah, he saved you from Hellfire, you should become a Muslim.

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And based on that dream, I became a Muslim. And that's why I'm narrating this story to you today. And that's why we are in episode here.

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This is different than having a fish and chips shop in Leicester and saying to Dota go to the mosque, the moolah will teach you the monana will teach you he will beat you up a little bit. But he will take care of you because I don't know anything about Islam because I came to Leicester 1950s not because of anything other than to have efficient tip shop different or not. The identity becomes different or not.

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Forget about the identity the love wouldn't an event say oh my father whoever rescued you I love him.

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So what if the person who rescued you is Prophet Muhammad SAW said do you understand when I said to you from the beginning she has a personal attachment to the Royal Sousa Salah who has a personal attachment to that also Salah in the sense that he rescued your father or rescued your mother. She has a personal attachment. You know what it means? It means that if also Selim did not grab him, he will be in Hellfire he would not have married to my mother, he would not have been prosecuted. I would not be born we would not be in Abby Sr. I might have been born but I am a mushrik or I am a Catholic or it's because of Alsace Ellen grap concern and care that I'm now a Muslim. How on earth

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will this girl ever have an identity crisis or confusion about why she is a Muslim wearing Hijab after 11th of September.

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This is crucial. Identity also knowing that my relationship is not with land, originality, ethnicity, but my relation is with the dean. And whenever wherever my Dean takes me, that's my home. This is how identity is being built up. This is about being

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proud of being a Muslim?

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What about the society that you are living in? What about your duties towards your society? Mr. Bin Khalid.

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When she went to Medina and settled there, her Arabic wasn't that good. She spoke at the simian

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and also a Salaam once had some clothes to give. And he said, Bring me Emma, I would like to give her this clothes by way of a gift. He loved me.

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And when he put the growth on her,

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he said, center, center,

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center center, you know what center means? center in a bikini means beautiful. It's nice. It suits you.

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It's beautiful. Why? Why does little seller need to speak a language other than Arabic? language?

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I would expect the opposite. I would expect that I would say oh, this center center and also some say speak Arabic and say this is Hassan, Hassan. No. Processing has no problem with different language, different accents.

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different culture. Different bank has no problem with that. In fact, this is a sign of Allah's creation.

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But what is more important is that Mr. learn the language of the community.

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I know that you all speak English, but language here symbolizes culture.

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She learned language with language came ideas. Come on. Okay, learn language. What does this tell you? There was an ABCD, an Oxford Dictionary, read by Emma new language means that she interacted with society, that she went to the market and said, How much is this? Oh, 50 pounds, that Santa Santa. That's nice, nice. That's good, that's affordable, that means she interacted with society.

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Please don't put these words into the contemporary politics, talking about integration and being part of this society. I agree with all this. But I don't want to now gear this talk towards contemporary events to prove a point for someone in power so that he is happy with me. That is not in my mind. What is in my mind now is to show that reading our history is even relevant to us, however unique your situation is. And indeed it's unique, but not that unique.

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When Emma migrated to Medina,

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and when the Muslim community left a B, Sr. and joshy who was the king and the ruler of a b senior, he said to the elders convey my Salaam to Mohammed sauce lm convey my Salaam dorso Salah.

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And when the ship sailed from Abby senior through the Red Sea to Medina, and as they were boarding

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Emma, the young girl

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said to her so Salim Rasul Allah, this is the first time now she sees this person, real person rescuing her father, she doesn't understand now this is the profit. Yes, she knows this knows a lot. But what I want to say is this prophetic glamour was not there in the mind of a I don't know how many years old. What was there was that this is the man that rescued my father. He was the one who rescued my father. If it was rescued my father, she would have the same love. That's why I'm saying personal as they were boarding the ship.

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And my went to aerosol and said yeah, Rasul Allah, and Nadia, she says salam to you.

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And sometimes I am shocked. Isn't there someone who is much older than you to say this? Or isn't? There is someone already was going to actually convey the salon manager, she did not ask me to convey the salon. But Emma heard mariachi and felt that she is responsible to participate in conveying them. You know what this tells you? It tells you that I am talking about a girl that was open, that was not embarrassed. That was not ashamed. I have problems pushing my daughter to speak to strangers or to speak to elders or to say No thank you, or yes please, because she is embarrassed. And I was not embarrassed to speak to the greatest man on this earth and say to him,

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yeah, Rasul Allah, Allah Joshi conveyed salam to you. You know what else it tells me? It tells me something also fascinating that she didn't have this perception of an generational gap between her and also Salah.

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You look at fathers when they take their sons to the mosque. And you see how the the father grabs the son say Salaam to molana No. Say Salaam tamala. No

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He wants to play with a son of the monana smoke with the son of the mowlana. Perhaps, but not to say such as molana is too old. He's old fashioned, he speaks to do

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and did not perceive the 60 years old man, as

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he had gray hair. He was old.

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But he was the one that rescued my father. I'm trying to make you visualize how young girls

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were young. They had an exciting life. They like joking and laughing and you don't think while you're full of energy.

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This is a story of inspiration. Incidentally, Emma was the last female companion to pass away. She passed away at the time of the tub airing.

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Because he was extremely young when she came to Medina. So she saw him when he passed away.

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And she would always talk to him about our suits or sell them.

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She was a reference point about also selling. And I would think that she might say, I heard about her so selling even before I saw him, and I loved him even before I saw him. Do you know why? Because I became a Muslim because of him. Because he was the one who grabbed my father from hellfire. Because of him, I became a Muslim.

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Emma got married to a famous companion. And she integrated very well with Islamic Society. And this is a crucial point she integrated very well. She didn't say this is an Middle Eastern Arab Pakistani I have problems with none of these are not as educated as the thing is no, no, no, she integrated with the society. She learned Arabic very quickly picked it up. And she participated. She wasn't a burden on Islamic Society, or teach me Arabic or give me this book or what to read. No, she actually contributed to the progress of our society by actually memorizing Hadith from the mouth of the prophet SAW Selim and aerating the Hadith to the future generation. So in Bihari, there are various

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Hadith that begin with an Emma bin Khalid or the Allah and her kala, kala Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. When you read about Emma, remember, she was born and brought up in epi Sr. But when she went back to Medina, she straightaway integrated, she had no problems with all people, she had no problems with religious people. She was willing to receive whatever order also seller would say to her,

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because she has no problem with her Islamic identity. In fact, she's proud of being Muslim. And she at a later state participated in the progress of Islamic Society.

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Number two, the lens I'm done now with identity number two utilizing the time period of being young, and here I have a nice quotation from hafsa bint serien, who is the sister of Hamilton in Sydney, we tend to know how many been sitting because he was famous for his ability to interpret dreams while he has a famous sister and he adored his sister and was proud of having a sister that was called hafsa. Half side in Syrian as if she is talking to you now. She says yeah, Mashallah Shabaab, hoodoo amin m fusi. Como in one tune Shabaab for in Neeraj a to LA Maleficent.

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all young people, men and women, boys and girls, utilize your youth for the best work during my personal experience based on my personal experience, the best work the most fruitful beneficial work is when you are young.

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Sister half so if I was to meet you, I would say to you, you know what's our problem today, sister is that this age goes to waste.

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The brother once he reaches puberty starts smoking

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starts dating

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only when he gets married.

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If allow us to bless him, does he become religious?

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Only when he has a very big gray beard does he stay in the last 24 hours.

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I hope that you if not you your your future, or current sons or daughters. Don't

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try not to make them waste their time to struggle about their identity and exhaust their time until they reach maturity at the age of 30.

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society tells them how fun society tells them. Don't think too much. Don't work too hard.

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Heart, relax, enjoy yourself. That's what society tells them. I'm not asking you to tell them work hard, day and night. No.

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But I don't want you to inculcate in their minds that because he is a teenager or that because she's a teenager. She is Mad Max, she can do anything. Because she's only 15. You know, do you think that Allah subhanaw taala when a 15 years old girl lies, he's and the melodica says she gets a sin. Allah says no, no areas this sin because she's only 15.

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Allah created that 15 years old girl, and she know that she can do better than

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so hafsa

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is very wise in saying that, and he also does not speak rhetorics, she speaks out of experience when she was only 12. She memorized the entire Quran.

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I shall the olana is another fascinating example. And I was cautious not to introduce her too much because he's famous. And I don't want to introduce famous people here. But I wanted to make sure that whenever I say about our Asia is somehow going to be a little bit unique.

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Arusha married are also Solomon she was extremely young.

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When also Salaam died, she was only 18 years old.

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This is the age where a girl in this country can you know, smoke or buy liquor. She has reached the legal age.

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When she was 18.

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She was already a memorizer of over 2000 2000 hadiths.

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We are speaking about a teenager who has a fascinating, powerful memory.

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When RSO sanlam passed away, and Ayesha was only 18, she had developed a very rare skill.

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And that is the ability to read and you might say read, we are in the age of computers, but a third time, not every man could read. Not to mention girls, the ability for an 18 years, girl to excel over the rest of society. She knows how to write. So if we have today someone

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that thinks in similar terms to I shall have the Alanna, but she is the product of 2006

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she would master a rare skill in that society. Of course, it will go beyond being able to use a mobile or to do programming or to use a computer. I'm saying a rare skill in that society.

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Be it physics, medicine, whatever. Because it's i'm not i'm not interested in the in the fact that she was able to read that that doesn't interest me. What interests me is that she's able to do something that was rare.

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And something else, why does she need to read.

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You need to read to learn to gain a certificate. To increase your job prospects. You need to read the books you need to read the Quran.

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This is an 18 years old girl married to the Prophet

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met jabril on several occasions.

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The Quran was fresh as fresh as it was revealed. There is no incentive to learn to read. We are talking about a girl that have mastered a rare skill in the absence of an incentive.

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Are we talking about a unique girl or not?

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Now super impose this on you say to yourself, now I'm going to muster air skill in the absence of an incentive. I'm not thinking about jobs. I'm not thinking about husbands. I'm thinking about mastering a rare skill inspired by Islam.

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I chose eloquent

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musataha ha says I never saw an eloquent human being not an eloquent woman.

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an eloquent person, more than average. So I she actually speaks more eloquent

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than many men. So that's another communication skill that she must. We need sisters here that sits here and speaks eloquently

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and forces the brothers to listen and respect and not to laugh.

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But that comes with effort. I don't need a root system. I don't need a system that speaks boldly. I need a soft, courteous system but powerful, confident eloquent that says by the way

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Najafi conveys his Salaam to you. That's what we need.

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Someone who's confident, someone who forces you to respect we are talking about a girl who had a comprehensive encyclopedic knowledge

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of Mr. Baier. One companion says, I never saw someone

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who had more knowledge, in fact,

00:35:28 --> 00:35:29

in medicine

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in poetry than I should.

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I never saw someone who knew much about medicine.

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If we had someone like Asia today, would we be able to have someone like Asia today? And I can say that I've never seen someone who can write excellent novels, and poetry, a fascinating speaker knows everything about medicine and not just first aid. And someone who is amazing, in fact, so much so that she can give HDR, then sister Samia, can you imagine one day we will say that, sister Samia, sister, Haja, sister, nice, Isa,

00:36:15 --> 00:36:18

medicine, ID, literature.

00:36:19 --> 00:36:20

Our issue was that

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we are not just talking about someone who was developing encyclopedic knowledge, we are talking about someone who made use and this is a very important point made use of avenues of knowledge.

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You have internet access, you make use of it. You have a lot of stones, you make use of this bookshop, you have talks and books and you listen to the radio, you have a TV make use of whatever channels of knowledge

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to accumulate knowledge, even if there wasn't an immediate incentive for you to do so. What is this in the life of Ayesha? Otto again, the same person who says I've never seen someone more knowledgeable in faculty. He actually said to Ayesha, I'm not amazed that you Norfolk. Because after all, you were the wife of the prophet SAW Selim you you know how he you know how how he made ablution you even know how he made the whistle. He was the one who told us how he made listen. Only you could tell us that I I'm not amazed. I'm not amazed. I'm not amazed that you know, poetry. You father Abubakar, a great, knowledgeable person in endmill, and sob and family trees. And he knew all

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the tribes that said I'm not amazed. What amazes me

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is how on earth do you know about medicine?

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You know what he said?

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She said,

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Ghana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Escuela de la Mora, or Allah, or Rasulullah sallallahu. And he became

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he used to ill a lot used to cough used to pray while he is sitting down. Yeah, Boone's problem, he had

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headaches. So various Arab tribes used to visit us in the house, this Arab tribe from kingdom, this Arab tribe from haritha, this Arab tribe from housing, they used to come and visit us.

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And everyone would prescribe to also sell them because this is their profit jasola try Honey. Honey is good for coffee. You had a sort of laugh or headache, try this. I'm not saying that they had painkillers at that time. But what I'm saying is that whatever they had the top of Sciences at that time, they prescribed when was high in the kitchen, saying no, this is mailstore This is men's talk. She says total and I used to listen. And I used to memorize.

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And the knowledge I accumulated in medicine was from them.

00:39:03 --> 00:39:35

And in another narration, she said I was the person who used to listen to the prescription and apply it when they say our Salalah use honey with hot water. I was the one that used to heat the water and put the honey I was the pharmacy not just the medicine person. I was the one who was doing the medicine. So I should actually knows what actually happens. And why when you take that medicine. Now, that's not my point. The point is that we had a girl

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that didn't say to herself, I am married to a great person. I don't care less history will remember me anyway. Oh, I am the mother of the believer. You will not go to gender unless you believe in me. Or respect me or say I showed the aligner Allah can cure Mohammed. Why should I do the prescriptions? Fine. All those men can send their wives Oh, they

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themselves can mix the honey and the water, why should I care? No, I will learn and I will do it. And I will accumulate the knowledge so that one day will be impressed and asked me, but not just to impress, to tell my little girls that all girls living in Birmingham, London, Manchester, Canada, Washington Middle East, utilize the opportunities, seize the time and the hour.

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If you can memorize Quran like half slide the age of 12 do it before you reach the age of 40 and become the mother of six children and say I have no time other than to cook

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seems to be confused forever about whether music is halal or haram. sort everything out and release and emancipate you energy and learn.

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Because I'm talking from personal experience. I came through amazing people when I was a teenager, but I never appreciated them, because they were labeled as extremists, or as liberals now, after their death. I'm reading their books and saying this person was my neighbor.

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I didn't wait until Alsace Alan passed away. And then she would say, I wish I could have treated him, I better learn about medicine.

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The final story

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in my narrative

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is a story now of a wife who benefited from her husband enormously.

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But her husband would not have benefited his wife if his wife did not show concern

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for learning. And here I'm talking about even harder.

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A great muhaddith

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he got married when he was 25 years old. His wife was 18 again a teenager when he married her. She said to him, you need to teach me now. But not only you with all due respect. I want you to bring me you teachers to teach me as well.

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Can I use Miro and Hadith allottee semirara means you hate

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anybody that used to listen from a chef straightaway on her name has been tablet carry ons. Today I heard and you had if my chef told me and also saw Salim Khan and Karla Rasulullah saw Salah you know, what is the interpretation of this Heidi? And she listens and she listens and she listens. She doesn't say Oh, wait, wait, I'll just go to, you know, close the cattle first. No, no, no, I have to change the nappies. No, no, I'm not. I'm not I have a headache. No, no, no, I'm not in a good mood. She would be receptive. I'm not again, undermining. We are human beings, I'm respecting that. But what I'm telling you is a secret. I am telling you that a husband will not care about you. If you

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don't show signs that you care about yourself. It's so time consuming for husbands to sit down and teach you. It's not it's boring as well. I'm not going to eat and drink and talk with you and take you out at an O and teach you. I'm doing this normally at university getting paid. I don't know how many pounds for and I'm not going to do it for you for free. Unless you pester me.

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You wake me up and say Teach me teach me.

00:43:34 --> 00:43:37

And if I say go away, you say you go away to teach.

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And this was even harder, even harder, secured her travel to go and meet the same shields that he has met. in Medina. He secured certificates of acceptance as us for her. And when she secured these certificates, he said to her one word, got sorority and

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now your

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have been had passed away. She

00:44:06 --> 00:44:08

never got married, though she was young.

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But she continued to learn. Although she was a single mother.

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She had children. But she continued to excel in knowledge. What does this tell you? It tells you that the man in her life is insignificant insofar as excelling and aspiring knowledge is concerned. I'm not coming to this conference because of my husband. I'm not reading this book because the share is from this group and he is recommended and approved by my husband. I'm not wearing niqab or hijab because of my husband.

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I'm doing this because I'm convinced. And because I think I'm able because I think I can do it and supersede my husband.

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So much so that when my husband passes away, I'm not going to take the example of the niqab or cease to read this book.

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Join this other group.

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My life is not going to change because I based my life on principle.

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That's being young. That's having energy. Laconia De Stefano lalibela conference, Steph Ronaldo.

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